TOMBE ho hm »or te L. ïalIbau'li. W1 teu apply te Self or t r X1&LW burt i< AUCTIONUBIR e& prtmptly attLrded r, LIS can "bc,.*made for e office.. -~ qt~ eèieJit p1bos. 'A »CIsde ote il v"rt 01 Deur uasnt âall llslct&c4d Ibwt et QiikuLjly miade reply at saine g. bis work -on, be1al, iiport, a4d 'uxprmapus d admiratîinlor:tu4e' 'ladà made iniWhitby. F WXià mly Ibose Whio idly of! hlm, and alil, 1s"d .it> tii.bc",utul wiU1 andgood wtshe. hoe gqod thinga o! ttture, and wo uld . i-- 'lis .heant',this out- and good-wilU on the, Mr. Gordonas succes- âItiodU@Od and, waa à lew- -,woirds, to wbich- fybut lakpiîy e whieh il luded Iigbt j. =n iollowed. '1-.- of ziames "Wat, izgnied- ont., Martch '6, 1912. th e ýwill singe aie J. 1. -~ %.alverieyos TeTil gret atMr. *Gord"l's goiig weoe tempo matie. The--Buard o! managers on the âfldzi uame occasion, preiezlted 1Mr. Gordon '6.1 with a"'pursee wItÉ* wlcli ho purchoge ohildrî a ebain amftilooket. 'Nýwhere wilI Par. ý 1~h Gordon be mom'rgreatîy inissed tha1iveatj Ini St. Ahdrew'ýq, where 1e ,was Su- 7. TI Pertntendent o!f1the..Sunday, Scho4 ows '% and a_worker o! mùch actlvIty and tbempo: usefulins. . -Itt1o Childrn's Ad Soc This Edîtor Gazetté anti rnii. -nwd the--WILrare oÃŽ aln 'pctpte, 1i1n"ope y1ou ý bothi wiUhn~k ~ouzla' our Pap3 is0 weer -for Ml bter W- ehl!o!fu Wib lit4c utw4êctet1 and, delectmve titsIa tbý<0P1 *by tlîe Ùnable 4< lace, CI1UW th21. A Acident.e Ont.M1pnday -evdlung.about 6.30 a- rdouble'e ligh oaangmissa. Faser, lg1ected MiMS traiton anid -Misa, £mly a- ' pher$bn ,drove b o0shawa b 6attomi ifor al '- te S . .c5n4iô asession at ~ ~:~. G org' chrc1 iJust M Uey or a fuit reachediUshawà ,aiwr cosn j 1théracks 111Èe s lehuPset' Ibrown te,. are. Moor, maîzaged, to hold oïto - he r their horu5eg but was ýdragged a dhort dis., tanlce l bn 0. Th oa. ý Lbabe upts esc *aped îw ha ew brulissfh nu ironi? the e:cetiao!Miss -Straibon, Who- b ad bule ail urt.-- I tý 15 Socity ortzi'te.;tfie horses .Werèi not gi eration ataIil ra te of speeýd or.teaci U o u n t y j , d n t ' u l a v e b, s . m u l i o e a c i rie and ay , (4 'lîricitti o1ei arefuily AD ~tersigadrolbe even-- s, lg x4e ti.aupces o o htby Z ood hU . be elt in a very activityp. - - Ithe 01rtg L e s. !liell, à anti-whoe piagiLe - As in ai 1cl lbe ie Uhüiùi Aid f luciet com- anîl îRarra. e. ALIU o posed 0f l people wbv have; aiscovened cli Your unilorn oubeygod-;ug-lie rpetual .truithfuiness o! ltI, ]uuroMauseUmm$ss lment, rectitude an d lioor.-have main- 50.yllig of Jesus : "-l' or ye have teo dr~gt. hty taineti aud icreatà sc e bu8Lîezuýoi Dur- fLh -YOu always, anti wieii SO- ____________ te brasal: oth1e ~n vrwitich crryu wlyou znay dobhm Myou have. pnesiddand have 50 eara- g909d. -'4ee .A.Ib. la tli<è Caristian -- edbte conMieneand good-wiilo! the USPit0f1illuns tal<ingloy al-anai si#w 's4 ledu Mofiialis ofbotIinsti tin O-Opetative îoïrm b Sfeateit out1aile that you* have bom sired-ti 10 ý £a plin=ail ciiildrenwlbmt hinn - llhe, u asue tuigreator ..Pro-tcvion Act" do'nnes as -"Nuglecled. 