jhui. are výea" ,olê for Thel lx DOU lrIâlES tade li the. dsnseforeasbYýettingki, *èntsêbilant' à R IJr RIE ôn h Ies, tii. graund betwn noie produced w te ~back the , ceis crathed , dof the heix t Èýiiafdtiî 9 t A.i: ?0W T- . They are great huter. sud and sedokn fails t~o a-nèo* liv, on tbe animale siain, together' the soiund. 1I46 TUf JUNGLES. *ith Indian corn. Stag caribou gae'toled by gr'rnt-ý, An Abr'é chie! wealth consiste ing loudis lM two difereut 'wa&ra, u in th "Mytbu," à speties o! vocaleff rtwiiiciirequlirea ùl NVit Xsa £ver eertdl.>tý Penerste h-gaur wbicb lu peculiar La that Io- ukihior ~ractîse on thenu tar' te the Country- "o clity sd in beld in great venera- uait. Tii.e "berd" setag will quicka- ion bfti.ntve.1 answer the. caller, sud advandè liai I~aid*DAMP AND UNHEALTHY. f or a short ", tance, but- th6 he vriou sets cmprsingthe"traveling" etag wiii comne vers Tii. arios sete cmpriing 0he 'lRta the. dense nature o! the li fL.cli r rprymd MAor tribo may b. said La occupy foeet ii cimt.i; rcdmlud s ube i ntevals.epoeryv the apem o!ftMe imalayan range fre Pie nvr a n b utbeitras ln the. vieijaty o! the Dibong sud unhealthy, especially duri7. the Wild geese can be called when »fia* Rivers, trîbutaries o! the iyeaohn thetrmeudbey firat arrive iu the spring, by rea raimaputra as it de bouches muti torrents are xnuch swol- wavlng a white rag8 and imitating from the. watershed which dividet e n ut maal. Frteilhnig al u fe h orterritory in Assanif romi the r.ti reason n xPdtoncul efiret fortniglit Liey tae lithe notice enâ f Tiet. Altbough Abors sent earlier than tiie cold season ta a!f th ure. A amail white dag la at uesb. eenîu b. aîsrspuuisb Lthe Abers for tbeir cruel sud &hco attractive ta gees iu tii. of Sadiya, our advanced f routior treaciierous massacre of Nool Wil spring, and oeInda nwo pot nowiemnhs zytple ianison sud Dr. Gregorson, witb haa killed numbers o! tbese birde tr'tëdint th Abr cunty te teirparty o! thirty-flve nativest by using one for a decoy. ga>licyr of the Qoverument o! ndawbicii took place in the Summer. Besvers, when tiiey have been ~I'eieg the. ripid exclusion o! one sud A force o! some 2,500 men under undiatunbed for long, are very curi- allform thus"nio man's laud'o ex- the comrnand o! Major-Genera.l ous ini relation to strange sounda. - o.pt th~e lawful ow~nert. There are 'Bower, con<mandiug itIi. AnsSfi» Ty will came swinIMMn out o! kidred trîbes, vIls., thi. Migbmi brigade was, however, ta advanee their bouse even et tiie frug o! a .&boris, toe .easet, and the Daphik inta the country abouttn. middle gun. . Thdiana usually cahi thon' Abors, to the west, whiih am re re o co er, udi lu s aii5 aLiwitb a hisuing noise roepo le ssu of à . peaceful obaract*r- but Abors are plprn amk duoed by munching the. lips. An- thle- Ber Abors are o! a very diffor- tu eieac u av nee ther favorite tele iu a aun&- ma.de -eu~t nature, sys the WestmiÎnsteriuta coalition with the upper bill by Lappixîg the tronsers witff tii Gazette. ~~~~Abors for Lhiii purp ose. Tbecoauntry ~ Ti otseea i evr beiug dense jungle, ne ents Or cal.r ln Newfoundland killed $0 fOADS, FEWv PAT1IWAYS. eamps equipment can b. taken by great numbers a! beavers, lu the In 1874 an eXie4Iition against the thié force, and the. onhy transport , open seaffan, by