INESS and: P RO0-FES SIONAL' irtage A. HIESS 1TA(G',, efl for sale, at the ard or delîvered.edt9"e i itby Phone 994 a'ý 0 ýo etrne 94 tractors E t rjC W. ilhone 650 y0 r'lecitric J 'i r Monuments Stafford Brothers MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby Phone 552 CenieterY Inscriptions Given Prompt Attention Legal Duncan B. Mclntyre 1BRYANT Barrist (on tract in g, 1 Office s , Fixtures,Ihoe& -r Lines. .irance Acomi J. MOWAT intario St. reseritnig Life Association NE: 901 ~.Osborne .L.U. iManager Insurance Co. W. Phone 522 Service ~E 333 r's Taxi St. -W., Whitby f Whitby lers For n-k Foundation ' DERS marked on tocontents wiIl be Superintendent of ilities Commission 'Au(cusT 2$th, 1946 te. construction of lions and valve pît (Id watez' storage ecifications .HOy le he Enginvees. r any tender not pte(l. L. lRINt;LE, perinitendent, Util. Comiis,.sioni Srni & Laughlin, Engineers, nto 1. - 1946;. ster, Solicitor, Notary B:lroek Street South ;0G - Whitby M. Wootton 'ister & S-olicitor nmissiofler for Taking OIS, Etc. Si}rock Str'eet Ajax, Ont. W. F. WARD, B.A. Marrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Tel. 6s) - 10,3 oelborye St. W. Whitby, Ontario K. H. MacDIARMID LAW OFFICE WH ITBY P>HONE 2205 Funeral Directors W. C. TOWN Ambulance and Funeral Service 24 HOUJI SERVICE Phone 410 Whitby Strowgers Funeral & Ambulance Service 215 DUNDAS ST. E. P'hone .581 Day or Night Auto Supplies "We can get il for yOU" WNilson's Auto Parts 227 Brock St. S. P'hone 746 Printing The Munns Press Greatoz's of I'i ne I>r n jt ing caipi ta fm l ni- , '0011i'y n I lÇk21 J oove the ave rage leiec Frock st. S. M'hitby Phones: Business 431 mes Sawdon and Sons BEST 0F EVýERYTUI\G (IN FUEL UIL DER'S SUPPLIES nent, Lime, B rick,-Gravel, Roofing, Insulation, Sheetroc. Fibreen. 4 Brock St.SWib PHONE 524 Page4 WHITRY, ONTARIO. Whitby Callirng Classified Ads., Rates 2 Cents Per Word Minimum Charge 3 0 Cents Phone 32 9 F'OR SALE---Electric refrigerator, good condition, 60 cycle. 929 (Centre Street- Whit-by. Phone 382. \NANTýL> -- Accommodation in Ajax for member s'Y and wife. No tact Mr'. Emond, Ajax. Phone 105. of University children. Con- Hart House, SALES HELI> & AGENTS WANTED EARN EXTRA MONEY t-bis "eýLasy" way wit.h Reg-al's 21 card Feature Assortment. SelI Canada's nvewest, fastest-selling Christ-mas Cards. Exclusive with Regal. S.11 t-he 21-card feature box for $1, or Regal's farnous "Frieadship" Box of aIl-occasion cards. Double Sales! Introduce Regal's wonderful new Canadian Scenes Box. 16 carda by famous Canadian artists $1. Re- gaI's new Framcd Gift Pictures of authentic Canadian Scenes are deal Christmas Gifts. Seil for $1. 1cfarni the ntriguing details. Up Wo 50", clear profit. Write NOW for agent's 1946 ('atalog. REFGAL, STATIONERY CO. LTD., Depi. J2, 105 Simcoe St., Toronto, Ont, or Dept. J2, 163 W. Hastings St.. Vancouver, B.C. When vegetables are cooked only until just tender, fuel aLs w.ll as food value is saved. Whien scalding milk, take a tAp from the directions for preparing Baby's formula and stAr t-he milk while it- is heat-ing. If not stirred à coating o!fniilk forma on t-le bot-- tom and sides of t-h. saucepan and this coating contains part of t-h. precious calcium. Maririate apples or bananas in orange or lenion juice t-o prevent their turning dark. Tat-e is rn- proved, t-ou, by the -fruit bath." Add gratéd cheeise te t-he saad dressing used in your fruit salad; it will add a zest- and a t-imte t-bat is interest-ing and distinctive. When making a bolled icing, add a teaspoon o! vinegar or a quartor-teaspoon o! cream o! t-ar- t-ar to-o boiling syrup; At- wi pre- vent granulation. We ail know bow painful lt Aà to have slivers o! wood get under t-he naîl. I found eut- t-hut cover- ing t-h. sides and 'bot-tom of My clothes basket with table oiloth, bring