Whitby Calling, 22 Aug 1946, p. 5

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h the tiers lined some lovely jer- se~ 'this year delight of. the ls because theY hing. One now tures a fightiag sitar top style elt. Another in -bas a wonder- k,-the low de- overed with a noted for his owing the Lrene ini black crepe shows a short, strapless dress Li-e43te a sen- nitely nuL imade inal. îlot white as -- with the ingi'd tiers ami of t'rinige is nl bI ;ut t-lkirig er dmess il, blue' dfed Iips. iving Phoints 1,5 1wujnlt.ý il, the x betw een ,J une- nltly .î i nll) iIC ed B3ureau ur Stal * Xpýýtttt lacesiL before us aîid t hoice lies. k tUtti i luH stnîen t oitlie hian> anieumi- the otiir, IDoi- Board chai rrîîaii hIfec Summer the sort of conditions for which we are headed unless ail grouPs in the coJmnmTity make a serious effort to hold the line." About one-third of this latest in- crease, which brought the index from 122.6 to 124.1 points, repre- sents the sensonJil advance ini ve- getable prices which almost invari- ably reach their yearly high point in the early summer before the new crops are coming to the mar- ket in volume, Mr. Cordon declared. The advance in clothing and house furnishiflgs prices, %Nhieh account for one-third of the rise, iC ef thi-, character and it should ho puinted out that the full in- creases; authorized in clothing and furrîiture prices at certain stages of produt ion have not ycet been enieIytlected at the retail price leve I. rl(iUntl l I îîrgeo Ili tho Stailza- tion po]iî'y wure Iesizned te al]ow foir addItioniîl filuîllîlty in the pnr- ~~~~~e r1) ii iîH4 ri g pst 1 Cva iîn1der uti and1 prescr-ving or- t he fibeeof 1tifavourablo oolp rnvints inthe Ulnite(lStates. lie as- o r t cd. Spruce Villa HOTEL Rooais and Neils W Iiiti hys intst Iott-I HLDN)A-S ST. WV. Il IIl'IBY Driving, eat Your Car To A MARFAK LUBRICATION NEil1MOTOIIS DODGE TRUCKS .West Whiitby DE SOTO CARS Phione 653 WHITBY, ONTARIO, THURS1)Av ATT(!TTQq' o.> ___ J - ------~, &~I'~v~4~A ~ AU~V rage ~ A - d - Ajax lakes Decidmng Game lIn ]Best 0f Three Playdown Series Whitby Legion Beaten In Deciding Game At Monday Evening by 5-1. Harold Stars. By LEN YUILL Whitby Legion bowed eut of the lnte-r-Branch Legion Softball play- downs Monday evening at the Ajax Community Playground when tiiey suffered a 5-1 setback in the de- ciding game of their beet of three Semli,final series. Whitby prolonged the series Iast Thursday viien Brom-n hurled them te a 4-0 ahut- out victory at Ajax after taking a 13-5 trouncing at home. Ilarold on the mound for Ajax Mionday handcuffed the visiting batsmen ail the way, allowing thein oIly two hits and three walks for oine run. Meanwhiie, hie mates got te Br-own for 10 hits te score a single run in the second when Mc- Lvl1land doubled Barefoot home frutm first and two more in the third when Naughler's double drove llood in from ifirst and scored hum- self on two infield outs. Pickering Beats WhitbyLadies Exhibition Game Goes To Visitors By 13-1 Count By LEN YUILL The Whitbv Ladies Softbll club sufTered their third straight defeat Monday night when the visiting Pickering Ladies walloped them by a 13 to i count at -Whitby High S-'chool grounds. The Pickering girls led ail the way and scored in every inning except the first and eeventh. Four -uns in the fifth constituted their biggest splurge. Whitby'es a'ole run came in the sixth when Jean Hunt- ley's safety scored Helen Povinsky. Every girl in the Pickering lin.- up scored at icust one run while WNhitby could do very litt.le witl the speed of the. visiting pitcher. PICKERING - MacCrae, c; Adair, 3b; Wade, lb; Rosa, p! Tauy- lor-, ss; White, 2b, James, r!;1 O'llollerand, cf; Waizman, If. WHITBY - Curtis, 3b; Joycei ('owling, 2b; Povinsky, cf; Church,i if; 1-untley, lb; Hansen, r!; Clarke,. t; J1une Cowling, p; Ashby, se. Ajax In the fourth, Whitby g-et their only run as K.nibb g-et a life vten catcher Stewart failed te hoid hie third strike. H. stele second, vent te third on a passed ball and scored when Ajax attempted to catch Bragg, who had vahked, stealing second. Ajax clinched the aiffair in the fifth with- two runs whule H.arold continued his mastery over the Whitby batters by whiffing the side in the seventh inning te raise hie total for the game te 13 and finish the series and seasori for Whitby. Naughler w-ith two singles and a double and Hood with three singles paced the winners batting attack while Allen had a walk and a single in th.ree tripe te the plate for Whitby. Ajax now advance into the finals against Bowmanville who won their round against Oshawa in two straight games. Naughler vith two singles and a double and Hood with three singles paced tiie winners batting attack while Allen had a walk and'a single in three tripe to the, plate for Whit- by. WIIITBY-Dafoe, c; Pearce, 3b; Allen, ss; Brown, p; Knibh, lb; Bragg, cf; Thorndyke, If; Mclean, rf; Phullipe, 2b. AJ AX-Koch, 2b; Hood, as; Naughler, 3M Stewart, c; Harold, p; Barefoot, lb; Mclàelland, If; Veit-ch, cf; Morrison, rf. R H E Whitby.... 