Whitby Chronicle, 21 Mar 1912, p. 6

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Xark 2.184a. Golden 1weAveMT&pd f a VobW , Te XtMak &2.l *11 é t_'»atiàett S» .ma m-he 3Wei -foth agala - o » sof COsusisa foremet -àai. Lefi Cap*iiaum 'for th. ease M.uie amas vilêbas co.veredsmorel. ura wgrlu. gra±stappung cinov *se. i uii@h of hmi.lLan o4uls. a lecdlup p ositilou o s.o etlb. mxiary, -Osetma b have been a tav- Torolo IlIOL>orie reor,-pehap inpart ifor- Edwsrd ppes of.1recreation as weIsas 1%h vpssulg of!'wad- lake. ny Zr bsoin. respecte Toponto's, mont di=fglh * 4.As h asei yAln *i eltsen ouioulyenozghles.,111$. gsIIP public hhway of, thé cityt penh~p tu the lil! and ctilltem ofth Cb i-T.h*.a.is aew..Mstiw ~ auouuoemeuî of hie death came tLe mcml câlIed Levi, thé son cf AÂlhae!s, pi@ple àau sU 00110orfthu at. I ýeWhas obleebed ,1h. torilor revenue if":o îf bu. wàsa bld tibsi John A. Naonald incoMxanguxiroliatu and cho s. oi'lirr owa ws-dad. Tls Ê - FoIIow mq-The adil te disciple- troMs eh. tacit Uaal wbUe lake wuDo alilp héo s asin the caffeof .Andr.w au .Igtraordluarftlyold anIelng < 51715 a*ad IFèter, Jameil and John, ivoiv- bis.Wmv.ntütb sh ar, 14,la s ors .1 agi Ir ùp of the regular Ibùus- tàAs lweut y 70cm glues lie bae, 1Skon w nomsand Means of iiecuriog a lveli- sotive part, Lu l.àgfaim et T0Sroô or hood. e! vanada.e bai long go wiuhrw 15. Sitin meat-Luke explaine from o oiinI buà*7 0*00 0Wala ttiew macle "a great fêctý Mon& 0 'hUL5 ff b d is fret .,inn.ëra-TiosO outsile th.e l et nFe eatiiBV 106tU £50 lie n. of officli eligiolff,*n, wit7h ites miiut living At hi, home 19 Taris et"bs ii observances and duties. The asý(o- quletly tuaistprobsbly flot onq oitix u, M ito o ulcn it inr i iluisdknw o ailuToro u* *1.a phrase reveais the relii- Ili aw only membera of bIse amiljý audoua factor -hi 1h. epopular hstred oi oocsiosljZ u itiatotrtudof the ~publicanist'ehose vYM bumh>es gobe daim. a a igu and symbol of btra.l's SEVERELY SIMPLE PUNERÂL. *ubectio» b oa heathen Power.. Ey hie oarniistly ezpresaed requs4. thé ],or therr. we*many-Publioan uerai corernel e re u.veroly anpe.and .in ea- vroalreàdy coonspi0ý1- *anneunce In advance even the hour, wklch crowded to heir th. preaehing of w as 5used -for nîne o'clook undsy moru- Jeans. lng. Ose énterprlmlug nmeupaper j>hoto- 16. Scribes 0f. the Pharises grapher va a on baud a$ -lh&$ M hop.,Borne ancient manuenipto reed, lnf te tget a historie ploture tote udUtsscribes and th. Phariame. l3house tb. loslng chapter lu thé. lire o! res»t Of the proposition of niay, ponhapes, -man.. But h.o-mas dlappouled. tatien- »uply that-sone o! the sceribes were Ing hlmael!l ina tavoôrsble position sou ar adduceS, thouge his Ws«rarq. 'th. residence ho. slled forthe "otete. 'The office o! the scdbe .1111fouriab- Presently an undertakers agn age&esain the Orient, where moast of tlh. de pald no Iiesd. altlne for th. hearse. people are ihliterate an id niti EBut .11 did fsot corne. Ou lnqulry, h. touud flOCO55hr *0 .inpley the. service. of! that the wagon bad borne the. rominus public offloor Whenever a, letter sand that the -rnournerm bad procoedod te inse beb.writtee -or dciphered. .Ila the ceMetery by anethon areute. New Testament times- one- o! the -principal functions of the scribe wa.s THT EW I TOBNTO. b o aci, transcribe, and interpret A mattea- whlob baunet besu dlmcuse the law. The- epharises were ïa leo any extont openly, but whfçh la caou> patriotic religicus >arty, devoted îa Ing conîderabls cnxious thought, la the a strie~ observanco ci the lav as in- raqid increase lu th. Hebrew population terpreted b.