mcIing a saund Daphia Abers *as made ta ecoe osbel ubaoutyma that resembled the. cutting o! chips camie Indian native childreu wbo oarried by coolies, whoso hoad wihh, off a- tree. IL is said tiiat the un- iiad been taken awar traM On. O! b. twenLy seers, or about forty fortunate beavere nover f ail ta re- the frontier te& gareus1 sud sanie pounde, eauh man. Sanie 2,NO0.poudtatis noise. yearbasp theLi4hKibui Abo)rs became coolies are ta b. omployed for Lb. Tii. Indian hec no caîl for the~ aggrestive and it bucAM6ne l005&1 purpose. In the. Daphla campaigil lynx, but ono or twa a! tbem cen ta orgaxdaa a milltar.y êxpedition to a! 18714 "Ifushie Sikha" were attract the. otter by in'itating iLs ciuel .l awleskWitbfss o! itt mem- brought ail the. way froni Lbe Pun- culill wistle. bers. Spo.klug gueralY, tus vat jab to perforni the work sud proved1 extent o! monutainous country 15 a- great cucces, beinuR trang, beal- ------ ' ~not oulY Particularly step and ru-tiiy and mont williug wôtkers. A MOTIIR*S PRAISE gd, but la completely cooieed wîtn Il h graphical and scientifle IPIautic tree forest contaitlng t&Ug- kuowlJrmay IWb.erpectod&s a re- 0P BABYPS OWN TABLETS leum*Wsces of! nudrgrowtii contîst- expedition. .Mra. Allepn Mason, Carleton, N. aini fgiaut ferna, malacca canerte:11haeuedBb' bamb*6ansd varions other tropical ~,wie:" iv ed3b' nians. her ar napreensausOwn Tablets oven in6ô I have lhed C1018 and su shbpathways as do rN9 HANDCUFF8 1IN FRANCE§ hlrnadta egig01ff *xi*t are moreaniiW*ltracks sud tcnyears. 1 ha94 ahways foufld thtem -entirely satis!act6r4 for aIl 4re uaaroely distinguishable even as &rn. or thse BevimesUsel te -' , he alments of littie ones aii4 fe Tii DahiaAbor&-are o! came- Vent thse ofap tPrWisonis. t6hat T-aot pas hx 0 -'Whbot .uîal statu"e, but an. very 8caroety a day paes ,witiîauît a h m it asu 0, s l litho sud active, witii 7,7e y B' picture appearlng in' tii" Fr.uch juet tha' to ,f qh ,~tiohl saped limlbe. Thy are preasaof a prisiouer being îedioff ta h> oiiCr'bà ~. it vnycuaycldi ot theti station by a policeman sud ii th'~M ~ l 'dch lotbhlng consiste o! a, neat description, "Tiie a h.b. ing keepin t iciker,.or bamboorked cap- taken away hadcuy ti.ee.Ti. ltee,~cl acintthiuj the. shape o!a jocWkey aget.#As s rfý&th&.dcn- daeso s-S CO whlob s vomuorû bcke et~Ai tro! tct aci cùua dosions or with ii. pak sintingouff. are aitagetiier out o!fdA te*i n ta >Q IQe ?I»r WIntS tiseb h0'Pek 86%t1 Franco and iare neyer usod, aiMdC .,revhlOt dawnbehld Ti. CA 15 ~!~lYthe London 8t"~dar<l. adornéd, with à a 'tbheeiraj, aor Inateaci o! the b king crow's foatiser. ThIr loins îoeu IOS wNICU BDK9 are covered witb olla et thIn bai»- eM-1'%1 bac strips,-and their hair as usu wwtw-. a w.r y roufch and ave~- lu ues r s ai. rti*le rse~ilags4sb 1uatle St.ry of a Pott»-M, withcocu' foj»Lers or trith aitot son ls ltalO SeottlshCamal, ak's laU, Enging aven u.fr-efhred -An zpetl -eau -A - f& ttune etiated at Ave Wi iadwh-a arrow paesed throughU$ vrti r.to R #*dz a lu 4m~a*At the sanie a rîght angles. -Theurà wuUg n dhbth9ýýî» Ii t-'te thé au r 4 moqde o!coeingthet itmouetainattîlaudwt ei~ ~ ~ n 'trTyo~ ~ etroamncs oudeilutheextrelg'i s twaa isttinfau ias hveztheut. =O" ~ tbbrdpfor &doinîmde by twit and slomM i 4tl4 e sFnohk*b iio ho >'04ning the end o!fa uiacécane rca~gaaî~4 êplI4n 5owbii~.pd~t~r~b id the trunis o! a tre. non id ii nerltùmupotse lpthisc eteof4rd otthbé*iver and stretcbinp iL aciethes AJU>Ul'"d ts~téreF iaýd. ~Rolland td0 *tre«F the ather ide at bmsn6r acll Uoth i 1604 "n isà M oel r sgalt er hlanI cYsd*b e lhai ht - shove te $a_'ad sud aLcino a grinarcht a nt.ah a~en.