»%bd-Idem 0 t ..»lIBy <Kiirl FU. ury andd aUghlr lla tuW1 11OWa Imm ïw 8tuidar 10Mon- I&glugtn, e vsllng w& Ir.day-. 0etdn*u ho h.retAira". b lb6 "ud Mr. A. c, ElliotI. OwbhIIat~o u bS poulDet' b ti A ray, ci roruuto#, yiautd ý.bis vifs, wholbas a heu Ill& the hom;ofo! Mr&. Fotto Ibisv4ok.lc"A,,01W'fra e ~e MrJ. hinci Ombaavislted ls.1! rrySecer, *ho weulta hi. mother on Mouday. , ct lhIm avser'oc i Mrt. sudlits. C. liorrim a $ ebiti, aba &bout the mitdie 01 Auguat,,,*,P of Eut Tbronto, With lMr. sud itlra, rivi back on ItSÛrd&T o1lut.wek Reeson. lj&. Irving Rager, oi Asheville, N. MisesSophia Boyce, of Toronto, O.0 Who la now a atudent ut the Humn-b speut the holiday wth ber parenls. m1on11co1kgatei nstitute, spcnt theià Mir. Gordon Hall returuet to bis Tbsnkaglving holidiys et lMr. A. Ket-b Banik duties at Nupanea ou Tuesday fhis woruing, alter a two weeks' vacation. There in ltte danger tromn a coltià Mr. W. J. Haycraftl lat ou Satut- or from an sttack af the grlp excPt a day lat for the Butha' Falls district when filowed by pueumoola, andt un his annuel deer hut. this aiver happons wheu Chamber- Miss Thomnson, of WhtbY, «vua the lsln's Cough I<euedy le usoti. This guet of Mise Darliugton this week. remedy ha won ia great roputsatlou Mesere. Harry and Sydney ýpenoer, and extensive "asit Is reMakable let t un Tuesday on a deer hut ar cures of coldsansd grip andi can, be re- Gooderham. lied upon wlth- implicit co"fdence. Mr. North Blggs wu as Oshawa For sale by &Il deaers.-24 this week attendlng the wedding uoflMr. E. A. Stewart, of Lynden, ex- bis uephow. _ porter of turnipe, hau beec lu this Dr. James Moore and Mr.R. Camp- district thi6 week looà ing over thie bell arn sportiag uew autos. lt.urnlp croc. He reports a large acre- Mir. J. H. Doble, Mir. Mann, anti ago than there was a year ugo, andi Mrt. Pope, of Toronto, spenti the holi- 1though the fariner thinks it a pour day with Mrt. aud Mns. A.c. Elliot<t. crop because the roats are untirsizeti, Mr. Miannx occupleti the pulpit lu tht lit. Stewart says tihey are much bet- Methodist cburcb on Sunduy evening, 'ter for thç mar-ket ho bays for than il and his excellent sermon, was -mach theY vert lurger. He expects to eRjoyed by everyune present. hundie quite a quantlty f rom here Meurs. Russell Whte, ot Guelph,1 again this (ail ant i wnter. and Clayton White, of Ottawa, vers The nicasure 01 SucSsIt h a wlLh their parents over the holiday. beeu attaineti by the members 0f the. Mir. andi lre. Eti. Holliday, ot Mon-j W.F.M.S. of the. Preslbyterlan church treal, wit.h Mr. anti lra. W. A. Ho111- tiuring several years, vas lurtiser adi- day. vanoot Inl connection wltih the annual1 MisaeRau Croakem, of Oshawa, à as gatietiug held under their auspices becu vlsitlng ut the home of Mr. andi ou thc eveniug of Mooduy last, lire. W. J. Haycralt. Tbankagivlug day. Tht attendancej Mrt. anti lre . J ohn Warren, rd1 T- taxai ta the limit the eeatlug . accom- rcnuto, were visitors ut the home of modatian of the church, andthei pro- Mr. B.F. Campbiell over Qhe weck ri td. gramme furuieheti as of mach a char- Mir. Robert Skinner, t.1 Tor,. to, acter thât every une oi thîs large wlth hie parente. number veut away thoroughly pieux- "I s1 m pleaeedti t recommenti Cham. cd and sathsfflt with It. A very ex- brlaln's Cough Rembedy as t& e bot cllent tes was serve inlutaie school thlng I know ot and safeet remedy fer room whfre for two hauts anti more coughs, colds anti bronchial troule,,, there vers no empty chairs about the writes lr. L. B. Aruald, ut1 Denver, spactous tables. 