* their; owu dist.iugu.is- of hecity. Ton yéars ugo thero wea-e not irbis ahparties looked i:ail Ontario miore than 5,0M0 Jews. To. down upozi and dèspised the corn- day thero are tun Toronto alie notleisuMon people and c4dnsidered it a. de- than 20,000, and smre estima&teq place the cided refiection _u'on thie standing number as high as 25,000, initlîf a City ai j-ssa atahr hthpucl e Imeipectabioln o eslontoToono cousent 10 dine with suoh peoplesas ThéImigrtin o Jwa nt ToonoIn wore gathered about the fetal récent nears la esftimated foe b. upwardu baoar-cf LeVi. of 1,500 a yemr. Iu additiou, tb. naturel 17. Wholo--Q r, strong, that is, increase lu Yerz large, Heobaew farnilles pier1foc in health. helnd qulte as lprolîflo au French-Oanaý. ottea th ritcu -Nt dlan. Famille. ,contalnlng twelve ch11- thcse 'Who, liko the Pharise.es, were drenarenet ncomon,, and six la a-e. Selfrighteous, satisfied with thern- gardéd as a amaIl famflycco selve4, and net seeking help or îni- Now, h. invasion promises. Cc 15k. ou sta-uction. an even morer serions aspect. -since 'b 8.Jh'.dsipe-oîalo of ited eguatfs bucreasedthe meelans otid. great foreruuner's .disciples immigsreation oenn hs lm !hd like Audrew and PhiliP, joined immigrtion.the canlpauy cf those Who followed GREAT MONEY GETTERs. Jesus. Many ef thé European Jews arrlvlng Un Were fasting-Were in the habit Toronto orne ;trem condition. oi 051dê cf fasting as part of their reguler soribable 0overcrowding. and poverty. But religicus 'Observance. they do flot very long romain pon. Theîr 19. Sons cf the bride chamnber-_ natural acouistienes. ln vonderful b Margin: companions -of the bride- beh 'old. If 1he Jew makos only 80 éetu grooim. a day hé areïso seé0et t, and hie. gar- 91. Undressed loth-Cl6yth which 1495s ho pubs Iinto a, business, or Into réai has not been shrunk. embate.That which should fill it up-The Thére are iprobably twenty-fivé .Téw0u îi patèl whioh ehould cover the reut,. TOi-ente who are wealthy, that lu, Wh ose TAketh from it-By shrinking property mus into six figures-r.«me-e4in.-ur.-bl lrgrth-th1fast- -wealthy Hbehaév. The Jews do net asîmlaté. sad tî, lu s tbing whlch casems food ton thouglato howaeytilaf. tey are gettlng ao numérou. Thystick to, thela- religion. S-evéral o! the churcheso-bave mainbalned miuuicins te thé Jéva in Tenante for reans, but -it ts -àcubtful if aUilad théné are 100 couver-te to date, -and thoy are Prebshly lookod upon hi' theair felaow, su reusgades. * TORONTO'S WÂTER, Prettîy nearly every visiter te Toronto dua-tng the laot twenty yeanu bas beénç warnod te beave "Teronto's vatér aloney" * Thé suppli vas. n smre cames. commoll suppoued te cerné from thé »oôlluted bar, ' r and at aomé periodm 1I*ltbau been badc * nough in aIl cejasclenco. It-la Iste be Jaoped tilat the dayu et bad vaton a-. -about ovea-. Indééd civic boeter nwc be feund ahrwhéré on thé centinént. Tu. olCyu watea-vorks plant asa Itstandu te- day, bas Coïl ual léosathan $10.M00. ge If purlty bs. net beén mcua-od iOhlu i net fa-em vant et trylng. The lateut ad- rp dîllen is the erection at tue Island Cetad filtration plant, a bugé structure costbingV . over $750.000. And as a turthea- prec4u-f -tien, thé vabsa-Ios subJa-cted to -a ch1orýu. i - atgprocesu, which ln destb ta 411 serins, thougb Itl baves an ufpleasant * dor sud tante il applied toe génea-ouml. F Thé filtration plant le a cancreto mIa-uc-b ,r-tua-e wblch bas Juut been thé subjeet otla ritlgd Judicial Investigation. Thére h". baen mème auspicion that it mighî prove to b. mo a ulty lu construction asi~ Mrotlyiympair Ils eMEo'e, and tlie ;k[ -Jndg. bîmusîf has expréssd marne doubfýu. -The tromendous sature of lhe tauk o!f aupplylng valet ton Toronto mai b. Id i judged frontu litact that on sone dore lie ooulumptthn cf bile City as mesmu4d ] by lie vaavenu peump ai a lgb e - O.C,oaoaègalas. Tih. avorage ton 191 qFXvas over $5,000,000, gallonu.