Whitby Chronicle, 21 Mar 1912, p. 4

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~~ l'ho iuih .1rb were. Ail good.aaz1i su,. a r »'wiabrd to P"cs a as, tbey au mie t. e o use M&gai IYd1057UPR5& l uss 1;4n - Cierva. At hllIt'ure 1-U m their -la- Loilb*r à a" uleYo bààmi oyeu -CL o Purrott wSa àToronito isrooj&iin-and Myrtie, uw 0111t out 15 o a i - ilas Aowl o Wewt Toronto-fspcn "Bug" o t &i~seter, mie.. Oasis zi. Jabi; sMowa1 lias --rolubi Iý 01:. WM i j sley iha.ï,uses vlsllin MuFaivm ici AUworen, Ont. satvs toi*n oves Swiday, UMi.: Barclay ans ibalai Umm s I&Àis vire home for .SUD"l M".baria amududaug'ter,' oh io- 1050e 151 sfeviiys wtf rieude. vlsftap lalui n-lown (or Mh ML([t~ ilaAdaMp of Toron- M i s.' à r miMadane Gold, i4f l!orouto,,apent 8uaday vii t ila Ur. Brt Srnl, A former- mail ciSr 'où norta iDein, vas la own à luts amIwee.. Miss M. .MeBeli, ->o! Toronto, V~S b Of [Ibnu. C.A.. GoodIel". Iqcalisa d1yani Sunday. li. snd .Sain Movat asd son, AMies!, O!' 0oroný., vasitesi the.lor- ue' paria for',f ew days.' Mt? Win o. iaçeh& isnDer but- uer ip ni iy:'tted - up ans opinai b buainess a a turday laut. iê,. .Jack *F5yoOofToront», sui * Ms Culen rrye,7o! Cobourg, $psut y ndi viii'heu moblier liere. lin. T. J ý urne ansi Ivo cusr cfB4gl à., are vlsitlng lthe tor- MW§'.Moti.r~ Mrs. J. Blanchiard. Mi. ,snâd M T. G. EAU., o! To- idtb, 'peafSunday vith lhe for- imer paregas4 Mr. sud Mis.., Àrtur lii sat- r~~ Bert Sheppard iavo ~kaUp letresidence -in Toronto' uerM s.Shppu amkbis ho d Xva Tes. h b * Ms. hon, poouigo, who iabo ~gsiilag l e tr -ulth bis mOtiez bit, jtur 10 is-home-lu t*0 Mb.~ o r~A. , OshaaMdav Nias Bous huu0s , Trntan Cesàirsd W sr hom "s aileWvlilug 1E..Gerge owat, sr.- MM. Ppp andi daughler Pulli, Opuilàa (iv ue, l'ai tweek viti lbe (ormner's parênte, Mr. and -Mss. U.. Armiton , prior- to lesvlng- to joli s, P s ICalifornia. -irs. eben Alovsy,vlio lias hei * f t~6 oron ,1fiapftal sintucsis a&- eldmi snyveea ao, as able le hirkOgt tO thbhorde ci lsbro. Orou :OornO à WE iOU t h-Uaw&W eougbinêtaîpeculla, e. t"-&i..ghcmed droupy;-ao bd uedks.er tmw the motioeà beadt.' Th"-, mabeCmiat b. proptfSu OýYpÃŽ *LisMd dTurpatla. m a rior oa iwilU ut hesitate lô w "-OM it a uqua lflad uns twon4oiuy promipt lu 1000. ü» Cdeaz!ng thé.k ~irk-Gal ? -arm pin, *a ur-aWw tû,Uppoint U!&eeu di- £ i g ; , 1 1 0 e o v e r , Wt . W a l e r &j i i m g Mer i . h n o s , u c d $ r . M - W.r OzlX iitW8,1' JOfe.. Kes cmoye.au iaî à {rQtr De drawn 1. _ Vi. u'ocr; - o te reasurefor 824' LavO« O re~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Xý pcn, .bit;cie ont e M lerk for rcgiuterngistW W Y*; aJemn; ranges aM ideat1âs. t41ried. 11. Peilow; ltI wAg,, A.- Jubb' âi. a" &r na-0bx M. Mo- tlbiwmngl w» Jobusiou. eumovesi that: thë tCierk b -u klieeeOhrls Bincar. tructed b «,noty he»8i1ingtoui Tiru k.pê-W.Bura. ouail âottle aCOOut reod at *LEAP YEAR PRIVILEGÀaS IN 1 Once' or it wilfl h places i l-tue banàli eLesib aSum rlour umorder on lie.Treasurer,.On fýavor of W. à: relatlvq W-ho A1s a tScttlsh'clergy-.