Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1912, p. 2

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sEIm1~ epvëry possible-ê w . el o mc. Oiioe I start a thlng. 1 do itl wbl tM anwife de-'m a1gtr1 1k: " 1"1'il b. charined $0 metthem, Tub venng ar ws chlyand ~ 1 dare say. " Sudéenly lie jhook Mr. KngSatêk hivered siightly ai, hi. finge r &t tke -ong man i ho came down tb. gardon path; bu t jovial reprOof. 111 have a shrewd he, lied 'dcided that bis after-din- suspicion that I know wby you're noir cigar was worth iis imnor dis- bere." cornfort, aocihbis wife's orders werc " '-reaîîy 7" strict. It ýwaa annoying, however, -Rather! You can't hoodwink to ftnd that hie had no vestas. As cNtmch AbIBeofwt hie fumbleci in his pockets, an in-m! > uh h 1B ffwt gratiatiuig %,eice addressed hixn *ver "In ton minutes' time l'Il bc back the hd~e.with mY bag ard things." 'A light, sir 1 Aliow me". Good:' Mr. KiagsIakc -siung rotind, a-id Mr. Kinzslake rubbed his hands ."ysl&~hestranger in tliPlane týgether. The young man set off with E<'WC bLs1pIci. The ?,n)~ii the lane. Every nowv and nlî!n helc out a match-box iiil!iig- t1wn he paused to chu(ke. 1v Its a dream !', ho tuttered. "I * ~ yu I'r-hn 'u Ih hh"ake turin a ifUtC,." " %vwas JUSt having a~.a îît 4a r roeSe They caught ila' a\o i -4111i. passed. A S1i1end~d Fhc - sir Later on, he d~.vrdthat Mr. H'mica- No br.d ii yar. Kîîgslake s caiighter wa.s remark- Vouir favnrite flo%%er, 1 pro- ah 1' prettv. and could make ber- sume I t's fliceto ha' a ee <', f 1 fidelagrfeaeshi tone of gr-ound of your ou n and gr-u jit jlier father't; frcend.,. Mr. Parnell what,1_ like -if your WÀfQ 1lL Jt begasn t-j evjo.v lim.melf th-oroughly. you :" Ab for Mrt4. Kingslke, she posi- 'Eh î*' queried Mr. E-lngslake, ti%-ely fumeiz. Seve-al times she in- wîth a start. dicatéd to her quakmng hugbabd The ymung mil cyed hlm <'ver th'it he %va te f0flow her out.side the lieàge. LHe had changed color. and div'russ the matter; but ho "I was thinking of a feilow-I would tiot notice her signala. Fin- once knew, called Jimeson. He wai, allv. at il p-m., Mr. Parnell eug- awfuily keen un sweet peas, but bis gested a etroîl. wife would have marigolds. She "«Ju.st a turu round the bouses," bossed hîm, you sec. Very funny he chuckled to his une.asy li0t, cage!~" when they were outside. "I sup- Mr. Kingslake cleqred his throat pose thia isn't a habit of yeurs t Oh, noiily. but sad nethnnig- well, the. greai thîng 'a to show B'e cured her in the end, your independence." though. Shes as meek as a lamb "«Y-es. Did you remark the at- nuw. But 'm boring you. air." mnosphere inside therel It fe]t like *Dont apologize," Mr. Kirigs- a thun.derst-orm ! lakieOtarnmejed. "1' -he glanced 'Ferget al that," Mr. Parnell over hus shoulder towarda the bouse aciviseci hin. "To-morrow nighý --l'ni alwayB glad of a pleasant we'll go off anbd play billiards some- lîttie chat. So this Mr. Jimso- where. Anid what eIse did you tay you were saying--" she'd forbidden you 1" "He was terribly henpecked, but "Betting, music-halls, wcaring a lie luit