Whitby Chronicle, 2 Nov 1911, p. 2

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CLOSE -QUA RTE] OR, THE IIOUSE IN TH11 RUE BARBETTE CIIAPTER VII. Hie gianoed Mt juat about tim'e1 Brett waa calied at ten o'clock. continued. É'Wl ktter rojnvigoratiflg himsel! with a we drive W, the bàth and a hearty breakfast, heonc V wam ready to meet Captai" Gaul- The barrister a tier, who arrived promptiy t 11-30. were soon cross]i "Corne vo my room," said Brett.. auperb disregard "There we wili be able to talk witb- feelings t).t cdi out interruption.' cab-drivi«, Once comfortably seated, Brett "By the. way' resumed the conversation where ha tier, "have you had broken it~ off in the. train over- else ince youra nlght1. "Oniy thi&-it "You say you know Hussein-ul- Talbot who came Muik," he commenced. with a lady." "Yes," repIied th.e Kingis mes- "You are sure' enger, "and what is more, i have "Positive. I discovered his residence sinoe we handwriting in parted. t secixie that one of the with a letter ur attacheaà at the Embassy met him by Mr. Talbot,a recently an.d thouglit iii advi lbogre.theLnon to kcep in touch with the Young TioLno Turkish party, of which Hussein-Ul- book of the Gr, Mulk is a shininig iight. Bo he asked more trick inten him whcre ho lived, and as the re- P0olice fb r a f e w suit. I have jotted down the address s piratiors b.d per ln my note-book." Gaultier search- for final and oK ed through his memoranda, and ance apeedily lotind whàt lie wanted. "I was a. bold "Wait a inute," interrupted "'Very. Quite Brett. -Doos it happen to be No. resti of the dotai' il. Bue BrbAttea"theme. a Tie barrister had more than once A attefa surprised hie companion during the Of t.he house ini previoum night, but this time Gaul- which Brett had ier seerned te b., more annoye'd during the. early than startled. ing. "If you know ail these t.hings" y "lire we ai lie said stiffly, "I don't, see whjyoye with a laugh. ahouid bother me te, get youth the de-uce w. aom information." teduew Brett mmiled. him." "You mean," ho t3ad, "that Hua- "I thik I wil eii-ui-Mulk does live at No. il est him," said Rue Barbette." witbout further "'Why. cf course lie 4oos." was tier a.acertained theiirtabie answer. that the Turi "Tb.at is very odd," said the bar-. within . risaxer. <It was a mere guess on fTihe two menj my part, I assure you." ond story. His asurance evidently did net Gaultier rappx weigh mucli with Captain Gaultier, door h. encouni who replaced thse no4e-book in his mont appeared peeket and obviously cast' about in the. inha.bitani hie mid for a.conveni'ent excuse to rapid openingà take his departure. that preceded ti Brett kne'w exactly what was elderly and oc troubIing him. who cautiously 6"dI amn quite in earnetit," hoe ai'd, incs. "in telling you that I simply haz-, Gaultier sont ardcd a guets at the. address. To iservÎtor iocked provo that this.is so, I1imuet place of the. two mei you ia possession of certain Înci- asc.rtain bis n donte which teck place after we "They evidei ' rted at the Gae du Nord." take many ris1 'Qlapidly but succinetly h. toid the messenger inà axnize'a King's mesbenger of the Tii. door wal chue in the cabi across Paris, and eiderly Turkt how ho (Brett) lad followed the. spaciloua roons I'reiücbman whu was tracking Gaul- otrance hail,- lier'a movements so ciosely. ceived by a y*o "Iou vill understand," ho con- nil6ed ?Lobag~m eluded, "that, in> view of rny pro- iiy frein a eh&i ~nceivo;*heory t wa nat a very 1lI abandonedt o0me of thteiblunder il tat 1 au ltï.er, 1" in, a fiair vWay tovards ascertal à* hetactla, #JiI