PAGE mw (t~ P . U PiCIAL RIFoRYU& ýTJXL ~~iII&IIdb ~WlOIS8.à u. WttDive OTal*r.d Cottilt 'b] *lu Dy jewewe. in Diîs w1auuuW, kaWea~AAr7b w#Mner tiaty seievi Lie unie aile Pl£-- Mo fers irom thom e sown or oLaiers au Ira mn o!i tne stor:e. 'le winflr oft tis flani' u of t At Um oà g cmre orilarnent W111, bave thie, lates.*b~~ Uunag, nact tue uest niol is&lad tn P O of eK mdclPu mg k cunt cam de purchased in whîLny. iIêf.. Oh fur cheap tickets to Toronto, - easTd CDs.-â o amul u I iNlovenber UtIito 18111, gond 1111 xuWé Nouvember te retur, a, ny .Â,-A cIU«îng grec enitanSe 10 kortliiiutai kLiiitiii.A. Aboaofunters ticgots lu singlo tare. Uood ,going titi Nov. il, ana returau p 10 Dmernbur14ti. 'lry O RSTOCK of Watches (more than i50 varie.- sui bythoso and ait ticKets ai. UR ~~~Stephenao'a office, opposite Sitanti-$1 $3 ties) is now at its best. ar anWhîy.As$hve33eb Mnonn soeMMyou choice. o!reserva- Our prices are the very lowest rock bottom li4on o! ocema bert.he. Choiceof ail figures we can afford to sel! a good article for. ba .S imadrallway routes. r-- =sn icetyo e SWuphegue Large range of sampies and show cards. A small deposit will secure you one kept and Seo lasi other a.dvt. in tiba paper. A .IR S R ~I[ B . ' regulated by us until Christmas eve or when 3'ou -T-E. T.BERNACLE. ATBY wantit nd n I asan ddedindcemnt e wIl November 12. TEACH-ERS' CONVENTION. order be drawn on the Treasurer for engrave, free of charge, a beautiful inscription or Monn evci 'l.Ti wlt n~a ovnino hat non.Crid group of initials for you. ~~~ ~~Evening Service, I7'clock. Tetefhana ovnino mut.Crid grou ofinitaisfor OU.In th1e mornlng th1e pastor will the Teachers ot South Ontario was Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by glve a report o! the. Laymen'oe MWs held in the Public School, Pickeig Mr. Stocks, that the Clerk notlty You should siec our new ladies' small Wristlet sionary Convention held ian1the clty Thureday and Friday of last week. It the collector not to collect road work Of Hamilton, Nov. 8, 9, 10. Thisî s was a success ln every partîcular. trorn James Real, he havlng perforai- W\atches, our new 17 jewel gents' Thin Watch, our one o! a eries of conventions being The weabher was favorable and the ed the. same. Carried. 123.o E Hoard astr tmepece n slid14k held f rom Vancouver, B.C., to Hali- attendance was record breaking, over Moved by Mr. McKenzle, seconded $125 0 E ll war mater tim pie e i sofaxk N. S. anety per cent. of the teaches being by Mr. Clifford, that the plan of!the golU, and the numerous other specials in watches we EVening SubWot..."The Polly of Premenit. Mr. S.J. Keyes, B. A., o! C.N.O. Railway's Industrial Brandi hvfo hsX a rd.Crlessnes .Pfterboro Normal Scbool staff, Was line through the. Township o! East- fi hav fo ths mastrae.Pull choir and choie. music. 1the chief speaker, delivering tree i- Whtby, dated Nov .\4t 1911, be ap- The S. S. meets at 3 p.m. Corne Pressgive addresses upon -that much proved of by this Council, and lthe. We have made exceptional effortq this year to aloug anda help us prepare for Our noglected subjeet, "Reading." ,Hia Reeve and Clerk.bla athorized to aigu Christmas ent.ertainment on Friday, nianner wus pleasing ai1l attractive, the smarn nd cause the seal of thIe secure the newest goods and we wilI seli thcmn at the December M2d. and hMa style of preselting- bis mii _______________ Iey owest prices, quality considered. Owlng to the ver-y bad night, the ,jeet wau ver-y clôar and concise. Mt. Qu.rterly Board meeting was post- I<eYe' method of teaching reading VcyPoned tlUt 7.30 Monday evening, Nov. Il followed care ully through al H Our stock was neyer better in ail lines and a 13. It is necessMrte have a full grades o!f1the public school work T S few moments spent in securitig our prices will mean Board. Pea "<noe t e atean would produce a marked improve- BAPTIST CHURCH. deait with ,the subject of "Art in Our store has the reputauion of being the beat services as usnai. Phub i tho d1 isale Will iam teaci- e-ipdbetween Toronto and