4-' -i-t i1 L~&tu .Whelert théi w'Ik wiSQclety' of Crkqi1an É dvor, I,'coiieee eîA té dt 'TumdIy AAIA Mortina climber amd topographeTe appited. ,Jt bas been.arranKed tuir ue~o who lu - at pre-seflt. int.he alaiPf Ifbd themeetine, té bciknowvn as amor 'iPub"I **Ãl ?hUsaY -in Vthe 1iockios maicing Ob f'Vation for the "ýrally ahdcntrnc»at Ihe Pres- - yM &t'be'oSlo,»dia St,,, Whit- purpose of iapping ut a district, Wi btra luci The date is Tuesday, by. Tbei. <*u.t. &111191._hrotiole have saïs: oventng, Nov. 7. Invitations tu ai- - PCEIG tl go aaîtciulation ci any paper .'We hlac a great aiflQWii. of sPin-tend this .rully jil l be sent to 1)w i Piikey, of Balsaiî as beca1 la lia VoÇuaifY. Advcrti8iUg in t.Ilsu, dîd material for publication anid a col- charches of ail deimm3iinatîons, irà c1- cu legaged bt take charge of Sir Henry »p&jià Py.,Ratvi on Appttcitlii. lection of photo raplis tuaI cannob t.bc' irg ,WhlLby, Irooklin, Thortons 11a t arfin on the Engonroad J Ouboriiption price, $1 a year ;$1.50 surpaisedl. We have just comnPietied C'orners, -('oluimbus, Enmield, Ennîsi-i iaol39%sid in- dvanoe. what is vcry ncarly a 100. mile citeuit tillen, lHampton, 'Tâtnton; Courtire C. A. UUODFL-'LLOW, around bML. lobvoti, the hlghest Peak and Bowmanville. -~iIfQ n ~Il Yt EdItor sad ProprieL r. lu the Canadiat i Rukies. 'Pli peails 1,i SaturdaV evcsnog quit.e a com - UlI!1 I UlI SUI and valys, fates.and watet (ails on motion was created in ow by a ail sideg of il, and tie glaciers arc rtnway horse, which Mr. J.. Uarrn- UOLNTY 0OF ONT A a-d. N. W. ROWELL NEW LIBEfiAL very fin(-. 'l'lie iesion ib imlmense, and soit,(of' Enrwied was driving south on LE ADER. there is uîa hfor years to coule, ex- MieoSt. As far waSive car fiiuf 911 At a Liberaf Cotîvention held la Plorîns, nmaltppng and dePci.ng. i, the-liurse, when near te Quercus 1 I4IiITBY-Clerk, Mise E. L. Mac- Torat on Tusda, on.A.~.Tiiere is a finle buneh of! bigh peakb leU', as attacked by a snarling duaile.i; Wbtby-Jan. le, i"eb. 3, Me.Aiay lbas tendered bis rebignatioli ad a g i icomýiiîîsîd nlglacirs (,tir and nmacle off at titiU'p» <' M ai-eh 2, A pr i b, May 1, J une '7, at he otîngsesio 01thecoiveL-soutbe of rut 'eJaune Cactue. Tf irkicking flit uusI l%. il iîcach- J uiy 3, Sept.. la, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, tin adMc lueI vs îosa adare aisu grcat peaks u tp (lie Ai ittaika iÀg f1w four ciliers, a tioffy (.ai UeC. î, Jan là i, 1912. aecepted the leadershiîp belur h a "rsiledj.îLrtiU..t - ftýiîii hu* lire caused the 111 g Iteîîii UIiV'ACerMiss 1E. L. Mac- was done. Linetais are it'uiiistsîîc out lita '.liLe iust bSfow>' pull t Qival 1(, l t1ln vas, and in d.