Oé A GÃ"DftLOW Elitor mmd- Proprlnix. OLD B.ROOKLIN BOY -HEARD FR01!. Klrkavillo, Mo., Oct. 22, 1911. To tis Editor o!t th. Gazette;. Someone thoughtiully and- klndy maileti me the Gazette of Sept. 21st, and Chranicle of Sept. 2Mt. In thse Issue 0t 28th 1 note items fram Brooklil, amodg them o"e re- forring ta the death of my lattiez; and 1 bave triedti tagus w'bo thse correspondent could be, il oc» person- aIly acquainted with our lamily, about forty-slz yearu having pasmot since we resided there. It in so long ago that it seems there ihouiti be an- other generat.ion ent.irely thero nov. Allow me to say that tho roadlng of the papers sent me, re-kindled my lov, for the spot where 1 was bora, tbo glu- pu * w à iqstsu4 be. 1owIA4r- lb. ota Wa«kt là Osio oi ou by ult-s.a milila ot nsmrly, tw=sty pst ceai.., New 8rumswlck. , T6BI1 Meoud provim n liportamfco W'jj. St. ciýwm - ilspotâlo ai à é, tta~l 1, fai trout oês4lth to. Ouseqpsterby £CIO. ting mxty-two mlWonanmo.to a Jr.IV lmat yosr. Ttii. pro<tùc«çaon et latbell 18. la Quebe. msud BrltiahCommuta dur- fl 4n 1910 vau conuierably Moe tisan 1Hollway, in 1900, amouctlng vitls Outalo Mati George Tu New Brunswick to zslnety-tourper Sarah Iea cent. of the total. Thse remtal W je av@e provines cut sm&aUr amiouaisiCI&« JI. Mdt wltk tihe exception of A&berta, BrfttoIS 16 eacis ahovot a decrease Irom the Vannet L amowst produced in lm10. Thée &,e«- Hutgins v mgo priceofa lathsis n 1910 vas $2.28 DeckUy 9, per thousanti or 16 cent. leu t u in P lart Il- 190. The price varied cnuidetaliy bail 17, N between tise tilleront provimce, ]Brit- Hutibell 14 is Columbia lattis being S1.ea per J r. I-M thousat, wvile in Primc Edwa.rd la- O'Boyie le 1=sd thse price was $2.67- Lawrence Avoid harsh Drugs. MANY CATHARTICS TEND TO CAUSE INJU1tY TO THE BOWELS. for 5ue UQassUiU Qi U01 O)'UQG7U fyo r ukot ontpto and for the Dominion o! Canada. & iyox oulareuvubci trosg druga ti amn sure that il my parents voue liv-1 ,atisartica. They oaly give tensporary ing, they voulti heartily jols use in relief asdtoi sitreaction la isarmfui thesesanme sentiments. anti sometim more annoylng than Fiteea years ago my vile anti_ 1 constipation. They in no way efleot visiteti at Wlitby, Myrile antiAmis- a cure andti esir teasdency la to veais- burn for a short time. At Myrtlo vo on tise already veak ougans vitis we were ent.ertatnetietuthUe home o! victithoy cornei Contact. Brigg'%. At Atâhbura 1 met but threc Wo hone.tiy beliers tisat vo have of thse aid acquaitances -Alfted Ute bout constipation treatment avez Fisher, Lawrence, tise harassenini4 <eviseti. Ont talth ist iase utrong anti Robert Brasis. At Whtby 1 tall- tià t vo eei on Use positive guar. md on an Astibura scisolmate, whs antêes ust it wiii not coat thisF er namo vas Celia Vernon, thon, uut s cent Il it doms not gir. ent4re mts- visa marrled anti movoti ta Wb.tby. tact4on andi campletely remedy cois- We voue hospitabiy out.rtalnuti at tilpatian. This remedy ia callei Rez- Whîtby at the home' aI Mr. Franik ail Oudeulles. Those are prompt, Paxtun ant i aso at Use jail roaldence. soothsng andi maui effective i action. While at Wllltby 1 ditlnctiy re- They are matieo! a