on a fine adea. Desporatc, traw hat-" '-ou kilow ' "'Yen must get one. On Wed- 'Yes. i'es. I can understand nesday we'11 sample the new AI- dýat' bhambra ballet. In the m6rning, At his t;g.h. tie voung man con- toe, yen muet have a sovereign on uo0aled a sudden smle. a horse. Say it's ail on my ac- -1e, simnpl * brought a fricnd to couit--so as not to offen'd me. " mtay- so'meone hc'd colifided i. fSbe madle ne promise to dis- Naturaly, Mra. Timffln couldn't charge nuy ne-w typîst-very attrac- forbid the guemt t-o do certa-ià tive girl. " thinga. like--like smoking in the 'Change your-mind. Tel ber it's tirawiuîg-roorn; au Tiin:sui fairly on- impossible, because the. yeung joyed himself, tili at last his wife lady'. quite competent. Stick up (bsolutely boiled o%,eî-aske<I iim for ydurself. Don'tbeb afrald." how long the chap %vas goinig tu 'N-no," returned Mnr. Kinu- stop. Timsou-" lake doubtfuily. Jimson 7" IL waSeve'ral day. later that -Jimson, 1 should say-be an- Uri. Lugiake addrssed 19r.ý Fwelued lier hike a mai'. 'TilI'rnPreijm'tba -- miaRter 111 my own bouse,' he raid, "HIow long do yen intend to, ho.- 1f les lere for ever and evr!' 0f or us with your company, may courbe, Mrs. -Tim&on-Jimson, I ask V" mrean-she couldn't titr*i the mac out byv force. and he wouldni't take1 Lhe broaderst hints. DeliberateA rudenetis ho orîly smiled at. Bc wats1 evxdentlv n fuxture. Mns. Jimsoni luvud t, gîve i!", Mr. Kingt3lake lowerc"d his voice.1 -Î%Most anutsing little story," lie observed jerkily. "You're mot g-il)g ajre.i<t Vi The s.traliger paused. 11was wondoring whetber such a sceeeouki alwayesct." 'No doubt about it' 'I mysef-that h te say, Lay cwn- Mwife-I don't mmnd telliîîg yen Ibis in cncen-s-- ee.m s he roakes it dificuit for me te enforce my wishcia. Oftiu, indecd, I giv-o wuuy to e ho, nerely tt) avoid an ar- "Vory tunwi.,c." "Fýor insitance' '--Mn. Kingxlsike indicated lis cigar,-"I bac! tornme ont bere before I could umeko Ibis.w Every cvening, bu fa-ct. $ome fm - ine obietons about lhe cuir- tains-0 1'RenIll'y Il Mn. Kingslako £Ished slightiy at tiie Young man'% toue. "You are, 1 presumne, unmar- nier!1 Yen ca't realize thse situ- ation in which 1 amn piaced." <'You.ought te adopt .1<1 Jin aooio'.ecmc, tbat'# obvions." 4_ MVKingalIake dropped ail sub- terfuge, and confessed bis unucvi- able position. "l'd do it," b. aasente-d, "luie a ah-t; but tiser'. the. question of finding a *uitabio gueit." "dAh !" "'N>n ef nry e noa od. would do. Tue7 darn't laf. be 1r at- the beat o! turnes."f 11What ynvant.à is scompara-ý tire xtraniger." "Ne&, yc,. Nov, just te obltge me, wouldn t Yeu eome a vieitur - ne Young zuap aaumwd .ztSmp oturpris'. 