Lisses of Italians m"i Two BDaya' Fighting SGreater Than' Offiially R.ported. 'A despatch f rom London uSYs: Pour h undred Italians were killed or wounded ini the figiting arOund IWripoli on Monday and Tuesday, but &Il newepaper coirespondents were forbidden W communicate the extent of the casualties, according to a newis agency despatch received here on Thursday f rom Tripoli which escaped Italian censorship by being filed at Valetta. The situ- ation at Tripoli, the despatch adds, is seriona. 'European residents fear a massacre, as a holy war bas been proclaimed by the natives of Tri- poli and Benghaz. At Sharashett the le! t lne of the Italian defence Io rcported as being hard pressed by the Arabe. The who attackccl the Italians' rear on Monday hAd en- tered Tripoli in diaguise, and their outbreak caused a terrible panic. Firing in the Estreets w~as general. Non-combat.ant mnen, women and eidren were mixed up with the oombatants. Crowds fiocked to the ahore and oobarked in emall boata. The Consulates were packed with terriûied Europeaut. The. situation is described as precarieus, and the Italian outposte are nervout. The military arrangements are bad. The wbole force occupies a semi-circle, whose ends rest on the seashore. There are no reservee in the town and only twco warsliips romain off the city. The left wing je still bard pressed, and if it be broken the situation will be As grave as pos- sible. The Consuls are realizing the possibility of the breaking of the left wing and fear that a mais- sacre will follow. They are arrang- ing for Eurcpeaner k board shipe if it becomes necessary. Fresh troope ta the number of 1,- 100 with t.hirty guns arrived un Wednesday and landed near Sha.r- zet to strengthien the lett. It ie re- ported that 5,000 Tuareg tribeEmen are advancing on Tripoli and an- other battie is expected. The A rabs on Thursday madle a violent attack agaiuet the Italian positions between El Mesri and Boumehana. They were repulsod with heavy loss. The Italia-n casti- alt.ies were only a few wounded. I IEALTII Fashion Hinj PELLAGItA. The namo pellagra, derivod f rom ivo Italian words which moan "rough ekin," belouge ta a chronie usually incurable disease, worse iu hot weathcr, acconipanied by sympbome o! nerve and brain dis- turbance, intestinal troubles, and a reddisb cruption on those parts of the ekin not eovered by clothiug. Tho disse was first observed in Italy, aud for mauy years wae be- lieved to ho conflned ko that and moighboring countriois o! southern Europe; but witbin the past ten years iL ha. been found with in- creasing f requency in thus country, especially iu the Southeru States. Whether it hias alw&yâ been or was brouglit by Italian immigrante is mottÃŽd.finitoly known, but that it wae brouglit by the immigrants eemus most probable. The early symnptome of the dis- ease, whch are very indefinite, con- alat chielly in a~ feeling oi fatigue after light exertion, aliglit djyîpep- nia, great thirit, drynema iu the fliroat, ringiug iii thei. rat itching, and mental depressilon. Tiiese symp- toms appear uuually in -the apring or early summer. They may laut for a month or two, sud then dis- APPear, or they msy persist, in which -case the. okin eruption map- penre. This begins in a