d TAVO~ I Y OlIS OF rlis DX&B» ISEÂSE U O BY TISRIB T Ire. Ritchie, ofGait hOt , Iayi Bi teBlleve8 lt h Baeifr .M uootorg Said Bite Hà d'it" ot LiiTc Livo !hon - bieBegaâ- bi1 Treatmwnt -Read Rer rtorul tatsmeuite Scarcely a day passes but fresh dence given fer tise benefit 'o! su!- proof je offered o! the woderul feting humnani ty." power o! Dr. Williams' Piuk KPil Writing again undier the date cf over disease. lu many o! these Auguat î6th, iuîî, Mrs. Ritchio cases relief sud uew healtb cornes aya: "As to my general bealth I to tise sufferer after tii. beet efforts vax> say that 1 have not feit Z-) ueil o! medical men had been in vain. in years. My etomacb i3 in the Oune uch case is that o! Mme. D. best of condition sud 1I ea a M. Ritchie, of Galt, Ont., who things I have uot es-ton for ýea1e. wriÃŽtee :- 'I fecl iL my cluty to ]et I can walk quite well, but use Mny ,ot1er people kuow what Dr. Wil- 'cane when I go eut, as I bave not -- huma' Pinkr Pille have doue for me. qulte confidence in myself yet. But 1 WSIS Lken sick iret iLu. $sy, 1910, if yon had seen me wben I started ~with' rireumatistm. Treatment at to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, hoie hvîng; failed me I went te you woulcl realize what a miracle .~<siaDetroit, 'wherc I 4Atrsome week%, but in- . roving I became b- "lo'is, as if f rom paralysîs, ýnot move lîand or foot. ndrthe heavy expense of mmppuedourse, and the best of 1<11 reametbut seemcd to b-i rowing worse. Finally, about t thimiddle of July« my husband de- - ~cided to bring me home t-o Galt, wheme I remaincd under medical tmcatment, and wdýh a nurse con- etantly attending nie until October, whcn I took a further turn for the womee. Then the doct-or told my husband that it wis onl v the mat- -ter Af a few weeks, as 1 could flot -possib!y get bette r. Up tW this time over six hundre-d dollars iad been speut for medical and hospital treatmcnt. In tis conidition with hope abanduned. miv husband isaw a testimionial in a lo)cal paper of a cure o! paralysis through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Puil, aud I decided at once to try them. Iu a few weeks there was a littie îm- provement, and f rom that time on each day ehowed somne change for the better. I can now (March, 1911) walk ail about the house, do up iny roomn, wash the dishes and sew and mend, but amn stili a little ehakey, but arn lookiug for the fulleet cure, as I feel myself growipg strouge r daily. I give the full crédit to Di. Williazns' Pýiri. Pilla, for 1 feel they arc an i1strument under Provi- they have worked in mny case. Al that I have stated ie absolutely true, and I may à dd.that the pills have cured my husband of ki*dney trouble that other medicine seeexed to have no effect upon, for which wc are both thankful." Again under thie date of Jan. 16, 1912. Mme. Rit-ciie saye: "I arn fully reovere-d sud able to do aIl rny housework. I shall always recom- ment Dr. Williams' Pink Pille and trust some sufferer will receive as much benefit by reading this a.s I did through a faitbful use of the pille.' Dr. Williams' Pink Pille cure sucb apparently hopelese cases as Mrs. hitchie's because tbey make new, rich, red blood, which feeds the starved, overworked nerves, and gives toue and strengtb te every or- gan in the body. No sufferer f rom paralysie, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus dance, or a.ny nervous dis- order can afford te negleot -Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille, the great bloc-c builder and nerve tonic, which have more remarkable cures to their credit than any other me- dicine in the. worl. But be. sure you get the genuine pille with the- 1 ful name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale People," ou the wrap- per around each box. Sold by 0.11 medicine dealers or by mail at 8 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 f rom The Dr. Williams' Medigine' -o., Brockville, Ont. 11321 MfR. C. C. JAMES. The Déput7 Minister of Agriculture. wbo Io lenvtig the PrQvtneLil service for thet of the Domnoli. lie -ravu inefl j»>1 . the Lngs coronaion honora, beibg nîude a <ompatnlou of the Ordet of St. Miehaeu and St. George. DYSPEPTIC PHILOSOPHY. Flattery is the coin with *hich aome people puy their way., Lots of us trouble most about the thing tihat neyer trouble us. One good turn deserves another, but it doesn't