it up over t-h. edgesam stitch with etrunig twine and paste oilcloth on t-h. bottom. Tàs mkft a neat lookîn.g basket and la ei cleane Whnripping out- wool gar- mient-s, use a smaA Siffbrush te remove t-h. "fIuff' t-hut ba& col- lect-ed along t-he eainas. Tb. stitches are t-heu more eslsei Brushing unbaked pie cu ii beaten egg yolk mîxed with 2UB cd< milk. juat- befèee liding Int-o t-he oven, WAves It a profesona lo01L A dark corner cupboard wus muid. to gleam wlth neW b.auty by facdng tebock of oaci sAisi with a mrror eut t. fit MsxUIe. Ilion the. ownor a!TsXd kiterut- ing NMgrertes a b-a-broceo t-he "el ves.'a. 70rasuit was m9n gretifylng, mahiog aslit dld a spot ci, eut-y and llght In what b&M xt"1qual been a drk SMadutio- terstlns corner. TO tienser a quiltia ote. vithout l.aving marks *taft. ta b. wssb.d oMt, bast a tew keep one handy to rub up the dining rooen table after a mai. PicklingTIlp 1. White onions, cabbage and cauliflower tend Wo keep their color if cooked in water to wbich lias been added % tsp. cream of tartar. This softens the water. 2. There are two ways to pre- vent packle sauce from burnîng as it begins to thicken--siip an old tin pan under the preserving ket- tie during the asat '% hour of cooking. If you have Wo leave the kitchen for any iength of time, put the kettie (i.f it lias not a woc>den handie) in a 350 degree oven, Ieaving t.he door ajar. .3. Substitute 2 sprigs of diii for % 'ktsps. diii seed. 4. Before fastening corks into botties, boil them r, minutes Wo soften. Then, whiie hot, press them into bottles. The corks wiil fit tightly wben cold. Cook Book Hint 4Cook books are inclined Wo get "messy" looking. A good wayto prot.ect t.hem is t-o cover the -2 with odd pieces of oil 811k which can easily be wiped with a damp cloth. Tu protect t-he pages get a Piece of glazs f rom a discarded frame. Bind the edges with ad- hesive tape or smooth them with glass paper. Transfer Marks Transfer marks can lie remnoved from linen and organdie. Soak for a few moments in met-hyiat.ed spirits, then iay thbe material trans- fer sile clown, on a folded cloth. Sponge well with methylated .spirits, rubbing weIi, and refold the dlot-h underneath, as it absorbs thbe mark. If no spirits are available, try mnilk, using the same method. Whey Has Value The whey, obt.ained in t.he mak- ing of cottage cheese, is a valuable foodl, too. It contains one-quarter of t-he protein of the miik, and some riboflavin also. Served' ice cold, tiavored with lejnon or other fruit juice it makes a pleasant drink. Rationing Questions Answered By WTBr Typical questions - consumers have asked t-h. Wartlm. Pries and Trade Board t-lis week are answered by t-h. Consumnera Brandi Commit-tee. Q. Occasionally 1 purchm ase ned lobster and notice the prie has been increaaed ilunmre places brrmore than 25c a tiAn. Other hrcsi as been Increased 10c. 'Why As t-bis lucrease permitLsd? A. Canned lobster has bemn re-~ moved froni the price ceiling regu- lations and many dealers have in- creased prices. Tis s coasidered a "luxury" food and flot ineluded in the lit of foodstuifs which are, termed as "'essentia." (4. W. purchaned a second haud chair and fiel w. pakd too mueh. 'Iie dealer ciaime ft was "apie allhough At doea't look kM. At sud we fluathie seat covers are Rot in very go"d condition. Wa» -su too mucli to pay for tits article r A. ý$oMr, there 18 no cening prie on secona hand lurniture of tlus type. When rn4aking stici a pur- cnase it as always wise to consuit an expert before paymg out your money. y4. b there stil a ceilUng price on used cars?7 A. L)efinitely yes. If you are planning t-o buy or seill a used car contact your nearest Wartime rInces ana Trade Board office and when you have completed the ne- cessary Iorm you wîll be advised the correct ceiim.g price. 