redues, with. puf- finoe", of th~e bands, ueck aud other *xposle4Parts, accompanied by itoli- iug and burning, and is followed by chapping and a lbard, dry, sosl.y codtoçf lbe din. The. ner- ous symptomsi moroe. until thon. MaY b. tr.mblingor *ven liglit con- vulsions; or more coommonly, moin dogree. of »#ay8;sdtii Mimd teadesteoy to sMicid,. The.emnMpAM amy disappear e-tu tirelY *Wmt 'a dv.utt fwinter, but noully tbey reappear lu more pro- nouuced form with the robumraio warm veather, mand progrWuv* tIbo Mmentl mptooma are lthe moutt trIklug. in mmuy 0«m08 l êUl. a o .oglo tuh b iifrrbau b.SoM au Mmm.c Ilwu' foftnoly bohêr.d th"a ptlîmpa va caused by -.t«"S seldome or nover et con pr4dscl. éosychlbu bma bo md. f.ià dftert usaua. Il bu. rfflly Ibo" "g- go 4 b.l s igid» wo lhe pro*- -.sue or & germe imellar 10 $hauwhlcb Produceq alaria - Pm stla- sojual u giol of Malria is Cut the a : bmw.qu in the 11mai Wîth iii teIta o! î*laso la 0o»n 'of 4 "un et pUrd îlu upl of Ibis hbooryw-Youhha oup 6Dn. PUL UP TaE£ Luif COttaiul b*fwue. dmw down LMe blInd lsummyve.hpo ma" the Carpets. TisI a pubsai wls and pu-d Soo." pi - , for m. là t« k..,,aloka.m.out Of11 SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Roy-al purpie is decidedly moclish. Some o! the new waists have the pepluni extension. Panel off ecta are atili mucb lu evi- douce iu skirt.dom. Ratin je one oh the favorite cloths for skrirt and coat costumes. There lavièb use o! god and ilver laces sud embroideries. We se. f ringes on akirte, tunice, sashos, collane, cufs, sud bats. Lace le uuuch used as ruffles on oskirte o! eveuing frocke. Dark blouses are trimmed with mousseline de soie, SMsny oh the aiewest evening coats aro made with asîsngle seam. Tunices are longer at the b>ack than- tic front, sud elaborate cm- broidery sud f ringe ame used to de- Muths are linge affairesud are 9ftçja line4 vith atin simd chiffon to harmonize with the color of the fur. The nmev modela show b h ist- ed effectsauon kirtsansd sightly shortvmisted effects en comte sud cloaku. Porsamu ilk toiled with mar- quisette i used for collars, revers, sud cuRes on s number of cloth sud sa modela. A tew cape collane are be4ng showu on auto coati, but theso vili nobe iu the.heiglil of hheir ahilon until Iler ini the scaîou. Ini Street coats lthe rogulatioli aleeve SWhl prevails, but Many novel effocta are prodaacd by the. ln=- ig cf tii codei, whliie- umade to orspnd ultis the oolIsri S»iaogl re r.o oaaaeused «MV beautiful platiaguoit lac. sud- m~~mllli p&wglo'bl al bir glry, Tbipli, lb. a nid ltheors- FPur oenlime eileo! hats, coats, ,worc. Taileu onase lolda firaIt Ibrotdsiu4 mlii utluowi* )à luttoun lops e cft1kor .uubroldry >t" mamy cf ü»e mrteal Modela troM l tb. Wek dcvii 1. fb. betto c0l4 akirt , rroua l6. v&Wa1,limedo".. ; Elack vet haubenMW*ade ap . ÃŽto long; cosaMfr atoroom veri OoCoa a.'â. . v1 t. uit lbs noua Ui f rqmety a e eotib a eu ter th*hm of $be SkUri. 0of .tlI. e aSflllmery hîe TU GLODE 111 à NUTSUELL Canaida, tihé Empire and! thé Yrl tu Qemerai Belon T'leu 91 CANADA. Thorol1d le to bave a million-dol- lar pulp mili. 