îîlng st, doueil, Wiatby-Jan. 17, Feb. 6, ove tu nw lude, N-1o jos(>ýsVý âl tobsoni s Itle f- Vinlass antI MPIFl.iri sun was sinirock hý thLeasCii- ý a, ili à , may j8, JUâle evrL .0ewtall ivt o~SL a rai.f l igLake." a(lid fhivrnfi uni lfUisat .\ s NMi- .3w, 4, Sept. 13, Uci. 8, Nov. 4,1 the confidence and es tcei (A0f tiiaaddi t îuî i l MUic abus cl u),iî --ii, <antd itig wocre s îanAing Litec. 6, Jani. 16.1912. ciasses. Vliecfcr ptuuîfs thaf. uspac'.'t lias c î11 fi(î < (if i. "euns gcct RIU1MCe~ .Gesn hebednato 11w l>aîoviayElcnscollccd c» r 600 spectaîictus of ainimlal ivit i oil<i c t'iisli('lf by tilt, Ureenwod-Jan. 18, Marci 6, May i hav ben liouucdas uîday le-anti biri l ii, and a gctod f(itarcîcai Iiia X ,ts'dbfh i sfiheilibre 4, J uly 6, Sept. 14, Nov. Il, Jan. em u l~wi.. nîuiattLtS a e l cilcc fiui as m cil. 'litis c,.pcdi ttýIti (ýi l 1 ifi M i fi i iisîtri tculid 17, 19 fà . *axliez. w hich w s u ufaiîî dii y j-lieG ratîu it1-o as . iI i D r iiuari, lisý P ORtT VEIRY-Clerk, J .W. Burn i Tioa tk la llias feî ii ustticî4- , iii I lit'i . ii ci ihfi , id % i ain, Pot t Perry-J an. 19, Marcb la connection st Iti the Gland Tî utîfil ui <flic, îtiîîl 5%iî'iiI f.s ts 1 5arcie fidt i '(l'i7, May b, .1uly 6, Sept.. 15, Nov. 1V EXfuitat te 1 esfi'al of î';îipui r,lilsbed w il 1 beuofgucuf. Nalut. 'i1u- -IJan. 18, 1UIJ. Crybtîri Palace, Lotîtuori, LiuglaiLului- tactsuitkitvî bear ouf.Ille Lgetîcu- Nofice to Creditors. I iXiilDGFE-Clerk, Rt. J. Moore, t.her advîces dateil sepLcnutîi ua tîjiitiutta el ritutY e,,'LUitridg-.i. 1.3, Kareh Zô2, May 11ave been îeceiveu fruiniLonuoni ie-tguuus 1(1 illeiiiicutfaitîi ii isio l Nt clii u or(Isgis -n fia fail per- 1i, .1ufy 28. Sept Z2, Nov. 1-4, gardiiig the awatus tia I m't tv e i tLil t' i. t aiLd 'IiFonIK iVacilile ailwwivia s fi lIi g anyv dat ut or <luimanif J Ait12. 1912. Wt u Oi rand îî tiit, atî( le Lic atlisu i>a~lui iL-ii4auc that w iiii acairi:î Ifi nord Warîski fate utfilit à UANN ING ON-Clerk, Geo. SmAitlh TruuK Paciiic, aLc.citif.isgi ati iig lcat,1w (. il iii iLiter utflue \ i ili<cgt (f W l' i iii l oite ( onf f Lt anninkton-J an. 12, Match 19,. know that tit-se colipatit-h lia' * ni e t(,u'¶ ', tsuiI "iiicii( fa]a~Ilu i a î<.w o dîî'dilnthe .1iti j an- May 17,' July 2-7, 'seçt. 21, Nov cived fout "iand iViii" lu loitii* liai y, 'Ii, aie ruqcttrecf to s,,-nd 14, 16, -lauit.i, 1912. splendid dispiay itîsîcad (if 1%%( <i ttifeiîîhisîi'< flulunanrs aod ail 6 BEA \ E L TON-Cferk, JIames M. were anuuunced iin flic taule îecc,.î-î i Fn Cî i îh the uucnui ausjif(]full parifctiars fît wriftiit, Gor4u.n, Beaverton-Jan. 11, Marob on sept.ember IsI. Hait. i cîut-i(-;itns cule veriftvd. 30. Mav 18, July 28,-Sept. 20, Ne# Theme awards havt' Leiiui,' le î iiii ltaki' #itfi. f11Waafleu fh.