8PMoib l b u s eteknowl1edSe o! Chldrn And tit is -- <soniblî' te. Vedefiitin . S- titisà gain to you tht liaî. reconalled A nieglected child shali mean- a clid 'Ail Te roquI , pr&téd ,y lte Central i . u-- urI"truh ürrmoa.wo! f dD*i mus Collège of Tup4nto. train toùuq mes LL ,Wi rMer wlth plessure to b labonsel- tlIleVtng in a puuliu piace-, sletpiùg 81 rea à d*women for eUes positions.. W Y net'. bSybgrtraint g"r undar "4pcialista'i-m- itrt l qyou lhave-tlieonli n ig i te open ar, anderlng YMmaOlat, t oraWhvetde". PO] 5. Yu ae place&. abpitt - ai late hours,-assoeintrn rC )M ttusa from Halfa ot y acbuvsr. belote or ý L&td»0fOn31 tbVUCÙr ' befor- - ur young men a higit idesI o! dweling with a tiie, drunkard ruTSeaa err t. oot.(#obfi~hpi~oI eaae ru arno hl lob esno ~i l ti* otÀsinating influence of drink- ngot rukncsorotLiet ViCe o1 loti «,'i gambling antid ishonorable prac- -U«patents, ia growing up Ulilou -ec .4c lo !every kinti. lIn111-le you have 52lutarY. parenitai Contrut or emuca- iulù1 ------- I faýal assisted by the 1ev. 4F. lion, or in dircurni.ances, expüsîng 1 Wthe -atWc idgceilri-monaui sucit a childti Q an- aie and dissulute con .W@. ba%ýe tha isemo. d odi he 111imot lihat, whllst muélitgood has been ac-i flfamte, or known b oassociais wiih poli ïatrnOntarlo. aeiunuearethorotwbh cempllshed, t11e local -conditiîons anti or bè a-ien opn o eutc a udsmia intAues aol -asc1atilus avebçm. so ltneonsive ptO0sbitutc; or wlfo is a habituai vag- Pan, t. tanflof the ambition. youug b t your-beà t ideals anti efforts, ltt rani; or an orphan and, destitute ; or by-l >0 le of -Graua »utws it b-enon mply Imposible for you desertet b-y its parents'; or witose -( auoasfli atudant or 014*tu. 1o realize ail thet yousebo out 10 se- only parent is undierg&Ag li pri-on- cil o n t o it d 4 0 -lu a4 « n t . 1 - h W o l e h o w e v e r , t a t m e n t f r c r i m e ; o r w i to b y ta S Uo f S o c i Ur te gtood sedWiich .as bçen à owna!Il- Ieataent, continual persanial in- it LINISTn i EU, my di -srsfuture dy>-beal .te jury, or grave nisconduct, or hai - per T.Bwr grln L.Sptonà r ou tcmdsrdbnet a neieac !isprns or for la ummlng Up 111e elezùieats, o! eiLhex eof, tiein, is ia peril o! losa s l xv. . Otto, t s ireagQliülayoQUn chanacier 'which haeit1e, heait or morality ; onriin respact 7; - zýado you bhemauy-o<ded titan -witich ta whom ils parents or anly 'parent pari you ardew. caunol ovçrlook y.oui con- have or lias been convicîed- al an of- rods Invisibe - s»cuouu aoblvlby lin vt in !fes gainst tiis Act or unden te- Crol D EK~C1 h ista ervice. . Your loyaty to Criminal Code; or wviose home, --by R.H -Th -LenesQod a a i eeit. lunyour leblow-men reason. of neglect, crulty or deprair- roati haveeontoeifaetowarp astd woo! Uty> Is au.unfll place frscicid vs os f orredng o your bulnés Ille, and have atini- sud. Negiecbed Cblîdren shaih mefn pîo, wrtig udohe cos uaet sd uported:-evee, Iotm o! bwôor. More -o! euch cblîdren. R.S.O. AJal rango ross héeh r u!ulu oideyour.cafllng 111.11897, c.- 2à O, a.7sd2. - for lob~ rage- asMarkoed,' your. career -..since you - Thab seclof oth1e law clearly de- 28,k -1 - . __ iý ?