11ev. R. -Allin, pas- colo. '<W. have usai Il repcatwdy, tar ai the Methodist chun-ch, spoke andi it ha nover failîstt give roeli."p brlfy, after whlch 1ev. J.W. Steph- For sle I, ail sa1er.en, oufo!Toronto, gave bies adreas, Foisalestra ico M .va, t cru 4, Lights sud Sbadows on a Brittsh' W" Batrie Moat, t 1 u 'Columbia Tral1:- This vas a sbary la visiuing aI bëb omne 0ai hor uncl, ai porsonal experbences o! tue spesk- ]Mr. Wma. Brown. ~'huh a naoil Iso Mr. George flcQli, o! Toronto, vas orle au au!erngae ie dSi. la the.village over the holiday. ;;ri o Vanvouensd Hiaud- Mise Gertie Tomoruon, ai Toroato, sedpt4ru af the vebry ndovnes; o! hpum. oiayvtl e n the Uc ondlions,, moral anti social, ln Mrx. .Irving Rager, of Hamltbon, 1u'wno' *me oai tb. labbitants live;9 spentlà e olidy wih bi ýr»-'sad of his labor lu establishluga epet Uc hlidy wth ie9 Puiopeeru burch Iu fbe midat of one ai parente, 1Mr. sud lits. A. Ketcb.u. 'theu. settlemculs, vere liateseti- ta Misses Lir-le and Clarau Peobrd,illi ,clou attionldansddeep itler- of, ýOrautc, vere wvuk «d 'vitsitresb vst; a u >addto&s iutk broughl vlbh liasVTlle Jtobson. thos. wbo ba b« Ie eloser tou&ai1 Miss Laura Hortop, o! Taranto, vfth the problemeosfet Hae Missiob wu a lutawu aver tbe holiday. 1von-k, lu whlcb ..an-ly aU are inter- Vinet Ver&ansd Elsie Vipaut aud. estei ta aomc extéat. la hme closlug iUrs. Wilber Vipouti, o! Toronto, 'paragraphoe ha made a vigorous a- aeelilThankelvlug wlth fn-las. Islsught au lb. liqor tbn-aOcasu rrsyaNo. 7ai ii 4 .#* ols goo7d asnew.,* St ohN.S, April19, loi1. - 44 1 im gaitereport that sMy kn.. à $ i.peteiy cured of Rlwunatism-4hantka te Pmsher Mo)rrisqcys No. 7 Rh.wnmtisfl & Kldney Tablets, as they aloie 0ar. ro3- spousible for muy cure.1 waa troublcd foi a num1xer of years. WWi tried ev.ryt&rrg 1 beard of, and meedIess to saY, spent quit« a sum of money wittaout any resuits. I have nec furtiier trouble now, and mY lknce feel, as g, ud &S ne w. 1 was -pcrsonaIIy s.cquintied with the. late Father Morrisc> and know hie remedics are good. Anyont» suflering from Rheuoeatismi and Kidney trouble mhauld by ail means try No.j T#blets, as 1 cati cheerfully recornmend thelm 11PATRICIC KILLEN, Provincial Detact ivu, St. John, N. B. The. above prescription lu riot a "'Cure- Ail - or so-calked patenit mudicinie. Dr. Mour nsy premcribed it for 44 ycars aud il cured thouâar'ds after other doctors failed Price, 60e- per ox st your deakers, or Father Morrib.'y Medicinie Co., Lmted, - atreaL 800 day night. Before the proceetings vero terminateti the f oibowing finan- clal stateinent et the SaClety vas neati bv the pastoir et the chufcb. hémvl#' rebe:" larei Wittr tenov sta -,nC( ,tinka o! eni«tgthe- Coin 1.LTigg bas be hxlpii buit à bridge 1 LIealtosethof ai e hee sa petibiôÃ"î areysignet, vlth a bile mail ian maka the -tram- Brougham, by way vouai rond, to tht Kiug hang woald hava a te uay vlt thlb.Adley1 CIaIu vltb a anc vay dua# Free If It, YOUR MON EY BACK- ïouï prici MI1~le, tôt _ ng At., iltwas movéd ltaI Co1 cé FrewelI bu 1 uti, h e mplbyet laprosecuto aainsîW.E apId ta.Yxil e lots 34, sud 36. CariM. oho The follovinuccofunte vota ordedt müil cas. ta