always aet as a boom- erang. A girl ie known by ýthe ccimpany she keeps, and incidentally mont girls are keepiùg cornpany. It's the little things thait count, but that je no reason why you shouki let the big thi.ng get away f rom you. It eometimes takes a quick-witted man to go Flowly. Fortunate is the man who eau pick ihis own bra.nd of suecess. Many a fellow's only source of ini- corne is a lateh key. The fellow who is full o! ginger may be excusedc for feeling that he is bot atuiff. A floating debt le a poor life-pre- server to keep a ruane head above water. - In plte cf the f act that theories sel-dom work, the, arniy o! the. unexu- ployed is far f rom beiug a theory. The average m&n je more ready k>, lend hie ea.;rs te a hard-luek story thon t.- Iend a bond. Bon eple have such a dÉeà o t.ng acmtlnng -4h&t does't be- long t. tbem that thoy, won't evSu tshe a hint. A4 i -~1MEMÇINME PAR TIP, khl IT TAXES TWO, ETC. COST 0F LIVING IN BBiTAIN. ,r Singletoti-> Do you tbink two-- What mother caneot remember Ità can live as cheap asg one ?" Board of Trade Réport Shows Cost the. times o! hem childhoOd- when toeu Wedmore-- - Y -c-s, but not as of Food Inereaslng. tire castor oil bottle was 'broùght pe~aby"A re.cord a.mount cef lab'or unrest, luto use-the dread with whieh sen.-u *.OW COLONIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC a (;light ise lu wagee, a consider- looked fomward to a dose o! ltr-t>O syten vacia CO AST, able decrease ini boums, a minimum fight shle put Up wheu forced to e ot -i lurgo and North Westernl Ry., on o nepcmntsdmitnnetk .Srl i ohr u male daily, à March lt Lt.o Aprîl lth, from u nepomn ndmitnne to i.srya ile teuesll16 iýÉ &iU points in> Canada to [os Angeles. tSan Of high coat ci living are the. prin- gladtu pr their littile -,O'n' ' oc4 an Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Victoria. cipai features o! thse review of lu- discomfot-4hui dreaýd., Moderp~ L. Vancouver and many othesr points. Through tourist sieepern snd f ree rc.cîîn: duLttry during 1911, publiebe. by tb. science bas banished tir. bad stuel- Est8fa Ing chair cars trom Chicago. Tickets via British Board cf Trade. iiig, evl-tutiiig) gripiiig caitOr. suta vaiberotswth ap1pîîi top J'<rn. The percentageo!funemployed for ol and given in itilace a m oderli Bennett, Gen. Agt., 46 oe.nue 8L. Toronto. 1-1-wstise towest reeorded remedy-a remedy p ant totà kee sines 1901, when it a4nounted to 3.7. mid, thougli thorough i-n action,- A HINT. A ùight upwamd movement in abselutehy'hazmleSii aud _sometbizrg E 'I)id your cooùk say riglit out that ,ages, whieh began in 1910, was the. htti. oue wot't dread , - Thitai kitte Ehe wanted yen sE tewet.ay h-ime maîntaiued en thse wbole durlng nmedicine 18 Baby's Own TaWdet*- . that evenîng V' 1911, alt.hough it did net st a.uy te ouly rcmed1y sed by thousanda taks "outl ffv ehe pu t o s nvat ry ttime become marked. fmothers of littk oone-ithe modi- PY < moutfulcf oc wehadte aL hat The net eff ect o!fa&l changes re- ciue that iras forced castor oil and -day -' ported te the Board of Trade dur- 4"aoething" syrups out of the. 1>ome ing the year was an increase o!f nd bita taken. their place tcâ briug- s C(ist*,ven-esand !ils ('ure.--When £20,972 à week ii thie ffl O 25,- healtir te baby av! joy te thre par-> thse excretory organs re!fuý,e to per- 2WO workpeople. eutp. The 'Tablete *roe' old by fomtheir functione pr<,uperl ie Taking the period of sixteen yemr nidicnedetiers or by mil at 23'04ê inteftines become clogged. Thiste j rom 16<tu 1911, thse aggrqMa. o! cents sbxfroni Tir Dr. William~ ' " known as coétivenegis sud if ne- net increaa 'v! wof s ,xeei "d îtia M4çiae o., t 3r<ckviU. 0 ut4 - glected givosmie te <angerons cf net decreaiesby' £3U,124 a, -eu complications. Parmelee's Vegeta., week, equej id ,,29,1tw448 a. year6 - WUAT If l& AJJIà Â... bie Pilla will eff ect a apeedy cure. Changes in the weekly hours of! inaZ--j1 e yi $ng. o tpc . hi At the ir8t intimatiSof o this' aiU- labor takiing effect in iii 1911astod Juk Ve ment thse sufferer tbould procure a 105,837 wrntpeopks. 