& a dar. To dl.- VLbntate e ateo theb.ouses no 'lois UMan ,&M milm et vatet Mni iha!* beau.nlisdi ssii thona.Lare 76M inadividuel vetoser ureb.la la ityl. Britaiu'. Naýtkomal Do4>? va Lce a] mencet inhWillM'Iam I.18a reign, 1 - RIEXC]R SOLDIERt'S IDEA. avtsan Appa-ratus Suimanines. ta Save A ýpriate soldier iu a Cambrai (French) régiment bas ina-ented 'an ingenlaus app>ar&tus for bringing apeedy belp te a sulimarine when an accident accurs. - Arma-nd Daudu-'e invenition consiste o! a lolephone, a venhilatoicaasafety bell, a.l1 o! hem éma-li and ail o e! bénquit. porta- ble. The telepbaue fa ecrovéci inta a huey, vhich-, if au accident c- cure, ca-n ho iet up te, the surface, cf the vater lu an instant. The. via-, una-dsas the buey risée, a-id communication can bé est&blished fri lhe surface witul thé men be- 1ev. Thé venlilalo'r la a kind cf valve wviela ciaver eau screv open iu a moment and attach a - pipe ho il, hbrongli vhich f rosi air may hé pumpel, and tie bell la a kinci cf diviig bell lu Ivo eempa-rtmonte, in wbich foodi can ho storeci aundmen fr-ci a va-eckel'1 eubmarne sent up in couplés te tie sua-face. Daudu',s invention is héing 'examinéd-by a special commission appeiut-ed by M. Deicoaea-e,--premieor, andci viipa-oha- biy bhé âdopted. FOOLE» AGAIN.- "Didu'tI Igiv. you a pleeS o! pie [ast veok 1" demanded thie cceklng- school graduate. eI didn'trexpeot to a"e yen again sego *on."1 dei fooled yens, - ra'am, " replied the. tr-amp. "I dldn't eât it." RIS FRIEND. Coirk-"Can you let me off te- maaro6w atteriacon IMy vif. vanîs ne ho go sihopping- vith her."l EmpIyer-"Coet)ainly net W. are . ùuchtee buy." Oierk-"Thank yeu vory imuch, sir. Yen -are vlemy kind." -î Captala A.l mundisenzDoIe LieW.rk. 111, i,. RàAciÂmuundsen hbas man y yars beaun mndered on*eo0 t.hêmo-bôit- dsing asud mS oM.t tSit of Arceeasd Antaroti e 2î plorors. A sailor froza hie youýa, bd started polar research ah 1h. e ô o twesly-àvI*, whow,a« firet eofiSrn t= prticipatèd in tuhe Belgicp tAnt. eaéiQ xpedition -of -i897-Su mad e, up hinaminci ho continué~ PO1ai' researchl, but te go to thenowfth ù an endeavor le ducover the érth- wer ps sae wjaiiu hsd !I>OOi eegfor M00yearo by siolah ,iii siosa» Frebisher, Cabot, Sip Hugb -WiUoughby,-,Riobswd Chan- oor-John Daviàs, 8W Johnl ~and Sir John Franklin. Re preopared-*hiimse1! by uudério- fing a <»urse cf two years' studylin' miagnetiam and aneteoro1ogy' I1hfter whicls -b. oailod fa-cm Christ!a"& W"b a! ca-ew ofI ~y reight men, June 16, 190Q. I For' many inontbe Amuidu0n1 drifted. alcng, and finafly di ha-ig, 'his littlo veoseel ithnugb thr Boning Stnait. Ho ilso àetermined exacîly the position, o! he magnolia pole. Altogether ho wae fibre. yea.rs awa.Y, frorn Norw a a-nviug in New York Nov. 6, 1906. Sea-ena] yoare voro apont ilu mak- fig prepa olonsfran expéd ition to th, orPooon wbich ho] waa ho start in 1910.- He, however, lter chanWo hie plans and do-cidod *0 ýgo hoeh Anharctie iustead. 14EMARKABLE SHIP. The "Fn-arn"fbas beon usod -for mauy yeaa-s in Arctic'expl>raâion. Freux 1893 te 1896, durinrg the expe- dition -q bile Dr. Fa-idtio! Nansen, se oovired ab-out 7>000 milles iu lb. oousec1 dust. u, ovoeryenpur- chas a oodpaper et a fair pnice, ai gel a smooth, surface one,. Ibere is uothing to béat ii, anc iti does net-mark th. olothing as diebemper ia liable ho do under certain condi- tions. A great xaany people ma]ke a 2ils- bake over the color o! vaîl-papers. Il ia a inistake, for instance, ho choose a dull-red papen for any arn mfacing the north, a -roozu, penbape,ile Whicb bicennui..