Whitby Chronicle, 2 Nov 1911, p. 3

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ifUÂVP son~ot thse but Vuit1± Stock & rinor Datrl1Par=8 la gQ015510 iêdpriees uicl &DENT$ WANTSD6 E ~IiÂ8SRSWÂNTED. WeekIY SaISI? VUsid.-ÂLlred iS. Tyler, Lodon, Ou. DàY SALARY AND [Ip-ÂL8O SMcommîtisonfl-or local ra»reteni.a. h... mmediately; pOrmOJIODI POullual experience unneueuuary; rapid auvanue-1 mect, spare lime acvelDWd. lli"& tlîmited, Publimsere. 'J'orouto. G ENTS WANTED. - À LIN£ FOR every home. %%>rite us for oui choice it.a..et aatenite upplia. » 0 bave 1tue teaetageucy Proposition tu Canada t> .Ue., 225 Abert st., UOttawa. H AY and SAUM 8CbALilf. Wilson*$ lcato Woriîu. 9 La.panade. Toronto. ,&AWMlLL LMACJliNIÀLY. POWUAL or heuvy Lath Ui. ls ie, hîîgse Miiu, t,.gtiieu axd Buiere,, MîÂl Suppiies.. L~.. Loug linanuuilai îlug o.Li.'icv làsreet. Orilliîa, Ontario. c tual aud external. cur.d withous lk*u toy gr uuoe ktuLwoL %rieus belon Loo ta. L)r. beiSlJafl. UOUD&P Wood. ont.. 6TON tICALE GUAItANT]IID, W il sonî0 6 tal. Worlîu. 9 iLaplanade. Turouto AT ONCE MEN TO LïAIN BAIIHEb Atrhde, expe'rt iitru,uu. tofHtaut priectice. tbols tLrt,, aiwa3i' '01( empiti nmî1for a barber . rit.' î.r t atai-gué ler Barber %àU t.221.uct:4L-.a, loro mito A(] EN TB WANTED, A FTUDY OP Auther Agency propopitionl. coflviuCC us tbat noue cau squal ours. Yoo will a, waye regret it if you (Ion t appiy for par- ticularti tu Travelierb Dept , .8 Albert St.. Ott& wa. ~PECIALISTO AJDVICE FILKK Consul% s us in regard to nul diseuse. Iowe«# rinos lu druge 01 ail ind& Vus.. fitsd by tuatSeud meaoure, u ot.. G1pseo dtted b .W r t. teday foranythlng Ild lÏ butcaedrnj etors to Dr. Del man. Collngrwocd. Ont Ne He HNIGHTINGALE STOCK UROKER *Mmler Siaiard Blcck &md Minimg Hicaan IITeD SOCKS CARRIID uU Ot I Ocrrespomîdencs e YI& 133 MELINDA ST., TORONTOI RAW FU RS WRITE FOR I>RICE LIST WC.Goffutt. Orfille. ont. eVd eýo L-J EURT RCE QI LAVE JIAIKETS IN TBIPýL An Applllg Description tof thb THE WIOEPR MIES Tae Commandator Simno"etti, g"n. - oral secretary of thse Italian Anti: TELLS. O CURES MADE Br slavery Society, which bas been DODD' Kî»EY 11LLS. working in Tripoli eince 1899, gives DODDS KIIÇEYPILLS. on appalling description o! the glavery . stili conducted Ihere de-o -spite the efforts o! th. society to t Thos. Gri6a, tof Peace River Laud- liberate thone in bondage. Re says that tbe society provides ing, tele how h. gel rld of his the saves witb freedoni papers, Rheunsatlsm - honestly carncd which tbe Turkish officiai., have dis- regarded derisively, calling theni popularity. 'ipapers o! the second slavery." Ho tells of Turkish steamers en- Cold Springs, Peace iver Land- gaged in the slave traffie, aud says ing, Alta., Oct. 3o (Special).-Just that wheu the slave market.s wero why Dodd's Kidney Pilîis retait, closed in 1900 bthe slaves wcre their wondcrful popularity i. ea.sily brought within a day'. march ofi shown by a trip across bhc prairies. Benghiazi, from where bhey were1 Every twn, village and post-office secretly ernbarked or returned to bas at least one man or woma.n who the interior. A commen trick of is re.ady tu tell of pains rellcved the Turkish officiaIs was te declare and hicalth restored by the great f reed slaves Zk-ttoman subjects be- Canad an Kidney Remedy. Let cause thcy hati (erne f rom Musful- Thos. Unfn of this place add his anans' regions, rifu d se keep theni tateriient tu the hoî)ts already pub- under an influence favorable to 7 iiiied. their return te lavery. 