viail te kaow *bottt.l.feas wheream, flp tte iprcemit , uauiSoi-1 do »ote*nu stuipet My e.i-4.0cp 6hm , w6* hm a& *anactive &ag a t4 Liaalt.o l AiaJmi "WeU n. liwhat v"<nI toc pri bel om rsardias Rw"»U in ke your ac SttC> It od%.co l .a1 ' 4êbim to ca v upariyv 1' inlant4 ett. -itt Irefle .Icted for aa muent I*#b * V bta, Mygoor eona tov mi tt S AL IN ES R posta, teephtes, foces, nd sho prsent ometi yen> achiee- q ~ ~, ~ . eroadeetPero notay tos 4onl'Are erety atvraighe .enpnmaLauatns "Prts trat e exp satpermSa Hussein ul-Mul "àbeeaîlse ee ii IMit! 4M e nea. inventio e nsi udpste teaing rthe more pu 1011g Iudeed, ie x - beuoI pae ie>il hi.' reat heicaiystti itf leon- csod e ugh tkno aa et ste>' on n Vequ otingposatel eedrein porga nse.,an a heBret mohment dmirt ioeoue- 1aie -e se a>hav eoW t Thodle erth dg et t akthe menareti. arnstf other in the d- SIâoCJitgs inamco noeinao. pareesaar oe esed o pruhy r D .O N ' &;toîn oftreo Fregn. q ." TIst f ecpiatee tone nt oa with tezngflitha TCNeI O AL .asinl," ho eaid "e ôfater arthaouutirifflg&amlo i tis ainectin ornsaidn1f. eaii tedO O VST H edme eWighttyen a n ftaltryleese ciar- Onaii b nersted lu the peeyfedfrmognss Bret' vhemntadiraio soul tefaciitiO e o haefr a Iti. sfe Thene atd orail.the ,anthes etteal They are the besti; they ar. aud profitable luvestinent ef ciaimed for the proceess are that it fi-1 GH STAN DARD O F # made f rom tobacco grovu especi- sinali suras as veli as Large. is easy and cheap, that it obviatesb ally for tiie Sultan's iiousehold, and 1 h n ',u .am th î in tiho diffscuity ini rural parts ef eb- G L T'T'S GOOIDS. it ia death te expert thein. I un- of y=u capital, w lth0Ui ac 5g Irm>- taining wood treat-ed with creosote1Ji agu g',,. ~ derstand that thé cigarette habit acopihod& d aak k ,sen. or other preservati",es, and thut bas2he growu very niuch of recent yeare Il We willbe gldtt&oBkwWh on any wood available on the spot can C iu Engiand 1" the investIflWt orO4fivestflUent ot hb immediately used for the. work had succumbed at first provided SOMETHINO BACI F T RS4t*1 capital noxnsttor how amall theamOuflt inhd food for the survivors. "lieui neyer mariy esa ha develop'sd vith m.mazmng rapi"s"midr-t,"tcran CRIPPLES BIG SWIM. A striking expe'riment wae that embittered old bachelo!. itv. Lu trade, as in politics, this is R-+ made with baeteria of cattle dis- "Yes; he's so thorouhcebt anutudn g." O A eaee, which severite'lycars ugo tered that I think ho ùuthe Galirve ta hr as Walter Frances, the world's crip- were pres?,rvtd, baked and dried on been married before." orebehnd he ppren exhane, S E C U R 1 T 1 E S pe athetc champion, o! Newport, silk treadýs. They were supposed of compliments than appeared on CORPORATrION Eug., swam. f rom Newbridge to to be quite dea'd but aft.er they the urfae. RvingfulflledhieLINI8 Newport,& distance of ehrven were transferred to a siub of gelatine hewth tii . sue e rfae ,ha avi fuied bis *BANuKcOF MONTREAL DWILDINCS miiea-in three heure four minutes. it was found that. atter thus long '1 uiderstafld thatate iifg for ath "Lt le pcdge to Br etleonsaid hu n-dy, YONQE AMI)QLIEEN M1. Ha eutered the river ut 9.39, and period et inactivity they soun to4o-k twenty yeurs she iflrT<'1atr- ferdejnue," e "ethof ou enteme w iln TORONTO reached Newport Bridge a-t 12.43. nourislîment and were as virulently gling mian." Yes, poo hp hat do you say if derstaisd th.at I caniiot very weli .M.wHI'IE .Managea' lHe vas cheered upon arrivai at îsn a vr.btaeid ted ghum4 S R u e B a r b e t t e a t t a k o p a r t i n a p o l it ic a l d i s c u s s io n . M Op ogA O U U 5 1 4 L I A X - o N " e> e w e reby h u d r d e o f d e i g t e aseerted, and they viii nov beave rny f rieud vitls yen epeotators. Beeiîdes being a - ý--- igParis with the for a half-hour's chat, as 1 have an BAD SCROOL BOYS. stroug avinuner, as showii by hie tg ltohrepesapitetathCaeRce"performance, Francis je a vocalist ýractêrizsat h e local Aithougli Hussein vas prof oundly in andtîng St1i*eoff Affaire lu pute disooucerted by Brett's manuer ne Gsqu erinan Saeioole. 