r *0 OHAPTER XI.--(Contpd) -Ah .30 a.m. Brett and Fairholme ýWene ushered forth from the dtxors -of the prefecture and stoed iu f mec- 4idO in the street. 1J<Wbere nowl>' said Fairhoîme. )"To the hotel;" eplied Brett, iweanily. "I must bave slecp, se 1 consign the Turks, aud the Sui- tan'm diamonde, and every oue con- cernid with the Albert Gate mys- try, ho perdition for the uext c'ght iNotwithmtandiiig bis 'weariness, i ett ffse early next momnmug. Hie ipanlon Ilept like a top, and tho- rit6r had te ishake the carl $41fy by the shoulder before the - vwoke into conscieus existence 1 -a uzp in bcd sleepily deinand- - bet'm up 1 Where'm the fine 7" 4o~tyou te dros at once," 11ret heerily, "and, join me ýý- -akfast. Yen muaIb*. -p '4k)nby he11.60,train.-» -J i La nusAnce hen tbà 4 ýI have te bo pariked off ah &nue- Mfotes notice ' id thie earl. 44By no Incare, - Decidedly thh -6ur!,in tagt. Au iatters in cdctyrequins perasmt.. tat tîoB ', non my part for many d44 "e aswe..k I 1think 1h la bardly fair te basve !raîbç4 in cpn- finement any bouger. Your .missmon 1&,to restons your prokb1cive bro- Vhe-i-Iv ~t'oA Wgonm of hie fazùn Iv and I reiët Itiat t is im- 17 pessil~e for mne te *06nMP&Mnnyo ot. "Are YOU se*-1s dl i as the startled ann*wer, 11W tsa îhappen.-d iine - 'ook t-him inoning tei make-you oc confident V) 1sý!. oting that in not alread>' knowri- te yen. Rad I succoeded ru ngit lu followiug Mdlle. Ba caire te her, destination - - have been able-te accoen ho Lonidon this moruing. Heaven sIoe. kimewsvh- d 'ance sie iay lead me. -- -ycu comnplote youn toilette fellow. I have ordem~~ to bemerved ina&qu r, heur. Thon you dam catI4 Durig the finît portiere repuat Brett iiemed teeo b gagod te unburdet nia MLaUY was hot- uotil lie inad lit s éb and puulmed bie chair awâyio the table, se that heb.ia!d aui Posture oti>emplee a #, that ho' that y<en-bi have ltad tinet, ho ie view a. the circummhanea of yua- arn sure yen would h-ave resèbcd tho same, conclu iae'ms as a;guot tiiema-elves te, w.c. Cm1.,rIcuely enougli, slthough <kg -tîred %tim 1 vent te bled, I woke about sev-en- Q'clock feeing tioroughly rested ~rbothi nùnmd and body. I precured V mre cotée, took s bath, ind veut out fur s %trell, vith t-he rênnt thaIt I returneîd sud ,arousod yeu alter reachig finality in me of Msy cenclusiona, anmd deciding on a-de- funite plan et action for boti o etm "IV la really very decent of yen, Brett. constanhly te assume that 1 cau seo as tan tbrougn a brick Wall as you dam, cospechslly as Yeu know quite vol! that, altieugi i :flf iir ly vol! aequainted ih jIl mi it ,appen.d yesterday, hi.é only terle oinion I can offer is that (ch,(- l'aria Police interfèred viti - NO '~a muet inopportune meo- Ftiet, mmiled. "fThat la beeause i ~ 1-ve net accuptomed yourselt t~ -raVisbci said. "Ilowever, I-isummnanizo My views, &nd il j.11 eaulnd sny Ilaws iu m--y ros- e"gI will lie glad. Tio 6 nat th là iig t o observe ia tiai, t4 dimini- t",. - Frenciman drew on himsit th, iieîat vengeatnce ci the Tuorki IN-, i exposed tlie atheript te foust un tbom a&collection o! dumSy dia- mouds. YeL b. actually h"d tii. nerve te rehurn to the Rue Bar- bense icn dthltle $cou*- dirol ha citumer dead on a pnisem>er In ]Ruapeom-u1]-Mulk'î flat. Aïr 1 iannot permit unysoît to partil Z the In a mUader or levon la anm i-. , ninimnent, I amn regret- -- - coopelled tils mr gt and inform them of an çbvicus fact which escaped their penetration ye ste rd ay.'