recent ehemical membeî:et the visit of Use Prince 0!1tiiscorery. Tiseir principal Ingrédient Waiea anti Inter that of Prince Arthsur le adoubass, tatelous anti colorlesa. Wisou bc tursiedthtirâit satiin'tise Comabine4 vAUs atier vell-kuov in- building o! tise Whitby anti POrL gredients, long estmjsiasied for tiseit 1'erty RUNiwy. W. êdut not vint at la ins, ntise treaimoft of cou- ,Prookiln for tise reason t vas -,ov- st4pation, t forme a tablet vhlch la ngp asti vo ver. vîithosit ovraisoues, txjus& 1&. Candi. They may b. but 1 Ihave b4Mgà Plt? lêUfl5talrh a ny time, etther day or *ver mince for iQum pasaling by iGY igisi, vetlout fSm o! Usoiz causlng blrtfr-pIace, vere I wvu aomutoasd may aconeniee viatevet. TmeyC ta meet Docton, Foots, Blisep.- Bati do not gripe, purge- nez cause napua. '01 lis. M. E. cisuncis, Us. CtmPbeW*,-Tbey aet vithot causing any pain or Hepburna, Cuoitalîs, Mr.atdUs. eroe.ulve îooseamofaItise bovola. Stahen Tismasant may thffl, 'rhey are idéal lar chtiren, weak,t wtiaOse numeq have goDe frt m e- siehosie persans, asti ageti people,$as Thon, too, tisene was Cr arkqà ," velastIfS the mont isearty person. tus terror of tise &malil bop. TIse caminlun"re. ize packages, NOv, Mr . Editon, tU your "Umma 13 tabletU, 10 cents$; 5 tablots, 25t are noi requineti loz more tmportant cets;90 tablets, 50 cent.s. Ranosi- matter, 1 wls t tacovey tÃ" 8Ail -bube yon cen obtain tie only at our olie =Mnao u aml iedeet tr-h oaI Store. A. H. AI- regards o! thse Usreesensm viseare Il». druggla, Wlslfly. UvingALEZADER. MYRTLE SCHOOL. For pains An tiseid etoueut damp- as "limceoa ftannd , iti Cisamber- l nLiment asnd blatiitouis vez thse seat of pain. Therd s aotiîg boiter. For sale >y ail doaler.-24. LATHS IN CANADA-1gbo. Dopte tise use 01 motellatti asd patent production aoflisur i isis, vooden imth production amouate t t elgtit hundreti and i0f ty-tvo million, pieces, vans aone million, aine Isuat- ted andti onty-tisetouousanti tolara la Canada, durig >1910. Tbhisidaiu- usation bas boss obtained tirom et&- tistice compieti by tise Donica Forostry Branchis vtics bov th&a% sseariy tirty, million more latis ve Thse Iooing l is tepMort. o!Myr- tle Scisool for October, 1911. Names la order of seuit : Su. IV-Wiliie Keler, -Murray Tar- vUs, Glatipa Cook, Cons Totit. Jr. IV-Pmily Roue, Louis Hubiuti. Clam l1Oatyhrison, Cissulle Vannsitmi Sarahs Keoler (equal>, Cumisas1-Vve aBrAns 18, fEditix Tudisail, Davidi Rubisol, L"li Join- san, Wlsnle Lystie. ClanII--Wlm Vasesi, Stella DisseyROM Buttos, Louas WLilso, Rob. Tutibali, Cisanil Tor«i, Victor Hutiglas, Edgsr Beckley, lenbert part IR-Elva Wilonm.311. 6TU&- bail, mllred O'Boyie, Nommile HuAi bil.U if YOUarNoWYorDs doa't- worry abut t -thmes m #M god b ov.0 ot' If your stOuimis lawrog. Yoo ie m .em uo$..y. neftveame sure 10 b. ce edge &Mymw oubod bp'.E choer~4 mid hpofii. A tqbave bhm la botbomusuI dms [im bIe 700' kamVUepor uiV Wilson 12t Primary- Keeler 18, ~Wt0Oê, ti te mIS 180 O. ef sitars for mnhtO -Gladys Cooks la, Cota Todd ty Tarviz 17, WÃihe -keeleti- Emily 'Rose 19.«Louis lIub- Ri-Biva Brigga 18, Editti 917, Gladys Harrison 16, disaîl là , Daviti Hubiseil15, eler 12, Chantie.Vannet 12, nuan 11, Wlnnto Lynde i . I-Charlte Tordit! 