v -4 * \J\ N - et CUSTOMS DEPARTIENT. A FEW' weeks aga certaini journalists entero(i an indignant protest rngainst the appointment of M1essrs Worthing- ost ton ant i itînl a s Comniissianers 10 piE look mbt the management 'of the mi- r uer Cuistorn flou5es in Western Can- leý ada. These patriotic wilers woutd m have it that the appointmeni was fy mereiy matie by thc minisîa-y- focrutîe ser purpose of scrving politicai frientis. an, It was uscless (0to oi them that Mr. wi Worthiugtotî 'vas aiready in the De- T]k parmn, anti, consequenty, that %va thieie couid ho no additiotîal cul lay; car that Mr. Bruuel's office was merely got îemporary , sud thai the gross mis- uha management, jobbery ant i iefficien- 'sir cy, connectod with the Customs, mon- ty dored iInvestigation not only desira. wo ble, but absolutely nocessary. Not - his wihstanding tht barkiuîg Qf a por- an( tion of the Opposition press, the ab- Gu ovenlentioneti gentlemen went to wva*k, and; as the rosuitis of uheir la- bors up ta the middtle of tant Month, we find te have effectod a porma- A neuf annual saving te the country ol' upwards Of TRIRTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS! n Lest any eue should he disinosed ha, to cavil at fhis satnuent, we give titO nul tacts and figuies as publishoti in tihe Quebec'Mercury ol' the *28uh ulta 1Roi "W. rmy paricolarize the bonds cf the den changea recow.mentied by tbe Finance min- ,Iol sier anti couflrmed by the Etecutive couin- Uilij cil. e Naapanee athe cutporb of Millpo ml aboi- -1M isheti. CBlat r rtiniced te an obtport ci Kinoe-Stoa ph Collecto didiaimisse th Port Credît a Collecter in - defaula; dis,. a Co misseti. Reducedi lemn outport ai Torento; -iljj tiansitctians baving btissa cm:rieti on wbicb cçrot prove tai sem cof te indepeniact prul the vic'îniy cf large centres of liade afforri fmilities, for .practicea iliumical ebt- - t'.peu -siso b , Io Ibo-Intfrt. B1ayfield:s redeaed- te an cutlport of Godfe-. ricit. est- -Ç <otericb: flagrnt dticinioqls on lihe th1ýo ýArt of lte Collectr-44d isnii v -S ul:onsideitbio dimin ution cr c 41. WSlhacorg. -octer iapàoiteaaiZ a aQtay Io.,bbudiseuutiWM,.- -- ti P'on Stanicy:r autreruced Îb A 014leîr l(f tu- penalties heavy, and if is not 10 ho wondered at if lîeavv andi extraordi- uîary exertions were mîadetie 0siiieid the rjutcrs of the th rl elect ion from the consoquiences (dac to their crimnes. %Ve flnd, tîterefore, that neat-ly al i h iniîitoti gtests were ieaduig Oranîge- zulei, froînthue Grand Mlaster dovn. Now titis nîighî hoc the restit 0f ac- cideut-or it ruiglitnot. Oranîge jtu- rois andi witnesses, however, m-ighî ho awed by thé oversbatdowiug pro- scîîce of Mr. Gr-anti Master Canieron, or tickled witiîttie iîrbanity' of Mr. -Johnt A Macdouoll over a glass of ,Cognac au the d'essert ; and, îîpon the wshoie, Il the wvay of the transgressoî,"1 àistead of beitg I"liard," might ho matie pleasani, thirough the infineuice olgood-cecr ~anti "Kentish firo" aIt -court time. W"e have not hearcl houv tlie; trials caime off,,or Nveher tbey wihi cet.ie .off at ail ; but- if Mr. ýGrand Master Caîuerou decclined atîeuding the din- lier, foreseeîitg its object, ie must adi- mnire- bis houiesty. A mnau i ke him, who lias so iately aspired to, the heati of the goermmeufi, whichi oughî to ho the very throno of justice, could hiardi bho wviliing f0 