- 2(ftfi 1.'%,î n10, f912. the lulowing :-"Arts and 1)f!, it~ tt iul j it J'l 1 ýi , lIi davofNoVvimiter, 1911, flie acilîtis- H IGR\E-Clerk, Daniel '"Engineering, Lightlrîg, antdl 'tanb- aefO ý<N~ l.\~li ri il hfpuoceec Iofuditfrifiite th-i, f t-'.-.îrd, Atberley-.Jan. 10, Ma.rcb pettin' n 'Luiung' rd ~Nsus ict ai ~Li'ai îî s--fs<tf-be saifd d-casetf, basing 'i. May f9. Jufy 25, SeptL. 19, Nov aise "«Advertising. ' 'flits is cons i iliý ak y <(iii io i 011îi iiilut!. s*, tîi regard<1 iii]y for file efai nis ut wluch 14, Jan 9, 1912. i fie ,kiid aiitinisi ratti iwil l f Ifien Bv order, cdea b>' tie asotit'stîutcia s btxiîwîi iicitiî- 'l50b fib-las' notice, and osite w ilnut be fiable -J . E. FAREWELLJ, i"ig at the LSxlibtion [lave only te- îîîijin > i ~ '> iv iva itelthat dite. (ierk of the Peace ceived une award "Fo . S .1 i r tîf111 (t'ttbo,. f "h, 10f] . ' >tdaV'ith.Nv2I.190 The officiai re-pu! tfi tîî tht- t ,tatd I stîgît altii' au i i2.'iTo'onti Stii Tfiti-ialtiut A lfttv, 23 Turîtn910. tAon, for week cnding Septenib&W t, If. ges quiciY ltg) ieirtal ilii Ln(. x-ti shows that te nunîher of persoîts trouible and t icii lest at-t- PA CASH visl ting the Grand Trunk lastîîon laristai Sage, Uin be cîbf-t.- îri Q I 'F Ihý' ~E.~ wa's 21,M~, bruigitg the altetidanoe A If. Alun iu5e a- fargc.u-s ou( h u~ ~, FOR USE up tu Septelliber 901f, t279i,942 peuaiidto J.i5lt U'U t lL IIlU C N D 1 il __ ! . An. 1minr onlfna Nervous Condii.rn. RESULTS PROM N1f)NEY TROUBLE. Sick kidueys maie you beel sici lhi a number ot ways anud it la aow kriown that a nervous condition often resuits from kidney trouble. Whetî te kid- neys arc sick the whole nets ous- sys tem becomnes ir- riLtat.d, causiiig hleadachc, dlzzy speils, fi ls o1 "ibAnc," neural- glo sttack's, rhuuai ains. w e a k cyesight, duli tired days, und a constant> Inclination te worry over tries. Booth's Kidney PUIfS strengtheîi sick kidneys, cure backaclie, regulatp the urine, and restore-te normal cont- ditions. They are guaranteed. Ail dealeru sell. OOW. bex, or postpald trpm the U.T. Boothi Ce., là td., Fort Erie, Ont. If you wouuld luke Lu test themn freo write for a trial box. y'ttîr d(rtl gibt 1 a, lit tlll(,( t i cîIIiîd y uurLu1it c>-)tii tn it-' hir ss,*h3 yun ti llist itiak- 'îii -îî- ue gtt g i1 mwiti li fft- uibtirti lia i, i,,iii-tucb Paîck- agV llite \ ndtca tou îh,s sseek recuiii ts ihe sad nt ii-sIal, Mu. (h-o A ksit- wo lutwas mt.iitlfuit-titan<iof t i s illîce iruti .-1 tu if, I-i i0, 1 (e.Api il1 25, 191i1, bad paýsediuway aI Tlsoitiurg, Mr. A tkhtiisonri Icit h. uit'h lue ope tîtat a tChantge woutld ix-fit r hi,,heaitb, wlîief was tailîng, but apparently il watt toro late for permaneit rcýovcry - As a result t o! flcnf-tNt îitg (4 the ivetset stIeSof all the i ng lxu>- piesstoriet t-s oft bite tctwn churt les fieltl at te Y. 