în hardy ever ponetrales. For a noom e! a inorbhorn exposure tho papen shoulti be as brigbt asnpsible say, cneam or yellow or white. On thé other hanci; a room fa.ciug the south can h. paperoci in almosl any color, tho point being that sucha roorn vil-i ne-von b. dingy, wberoais a rooém farcing tbe noa-tb papered in a duil-reci bas a most depa-essing effect. Beware of wall-papena, that con- tain arsenic, and romembea- that1nob green papers alane contais tuat wases-8 555% pue qnaUOs ji.VVCAo -string te bxis 5381er,, or, if hoabas no sieter, tb hi. motber, or onother -o! bis -lady relatives. Thon tbe lady vile rooives the string telle tlb. duskymuaher liaI lie parlicnla. dameelcin - u loe with, him. -No courting foilow,%, bowev..r, for il is considoned beu.eath a New Guinea gentleman'a dignitiy b vaste lime fa.uch a pursuit. If the man tihi4his h. wonld li1k. ho w.d the. ladkr, h. meete b4è alene, and thoy decilde straight 'away whether. bo marry or drop the, idea. Iu 1h. latter case the b etrothal le annouinced. The mas le thon brnded on tie backwith abaroal, whil.s a mark is aotually cut ite lth. w 98mans idn. e breach-of-prom±iisé actions aro poýsài in New Guinea, thougb if lb lady as jilteci hon friendh may hunt ber lever up and "go" for hum: 'On the othen baud, if bbe daýk damaei prove !aithle, she f liablé 10 be beaten by hen bebrotheci Yf h. catches lier. -TRYINqG OU T TUE BRITISH fAVYS POWERF UL NÉwW WEAPON. -Migbty quick-firing six-inch ;uus spccially designeci ho over-whlrn lb. enemy's torpédo fleet. Twelve ehots iu -a minute ça eau ho fanc the range exceeds the range of vision'. krelie Ocean, 3,000 miles efthis hé- ng aceompliahied vile &aie vas ýro- en selic inluthisice.- Tbe Fram bas a bull fa-cm 32 t6> 40 iches tbick, andcisl as steut asa Iock of wvoi. Bib, la enly 125 fýe mng, 17 foot fa-cm dock te, keel, anil ai- beavy boa-ms criss-cross until îe inalle of ber bull bocks lm a 'a-est. She jes se unil thal aIe, can ie driven i-utc an ice, face with suci -a-ce that the impact will seuil ber eboundiug oee hundreil foot andI ol o, nnnch as maké ber groan. me can witbstaud pressure as neo bher Arc v4ssel.J RAD EXPERIENCED CREWJ Amunden left Buenos Ayrea on ,i trip hevard lie close ef 1910 viti ,amaîl panty of Nerwegiana, ahl ex- arienceil in Arcc ork. Hie jiý> riti hum a large pack cf Sibe.an iga, a-ad ie mon wver. ail ýrO- cled viti skis, whicb wéa- o ugli 0offer gréat acivauhagés iu-ta- aring thé glacier ice. Tho pakty ado ils base andi vinter quartera 0miles nearea-tho Senti Polothan d bis Briltihrival., THE NORTH AND SOUTH., The jouruey t rom MeMuuido ond la lhé Senti Poeé lan«eaatly i'ice as gréat as that trom Oape ilumbia, Commander Poaay's base fsupplies, te tie North Poe. TWe Dmpaa-e the two iu a-nytbing excépt ia-e distance is almeat impossible. eaay's route lay aca-oss lie ilaittiing le a! a gréa-t' océan. For a itmi- -ed miles f rom shore il vas pileil i great pressuré ridges, row be- inI nov, as higil as thé bouses lu.a by block. Open leads o! vate- -id ihlm back ti-i Iiey f rozo or lsel aga-lu. A steady drift cf Ibe >e caa-a-ed hum, constantiy ha-ct on oe course lie hailcamé. ftOAD OVER GLACIAL 10E.' The Antarctic ice shoot le <lier- il. Il ie net lie frozei surface e! sea lt figlacial le, parI o! t4 -imevàI sheet that bas planeci of -m the~ Antanctii continent fer nînries. Il ficats in the sea,; Y-et î5 inot umoed ciby -ho vahon, but aly seamed vili crevasses. On t4i, a-hui Ocean - lie "ee are - frein, renty te sixly teel lu thickie$9. hie abeel, ahao hei saiti, p-obak- [y a-caches 3,000 foot iu places, ôr ,re lihan ha-if a mile. Its surfaue relliing andi openl' and save fer le constant'anti terrible danger. 