ýOU AS -w~L~ fDr. Wiiais' Plek plus I"<>It the W1ay ti, Kcaltk and Streîgtb. Akyoulrsolf the important ques- tl9n whe*~er you are ais strông as "Yen wera year &go, VAs bily fit us you ahould b.. Many a reader has to enfets "N*. scmleweak- enins ýalimept bas during ithe psst Ye"rlad iiold o! the. systein, un- fÀt4lng yon for the. duties off il. and serîualy cloudiiuS the outiock ci tii. coming days. It may be rhieuxatisin with it. sharp twingea ci pain, indigestion, headache, nervous debility, depreasain sud la-ok o! energy, or the pain. and ailmenta whichob oniommon folk know. Il is welU to know that aIl - ~eeweakenmng dioorders arise [romn an impoveriahed condition cf the. brood. Renew and enrioi yonr bluod and ail your troubles will cease. This is a strong statement, but it in made on the testimony of thousands wbo once suffered, but wbo have gained bealth and mtrength by the aid of the iew, rich blood supplied by Dr. Wil- liana' Pink Pillas. 'e can quote thousanda of cwies sinilar to the hfolowing: Mr. Jus. Grandmnaison i &i yuug nan wcll known ini the town of St. Jeromae, Que. 11e says: " -For a couple of yearaIî began teo find my strength failing, but did flot dreamn that the trouble was seriou.a. As 1 grew weaker I began tu docter, but it did not belp me. The least exertrori ma<lo my heart Ialpitatc vio!euîtly, my stumach .seemed euit of order and my whoie ystemn became se run duwn that 1 waà 3 finally forced t-o quit work. I had now been coctoring,fjor almeat six montha and was very naturally gruwing discouraged. At tis junc- ture 1 read of a case similar te mine, cured througb the use of Dr. William.' Pink Pis, and decidcd' to try them. 1 took the Pilîs faitb- fully [or about two menths, gradu- ally growing strouger and at the end o! that tinue I wn- as well as any man could be. I bhall always praise the medicine thn-t raised me frein despair te the bleasing of good health."1 Sold by medicine dealers every- -where or sent by mail at 50 centa a box .or,,six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr, Wili ame' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. ARCTIC IZOTOR BOIT CRUISE. Nova Zembl' Shores. UumBsia'is latest Governmentall.y equipped explerFng expedition bal achieved cousiderable îcientifiv sud practical results by -the use o! motor boala. The chief ahip o! the expeditÎon, the Princes. Olga, lias juiLt returned te Arohaugel froin Nova Zeaubla. she brings$ ey that 'Prof. Roussanoif, the& geologist c! the expedition, made a tnip in a motor boat f rom Belusky Bay through thie bar& Strait te the Kara Sec, anîd reaebed Matotrch- kmn $trait, in Nova Zembla, and tiience weut on te the ice ses Be covered over 1,500 versta, or about ,000 miles, on t-be southeru snd souti-ess coa8t of Nova Zembla, sud mapped iA for 60W venas or 3M3 milee. There was much drift îbe on the soutb coast... but the Kara Sea. wss completeiy [ree 44 iL. WIIÂT MAN 18 MIDE 0F. $4.50 WouuId Iuy AUl the Rai Mat. criai for Une Body. We ail remember, probably, "what little boys are made of" but it has taken a Ettropean scientist quîte a wbiie te figure up -what the. average nman in made of, and to 6iai. t in. commercial terni&. The. average man ini heajlth, ho finds, ha. tho materîal for 13 pounds of ,tallow.,cândieas, one pounfi of n*ls, carnon suffilcient 1cr 800 péncis, skn to- make bMnings for 1aoco- tavo -kookm, bon, for No >koife han-dies, 28 violin atringè, 20 tea- spooiîtuls of salt and one pound of nihe market thaverage uman wudfëteh bou 46#* uiaterial, or about tbree cents pond live weight. Se. w, thutre. 'C, ias thé. P*thfinder, not~ woMth haIf as niuch ais tue same *eIglit of pork. TBc fr aséuSE or SUIV2DE.