Àmii anubP0 bak ské . 14Iese ni vruW-i rund*oauà IlAI aAirSItW ispouiled bbaalunde&on ta tiaahi* wt M Iia-'wrhh . neOi»Iâ omanpld ilWi11e*; .abwd-t cou., aud tii - Abar pulls huh t liiei WU>SIIt *vrybut-b pubt UTisn~ *io ad lti Mttshb7 à tou,-hand over .hand ik. o as~ n~air a. utua u ulesaui~ ~ " ok. -ý Rivers o! Ifty or asb t, a ot f kà edIuraw lar,r ommercial tras*- Ma coso vaâdounost tk andeon **~ b#w.m&ielCL iu lire. Lois ~IIRER D'S x IDNEY PILS. l'ialu thse Ua, Bide an& lal -thse roglon ot the Iloart - Dodd'u f Ildney Pilla cured her. TIverton, Digby Ca. N. B., Dec. '18 (Special).-Every &y seomu ta btri a message o! cheer for the -v, ak, tu 1-4ôw6n wcmpene Canada. Ito-dal' message eomes item Mrs. Lois McKaty, a weli-known residont of ths place.Sb@, 1k. otiiers bot founil uew h! e lu Dodd'u Kidue Fills. <'Before I nsod Dodd'% Eidne~y Pills " Mrs. MoKa>' sLatesp "I sut- fereci with sa1bad paiin m n yback and side, pains in my bove iB, sud sharp, cutting pain. aronnd the. iieart. "I was always tired. Sometismes wiien I sat 'down I could iiardly geL np ont o!fLiie chair. But thauka to, Doddsa Kidney Pille, zmy pain ns aIl gone and my back le weii; I have peoven for mnyseif liaI Dodd's KidneyPlie aregod" eml troubl. lu ueariy aia» eau ed b>' dls.ased Kidneys. The. position o! tlii.femaleorgane and the. Ldne a shows&iow one le dependent on te otiier. Tiiat's why weak ivomen fnil new 1.1!. lu Dodd's Kiduey Pilla. Tii.> aliva>' cure dls.ased Kiducys. AI1X Nore o! Theinilu the. FailThau st Âuy Other Boason. Tivo or tbree tuem nthe course o! a month.. Ibis man's ock had etopped mritti no apparent reasou, for. whien he swuug Lb. penunlnm t would start off again iud rns&P rigiit. But t &also -now began ta display another eoostrlcity; -.0 caslonally it would' strk.euone. *biout fiftoon Minutes befmoe the, heur andl thon strike the. reet f t. etrok.m for that heurant athse irgular LONDoORYBTayeAL PALACE. tord Plymouth HAS 8aved 1*t t ii. Nation.11 ~ofyourm~stm, b~ Are .aumIfsted km uuuIilIoU% 1101? I THE TEA 0'F E BLAOKiLMOIEU « OfIB~ U AUifl55I The. Crystal Palace that pride of' the British merrymak-er, has been "saved ta thé. nation0, stleast the prospect ig that t ill bo pro. eerved for future use isedof b.- iug sold ta, a land syndicate. The Barl of Plymouth bas undertaken to rmis. monay ta tak> over the. enor- mous structure, and bas aild a de- posit, of 8100,000 out 0? bis own pooket. - Lord Plymouth etepped in with hi& money just in the nack of time, for the. effort ta obtain the $100,000 required by the courts to onsure an intention ta purchase had flot been succes8ful. Of the. amount required only $M,000 had been ob- tained or promised by subscribers. Ten deys alter the contributions had reached that aum the. ex-Lord Xbyor, Bit Verzy Strang, whose, term. was abouit ta expire, appealed ta, the Ecri af Plymoauth, who offer- ed ta psy the.entire, deficît and sigu a oontraot imaking himmehf solely responsible for