'M.C. A lutins last 1 mon 11), a (ulntiiittÀtc uf artrangemntts OR. A. W. CHASES CATARRH POWDMER25Uce' (s sent direct to the dctiââed prni. bvtam lmprove i.tf iwe. c.es the lcem ears teair pat.eagçei.. op d.-ro> pingsîni theibhrot ni wrmanen. IY cum .Catarrhd i ait f 1ev 2 box;bower-frre. Acerirt no mumtitttr-.AtU dmeri rtdtia L e e'K!- Greatest Sale of Milline.ry< ever 'seten at this season of the year. *Mrs L. -Sharpe is offering- the balance of Trimrned Millitîery at a great reductin Now is ycaur chance to purchase one of our latcest hats at the following priceg -: $7.00 Hffl ..................... $5 75 600o . ... ... .... ... ... ; 0 5 500 ............ ............. 400 400 .......--------------------300 -3 300 " .. . ...2. 25 Or'you can buy an untrimmedc shape also at a reduction. I-'rst Cizoîce is BcsiI Mrs. L. Sharpe BROC K ST. N. - WHITBY -i I s -'te S-e&ly A Clance at Hia Personma1ity-UnfaII- ing Devotion to Duty There lq niA. a more English Englîsi' inan.It i Eîcgard- tîtere la not a,more ardent or a inore ii1îsdertanding 4m- peiic'alist in the1whwie lent-h and fradli etfIlic Empire, snys 'Sydney Ilîrouku-. in %,iClure s M zn.No0 i Wi' r f aiî yesot ton a British iî Tie %%it' i ut. dci> au ainîreciaf.ion ut aP ilni lI nsS edIn thc econsciousnes ciat lfîýC', - itlic),2 s tars is tte synibul or u1'ty iya-d k1iip Lu tone.-iftb Of muaiiti d. o -aurMe and sympathetic. aitutgtt~. tic senttimîentso0f Uhe i'uitiski domtinions over-seas. A con- st aul, nw tf-es,- perbapa, almouit a nier' bid,ti s( of« diA s:fy one of f-be quahi- fis huji.g Ou owes ta, or Iluat waF ii any ratie ccnlrned by-, bAs naval Iruuirung. lie la one outIhe most ct- stînte ns<etsliving. A b'iiond of MAs, Lfo as travelied wltb -him i maty Lhousaicituof miles undt ha. been rirrnin clly and ail bût hourly contact with him fat menthe ut a ie. was-s euliargi,.g to une ou tifs tharacter' fsfic. *I ara speaklnge" lie suid, *"qixte aitrcerely: a;id %wtbout the leaat exag- geratiouNNr4irn 1 say that there-As notu- ii ab*;lUL faC-'y iotiing,tai. te King svill not tht9w ovcrboard ut the <afj of duty." The ordînary amusements aid distractions uf a "man 'about town» finit hlm Iniiffere'nt. -Carda an& garni llAg bore hlm. The pleueures >ofVthe tablée'ame(or the mest : part -'losed te hilmiy- a poer d1gest1oný For -te siune pcwa-,ian ho bardly 4ourhe# WIfie Mie 19, jir o!the à six ýbepi aboto îI Vhe, lind-riusd afr-a s am ethûisi- 1 hr' (hd fvè1oj»wd a twt(o fer farmiug, nÃahi "i ti'e êilxcenîly esltlvateo. lic ia ktwwui 4l'aity Etabred'er et lied {ocabîle oi tii<ure plgs,and nul