join in a Bacch-a- nalian origy over hem dying slariek, as a wvorked and uwarped jutry in the. Q.ueen vi. Daly, -eqme e mb court -ih a soiemu' verdict.of-Nôr GUILTYV Wlhat wvill the, Conservaîive or- gan in Whîtby say oft he Stratford APPrAIRS IN TEXAS. A gentleman ini teivn bas kindly -placed 'af -.our disposai a louter frein. Ifouston. Texas, dated 3Oth _of Aug. dost.. hem ia pelrusal of if wo leamnj tuhat th. biockade is very ings;.thIient; ýtbat thé Soblîherners are by -no means discnràed;and-that thoy look for' cfin -bua -favorable terminatio to the war, 'As we believe the wnitec to e .-th îrttelligeni and retiabie we give a few ing to car readeri.. ýSpeaking -of the'Northern 'gunboats lie ra'rurks --I Nor Cari- s'fficîent bê - mid ef the' disadvantapa ude 2e ai even i heartiy prayed for. 'Vo A . Lee , M . A.,; lx. Mariirnt rtî. eacher, prnmpiy bo wiiil hvetu ain ce bâtk towars/ s m h wihU ica ; aud tht. w eruhy SUpetiaz:euîaent, were Rikltnoutid îcerey sympathise w u-r cruel- the speakers on thte ecasioa.-Cen& LkPVt8VîLJ., KY., Oc0. 30--G,»i Ruera- d isa p p o in te d c o f tn e u ~î r , s d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uid ~ ~ ~ ry reo m td h fh anes cratz n-a tilarti et i i s cwihy itis mern-- sul pec fmmd h, f place uesliDay of -Tuanksgiving tg -a iSiîiX ar ra, uit His eofmnto lc n eidepartment. Oen. BueflIgresto Annapo!iu.« ice on the jealotîs avings of flhe ex- îsExcelieney the Ggveinrtr-Genr.ral Gei. Domontlias arrived 'lieteen-t'oue'e for îrn m i sio ~ er o P u bl c W o k s. as b een p leasedt t m a ie t ii. (llbi w n g îis c o m m a n d .--- i PILOCLA MATION. Oa.Byebsoreelcirti'r onn 94 ]nôw ye, 1tuai tak aîg iual0 Orr con.-i'er- tbeix regimenrteaiau nce. DU Pî Casaelfl,fur- '& BO NOIE.ation-te ty wbici t - ovitrg tibjer's Of Çïày ýen BOKNTIE.Our ProvincelufCatiaia, ows -te -Almîitay- mery etatirft'm UtienCsuî, a be G d f r the m anifold ble siings wb ich uey arres rti na c ar e of tia le nh y a JW ili rLANTIC MONTIRLY; Boston. Tick- bave rece iveà t i fa r ,aud ,aîiespeciait-yb.en PotJhso -- - nom & Field, 135 Washington st for-the abunrîshhi iareésu antithe'ccnîinaance àgo01 2tijýMJr T'he November number of this îead- csi Pnjc wii w he j%"OlbT ousfr>. Ou.,29. ,Ma jr s a t P o i n c . r . t n i n g t' h . e . l , i- Y en e r a L J fa l e e k : ' T I e A mS y c f t e F r 0 u u i - g American Menthly lias corne b tiaye thoghlt it, by th ite é otîr El(-, Lier ins again aocesfoi. Ge. - Scbotfle!d'8 rctative Council fur Oûrashî ýdPr -tpst*-depitêeu s Puyetiif;Âk;a1 nd. Many ol' the papers in t anti Yth y ItaOrB ' telrrcc1a-t aygiàîiÇ Ge m.' Hliîrou unber before us ara o)f,a very Sh. 0 ayeaterdyag aid 'iii-&,KlCav- --Bp.- -'1- ith IleUts oîe br chïaÉacto. Among fhenùX'îý lhe, " v' à»f th*alry,-ti&cked a-,k nLpiç,' Iu ei:r sud the Man," ,based on Presi- i iris ni o»roty piaa. or oqquw *w41,0 irongt ail r a la nId - wbil.rvreuuyadtha rb18m îof thé 22nd of Soptenbr- hast, - ei44.y of.Thitntisgvjg.»1ý 1rýq99 ihackling'the bonds cf the South-q - k J A à?.B1jooOY*T tjleasy t _-ir a ayheld,,humm,-%-iYtiha aqd Aiit, ~V k* lb~ s~*eç ysicaliy, but-lutile remoVeç k1omý h:set " Co _ý brute that, wocked Éthe ie.4.4 lg't~aa aper worthy6l'careful stuidy. It le ti$n.» r ta - j .90 »npiete dig st of 8 iuheru slavery aiuidr-- >influen èes on -S'ociety-'..4ta u- c $-ç4*L t4féli.