be paît :'-'Robt. Trlgg, te oulvubI en . teky, div. 6,8, ; E. Llck, settllngBrboak'ý à i bh di'ion. tasg1 l"lanfor gravaIt, iqs,4.litll 1~ ci~ ~ ~ o ,.. sn ater tank,488-;,W. J., Huyotat, seetng -Jarors, 1912.,-88,6 D. 11011-I en beii ite day, eolotlng juron# 192,#5 T. P iov ag Geoltbe, seloctlng, Jurars, 89'9 .8 Le nettu . j> BedI ud Radialar Ca., 'loro, o4801 y u1 ti. .ft efl padet mebal 413Si5; wS- 0k., stan road. The leating andi labor ou Kîngston aua ,entieucy to do bridge, 8185.50 ; Wrb. Braeh, vork out P.O. anti bave Kingston Road bridge 84; W. E. ly service. Yarnod, sflrvey opposite lot' 34, con. - 4. 435,50. Fails.Causes Much Disease. IF YOU ARE ADVICE ABOUT STOMACH NOT SATIISFIED W1TH TI-IL MEDICINE WE PtECOMMEND. We are so, positive that our remedy will permaneutly relieve constipation, nu snat.ter how chronie il nxay be, tbat we ofor te f urnish the medicine ut our expense stroalt i t [ail te pro- 'duce satisfactory resaîts. l is worse than ueeless te attempt t-o cure constipation with cathartic triage. Laxatives or cathartics do mach harm. They cause a reaction, irritate anti veaken the bowels- anti tend ta make constipation more chronlc. Besicles, their use becomes a habit that is dangereus. Receipts f rom membershlp tees Constipation le cauasetl by a weak-j anti menthly oilering ......$20 .681noms ot the nerves anti muscles o! the 1 Thankoflerings frein membere largo Intestine or tiescentiug colon .1 and f rienis--------------.......93.00 To expeet permanent relief you must1 Proceetis f rom sale et tickets then-ofore tone ap anti streggthen these1 this evcnlng... ........... 88..75 argans anti restone them to heaithier9 *M0.43 atvity. Atter dedacting froni this tot-ai the We want you to try Rexail Order- am<>iiit ta puy expenses conuecteti lies on o-ut recommondation. They witi thîs public gathering, the bal- are exceetiugly pkeasun.t te tuke, ance wîlI be contrihutedti t ait lu being eautn lika canty, anti are iteal missionary work lu tht various fieltis'ion- ciltren, delicate pensons, anti aid vitere the work le under the direction1 foike, as veil as to-r the n-ctpst. They o-t the W. F. M. S. Board . This uct dln-otly ou the nerves anti muscles year's contribution vili net lie less 'of tâte bovele, Tlioy apparently have bhan 8175- a neutral action on other aseociate _______________- organe or glands. Thoy do not purge, -use exmesive loamenees or croul How's This.? any incouvenience viatevor.. They We uffer one B3untiret Dollars Rewarti for May be bubon ai, any tlme, day on- asy case of eCatrb tba eut 05<be cSe'7 nlght._They vil posltlVely rehiçe Hall. CtarrisGiare. - P. j. CHHINUY & Ce., Toledo, a. chroie on- abituai constipation,- if We the undefslgued bave-kucovu Y. J. . Vbeenot fugclvrty an te foS the "Mut a s, sud MYee ~a sria ultat h boobeCltbasn. srruato. u i, yiats ai associat or tiependeut aucîielv able taoarry out any oblgations madle chronlc aimtents, if takan vAth rogu- by bi r.WALDrNCG. Kaurrax & A MAVIa Irlty for a-reasonablo length oititne.- Wiaiene onuggIa. roîedoo .1~2 tablots, 10c.; 36 tablaI,, 25 cents; lmi.. rtaiTafte 44c tokm ftermuiy met 0lbil,50cnt.tet u Wt directly upon the blood ada n swus : 80eçfas 0 ets ol w h the systetu. Teattmo*ia sent'ire. uS n t aur sor-The >.xl 01on- eenasper botLde noW-byali'trgIs oy Tate §laits* raunily lflafor exuapwtlou. .-H. Allun, trUl#it. MYRTLE. Mir. Wm.