1on! c lec Vol 4-.o.20 tt*-s r' l--*-'-' ,@M transact every description of banhing b if Iness Information wilI be furnished on ail Canadlan matters. A special department will be provided for the use of visitors andi bearers o! our Letters of Credit. CHAS. [D. ORD016I, Mag WHITBV BRPINCH. Vie one is (or roa4ing, writing and other alose rang.;1 urpoRs, tbe other for long rang.. 189Y.sl ..T OT I 8CO E IDEEt4Emil Chuef CoaitableIiau A t tb e MUet !Cou«dcl b M monday sight Chie!Coulsile Guy vau renions frous .8<. s «CbI.!Cou- stabke Ail lte mmsbers vere prescat. Tbe oily report prufalci vasom. Unm the. commtte os STRME& Wb" i i eomesded Ils paysst et tiiee accouaI: R. Plambît, voch.... Wal~Dama........ .... W. abi L. Ces,., ien C c.. 1 W. A iL.Comie, sloa ..I 1- £eealaterest FIRST VUTING PJ&RIOt) BINDED., on saturday evenlug 1kat the. irat period o Aegreat vuligco=ta in whlch bal! a dom syoustg ladiesaReeilgagdï ,. cme t.--atisa i. day va. oný o! acttvity, bOth for the latsaadtte lt toU, id many new and reneval stabaciptMgtar turned ln. Idei t vas nkot until noon on Monday that the. votes were alI recorded to the credit o! th, candidates. From lhe following list il viii he mccii tint a Wbîlby girl, Miss May Yuie, leads, with anotAier Whitby girl a close secod. Netiierof them are, hovever, t a ead o! semeai o! the country candidates. hIee4 s aý good active day's work on the. part of any anc cf bbc candidates#anlght change a minus to a plusin their favor. Although during the, second period the subscriptions do not count mu mazay votes, ail candidates are on the sanme plane, andi ail appear to be keeping busy. It is tiIs keeplng everlasting at it that counta. The ofier o! a handsome gold necirlace ta the candidate bring in the moat votes trom th. close o! thel first period tilt .A p.m. on the 18th Nov., sbouid gire the young ladies an additional stimulus to work during te nert tva veeks. There are hundreds of new subscripions waiting to be picked up by the eager canvassers, baides many renewals. Candidates ahboulti simply not take ý"No" for an answer froin those vito do not now take -the Gazette or Chronicie. If y-ou are once refussd, get bacir alter the sanie person with f resit arguments and appeals at a later date. The grand prize, a style J. Dominion Piano, will be - ai exhibition in thc vindow of Mr. E. R. Blow, Ticket Agent, Withy, on and alter thie bcginunig o! nezt vcek. Subseribers nov in arreara for thte paper, Whto arc not calieti upan by- auy young lady, mtght well remit and iielp the voung lady of their choie by havlng votes to thte value o! their subscription creditedti ta uch candi- date. PgofssiuaIOartu'brd' of Uti L~*ÂLTO LOOK FOR ANOTHER SC'HOOL SITE. INO. Efa FARIEWELL, K.C.e Barrister, Coanty Crown Attorney and The 1iveilest"* topic at the Boardl Cot4oty Solicitor.1 meeting held last week was the ques. Office south wng Court i-ourne, Whitby. tiOti ol tbe new sobool. Somieone brougbt up the question, L. Y. RARCLAV, Barrister Et Law and then there was an Informai dis- cussion. Solicitor, Notary Public, Special £xam. Mr. Ferguson erpressed the. opinion iner 1wr the High Court of justice. that the Cou.cil would grant the scceusur to Dow & Meollilvray. money for a new schooli as soon aa Brock Street, - - Whitby, Ont. the Board got an acceptable site. Mr. Huggard put hiniself on record A. E. CHRMTIAN a not opposing the erectioii of a new trrlmaer. 