4. When will w. be able te buy the extra titre. pounda of stgar we have been aflowed? A. This increase wili be made possible by deciaring extr coupons to be vatad in September, October, N ovember and L>ecember, 50 you will b. able to count on extra sugar an these montha. Q. I work An a cafeteria and At ini coinpulsory to, wear hair nets. For years 1 have bought them for five cents each and now the price has been raised and t-bey are seIllng at two for 15e. Was I overcharged? A. No .. . during the war years the Goverzument paid a subsidy on hair nets in order to keep the. prie to t.he consumer at bc for t-bis par- ticular type of net, and tlis suli- sidy has now been removed. In March of this year .t-he subsidy was discontinued ini lin. *ith the Governanent policyto, remove as niany items as poasible from the subsidy list . . . *e price was al- lowed Wo incresse the amount of thbe subsidy. Q. Are groccu alowed t-o charge the. aame price -for varlous item and refuse to wrap tbem properly? A. The type of wapplng paper or bag lias nothing whatever Wo do with t-h. price of t-he articles which you purchased. At the present time there is a gret shortage of both wrapping ýpaper snd paper bags and we have no doubt the grocer just didn't have any. Consuiners have been urged to save paper baga and take t-hemn along when they shop in order We conserve paper. Please send your questions or your request for the pamphlet UÇonsurnmrs News" or the Biue B-ook (t-he book in which you k.ep t.rack o! your oeiling pries) men- tioning thbe name of titis paper tê. Wartime Pries &Md Trade oard 4O« Motropoitan BDidg., Trn Airline stewardeaesflying the. International runa trom t-he United States Wo England and Ireiand los. as much as five pounds per trip. AUGUST 22, 1946 RE VIE W lIn t-le cUrrent era o! femininity evening dresses are going t-o play an important fashion roie. More and More women this f all are going to Want di-nner dresses for at nome eatertauuing. And for formai- wear t-eY wili want somethxng really glamnorous as a cnange from t.helr practicai evening wear of t-he last lew seasons. Newest ln evening Wear is t-he Irene Castie silhouette. It feat-ures a narrow skirt, siabty draped and si&ghtiy suit..At iabe5t and on t-he rîgtt it is bot-h graceful and strî&îngly SoPhiUtcat-ed; at lt-s worst it is baa taste. Trhis silhou- et-te points up t-he unevea hemhine whxch is very signilicant t-hi-s sea- son not only in evening wear but in cocktail and ait-ernoon wear. This uneven heanline can be achiev- ed by a curved sUit as in in the Irene Castie silhouette or by draperies falling froa t-be waist Wo t-h. floor in gracefij folda. Bauffant skirts are sometimes sigbtly dip- Ped at t-be back and rise in the front t-o expose t-be ankie. A par- ticulariy beautiul version o! the uneven hemtine lias t-he skirt cut like a four Petaled flower. The Victorian era has also proved an inspiration to designers of new eveniug wear. Modified busties and gathered and draped hemilines have been t.aken direct-y fron t-bis peri- Masty Neckllnes Necklines can b.eAther higli or low. Many of the low versions are strapless, others have narrow strapi decorated with embroideries or brilliants. Sometimnes cut eut-s are used te reveal provocative patches of skia. Often bare-topped dresses have matchux4g boleros or jackets wbicli allow t-hem t-o play dual roles as dAnner dreas and for- mai. Aithougli the t-rend is t-owards narrow skirts - aimost bobble in some instances - circular and full bouffant akirta remain high in favor. Among t-be evening dresses whicb will b. found in Canadian stores t-bis faix As a beautiful gown o! American beaut-y t-affet-a trim- med with scrolls o! gold braid and gold tassels. Created by AI- fandri thbe dreus las a full skirt and a shirt w..Iat type top with shot uleeves. Mii e signer 1, also zhowing a bustle bckdrees in black velvet wîth an Ice blue satin ribben creat-ing the. bust-e effect. Another dreas et whlt. moire has » op .04 & oo i .9rm muo's Uh~WAT 4-..