Montreal, Corne SundaY Sohool at 10 a.m. intg tuis subjecd were unduly magni- A rcst ut__ a d eq :i p p e d Iê o 1 9 rft b g S e rv ic e , il1 1 m .... c e a a n tI ta t 4 tb in iio rd e r 10 e c h A p i e--o s i an se o yurel. Our business is built on your Eveiung Service, 7 p.m. ti subjectWIs not necessary for te See out specialline at satifacionOur Sunday Sehool staff la. doing tiacher to ho an ar-liet, thiough Qf satisfationfemient service, as à a evidued it b. course a teêcher wfth a natural apti- I eVer increaslng attendance et sciiol- tude for drawlng wtll fnd the subject im arn. more inberestlng. n1e gave concrète t 1 SundaY MOrnIng the pastor WlIl ekampies of what may be accomplish- continue the tudy o!i1the Epiatie to cd by junior grades. Miss Williarns R. N. B assett the HebreWa s-, ubject, -$The ber ,u 11wE II OEIPIIEtI OraduateOptilanr-vice. Tesubject lIb Mia eo.gerI*r" W h itby OTan re."1 wood c foi:r b i1el4tore Biock st.,Wily 19;m*oibe et *ud a iae&fty ÃW4tsons whytits up je&' dIind -a comasf. yoiah amy or oail ifd rmactia e l »ietl uho6l ~ ..r~...propti .! -M sceilasieous Advýeiis. ________________________________ OuThursday evutn go! liii wo*k 11usd her V» edlt 4< ntdfWA [D lie regular Thaakoftr4u service wilI osrtdti ac iI, uIda W.C.T-U oC-foge -r- C1oc1-lbi . 1diomeclg h7.0 A aybecomlaidbykefl mi:' t laadrve1atet"cot 8 Insqtrumental flucîl - MuisssI rur-eid suppwaIat U.iodet r.(P-04 JamHart, oU L»oo Fort Prr-y vas toiisi ,s asbe, t j'4 ac'" 41 W K î'an and Hlulop. privs.5. aLailsib«r3aiSe, linesAMalc c eta M>e ~-oaa ~ Lîglil of resimenlaMate.q- ioi ci et 416Mt rcs ci REST BOOM TUA. Me sgs~au Miss Mi5as, &Umm-.UOV Mi. lejcosSlits. W. 14. ToroBbo spet Smdy alli Ulii ritUt -.lr0E. 9à r i Cat> «iU laiM __ 1 ýppý "ê *Kenp vil iqv cbsrp aet1h.te& HOM. eOaVIceptuat-M- r 1T Local Ha»emais i 4R a " 4m oimyo7 " T r s: ei a eualfs Dou'Itforgel lths R. C.socialla thce Tesl-a ciergeet ti$e me. CA. oomtow lae*bta<l. u malbeurtC«a« .2 town hall on Wednuidye Novr. la. î lau»lb.tism nom uo Sa4dqrU '"'sO oSl lat Itevi hotisaift e., pakBos@td ie ous, tif Cati aI M. W. CoUina' for ontl roussi lb. Tbatm tes - os et le I M. L L . FOt ai. ti. . ~ t be io0fr i M i iei I-a"- viii fi.*pl1aberl$5 Wê V*Illut*m $12 50P" stSOia Stuiegi w t Ise. lal.admissi o à a c 'M - t p ui b ?à m.l terluinl $a le Taeracle scilel- Bg a» T"-dis8 lequel bta mr, romon Frldaynla*t. ho bu" ast i 1 M QÇ*~V Bridlai sovers are qitse ti< ~oua otimy i f i t, *m xw%ge. ubV. *ImmO ia WhItby tisse ays, i g mit VmasIaMW*at! l M la94*bwSp SII MaI. honor buinl il uas v.Peel, WbO0fis 5s1emtual tom i' »MTdqa, ly iiff-là Um"# V Ifl at or'.*(tir *Mt* or lar r*$, 1a4s te Çruua e*M»t~l ~~- .. or~~~~mu. Rééolrs tFtg5S~ iias . 1 s"btVt*~.u.. ~-. W. C. T. U. terlaluut lou 1*- iay eacuu ticTboruat dsl raoo. oTIi. ewueli.l %If heu iswm4v iws. né Pro mu t ioved ted t-oi nent o! the C.N. ýed by IV flonumes for wiré fences when ed :-H. McCuîîogh, 40 rods at nts a rod ;.Jos. Thonipson, 30 at 25c. a rod. Carriel. ved by Mr. Clifford, seconded by Stocks, that the !oilowlng ac-' sg on Roads and Bridges be pald: G. Gibson, 8251.71 ;Aý. A. Bry- bd- b. I tffi e re6ý'o gi f9-48 -W.- ù W~r½, tïwem Cotirete- 7,0740:é jèboî. Wa e, seeonded t'y Mr., Mc- t11.25; Wnî. Crowell, $11; A.Pao that the Collecter be in- $2.50; Jmes Moffatt, 81.95 li collect taxes on an as- Ellins, 82 :-.1, Dearborn, $1.50 lias. -84,9M) instead o! 35,000 Newsome, $10-. W. Stevens) Bmof .R. Carried. Health, $3. Carried. dr. MeKenzie, seconded WM. PIJRVES, Tp. Cleri. an, that the foilowing be Columbus, Nov. ý6th, 1911. Do D tInpi Dr. Ca's Qntaietwfireli o t mii q~~ernanson. Btion ~Uata ~x ro I yn nei1obS11 t Pr/n gle's Hardware Store Souvenir Stoves and Ranges Ve invite you to cal! and examine the Souvenir Range ýfore pur'-hasing ýLL MIlSES - LL SIZBS Ranging from $22.00 to $50.00. NEW PERPEeTICN e)IL HEATERS ne fo.r cool fali evenings, absolutely odorless and rokeless. Price $4.23 and $5.oo edéch W. M. PRINGLE DRNER HARDWARE STORE, WHITBYO CWt - RnntaW . o , you ti,1Iad IA