Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1911, p. 2

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a'- nom botitwarV C reani Datesl1-Are inexp.iisive, ind4ulay a.ppear'at dessert.- Takie 'dà# id* A4 Moýve 'the saone with a, e f.ýî, 'reinoving alio e>ydr -jWýbtruminaide. te,5t W. A, alnondPaRt, 1 i the dste tvngburst 'Xio6leàt'-Tke hall a. Pound - *wk el >4Cp"d et Tot.ai- iso's, Ciuranti, ohopped apple, sud three-qua.rters of'&Pound cf mixec Poo,," fttly chopped,. Aise tAree-1 qW~êiBs ea ,Pounid -craugar, and s pice to tate. Mukt the ingredieits wei1 togother, and add twe wlué- glass. of b ~ndy. If the iulnqe- metinV z haT Ora.long Lune, a'tl more. brandy lould b. added. RuiitTffo-Por thià take a "mall tin ôt f'wAa.. iutilk, ttra its contents !ito * sucepan àwith(two pound,%.ftoouambrwiiwn ugar and a teaspoceiful of essence cf vanilla, 4,ddiiig a piece of butter wéighing uD.lne ine asud a isif.Cook tuas Caeul'for 5qnarte1' of an heur, %btirrÂn; lowly, an~d pour on Vo a bUttwctitn, "eut *into squares, aunà wben,,,t*Mit.howuld bà cf lb. ý>nsitej ci carames. m $ Devi*flèd ?isrkey..-1!Take two tur- key lefia euoe tabi.apoonfpl cf made rdus ~rZt one ta.blespoonful of ket- <hup,..>4 fia..pint of good stock or rvy, aaaongs.,Score the. legs tlckei4'.jUvqr, -and coior IL. Wirm 1IIt gravy bei. Serve ve ry'hot gar- iaed witýa chopped hard-boiied egg aidI cbappèdfparsiey. ýMioiiChristmaa Pudding.-Half a PO und et beef suet, a quarter e!t po'hd ! fura uarter of a penne t~ breadet-umbe, hlai a pcund.each cf atoned raisins and eurrants, and t,#<> piecés cf çbopped peel. Mix tpeingredients witii tiree weli- ~'bez&en eggs -into which have been stiIred two wine-glaaafui.s of brandy. Mix thc-rougbly and fili basinis quit. full. Cover with buttered paper and ie over with at elotb. >Boil fast for Céhoanri-Ice, Bars-GraVe the "white pýart o! the cocoanut il Yeu have hall.& apcun'd. Spread this on a disis and la it stand -for twc or tIr,, dasu o geV dry. Take about a quarter cithtie white of anegg aud *beat in lu tire.quarters of a pifit ef water belote pouring iL over Vwo nouu< W 0 loaf augar lu a deep pan. Whu 41*# !4Qd a lîtt1l.time,, f8ce thie pan et a elear fire aud ,bb ojfbe A, MW inutes, thon setou one aide titi tthe scuni bas gone down. Clou tua off aud houl tbev'ugar iii it la, very thick and white. SBtr.w lu tise nut and atir 0ootinuaily tl i is ,finihed. Tais. cane that thisx lture¶doma not burn. Peour hall on, je a in lined wit1b o*1e4 -aperor tise rest a paie -pink, and pour over in au even lay- er Whn cool and set reinove tise cake -of cocoanut, pulil off the paper, and <ivide iifto siab with a sharp take 'a tlorly place on thie tIte Xavitig ciiOs.eI a nicélygrown tréÈ> 'it- miustbe firl1y plèteëd in à la-Mô ~pot'-or box, iand :man»de ptectly isteay. Then ail geod *chi*ldren knew tisât Father Christmas brîngs Itheir spec&Iai ree atraight, frcm hie suc*-ccverod wood, Vierefore it, mnuet glisten viti fronst. Buy a ro und, on two pounde if tue tree be lar g e , o! Epsom aalts, and scatter it over the branches, ietting Vise "firost" lie on the. top branches in lais realistic a way as possible. Thene -are many Christmzas Trec orna- mente sold, such as gold and silver balle, ineel fninges, and so on, but a very pnetty and inexpensive trirnming je brigbtiy coiored nar- row ribbon, which can b. bougît for about 12 or lfbc. a dozen yards, aisd draped £rom branch to brandi. thç Puttzng ' >on f candies je a seri- ous matter WiO en the. candies Vo tise tips i cf VIblan6hes, being carefui tâ tothiitg can be set fire te. Neyer allew cetton-,Wo-to ho useda under any condiletia' 2ý ever; it ien50iuflngmaable >,- "t -were it to catch fine thse ttee wnd Ie luin aes in a few minutes. Âl.ý ways remember te bave a wet clotit or spenge on tii. end o! a stic*-, se ta huld anythiug taise lire iL eau b. put eut at once b ytis meane. Or&nges, by their bnight colon, , ook well on a tre., and brightiy eoiored baga o! sweetatd croacisers add &Mtoits beauty. 