000 100 o 1 2 2 Ajax-.....012 020 x 610 2 Teams To Comnpte For, Local Honours Bowman & Roweé Trophy To Winner 0f Post Season 'League By LEN YUILL In the. near future Whitby soft- baIl fane will have an opporiunity to watch local bail club. battle it out for tiie town ofthall champion- ship for the, season of 1946. As fruit for t.heir labour, the chamn- pions wil hold the Bovinan and Rowe cup, long symbolic of the town softball championship, for one year, if that cup, now in the. banda, of the Whitby Ladies Soft- ball team, ie not used for comapeti- tion for which it vas donated earlier in the season. Not ince the summor of 1942 haa the Bowman and Rowe cup been in compétition, nor have the people of thie town been able to watch local teams oppose each other. At present there are tuvo deftnlte entries with an attempt belng made to, include two other clubs. 1%e Present starters are the Wolves wlio competed in the Oshawa ani District Junior "-A", softball league during the season and the Legion- naires who were elinunated only Monday night frori further coin- petition in the Inter. Branch Le- gion Softball League. The.possible entries are the. Rotary isasebl Juniors currentiy competing in the. Lakeshore Junior Basebahl League, and the Old Boys, a collection of "4otiiers"l under the direction 01 "Red" Moore. The post-season competitioli promises lots of fun, and vili com- mence next week with the Wolvee and Legionnaires as definite en- tries. DVA's New Service Bureau One of the. most important branches of the. Departmient 01 VeterasAffaire is ln the prOces of formation - the Social Service Branch. Today, vith housing and ima- terial bottlenecks, straightenig out the accounts of veterana lI the procese of re-habilitation, super- vising thousande cf veterans on .courses, adviainç thein regardlng business, education and trade, ad- justing their medîcal treatinent, the. DVA lalilterally swsmped wlth work. It would take a staff ap- proximately 1,000 turnes its present size te handie their probleme. It has recently been realised that deapite the. social service rendered veterana, thia Is stlll not enough. With the initial effecta of the. war wearlngoflasen discoveredta tee ane ma" "6war casualties", who do not bear wounds. The pew bureau being estah- lished In Ottawa bas Capt C. A. Patrick, of Winnipeg, au acting director of the Seal Service Di- vieion. TIl. poliey of his departintnt .wiIl b. te asuit thq ,veter~nwt a social problem te become part of a civilia community at the eutl- est possible opportunity Iivery, attempt vill be made te, help the veteran to think of himiel! ma Canadian and a civiliaand not as someone set apart from Ml1 commuaity because of hm. vas service. It haa been dlscovered in vet- eran rehabiitation that it la prac- tica.lly Impossible te consider re- habilitation lu lis vider implica- tions without comlng ia contact with socia problema. Difficulties ai home, separation of husband and vife, the. need for placement of children and other problema o! this nature often complicate the veteran's adjustmnatThese, In- cidentally, make it difficult for hlm te receive hie full benefits which are hie right under exiating legisiation. This faisla inlin. vith another phase. The departmeat program aima te, estabhish a akilled medicai and psychlatric social service ir' appropriate hospitala and chinice. Such services muei o! necesaity b. obtained by the departineni itisel! but again muatbrlng into play ahi commualty reacurces li order te, provide an adequate follow-up service once the veterar' has been discharged. The. foiowlng Organisation la planned: a district superviser who wili b. responsible dlreetly te ithe district administrator for ail social work functiona of- the. district. Under the. district supervisor ther. vili b. thrée main se"ons -the. medical and psychlatric sec- tion vhlch wyul w ithhospitul and clinical patientasjin ce-opera- tion wiii medîcal effceursandm psychlatrlsts; the. referredsection whlch vii maintain limaon vith