> Fairholme whiistled. -1I must Fay, -hle cnied, "I gave a passing thoigbt te the incident myself Iast evening wheu your spy reported that the Frenchin e- mained iu No. il aftej thbe Tumks bad quitted it' - -er3,' said Brett. - Yen see, a1l yen need We cultivate le the ha- bit of deduction, and vou will ceeu become a capital detective." - -Well,'- said the earl dubieuisly, - that is a uew peint of vîew for me at any rate."' - -It is a fact nevertbeles%. But we have nut mùch time, se we must rose rve any fu rthe r conideratioac et yeur abilitiesg. The fate of the Frenchmam must be det.enmiued Le- Y0*~erIi 'wth ocur friend. the ioomirnnsaar becimeainévihable. and now to return ho the hypothe- tical part of msy ôoqcbuisi*no. I - gsan by aa8uinf that ii. individu. A1 -whc -planmned-the Âlbert-,Osto oùutrage asim .blep4uêëtly sOugýhy to bambctî%ùî-hi% employer, qr palming off on thein a set o! sputi. eui diamonosid,'im tam'tee aceutg,4$o attiempt te dispose eoftbhe réemgeu>u for many montha yet ho eeoe. He oletined dUflienit finbdmfroom the 1'uks unpuausnc cfviat may be termeâ loegitinnate Parto! lu con tract, "ho e h m ho live f-oe a coniderablô perio<b wîthoutlir- ther excitent. '09ayasscia- -break their É ey~uhat moine, ~V,>* nthe 'interioér early iW -he morniîng, 'and subsequently "Poceed to, their destination by i 1,0fog88 as to *hat you m~ 1~ th~r detination 1Vma, Z II 1aén Ithe circus, the music- hallY' thý câife chantant, or what- tyer pilace' mademoiselle and her £,tftdvimer - ayselect as a safe ha$ëëi wherein ~o avoid police es- piqiýge during many months whicb mutst. «sue before they dare te. *ake- thie lightest effort to dis- pose of the purloined diamonds." Brett, "which demands attention in. Paris is the whereat4outs of tht Turks. They must be f ound and obmerved. My chief difficulty will ho to keep that delightful commis- gary from imprisoning them, if, ar. Iimagine, wc. find the littie thief a captive in the Rue Barbette. Sc) you sec my actions are speculative. Yours, on the other hà nd, wilI be definite." "Ah!" said Fairbolme, "I a-M glad to hear that. If yen expect me to analyze and deduce and find -out the probable movements of in- telligent rascaJs, 1 arn sure I shai] make a mess of tings.' "You will reach London," said Brctt, 'at 7.30 p.m. I suppo8e yon have in your service a reliable ser- vant, endowed with a fair amount -of physical strength 7" 'Rather," cried the car]. "My butier is a splendid chap. He bas been fined haif a dozen times for bis excecding willingness to et- tC disputes with his fists." "Telegraph him te meet you at Charing Cross Station. I cari de- pend upon my man Smith te use bis nerve and discretion. More- over. he knows Inspector Winter,, cf Scotland Yard, and should trou- ble arise, which I do flot antici- pate, this acquaintance mnay be use- fnl to yen. The third person who will meet you will be the ex-ser- geant of police, whose report to me yQu heard yenterday. li1e will point out tO You thin fiatfenianted by the invalid lady. - Yôu mak1rrenoh- well, simd afteër a ew questions yent ehouldbabehmauyyual whether cr flot the permen Who, ,o ne athel.doorWeYom when yeii. viit that fiat i'm actîng -a -geimuis rt. on an preend what yU huebt if ad4iuion is deni*dt Q'o 1, -want yOn to force,70y1Utway -inside andmd cothat, invafid lade at, Ail cos. -1un; the rt .a groma, =îmstake lhavipnýçbeeà committed YOD mnuet apologize mont *bjectly %Md asmuage thie