'Olt would W a gzeat'faver, but yott,-woul4'ê t nd-mie ungratefol. yo'd have ï"eotufotable ,Wî- do juil as Yeu liii., Yeu k.os, ,*Y*"ve 4a buestUp*..ramop1 trs you. Corne rou»d--«sm e rund Io .tbe-front. dsutor. a&bd aalrtri»esmo '-bi# S iralli ut, I hoe 1a tire!', 'Os Per- I shah leare, lasture Yeu, iah the last possible moment," he an- siwered isweetly. "It'ii b. bard to tbar nuyseîf away. Yen are hoapi- Iafity itself!" "I meanu, 'm asking some- ther f iendis te tay, and- - "Deligislod te meet themi1" With a. stiffod sment ase vith- ; drew. Presçntly bcr-busbaxad tip-l teed li. - "8Sh'. been lalkimg b me. 1KMY Word 1 But I>'-ise ixifltedhis, btxut 'II t.old hcn tegoaway and b*' quiet," b. addod, in a tlrilhing whisper. "«Bravo! Andth - "*Aie ventl -19e 1 tluiik-whoui it's quit. eonveiiienit, e! ceutte-I think you mighl, n1. " "Go*--ébt Sure emii's cureê?"' "If net, 111l ask yenu brc agaizv. if it'î ùot lroubling you tbo muets. Upolu My vetd, l'us try mmcli ,éhligd t1I - udenhou w a . wa-rd yen? Mr. Parneil nirmuncd cpreat. ingly. T* hi*' amaxemeît, 1fr.* Kingalake amnrn.d a kurowuex- pretsi, RBoeven urnked. 41 h1f mcyic nd, away. 1lne- lie! your mie.tin viti My <laugi. ter* and--or---I put tue anid t-vo togetber."l "Iladeed, air! Yen don'!&&so" "'Y« botta protended te b o cern plete straxigenu, but 1 guarnm« you',d met belon., maasy a time, Gb, yes, yau worea't watiag in the.RU. tiaI niitefr .ebing.1 "Or somobod"b tAb&, yV" obh's a * 'puo! W.OU, Iwu-yous w.yslt Oum. .Looki beft 1"4 ,4. Miai#ls *boutre"ut.Md &sXnir MITER. Te ~ RER RÂ~IXB Â~I> BRÂEL' - j about,' f&thei-, dear?»l «'I wiàhed. 10 kilt wl id il. one stofl," Mtr. KinWlke ipItt tered. '<ant ycm letter liedown for- '<Why' did ho do -it?-: ?hat'sai question," jerked out lier father. frenziedly. "What did he oe here and help me at ail foi? 1U couldn't have been simply philan- thropy. Wait, my child., There's aome mvistery here--some inisun-' derstanding. ll ask hizn, and find o ut-", But during bis short absence Mr. Parnell had packed his bag and de- parted. There was nothing eise missing, however. "It beats everything!" he munt- tered, hurrying down the street. "It's like thie 'Arabian Nights,' or a fairy-tale, or somet-hing. Turned out by my - iandiady. wondering where my next moalivwas comin; from! Then-then a week's free board and Iodging; tcte-a-tetes with a nice girl: tr.ated like a duk& 1 It't marvellousi AU through starin e over bomeonoe ele's garden wall l"-London Antwers. WIE SDIAY SCHOUI tESSON INTERNATIONAL LESS8ON. JAN. 21. limcon III.-The birth of Christ, Luke 2. 1-20. Golden Toit, Lnkc 2. 11. Verse I.-In those daya-Thab is. for beýr s shortijy alLer tiie events describ.d prise, foi bu the preoeding ciaptcr. treazuned Caesar -Augustus--The flrat IW- berne tO man emperor, wiio neigned frcm B. mOnhi C. M1 te A. D. 14. hon the. AIl lb. world--Greek, the inha- offspt ang bit.od earth; .actually, 1h% Romaâ oI aIb empire. Thwe- laneorferený ,qqqh aide of-Luke's narrative te tihe gen- enal ieurohlmeu t for the. ntire, emd pire at tlàs'is bu. »Anothor and lai- et census mnentioned by Luke inO, ei Acte 5. 