61 ie crevasses, il le not a difficult )ad- te a-e et hi, di vil to di Sc cf ce iE in hi] cil be clic ici leu al Ce] il AT Th b], i i roi - substance-arsenic ie foundin l many KIING G~EORGE'S KEY. ifferently-coloreci papers. Be it noteci liaI arsenic ia nol the auly Fits the -Writiug Deàk lu Ail the poisonous substance ho bé faunti in RylPles wall-papers ; rny other poisons Te RylPlcs are use in h proceso manufac- Teouly key wbicb King George turing wail-papers, but arsenic je babituaily oaa-ries about vitb hum,, the chief. --says An-swca-s, 'is eue whicb opens SThe question cof pa-pers fer bed- thewaitiug-ilesk in the* King's pri- roems opens up a vide subWet, but v"te waiting-a-oorn at ea-ch of thé' [jf*anythung is ceatain, it la this-a royal'ý rersidences, ea-cb desk beiug I led-roem sheulil neyer hé papea-ed speoaally fitteil with the same type, èvea- with a dlesign siowing hugé of lcc.k. This key, whicb ira a sme' bunches oc! flowea-s, etc. Thé Plain- OflO, is attacheil te thé endl e! lhe éèr the paper cf a bed-rco e i î-a- King's watdh h iain, andi f carriéci botter, andl a goil self-color - lu inhs Ma-jésyty's waïstooa-t poeket. about as nice a-s any. Se far a-s Thé Kiug's priva-te bunch cf keys this goos, Ibère isla ittt! bebat a is kept lu thé waiting-desk in bis eooi blue or Pink self. And, bo- Majesty's writing-a-oorn at vbatéver Sides, thesé seIf-papers malte a royal1 residence bile King may hé cern look larger, viiereas large staying. unches of floyers, etc., only make Thl bunch ef keys is not a. large la napartmenrt appear emaller lian-nee; -there aa-e oniy elight keyé iii ifyuare visé, yo: vil:t al- ing. 4 imner cf thé late King's lo erhusbauds or gons to, bang pravate p'apers, which is képt lu Yor aIl-paperas. Te to a- ig eorge's pea-soual writing-1 igpa-per laid on is nab veny gr'oal, ra-cern-at Buckingham Palace; au- andi vien thé voak is doue tie oth, r' opensas safé containing a aooms give satisfaction. But you nmb,,r Cf priva-te documents relat- nover viii bc quite s.a-tisfiéd cf oee ng t P'riý-ale business affala-s of thé cf thé members ef thé family liangs royal fwmil1y, a-nil anotber case con- lie waîl-papér; thé finlabed job je taine, ameong thier thinga, thé bounil te look a.mateurisb, andi at King'p collection of postage stamps. best ja nat.calcua-ted to please. No bue ever uses these-keys 'ex- cept thé King. When thé cana-t meves f rom ee royal Tesidence te A CIIF'S UBILE. - 4nother thé keys, are takén char"e - - o! by oeeoa the secretaries, iIehc lias Cooked 1,500,000 Chops, a-nd hauded aubraéquently t1té'lig Eateu 10,000 Rimserlf. who locks them iu hie tdeKin, Of véry fév mou ca-n itotauthfuily - ___ bce said, "H- bascookoci a-million TH JG FU TOGTS c hops." Yet William, ef Elva-ril&, i-eiieaon i~ Fashmeugér Alléy, Leudon, Eng- A m&n ha-s ouly a diiieaon ILn, who viilpaeéently celebra-té ?! fore lu hlm, anil if hé -spénils it the jubileef bis professiena&! Ca- in oeueway ho gees short iu, anohber. rer, lu bolievéd tb have oookéd a Our,mindis are endovéil with a rWlUion andi a bal!. About ten thou- va-st numberor e gifla otally di!