wounded feehngs of'the servants witm a tuberal -tIeratîou, whillithtei.ex-sergeant et pelize wifl ladvise >j>u as to, any other _pisc whicli ýmay demand perional in- 4 BANK Or MONITEL -0 The Eank,of 'Montreaf has just completed 946 years-of business in Canada, which in the history of a young country is ne inconsiderable period. The 94th annual meeting was held on December4th with President R. B. Angus in the chair. In niany wa ys the meeting was one of the most memrable 4n the his- tory of the bank owing'to'the fact that the net profits for -the year tha.t the lýargest on retord, and thtthe retirement of Sir Edward Clouston as general manager waq, announced. Anether feature cf more than ozdinary interest was the re-acjustment of the values of ýhe bank premises. For years. these-ere valued at *000,000l, buit a recent appraisal increased this te $4,000,000. The $3,400,000 thus se- cured was partly used in in--reas- ing the rest account, which now stands at a snm equal t,, the paild up capital, while the balance wa:- carried te the profit and boss ac- cou ut. The total azsets cof the bank r>ow stand at $230,000,000, making it onrý u 'f the strongest finaucial Institiu- tions cn the continent. A more de- tailed examination of the report shows that the net profits for the year ameounted t-e $2,276,bî8, as compared with $1,797,992 for the previons year. The balance o! Profit and boss c -rie.d forwr- -d for the present year was $1,855,185, or practically double the ýflirPs for 1910, whicb amounted to $961,789. Premiums ou ne-w bank stock issued by the bauk during the year amounted te $36,5,677, while the re- adjustment of the bank premises account brou.ght in an additional $3,400,000. Thus a total of slightly over *7,000,000 was made available for distribution this year, of whh $1,440,000 was expended ini dlvi- dends, 83,000,00 credited to the reist account anmd $708,000 te new of $1,85.. '100 te au balance et f.ip furthei examina ahows that thi: înterest -amomit 000. The amour 80QOO0while- anmd dsounsi à -wheré aineunt, w00. The. latter i*~èr~ 0AM8 mu *nu Mç Dny e,I anO UaA - )'ainoIwe.est redit mpn appeana to le vem y non -ibSaea kkiêdovz n y-ocr no e 0 quiu but by the, ex-pc- vhich -ho bas1 d aS euse .ad-erdii '~~~~Im thnn, iescat .1 i *putjatuevi. far >e la tisat- hi sv*- Thse ddreasc veto bean.ldrly Msguu vas asI roumin, f£or me hteaseof01the. f anu»gsd à a*y anindustial -Dominion« The. lut youi» asid the Wvih1site , saiii tbe sslriej s~~a adeoia.k ~rror - preenni thoril à »à msuce *Zdlw.blike e." wastbemmmar, <"snd- YDdeveboPx»esêt at sa=*pr« muat reposmess ayoui seu l u Pet-leimtiaw reo 0 gati)yon heýr' tr O s. - vas Ià ion 1 caurilci o! rwn, te eub he- "W#P doI'b pr@e9,ýha ý*éûtliet uxsitý& ther thoPà aus vêfnal on,,as Fairisohme ave îni"à st'bamk'a oeord te ber- in these aSoNirn ys îsoit et impatieie. 'Yaun ned.otheo1 mocal succe the litaored uidvidual. 1h pis t-at ryes.vibiholoe t « of tb he of ils hiaory. amie. Ey hi. #my, viat b1gu f enoemmt.vsever Il ..I o Taibotirsure ta need your help beb"ure on-r "About av* fotîot ioam s Ivoil cabb74!1,at t hem. r; o Brehh pondered for afle white.e, sibl mont.* Pr ,tbat F.»5on, îLKI "Yes,"lie commuuied abosmd, toi sbotiid yoII.ave your bne feruts. bm~ thiuk 1am ight 7bMhpn-andý. M* han au boir o " 1 * wite Frennoiman ilate masterYOU is viiM"6uSi Pecial èrr %uçeonns MUI f u mind intiiaconspinamy. Kasd ho for telepaia ho roach ye -lhbo tha i tà 4 » hiink tiaI Lte nsinellgeut muscles del& . .