5olcitor. motary Public. Etc. 111gb Scbool, but onlv its erection on Office finit door west of the Post Office. the proposed IllNîry Street site. Mont to LAij.Mr Farewell was asked if he would MonL to oi:.seilhis lot for school purposes. Heý replipd in the affirmnative. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Barrlst'w, Etc. Mr Ilutledge said there was a tra- Money to Loan on easy terms. ditionl that the new school should be ()fi-e irnmnedi.îtely south R )yaI îiotel, but on the Farewell lot. Major Harper said t.here had been Vhtbvý, Ont. no) request rmade of t-be site commit- tee to report upon a new location. o YOLNG SMITH, L. L B. 'Thireupon the lollowing motion wu. liagister, l-.. .Muney to Io.in. Issue, întroduced: of Mariage Lcenscs Ferguson-Huggard-That the Com- Offce-Srnittb's iHok,-Wliitby,, Ont.mi t te on Scbool Site be requestedl to brîng in frcosb recommendationa for a -site for the new school, witb op- -DE'NTAL tions thereon. Carried. 1-lat.cb-l-uggard- Moved tha t the W. ADA.MS, Detlst, Oflice, î)un School management Committee and du Street, Residence No. 4, the thairman of the Board waît upon the ('ounicil te receive an answer to iTerr.c, Byron St., Whtby. Phone the requet for rooney to buiid a new qJo. 18. chool Carried. The Seeretary of the Board report- AUCrIONEhIIRS cd that Mr. J. H. Hare was to re- -~ - celve an increase of $300 per year on AUCTIONEER account of remaining kio long at bis - post bere in the Agricultural Depart- jas.Bisop, shaa. icened uc.ment. His salary will then b. S 500. Jas Bihop Osawa Lie'ied uc- An account was reoeived from Chap- foncer.' Successor to L. bFairbankst mian & McGiffi, architecte, for the ?or terme and dates apply te self or tt suai of $125 for services rendered the 3.Robil, WhiIby. Board in the matter of plansa snd drawings for new sebool. The se- count was laid on thietabe. WX. X W The Finance Committe. pot through LiCgNSED AUCTIONRER a report which reormended pay- AND VALUATOR. mient o! theze accounits-: Ali kinciso! sales promptly att 'nded L. & W. Coinus ....p......... 0 to. Arn'rgements cati be made for W.M. Pringla . ...... . n..1.29 sales at the. Gazette office. E. W. Evans ... ........12 Ternis reasonabis. IThe~ Secretary reported that acting Bell Telephotie. under instructions of tthe litgemnt WHlTRY, ONI. Commttee bc had gvn notce tothec - ~ - Collegiate ta r hton e.3t1 ther engagement vri tiih Boardc OONTRÂo LORs would ternIînate. The reason givea was that the achool was to b. rmot-m J. IOWELL JAMES ganîzed.1 (On motion, of Farewell-Ros- Oom- g Carpenter, Builder and Contractor. rnttee cm sehool Management wcret Plans drawn and estimates lurnisheti. requested to advcrt,îse [or s Head i l{epairs, Alterations andi jobbing. -Muter for tbe Wbîtby He gboioci,e Çpposlte stephenson.s salary to 1w $1,400, duties to corn-e Box 467 WIIITuY Phone 149) mence January 1, 1912. The Headd _____ _____________Master to reorgaaize the oeliool, thie c Oive departments to be covere>d by tourt Mslrrtage Liconses. teachers.c AHfi.I.11114 Mr.' A. H. H1utchinson. Sciencei luu ldeur age î.â<-.,,... Mster, baving tendered bis resigna-1 N Itesel Co»rnet driiBstore. WhitIvV LIon ta taire effect Dec. 31, on MO-1 N l erqrequitred ti thesaine vwsacceptcd.