- sa.id ofelie e as eaten himsell. forent' uses-limbe of minci, -a il Thé calcula-hon va-e ma-de on. day vene, twilmih,- if ve odn't exorcise, a,,, lie- table cknot by a distingUièh- ve cripple. vç sati#ticiian, vbc vs s8._shocked -Il is always the chanux o! the un- th le figures that hoe daréd net 190kiovw-laici stînacte a maýa ment om bo estima-te lie tlofo!st«e, strngly. - vtýý.e mountaiua -cf kidnceie, and lbhe Tie a rmle ineloquénce th atthe ofl cf ausa-ges. "I wonder, Wi- Moment lie orator loses commandct llam i '%h.asaici, yonare o! ibUdienee, lhe audiencecoi aahamodte o, . a foo f sliep inmandâ bli. the face.,, Wer y pulls tiowi the oergauism, "I have net -ea-bei a steaký for ani id il- final-ly ailhpics- twcnhy-fiv, y.eara,-" ho said ,"butI !iollii:- iate h. gaineci by il, butt la$ve eaten a-ecbop evomy day. Borne every n . âteblet eo a-y.yen «colive ou <>ne Btai*Jattk,)»reai -helgit a-gainaI -but i stijl ma-ntge to e0e morneIiger nature; ths4 ebalshow agve Sixty-ix, that la wy age Ibis Io uJa,.acal cnalIiso hc LARCHIVES 0F ONTARI) -I - I o! o0nomm o c a.s 1as -those o! pro- terreci stock. Sucb & sWck, fer oxample, la "psrticlPating" pref çned stock. luM lb a-0 u Sa lwsy stockm (Soc heing su abrevlatlon o~r IKinnea]polie. St. Paul sud Sai -Ste. 1rie) ltae pa-fonned har am are "pstlo Ù.t"g' T he.préferred stock qualiftes tor ils von Ver cent. dlvi- dands betore Iba comm, n eau recel,. sur returu; but miter the loomnrnoü has r. coived laves _Ver cent.sur f unthen pro- lits whloh mlgili b. *ldod amoug te shaneboldorirs utj o tprefenreil and cOMMen sharéhelder. alike In othon vends, aften thé -ornro sha reholderu ri. ce'ie thé maute roturn s the preferonce uhanroboldenu the prefer 4ae, *barehold.rs '-partcipate-" lu the s lui profits et lhe oompany. This Osà:many ways a v'ery *atisfactcny form inlvestment. as' il .adda ote .safoty thé préférencei ibaré thé prespctm et apr eclaion (that la he speculatîve elenelat) that attaches te thé commen. 81111anothea- foam. ot refri-d mae4. whlch ham mauy et thé s4dvantages ef the participating ahané Os thé '.convertible" preferred share Fer illiMtration, let us take that et thé P. N. b')Urt Company,' which as istéd aud wel .nown on thé Torouto Stock Exchange. and whose an. nuai report has récéntly appeared in Ibis papér. Iu this case the i Preferred stocik bears* 7 per cent. dlvldenýis,- whlch must b. pald betore thé cemnýou - cm réceive any retunn. Se smon, hpweer, as the shareboldér désires. hé May, turn int thé eompany - bis preférrýod àmhanem and receivé trom,-tbem an eejual number ef shares ot common stock. Net a very aéilsiblé excl4ange, you Bay:C Certainiy net, wbén thé common hears a- four or fivé pler cent. divýdeud; but sup-t pose, lnstead, it vene eilt or ten per cent. Thén, cf course, by 't hésimple pro- cemm of oxchanging thé sharés the old 7 per cent. préferred mnay hée onverted hiet 8 or 10 per cent. commoni with a cea-ré- sponding increase lu -incomheh e cour-se. net of market pricé, as thé tact that thé pnetéa-ned shares ýare convertible wlU provént any great di àgnb h markot quotatlons tor the ive classes oe- stock. There Osaiapreférencé *stock .which criem voting power, and whch bas thé right toeélect certain zuembers to thé board, sud Ibère are ohther ingenieus ,kinds et preex-red sharea - calculateil te attract the- Onvestor who fants a certain amount of saféîy coulpled" with a- 11111e apeculat ion.f Of an: ertia-ely différent' claus, however,e 19 thé security knowu as -debenturo stock,"~ whleh, as part et Ils clame Ina-e plies. le more in. thé naturéetofa bond. thuhas a général rulé. iand as soeé- irnes may ho infér-éd by !the use of theé terza in thé namé, is pecrpebual. This i fact and the tact that il ýmay hé subdl. vided and, must hé régistéred ln thé namé of thé owuer, constitutes thée chief similar-t .ty between tfIis clasa of security and ar Bharo. If, bowever, tbroagh any cause thé debenturé st-ock's intéa-ést is in de io sauIt. -thé mea-Igage under wbifch il is se- T cured-for im lu inthis manner nothinga mut a special form of hond-wull hé fore- I closed and