1 When 1 came tu this part of the The greatoist tracte, b.e says, bas cinr.sax s Mr. (irifflu, "I was been among the Bedouins, whosell tr~urJ itha bd b.ckandnegroffl to the Seniussi, whe stili hips i1 sent for six boxes of Dodd's aepbicmresstAehi lthrtimatisrnn in mv ehoulders snd Wadai, State of Central Africa, in the French zone of influence; aud K îdney Pl]i1s and they gave me relief 'at El-Fasher, the capital of Danfur, at 'ic. 1 aJia rccominended t.bem Egyptairi Soudan, under British to ny cIdest son, mhQ was confined domination. te Iis bed froru Rheumatism. The youngcr o! the women slaves, -Now I know that Dodd's KitF he says, were sent to Tobruir and ney Pis are the best medicine for the GIulf of Selurn, Tripoli, aud Rheurnatism and the Kidueys. 1 were destînoci for Turkish harems. r-.recornmend thern te every person 1 These slaves were chained at night, hear complairuîng of not feeling and. acts of disobedieuce were me)].l punished with death. At Slil-en, s Dodd's Kidney PuIs macle their nul far from the City of Tripoli, >popularity by curing sick Kidneysr. Simonetti says that a slavc was Thecý kccp theur poptlarity by keep- killed in such a barbarous faahicsn Î. ng on curing sick kidneys. that a wornan who was present died ___%% __of f right. He closes with a state- A E P LAN. ment fluaI ho potsesses a long list Ais EWo! so-ca.iled respectable Turks who Mis Green-How do 3'ou manage indulge in the braffic of human tW keep a cook solong1 Do you fleili simply fer sport. treat ber as oeeof the farxily 7"' -+ - rMrâ. Brown- *I shoulci say not T00 LITTLE BLOOD. J e treat ber as a guest."TeCasetN ryAi hE- Do not let a colti settie on your T erausyoNArltso!LiteEv 1)ng'. -t - £r - te ni-1.1 sY - uA -; eya imnso ie Co'n6umptave Syrup at tbe first in- tunation o! irritation in the Ibroat snd preveut disease f rom lodgiug in the pulmonary organs. Neglect- eti celdu are the cause o! unbold. suffering Iliroughout tbc country, aIl o! which could have been pre veuteti by tbe application o! this simple but powerfui medicine. The prive, 2ý cents, brngs il wiîhin tbe reacli of aIl. "Do..s your wife go to services to sec wliati otber wemen wearl' "Ne." replicci Mr. Cumrox, <'we are net sufficiently prosperous for ber te go lu order te let other wo- men sec what she wears." TRY MUI qW for Red, Wo andiGranulaIg Sinart-SOt - SeI Muine: C ADA D5tI5NESS COLIL Aseptie TOO. CMATHAM, ONT. stcTu ONE OF ÀA19£R1CAB aIRTES? iand Bye Ad BUIIe CROOLS m urine Dy 4«oheoseposîlloftOIllued ln pasi Four Vears. 0asotllere jd551 l111.4- IL. ERANN. trou AQ Wbwfsindmd.plaesd wlthMuak. Mlâte 0Oc.. <40u.eJaw, au Ste». PKSN SMITH Bl5eue williams- &ebody OlersII Co Wnsocr. 3. C. S0812150? ilkkpr vItlsoflit ïumultuws Qo', Scueonteawold." ont. ïrLosaixANDxOxESNSbCý u e. aa5Skpn:, Walker-' C&Vlvottne Ce. Ciusa.mILIIA 19 a "M' it lb De 1» vai e ml r <0e', Shoes wili Wlaolpi. - -1* ve? J6t'tbu, i M Isever jusl Cellege stwarll, *N. J . e madr4et *" pbey lasi veob average cecipoMper saua. hein off. Wh es of bm six bore showqgt"vee'015 te PoO.Our stedosi. re UP&Mpares4v..i Mieue whsre Ssl bf PYa Ir19*7 meffsr 01 MI ewc*ta cba5laaC 0 ello cu boune ocum"e. AddreD. me ACULAI £00.. C. a (CUe 0, Cbth ,Ocs.Wobelie best. AILYAM 1ID'~Mits Foli j omuph f5aem &&LLANDOIUI\J S(arlfe wisc 0- ID 9% À FURS IÈ ealta vits us pouans dealag viLis &M ofi etbiolewae *autm.IiJIg fUS- nus. vs mais. augoi d .s00 al &ab-ah mlutly dePendabi.aaà" "aSVsOe» ftUly gubranto.. ve have a usner0>9 LADIES" MIISKRAT a lalet»iAs Item44 t taea . «les. LInd vtishk~bat 09 SaUta a6* 1eux. ilead 14sr.uWbuh euâte«mal d lise 8leu t 0 oahatsd. aU& "dvo vO moud »M 