'irs pute.r ta e fthe tI, Nd PURwiEly Uae foA. o "iuquired Quoi- tees than hie utterances, lhe could IemuShos u& soeo h ift n otwdl sdfo@ o ilearned anything not weil refuse t~o accord him a fur- A 9:hecking &tate ef things ha-s SUFFERERS FROM PILES!I risk your heaii.h for -ýbe sake of a few conts on a hufldred Uf8 arrivai V" ther audience, se Gaultier quitted cerne teo lighti in a German echool. ef bugarP Bu>' onlç vas net our friand the apartinent and the Englishman A week or tvo ago a pupil almost Zami-Buk Ras Cured Tise! ea here on Tuesday and the Museuiman were ieft face suoceeded in shootiug dead a Friction ou the hmornhoid velus te face. French maslter who hoe thougli hat aeswor, lme n have cempared the rnan.ded a hold garne. Under some conspiracy bas been diecover e trerritbl pa i and tiugcaue the local register circumîstan[ces b. knew thnt te threw amoug certain cf the. boys te mur- thenaértiget pile. axn Bukganp- ndonbtedlv written avay the, scabbard and dash with der the. principal ef the gymnasium. pîied t ighofpile fondte iv EX RA GRA UL TE 8 GA and the two do net naked evord into the. fray was the The ages -of theo onapirators ens foe mornht ilb ondtg.e E T A G A UL T D S G y cf 'Mr. and Mre. riglit policy. range f rom 13 to 15. They la ise r. Tho rn , rnce It- Plarty> and Quality cannot be queEstioned Compare twh ,' n te vsi.er' " cae e sc yn.Hus.sein-l oudtesev. n writing; io)ta Albert, Sask., vrites: "I muet an>' other and note the differenoe in color. iand Hotel, was a Muik," hie eaid, apeaking deliber- were te be drawn te decide who 'hnkjou for the benefît I havere nded te> amuse the ately, "net only because 1 have an solshttepineipal, and -an PARIS LUMPS hous, ntl te cn-intret i th pogrssie oliy heuderuh havtii. pr plce ved f rom Zam-Bk. Last sui- heur unil he cn- uteeetlu te pogrssie poicytii muder ot avtetakencaý emer I suffered greatiy tromn piles. Whenbuyins Loaf Surar ask for Rodpath Parle Lumps odu rfected their acherne voiced by the Yonng Turkish purty, anu dho&snta ea>er coeeI started te use Za-m-Buk aud found RED OEIL dui proof cartons. and b>' the pound. >ompiete odisappear- but on account of inattere o! per- ar" a letter in the desk cf one itgave me relief, &0 I contiued it,Th Ca da S grR fin o. sonal interest te you, and te frienda ef the conspira-tors which 'put the a<ig e sn he rfu oe h a a aS g rR fnn dI m ove." etmine iu Englaud." authorities ou their guard. aud fter ing tomlrete cfur xe-OTRA C ANADA. LsIe ini keeping vith the The. Turk bowed silent recognition MWhat las tili furtiier disqniet it effeette a oplet ofcu e." oIebibe nýdt1 ils of au uncommon cf the barristers motives. ie that the case ha.s brought te igt oNBBy:" ufr "Yen are avare," si rt.light severat ianane,& showing eo igfCeN. ns:" ufr cre~~~aidB et what theii. ntyincetok ed long f rom itching piles, but Zamn-____________________________ cstopped in front "tint a large number cf vaittabloaprntyincettc-Bnk has nov cured me." ithe. Rue Barbette diamonde were atolen frein the ing German schoiboy cen b. cap- Mr. William Kenty, fUpr -- already ecrutinized seilEvyc heMjsyteable. At a school in> Halte-ou n- iloRve, ana p. N8. 