'King's College, at Windsor, N. 8., is-iraising $125,000 for extension purpdUes. Haillton hears that the C. N. Rl. may put up a two million dollar hoctel there. Madison avenue school in Mont- real West, has been closed, owing ko diphtheria. The will of the lote Thos. Doug- lau Smith, af Winnipeg, leaves $75,000 to charities. Farmer8' Bank depositors meet- ing at Belleville, decided te peti- tion thc G.vernrnent for relief. A. Colville, patent medicine yen- dor, was fined $50 at Hamilton for prescribing for a patent. The C. P. R. bas bought. a tur- bine vessel f roin the Clyde Pessen- ger Service for Pacifie coast use. Mr. Leonard, the new Chairman of the N. T. Raiiway Commission, took cha%;ge of hie office at Ottawa on Thursday. GREAT BRITAI*N. Speaking at Baltinglass, Wick- low, John E. Re.dmond, leader of the Irish Parliamentary party, raid that the home rule bill was almost completed and would satisfy the Nationalisti§. UNITED STATES. The United States Goverument have instituted a suit under the Sherman anti-trust law, against the U. S. Steel Corporation. Because bis wife presented hlm with'twius, the second set in loe thaai two years, Lee Hay, 30 years old, oh Maymville, Ky., committed suicide by swallowing carbolic aeid. A train struck an auto and killed Dr. and Mrs. James Glass, of Shef- field, Pa., and caused their eight- year-old dumb boy, 'who eà caped in. jury, ko gain bbe power o! speech. GENERAL. 'IDo as yen ju.dge beet, but there muet b. no van," is a remark -te the German Ciancell r reported te have beon made bythe Kaiser vie» discuesiug lthe Moroccaunengotia.- tiens some lime ago. Tii. (erman Chancellor addressý. edth le Reichstag for two heurs ou the. costeof living, sud scouted the suggestion oh sbrogating tlim- et ýproteclive tarif. H e express- ed the. opinion thaI -oven a tempor- arysuspension would ho a danger- eus experimeut. 8ERVICE ROUND T14E WOELD. Britaiua Perteetlng With Marcoul Compny. . A despatel f rom London aass: An .arly artuuncemeut may be ex-, pocted liat negotiations have boom' toncluded belveen tle Poil-office DopartmnulmdthIe Marconi Comm- pay for tle erection of a Chain et vireles, -tel.grap- stationi rouud ,Dominluaiid Ipviug r ' n tain anm isdependomit systena of tle graphie eommuicatin vih s ny panI of 1he globe. Conuocioma wil lb. Western Imelphere *111 b. of- soew e b'msieo! a station alroady .iîagah Glace Bai', sud i lil proposed, toetstà ha,,&»mntber' ta- tion aI Ifosmral to omunct direct wulilimeWestm b&ea1 here *il tb.. imiauda vilit. ouected lby ,shotdm$stacestations troua Glac w. I ii b. possible 1* ecua- mml.edirect viti Vancouver, *bere a largle power station istbeb .,tbl&bd wbieh vii provido dl- rftI ommu"iaou itiJSong zonge SKOWED .1010 aux* ~I.weu5isa's ra~ lu de I ~14~lIUU<1~JL A.LIWAY. neCan"4aân Nêorthea Mal Oct A despatch from Ottawa Bays: It à stated in rà ,wy circles lier. that thie Canadîin Northern Rail- way i.. likely to submit a proposi- ti:gLas-te ne I oertmntcolnis, in Mtone the ewGoercoenta- Rahlway system. The Canadian NotenRail'way je gradually link- ingup tstranscontinental lune, which will be completedl in 1913 ko Quebec. Connection between Que- bec and the Atlantic seasboard bau yet to be determined, and the idea prevails that, in lieu of construct- ing an independent libe, or at before deciding upon it, the Mac- kenzie andi Mann ixterests will en- deavor ko lease the