- Qwaa kthiily Pliais ll.elealtk scidous ait lakea... An article on ithe OBuïï et aUieiOw« i. surptmsriw *d as follS luThl,, Medic.al Record. <7h. great Majoriv y1 cfficde are not persons pbysically M1, but îndividuala i-n good heslth and cap- able of -'m k ng a living.' T he- much dWausaod. , Economiists have dfelded that suicides in moat cases- depen-fi fot ulpon the individual willa, but upon certain exteruai factors, auch as the wsason of the year, tiie economic statua, and the age cf the. individual. "'Psychiaters have been led te consider suicides nas insane persons, The latter view bas lateiy forme much opposition. Von Oettingen se«s inisuieide a degeneration of Willy making an individuai a slave of some emporary circumatances or of hi. ewn passions. He think* that not more than one-third of euicide-s are insane individuale- Ma-ssryk shows that many individ- uaîs who intend euicides and were prevented f rom carrying it out have proved to be mentally normal ini lter life. 'Brash thinks that most suicide- are person. afflict-ed with menta or phys' cal disea.se of sorne nature:, he quotes many autopsies in proof of tis. Gaupp and Stelzuer have lat.ely carefully exs.rined &Il in- dividuals sent to their clinic-s .fter unsuccesosful attempta at suicide. In two hundrcd females Steizaer found sixty-five ca.es of melan- cholia, thirty-two cases of psycho- pathic constitution, t.hirty-one ca£es wthout any manifest psychic disturbances, twenty-four cases of acute paranoïa, and cloyen c"a-so f epilepsy. C 'Those figures show that normal individual. are rare among at- tempted suicides, and Gauppas work confirmas this; conclusion. The great majoritV of tsuicidesq, -ow- eveu-, are not f rankly insane, but 3pensons of psychopathic constitu- 9 tien. a "Hubner ha-s f[mmd that suicides mrise gradually in frequency in the fspring and dînunish toward the end~ of sunner an-d the highest incid- - encei occurs in the months of June à sud July. Both suicides and de- bpreasive in6anitiel increase in in- - cidense with incrense in age." l it's R ED. the Red Bloodttorp.scIem proper Food Makes. that1 An Ohio woman says Grape-Nuts food gave bier ge-od red blood and restored tie roses o! youtb to a complexion that bad been muddy ,aud blotchy. 8h. ss- - 'Fer 10 yeare I iad stemaci trouble vhicb produced a breakiug out ou my face. Tic decters gave fI a long Latin issue, but their me- dicinea laîled te, cure it. Along with ibis I had frequent headaches, nervousne an sd usually pain in my stemaci atter uzeals. -1 got disguited with the druga, stopped thern and coffee off short, and quit eatiug everytblng but fruit aud Grape-Nuts, with Postuin for nuy table beverage. "The beadaches, stomacli trouble sud nervous veakuesa diaappeared almeet like mage, wiiich aliowed that wheu thse cause vas r.unoved sud good food sud drink used ture was-ready to help. "My blood was purifiefi snd my complexion beneeI-ke a y9uusg girra$ , viii. uuy veiglt vWsuincresa- e from 90 to 120 çounads-i-n sewý oths--good, *olifi, finxus h where it usrd to e b soft laid fabby. "I recammended G= p-Nuts sud Postunu te on. of'a=yfne Wb.vh vas aff ilcted as 1 iiad been. 8h. !oliewed my adnice, su an à short tme vas restored ta complete bealtis, and i-n about it mont)»s ber vcighL ancreasedfroua100,10 poituds. 4"Our doctor, observlmig tW eÉeffet of Grapo-Nuts sud P4»tuna in oui' caes, <Îecl*red, thetiior d2y, tWta b. vould hereafter prcacribe these food product.. for gastrltie'> Nana. gi-vo by Postum u.., liat, Crckt -Reïd tihe tui, bock, «îTiRt,*d to -Welillc" n kp Th,ze sc EIE au E tomN ThIeL S Visibl Lla ~ t b mti upt. it brtfiax iqR PS ter o, iii 'ota's rthe blâck and the whito thoso tb&mJtiiie thoir source and coursei-n *ieý alluial and clayey s oûs. Yet the XQroo lis utssiro0 i. nthe hiéart cf,"the mountain foreet end flow4a Undér their very shadow on the. uorth un- tili t aends off the' bet laden Cal- quiare ta the, eouth. The Duke et Vite'& Swayis 15Stili 0f ail the..great Highland Chief- tain