[t pet,'oè ornsfn dWa,..Iu~ TO 09DER. TR & I ~~~ ~ _ BNLiohnwwIUga âtbtu, aetbp.m. ýte ,4oMIidt tSi é'à t"lilub fIan ! "owiô h 'y.-Win ail persans wluo arc iuwr' iw inthege *" e deavor t 110tO . J HRlchardso's for Electric finlshed neW procm. e-s n pain8 done at M.W. Callas' at low prtces. 5 13APTIST CIIUli-I1I. A bufldaY "00ansd 111-ie Classas at SUPPOSE yau ask us to nake uawateh incorporating 4 1 îurnn& servie, 7"' hp Aonmet. îdeaofwbat nw-tch should be. A eigsbJc-tesns!,z u tSuappose we delvered the ' ag les wol h ntg. Wouldn't you say, ar vie <dwlb.or I twth a 1 auor- . diaily welcomed. l>un' lorget the concert in the llu- modema," tihmn, fiat c.e na ichaillon Friday -îvenlng next, Pcb. moden, eatthi, fit cse- 2:td. Mis. Stewart ani Misa :Swart- one ou ae prtif to ake ion your pocket and show to aiy. 4 ood will bc assiste inlutlit~r pro-1 one, anywhere. gtan' by the' Whtby orchestra and the A truth-tellang wmsch whose 4 iuH tut' lie aptist cburch. A aplisi- ti me you c.an alwas dependon iiid tilIumilainnt [s assurred. ..a remnarkable w th that 'A.11 roa e corPr lH tced S cushion sole aboes, oeu- timekeepng. cý,tshoc unearth, iL M.W. Collina'. Awatch 1 at is sturdy as well 4 (t! hoc6o as accurate -one that wil i .st HOKY Slifetimes tr d gav efc 4 The Blaraca Clas aithe Baptist service thr u ,hout 4cuc n .s esBbeCasa S A watch, an fact, that's as 4: huraen the, pîayeBl ereathof V near perfection as anything Ah 'bialpayda neetn man canrmake -one' that areets A gneo odyngt h cr V every 'requaremnent in service Awas 5-3 in favo- of t.he Baracas. 'r and~.lAfie saine evening the Presbyterlan Ir In short, a watch that yo A and Mà ethouist schools played la tAie 'r know is your ideal the nin'ute 4..S egc Th Prsyran yo<a sPO it. A iwcre ictorious by e-0. T 'has as exactiv what we ali- A' On Tuesday night AIl Saints r9ay hve or ou.W e schol played the second game i wth ~. ee flt akemîtoorder. A the' Baptist sehool tcam. The latter W' lassettîs watches in al are .were beaten by the score o! 3-1. l'le W, Wr the best watches Aflrst gaine Was won by the Baptiste, W Bet inail he bovefor he r Wr Jeia i h h~efrtt thlie score being either 2-i or 3-1, there 'r prace.being saîiic uOubt as ta whc.ý Z~~~~~~~ 'VhadeEaWlhnIAil lunes af !ootwear at greatly -te- Regina, Haamlon, Howard and A duced rcsa els ail good watches. dIiesu els a., ___ ATHE TABERNACLe. A Sunday, Fcb. 28th. Service, il a.m.-.Subwet, "1Chanci IN I Ba Sett Union." Durlng te service ballots- i ,N B ss t wil bc giv:n outo al: b M br &, and adiacrents. Corne and gmt your S Jeweler- Optician ~ blo.~ognst clse t «B p.m. Ail strailgers and Il *W-h Onttarjio ail nt atteIing S.S. anywherees "I orne. Servie. 7 p.m.-Subject, "No Dit, W. C. T. U. enrence between the ighteoas adtheit ffleked." A hearty hand-shaoe sMd velcome - - for ail. -~Du -lot forget the Ire. liutatod The concert under the ausPit't' Of> lecture on hi,, wark among lts oUons aur Union, wlsach was idvetlsed fok on the lakes, An thie S.S. tacs Thura- Pceb. 28, bas lx-en poetponed until <a), Feb. 22, at 7.30 p.M. March 13, Furtber particulas Iter41 Tif EOU'l'iD 1li Oh for B.C.,idaho, Oregon, Wadblag TIIE OUSIDER.ton, Caiforuta anti Mexim apelais. - It bas beau trcquently satd tlha t. nu iSpeelal chcap oac-way seooati-olas une la beuefltod more by prohibitiont~t usl ai .o ir a thian the liquor-seller and bis Iamily - tf April 151h, is ail amble I10W burdessome la mubt beuo a'omanutou tes. For a ailo in oe - ia who has any self-respect ta know tbai through tickets sme on vrAIs Bt ià # bilonga to the clans whlch suCite ý (pp« te ts Stmud »À» iokas upon as paraultical f Iow