w~ w v w s 191! A -Card if iii Iriag h. T HE eyêr incrpasing sucvess ofou mnake stili further efforts for this Fali Scason. We have pleasurable-an tic- iPatiOns in sending )ou a copy of çur Illustrated CatalQg, as fairly repre- sentative of the goods and values at our disposai. It is intended to demnon. rstrate our selng ability in fiae Jew- elry, high-grade Watches, novelties in Silverware and Gift things gener- ally. We give you every assurance that quality, design and fiinish are unexcelled at the prices, and any comparisons you care to make wull show you that you can save money buying here. Our selectjuns have been mnadý- with the utmnost care, always keeping in mind your cGnfidence and good wilI, based on goods of positive merit. We offer nothing that we cannot fully recommend. Ail ilustrat ions are [rom actual photographs, and ever>thing listed in lit will be founid precisely as represented. Our accessibility is your guar. antee that we stand responsible for the quality of every article sold, either through the medium of this (Jatalog. Gr by pi-rsonaI selection. This feature should be of value, en- coturagîng you to spend your money in your own communi[y rather than send it away. A n> îhing special that rnay be wanted we can quickly procure Re Ne Bassett Jeweler and Graduate Optician Whltby, m Ont.. &iiuday &hooi' at~ three -p.m.û f188t0# 5i 4 hoptreë4t 3w0 pairs Menilat Boys, and tthls 00 1$oo t ' VartltV0d. Ail1 iold, at 0v.a MW.CUia Rc4Dr are occupi6d vie last suaday Pio)rnhg and preai The Child- Vo ho' pulpit, eua a tnoughttul andi instructive sermon. Dr. fiare h always appreciated wwhea he tisits this congregation. The sotig service by tihe choir gîven ln Lihe evvning was one much ealoye4l. The choir includeti eighteen memuners, tâc bass being par icularly strong. andi harmoajous. 'U sitora f rom Toronto and o Iher places wbo heard the sing- ing were much pleaseti and paid the singers many compliments. A beau- tiful solo by Miss Urahaim, ut Toroû- Lu, was ucuh appreciattxi. The pastier wili preach at both ser- vices nexi Sunday, and conduct the Thunsday evening meetià ngf. Bargain T'able of ail kinis ut boots ta be scid at 98c. at M.W. Coulais'. We are sorry Vo report that Mr. -R. S. Cormack is very iii iin Toronto. Three wecks ago he went V o the ci ty Vo apcnd a few days wlVh relative, and while there took quiteielîl and has been under thc doctor's care. We hope Vo sec hlmi around town again very soon. STOVE FOR SALE. Art Souvenir parlor cook, NO. 46, in first-ciass working order. A bargain at 40-00O. Apply 10 K. If. QUIN [-ON. Pers.onal Mention. Mr. Chas. Lavery, o! Tomonto, with bis parents. Miss Sebofield, of Toronto, Witb Mrs. C. H-odge. Mr. C. lienderson, of Tomonto, with friende in town.. Mrs. Jas. Augustus spent Thanks- girlng in Toronto. Miss Marguerite Neill, of Toronto, wi th ber parents. Mr. W. G. Augustus Sulby over the holiday. Miss Grave Waram, o! with hem mother here. Toronto, Miss Helena Barclay was homQ tram St. Hflda's College, Toronto. Mm. and Airs. Walter Shaw, of To- ronto, wlth frientis in iown. Mr. Laldlaw andi f arnly ipent t ie holiday at their home 'here. X5imscsMouaanti Maule Stewar, o! Toronto, with their pareut.. lMi"s Bertiha WMrolk a hu I fr~~m Tokonto Ã"ir iundà y a~ Ma W Ce.Te U Trhe regular meeting of the W. 0. ru. will be held at the home o! Mn. Robt. Thompâon on Wednesdat, Nov. hth, at three o'clock p.rn. Ail the members are earnestly 'requestcd Vo be present. This intcrestlhg programme le tb be given at the entert1alnment ln the Methodiet ichool-rom op the eVOfltlg I nstrumeILtalb chorus of? auwer gits dtiett, scout-boy chorus, witb came- fire ste ne ; short ta.li on the evii effects of liqiior and cigarettes on the syvsteni ; chorus o! ciglit girls -, solos; ecit4it.iofs, etc. Retreshinents. Ad- mission 15c. Lcal Haspenia Cali at M. W. OoiUns' for tiet dfai gooda at iowet prives. 