thore i. none more patriotie than the Duke of Fife, brother-lu- law of!'the Ring, says the London Daiiy Sketch. The Duke has hlis own band ot pipera, and it le te their sbrill music h. rises each nuoruing when ho resides ai Mar Lodge. Like the Campbela in Argyll, bis sway iL stili feudal, he being more king than landiord te his tenants and retainers. Re likes te recail on-e unique dis- tinction, that cf having entertain- ed hi. prospective mother-in-law, the thon Princes. of Wales, te a magnificent hall at his bouse in Portman Square. Neyer before or mince ha. a ba-cbelor played boBt te a prîncess of Wales or a Queen con so rt. Oue o! the possessions ho values meet is a beautiful minia- ture depicting bis bride-elect, which was presented te hum by Queen Alexandra on tue morning of ber daughters wedding, bearing a card inscribed: "From your mother-in-law" The Duke andc Duchese! Fife are often te be seen in the neighborbood of Port- man Square, waiking crin-arn, making pilgrimages te some o! the n urerous art shops in tbe neigb- borhood, for tbey are both great lovera of curios. WOMIN NEEO CIN PILLS. Port DuDferln. N. 9. "I vas tronbled wlth KliIney Diseuse fer meeral years My back vas weak. I had terrible headu.ches. and wà aso se sties tiat 1 conid not eep at niight. At last a frlend told me about Gin Pille.. I t onoe. gel a box and alter takiaig t.hem. 1 1.11 better-aftor lhree box«s I vas ETHEL BALCOMIE.11 Write us for froc ample of Gin Pilsate try. MIien gel the regulan aime. boxes at pour dealer'&. or direct fro er i-60c. a boit. 6 ter 08.50. Money refunded if Gin Pille rail tecu"e. National Druir & Ohemical Co. of Canada, LimIlci. Dept.. W. L., Torouto. WHERE DOES IT GO?1 "IThuere is eue- t-ing I ca't un- derstaud about Christ-mas." 11What'sà that 1' "HRow i. iL htai verybody gives more than-i. geLs, sud yet nobody gets as mucli as ho gives. I can't understand what becomes cf the surplus." A Prime Dresuing for Wounds-- In soin., factories sud workubops carboio scd i-s k.pt for use in cau- terizing voundesan u etaustaiuied by the workmen. Far better to koep ou baud a bottie' o! Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie OUl. Lt i-s ua as quick i-n action and do., net &car thei.aldoretburn the fiesii. Thue re ià ne otiser OU that bas ita curative qualitite. -WluT'8 THE USEI #Georgý," athe asked, 411 ve vere liuth yoiuRg msudingle sgstnWPuld ycu wa»t, me to e b.your vife?" "Nsov, My deari," i h6 nt.i- odly replied, "wh the ti.-use try- jus t e tart a quarrai just as ve have settieti dovu to enjay a quieti s4Orlst"01 a& $L& M.I)eSu' t" le* * ys ft*1b DruggWs lt»d*i lysUke ba- - byMiLon or beow i-# Tbey »on cflred hi$, elUetrou- bles, anti la si: fudu* there la no sigui of theit 0comag bi.ek. St. Aie des Monts, Gaspe Co., Que., Nov. .6 (Speoil)-"It ils six months since 1 vas oured, -and 1 have had no returu o! my trouùbe, ' ini theae words, Napoleon Vaillan- court, a well known resi-dent of ihis pla-ce, giv-es evidente that Dodd's Ldney Pilla Dot, only give quick relief to sufferera freinKiney Di- ease, but clean that dsease out, root and branch, and cure it per- malwntly. - That Mr. Vaillancourt had Xid- ney Disease everyone here knows. T"hb.in cured j is e e-setablisiied beyond a douht. Dodd'os Kiduey Pilla dcl iL. "My hsck bot-hered me, aise my heart and xny kiducys, and my limbs wouki cramp," Mr. Vaillancourt states in giving hi. experience. Now ail that is gene aud ho in a sound, healthy mnan. Do yeu won- de-r that he reoomnuends Dodd's Kidney Pillai1 Dodd',% Kidney Pis cure quick- ly and permaneutly because they go right te the roet of the trouble. Tbey act directly on the Kidueys. Thcy neyer [ail te cure. EYERYBODY KIOKING. Manager of Siow-"Well, wis.t's Lie mater now, JohnV" Property Man - "Every-thiug wroug. The crocodile says he'Il leave if yeu do't pay