thé holdens et thé déhenturé Bteck Wifllhé repaid, as *if théy wére bold- eru et thé ordinary mea-Inagé honds. Po dehenture stock should net hé confused 1 with sharea, for thé diffél-encé between r1 tho tw ls uite as great, if net Quité 80d appar-ent owiug te confusoný ot names. ash betweén honds and ahanés. Thèse complété thé common formis ef sharem and stocks. and. although one may Ind mnany other variations, if one looks bard enougil they are hi' nb méans umnal :r important, being-.léfiy ýlterations in namo rather- than torm. -'INVESTOR. p (T&O néit feiv articles1 willi ,é devoted te g 1e discussion of varieuý clamèes eof eharie- ich as hank, railroad. publlc service, lu- C BE YOUR OWIN FOOD EXPERT. Il is a fa-iriy easy malter te test évea-y-day articles o!f fod le detectb thé preseuce et cea-tain common adulteranha. For instance, yon pngo a brigit knitting-néeille intq a tube et mutk. S *heuicia large drop sle-w1y gatier on he endioa!the neecilé vhen il i3 vitbdrawn,the milk is rich andi pure.ý But if th, dr-op that forme la ema-il, your mn-ilk bas béén vaterel. If! yen scatte- halt a teaspoenful cf, gFonc coffée ovor the sua-face of ar'tnmbler o! wate- yen vill finci that a-ny adni- tenants in the cofféee rlls ink. Arn- meala poured oever crushel pi;ckles will, if il turfis blue,, béaa- suent testimony liat the piýkiés coulalu cepper. Hold over la ismail fia-me, gooti faési butter boil4 qtickly aid evenly; imitation buttýýr will crack- le and aplutter. Bcil ng ater la four cd over a teasponm!ulo! Ccoca.. ftecoo&a how..a a rk.d tbick- eniugit indicates the ipreece o! that common adultramIta-i, "Were any of yonr iloyiàh anai tions over a-éalized ?"h asd th. sentimentalist.- "l'os, ' roplieci the, p xatical per- so. When my ,mo6tCanuse t o eut rnw hahz I ofteïnwis44 d I h be bald-hbaded."-' mgi HRAIRM DONE BY aTS. Injure Horses a-nd Aetunaly ll lioga. Almostunbelevable are soeéo! thé thinga don-o by thé ra-a, tiis. self- same quealing., gluthenou, a-i-par- vading, ai-de-sta-eyiu-g brevu rat. Rata oten gnaw he hoo!s etfboases. Thcylmave been kneva te atha.k-fat beogs, causing-baith. Tley will fgt human beinga if conmerec. They f- téta steal vau'able articles hto use mu- buildiug ness. One caniec avay a pendc andi a ha-If o! ugar, -a pud« ding, a it41k o!féolery, a beet, ca-r-- In. tho Iaat <ozen yoaas more lian 5,0W,000 hum»4 beinga have <ied1 >jm plagu. In Zîdia alone. Tii. tuliu pquu'y, found -that b euT&Wdlaselnlia-atIy on the douam in itsedrmucaén1 a is. cciàmou bous.e manie, eceaely relâallic te h.a an d, 1 k. it, li-1 porýe d rorn- Europe. 1The -field1 mouse, too, fa ',,iighly d e n ci , lb. moe d etructive . t -n<aîu r* -, o! ~ ~ ~ t ailebcrdolet-- - re 1ls i théeh Pink I id& of i Insteîd o!fgong for bl back te the.fure?7;,, bedu ide ! er uita2 in g h e h le cp . the. theatro, found 4rhei bbôr durnbly enduzing. i - ne -b" cîi cunred lu a Lçrsdcn puttbig out li, ieuaïas, bei r a caugbt- L'e. Tii. oblidren'. ad wau lustI opposieIf eh* bacW inn straiglin luand thrown V s1ideWi on a bed se.midu tinli., gulhed îLe damnes. TUMEB13AVEOHZGD Rath.r thau alarm t. he ciren howver,-ohe razm Pest . the, wuW down the, passage. Evory -eh no eotohin vu bur» off heiu eo wum vet rapped l In o ba, hr oiiy wSrds wero à reque# t t ho mat-en *0 look afler her "Id&l dies." Ah. died durizg th. fohow-. iug night. Ms.ny a ehici hào beau saved from 96firy deabb by lime pludk cfia ser.