6 IIOUSEMAI!) WANTED. '.an Led at the Bouso!f Muses lousenîaid.- Apply te the MatrOut MIrs Lavery. For the newest stîyle, ii 1otwe- Secelu REST ROOM TEA. - Mss»egoubo!Torotito w» ivis- REST ROO TEA. Ltng the Mises Wilson oventire hu Coiti chicken serveti for tea on 3at- ýurday atternoon, Novoambe.r 4. Corne M, ueo icosoTrio antibnig ~~. lUi~ - was itt i paretal hbomeo on thcbol- Bdore buying a stovo. or rangs ho Mn. andi Uts. J -T. an& .Miss LdAU sura and - oe our stockr. Stove pipes Mathhson were la Toronto on Mmn- ant, elbows always on baud. W. ais. d&y. suppiy tepaire, for au stvOO. QED Mr. WinWaiker, of Toronto# ,wa» IL RICE. Evmnythlng ta hardware, . us iM.rrysoe i.lok day.4 P. E. LUie, Opi. D. 159 #nes,-i.~QA.MLa »wt ox Poroito's i. yemight iP«selal st. lves la Huron Couuty 'for Ta lic onsubei at' ýAIais drue siot.,BLs i8 Whltby, Tuosdy, Nov. 14th. -Goi ' s8.11. "Buoklèn anti daigétmr- i« requireti suppliedti imodetato B«ulcý, o? Raglan, wit.h Mr4 -T. prives. Ro. RES ROM EA.Mis NUMe te ; o!91Detroit*, la REST OON F4I vffliq »at Que homt of- bat la"t, Cold cbickeAservet iûrton teS o at- ih. urday afternoon, Novernlr 4. Co= r. oono sel b anti bcng tome oue wîthzyou. Uts. HeluI, oMr. »ad , speW. i. ALL SAINTS' TtîâuKSüIVtNQ tLuille gSaLuent a but a.* n i l4 Large contregavoasatessea, TaAigving serim at AUlBa ing,* on sadton t au mule by IAM choir, uwwS t umo of Mr, Ji-H. B=suOC M". a ot Us8baw, s"nt iflpouoIvey t sokmas, £dirboo4" la - ad 4 ttu ibibw u e u is tla lb le -, 0 NIApira Faliil riti ln. a"dim..Wi - ~ We-Delivêr Tailored CIothes -Promptly q lesyor alonever iaponed you by not - -, delietingYOun Clothes *When pmomised? - q The getsos of thre Maie Attire Tailorig Cwn~~yar mdned y men capable of perform- u1g the hgghei grade of womk, and of perfominng il - prmptly. TWuth e Ti Coat- oto sc,,sfu1,jonvertah vvCtmade. $15 to $35 (Agess ame) Large range of samples and show cards. WH[T IiY Ontario And 'Ottawa way Company.' Rail-1 Notice is hereby given tihat the Ont>ario and Ottawa Railway Comn- pany wlll apply Vo the Parliament, of Canada at'its next session for an Act (1) Extending the time withli which the company may commence and construot the line of railway authorlzed by section 7 of chapter 139 of the Statutes Mi Canada for 1910, (2) Authorlzing the company to COf- struet and operate a lune of raltWay f rom a point at or near Lake Couch- lchlng, westerly to the Georgian Bay; and (3) Fixing the lmit to the amount of the securities whlch irnay be issued ln respect therenf. Toronto, October 19th, 1911. GERAflD RUEL, Chie! Solicitor.