iX-at'a u t entIve aagace o, ii - cr 1 sue.lie ln a -fair hand at l f:ar 0, îays golf s& litle.baâ plaiye-u >cilîti un»nVer to îuîy knolvl*tÀe, typtr of 1uc1 t,erwr tive and iowwa- à iu v rulu l,0flee h 'kl I1lL ta'v 11-,awt'bsrit)%IUo L' Il m.es it.0aFnupstnst ù- S 18 iA au -' os etk u-, os. e t Isi: - fie, e- 10R O1FF BROS., saccemesr to cody Bras, Phone i I11ugiî is tice present saftry of Miss'r Ruby Long-who obtained ber, business training iour stcbol.- Resaits: snug sayings" account,ý briglit outlook, promotlcnnsýý, -Waîld yeu like- to -carri- $94a" week ? Seiid for- aur cataogue toda ..-1<Tflhow. CnUtaî Busioess College', rtoeto WjQ.,H.. $I4AW, ltiÈcipalt Our seoi stCî1 fb ivp lies eatahlsqhed durIeog thee tt Uyoamr The lai-goit -tmralé'r.i Eataaxa. O ogto cuir cituecetion I» tojue Oît&ÃŽ4u, we do bett.or furor cral t»ay st.u<tlyait nt Lhi4 or plittly at bol"*- aifilulihwa te ,01eec Zd'UiAeatui'Aowibtmt ion ut tCýa~ Tt- %,ý ftwo d for ', -ttg1sivec - - t~Ç= ~ fu, IH I JN T I. R S Ii' scores ut puipils ut)bte O.LC. leit lin Fuiday fittliheir homes, to c5njoy Return Tickets at Single Fara edysovctin DaiIy until' Nov. 11 th. DIED. lu points iii Temagami, points \faitasvu, FOGARTY-On Tuesdas', fetubet 24; to Tîrtîiskaining and Kipawa, Qtu--. - il) 1911, aI itis late residen-ce, 46 Pal- clusive, aIso lu certain points in Qîtt-)CC- mrtnaeuTrno hms New Brunswick, Nova Sc oz la, a a n Mers.naveu E Tono, 12The %laine, luskoka Lakes, Penetang,Lt*ike ant.,nips let a ling, 1e Tch of Bays, Midfand, Maganetawan River,. t inpgaduhe Laki fi-ifd, Madawaska tu Parrry Soun' , Argyle tu Cohoconk, Li dsay lu Haf j- This May lnherest You durton. Points from Severn 10 North Wewant a tel iable man te self aur Ray inclusive, atnd certain points reach- vell known - speciies i fruit tirees, cd by Nortbern Navigation Co. -m<ail fruits, seed potate, flowering Ail tickets valid far. return until '[uts s-îrubs, roses, -etc., in Whitby' and sur- d?~y, Dec, 14, cxtept lu points reacited -ounding country during (ail and wintoe' by steamer lines, Tuesday, Novefnber tionths. Outfit free. Exclusive terri- 14th. orty, pay weekly. For ficketà and luiti information cail ;oo ACRES 0F NURSERY STOCK un agents, and especially on lean, Well grown trees and shrubs fiat E, STE IIENSv .41 satisfy your customers. Early and TownAget fo Exres, Tiketami!ood delivery guarantced. Established ITeiegraph Ofiie, opposite -Standard .Ver 35 yeaîs rt orwoeo Baqk. Whitby, nSt- aîtime terrai . D -A-geaw' Diýýrict ?sseger l)ehîm N reyoTorèbto CAStRIA 1'OWITjf11&t0oan hildren. TaKind You Have Always -Bough; Bears the signatiure iJ of/1 The steel lot tfee new bridge at Greenwuod 1ar'rivcd at this - statiôn lasL week aîiu s ~teamed.te the aite ut the structure. A gang of men are tîow at work, ani the bridge will bc opcîîed foir Irailiu wuth Icat possi- bi le ucay h.