0.04K. ho 5bar at te Oaaa4a. tumlloiug.Il moi e<.oS7. at 9o9 «, WHOLBSALE DEPTe Pi a errea- La sOl MINE £y£ REMEOV Oak, WearY, WatoryLlye" ted ByelIda. Murine DoeSu't them Ey. Pin. Drugglits Elye Remedy, L14uld, 26P. Murine Eye salve tu >a, n6e, $1.0. Eye Books dvice ]Pr. by Mail. r, Remedy 00..Chicago. ýUEER WORLD. -, Thia is a queer * 'Right you are; a man' s oftlen get untieci, but as ho in ready to take VN'<RD's LINIKENT in tise ly. W CitY. Ont w. Norwai. Me. moien. MaIgruive. N. a- Lrmatmnoal ulrmvt. N. a. le oeUr Pokemoasebe. N. a. tmacs. i&b;el4N. B. SEES NO REASON TO OBJEOT. Wif.-' To b. fraak witl i o, if you were to die 1 should certaicly marry agai. "11 - iuaband-'i've Do obwetiço. II'u>RO Dotsinlg 10 o wor &bu the troubl eto!a Ielîow w m1 I noyer know." Do It No.-Disorders of tb. di- geauiv* app*rsatus abouw dbe deat wi t aoCe bofr. ouipIica&I@at aria. htia may b. -dIbOuIt to'lcupe vith. T1%e surtat ,MMdJ btlua" end and oqo ltisaii. w4ithI rezcb 'Of ail, la Parmeipe9 r." ale PIl, tise boit laztire ;-ei tit.'.on the ouabt. Do »Motdr!ay. but try lb.. now. 0»n trial wil conviom '%'one th"aitbqy ai' 0ws kbest atoici.selsuplater t t a a a Orem sicpetiom oftea Ibre.d w0shhuisolet-*a«aml a 0 *On. Too littie blood-that i8 what akes men and womnen look pale ,xd sa.I]ow and feel languid. That awhat makes them drag along, al- ays tirec, neyer real hungry, un- ble to digest their foodi, breath- e-ss and palpitating ai the heart, Jter slight exertion, so that it is vearâsvme even to go upstair6. loctors tell them that thev are anaemic"-the plain English be- ng too, utIle blooci. If your fa.. s pale or sallo'w, if your gums are ale inigtead of being scarlet; if rou are easily tired and frequent- y despondent; if you do not relish rour meals, and amail Inatters ir- itate you, it is a ign that your lood is thin andi watery and thal rou are on the verge of a complete reakdown.. More weak, anaemic people have ieen made strong, energetie and cheerful by taking Dr. Willias' Pink Pille tissu by auy other means. 'hey acîualy make ew hWood, which reaches every part of the body, brace tihe nerves and brissg iow healtis snd new strength. The cms of Miss Nellie Welph, Essex, ont.. la prool of tise greht curative povers o! Dr. Williams' Pink illUI X!ias WeIehsays:- "A few year agc 1wasjo'mg Into what my friendi belieUtOb. a bopelesa decline, [vas saubjeei to severe headachesi ha4 no appetite, was pale and grela distr.ssingly veair. 1 tfied se" .rM doctors, some cf vhom w. COUet thse best li this part of thse coux try, but they falled to help mae;A last My heart grew soi-vesi sud ' vaiS 30 xervoua aand thin tual I ha to tais, to my b.d and tise doctu held out but litIle hope for my re overy. Likeeotisers, 1 b.d oltai read et Dr. William' Pinkir Fi) and thougis the doctor opposed 1 taking tisem 1 d.iernedod giv tisea a talaI, as 1I t 1 I nght » vo»l b. dead as te lie living in th miseryI1wu in.l.Ia amonth afte baglnaing te tais e .plis1 u up md around again, *nd steadil gvv mSrongerutil I1asaw theyls b.blessng ocf&peec Isaiis eerayears have s" e.Iapsed and =y bhek" asbeen b ver boaul tb.etwzor *il gisat gratitude ual 1 VailsY«o1 Ï4i h1o tisat igoy eO a>m Bold tg ilmedîtine deshior1 m At è lOati a b«xor gMx bom fur ft.8O tImm ne, Dr. Wîhiai, Kedicits. Co.. BroekUIh, OMI. UM>E I«,. 