17, Rasa 6. Rob. Tud-ball, 15, Wllma 14, Lors Wilsn 14, Victor 12, Stella Disney il, Edgar Herbert Petels 4. -Elva Wilson 18, Nelîle Tuti. Aildred O'Bolc 15, Norville I4. label Tordît! 15, Marguerite 5, James Dut! 15, Ausdrew 15, Elmer Luke 13, Nora Theodore Bligit 3. -Irese Britton 18, Perey Lorn Jahnson 9. NIABEL F. LAMBE, Teacher. Nntice to Creditors. Notice la horeby given tisat ail per- sans having any dasim or demanti against Bernard Wartski lateofa!tise Village o! Whitevaie in Use County o! Ontario, viso <ied on tise 14th Jan- uary, 1911, are requiret ta o sd"ta thse undersignedti teir names a..ti ad- dressesandti uliparticulars la vrfting o! their cdaims csuly verifieti. Anti take notice that a! Wr tise 2Oth day of Novomber, 1911, tise, adminis tratuix vifiiproccedtotadisatribue the asseta ai thse sali deceaseti, iavlng regard oniy for the daims o! visai Use main adminitratrix saWl tison have notice, anti sho vili not b. hiable lui any vuy alter tisai date. Toronto, October, 18tis, 1911. Tisurston &:lloyd, 23 Tronto St., Toronto, Solioitors for Administra- trtx.-Z0. ENTERPRISE 0F 'THE RIGUIT SORT. On.. o! Use moat gratifylag endonSes of loca entierprime Usathlas corne ta Our notice in a long vhule in 8a oapy o! a isandeme ,jevelry catalogue lW seti by R, N. Basseti,- jeweler, in ativanco o! tiseir Chisimas .trade. It sas elegantiy printeti, anti every ar- t4cbe pitkcd oui for illustration s lli-. teniedti t make somsebody's Christ- sAm isappy. 15 gives à nov impres- sion 01 the rmreannv'a nd facîlîit M, M.t mylêx to you f lavor o.r ttengfth or fragrant ricriea -Red I Tea te blended 8uch nlcety that theçobatn c threapoibtsof m WilI you try a pacd Roae wfth daul nerit Your CGioer lWW Imm smmmd kt m STILWELL. There died in Toronto on Friday, Nov. 3, Elizabeth Stiilwell, uister of Mrs. J. E. Disney, of Whitby. Mis. Stillweli, who vas 67 years of age, wus born tin(ireenwood, The remas were brougbt to Whftby on the. Sun- day morning train andtiniterment was made the sane day in Salem burying grounti. Two sons, Rueben, o! Buf- falo, andi Levi, ut Toronto, andi one daugéiter, Lditti, of Buffalo, were here for thse fuserai. A Great Discovery. CERTAIN IJSUREDIENTS THAT REALLY'PROMOTE HAIR GROWTH WHiEN PRopi:ýR- LY COMB1NED. Resorcin la aone o1 tise mogt effective geins destroyers ever discovereti by fcience, amii ia coanection wlIh 8Beta Napthoi, wbieh la both germicidal anid antaseptic, a combinat,îon is formeti which destroys the germa whists robs the isair o! iLs natural nourishment, andi alsa creates a dlean, healtky condition of tIse.scalp, which prevvnts tihe deveiopment of new germa. Piiocarpin, aithougis not a coloring matter -or dye, in a well-kuown in- gredient for reatorlng thse hair ta itA naturai calor, vsea Uthe loua ai the, Ravu a bam&ÇOVUUM MM &"Là qot tUL is as been-causeti by a disease of ON this well-knowss Jevelry Store,anthscl.N showsaa aglans otisir abilUty ta h*nrdet sin scalP. tcmsbin-the mupply arsytsing tilat may. be wvatedti ios vus ih o.aid4as-a zilm- o! i tJselr ino. Our rentirs éok ln,>ad'fr m.eNýôj.dfu- makt a point togei a copyoô£tbi riim ng for li veikuovu