37-la bottier kîovu and cc'- nobonated by historical documents oyfor lue entai-de o! thi. Bible. reiopnen 2. Wben Quiiniua was. governon 20. Gloý of Syria-The mime ahould penhap i.ms be, Quip-ctiius, -tic acnnal Roman to" g'r~nor ! Sria during the* in ernon o!fyra owee bwev,ý 4,ers î»e Liaton AD.e -It ià4l- # ever, Ta' dùunig the governorsip.,, of Quinetillus, ýquminixiu nMay bave been in charge'of tbe milita-nryid- mintration of, gyrié, iùiuicicie A new,ý Luke'e referene te hum as è0oenoir whielïs'dry would pe-tbapis b. perminilei., 15 der 3,ý Eve on.iâàteoliii own City-Tt ý 1' y <unroI»th'tepePIe - jwY11ýadheling bit cf tb. Ro*n a uministnation -ý n<uw'bcit fuar as possible-te 'countenaace and!a oef leave undislurbed 'natioual pemuli- inéidental niesand customna. PËlr bearing tiiet vaine.- chm Nataveth'-A etyo! Gaijt., t ôgaa.ý1 far frons the main road.o! travel ,Pof 'Ort. ie iy o! Davi-His hîrtiapîes. and! the vpidence ofbit fs.nily I.f-r' Bethehmuas'-A- ilIage ib Judah PIiurIOc botwe &e andsix miles 'South aodI - thThe. Prepnt44 isabitnWI1n7. ofsRtblebwu &-te ujias and0dt are diatxiuasod f romthe' tu e sIl *. ,of tii. ourmenodug t.JirrteT>* lbbrae. iii thein pecullar costume. The ts-a)us 4aeoft eofthe çW aad àa nlst*d annuaily bi aii > anelhac los -ha&,v Loird," The Âneuc 13. A 14. Petc le wecl Pl sureaMOI whbeh oiw pleasurel given li Version. that Lthe solute, un stan-% pepo message1 lulineui ô le, Fou, ginal ha. and im'. the. youai 17, me< men -abc% transp!reý sage whi -ceriiing i 18. Al the repai oîther du tMen by e1 . 9. But "but" iII could hai et wbab ber the. pi ss~d Lowsui A f.uld TWe cati8eil if lillpox hai ecOÇ curred nà Mdhtr.. Eztsnsv~-uhe pern lia&, latel7 'roibled thie fainerà.i n the Iach diatricte Aedenhie A gUft ci *90,000 haslbeft Ma"-,by, Mn.P.r hr . FiDéFort.:kv a woman'a hp1,~ne. Kilmarnoek Aaair 7k held a two d"y' bezaar, which ré- sulted In raising ovçogô$885tor t14o, f n~ ca. Beals have bexfrqin vei tor to the Clyde recently, oerai hav. ing been seen li t4.Genokhr bot Stonehain Promenade a réC6êt- ly ntirely washed a1qaybyea~' sens, whith rollcd in in hG man ocean. Own'to the feiur4^f -her rinar goheries in tho P'Firth cf OC-lydeý qte a. nuinher cf peie rlîk pr WTii repOt ithda i groat tha1W town. t-à I I.rvine Towo-Couneil hav&ê:"fOtw *60tàm -oad a flunc te provide coal durlig the winter mnths tA the deesrvlng Pooer inthe Halfwsiy dis. The P.edlande Hotal itthe Grssrt Wimiern roa'd, O1agr«ow, fer womeys etudente und.i, the Glas- gow Provincial Commaitt, for tii. training ef teachers, waa- op.ened The. Marketa Committe. of Edin- burgh Towni Councif atreed te re- <v.%nl¶e.ld tii. provisin cf a sholter fer store eattie .1t the Cet- tle Market the eatmated coat b. bDg *101,750. Lothians a.nd Bor<kr Yetmary are to e go ltecamp e" Weitbarzx "near Dunbrr raîci are wolî suîtOdJ for tJhe tra&eîing nIsxt iranien, itt.r belng absent froin t1ii district for- tro yeara. BySvotes b 4 xf*am11tem OUD-" f~ a vd~ ti o~f 0tna~tf ~1h ~. bd *lee tend@d for ,the1, cbxrviati" rndg literally iiitltudset 0htheavenly large ônSyo lOs ce amcn inu l2 hom ho ioawe-So n, xcienut au- read, PoaeŽ,good plea- îng - eýn.V Tii. Oreek of Ur %# ic la &trau:slatiou Peaoe àmng men ci good p the sense *b thglat eur Standard or Revised It Le importa.nt te note promise la ual that of ab- inivorsal pence, but 01 con- >ce te thbc.. whoae lives are to Goâ. To nuch-.niy thse of -Ohr:ztma. kihge 51 0 f 3oy. und-Thie