- bc-ounîîb eurs hall o! D. l3ro'kunsfîîre lias dlýspused uf bis ililig business luo F. W. Weeks, a practical miller, ut Toronto, -who wili take possession on Nov. ais. The Toronto and Easternt Electric Railway surveyors muade the final sur- ve>' thtough the village on Munday, and are now working 'acsf.ward. Tho-b> who are in a position tu know Say that the acluai work ol construction will begin An a fcw <laya. Tbey also say that it is the-ir intention to pro- cecd wiîb bhe work during the winter when titeit work udf] bc confined cbiefly bu cul ling down the hifis whore necessary. Iii such places the trusts of winter w-ilnul matcriafly initer- loto witb bbe progress o!flice vork. C. T. atnd Mus. Baîty, ut Oshawa, ve-re boere last week moving titeir Iiiicsebold Ai-it-c o utiteir itew home. .-1ws.Ile-flt in our office un TAsurs- <fay, Oct 26f1h, a brandi ut a rasp- hcrry bush totitaiiîing n nuitîber ai ripe beuries <if goud sit-. Nul itad for IlIe fast utf<ctoher. (iio. N. I'aliîur litas sold lus tarm mthte bbc 2d conrcession, Lu a gentleman reeîîtiy outI huit England. The sale w-as inade thruitMr. L.E. Annis, oif Torotnto, whiî has effected su many sales ut land in this Iocaliîy duuing titi' pasbt ew nmont-ha. r' For Over Thirty -Years WMiTBY JUNCT ION. ;ohîîg West .....2a.r.. oing (agtt....8.1% a m .2.17P.m. .-6.t9p.m .834pcM. .I . . 930 P-US Sunda>' trains leave for Toronto 1.52 a.m. and 8.34 p.ni. From Têt- întù--trains stop at Wh ithy Ju.netl.xi il, 8. M and 9.55 am., alid 8.30 pa. UP-TOWN STATION. STAGES. Leaves Whitby for Oshawa at 10 i.ix. and 4 p.m. Jos. H-llden, pro- levos tfor ý-Brougbam ai10 a.M. là , Omo Sui-,Proprtitor.., GRAND YTN OTS Opt~toAy.ougLady,- Marj'riêdor Sinfl-eý, mRsiding, I-i - -wF i hi'tbyorV ici nity. ' -- - Fur- atkm flde<~ lu- pz -vêtes allpwed oen aul subscriptionapaynents to k ofuté oniCic,&*nd the- Cana ian »jom1fl4, - -- s d 4h, -dâÇ e Pt-l G ~ i i- ~US1CrO~ FISH Tfu~ty ~ ta ~ 1V ~.r4*s4fi~ i ~ LIah i~0 O LX-ACT COP'< QV WRA ppES.IC S O.I vm ululsuat.nwvu ,my rnifihI bIIfiI' SOME STAIPS WE OFFER AS MUJ01 AS' If' you have C anadas cancelIs1 starups to tell wrlte for-,pui' l'atstra-fl cataie qutilng pwlees we na y for each kfî' b mal t an yaddressfowl1o cen ts (flot frets) QIJEBEC STAMP «CHIANGE (iicOY P.O. Boxl79, QUEB.EC, Canada., e Tids ýý-Fm ý' ty_. me, m 0pîum,Mýorpttine norumune.r~1 A~iI. .iýd s- ilvrm u'zt - A perfect Remedy for Constipa- lien, Seur StornachDiarrboea, i 1\orm Corîvi.sions,frish- ness aîd Lo ss oF SILEEP. 7FacsilmdleSignature ut In v4dR#&mk- - - AL AL ÀL ÀL AL AL ÀLAL-IL 1 Use 1 1 Li