dotincla Catalogue, visicl-irlacrovtieti viinunshngpoprtes prftpeiaC tiseat eftectiv4 .reuxW, y t* ea T singularly appropriate Chnlimma uov orsal iiTUrtouls comjposeti e! tlsem , Iguodienteslas s'ont. AVIATION IN LITERATURE. bination vitls Usiuemela mml of Aviation mn a lieusetor llterainuen abbe UiOÉ"lcn&la4etb W taeae 1I lia aireaiy matie a ulrong appeal a t pstvl$ edtri t la ie $mm of -tise oremnoat witera oI Use guov bain, oes ,'Wou UEJ te sc"p day. Cuulouely enugs, aso! Uof s. sPoti ta bar. o!fsi. lher aaky etouywrite visa>~ -~~. ~ vltaltty lait otusns, t viii, pos science tise baste 1fa atale lasProies- Uayan sadsso or viii ýre- Mer Charies0.1). Roets, tUs eUl- tudtiyeur moue Il the.scap tu a a kuova Caista autisot. Prot.sonI sahlny app curasce, lta. sas tata-m Rob"n.liaswrftta iaaSUM Mr.cation. Usai balines- Aà #prmanet, slpstery,' The inseus e! tise Air" ,,butlu #lber IsmluOasvob@ÃŽMlevo bai. 'hx Wh" b le lt0ay style, lb 4io. Mt -a- Cia. 8* Vien9 elvBega&e vu sMas >. ti Pý kI bli et loavw "MeIbuke« Âla a t AIIon 1 . o1i, uMt et eue ts Am amiy$Nng î a l. 04l, maileIailSaaal 1 utis.l r Ad t am 1 <fv"11h - __________ Ges1 al wut e l a - WbOSW7.b $r - >gmai_«dity bate u ose f l t # ,. -__ _ NTARIO..LADIES' COLLEGE., Notice la heneby Siven punasant tU le Mtatutetisaitishe annmal meeting Use"mseadr o! tse Ostarlo aie'College *1i1 b.eiti aiM tise legs, lxi 1he Teo tWhtbye on XESD)AY, NOVEMCBERtl,1911i. tise 6sur aif3l30 oeock, pâm., 'for ôelrlng tise statemensosi atise afairs 1ise olege, tiseelcito-Direa-ý By aider of the- Board. *JOHN RICE, A fine vas narnowly avretio uustay Me-gi& lut 1 mai easwlsi jiibave -desre tbts fn uit. twlng a buuslasg dg" tot<lae wr. letigedo0-lise à oot asti s e- lait. , 'Just r c1owug i4ws F'Ietcher's Su wotkat Manimis*ws -a'patterni of #I*eot cwempos'a.e u 0 l b eUems* of 'olt ago, Nqothla 0111maoree hue tisas thatt he memory of suèls il blessat. Wednesday, Nov. 22."-Auctian sale o! 10 acres standing tlmber> constat- ing of beach, smple, baâsisojianti elml, tise praperiy ef John Miler, lot 31, con. 8, Whitby. See bills for par- ticulaus. Sale at 1.80 o1clock. Wm. BIaw, auctIoneer. Montiay, Nov., 13. 1911-Auction sale of larmatock anti implements, the property o! W. S. Porteous, lot 15, con. 1 # Reach . Sale at 1 o'ciack. Wm. 118w, auctioneer. Saturday, Nov. 18,-Combînation sale of farmistock, implements anti isouselsolti furniture, at Bandel's ho- tel, Whitby. Terms made known an day o! sale. Wm. Maw, âuctioneer. TREES THAT WILL GROW. When buying fruit anti ounamental treou,$W to itthat you buyo011 a tlrm whose trees have the rlght sort a! roats, anti have becis handieti cor- reotly itise nurseries. Our trees wiii guaw-there in a reason. Take an agency: senti fau ternis. Outtit free. Tisas. W. Bowusan a Son Co., Ltd., Ritigeville, Ont.