word linthoê ori; eb th- ens. et LIv.?dP a diligent erch -.for gCffr' .. ,"d d& known e 00nernilug the reld ýèveryenc,, 'whoin thei >ut the oventa wËhhabd dand the. wenderfui men- he à reoei"ved Con- that board 1"t-11 ho whom nr oet b sýhopeh.'camne, nectly or thnough repeti- 5thorag. it Mary-The. conjuactien idimtal a contraît. Mary Lvo no sucb astonushmeul the ohepherdi sa-d. To promise cf future greatuesa son did net corne as a sur- Dr in ber lisaitie abill d the words- or promise liher 1>y tihe angol wlio adlore had .nnounoed te plas of Jehovah for ber Il thes. sayings-Or things. rat nabural that the, virgin houkinod pbïslar<a let i.,>mpi *hich ail tiânspre4,ba4 iruade - héart.- <ofUyundor- e.ntà, aie wisIdted paieit. irer rovoýrlatiesaxiandde-'ý âgé o!1 t. fl bexiýý ôu Mù at joy TRE PRINCi ~WAlS la k119 n On' -wcs contre of the front no-w Blanc ingdc Hadohe been born eut of thWeroai purple tii.Priuee of W410. woxild bave elected o bwa' ntr That in hie own dolaration. Evon ýâ8 lb la b. likea nothing botterthan toc doif th. crampi.ng restraints -of palatial -'aurroundingsansid take a 'peil among bbe benclies samd ahav- bngs o! the.woodmnan's shop. Attached te tth. sol-diena' onphan- ageat Dor0er in the Duke of Yonk's achool,, which haisea fine carpentens' ehop as parti of thé equipinent for manual -training., Wb.never the se**#! oi appertiity et geêtinqt -Awry t4o> iWe ecerner cet the-seheel whS-0 1wlth >X4 ecat i4i he' ah -eepsnte On- he. Maul. p1tin-of i t .iwi _-04. feal 'ý1o o-té seIsiàp. te4 fnatru mer, 'At po t j fimded, lui eheat i ~om anxit teis par- -cnt. Buth.in iidua;trious and ioenus minded- sd b. bas inherit- ed frei is-oiir&stogattrac- tion'to amusements- tht have util- iby in u hein. Jus as Queen Mary takes te knitting sind sewing, s0 the Prince takes te carpentry anmd me- chanies. Eà6rly next membli b. wilI gratify lui hobby more fully than ever lie- fore. Gen-eral Sir Digbton Pro- b4ya, comptroll.r o! Queen Alex. an s a' iouseiold, we!; iiien vacie Park Bouse, 5ust within the. gates o! Oandringham, nO mithe rosidepce wlIi b. eonvertod for the %se c.! the P>rince of Wales and bis brother, Prince Albert, York- Cottage la tee mrail fer -te Royal Famlly; ý.uw,ýan4 bouides bisat thinug befe li d.r"leng the sense et -gardon, Bt f re tho p-rlur, ;W*Iee sees Uh Jrm of -- J "tir rater>. wenkshop viii hâe L b Lied fr hlm nenuthouse. poalIjon for i li road-WaY e,.ea ouse. iurvcb". - foi edtttube nqdlcal m.uý Ci.ido Lan Tb# rçýr.1 Iit u ne and *tii*Oma of 7,00M Oê xtriteralh*nAryÂa e s i mmlo ~i-»~t ~ Rouiem *-Public offis aDot om c* aiIy va.ned, by' ifttains.s iii tisa ain*mbm.i" rmi Hl Total' The înaý tabled I total a- $149,-489 861. TI 919,314 $44,870, against 621 resy ereases dated f tel aced The p lic wor] standi Anethel in arts. which ence s appropi navala A cal meot a liam. ti ] ithe 60me mune t if you- goin warn warninl sure. writes ««I hm coffe 18 just been i sufler yeans, tality - mo to]1 genera4 se8sedi qui oc the eltier in fron t o iuaerc~lal W Visrde t %Win

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