hum his last week's salary; the bearded womafl wants a Olug o! tobacco, and be'e angry because 1 won't lend hum a cime te get it with; sud the fasting girl says she'd ratier istarve than est t-be steak the but-cher bas cent. QUALIFIED. "Have yen ever bcd any experi- eue. as a street car conducter 1" asked the superintndbnt.' The applicant for a job hesitated. "'Weii-er--net exactly," h., re- piied,' "but 1 used te work in a sardine packing establishment." Studîously conceahung bis deligbt, the superintendent eugaged the Mn fortiwith. Because o-f the constant pali of sinoke thut hauga over iL, the oider portion of Edlnburgh is knoWn as "«Auld Reekie." A change i-n fashion separates s- ma frein bis &pare change. -- .MusardsLuIia ui Dilpf Landlady (to lodger-«Âr you lu tue bath, air 1" Voie. (bet-veen the sptaslies>-'Y- What do yen waut- " Landlady-I forgot to tell you I bal it f resii peinted ini- aide lait ne-lt, si-r, and it won't b. dry for tue or tiares da"?' A Pi-Il That ïs Prized>.-.-There bivîà been many-plls put upcntiie market ant Premsd upon public at- tentionv,-but boe bha u dured mc 161g or met vitIi mc xaluclu favor spread uam e! thom buastteei thear great yad, dtho eeti4 ne furtiier adverdisemesst thae tuis. Having firmly Otabuil"W tâoe sl â u çbUic ste=n, they liste o! .adard vegtabl ppsra- i - " ,'. in t greBrovu a surprise poaty." '<ut 1 tlso"h3t Vau 1usd no> usefor, BrUvst" "Iý4 6au't.Tbt wyv m 4tting up -thse .u r» s yfoer hi0..» A MOTHER'SPRAISB 0F BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mns. B. S. Baker, Ems- Margai etville, N. S., wites : "No mother weuld reoommend fer ber baby any medicine ci whicb she wae not ab- aolutely sure. A baby'. life i. tee precîou.s. A mother is always pleased te recommend to obe-te inothers something that bias been valuable in restoring the healti of lier ewn child. That is why 1 can highly recoznmend Baby'. Own Tab- lets. They cured my baby who vas aufteri-ng f rom constipation and 1 feel that I cannot praise them- enough. , I would a"Vise al Mo- thers witi siokly babies ta gi-v. thein a trial, -veli knowing wibati the result wili be." --The. Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by, mail *t 25 cents a box from The Dr. William. Medicine--Co., Brooký- ville, Ont.a An Atchison bank received this note [rom a wonian customer: "Please st>p payinent on the. cheok I wrote out to-day, as I accident- all.y burned ft Up. Protect the child f rom the. ravages ofWorme by using Mother Graves' WomExterminator., It is à stand- ard remedy, andi years of use- have onhanced its réputation. STARLTED. "-Has your wife's card club start- ed yet 1" 111 guese 80. Bhe to-l me a lot of surpriaing "huS a&bout two ci our neighbors Iast evening." busAt &07 e'" pie, aa-osiI l~u is o0'"seodukt ¶kgrlaS1 tc uw gmIJe. pureae- Ami fer * "AlaS udou ilia amgut ONZ WAY OF PVTTIKG LT, 4"That maxseemit to ho pieud-o! bis stupid-b~' -lp " thoise potis .POrm,, wouldu't put it dati way," eîd thse ceuser st's- ftien&L "I'd morely auggest, tiai Wb,** itceest-e.1rtfe va Aom he'a -lrohibitionl.t." no e oêld sett1. ou ou <'41IeC£on anailpVerm w1il il 16 £0 totheir PA4Va te e 84% thuir cmusne01ousur rnali tai u enew lnrma£ion, whicb 01,11:o rad7 bepubUt liib th fN.v.aber. You eau ba M*i fait and Uber1 a£ieowh;a ou shp jo9U@oS1eui Se Wa iNer, aaobe 84 Front St «est, Tere-1o. Ont. i CLEANINO LADIES' WALKING OR OUTINO SUITS Orna b e pvfwUel by out Frenota procesa.Try IL Brtish, AmsrIoin Dysing Co. Montreal, Toronto, O.tawa and Quebecw FH.e- H.NIGHTINGALE *Membev Staadard hock and MiExzobageI 1913780 STOCKS CARRIZDOn m*uaSin 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO RAW FURS WRITEFO1 .PRIC LIS W. C. offatt. Orilile, Ont. FUR la d»uus vth'um "o are dolnu bni- Denu wttb Oaé ot Canadas largest Mnu- facturers,.