- vant. Sore yre am aS&Wlbech Abbey, -thei- tamous homleofo!the Duko of Portanci, ceugit fane. The biaze wedisovexed by the bJoue- keceper iii an uppr on noo the-Ox- ford wing, ad quite- close te 1h. roors n iwhich the Juko'le. ohild-on woe sleeping. Tie', fn, was a-Inady beyond conta-l, and thé houskeeper left it, and-made a ruah for the nurseries, But -hoe omke croevoer back. Ahé dici nob loes her heud, but tuned'and aan downstain, anrd carne np by tb;. lu7g. gage outrance, anduci vd h th ae d c h i dren . - 0 a e d l i Tii. od iidea was, ta, whon bur- olaret broko itc> a house, all tue wo- mou lockeci themsolvesa mb their: rooms-or wnt iuto hysterik. Timno havo chauge& ; aund woxnra witli fhor, au a, bunglar discovened. to bis oost wheu he, broke mbt a bouse ini York Place> Olifton, EuEglaud, a&bonb a yar&go. BEATING THlE ]3U1GLAIR, The lady of théeliuse awke t fluci the burgar iii hern rocm.Lilç;e a shot seh, spaazg out and pulleci the bel-repe ard. -The burglar epaag on her, eeizeci ber by the. tbroat, and fuug ber Ï6 the fiocr. Next minute the doca- -fléw open, and her Maid rushed in. ikig up a ht-water cn, aie beat the bjurgar -over the 'bead tili hà roareci for aeacy. Re then botod ut ef the houff, but wa-3 afterwairds ar- rest-.d andi sentencod. More xtraordi'aany stil à. a sony f the same kird- which comes fa-cm Iuss;a., A stra nge'nman andi womun rrived one Deccmber night in 1907 ut a !armbouse near Kicf, beggixg feqr f ood. The h-rmer wi saway. Hliswife, au inv&Lic, wasa afoe, with her servant, who was a sturdy p»ea- o5ant woman. The latter gave tbe wayfaa-ers a good supper, Thon sud- enly the eeming womau flug off Faon cou1 andi bonnet, showing thii?' 's-e" was a man, dre.w a revolver, andi oaderd tho -maici to show where thé money was kept. Thé mid pretended to cquiesce>- and tek the man ut'r te a chest, wbch she. cpened. -Wlîifle thé eobber was zýansackig it tie maid pckéd up a- pokwer, and it thq-bua-- glar a low ovca- thé head, which droppèd hm lke a log. Meantime, -able boo go l hvrinig x1h 1 - i.Myoi My legs and -a elpecethatt tunn te thçir doctor Seeniec iocre onied.Cay aud- Ibis ime afr1 'me te try Unr. a&nc I gel a do "ter bogi ng- t 'Change tor 1he ap;peaérci- fr)o Slfinhu ,retunned' hpe ali I fe -Pink Pillu lia-vo - ig -a -rheunmatic expérience;wàuây - erie othen Ifyou SUÉà or - ea~any ohher tzgm n to cure Dr. Wijliamst &Il Medcicine de 02:b0 frorà The - Ç9e oi, Br "1 havye - i lad., --"beg 'Te S, ites cw neplieilthe-f arm nih~o, a . l aut the door'a - Thé iBegt,- cf thé ,lver fa A. sudcden thiU, t eémenbs, -0 sdmné favorite fob* Se, arp a' fev c :ha.tevrMay h ùnelee's Vege'tabit Liedu p'n"a-lie J6à behé taken. - r Çperirs -amongu6 Ther e *-aver unid'i - issin-thé U - Una-rd's Linimeunt C Auyway the 10o woman seldorn iJ appetite: -OnIY One BRO Tuat is LÂXA'TVME BE for thé signature aI E. World ever te Cure dC Many a womanr hem hea<d and a. -- minci.' No ma-n- or won -paiimfully - about. -hi so cea-Vainis as ýiElloway's C61 Saine people ne beqause the-y 'begiî CAME' Head 'Broke Out. Legs and EntinE H -e Woud Scrati Ofte Boïof Cufi - - Nearly Orre Cah Cured'H'Um5 lf aild. hlm Jead brokuà aa e-yihnd n ail the liane, C l us an sd Chou ta bis ouOr that ho car neà dy - ::rasd a hia eld oveTlbis pilLavlniét iitons ou bis bauds-i hm aikin. Ho vas s-v he ook ai taling iie Re wsamsb, kI iiýW treChilkéclavu.- RUe vas -a -at triai CutlcunaRmd dow aircalss radLi nb Whue; 1 vashed buv pul ou oeeapplt an te su h as se sooted Yau doca!-kuow-laew I 1h toone box a! ci prty near eue cake of 1lmthink aui boy for the Cuticura Rorned nosO iafriend ofet beae inretumu ofthé glad.to, havé you publii et bis cure." -(Sigzued> Ma~e- Otn1Iay n- if6rmoio etisu né fcnnd a aped3y'r",o treatment foi, theifsi lu Cuticura q oap andC - hey aresoid by.druO soei03. CImbuil -J * v a -e jr r' ~-r~ r 1 f-

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