- & _sdsu for *-q o1, i wo thuds. ~ ins, auday ho O! tg TLilY valueo!four hi ll~dydglt SLt Âlsi ' that -4n.1M28 1110St" hfaction o! the' council. ýcartied. cng y.rig <lier moat >biessaed » pot b. asope,-'tans ii uy estyi .1*k maidn ladee, of bath iigh, por;- a "pted Mà eaticà es.Cr andi lowe-estait, smiel. ha. Iiberty-'to M. tocs av-u'tlcq hî i ts spa yé mmabseUiAne., Gît ho reWu etn !lt olclh U at 10tauer to behbis wfflho shaie 1auk leve to, introducea >-a tc hi mulet -in ye sunof one bnndid 1pwr i ee u 1~Tesr puzdea Q le, 5118 çtsI fIA es. er tsi borîow monés(rli e o exdePt snd alwIse gf e au-rnake ÃŽt! t4s lnunéipauîy until tic receipt o * apei laihola betrothit tb snotbmi tàm r Lean, movesi that 1th. -1tùUôw ac- * Can bu Aàk MÃ"tel couAt8IDU OSAS d niBijd4gesetc## -be &OUlt MONEY -;BAOK FOR- THE' J..Sykes, U84; Wrà. D9vidon, ASKlNG. 'YOU PROMIsE - 8.;Jéhun Clark - 820 ohn Green- NOTHING. tro 2 .RouI., Thomeos,9w.,: W@ are so confident that W George Pound, P.7; H. Dearboru,. 445.769 Rd. Jenkins, 8.;Cal niai refieL-for indigestion ansi dysi- Brallnr, 0915 on ivj . Ppiasbâ±t we promuise te buppIy the Johnu- Baml.ià,8.7l ..H rneaitue free of atilcost-to evcryone cock, Ï2.50>Mnicia 4lpiI Iwa0u m izeil ccordIng - to dircion~ 85.75; haple it ,nusoO. wiRo la nol perfeci1ly aatlsfied wath the il'0 .', j asa xnig 8.0 rosults. We- exact no- proinme. e 4 7 .Hsgonaaelnoe Put Do one under any oublugtion iaIjt-«Fon. motion, o1 Mr. aen onl evyer. SurelY--notb4 g culsibc l5aIi&.1 4oreibme o Sà t1 We -are located - rigist hore wiee Ym coja .m - -'o m o jtisÀt1 ive, %and oui reýuîtion - 'houisi -be PUVS sulicient assurance o! tie geuinnea - OVJp Cs u of ou offer.p W. vaaut OverYone whin uscoululed Columbtua, Marci 4. 12. - wfth Jndigestion or dysppsalua i orm to Corne urstre [L ay yOntario -P4biic-Wcorks A t b,L ut RouI Dyspepsia Ta.bets. 'lukeA Iluenu honi., ss igve tisem a yja- TAKE NOTICE liii lie 1niis5sk9 able trial, according te diresëtions. jl cd liasexproptiilsi unda-r ile provis- Uuey «don1t pipaseyou 1.11 us aud wc ions ot tae liual iWorks Âct 01ot, wlll .qulcky rêtura your rnoney.- They tiisi ÀLLi.K.ND SINGULÂR th' o have aý very mlii but positive, action certai parculs or tracts ci Ainsi 511 upoU the organe wltà w"uilithey premhmaiatuale Jying sud being inu [corne -tu-contact, aPParently -aetînias tRie Townshp of. Whitynl i te ùCoui- ,, regulativ oc 'o teraxdt tOtro--ncops f 'muscular " u>uti eaxs Yo tr coal o! t'ie bow.91, thUa ýFIlSTLY :-Tic sjoajlh.part ôo! lot ~overcomîng.weaku. ni hUgte No. u u1h.eAa okOsD fl I esos the bowels ho mère vigorous 'rownslipoetWImIgby, 'und now ,1om- andi liedthy sct1,vlty. Thîreèe £'Lteî 25 #g Part of tueo Town o! Whitby,. con- ,centbs,50, cents "alSI,,1. Reitiember, iSùuWg by amaue~t48 9-IotI*s Yeu cmn obtulu RPexali Remedloiv acres more rle. u "belng --Moro a t O uri st r - '1'h e R o all S t oe . Aàar l ul r y m cib e al a s f l o a .~ :11 Allit, druggiW.-. > lOuuuds-on lbe Soutii by tu. ýrô alowsnc tu, (ronto! 1thé saisi firif, Ontaio E tîciiona Loncesion, on the vest.by, the roaa Ontrj Educdoai alow4lice.b etween lots NO. -28, asd 29 Association. 