Intercolonial. Otherwise there may ho four hunes, three of them through roads paral- leling each other in practically the same territory. As yet, however, no propostion bas been submitted for the Government's consideration. REBELS CAPTURE WAR CHEST. Impenlal Soldiers are Left Without a Dollar. A despatch trom Pekin, China, says: It is reported that the rebels have outflanked the Imperialists about 180 miles nortb o! Hankow, and have captured a war chest con- taiuing 1,500,000 taels ($750,000), leaving the (]overnment army with- out money. The fighting at Seven Mile Creek ou Tuesday is not told in detail here, and apparently it wa.s not very important. Five thousand more troops have left Pekin for Sin Yang Chow. Nanchang, Sukow, and Kui Lin bave joined the rebel- lion. CHÂ'NESE GENIERAL BLOWN UP INewly Appointed Fnng Sen Assas- oinated at Canton. A despatoli frein Canton, China, says: The newry-appointed Tartar General, Fung Sen, was assaà sinat- cd upon hie arrivai ko assume bis duties on Wedneeday. Tiie Gener- al, accompauied by hie vife sud a large escort o; ttldiers, was coming ashore when,-s bomb tbrown !rom the roof oh a building droppo.d juta the party. The explosion that fol- lowed killed Fung Sen and twenty- oue other persans, and wounded eighteen. Seven bouses were burned tiith ground-. The bomb- thrower, a native a! the Sunniag district, vas mo,tally injured. Troopes have been sent te the Shop- ka Station ho guard the Canton- Kowloon Railway. Many Chinese are leaving for Hong Kong. NEW AGREEMENTS. lioromc Question Belleved te b. > enEve o-etteet A despatelh rom Boxlin, Ger- mauy, Baye:-.TThetact liaI lie Gov- eruments oh Germany and France [lave submitted nev agreements in regard -k Morocco. le the powere vhlch eigned.,île Algeciras conven- tion, sud iliat thi.negotiatiene on the second Part ohftthe agreemenut iu regard to German compensation iu thme Freucli Congo are progm'ess- ing !avomaly, le taken to-mean tÉat ,the vhole malter ha on the even of ,cttlem.isl. CAR BUORTAQIE IWWEST* Iutrfelu;WIth Crep, Lumber-,as4 A 4eSPaleIfrosu Winipeg #"à s pifty-tvo pouain Western Canada Scufirm the remetl report. of car ubhortages. la Aberta i l" lmet limaI lb.. uiorage ml the. Most son- VUtimcrop1 transportation, but -wihb the, lumber and tuil shhpmeuhm. TUE TEU PE14ALTT. A Streg las', Expérlee. Wrw"I gfroua a bn&y .railroad tovu 1h. vi!, of!M au opIy of Ou ch ~ ~ ~ a lb. rea roaM'any *Wk ias beau seMW& i hmek.ed fy lis use cf ?tM " o hma iIiseial Mt ta .*prou hi. fimasêst. yeuIor LEPOflTS ['ROI TUE LRAUIÇG TUADE CENtRES 09 IlMERICA. Priee5 of Cattie. Grain, Cheebe Other l'rodnce at Rom. and Abrosi!. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Oct. 31.-Wheat was dull bere, wlth the feeling easier. The offeringe of ungraded Western wheat are large, and much of it will be fed to stock. Coarse grains in Ontario continue firm. Cables are lawer. Flour-Winter wheat. 90 per cent. va- tente, $3.60, Montreal freigbt. Manitoba dours-Firei patents, 85.40; second pat- enta, $4.00, and strong bakers', $4.70. on track, Toronto. Manitoba wheat-New No. 1 Northern. $1.071-2, Bay ports; No. Z Northerio, $1.