- Tarvis, Sn., bas retanat tram thue west. Mr.; Ward andi Miss Oliver, a! Osb- ava, spet Suaday wltii lis. Chas. Keelet. 1Mr. Roy Tarvis, ci Peterboro ; in, Nellie Tarvis, a! O"haa, sud Unr. Pearse, afClna ntviieiwb Mi. and lr. Ta$em, ou T-hanbgivbuig lit. Jobs LuWeenee pen4the Our lier'puran olb.e^veek vwit fla 1nmada Mrt. J. SWII lisemove t lu is. inodllu., soood'l f ou pià .g eoi% am Obambenlina C',Çougil lbWaYOI writeu Mn..Fae T $sJb pi 91typ Or.. This . re*odî- -la -al"". Wo -OSHAWA. The paving of Oshawa'streets Las coat Ç47,137.61. Thet I cit 01the-tavu basAn cr«esd âypres, ovef-b fgu0aa 19M0 Mn-ý P. Li Powkeaddt.sseê suýýnm* o! l e . BowmavlleBoard - o! Trade rn-cel.ý Tht Y.li..Abas eltati os msnd yeartbW' ovorr 400- Mombes. c«c<,;,sudlb.plythedrcbr- i- Dl>lgmue thieAssoclabti 'bas-twvo moat c-apable iand ele ofcs Sogoetilmh durtigat %-à ra# lgt RELIEVE THEM. Do not negleet indigestion whicb. may l1eati toalal sorts o! lUs.anti coin- salid that ninety-ilve per cent o! al the 111e oftheli human body have thei- origin lu a tisordereti stamacb. Dur experlonce witi Rexail Dyspep- sia Tablets icads us to believe them to be amonget the most tependable remettes kuowu for tbe reliai ai lu- digestion anti chroulc dyspepsla. Their ingredients are sootbtng anti heaiing to thé, inflameti membranes uf the, ebomach. Tbey are rlch lu pop. sin, one of the greateel digestive aits kuown ta meticine. The relief they afford le very prompt. Their use vitb pormistence anti regularity for a short bime tends to bring about a cessation ut the pains causeti by stoînacli dis- erders. Rexali Dyspepsia Tab-lets help tc luxure healthy appetite, ta, aid diges- bien, andtithus promote nutrition. As evidenceofetour sincere fuithini l Rex- all Dyspepsia Tablets, vo askt you tc try Ibeni ut eut risIt. If they do noI give you entire satisfaction, vo Will rettitu yoa the moucy you paiti us foi lhem, without question or fon-mlty Thcy came lu three sizes, prices 25e 50c. anti 81.00, Remaember, yoa cai abtain theni- only aI omit store- Th4 Rexuli Store. A.H. AI-l»i, dn-aggist r' e 'eln I a k tIf6 IOP A bWil tMfb tothe re1latwdg lias ~ W#06i hj a l ntlId uittIO us s ' of-, aitheconlta.cllng Arties inlhu Lhou h Wb. h ltGuysilhemurriago et *édflesday of tao ftle liheut, anti brirngtis bb'luat eék o! Mr.- Alfredi J. Armstrong ta a aladMlultreai ,oleMnai0Pile Star esff, Goderich, fîmmerly a t&l la taldo lb 551111. ai Lucknow, -ta Miss Florence E. AI- Sam. Kefloouli; « vagrait; wasSIon, fornietly c! Asfleld, granddaugh- befto" tb Cil a! ugistrate on a ter o!rlits. Jerry Ai-ton, of Ihat miatge a! baggiug. I sud castb"6 township. The oeremony was pet- lu ai. onmed byUc-v. Alfredi Brown, pastor- joi lhe Non-tb Street Methodlst cburch. WIIITE3y, KMIffES Mr-. anti lins. Armstrong have laIton ap their Mesdenoe on Regent street. - . lMr. An-mttong W8S au empluyee in Alaika claver, par bue 9.100 5 tue Gazette-Chroflicle office last Whl, tti d................ 0.90 la 1.00 9 -_____g Wlteat, vhile .............0.80 le 0-86 Vieut, goose ........ ....... 8oO -Whutabspriug............ 0801to0. n r d o .aly.. ........ .....0-0W0M S o m eth in g , Ru ..... 07 a07 Risl........ ....781to0.9 yu mscarcely tell what-it maY ackwhet................. 0.65 l 0.57 b. Hystes'ia, Ji enssItY, rv' Oats ...... .. ... ......... 0.40 tla(0.45 a S Cilthow ilap se. e Ried Clovat ..............