ut-,Whltby. Aiso cbeap Ii*ais I. ten have the members of thie iquor- froui kaglmd, IncIsa#,$0009Mi seVllra ifamuly groauca under tAie bu-' via ail ossa Unemeao vy, now mlliillation wblch they muat fiel 1 Part 1ti rpelt uS of this bas becs forcibly expremd iita, o rpsd c tsbop tL.e I ollowtag poem, contributed to iTron~t, I<llverdgi *d Oa' the \iaadlcator by Mels I. McC-ulUum: Rts tckets s=SWIlt. M eO But tley dld'task for mine; 'Tas for he mlbterlapartyMdwAnt*rasic»ue liawm Ttaey wanted the nilet ailver, Man'@ sterling, every bit; 1ý [lies aIl yellow sud .nlubed, Pur why should 1 brighten t? lfî'y wanted thle lightest biscuit, 'l tic bandan sd heart of!une aches, %lien 1 Uink of rny rootny oves, Aaîd t.he wouderfui way it baltes. Tihey wanteds.Il t.be good people, 1'bat cut me Most, like a huile. YOU S"c, 'w-as the m nister'a pont, And lui Lbe salou-.kemen'svite. Peel'& abo torem (>d WWb=ia lu"ta 'tM (Ma 'yhudviw « Mim lra.do Rlt. VL*,, vu ulm-IN» IUIsnt, by z1v. Il. W* -mi. wbo vaWho wu s*"> by i It« oo&si cb"Wmla au 1bnoaicol u mtVil b"Ibs, 1 Iaad PeeAI* IaLamttà ,, 0 ~otosto, ippal a Iornier'u mo~.hor Mn.. RobI*ipo. waton, have b~ MMI lins. ~Jas.M iowawl -tut hé 04t II*ye*sma was h1iir, otoemed 11> 'thos a wbb kbow hër.' Beddes but huaband, sl ob s tamlly 0o!aix ohildîcat Ureçbol# mati thre gis, and a tter,- Mrâ.- Ail- mDu o! the towaIine, to meurs ,,ha The faewtilca tock -Place -oh Tueaday, Feb.. 20$40te UnIC omahý waa Wagely atte"dd. ev _-. Ji Sexemlth coaducted thé !liierhl s-,o-t" vice. The pall bearers w.re Mmbs. Wrn. and John Komp, Fired - Gakte, Thlos. Morcombe, S. Vanstone <ad Frank Jouas The A.Y.P.A. o! Ai, Saints' churcb emtert4lned l»S A. Y.P. A.>' o!St Go.rge's chur&ih, Oshawa, on Wedsies- day eveftlng sat An the towA, hall There were aiearlyméoyvjnsi from 'Oshawa,- inludtng the Rector, 11ev. De Pouvi. The ftrst tailg u the program wras the ratchliigo! valentinos for partuers for the even- ing, which was qulte amuslng, al ter which a short program wus rendered by membera ni t.he Society andi Cal- verley's orchestra, whleh was much onjayed by aIl present. 11ev. R. W. Allen occupled the chair. Re!resh- ment8 were t.hen served, and a social heur spent Iu games, etc. The- Osh- awa crawd took their departure *put 11.30, dec-laring that the Whtby A.Y. P.&. knew haw tu entertalu. The regular mneeting of the A.Y.P. A. waa held on Tuesday eveninglast. Goot attendance. Miss Florence No-, ble waa appointeti a mnember o! the Executive Commîttes In MISS Con- nor's place. Social haur wus spaut alter a twenty minute contest'. Nezt regular meeting wlll bo helt on tble, evmning o! Tuesday, liarch 5.-L, A le minute address will be gîven by, est; Mr. Allen on 'tHlstory o! Uic -chune- o! Eugland." Everybody *,weicome. thehem and boudea>p-th.envmi" Petsonai Mention. mi"s Shirley i4oble Épeat Sw>day wlt.h weno ndalBowmanvifte. Misa Edith Brown vlalted at her home in Bnoolwnthis week. Mir. Chapple, of Kenora, is vlsit4hg hi èizut, Mur. W.G. Walters.' Mise Rass, o! Mllneapolla, !armerly of O.L..C., la the guestW !Ms. J.E. willis. Mr. Aimer Ross, o! -Toronuto, viait-, ed his motber, lira. Tbas. Ros", tW$ week. Miss Bertha Worfolk, of Toronto, 8pent a few days witli. her parents here. Miss' N. Smith, o! Toronto, b ai bois a gueet at the homne of lMr. W. G. Ruttan. Miss maggte Desmcmd, o! Detroit, ls vlsltilng ber panoxs, lMr. and Mrs. T., Desmond. 'f.anid irs. 'Wllber Mayne ,ot- Sourls, Man., are vlsltlng relativie la tern fçr a urne; Mins Laura aoro, o! PortRIopi, b $sl~ii K85 »U~ JIW8~>J fr aý cle" !bita isa. Ie &1~o teuo~ i~a, vis#iteiMù and' am rIeid, o!