- 051-2, and No. 3, 81.03, Bay porte.. Ontario wheat-No. 2 white, red and xnhxed, new, 86 ta 87c, outelde. Peas-Good ailling peas, 98c ta 31.02. out- Bide. Oats-Ontario, No. 2 quoted at 43 1-2 to 44c, outside, and No. 3 ai 42e; car lots of No. 2, on traek, Toronto, 47 ta 48c, No. 2 Western Canada, 48 1-2c, and No. 3, 47a, Bay porta. Barley-No. 3 extra, 92 ta 94c, outoide; fead barley, 80 tW 85c. Corn-No. 2 Amercan yellow, 781-2c, and Na. 2 mixed at 77 1-2c, Bar ports; 'No. 2 Amnerican ysflç,w,08M, on track, Toronto, for aid. Bye-Car lots, outaide, 87 ta8c, for No. Buckwheat-Pricea nominal at 60o. Bran-Manitoba bran. $23 ta *23.50, tu bags, Toronto frelght. Shorts. $25. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Âpples-Winter stock. $3 ta $4 per barrel. Beaas-Small lots of hand-picked. 82.25 ta $2.30 per busheL Honey-Extraeted. lu tins, 10 ta Uc per lb. Combs, 82.50 ta $1.75. Balad Ray-No. 1 et $15 ta $16. on track, and Inferiax- at $12 1.0 $13. Baiad strsw-6.60 to $7. ou track. To. ronte. Potatoas--Car lots, ln bags, ai 95e te S1. Poultry-Wholeaale prices of dresaad Doultry :--Ohickens, 12 to-13o verlb.: hens. Il to 12c; duoks. 12 ta 13e; turkeys, 19 te 2ic. Lîve poultry about 2o lower than thme abova. Butter-Datry, choice, lu wrapperu, 25 te 26e - do.,4,medium grades. 22 te 83e. Creamery, 2eto 29o mer lb. tr rails. and 26 te 26oe1fa;îsolide. Egw&-Btrlctly uew-lald 2cand freah ett 24e per dacan ln case lots. Cheese-Large, 14 3-4opar lb., aud twins atIb[S. Boa PROI>UG?5. Bacon~, long clea?. 12 te 121-2à ver, lb.,9 in a caelots. PbSÙ, short eut. tMsdo mess,'- *M.60 ta $20. Rame, medium ta light, 16 te 16 1-2e;, do.. hesYY, 14 to 14 1-Se;- relia. 10 3-4 taIle; breakfast bacon. 16 tc- île; backs , 19 ta 20e. Lard--The market le quiet and Smm. Tierces, lie; tubse,1140; Danls, il 1-20. BlUSINZ88 AT MOSTURUAZ. Montreal, Oct. 3L-Oats--Canadian IWes-. aru, No. t 49 1-2 ta o 4cair lots, ex-store; extra Ne. 1 feed, 49 to 49X*-; No. 3 (LIT., 41.2 te 49c; No. Z loal white, 48 to 481-2c; Ne.,, 471-2 to, 4M.; No.,4 doi, 47 t. 0 1-20. PI.ur-momitobassprntsg vieas patent. Anis, 15.60; geodm, 85.0; in- ter wbeat patenta, $4.76 t. U; mrn bae.,*Mi astratght s'olea. 14*t *4,4; l baa, 1.0ba.i - ofRM:Uiopt vu tePs; shorts. Oamtblla , Us mnt ,no; do, meuh., ast. 84.; No.I stoex. 1014, to . e bes-ea.m 14 to 1<I4o;astarabe t. f4. utn Nia nsea. lat.stue*- N..ý 3 NortUais. "34; No. i ehasi. F TOR~ONT ov ltholt TO ROMNTL ON ONTARIO ASK Youp LOCAL RAILWAY AG-EUT FOR PAWTICULARS FEEHING 0F ÂFEESO Australia Aroused By War -Possibilities of Subsidized Qerman Liner's. A despatch frorn Melbourne, Au- stralia, says: Grave concern is felt throughout the States comprisiog the Commonwealt-h over the asser- tion to tho effect that ail overseas vessels subsidize'd by foreign coun- trios aroe eusily convertible mbt commerce dlestroyers upon the ont- break o! vear. Private ïadvices re- ceived in this country state that the liuers flying Che German flag are especially equipped for this contin- goncy. As the result a feeling o! apprehension la prevailing throngh- out the country. A resolution was IYoung uoiksj THE RACCOON. "Those thieves vere ln the cOru M &gain last nigbt," said Uncle Wil- ei iam, as ho came iuta be lieuse oee«, fiue Octobor morniug. a 1"What thieveel1" aeked Raynham. u< "Oh, the raccoons f rom the big g weode over b.yond the pasturo. OnU0 thèse moonliglit nigbhetb ey came unto th~e coru-ffeld sud have a fine n, feast. They do ne end of mischief, ci aud I think I viIi ask Jeif Stover, a down at, the Village, te bring up lis v doge to-niglil, sud ve will drive î thein eut.