-9-001tO1000 YbSo u onl b row celleIbis ds* 6'LOUR AND YEED. te hoalth by suoh tneatment s Dr. Ploar Po .t..... - *. miit.3.90 Oh...'. X«"ve od. Vaux digestiv I." o 10 ssimbas falled ta suppl y poe cboeW si, v... . ... 18011 uLdsbMenlta othenon-vos sud u usdas!.-.... .- .s0t,26 are oompolled ta soek aid frai o6e Bran, pet ton..... ... ..25.00t1025.00 souffle sbotaro __tol $.. ...50 10 S lb i il 1mb, smre patience snd pu-. hý'T, POULTRY AND PRO»JOM fsisieul ly«oatl, but t Ila5no vs« aywihyu can nOoceTtainly reftare Eliéï, pt wt..... ...... 9 0 10-50 hjtand vYgor as b7 t.he Ucg Dr. catsais Miegt s.3lotoi4 t'0oChse.'a Nore Food. Mutton, petrI-b........ ..0.08 la 0.08& Thbutbil ime ta n-eton-e th*UblVO L5IDba, ou*.......... ...... 4.00 10 5.50 system ia long belortuch-6an"ltes Hogo, dressai ...... .......8.5010o 9.00 'OîUton la riaehed. euah sypAm i4ogs, mit.....-fat... ...... .75 10 6-0 Hocu,pe l----- 06 t.0. Duicken, per lb---------...0.14 ta 0.18 Gens e, rsies....eu.b.... 0.14 ta 0.18 Turkeys, dresscd, Per lb. 0.-18 toO0.20 Balton-, per lb.. .....0.28 to 0.30 -Eggs, per doz., new laid 0.25 to 0.30 Lard, pet lb .............. 0. 18 ta 0.20 Potutues, per bag--. .«--1.25 to 1.25 Appui, per bsn-teL. .610 .8-00 loo», psu g....1.0 b 1.0 Ilsypetrton...... 1400bo 15.00 Wool .avmb.bci ... ..0.11 to0.121 9*16 skiasé, »r l. ... 8.12toO0.la IÀM ddskis, .ss. ....0.70 ta 1.86 Hitimi, peuevt...... 8.00 te9.001 4bspiklu.......... 0.75 bo 1.15~ osaom .......«...... .5 8ta 0.70 Hotiu 2ss..... . -8 00 ril». rad.. en Sb ..... .84%0 .44 rRîASUff.ýER'.8 SALE 0F- LAND FOR TAXES B ue ora = Ani der tie Und i othe Wu"eand the ai ofithe.oprd 'of he ôuni etOntaio.daW be gth day off Septembet, xi s , cotuteaaiur.gme -B to iev mon 1» lands meuUom.dl thet .fotIouIgluot for ears-eftazes thi-reon 4nd omas eas beirelia st fortlà 1 b.r.by gis. noire ias aniesstub sramand ecosaiae scioer td, 1 shal, ln comfapflnoewith the. Auuusuis, t . proceed ,tr seilhy Pub-te, AUction. the sald laids; or so mach tb.roof as may be ueessary for the taxes, ai the cours flouse, ln tic Trous Of Wbhby. 1;0 THURSDAY, DECEMBER *rfH, £91 a, tih moof 0<tuao 'clock la the aflernoti T'OWNSHIP 0'FRAM-A Pt. Pt Pan-t S- w BIC w)' c of E)' I ilge e. 3 24 la 32 Lot FR 25 FR FI 50- N 4*0 TOV. YiSHlP Cou. ,ýAcres Io J 12 50 $33,40731. -242 50. 15- 3-- 2-6 3 36 250 Taxes CO.» 453 87 TOWNSHIP 0FREC Co". Acres Taxsa Cie auk Pt i 13 .15, < tilot 19 Pt 17 ,526-800p TOW1S4 0 lot Con. , A 1 TOWSIPo Lot 1 $Total 43 64 -ÃŽ, 99 s86- TOta 5 49 a 30 27 40 Pa rUPat Pat Pat Unpà t Pat or Utpat Pot- Faut fat ToW at r, n- Upaît 500 -50 75 m~ L.tsToalPto 7-38 # 88 à e newg. mLuin-e of eoysdpu et aofniaintlon, lnlehb u disoouragmmiDOUlb11 !sfluee the nenvoUl uI.» sd1 6" the. appr0i4h of sotlOU5 Dr. seae 'iNFood 0 box, bfor 8t 2-50- ml aiuis Edmansu. Bales & ;<50.. Usemb Shorthand and typewr.iting can be learned from us in !rom three to SiX monltis. Write for more information.~ Es W. EVANS Iump Manufacturer Stiogl and Ieldence, Dundaz Streml fhrm doots west af Whftb7 Roi W. au preoar.d 1 wwatai w<ite Irapmpis Oul .o wIIoesb» Asmt for theOmiarlo WIai'mm alsa gasoltue ougims à nd the squar MONMENTS woërk»ansd impect for yoursot- "tt iemploy tbemi - 00osel etIIr wêýe -m do shio* h.eg VoobtlO le. per oe.t,, lob.,yoer wMU çýW The Least FuelTho-,Mo8t1 app'y, We -cati =1 bu~t wo eau, 1 1 966 2 50