à Âppl ta r. XCGftt!Mvry*WbltbY. W&k'bydal ot plain se*lng. Apply W&N rID. tIogk tul -the Houai ai, KdUi.ge. Ap- pI> t. e cMatron, Mrsà ýJ .. javery, Que lxAnported Sh">tbara bull, "Uuiorfetty Klngo," 00Â9,regist0red in tà h Arnerican 1-erd Býok. Appiy ta W-if. Bell, Audlîyo Ont.* WANTED. A nellable womau for few *bous *ou Fridays, for cleani.ng. Appiy box 15, Gazette Office. FOR SALE. Gasolmo en8lne, bt4 harspowr; would suit farmir. Apply- J. H.- JAMES, Whitby,-,&7. WANTED. A competent housekeeper i midle, Bpe lité,, witibout encumrabance. Must have good referemasc.' Apply 'Oa J., R. PHILP, collectoe a! customs, Whltby.i Bot ai conc. tweci Coiu bi Il ari knom mie vu~ng e " Pereru a nero io -.Cu R. 0oe anê Sngta PItWtty' MisVers, et Uxlde of iano o! oit. i ta4e gdicdiyQo mmrt 01,nonl. *Thomusclon ttfer ituatods vto cote byspo~il1DMI mies aseInIMwSsveê beautit 000=1l - LOST. bwees Calvert'a Mill, Columibus' the Brook ,roati os - be 7t zsalon, on Friday, Pib. 161, be- sn the heurs af 4 aud ô o'clook p. a pocket book cautanlug a suni iouey and ether imapbrt4înt papers. or piesue leave at Calvert's Mill;, nibus or Brookiu P.0.,,sud, wli Ibîrally rowarded. -AMOS H: PRO1U$Ee-, Brookiu, Ont, HOU$E fAND LOIPEI OË' SALE of'lot ZqN 12 ou thê eýset 0eo!p ryi~ botwe lhn un -Ct-to Bt4.;'- aorth ward, as laid eut ona inullsL Plan. ¶'lla ot r îvI-"ms Uic »oll lots, Thon.-le-a h~tcash, ibnmcs seauri by"e TQRONTOQ GI!EIAL.-TRV8IT 104 ouï' PAfè ,4Troat, oI e0i 44cun 0of al :ha4 is I t.'of etoý lrà fg tocll of Skates,- Sticksl Puc1p~,Sti~#~s et<~ e xpeet tà b îW Eind 1Otfetwltra~ oeeyhn must ga e gardks s ticks, 35 aiç ac6c ics35. 5Cand 40C Sticks, ~ 3o ind23 sticks, > j. oc and î 5c sticks, 8c. 'Henry Boker's Domnion, reg. 46 Model, di Perfect Varsity .SCQUt Wininer Scout (flot nickeled) Winner (flot nickeled) SmaII size, reg. reg. reg. reg. $2-.50, '2.25, 1-75# 2.00, 1.50Y reg ..1.009 rieg. ,9% reg. .50, PUeKs ioc, now 5c. Regulation, now $i6, flow 1.50 flow 1,25 flow 1.35 10W .90 now .6o 110W .55 flow .30 25c, now 15c. Black straps, reg. x5c, zfIlow 8c. We guarantee,'ai these prices to be below the actual cost of the goods, so it will pay to buy now for next year. Sale to last 7 days only From Thqrs., Fêb. 22nd, te Mar. 1 st W. J. Luke &Son Phone io. WHITBY MIsa Esthe . lid and !rlend, and Miss Madeline G(lid, of '1ronto,..were hI town for a fow days. vlattlng wlth lirs. W.S. (lid. Mnf. Russel Valtentyne and Mi. Harold KIng, o! Cannington, are Iii towfl taklng-a course iu agriclture ýwith Mi. J. il. Rare. -ira. R.-W. AUen held a reception at the'rectory on Tueb>day afttnoon. lirs. J. Il. flowney and Misa Allets W-lvettey asisted Mrs., AllUn. lirs. Olaugher, of Toronto, gave a ver lnterestlng and helplul- talk on Mission work ta the memabers of AUl S5aints' Auxlary- on Wedneaday al- tmrnoon Ilut. Mis. Gregg and lirs. A. C. Billott, o! Broohlin ; Mis N. EllUott, o! To- nronto flirs. Jackson, ot Newcastle, sudlis. Powler, of Moarefieid, bave kbeen guests o! the Mies Elliott dur- -Ing -the puat week. - Th.e. Gazette. and- Clironiele goes into almost eey on in -thiîs town and surrundng rnnry.Your advt. in it woul bereadbyW great many .yos. 3 otte ma Atoê .m ~lê,Mn.W. . l ai MAo. Duandte là bDtI* -I Froin bchliîd My klitcben CUr" li 1 could nie tbem laughing.Sa b Tboeamruronds ta iis world 1M*s41 Than uitk "truight sud mrrow 1 know how tley boldme..But thli SMa la it swtl t.o koep tQe»»1 That i Mme tiat *wwA Ju4»0,whlodo As 1 stomci ta t>or i'ab ab, Weil" Iberre lit Mde1a0i W% Andivit'»a uG t'Oai dlaam. ý 8t1U-4bmy w*Iud tbepSettt lat And tt" I~t a t«oktu 01 4 IF W13 M~DE' V I7I~WT A SSII j..'. "j' I (s i ~' - 1; -,' 9