-Û&s tahe.clase o! citiltiron ivit n o ~.LU E, ~ L beev~auy work o! a. rebtglous or, for-,Whttin the, Children's Aid S c d - phIlanthropIe ditaracter ivas-, o bÇ oolely'works. Br~cd 59 Yagp t..TOROTO- donlwhotlmer lbittov'or out e! OvenPeetyscilisbaebe'-î Bo ___________________________ 1e11021 É odepîy 1pCialy recognized or,- qualîfled toe n-____________1t,"uh~ osti ~ ~ a. 01 - lterestei, -Lsdmnt buly iqualifiod >te gage lu the, enfôrcqment o! 1the , Cbild- lion inn eanada â i ict~'re~il led, assistance. for mils Protection At; on- oo!which le ,by or Sorthsd Kfuctio h Iis ,service-so !reely given-anditiho 1e Cbldren's Aid Sociely of aops ý1 ~ te ?et anal Popular bh love filaI s impelloti you to. County o! Ontario, having for t is A ~~~ý ci-... J ~aomore alundantmm we suivdo aaS, among othergth 1e bolowlng on & o 'you honer.» - eoen tbinge: -tute We roer: algo [n commiendatory L. To. imaintýaju a educational whle] j ~m 0to s. Qprdon, iviose brigitI-campalgIl on subece relatlng ho chlld Pd ~ ON' nos la b'te soel circle, -ami whose protection, and bQagi talstemtjI - balulpla Ith ome' are £0 ,lcallY Jagainsti, afil à tate nds b rob tanti: bedl W$bWn ully recognized by al ivito knew her. ChllnaO!f1110rigbi th nwU l n'o M udilül i sor er dprayïr atmosphtre 'f pùrity ad moral. ov to.UM W,« d#m htGl , lâetblessîg .JnMîay cleanilineus. - v mVOt i4>s >fu. 4601, ant potyOt2 To lind ail negîe<aëd ebuidren la .P al *lMe.KOT auýtliyandjb1at we zay ,ofteii i-ha e 1e cunhY. --- fia plasud.bpelmgyou~aa1s - T iarn.alal parents whose eMid- (Couir ______________________$ Sf nod bohiai!o!fte' cilzeus - !en are rré _t! aeloctd1 i-mn lhE - Whittty tahent a chance '$0 correct aly -abusés.jtao_ h ~1a ~~m~jAq qf1 <lu imy oxisi; and nover btaire a V hot eSuy c 1laniGul o-hldfrom ils'home tunles absoul qttit ~ ~re~*,-in *pïe, neeesarâ i ~>JM~T&ks~, oetti~gMr. ordon a h a gold bud- 4.- To take lega istopSa-ncueff9 92 rs. lU nirl A so l t>te 'vas aUil .fM,.n- urh___ tportapt, , but tme - uîttwe Eoected01 et ,-_.léOturers -0o1-he Bettèr.Faim- opIe 4~ave no- one toe 1<4ee themnar fig - speciai touding.lthe Province -OU il udcltie the, o ed the- 9ndian Pacilib RailWay. Tihe ir Cause, but those -whosdhearts Presid tî Rev. e touehed wit h -t11e sorrows et a. opeunlg address, - liedtohe, lu an id. ai objeets aimed ai b 1eSc~y 'InasùzUch as ye do ib onto oné Hoe appealed b rnedibeis.without fur-; thos4 you do it __onto Me2' - ther delay tla seeld n tteir tint- of iancer,îy, for th1e chidienTa ake sPrlfg options. Deligh.tflil numbers EDWARD CHALL# were epuntributed,-by. 'Miss Dryden - M -Organiling Agent. a P'ano solo, Mis Lngs inging, un dar ings by-ilisGreen of! the T hi Councîi. Ldieà e College. Mr. Kerr's 0W115Ptalk-ýasý very pÉa.ctical, and devoted, esPeclally, t planting anti pruning of Uounil met on Monday4 ýMatch 4. trees. He, illustrated bis'arguments ILu lilmemberis pressai. Iteeve ilu by actually triznming trees and-bush-~ 0 chafr. "iUtes o! meetIng es on ithe plat! ô-i.m He had much ad and conà ltmed. good a 1 vice along thre [<ne- of 11w tb commnictio wasrea ý romgel saîzsfaction -in 'otdering nursery P. <. e.?engineers, wis rliesoc.Frher, lis experience as a proposed rOad- crosslng la Towa- practlcal commercial grower o! straw- ip wai presenLted fot apptovraf li- bernies wasmvauable to-those who red bacomniittee composed -of would like bto grow them own supply *vu. and UCoucîiirs (iut±irîe and o! Ibhis deliclo,-us fruit.. Mr. Kerr is n *e, to report at nexI meeting.. big man in other ways than- physical-: &r.1iUover _-was -heard by touncil Iy, and he stands» conuiderably overi ociati0f lfakha an- iekeingsix fbel 11gb. It wns mort inispiring lephionle