- pelieeuMen should have Cmudely inîP t V ý9It .d Lrfered vith me et snob s use- itt, lt-la 0.4 SO.W oI 4 Iss ment!", He aighew el. hae O*h l*t'btr.- "«Nover mind,' ihov..ss&ons, "lthest a» ~~~* bv oiu eannot te hoIl.ed. I mqat ep ho #teloft. >,v ' )MI .4 ti. thiread et My ater,. MdU4& ol- tu.t et hi V No * secli. Beascaire Wt tIseCabaret plPSonm- * IhNtt iot vira lau Sliortiy aller eleven o'cbock. lie 14 t0flto *# ~ ossiPsoL b. <etatl hth,1o e ent to the Oae . y;oni bt trb u,s' qmmstonsbly set e*n'int-h"stdifft 1AN#IV0 «M Lion. It isa s Iffndrisve rm lioat.__ marte Ioet4.Lym% «staion. We Swth" U y Will giVe laer v, snaitil vh0 o'ote anh hoe. Nev, #o- Mas *ie vas joumeqlus te o ou. i"Pi asubransdistuiet-... 0n__ vilain upete *thse whow q Ck *t*. 0yf "'l r y W0<M -hier. vas Do mais lige t#u";jar"- la Ot. iasg for tis o ut% ustil . s** 0 box" snd liaI lauaaslow t»ra-n,1»1%t at sal e ts-o MaIun. Lei , smm L& aà . -- CICKEN, Creole Chic ken.-In th bôýttcnn of the kettie put a qua.rter of tip ef sâalt pork cut up in smnall cub-es and fry a light brewn. 1.'len add hait a cup, of minéed - uo.01Pn .stalk cf celery, and a green lepper cut up fine. Let this simîner about ten minutes, and thcr acd tic chicken whichbhas beeni cut up as for fricassee. Over aIl this pour 4iue can cf tcrnatoe3, add sait a-adt I)epper to taste, cuver well and co-ok slowly until tender. A 1ittle -water may be ad'Icd at the last if neces- sary. Just before serving thicken gravy slight.ly w2t'l cornstarch. This aireý is an excellent way cf coek:nrg r.ibbit. Italian Chicken.-Make common batter, mix iute it a cuphiul cf cbop- ped tomatces, eue onion chopped, saIt and pepper. Cut up a Young, tender chicken ; dry it well and dip each piece in the batter, then f ry brown in plenty of butter; serve witb tomate sauce. Tomate Sauce -Take a quart cf tomnatees, put it ever the fire iu a stewpan, put in a few slices cf eniou, two cleves, saIt and pepper. bell twenty min- utes, remeve from the fire, then strain threugh a sieve. Melt in an- other pan an ounce et butter, sprinkle in a tablIespoonful cf fleur, stir until it brewns. Mix the to- mate pu]p with it, aud it is ready for the table. To Singe yol.Wee~on have ne gas pour- a small quant-ity cf al- cobol or brandy in a sancer and ligbt. 1h will not smoke the towl like the bilaze from paper. becari~torwrd aisin Pie.-One sud one-hall brea canrd îo. Ardcups o! seedlese raisins;- cook until )sftiend l h ý A tender; one cup of water, one cup bain of-ashedepot- o! sugar, imaît lump o! butter, oe -o*ne srby sitstablempoon et vinegar, e etable- ofnoV beniugpoon e! fleur.' Mix these ingredi- týI te-ver 46oW$ nte veIl, therput in the. ooked o cf- ean id short raisins im'd cook ah ftogether until ~ simd-thii.ck eneugh -for a pie.- Thon bake onis a e o e 4 i, n tva «cniste.- ônth cartoa.um42,- Freeh Relis Daily.-'When mold- th cana<ia leans ng euh- the lbaves _s»t- aside any te e-nda er l oýdesixmedqinantitydl thViidough jute showsan iicreae b-box., It keptperfefly oeId sh w a 1~I l udcalo* V y lromain a et anuu.udefinihe eo ncue te-d.ihî hl. an aube ehaped ito relis, use -aî basil, T1r sa iiott bread, -thïin- te d**Iý;oflee c ake, -or any eohen way, de- ro wt t5 oxi ed, Allev about twe aud ïa a! d shrt10A", hk o i n a warm place for raising in Nov, York simd ' dough.- If relie are desired for retumring only a breA"kta,& m-" thern the last thing laoni. 