à Farewell-Harper-Moved, titat ini se-t 1 H E cordance wlth a reporto09 a commit-b DOMINION BAN K Pdt Lfd* v M ant v*a A Smaclair the Cornuma 90 THINK S. O. LIBSERALS. A mass mting o! Southl Ontario Liberais l inche'Music Hai> ber. Tues-~ day aflernoüa, nona»ted Mr. W. E.. N. Siiair, Mayor o; Oshaa as catt4Iêtu t r OMCRÊta Legltelte. AIr, R. R. liowbray, vbo vas zwmi-* aated la May 1maI, and bok ta at- Ive -part lilb.e rcest Dominion sen-~ irai electicus, in oealgnng, explained that la advocating reclpr-octy b. had atsgoulaed ýrcar" pover i linter- ests ia the. rldlug, and that b. boliev- ed it would he better to have as acia- didateonoe vbo vas free frorn that objectfon. Af ter bis reslgnst4on had besa acoepted, Mir. Movbray, ini a feUi- citous peechproposd lir. Sinclar, whoae nomination vas sppporled ilaa poverfol tddres hy suother promn- ent Ldberai, 1Cr- Win. Purce Thie momlmtloswut carried uuamus by a stting vote, acopaied l berty ches. Mr. Sinclair la acratlng, . ea es befavoratbl6enemprL" o, pqu tAie brlghteMlag ostlook for Liberal la Otario suner the i.sdcrulp o! Mr. N. W. Roeel, K-C. A moiones ! preclau tufo*0 patrioti. acliso! MrItobray vau mried i ylmach qplasss. Short speeces e.ma&e by a aumbero! Libeals f tom everypart ettb iienag, expreuve of tAe Cpov- Iag ceaueS la the propect for 14eov.u01 -ve-y vosium, uney Rçe lhberaism -in Ontario, and more par- a awortiy o! pralse. The. selec- tieularly, of lecting Souh iOntario-*' <5f(Jm pmmASSUA o ce, amt.ese er s a uel A Thé.Pret-ticat Gostume-{î) Japau- rcy, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~m" Jae-ang.adGo.A a 11 AsClara Pritchard, Nor- Rose, o! Port Perry; Mlles Chapman. vieiOt.h2 ii obo il and Jervis Corneit, Pi c',ring' W* Misa Dora Patrickr, New Westmintr, A.Holuday, ot Wfst itby, lIsaac ]B. C.- RedIMa, of Scugog Island, Dsvid BtAceCartra. ( Pafts and,,-Col. -Fred 'C;4erson,, !ci~g ~à cuie iOsia,bRobe.rt W. %(UM4 -ce! easts.-roê a&ii0Id Whitby, and Robert Hc>tby, of Re**~. >o (2)# uaker'~ lit. Gco. A', Rots, President ot a. equabeu, lilas ledà Wà tt,- O tt.w liberaI Riding AssorIatIon, -condueted g Uni-tBdM. uePhli4pe as, ouver,ý tAie -meeting. B J. A regoltioà n, rà ovcd by >LV. T ., NZ2 elay, and sectided by Sainuet Jeffrey,. 101 vas adopted aîa ra paa;rolito.;(2j', he Cm<ierfs*sr,, "Tbat thieLibéeas o! SoutJa on- ýarI» lamisen»tog aMÉMe,, s uelie tr, lit ufl885 ietg BBSSItb er. Gptlo Gordon sud. Whibyembace~ ~tîY~ Rr.G. A o..eean Presetedthe lty to epsstheir -stong tio* aid.warm apprrl of' the atiîôu A o! tie Liberal rpremetatlves t ! oupl' e ore 0o! fgilo y figures Leglalaive Aas.mbly li in eot ng Mte4 alm 100h ýlita twI1ghn id Nevion W. RovMe XK., as I.adû o<fort ls ncle 8 olr tAi LiberaiParty lu Ontario asu m Ce uter lotywy essor to Hlon. A.G. MeK&y, Whto but1 FOIIovIg tht. *Wa short p10-, twoetoforï 1W thie Party with mucil à f"' ÃMNicolleand114 riU OUI and abslty. Mr. Rovell's cour.,~a~ 4~ IsEw ii teand dlguly, hies eloqmuence *iTi Vocul 510 Ila ale n4aý tru t"- atriablUtloand lutstre-a" UR"s llieAâm sadavoca cord o! pulicservice,.a&l combinesoo to tender bis teaderflp moat accept- 7 1511 Ot re(MÙMMU *distrlbuted by able . a. lbe~a ~ ~i l etee vere thon olijo$, a"d Men o get Province. Itbe U.lnta. »*a M ,. rouijt * a, erais o! South Ontario