'kuowu as Anne*Street;- on lie East' by HemryStreetl'and siontheýNotU b7 TU Ontario ,EuIucatièonai Associa- lie rigit of way ot 1h. Grand Trunk lion whlci liolda ls ftfty-flrst meeting Rallwsy -. lu Toîou±odurlug Es tier week <eApriA SiECONDLY -Part of thseSouthl Sth te 111h) la iklug tita year an parei of Lot No. 27, lu tise saidi TiraI inIteroel*zng departure fronu its 'usual Cbncèsslon, ne w art 1o! liTovb! PrpcedUre. For mn er put it *ilt4y, contaiulig-4yadesrmn ha. has as chie! speael-a~t ibm even- àk acres- more or lise , more paila- lng-meetlngs distinuisloii - educators ularly dearibed:si as toovu :ou 7i (rom abroad. Whll.e ue.visîtors 0on lheSouth by tse rosallwaic have bien - cordfijly vewlcomesi, andi tu front o! tRhe sai Fist 1ConuSON wilethetr' resnarks 'bave ien -mutc-bou tie West by* cente!te;on lhs apprecistesi, tbe AssociatIon liasde- Eutb yyo h1ston 1e cidk to givelteisr liç te plac" o oferli by the.rigîl" -,of way -o!f -,t lionor on. iba progiamme acan.;d.- àad Tru the s4; 11 ald l"n lae.-being ,re-q!!red by 1the Gôveranme o! ThÏ, Vemeabie Archdescon.Cody, O! lie'-Province o! Ontario as i ,portion Toronto. liusconaen4med., àa dis t h: -o - liioi l fra rpoe opîu Stace sud ,we-teîwe ýi. givlig i. pu sgoot sérvice. AUorder fo teamh4lg, furila amovlng, cartagef- frelight, vansi il IMM'I VGZ r8.PORTFERz-lakJ.<Bft bim, Port Perryý-Jaa. X, Mau. l 4 y lae.Juy .,i î.,N v b Jan.. 17 lmU, 4'UXB RI DGEP-CRck, RJ. Mooi * Uzbrei g.Jn. 12, Mardi- 9,' M ~~~~~~~~.M 14 uy2,Sp.iNv4,je s. 5.CANNIGTON- CkielGior mi s, Ca n lgt u-J u. , M 27. Mà> 15, '>"IT25î . p.12, se 21, J". 9p 198.ý aBEAVERTON--Cierk,- Jas.'1 -ordon, Be&veo1oa -1, 10,, E a os, may 14s, J Iyil~e t 1, lNo 7i UtnnMRGRtov-tflssck, Dani 29, May- 17ï Jay ,P.3,Sq>. 1 <-yOrde) J;B. VAR U ELl Cla0r o! éie ROOFINGY oloun Ulii..colora are eut ervi, o.Le U'Pcwo uo. 1 IVA ROBml&u2 -SET-iONj Seay Sreit Just With'Thei.- -Order youriprinig fcotw'ear nov, sund-eaoisi ibe"ruai. -Cripplea' wrtkýa specîalty. -Our M oto - Vat Rejýaif7i. -W-HITBY *. ONTARI0 ThoCanadlan toba 5amkato~ Seftler,' I OOUI4T t. Nov. 7, 1918. ~k, Mima Lb. Macisia- Jan. 10, Foi. O, Mss. [sy, Ju~s :1, Julysi, 8, Nov. S, Dos. 9, K-Clark, M. Glasson, au. 17, Mardi O, May Là b,i.s68 ta- 7, la, r.' ay su. 1e 'r. Iv. la our specialty BECAUSE Suuperior bIoother Coal. Quality is the higest. Préparation is th1e best. Cleou, P-right aud- Dry. It doesn't cost any more than othe - ood coal. Delivery maatisfsctory sud prompt. E.R.BLOW TOlephone 9 &,gb. WHJ-TBYONl FLOtJR,- UiRt-uxs BUt4À>eAMD CAKE *^MAKRSFrz£ WZLLANb im P LOC* OATS OAT CROP CO.i?;CHio> CORNu, CRACKZ!