>p-,,qn. aîchtnents-and if a lb ee i»gss.. e tr s auiissppr o 4n -à ide to'wards i 'ze#o 4 il wJiu-olaî* Ï5Jtwt_ sth_ kn ecý,# ce.cf the. Union aince 4bîoedopdon cil fe constitution.i Plari, %4Mr. W«edaosday tlÏi fk' I&Mt4* ýe8-f-, Tii. Io~e~ aid~ O1~a4: y. ,,p auigbt skiruînjýi oeobired -betweet, a mail drawn. ae u ie.cua -e ou parîy ofr ~ enenîy andi aquatiuon cf , G V'n rncor Ru,a,-whce ihu Duaige', -mouvîet i flée A -lieutenant wms co::se0r'p '-~ae at aianun nis kullrh idu tuptin Vue d; a ix Prison- litîje >1rn spei~.We iers ers woeeciptorea,latit ier utroopsreturnet lresemblesin. DPeebrj9 ÎIt ougbl, ] M_ camp. - - rnotimeiately antendcor dumfti:t aa oa ~*5IK TRU~ IAIWÂY. which the South i. now etiuggling. nuy~iu L.Yet can her people be subjeted- =rrmtm -,jfrOw th% aiuon U f -lLet the heroes of Maniasses, Bethel ...... o s ad Green Monnrtain, in the firet e ....... 1 20 8 2 &,ijPo f the warwithtoef i1ý ~1W... ..à .. 9 20 Chester, hWest PofntIih 44 .... ... 2 18 P Mx isdWetPinSilob, Gaines' aa'...........35 Mil andMal verntHill, and t hose of OMr rin fibug ho or cicOtug ,,g Y7 wamps ofth Chickahominy, o- - .--.~Pen up their shouts of victory, and ~ ~ Jjtbr ~thieir loud toned echoes wili drown j the loss of Nashville, Menmphis, Von- aldson, Ports Jackson, St. Philip and1 WNI~oy, IDLf~AY OV. , 182. pew Orleans, 'vhose fait han been les ~1NI8ERIA ~[ORKEN8. - evil fo us than a burden to our en- emies."1 Thearrangemnents vhichi delayed The bibckade must be almost a Messrs. Howland and &Sicotte 011 Sat- dead letter off the coast of Texas, if ur day week, are now compieted and, the information conveyed to uis is according to 'the Quebec Mercury, correct,; theýy Will sail from New York to-day. eý0Our only mode of obtaining sup. - Plies is from the vesseis which run TRU STRATFORD DEMOeIsT.ATioN the blockade. Dur'ing the past week The Sisevatve* emostraionno fewer than eiglit vessels run into TheOoseratve emnstatona port oui this coast, though guardcdi in 8tratford £urned out a fallure, af. by a war steamer. In this wRy an ter ail the l'uss and thunder it aiher. immense amontt of nioney is cleared. *àlded its- approach. The great stars by the parties briîîging goods, as th4ey ofth pry' tatwere *0 shline out dispose of thcm at four and five times1 withmor tha tleira,'uton br- their value, reload with cotton,-which liancy on that occasion, were un for- is sold in- any foreign pprt for thre Inatly apogee. Honj. J. Il. Cam- times wvhat it cost here: for instanee, eron wrote that lie 'vas de tained by a one cargo worth $10,000 wvoulo herec case in court; hion. J. A. Mlacdonell bring $50,000, and that invested in by the deaîh of a friend , and hon. cotton coulId bcesold for $12.5,000!".Il- Mr. Cartier "lvas sorry that lie coîîld Further on lie enLîrerates 9 vess flot cone to join his liends conserva- in onie place and 3 in another as mun- tif " on that auispiclous occasion, 0Wr- ning tlie blockade with full cargoos. ing to pressing professional business; The Texans are sadiy in 'vant of and so the crowd that gathered to see etsait, medicines. caiicoes, thread, the stars of the party at the Stratford >cter ydesors unrfls dinner, saw nothing but cloudy ixh o de, sords, gns, lhoil, counenaces Mr Caring rosi eefsocks, flannel, letter paper, rice, col'- c' and brandy in prospective.f The dinner was-nominaily inii on. féee' naits, (sold here at $30 per keg.)