'nle ealu of tery*111noV b. hoo varin. They .~t-n Lrndo an ~~b hoready !o'-,the ev-enun the tlir'esa 'diturbinig mornrng.ý In thus way fresi bread- fflhui n svariehy o! kinds may ho aIal tiimough the. week. For s .hoving -nade by, rais bread add t-o two cuirs of t-he ntreal 5 is -vëry â,t-dough tvo-thirds -of a cup ef sugar nd reikteoha"th. iigh- andc p etcieeded raisins. Ilix the, diectors an d tlioroughly siand lot rais. three ai rnma .r, vhoi . 1n g erii Wpositin, Pain Fresting.-Take any F1aip *ÃŽll , e Mr dividual tins; viien cool bruuli vith vine . b.. ~ whteoe egg, rolliun grated cocos- lite e vihhebank nut, place meringue on tep vithia lievii i futuare candied cherry ini contre. Of! pmidemt ît B..MEATS. oual 'acareful me- Pot Bosut-& Imeut doudous Pet claal, commmeial _ro« sat hcked ini the folloving ~expansi«, ,oj the , way :Was: the. ueat sand place t Bank oftIKentreal inu aspider -onthe top o!thi esteve branchu es atîerotâ .nmd, ear it 1 tioreuglnly on boVin ana ta u- ddes.'Pliee.,t'woquarts oet boiling ~ahp vtinevey vhenIim 5pot, add'oue-haitl!a !nallmï 11h.l ai. ofontn, tvim ý,tîblespoona of bro"wa, *:-e CLOSEQUARJERS; OR, THE 1-bUSE IN TH-E RUE BARBETTE focd. I ILmeUalmm i~ai 7051m Turu glasses and tumblers on ing, and allow to dry tboroughly their sides before penriug bot dish before turning back. water over them, and yent will find Te remneve paint fromn glass wet it saves many breakages. The bot the spot with stî-ong liquid amn- water covers the entire glass, heat- menia, being careful no)t te let the ing it aIl at once. aminonia mun cown on the w Indow Take two bolders and attach a paint or varnish. After two or string about a yard long, oeecnd three applicatifin.3 scrape gently te each helder. When getting a Fwith a piclce cf soft wood, then mrb meal, pi n the mi.ddle cof thec string with a pape r wet witb ammonia. teo the boIt, and you will always Kerosene stains can be remýoved bave a bolder te Ijft the bot vessels witb Fullers eartb. Coeer the off the steve. stain witb a thick layer of bot Fui- A good way te- wash a clothes ler's eartb, let rernain for twenty- lune is te wind it on a real long four heurs, then brnsh off. board and scrub it with a scrubbmng Te dcean colored lace curtaiaoý. brush, and you will find that in take them clown, bang on a line, this way yen keep it from getting brush eut aIl the dust, and shako tangled. It is se hard te wind wel]. Spread a sheet on a table, wben yen wasb it in the tub. lay your curtains on the shoot one Te, remnove the most ebstinate at a timne. Take cornmeal anmd wet fruit jar lid easily, invert cari in it with gasoline, then let yeur mes,! vespe! et bot water, about two dry. Take a eloth and brush and inches. and a-l-ow it to remain five brush the meal well into the cur- minutes or se, then loosen rubber tains. Fuld your curtains and setu around tep etf<ian witb a knife te away for about four bourg. Theri admit air, wben the cever cari hang tbem eut in the air and brnsh readily ho removecl. out ail the corimmeal. Talc. them Washing ci Pillows.