-22 NO VEvllERi Dut Wg the whole of the month we shahl offée,-t the. A. D. FRASER, Mr. and Mns. John Cooper spent a few days wiVh tniends in Bowinan- ville and Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton and MIr. and Mrs. Samuel Dudley, with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Dudley. Miss SmlVh, o! Toronto, Wvas a~ Thanksgiving visitor wit.h the iittan famlly, Dundas strevt. Mns. John W. Baternan andi Master Gordon went to Toronto on Frlday lait ta rernain till Wcdnesday. Mr. Ernest Cormack ici t on Tues- day for Nigerogwa, Soutb America, whcre he wlll spcnd.thc winter. Mr. and Mrs. Thas. Britton, 'Mr. James Britton, and Mr. Geo. Bitton, o! Taranto, with their parents. Miss Liily Chln.n has been spending several weeks in K ingston, where she has be-en having a delightful visit. Wce are glad Va hear Miss Lou (Cai- verley was able Vo return ta Toronto Monday, ýa!Ver hem seriotis illness. Mr. antiMrs. Hancock andi two children, of Oshawa, were guests of Mf. ând Mrs. .John Higiop an Stin- day. Mr. Ted. Jones, Mr. Cyril Joncs, Miss Daisy Jones, andi Miss' Whit- more, o! Toronto, wlth Mr. andi Mn. Fred Joncs. Dr. Procter lefton Monday for the Parry Sound district ta hunt the gentie deer. * The docte! 18 an ardent 1%U anti Mn. IFreéd MCana ,andi poa 'Pankr»gfing -,witli n.Thos. Wê are glati to e luea)»,te repért.i tbit bMrs. IkLe Du4iey, wôho bben Io itory rIul ilapelgUn thex4,nati b tevery. - .Ur~n tdMrs. ,L PIow.ke, o! Osh- 1ÉSLIIÇ(-Ou iOctober' Q34, td Mr. èýa .kit oan Montiay last for a Med- and Mrs-. ]Robert 114slIng, lu-2 Tacha lterranà ean', tour, siiîllng lrom New st-, Winnipeg, a daughterf, York for Naples, and.' are reportcd as intentd'ng to return. via London about the end of December. Ij -v en A novel entertainmnent was held. at' thé Bapttst church,' Oshawa, on toniglit may mean pufferingto. Týhursday. evening iast, when an morrow, but flot if-your stomach, Egyptian weddlntg was depicted and liver, and bowels are hcelped costurQed according to the customs O ofdhirntii okb the East. Mrs. (Rev.) .1.D. McGreg-1 od hi atia ok or lecturlng in expianation -thereof. Turkish condiments were serIved, andmi E- ýC I M a miscellaneous programme made -up, a very enjoyable evening. Between fl Vwenty and thirty went over romn I L LS the Wbitby Baptist chureh, and Rev.' G.A. MeLean -acted as charman. "~d BVoywhfl. lu o2U& A t Pr/n gle'8s Hardware Storej Boots!Bos -- Dcod~ Sî, t Leasrae L t . u ti roturac boiie wlth him- alter spetiig s eoiae iveors ith1cr arets.A sixl-to Mn. 9PrOtiU blsn, eA. ntiMr. lien bouset Enule I3rougbton, modical studtiio! witb gooti Torpento Unterslty,- spent Thankugt.!,Apply tojý lu itii.latteho me borneou roI~m, s MO»si4I la-.d MssK. M tOOr t ln of Porolito. werc ge o ec. A,and mdlt *s. Good! ~Oll oentic «boii4ay. ~y~j Mn. 8n4 Uns. W.J. Gab and MI ES.laa, of Toronto, ver. b ThéoCoi gnous of E. W. and Ilus Evans rver Buaday andi tii.bofday- 'lbey vççset y , ëUjing to ;romai lau tc nelgbonbood 'Ir a et weêk or où. j obu and Ctllm Penny -$pent te i.. wve enid *fth thek muotber aM' R tunt. TIuesêa"m t*o. o! ont boys Wbo1 -- haye bee nipdly advanc4' ,$ç' Pà patitag Colti chicircu servedt ton IcioUt-ei- urtlay afternoon, Novouibtin4, oi and lrIng nmone ewitUi yn. Mr 0. K. Thompapli,t1W Pslster. has the contravi ton PIfulsg II .tand-pipe, whiéb votk ho *IllSP A uctionrer Mawvla 5tat4 te liave a saie lu toua i aekuS P'arties havlng Arewor eo!Okwbi thcy wlsh soit ittMW with Mr.Mwa o 9p M Mr. M. K8WUSA110 tram Mr. bo w session Ibis iW!kt7 A-sâale helin1 t ram i orde#* .A t by- -Ind iris in le-. ei, t Souvenir Stoves and Ranges We invite youfto cail and examine the Souvenir Range before pur'-hasing ALL PRSES LL SIZIES Ranging from $22.00 to $50-00. NEW.PERFEC2TION eIL IIERTERS fine for cool fail evenings, absoltitely odoîless and smokeless. 1 Price $4.-25 and $3 oo eacli W. M, PRINGLE CORNER HARDWARE STORE, WIB;(N WHITB ONT ALL PRICES