> I Feed Whiesale hTon Lets,, c oiaEvgyw y gay îal 'MON UMEN-T& l vinI pay..Y vWorks andi inspec Dou't be miRec »el employ tha, snd do allow_ the 10 perS cnt, wbljc lave byr purchasjx Iari inkptlestock bu bo 0.11 1 ou ;j for yourseliL i by agonIs, W. do Ooi5Oqwfetfly vi dm mgînt'scomso, Syou vR erltnl A rm s folksar s Glasse ,an ~Wise you W.1, to find out' neot the chil nedattentý THE TREAtI]b Adrocalea Of- tn Wliother lihey bc- Lac pzovlncalprohibilloe overlook lie -dealing, mont proliflo causes lu-the preValence of Vary fesw monenbix liisovu Autialive, ing vIh&tever,-vi al Imbibe l ieo lion.' Very fwifii vouldt go 1O n nou uiat drinkl ItluJe ipull pirteansàdil n o-cslled-.gao-fe v Iug mystefij 5deeply If ýit -we ré made a mensansi aller;wilàua, mnto buy a drink tf wIquld, no idol, bt * eraseln tie drtnki gisilpi MmùrCory.,__ Mi&vifttersasA - ipoolilion 0estore.- ne TicToronto Esalsi 'b"sIng isrigit *0 iown sud toxiMl 'Tic 34ýh i egimrt Ierannual conctrt For &a'e,- eariy -POt Jileîs), a car load *1J 51l Ibis wesk, fromi * Bod your- orerto * i asdCedas -DàI.-4 %oek aing maûe i a., gcolng on ItPo ST. PATRICK'S Tic lhome ci! Ms. Dudlewuas the rei Z-l -aiskundred Ma8i tiat Sunday -Secoi - ig. Tic inembers .Of. bs aSt. Patrielis m ai- lis hlospitable bol X5g of ganai vas cun» -"oI and instrumentil Àte 4 .ary vote -tSEdl*d the hast and fà aWestern denbrâl 4M leund bet Ên dion l3 miles et ôf rd -bed vas locatedbM 4 oter of Mr. E. brl.- Mr. - Blo liaij r E. Opposite qiS MIdar ank, IMtY i i4 n.'SfImos sid' Rcelsdence, Dn"Sre LO,, Thrco e o West- o!f ihitby- Bouse. 101:0! ~We..are preparesi te-instal voSi -or BiI . lon' pumpoen short. notiS ,aigo sScessorm ta Codty Brou. attend boal-kUnài o! se- PRACTCAL UNDERTAKE a, 8I g, PoÀ uChrteN~odrae.Agent for tie Ontarlo Wlnd 1%11i. ,BA AfrSsN FISH NWe have Purc lased a largsti c of thefnetfi eoesla rldf ,the Lenten Season, -tfiÈ eeerhnidf Everybody knsthitat Fiai frim Nnrthern W4ters are 'firme-r, ndbetter tlan those fram Soithern lattudes, W e ha v e i'rn P t e d a la rg e , eu p ~ I o a i u i e t f o l s a . . î o d re g i an h a t p r ad u c 4 s th e fi n e s t s e I a si ti c f o u t E l a i b u t i n i e w rl d OurWhie F harewiner and rozen singly after !uavig beeai, cieaned. T rout a mla re a d g-èl' t Ocean honing, frt h fr a 1c fi-.We also have 'these..brand iiibrine. - alla'v zen, are large and bright...a 0so upply thee npçi- SARaery close Px Ice5. i ole- Seed Bariuy c i beê. Timolih>, mud very choieas ue Our Punesar~ Pxticlfineansi iaving bougit thein bitos, the ad. *vance in PrIce, we re prepared te ell thim rigt. A u rrcer es'r- are turned .0 r qiky n r hrfr l of th e ffnes' qualit jq i lc y n a e t e ef r i ays-fresti and People do not i ve on tubh alon à, theref r u s o k o r h p wih he ia t hTbeork,-vaîanoamb We uuju1 ý ply fresh pork $au-sage, heaichese, jellied - hckrast prk i h dress:ng,.spuu-e. nbs, tenderloîn àcoked bain. at." Oanesa Graprefruit b ru earned Chis reputatian, "the best w Bti t r âca cean car. J, gg s gZ èd o eut ta n d cbeap. 'w -PRI NLE&O -- . "I- Il ~ TILeRIN -Our spring and s.umm e'.~nLIs are now roady for inspectio nuid 'dis--. PlaY aweaIth of fabries, In ' hà-itest Patterns of Scotch Tweeds, English' ,Wcrstedst Cheviots, Eglue and ,Blaék- ýSer9-éàs, also a fuli rangeofIatig 'and Qvercoating-9 400Ã"samnpies to chose fro, a! lot'ig made to order in -7 ~days, Guaraânteed.. ARCHIVES 0F ONTARI I to-suit. -out, :No.ý-ag atte

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