111 WSt I te t;, ine o Oni """'III Mm Sf Dot, ad te Temerae.Clubs Taklng Their Place ini Engiand. There are in Birmingham, Eng- land, sixty-eix social clubs in which no intoxicants are allowed. About forty are self-supporting. Eleven are carrieci on in what vere forni- erly public bouEes. Twelve clubs rmeet only once a week, but ail the othere are open nightly except Sun- days. Most of them are open Bat- urds.y stternoon aise, sasys Teni- perance. A social institutes' union aise converts five corporation swimming batihs into f re social recreation halle in the winter ruonthi. Theise institutions are quite distinct f rom sport.ing, trade, benefit, muscial and other secbional clubs. There are aiso bhiriiy-five Good Templar lodges in the vicinity of the city. The Good Templars have rna4 lodges open weekly in Birminghamn and 200 in London; others can f re- quent social clubs and attend f ree temperance concerts if they will. Sir Thomas Whittaker andi others are dopening large temperance biu. liard alls about the country with many attractions of a wholesome kind ; bhe chu rchmen and the Methodiste have provided great social centres, andi other churches are doing the like. It is t&ere-~ fore flot a fact that woDrkingmen go. fn the niîhlia' house c.iauuathev LIVING SOARING IN EUROPE. "' pullimels U'o.,%O compensatlug Outlook for Good Trade la Easgland. BÀBY'8 OW«N TABLETS Wiraîer ýprospects in mo's parts USED FIOM BIIITH. of Europe peint te liard weather sund boaring prie.. for food isluifs. M rs. H. V. (Issinger, Tîverton, But in Engiand there i»sthec om- N. B., eays: "We have umeti Baby's peusating outlook o! trade prosk Own Tableta since our little boy perity. Borne even assert a boom was Ibree years oId andi know of bas set in. nothing to equs.l thean. He is now Though tbheatrike inllicted , a twelve monthsblsad and has alwa3ys hea.vy bsouo the country, the wage enjoyeti perfect health. Baby boires earners came eut witb benefits sud the Tablets eauily andi we aiways meeqt indusgtries are uow eu)oying keep theni iu the b-ouse." Mrs. f ull activeity. The resuit ixi seen Osss.nger's experienco ii Ihat o! in the pressure st the savings Ihousande of other mothers. An ce- bauks, where a steady advance lu casional doos of the Tablets viii deposits f rom the Vhrifby working keep the wcll ohild in excellent ciao. i. reported by lb. officiaIs. heaLh, or if the baby i. 111 with any Another sure sige o! prosperity o! tbe many aliments that sujlet le 1he matrimonial mart. Wbeu 11111,eues, they viii speedily In- the sInike fever gripped tb. coun- store hlm to'healîli again and iaise try hundreads of marriages 'ver. hlmin ive sud grow fat, rosy.sud postpoued, but' now tbe eariy fol) stronq. The Tafyletsi are sold by lias brouglit grea.ter induslnial medicÏne dealers or by mail at 25c peace and a rush too paruon. and a box froni The Dr. Williams' regisîrar. Ail round workir i re- Medicine Co., Brocirville, Ont. porbed te b. more plentiful thon e for several yea.rs, and etorekeepens are lyin7g lu full stocks iu the. anti- cipation o! a banner season. [Rm * RY O>EGAI The moat. eauieus prognostica- FO ER - toris are the Hebreva, wbo fear tise revival of labor unrest snd the. con- tinusuce o! th. ruinous coat cfiv- !NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN ing that is driviug housewives o! Bt LT. AND RIS PEOPLE. theb Continent to-v- distraction sud nipping 'Von those of free trade Englaud. Special ni6&sii?5re Ocrrne laheLm Tsi r beiug taken to provide for -neces- OcrecsL h adTa t itoils Jews int6b.Eaat End o!Ioon- Relgns Suprense la the. Cons- don, wvili).from 4erlin cornes tise nircalWoî nova that a quaftterof &amiliones ýord dollara are to, b. suent on philan- A cosga' a eee oint,. à - hropic and social purposes by tise 1Bvaage, D Ioe und the r. wealtisier mombors of tise Hebrev f&UW ode&whiÏh hbad been *asis- * comunty.ed ashore du'ring tise niglitý, 2 Al over Europe, &part trous Leed* ' boot maufacturensàare e tariffe and the. raang O!flb. â0md ' fiudint &ateadily, igrcwing iiiquùiry ,s ard of living; th. afler effecto o!foriiteoassof boots su ad e. tise drougistare to e b.»