the conipletion of the. "uchas. N My intention"#y aid Lord Ply- mouth in an exanation of ii part in the, transaction "lB ta hold the. Orystal P&lace ior a retwonablo period in arder ta' give time for the, uIemeary sum ta b. raiaed ta relieve -me o! any rsponïtsibiityt s0 that- it may b. secured ta the. uneof the. publie under a ochenie ta be de- termined by the. cubacribers. If. iiowvýà r, 4t is found impossible oo ta ramse the. aufficient money for tbf. purpoai I shall, of course, feel myseh! atliberty ta deal with the progierty in isucb manner snd undler eu odtions as wil naole me ta realiz. iï6 full valu. Tihe actual purchase money payable ta tiie vendors under the. cantraot I have signed la £210,000. Tis, of course. do.. net ineludo tii. amount pay- able. In respeet af the, buildinssa iinproente orect.d and ro 'd duriiig tihe lut year, wiiich were tnot the. praprty of the con'- pany -vendors. l'he Or5stal Palace ban not been a paying 4nstitution. The. exhibi-- tins, kennol shows snd otiier af- faire whic*h required large space, were Dot of suffciently frequent c- ourreno., and bouides, and mare Importanit, the.trarnpportation-facili- tie u ad frm ea'aower. H.e Ife.NIGHTINGALE 8700K BROK&R Metaber SêcudWr Stock &ad Mining itzcbange Corrsqpomdst e nted 33 MELINDA ST. TORONTO, PURSE WITH MONEY IN A COD. A housekeeper at Queenstown, Ireland, coostabulary barracksi while cleaning a. codflsh about thirty pounds in weight di.scovered inside the. fiab a purs. containine a. nuznber of sîlver coins of 1the reigli of Queen Tictoria. The pur8e WMe of leather, esteel bound and in' good preservatian. It also eontà Îned sazne iuscribed. paper, 'which ws.s re- duced a1m<it to pulp. To discern and deal iminediate- ly with causes and overcome them, ratiier than to battie with effecti after the. disease has oecured a lo.dgnent, is the chief aim of the. medical mnan, and Bickle's Anti- Consumptive Syrup is the resuit of atient study along this partieu- lar liue. At the. firat appearanco of a coki the Syrup will ho fouéid a moot efficient remedy, arresting development and spoedily healing the. affectedl parts, so that the. ail- ment disappears. A Yankee blinched bis argument with an Englishman as ta thie rela- tive' size of the. Thames and Mis- sissippi by saying: "Wiiy, lodit here, miâer, there- aint enough vater in the. who1M of the. Tlames "+ mlake'n£ targIe for the. mouth o! VtA5ime Pof SALSOIRhi*? Ei4i;near BraînPtWfl NDED ACE - 0» r WmZNTX.pIVEACREIJICA~ L Brick ROUBe s sudGOC& BIdifI Aq»§ op ?GDJ) GftAI York. Outarlo and Prince Ed*&i!d Of &V BIEAL 000» RUI-T FÂRM 1 the Niagara Fruit bloit. &ZITOBÂ. BSATOEWÂN. L M ejrtsansd BritlbQOlumlbis Lsn4 @u mai or large. blocks. Tp FTOUWATT"ITO SE A j sr.ocuat IL. »s Dwaan. N1q t GENTS WATE. A .every home. Wkite tufor Our .hoI4* liiet Of &gente suppluteU, We 'have the =retsiageuoy proposition lu Oauadib toA. No ontlar ueeeay Appll 3. a. L Co.. 228 Albert Sit,,-Ottl;wa. ALE91tu-S50 pF.R W= LSELLINQ es one and BgsBestei. Sampie sud terme Zôo. Moee refuuded il u»eatiufao tory. couette MI g. COMPUI. Collinx. wood, Ont, T ONOF,-YOUNG lIEN TO LEAIN Abarber Trade. Demand t arbi evory day; cannai supply aeumautds.: LetI us:7tes 7oroutrde Wtt tï4pà tit 6j Toronl. or.. IMpase ~ 11 ami WANTeI> 9 Malt êâmpb--ià fted en anquiry