110W TO MAiE XMA8 GIFT. There are fw people Who do net want Vo take CliritUnas a day cf cheer aud happiness-, aud nse ssort cf ift in gencraily used Vto embody thé apirit o!fLthe day. Thé gift need not be expenaive, and may efteu' b. faahioned from masteriWal aleady at baud. More tiss ue. fsmily bas secured au extr~a amenait o!f fun iu plniggifLa ferrLii.. imniediate. faanily, noue of whîcb! -we*o cost msoie Vlau 10 cents. 0f eouise they bad V to t.their Witti Vo wurk, butr -the Planning tâs a art f uit sud aill tere surprised 'iiuthey~ saw what really pretty and; useful tisinga- they oould evolve a4#I atili keep 'witlun the. prescrîbed Iîmit. Hlere are a few items- thicis wil h.p te show what may b. doue ini Ifematitched Elaudkerchiiela. - A third o! a yard cf fine isandkerchiof linen may h. purchased for 30 cents. This vill mais. thr.e baud- kerchiefs, whidh mayho crefully iiemstitciied andpenIsapa au intîI wcsrked, makdug isumacceptbl é g4t for auy wtnait or -girl.- Tissue Paper ft-Aahe.l crikie tisu.papeal'ay ho mde up into quit. a numbnhr c hfLo ost of eauh amouxstixigVo mucitleas tlan ILcents: Coudleshadea may b. eovered pasteboard boxes anade oruarnenta!, flot e aU maY bet-, tractively fiuished. Iudeed ts uses of Vthe tiaaiie paper are caoti endlts. On, use, thicis should pot b. overlooked, là the maising ef a set e! doit elotbea for nmre *maI girl wbo-s fond o! paper doîla, CoUaas Tes, Bots, Ete.-X4ow that 'fau> stocka, tiea, colore. and bots cof ail sorts for the. nocf r so iucb orn, aud aret nM&ÏW I sueh an u ;eu;#varietv of w&v& "LIXCE NOT t AM ZIMS A' I EVE GIIOSI. ND. 9"Bu as sl Al h"ni Penliape iL was because the. coun- and try houe. party cf littie people that uValr had gathered at Popiar Court for " , Christmas lad been telling and Lily. bearing ghoet stories on Christmnas t( ýEever thi. fire cf pin-e-loge, that A.iÉ [*1*- cbildren went Vo b.dfeln tko -exto ite ogirls i~t~'# M :t 76'.Wyd, wiiose. Ê-WÀî '00r a4 f ~ ftise piace *P Wi i - ie <, court. "l'an tircd cf, l$ng boe . itis .ne- thing Vo do," a&1dLilyr tid$i. "Bo am 1,' epliei inute. "LeV's go and look, Ou!t f.thei- éY lery tfidot. met' Scftly as ittio ie.tbey, erept IMM out cf tiseir rocmansd ri on tip- tee dotis the long passage thîelijt weut by thse naine of the, galeëry, &PP sud eout o! thicis several Izedreave opencd. At Vise far nd-ued o!tiis- passage was a window ab 'whichite an children elLest, sud Iv ts eré z tîat hy paueed and. loked eut h1 into thé. doaiknes of Vhe uight, Butan acl y led they doue, se,.thonan bothS ave a litti. cry, and Munid. lo>eli drcpped upous lier knes, trernbiing trn alever, partiy w*Lh eold sud partsly iiV fear. ""Aunut.,ulia said Viattiire acre nouci Sui ga s a.roal gliosta3," àai Liy lmb.ring on te 'ýýa chair T se .s ot. btte.-"But oho#âw vrong. I suppos e sen aunttiesa êre ij wmng>" sometianea.'-Anyho*, she'las j1 wroug V"d tite, for the-te'seue 1" th And Lily streVcked out t*8 Cpi.d amarn su ointed hreiagh VIl.i dow, adding, "Yeo., aswt, toc, Cut didr't )X, i#. t"'I u l'ye aw 1 soniting white,» 4irf'V auewered Min -e, her Vetis chat- pari te.nag.ar 1 "W-e, sud it's doîng all that a se I £gito euht tio det" sid Lily, w*tls witi tie. ar et e xperiecdl ie~h triokas d -mtnners o!- giostýand a et"' Vhis t i Vo b. mistaken. ý'l'a look- 01 ing floppy1 and gleauty, sud t wte,' <" andi IVkeepa rnoving and, swaying W ï. if t tere cming tiis W&yS "Oh, do't 1Pl cried ini. -o. "«Yen edn'V b.afridk; 1 don'tth, bolieve iVtilt oome hore," i#aid lt Liy. "lIt »«ematuob. -betteen 2 Ubse.two trocs thore tVis irub- tjer bery b.ginu* You n ow, Vin s- ie vitore v.» iad tise swing in tbabf4~ giso$t 1PsRid Miaule ' ,could'4 ýa mvar blii4vithart àwAnuiteaw"i auil A VILLAIN'S 4 D.