-. ~ ~ F~e~ Ph~, O*.â. ~ - 4~* ~ - bs~' - -~-uiw~ <~p - e - bk*IISbS Wi.Sk .0 as., pS*I*@t #~ Vi STYLE For Carefree Summer Driviug, Treat Your Car To A MARFAK LUBRICATION STINER MOTOIRS DODGE DODGE DE SOTO CARS- TRUCKS CARS Dundas St. West Whitby Phone 653 a tiered skirt witli the tiers- lined in red. Yvel lias styled some lovely jer- sey evening dresses this year whlch will b. t-h. delight of t-le WQmnan wbo travels because they pack without cruslimg. One now on thle market feat-ures a fighting cock print in a hait-ar top style witli a aequined beit-. Another in draped blue jersey lias a wonder- fui sculptured look-the low de- coilete can be covered with a matching bolero. Sperber who is noted f or his daring styles is showing t-be Irene Castie silhouette ia black crepe and lace. R. also shows a short, uneven hemline st-rapless dress which will cert-ainiy create a sen- sation but is definitely flot made for the average woman. His white crepe fringed dress - with the ski.rt a mass o! fring-ed tiers and a mat-chin.g cape of fringe is in quite good taste but striking nonetheless. Anot-ber dress in blue satin features padded hips. Cost 0f Living Rises 1.5 Points The increase of 1.5 points in the cost o! living index between June 1 and Juiy 1, recently announced by t-he Dominion Bureau of Sta- tistics, while flot excpected, places t-h. issue squareiy before us and shows us that our choice lies be- tween a moderato and carefully controlled re-adjustment on t-h. one hand and a sharp and cumu- lat-ing inflation on the other, Don- ald Gordon, Prices Board chairman sald. q "Tey Eat Out 0f Tour Kand"t Thie spoted ld..r ci Northern Ontorlo corne stalkinq cautiously out oi the vout forest whch ls tbfr hme, toustore whWonder- ing rc"eye atthe. r oad manl- houcut &throh the. - Th.y ruS velvety liorms ciainat "Tii lirWi Elqhwoy"*, and they are not cdrad for thisy hav, nover ev«r heard t-he crack Cf CL rlufi I you- offer tiem food they. wIU t-oh. tt-i tmWdys riqht out Olt your hand. Th.y ar. pcrtci th vaut herliiqe of wild Me-. Md brubauty wMthWh"chwe fouadcas are endowe&,,and in thnir vey tg ~h in.u cgu oplea fim rtetin o a it t-h.hasards of tir-ý-a!p e a o As nov br la chm es» th. KAghwcsyý Opan u: bdsanq morend oro f Caode as uUul forot Iand wlthl n fr City bbmeciqco« - an«dd p 10* anour uwkof K~.rv Onadian. o d ý&altoreblda 4 t J the sort of conditions for which we are headed unless ail groups in t-he community make a -serious effort t-o hold the Uine." About one-third of t-liAs at-est An- crease, which brought t-h. index from 122,6 t-o 124.1 points, repre- sents the seasonal advance in ve- getable prices which alniost invari- ably reach their yearly higli point in the early summer before the new crops are coming to t-he mar- ket in volume, Mr. Gordon declared. The advance in dlot-bing and house furnishings prices, which account for onet-third of the is., -are of this7 character and it should be pointed out that t-he full in- creases authorized in dot-bing and furniture prices at certain stages o! production have not yet been entirely reflected at the retail price level. The Governme-nt's recently an- nounced changes in thbe stabiliza- tion policy were designed to allow for additional flexibility in the pro. gram necessary under post-war conditions while keeping prices under control and preserving or- derly conditions in this -country -in th- face o! unfavourable develop- ments in the United States, he as- serted. Spruce Vla HOTEL (Fully Licensed) Roonis and Meals Whitby's Fineet Motel DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY MRS. M. PURDY, Proprietor I 'il ] 1 -- ýpl wq; WIHTRYP ONTARIO, v '61'