o.P ne prîvilege lu place b hean hlm tell 110w a lo.t o! boys9 ls -ouighwaà ys o! Township.Tii and girls' around' Ottawa hati enloyed ,s grantei, -ptovicling thfis Coin- a two days' btrp to th1e capital from iy cornpIy with thle regulations 01 thue moneyl rebutas of a dozen r>trïw- -aw 3. Carrieti. berry plants givén to eacb. rNoo*er Wv. E.U. Hall was beard by Cous- way could lie so suceessful il leadlsg re aid 10, County UClAîdneai's Aid young people to love growin g fruits Cety. and végetnbles. Abeatty vole o! twas; moved that a bonus of 25C. thlanka moved enflhusiasbically by Dr. tod bo granted b Ibhe !ollowing -Haro and secofùded by Rev. Mr. Sex- wire1 fonce boues :-D.-R. itoUlu- smlb-h, was extended ho 1the lecturer.* i40 frods south sitie lot 28, Con. A noteiýorthyl7fenture was,1the greal Wzn. jorm1ston, 40) rode southeast itumber-'o! quest ions -fired aIthte 'lot;29, con. 7 ; J. Modland, 200-speaker, and his ready ýýay of! ans- s weâ isido lot -22, cou. ô i Wm. 1werlng thor.- taI, 1100 rods graveil ro-ad, cou. (6; . Watts, 20 rods eset aide gravel d, coul. ; Sonley 'Brou.,,,0 .rods b.: sic$e gravel, rom!, con.-4 *">A. vins 70- rotis, lot 19, -_ con. f!g a bUnus of 1 '.te thi !oilowing ,RoËinson, 80 roti,s i sIdte. lot con.' 7 ;Wm; Morrison, 2M, rosIs 28e' con. 9 ; Robert Heron, 80 8Wesb sidi " lot 28, con. il;E_ eklng, 120 -roda *est side lot 18, by-law ho restore the stahate la- isgýtM in.1the Townsh-ip O! -Whii- *ad -given - ilsthird neading and 3ed. 1 bytj.taà w to, divide Tovnsi>indto- 1 «iisiaù- for performance ,o!1 taa &lalior, and - ilx the amgOunt ah lur iiatute Jabot n-ay -bcrcommut- waig gvlng Ilst, alreaà <ng. w4s movoti hth 1e; lee e li lu tereliy.aubhorized ouboitai! o!,[ nshfp î& sIi an -agre ement !i eyice--'b3g a'cre ofi ant rom T. c4iIvray for gravet pif".i-w! bile Clerky 1bc reqzzst.éd b. lîo ave cýnuveyance - registereil tu te t f4lowing: accoilats iveré ondereti î- - IA- -Mn. Wm. Vanstone, o! Brookia, as openînglup -a buthbr -shop nei-t b- M. FJJones' sýbop on Dundas St. HEALTHRESTOBEQ, WIfe's ioeipewlcei with Dri.OhswV Neuve F..od ld to-hueban<sa sure. wfth 'bliouman d sIo6heb gives absolute Protection against Storm., NEPNSTPrdRongI cannet leak. !k has Proved 't'Ili everf-climate. under every condition for a great rrany years. W. M.. PRI NGLE, eorner,WHIY The Standard: Bank of Canada ' - - LIBILITIS $3,618,72214 Notes in Circulation - $1.'992, s.o D e p o s its - - - 3 , l , e . -2,470,791L48 Dividends -- 65.459.00 Due to other à ânks* - - OSj 2,882,194.88 Capital - 2 1000,00-00 - Reserve FundJ 2,600,000.00 Rebat eof Inte est 1,90,84.00 on D;scounî - 71,84.45 Balance ofPr 1W. 100,000.00 and Loss Ac tl. -0,8 58 4,733,07f Cash on and 1. - Notes and Cheques, of and due by otheè Banks Dominion Govt. an d other first-class Bonds5 - Loans on Cali, on Govt., Mlu nicipal and other Bonds %nd StocitS - - Governrnent Depoiit te secure Note Ciroai1ation Bills-,Discounted ajd Current Advancis Bank Prentses ~ 0111r Assefs' v 897,842.13 P7,314,317.78 GEO P. SCJOLFÈIELD), o~i Lokin for riLp4cq Ni cerLaý Sea Salm Fresh Chute? f tU'p in-Tins, 15, ge, j uicy"Navals 25c, 30c, 4Ã"c-, Soc Fish Èresh *- Da ily- i v 25C and Oysters.. - Le:uce,. A. TC -j-PoE47. I Prompt, x'I r ër-i orsnoy < - 1 1 jý peo i. illitici lý,, .,. , ý,r foc$