434thia t W- lth :« e eh*l worklngp packet of the. pillsansd put iimvelf. ber 4,U37 pew , hâ;lid ther hours a aponlareomaa donind fér horsoiL» urder a courre cf treatment. Io ineeaed by 13.M9-5 a w.k and good cffectLa d the pilla dîll b. al- 101.200 b.d reductîion Oie omltiIig 'SELF-BACIuFicINO Xs8Eý%jTAL muet îmmodiately evdent.' b 74, 140 honr à 'e <» Ak.cu eh pt < -JUST LIKE RIS DAT). t leader?" tequ4 Mms..Joues-,I suppose ho takes ýîybdyw3nt t -he1"dr1r' frp after bis father?" j[ f 7qV V ftii.party. It- ,tiike e ,thtt ft=11 Mm. Smith-"Yes; when he o" ees g<>wf4y otagirtite h wlinsg t.bc !outt 1nover know where to ied S'POU ISC 5CW iep.t. - tM tbe04Mv05 & LU LW IB~IU ad a wl d tred to buAt W; SA * - But hi* vif. v«a sSu(raett., And Ptr.ti rh e hopitsl *I Mae m~V# O CR&ZY WITH LOZEMA A Remarkable and ConvincgStptu'Y'out- vifs ment of tho SUcoeuof U"oes Soap and OIntnantIotIoOTUÈmt ü»M of the irail 1.ru bêet friend' was neve4.trcè mostatdthati i, tin lm~ and highly réspecte&d resident' Z! thus place. "My tro-à le z-as 1Wiý"ght 'oiï,by hard «ork,," Mrs. Butier tells lié- friends. "For four S'ars I suf-f fered from pain in the back. 1 was always tireu and neT-vous, My head aehed'and I ha>d dark ciroles under mv eyes, whleh were alse puffed and swolleti. I xwas in a geueraily run-down cnndition and feeling verv inuch discouraged when I started te tako Dc.d4's Kidney Pille, and 1 can only say I found relief at once. " Tihe mainspring o! woman's health -id the kidneys. If the kidneyse are right the bloo4 will b. pureý.,Pure blood je abgolu-tely essential, id goôd health. Dodd'â-KIidney 'Pille make thie kidneye right. UTILIZING WÂSTE COAL. New Deviee at Hull Saves a Lot of Slack. The feasibility o! using for power purpoi>es ýoa that thas previously be-eu rejected aa worthless le said to have .been sue«usfully demon- etmated in a publicé exhib4tion of a uew patent water-ubo at L H, Eugland. Thoe ystem employa thre known principle that aImoet iefeet combustion caîn b., obtaine'd by miÃ- ing air iu proper quantlties with pulive.rlzed coal befome the latter je introduced into a furnace. This in- sures better combusioni withr lesu air ti-sa usuai, and with a ccmse- quent inerease el 'bolier efficiency by reducing the. a.mount coi tacr- ried away by iithe scaping Tiie resulta obtsied wkihe b.; est kinid of fue lrýIâ ' i medI*o h>ésI wiser ox4nay - ditn; tiýre iii. reduct o f 'tà ' unei "Y - ~u. , -' Cm.Pint6wi1 mie-t 1n& onttiran - th à 1ê void- *e buria1gt> i- ve*ýbm i laIit, aged apventy yo rs, hf Ã,I4 t> withe-ne fsonalit thÃŽ be ju4y iha&II-býîkî ,T in room with ,the* ,wé'dôws p1rlypeW ed, andjivatched for folir' -and n.Ightà or until definîte -signa of 4r.- ths ýô th'tssge .inompQiition baye set in'. During, pamiphlet 4 Eir i3enja=iin Ward Rkiadson, "IThe Siguse nd Proofs of .D -ath,")saâIbe applied, and trhgth is period a 'beill shall b. aà ttachedto hie wrist which can ýb. easily audible within and without the room. aWhen decomposition bas set in and the coffin may then be lightly' faetened, but shall not b. screwed down untiltiihe twelfth day after deatb. Ris remaine shalH theii le cremated either on the downs near Stonehenge r- the down near Bat-' tlesbury ERh, or on, Scratchbury winds ci? HoayoU. WIIAT FOLLOWEfl A 4CUT. A Magstrate's Wouderful Expert'. Senes, With Zam-~Buk. Mr. J.,.B'. Ar»eiault, a Justice af the Peace, -and station Waster at Wellington, -on the Prince Edward Island Ry, lays: '«Four yeare ago, I slipped in the- sitation andi f eh on a frçight truck, mutaining a bad eut on the. front of m y leg. I thought this wouhd h4eal, bit instead o! doing, so it devçlop'ed lnto a- bad ulcer ind later jute a form o! ci enea whieh spread very railyandi also statted on twi. other leg. Both le0gà 'b.camê se8 8wollen and uer. that i could -<>nly, -.80 about z4;ý Womk l > bamviug them- L bandagedo My'dctor said -i musb-', stop work -ndlay upi- *Âfjler six monthi <! ibis trouble lei Ândyouget the genuine palted udoctored artcle. How Do You JudgsFnig  REyon n ezertP Do, yolitknow a eor ioeo acegwe *t xmn (lad -thé çouialty tfIAD-ec u) ,t yu I.fir l.a foncé, y« eau D u ii) n«ec. for our nme - daIÃg e b etniton0 fe1 buyru. Our long epoirienéo and Our- rep18tmrtin are a guar*ulgse t2îat Leader Fenw :ar w fl a& u eri tl £iiilt thr fcugou* t» la te no* I>ny mre ina ol o eur M t one.Ify>upl réithan h. IAeà r p Moweus 81117 If yo do net know dur locel et wrtte'*dilet1» afor ele1 linAgents, waotiÃŽ4. inuropreueated i"cIt. Write for ~1gufo TriMe-, IIay ~ sw~&i rnA. lion ýLVON & PL -W, L. PLIISBS I. Si ion -Whou 1 BËuk. Oroeat- -et 1>0K rave by day ithey iuadulterated, 011 flfl~ Mýl -7-ý -ý