>" t 491 waut ho go, tee," urge.l Rya- r ham. ( "IThere viii boau long valk," eaid 'y hie uncle, "and y ou wili have ta m stay awako late. ýý And the coons are so cunnin; that tley may fool c ÂanaVas anxious to jelu theM hunting-psrty, snd hie unelG finally î: consented. Wilin eveuin; came,1 a-nd the full moon vas mskîng thme. fieldis almoat as ligîta day, the men andi dog et. tle louan sdi trampcd over lme- ilolde tovard thé f woods, -Raynham,, ipt clos, thohie -- uncle, mand'vas Mâpel ýexcited. Ris, uncle bad as sured hlm lIaI le rx- coon. von. net dangerous, but the,! nigît ha. mauy things which gel on tihe nervos -of an lnexperieneed à In m fie lld near lime corn-fleld one oh lbe dogiatuddeil$-begau lte bark ' ~ther *' c h omjid ra- and barkiÃg ilu orni-field aùd 1 in the pastum b4tuasil i-thei big~ wooda. Thme pufo»lIod eoq e sim ad accU ii use ovidei laI the rixcos trh loodisuad limat lbe doge-p eoc. uter trou!. movixi ol n in thb Fede oral Parliament by a member of tb. Opposition ko the effeot that a<3tà ço be taken forthwith to diseourage sucb sbipping from trading in A.- estralian waters. Prime Mihiskrx Fisher in the discussion that fol- loùwed said: "We Say Most emphatiea.l]y that ahips of other nations whioh c<fflo to trade in our waters must not pre- sume tco much on our good nature and equip themeelves a* that thi may act as ships o! war upon tii. declaratian of hostilities." fool aIl those. doge sud mon, hê ~.a servesIltoîdg aay-mentb'" companion.- COMEDY 01? WAITING. $1,200,000 Building That Was Nee, Filased. ho Matin oh how the Frencnh Gev- 'nment erected s building at -6 ost of £240,000 fins years &go snd fter italling a caretaker teck ýo further stepa te utilize it on the ýround that it vas "net quit. finiah- In the year 1902, eays lihe jour- ia, the (3overument decided to reste a special audit depantmnent, nd a liat e! nominations te the eaions posta vas drawu up. Au aged Ree'ervist whoee services- te lue country entitled him -te flttîng 'ewards vas appomuted concierge Icaretaker) oh a nov building which was being erected fer the. depart- meut iu lbe Rue Cambon. The concierge vas tbld to, tako bharge aI once The building vug not quit. flnished, but within a morllu or two everything *would b.o in order and the members oh -l-th Ministi, ould -'take up hei cl en e. Proudly the Rêservret took up bis quarters in the vamrt but un- iunished palace. Fordâý9 hlie alk- dthrough -the immense 'building- wihhoul seeing, anober -human be*. ing, but. ah Iatt île diapîited maÃœ in;a nev variaionm of lais favoprite gasm. of patience. 1F'orIuuatly for lhe concierge ho hoa i ta&en thle precaution tô- bring wîèl hlm to, th. empty -buiding a kiteua and aca* y, Fr v Mer lie saw mo one u ~r o a utIlue:furaitos'u i6te' -builtih heu inmnediatel tlII. -kuttemm had WluIrmoinsgb j; An ingha '2 all that e.db othe Qu The i iwom or' invit trt Gu cornet I punci whonx sembl If ably 01 ap enter litti«e Tei boud aparl unde anad the freqi chiaî King lectiý s ek 4 w Queg tabli lut 1 ..à -