-Sliake ali down and press an.d yen bave the feathers down to ene end; the,, bright, cleai curtains. tie a atrong string around tick above feathers and wash and dry, WNEFLJU,-Y thon proceed with, the other end ODRULJUNY the same after first end in tImer. oughly dry. Comforters that are The Aretie Tero Goes Frow the only soiled at the onds can be North Pole to the South. wamhed the smre way. The golden plover leaves Nova After eggs have be-en used drop FScotia and . es witbout a 'stop the sheila in-se a bewi of cold water straight te South America, ajour. anmd al4zw thom ho stand until 7011 ney of some 5,000 miles, 2,500 being have a few minutes te sit down. over the ocean, without a stop even Talke out t.he skin lini-ng the-shell for food, Say& Saint Nicholas Mag- simd dr.op lOito a cup of water a.nd azine. On the Pacifie aide the gold- set away to b. used when dcsired. en ployer leaves the Aleutian isi- A little dropped into freshly made, ands and goes 2,500 mailffl tu eoffoo v>:: r-' ettlee 1h. Hawaii without a rest and winters Iron-Holders.-Take the best in the soutbern hemaispbere f rom parta oi an old quilt and the legs the Society islanda te Australia. o! worn hose; eut the quîlt in Witb this bird it is the northward squares the size you wish, about trip that is slow, and the éaste.rn three dohble; slip the stecking leg roup crosseq the contint-Ut of South over it, seam up the ende, and -kAk merica, Mexico, the Great Plains once or hwice in the middle te keep anid acroas Canada te its arctio in shape. You eau make several in nesting grounds, wbiîo the western a ýçw, minutes sud always have a birds go up the Malay jinnula cdean one ready. and along the Chinese aniÃŽSiberian A nice w&y te keep pillow ticks seaboard. clean and avoid the disagreeable Wonderful as la, thie enormoea tank ofcbanging the. feather8 te j ourney o! 12!000 te ».000 miles each zmêw ticks ia te cover the pillow with' yea r, there isaia least one bird o14 muelin, either old sheets ori- who1D e annual trip exceeds the pIýv Io* ase, mde e ft suÉl. Yur rpsby several thousand miles., The plowcses mclle ste fite, asgty. eur actie tom nests from Maine to pilows willthe s mnof whiteas this thin -eight degrees. of the.nortn ahoimIep tii. sthie cse Vs. frmpole, spends its summer in the land showig though he csesof continuous day, sand ini ite migra- Tihe boit crub or mop eloth is tien te a region iun the autarctic. made this, way: Take old st-ocking equally near the. south pole. lIn logo, eut open ah seasn in backb sew its round trip it may coyen as much togethr, using the longest stith na 22,000 miles--nearly equal te ofycurmacine, aîtemnating tepsfling around the world at the anbottoins, which wi}l make the equator 1 lu ail the year, the only ocloth square. Use an many as you t.rme it experienme full darnèe is l wish. These take up t-he water duning the few nightm passed in the. more readily than any other kind neigh orhodofthue tropics, for its iM cousequentlySave much timo. summer about the. uorth polo inhoee Spots on Clothing.-Have a vos- long day1 as in its winter about tho tel with bentine in it. Taea amao uth pl.But, although tue las peeof cloth, dîp it into the ben. much thie long"it ' *imýrney- made by Pie Take the otehing you viiisn ry bird 1t la not in seime waye as te- remoye t1W sipot from nd udb remarkaMle as the plover's for the. umhiIthe spots in gene, keeping th tera is a meabird and eau ah any ct ezu . 1 ûmg o vtv~ M tre dive izito the water sand feod u r c e m i s w ll w t w t on he abunÃdan t supply - et fih e é <ries take- aa<dry clohh az4 rmb su cie rie animai , in brlsky -iztil the spo the . iio.ri.reIi agaodbidu 1 hpnecJvr oiw1~dcapable ço!ta t tae. S ing poieflbasa 1.Andfaâtltbobup .ef« oreIeVhinte iDwwÈ,tM5ah'W eave any sumerhome su4 nake half '0 11* wAg hceti. louns enomous autumn joumney vitheut,