-23. DEATHS. SI'ILLWELL-In Toronto, on Friday November 3, 1911, Elizabeth Stili- voîl, ageti 67 years. ROD-At lot 11, con. 2, Pickerlng, on Sunday, Nov. 5th, 1911, Tisas. H. Rodd, aged 55 years, 7 montis andi 17 days. McNEAL-At thse residence o! thse Misses Lick, Kingston Rond, on Sunday, Nov. 5, 1911, Betsy Me- Neal, relsct of the late Joab In-a- grami, in ber 95th year.a eMITH-On Wedneaday4 Nov. 1, 1911,t at 9 Pembrokse St., Toronto, Tisas.e P. SasitIs, formerly o! Wiitby, ageti1 75 years.b CASTOR lA Tho Kid YOu IIjAIiij Bouts tis The KidYou liave Always Bought ln Use For Over 30 Years «N wu ou omvl 77 MURRAY w mr ot«; m~crrv. smnoke was seen pouring !rom thse spot, asti investigation soon locateti the cause, when tise Are was quencli- cd. Hadth ie discovery not been made visen [t vas, thse flue might have goS beyond contrai. IN DREAD 0P CROUP. Every mathen dreatis croup unless she knovs about Dr. Cisaseis Sy-rur af Linseet anti Turpeistine. Givea iii Irequent amail doses -at tise flrst in- dication o! trouble, this treatmeat )ciWens.tbe cough anti alords relief 'af tom!orl, Its use sisaulti 1e kept up until tise chilti Is entirely uccover- 04. Tis megettaner,'tli Canada. Owkte eout mOeionl all veu Qaaiwedo botter for our grati. nate thaany tis.,Scbi1o , YOn MOyetïidy JUat, boums OFparsly aS ýboas. ,ad f-"Ih isr olee AlfhtIedW ith »Tie'Come 1ia gdacatoru'Amsstian of Canada. It.*wlbévweli fWtY" oux t ues- t1*.t.bodois chooding. Eeliir w$g~ li Qtmwofo!-the wauld:tam- "agokwkepIa 81 ,t~ 1 u s s ti d s u i , S a i o T t a s n < îôbies UEter a»Y tine. _,raie td4a loge-uil ÃXa1 i wmAg.8t I WIIITBY JUNCTION. *on Ws -1 mGolag uAât ... 8..9 a. m 113 Un. .5 .7 P.rn Sunday trains beave for Touat 1.52 &m.nandi 8.34 pu.. rom Tlor- into-trais stop aS Whitby Junctim &t 8.15 anti 9M .ar., anti 8.80 ii. UP-1 OWN STATiON. 001119 Nofth -.8,30 a.m. Gotng South .7.58 . 4.15 P. m1.5 P M -6 4pt.I...3.O5p m STAGES. L,êaves Wbutby for Oshawa ai 10 t.a. anti 4 p.m. Jas. Holtien, pro- irletor. Leaves for Braughsam st 10 'a.m. lenorne Scoti, proprietor. I Tiis -May inierest You We-vant n reliabie man Ia spli aur ccliJ kuovo specialtica in fruit trocs, otali fruits, seeti potatoes, flowerisg ihbrubs, roses, etc.-, in W hltby and sur- -osnding country during (all land vister tuonîis. Outfiu frec. Exclusive terri- 'orY, ýpsy veekly.:- <joc-ACRE-S 0F'NLRSERY STOCK mix, ~ ~ .e elgowxtcsand ssus ha t eAuil satWy your u"usremers. Barly anti ~~gît 'ol à irignrmned. Esmablisheti ,rer 3 yteas. Write for isote or ~e1an Nusey C.,Toronto I lusice ~- 911 * AL AL Thse K-sd Tou Have Always B3ovglit, land whlcb has been An use for over 80 yeai, unbobrne tse 'signature of ~~. 5ind-ha biéefl inadotuider bis per». ~ sonal înPervlslon ince ts înmancy. Mllc one l0te deeelve yon ln th is. Ail Oounterleltsm, Imftations and 'IlJust-as-good 9 are but E'rperlmcnté that trille >wIth and endanger thse henlth of Infants and Chlidren-Expe'ielcO agafinit Expe riment. What 1W CASTORIA t(astoria la a liarM~less enbatltute fur Castor 011, Pare. g -rie, Drops and Soothlng Symups. It la pleasant. It ct atains nether Opium,, Morpine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age lasIts guarantee. it destroys Ivorma% and allays Feveriahness. Fer more than thirty yearst has been ln constant use for the relief of Constipation, I*Iatulency, Wlnd Collcq ail Teethlng Troubles and L .arrhoea. It regulates the Stomacis and Bo-welsl, assimilâtes tise Food, glvlng healthy and natural leep. Thse Childrenls Panacea-The Mother'. Firlend. GENUINE CASTORIlA ALWAYS