-Lf. Why, Min," cried Lily, "tse Et'a gene 1" ' Bo it je 1" 'rejoi)ýed Mînnie. Lt I tiiink I see, &uftie. Yes, 'e ,--te is, just coming. iu, and la carÉying a'lundi,. I saw it lie cén1e near tise lamp." sotho~iOùnute or so, a.nd they rd tise back door boIt ehot home then a light, quick istep on the. A.untie, theS giost'e gone 1" cried "fYes, dear, - know," replied lt Julia. $ *:. onder, - * - Minnie, hàt itan huae, II Ter& e ç gstherilig ags Icck. at oacI ci dulge > wn Ëai t pie little4tick, teutwcitfw t1e ÏO 1iveI i freea thee--«Wàêjýçw Whio atere i'gi eompànanéfd sitar. Vo amu New h 6, - thing fer a boy pie Iooking üti feat la te ait 0 candlestick l,i the. wick of, ôo fiame cf tii. ci LIGHRTII<G An oxpfIlnary laid oen the - ioà ~, q1 icen 'c'a 4~4~4 terat a tho e ese> ep â t d liow Yeu did itiL If ty ~*Iihý,te ti'y edges are wet and then as3 ty put the pins ln,. the wnter wiii mun over ~ ~ nce.This wiii turn the laugb oun them aril be the source ot more en a time when the fun. iartY or socme eoitl PROGRESSIVE IXITIALS. ýand the. conipany tber wearily and in- Thie is a gaine that ail can play. talk and wonder-why A nuniber of tables Vo suit the nuin- is then that the re- ber of guests are prepared, and r boy steps forward labeled in order-Iruits, 'flowers,. iw quiet worda and noted men in Canadian history, eWt- ry or seemingly sm- les -0' Canada. ,has at once the at- In the center of cach table place whole ccmps.ny. Ail twenty-four assorted letteri face Land la.ughter where down. These xnay ho pasted on I1ifrand new emall squares of pasteboard if de- ft, ;hole rooni. sired. eyoung people After the gueste are seated at t" dinteresting in each table, give to eaeh a second 1 >Ià,I.can do their card1 on which is written the. sub- ',n opportunity jects of the different tables. When ail are ready the bell at ýà simplie 1j, ki- Lth firet table rings and the game Voý try-that îs, ijm. proceeds. il lie attenipts it. The. One person turns a letter. If the. n- é. ~ u .d th a fiât table is for fruit, and the let- eithêt, b aud4 V o iight ter turned is A, the perEon who 0ý Cànd1, froin tâQ< turne it says apple-or any fruit commencing with A-an 1 keeps the letter. 1 TUI -CMIlE Then in quick succession a, letter jug, ci good size, ie is turned by each person in rota- D»r. On either side is ti.on, until ail the letters 'ire cx- ý4.nd one of the wicks hausted. bn the. competitor site The. objeet of the gaine is to be the. th At its neck points fret Vo think of a fruit, flewer, not- --Pýàttng hia legs ed man or city. When the letters pJosthe h..! are aIl exhaiusted at the firet table ýôt .-;nI fthe toe of the the bell rings, and the gaine stops. té: ýitndie in either The. twc persons who bave gained er rathië, attempte to the rnost- letters du ring the game, Wc; iho fun ie progrese Vo the. second table, and 140 fliratevery at- those at the. next table who have the. ~~t*1esfrom the least take their places. ~$~4in.n.But Bach person keeps a record on his ý and, 4:Itie prctice card of the ietters he gets, and at ofn-t"f1làtë on;tii. end of the. evening a prize îs te tiihe one who lias held thel, 'I k atteulpt Vodicouùra.ge thebc4ýU and almoât 9nverR*I cttt5»Ot n ing sid dists4btiù - Ï19Ohri-stmaas.-ç sonts, We do donsidër thaê *IL of moderate fneà.ns shQuil4 -ke 0 sib'le and conservatiVD'ib this spect. - -About Christrnas-tinme' a âr seema trike te Public for bizy preïseits,,and people purchmée W apparently. no thought -o! theirJ' ancial tatute, rarely evet ýdisiil ing a- taste lu 4keepîng with thft's the. -app r<priateness- - ô!the gi1t4 be bea-toWed. Thig is more conini meng Tu: folks than ini the.city, since thl are.&o~.,many art;icles wbich y adding flot only Vo p1eaisurê,o, comfoet and pre>fit Vo those'on:t. fanm, Would not appeal te the ï resident -as being either -beieuti or useÈul. For thfs reasofi, we lieve tiser. oiight Vo ho atattec, moyement among farmers, lo1 towards what miglit be terflec "sané" d hristmas. Of d:ourtse, the -- farmner whoý- money and Vo eparej iteed not li hie buyx'ng t»> those giftewhh b. of material uÙ» to thé çersot whom prei3ented, but wherwe 1 a IaZge f azily and a. limited pur it seema Vo us that-it je thehëil of foolishness (though ihobeiý seif-acrificing the dWeéd) ý t- mer and hie famuly toMioépnd-t,1 hard-es.rned money Pt > that neyer willb. e c?~ but ornaments, whn 4l oo weil secure somethi$ o Vo the. eye and 41A~ the. on-e reciîving it. Wiiile ' j' À,

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