&" daurtit F ou mai gui- obase tr u n la absolntely dqien4lable, liai Lu 4M7 v gran4m ttevuemathlfts but*M< #M114 loofttsud verp pli- mils. s t4 m thai ivexbe« < vonk- ulagi~e Iiiibost We bave la ok a imatetd quani or Ladies' Caracul Coats a 80 *'$*3.00 *0W 4 4 e.*@sp,1 7011to keIp auptlibà v*obi -Fmpo lrtfor ueto#. 84Mssf- Pul St à ,1iftt b CANADA UUSIN888 COLLICU CHATHAM, ONT. oNE or AmUIGAS ,,o GREATEO au8IiEsse CROOLS Over 2,MW choes positions IOued ln paiS Four Veare. qôme otiiers ut lIled; - IL B. R~nA, t.ýro Ne6wlotndlanttplâced wftb Saab. Mlii o ýl0Qsg Jaw. se hieuo. 15151f 8IT]IL quo leabody Orerail Co. Wiudior. EB. o. osai ;lp. wà th B.e lrl ture Ce., SanthamIOpt»' Jan. Wolverlus Uo., Chatha..mILI>IIDasANI 'U~~< t1e~.,witb De Lavai Mepaetot Ce.t, .Vlnlp<.I. . c0C? Seahe, viii luaq,ý ohc.w 'Ias£ we rmage vert» SiOn pcvcfl. .lie saliries et the SI£ boe. hewnmêege c to Pou. Our atadeki are DTqiASt evh.ii qoetilUuaWhr tobipsyle offor.4 IT PAY the work at, Cbmam. ClataloeSi tile la ont hem. tà conta... Addrema. D. M<LA OHL&J< à CG C. B. Cellege, Chathats, Ont. PARM49 FOR SALI OR% RINT. ASIC DAWSON I KNOWS. V Pyoti wangt teski à atarm, consulb JMe. 1 F ou want go Iur a (azu, eau Me. S AVE smoeotSthe' bout FMrUit Grain or Dary Parme tu Ongte&. &ud rioeright,. W. Y AS 14AU tt 'h1D t P- .12 omm»iontorlocal repriue51.ad tt*; imraectalyiy pdermlanet of i 0u experlonc umneceseay; raptd. dvuu4*.e tuent; mpare tune accepied. N14b010 Linated. Pbliherm, Torouto. CI ajgeuta u PPlIce. W 0 ave ,uw - 9.1 Oz. -ki i.jot. Otià va.ý ail Dic' e lithe SOIn. ece WIthi tueAid t fsait Botties. sie thie ld aepnsions a&etlbu' been lu operation in Engianfi, says the. Strand à Mag&tine, there ha*. ~~d~i<Ig4plvlec o beei a great searoh for birth or- Lise 0 P!tw tO*, bucm1 t"fotes ini order to enalile those drwbà ckuo have beesli ts nastY entitled te ità bonefits te, claiu taste sud infflgestfiility. ther pnsks.Na.Dru-CO ïat4eM Cod LiVer 011 Ai the zegistration of births morco as eth urtiiûglte than. s.venty years ago - as .1nôt of thi ed ver i, ito t. carriefi eut as new, there liasbeen ullgIttdià agSeeablc fiavur. lu it the diffiulty in many cases in proviUfl ()il s siIfully comblaed with Ext±nct the age eoftthe applicants, aud ini cf Malt., Eatract ef WIlâ Cherry, aud v one instance at léast a certificate o! HypopiSPhutov making & splendid an exceedngly novel character Wasà SBIas all au Bvaiibls Cod.vr i presented. At any rate the local a-ruCeTategi C d or1 pensions officer said ho vas quite CosuPO=uti i. partulurygo o prepared t ta e it as a proof of growlng chul&en who e epunY oS the. age of the applicant. run-sec. sd~oo boUtles, ai YO12T When. a child was bora. iu thisinPm0ad16 particular family a clear glass bot- rgs . tice was procured and partly filled with sait; then the letters and figures forming the naine. of thé , a-C MYOADEGSUI LC. chiid and date of birth were cut ont cf a newspaper and placed insid-e fer 1OCUII the bottie, being put in their cor- rect position with a piece of wire: ff and then more sait -was carefully added to keep them in place. Sprays o!fifowers and others ANNUAL MEETING ornamental designa, cut [ rom OF cretonne, were also tastefuily ar- range around the inside of the bot- ON TA RIO FRUI T GNU WERS tle, and thon the-whole was tigbtlyNo mbr1, 6, nd 7 packed witb saIt sud vorked a.nd oe br1, 6,a d 7 sealed. It was Vjie placed in à a ilute New Foetera' Hall, 22 Collage St., flGP V@ng e, T'ORONTO' prominent position on the dresser Pract4est Âddresse on Appleanid P.ach Orchà flng Leaaiug of Orcharda, DB« or in a corner cuphoard, where it Packiae. etc.e has been for more than seventy u......APPLE SHOW years. The whit-e ealt shows up the la the St. Lawenoe AenKg . Ee o.14htfh Oe letters andI ornarnents in relief,.,00 ox. 1@pdlplh and the whole effectisi novel andSI L. P RE O A..R I.W V pleasîng. s p. .- 1 1 1