8pecal nvo ofhis ajet heSaIe seme boys ma'de an atternpt Nn ieRvr aLCON . *heure ot the moru- Sultan, lin dolst u Sda qbieVe we fars au-eys: "I snifered terribly frein night, and that the tieft ~vas ac- outbri $8th e np n e o!a etherpilesf, the. pain at ties being ai- .re," said Gaultier compauied by the. murder o!f cur ata wr it i a0 g uplssno! tiro! maetunubearable. I tried varions 'If we find Hussein- o! the. Sultan's subjecte and th. ah tier r vidîng scas o i was ol ointments, but everything I tried eI dont know vint duction o! a prominent officiali'n ctho tedrink nuh sigty. Thie f aiied to do me the stightest good. re geîug te s"Y te the British Foreign Office 1" .crsto-urateuripreteudedVoTceusn I was ltired et trying varions renie- For some few seconds Hussein-ul-anitasoudha ti.iuii'ie, inIhado!Z -Bk itt ho ahi, to inter- Mulk strove liard to regain his cern- supptied by the boys oontained a and tiiought as a aet rescurce I 1Brett calmly, and posure and ftrame a repty, but B3rel t, mert.ai dose cf arsenic. void give this butin a trial. Alter' rprelininary Gant- nonchaiantly puffing a cloud of A director of anether gymnasinin a very short turne Zam-Bnk eftcted frein the concierge amoke into the interveaing sl"Vc, in reported au 4.cIaipg that lu hie a complote cure.'>N rish gentleman vas and thus holping his hearer te u con- inatittution "n- of usj issure e! Zam-Buk ia aise a sure cure for 1troltilue ezotieiis, vuw~ > ie." Noon-tmi cse sarekin injurieis and diseases, eczeml,, ascended to the se- "I do net propose oasting tân is eep oan, .btii. eues a e ers, varioose veines, cute, hurne, by deecribing te you t 'e oetail' of uto as they do net ceu>' bruises, chape, cotd orset.0c ed ludl on he irmta cime iti whlh yn ar ti>'- hrogii ny ault o!g>~ ox Il _rug*"-t__Aud stres, rp1 avlnç apparent- te vWaja â&W DZ1)>. at i h igodet aene lin er.iatit"tpo.e the poruuma i a rt.i mie n fi o o!a ov- ro. s mmnetdanser o!f hW ly printod ou it, refuse te ocept'it antihirqaset U tif., disregardeti ilsemblan of !_____The. xplamation on s thas M mlI à ,otgl g ikç brave Ga4ultier," ho daage>'- Ho lanetiba& hic 118T-tThe spuasiwi.vter necame tioi se pbeasedt tesee yen, char, clouet is Q ,ee i omlet. bPTPS ovee ilbty wa*akb e w e eewParla. enjoymn o! Husein'a cigarettes, Porters anti hotel servate onu taëbd from i i îner Wall et the sp.n zng an 1b m - w *r e r r lly x e.Ue t, a t h e co n*it ue VT m! IiNriou8 s t u .il l0à t p m ca a p o Il.Q ue. titi e c& atYFronci, and appear- t«ouS 0t one Who duacuaseaua mSen io. ________"M__________________________ at tàua a bpt BroUtitcprbes- e.1th prr.h batr Hue-ulliulk helt 0 ore n u> rad ..at uist ffs rvUr I nevpalper upuide are thlking tiat iibesan savr A Ouf»diai o ietp fI. ms wokns Y~rteu enosa give' Use h ta tra"bl Ime Coer W>' ôes fiat tise t1#YmiI stant before îr' ap, or touboot ns., or .dopt Mootbê.is qit* à "@'1 S, and ï1$ d laotvitbotuanifg bIsdrmastic reme4y whtsaidu6sr ï»la<wno." A di«agcuiea - "gi hoseense to bi. Ooesttinople Rut lot as. kttise be*iM t4sa*MOM«010 w"t or intese aen0t ot.tu yen tisai ý i ea«MPrdO6 4« - il Kulk s *"iOr>'>'o01 4s.ut. 1 hav. À crmsou th* sotèm> dU-» 1bis servesntCMbr fbotuflhù«%rmo"« ,Ix i bad 4.jeianeror have *w .*#8 oao#-f~. aUvro oie meàoi ig 1#0 l"C*pwn a auIler,. *ao« ~ r be-ot b.rd0,n aft ~ #O ou y " ,d o jou importnt aw#o un t y*.*pIrlobb4o t be .tact te wyt d *IOSVi<I eti 4 sa «X»e ** 14U80. le a S0*SPt. mi A lr, c,

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