deir. to s.se- a 50Stt uoyall b Eig suehlm o9 their unovervlS b>yaty a evo to t.bus smd bâspr am - tutha t u lb pu dlu 1clIosths cho ep .11 taIt1uiy do * therumout to se. store tibMw moeovft balscom ti in neiw ry $000ollW4 ÃŽÃtq lis q«o t ! &. V-A,.J1", M. 4M Grand SocalPr TheCandidsteieoev ber. of votes betwea *-~C. Qslsto~G. lisps., Z. i O. A. GOODflLWW, "'~4!.,, AT LAWLERS'O Now is the time to buy Hyacinths, Tulips and other flowering bulbs for outdoor and indoor planting. As msal, we have a good assortment of bulbs of first0 class quality. Hyaolnthot single or double Colors, Redi, White, Yellow, Pink and Blue, 5c each, 5cc dos. Tulipe, single. Colors, Redi, White, Tulipe, double Colors, Red, W bite, Nuffxed Crocus ChI11ose Saored Lillea Mau<,eUe etthe Oof" This 1 alHallowe'en event at the »'4qe 'wu beld on Wrlday evoning last, aid proved to be probably the. Mest ol te kid ever heid there. Hall a huudred represenatjy citizens of the towrifrad bees unvited, and tbey thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. Ther were over tiireo-score oharac- ters represented by the. young ladies in Costume, asi follows:... Witch, Anierican Girl, Little Dutch Girl, Pumpkii Girl, Nlght, l8th Cen- tury Girl, Queen of Hearte, a Bride of 1869, French Uhickens, Nigb-t, Tsi- low Fairy, Old Nlgger, Blue Bell, 1ffd- Rldung Hood, a Pumpkin Girl, College Girls, Helen of Troy, BiutiWl Queen of Hearte, Britannia, Venetiai Girl, a Debutazite, Canada, Gypsy, Dolly Varde%. a Spa"ia Girl, Nurse M4aid, a Nus, Au4,uma, Japanea. Girl, a Little Irish Girl, a Cabbage Girl, Winter, DoAly Varden, Wltc, Pumpkhn Girl, Violets, Rose, a Pumpkïa Girl, Summer, Sebool Girl, Two 014 Women, Shamroek, Lady of 1876, Quakereas, Quaker, Canada, .Goddess .of Liberty, Two Faced Old Lady, Ghoat, Shepherdess, Old Fashloned Costunaes, Puxupkîn Girl, Evangeline, Lettuce Girl, Japanese Girl, Unitted Status, Nurse Maid, Wltéh, Daughter of Erin, Suias Pleasant, A Widow, a Youug Child. For gme fil teen-minutes these char- actera occupled thie li"%llht, goiug tbrougli varlous .evolutont on lthe Iloor of the concert hall, to a 10w sweet sang sung by themoelves. The Judges--Mrs. F. Hstch, 1r IC. F. McGillivray, lira. T. G. Wl- field, Mir. C.D. Gordon and C. A. Goodfelow-.Iiad a diffieWt tsk 'In selectlag the wlnnexs of, the Mix prime awarded. They would Miba to ha ihda -score of prizes, or nme recot-1 Yeloew and Pink, 20C d 25î~ per loc. Yellow and Pink, 2oc doz., $1 35 Per 100. toc doz., 6oc pet zoo. Large buibs, soc each, 3 (or i5c.. $1 .oo per doz., $ 5.00 p« 1 zoo. A.Te LAWLER WHITBY. ONT. Phone 47. Pirompt delivery I 1' Nothing ulcer. of, beau titil -irai the - u~dui HY1WIN- Tls i t-.. I &few pt monthe 's CIKomà ýOICE 1 -?rom 2eaU dea- and ing. be- ind ten in . ry, es. ias 's il its 's- p- lie qt * - - - -. Lr1,v-~J Jùo~. E. wÀi - . WHI IL. The-e aette or O sen't to neOW sboierS Is9ifr-becrW Ses announcement as ta special prize la dïsplay space on titis page. THE LEADING - ANDI DATES Miss May Yule,........ ............À"9500 Miss Janet l-Uslop............47,000 Miss )cati Haycraft .... ...............45#500 miss Highficd ........ ............. *31,150W Mrs. Richard WIlson............... 25,000 Miss Reta Paimer ........ ......... *24#500 Miss Minnie Stephenson... ......818,500 Lilium CandIdum oq -1- ff, ý BULBS