the socialagecesocithe.com- mualty and-tie Investigation sec- tion which vill be a firet clas medium for obtining faetual in- formation viien required. Foster Hewitt Talks To Troops Overseas An interview vith Loui Dates, prominent in England as a hockey coach, vil b. s feakre cdthte Auguat 22ad broadcast of "Foiter Huvitt Reporting,» board Thuma days at 8.80 pam. EDT. over tbé CBC Dominion network. Mr. Batts, a Canadia, formerly of Otuawa and nov a reuldent of London, la In Canada te lin. op players foir an Ingllsh le-hockey luagufe. War- ren Stevens, Univrstyof Tronto coach, and form"er U.8, football str iialso b. lnterveved onu the. br-oadcaat. Canadian -troops miii everseas are able to keep un-to-date on what'e happening i the. urid o! sports back home, through Foster Hewltt's weekly report on sportlag eveats and personalities. ««Foster Hewitt Xeporting" la broadcast overseas b-v short-va-v. The. enthuslastic voice of Fomier Hewitt lias giver' saturday nlght radio isteners every exclting de- tal o! national hockey games broadcast durlag the hast ton win- ters. Well-knovn froin coast te coaui, ince hlm fret play-by-piay description cf a hockey gaine dur- Iagt.le 1922-23 season, Foster Hewiit has broadctst more than 1,000 N.H.L, senior, mercantile and junior hockey gaines. World's8 Biggest Ship Ready To Put To Seu There la aimoat a touch of tragi- comedy in world affaire when one hears that the blggest and most luxurloua ship in the world, lu thie firet six years cf Its existence, did flot follow its career. Wben the. "Queer' Elizabeth" vas buili by the. Cunard White Star Lin., this 85,000 'tonner vas net *only the. werld's biggest ship, but more lux- urioualy fittd eut than aay other o! ber kind. Up tii nov, the "Queen Elizabeth" has, hovever, only seen var service and has don. invaluable work as a transport. The. giant is nov being prepared for the. nurpose for whieh she was originally built. The. 'Queen Eliza- beth" is nov docked ai Southamp- ton and 1,100 workere are already busy gettingr the world's _ biggest and fineet ship ready toput te sea, in September. Like tii e "Queen Mary," the 6"Queen Elizabeth" will b. put into servic, on the North Atlantic route. NEED COMMON SENSE Good meter cars and good roade have added much te.the sum total o! human -happiness. Used pro- perly tiiey forin on. of the. great- est benefite of the age. Abused, they become a source o! serious danger. It ie only common mense to do our utineet to secure sa!ety on the highvays. GOOD SERVICE- GOOD DAIRY PRODUOTS Makes Happy Customers 808 BYRON ST. S. PHONE 301 BSTROWGER FUNERAL SERVICEi S. J. STROWGER Funerai Director W. ZALESCHOOK 215 DUNDAS ST, B. DAY OR NIGHT mas. m. VERNON4 Assistant PHONE 5.81 hey Eat Out 0f Your Hand"l potted deer of Northern Ontario corne ng cautiously out of the vast forest ,is their home, to stare with wonder- ýrown eyes at the road man has cut qWhlhe wilderness. They rub velvety î against signposts that read "The 's HIghway"ý, and they are not'afra id, Ley have neyer even heard the crack rifle. If you aller themn food they will ty timidly, right outof your hand. are part of the vast heritage of wild and - erest bQauty with which we odians are endowed, and in their very lulness is a plea for protection nsf the hcizards of fire of preda tory Lais of indiscriminate hu-ntîng by alves. Lew branches of the King's Hîghway -up, bringing more cand more of ada's beautiful forest land within h of the city dweller, it becornes lQsingly important that each one of nderstand the laws and rules ai con. ~tion, for only by s0 doing can we ~ct and preserve aur heritage. yCanadian, a a shareholder in ada'g natural w'ealth, has ia vital ~est in the conservation ai this heritage. servation is not just a doctrine to be iched ta hunters andifishermen, It is tcd Part in the continuance af aur rnal economy, and muat, of necessity, if its mecisures do net receive th. futl ort of ail Canadcin citizens. 4';' . t-',- 4 -Machines -Mobile Power Station Wagons Delivered Wîthmn Thirty Days, Place Orders Now To Assure Immediate Delivery in One Unit The New of LETýus -'i 1l c-o.u 401 Dna t - i. * -. .~ ~. ,~. ~. ~. ~ , rc~ 4c4t-i~c- ~4~,'4' ~c.4~ - ., H t i d foi-et :ote if ,mummUm..mM1~.~.u.UUUU uu....u..a...uu..u.muuu..u,'u....uu"u., HLLLCREST DAIRY PASTEURIZED MILK, CREAM AND BUflER DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR -Truck -Tractor - Automobile ID WHITBY, ONTARIOt THURSDA'Y- ATTr.-rTqp 99 lo,&a "- -- r 5

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