=u u in the sceaby working -cImes vearere. * adanong pl..01o ever.Ytling For belg drunis, in' charge of a Bgrow ontise f a.m or dependanton motor-vagea. Qee Céeli Whif- agriculturae pro4uce for vinter t islrty..eighî, aa stencda 'o keep. To add 10tise l"ble Weît Londion _Police court teo «0 si oaused by " i.ahortagiéof !odderl, ,onti> bard -Isisor. .tisea0o1d atOragle companies have - (ieeri l lktls, wh tic , la sigltYr- 'shorter supplies or meat onbasset ivoe am oet .age, o.onc lude4 a> Sth"n fer several yoarn. Sucît-is MMU$ts>~~ato-s amauA a the priSUi'O twsiiiy Lno Xr Duein .tetour h etttuisare eOlempl&tlng 00v111g îravelled 1,M00miles. ant ddreffr_ý îfrom house to fiats or ,eCOSu- ed s iXlty meetins. kt lry cottages t keep IOiner ad ex Theaàemh la nnouuoed trola Ipendture on tise present balance.. janston tkrg, 1Gaîufozd (Voun- kt t DurIssus, o! Leutennt'oozseli A PEEPETUAL PENSION. W»asEm rteae 2 He served iniiseott»l. "d Britlsh <Geeraent Bas i'Piid t Boer vota. fer 270 lears1 Lisutenais suneI vs a Dy er Yem illed wviite 4y Sga ndme W"~ ie An intereatinu tc ae hmCOuictO burleetvith fl"UIsItur oura Ni ob lin connection wvus Mr. Siitbis. Aldenot. Wreatbs ver* sent I>y 10 a grom vWho bas )at.l keis Q ls. m oy#0 Aeoclub sud s<sens er bis resdnoe ai Peteborougisr- bW c rmssn vaoi !4 Vis., tisahbisfamily bar.e s AVSîuélural Bih. Lonudusi, Lbê ai i itib in, --conservative invcstors wantcd As a ndle our cliente get the bonefit ôf aIl the "certaities" we control. To-day we are making use of "Au Absolute Cert4inty" for the Purpoee of extending our clientele. Here's the proposition in a nutshel- -a7% preot-eharlng preferenhe stock en whloh dividende are paid twise a year-a stock lssised by àaocnoeret wlth a recrd of2U veris' ue.ssfui end progressive business *xpriemc-a soon 18 tpissnt centroimnz Naturel Reours« whih arte bund to double tevalue of Rets souritiebefors long. We guarantife 7% on tbis inveàtm.nt. W. are practically dertain that' this stock wiIl Psy higher profits. It's the best industriaI stock, at par, en tI market. Furthernsore, we guarantet te bu y 18 baok at pbar, plus 7 ~,in o@ 5 r f rom date cf Investmont, if dsslred. Writo at once te, 1ATIONAL SECURITES Conteoration Lif*ltg., TORONTO CORPORATION, LIMITED MS Mord et Traie SIdg., MONTRIAL h Ieu a stzoesgd&Esed Iiswhatis ussatrsbl?1 The ro aaemi 4tsî~lh~4tfs Nasiae à sca klai -M ao.v a selmyw*lt'l.~ Wh ws"«'dthe'wîixs .bamoï oau tisa udews& tLi . alaibr~ s1wossâdua corio passeneu. naseet .ahw,H è YoungJ vewd apn tteew al.o ! oae oa abothe .baudsuda ji.n 'boi ",)".ad-aslaa ri. i tor tiepvii fY5!.1 othr ar aishea. st EaeV Job: t ILIJONS OWElZl~ a irsautm» slookeet a,* tgns.4ave>' » îf I ver* »tmoi và* Ati t M"Iherg m Mt alwwu l I 'I I t t ;5 ( 1~ <'oilectori and ahîppere vii find It to tb.., adiant a etau geL bir mre. on Our mailing lst. Tfhlu maures prumpt reclpt cf Our uu. tations sud genon" I ntormmtilcs.w hlch wvilbu remit> about the. utb of Nursnsber. You man b. aure cf fair anit lîberal treatment wheu you shiP Four collectionslW Wagner, Brasier à50. 84 Front StL. Est._TOronte. Ont. a Po=« enifr tii. Ma t oal y.arm«t tys te oadt Mu. My*" ipmr Salaistew r 'th ba e ofi UMM . 1 1 lwý

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