!a or of M~r. Dat , imember for Perth, cdisel lnes"&.&.i but by a queer union of coincidences, A littie furtrher down the writer;t it Ioke mor lie auorngc dnio-gives a iist of prices, judging fromi straionto rliee Iim ot ofa vry vllici), e would bc incined to say, i straion 0 rliev hlmontof aver that ruîrînipg the, hiocliade witih a futilO criticai position, thian anytinig else., ag uth ev fo lit tîte first place, titis Mr. Daly wascrg utheaer profitable OP-! eratioa. INe (itiote: tý11uskcets $50 Io hiave been iuidicted foi- a gross as- each; po\vder $,- 50 per lb.; percuis-al satîlt,perpetrated upon a magisî rate at sion Capq, $6 por 1000;- six slhooters, his Iatè election, before the pressnt as- sizes at Stratford; and il is rather $100 Io $125 a piece; grey flannel.'nr ~îuer tat he in om houd îavef0; over shirts, $3 50 per yard-; letter o)f beetn appointed for the first day of paper $15 to 20 per rim; blankets, the court. Mr. Daly is an Orange- $19 to $30 per pair; nails, $50 Ina,,.~ Ir ons.mvro on-1 $60 per keg; green tea, $13 per IL.Ci don,,- anoîter Orangeman, wvas aiso to ~cole, $25 pe lb.; rie-- or s.pemti have beenindicted for an outrageous lcandopcu, $ per lb.; qiicnSct.per20 ussault on a party on i e hulsîings. at elb. , pium r lb.; quinne b, $0al- Daly's election. Th cee ees were m zciôoom 1 e b, ai-' to have&come off at the preset Strat- chohol $10 per ga.; turpertine, $5 the ford Assizes, and, as wie said before, Io $10 per gai.; spool thread, 30 cts. e h i no a itte emakabe tat heper spoot ; hoopskirfý',)$25, and none ed great l)inner an~d the court shouid f0 ehdee a hspie;clsis" cont toethr. Ti. <ones o' tese$150'per 4dz; table saIt, $20ý perla geîtlîne ae ggrvaed an î~esac k:Sad dler s thbread $1 0 per lb. th.e 111 WII13YGAZEIT NOVEMBER 6,is'2 Dosines, ai Port BDr ue s matl.iât aatfy Iiscontinent 0sotap- ~A N oo n t i n u a n ee o f a u r t y o r . - < . i s s . L n - r d o e c h o h f ' ' î p r i ' ,îujof eac oi T Cn t W ate l, Si. o83 1) ob ie . lrsnu be s s ve-n w ll t im t i s a f it L p î l-l - tticet ban uloriofwrluein atc I .- With'regard *Xectition of of Jno. eMawn,- on thi col ivorta cfLancas eat u ft ille te n mb ioiohea ei nd uho -. to os dsyte te pac hr cluei;coteto e cna til à aî rsia .t O t be clda 'b i nN. . ue' hi jî l£ r nindwa!,Qinn w rrs e di Toronwat. by. ot ptaced the mnuzzkWalof i' rirewclose London :rv ices of M lSc it gsr, the pite.ysd n h ar ro . the bodof the e lp e s n u pe t servis iiithe Waî, ae odee et e oner hi: . . d , Peï o, oa d m n f O hih de fî re Cuaornall reons c Cnas1a ib b ,r5ffu ilge$. as Hae. aniatedle fe hurs. th bll ouipefancaserendA of l t Tha umerBotK olt-r N ebed as e. stoMan asestedthed, cnvicu. emi bletrocaa t hu. bun r'cret u tbe c wana -edsdsnecdt iug beis etubtetilai tablar faim- T0 - suaI, a ý 1ïgnfice 4bie ,eeî a heîen oadý nnth'Saosleepig shin pat, gt p,:tr e aid a a nthe anugeo' otar conîemplorary: to up rited he prveti e ar o ý the G o ld] « st le. -Thp ih ratre l' te ma ,fici orye utnd si ne, vced a bu nin:up sericein. he...... r....54'n410 420 1phi ,: A. 24ioà s $ td the anfro ngsh earer Q uom a pinh... 27 en u im ro s, l, on ev ryoid otheo t e in se ra ui Po i re i on... f748 n510 iih08 57 we se ltlled and od5ey pr- slcdi 8.Th BOKfothe eriswa. ianouwaaarr ense cune.e Theyfietd 544 83 320f ben cha gri rcm t al. , ôtàat, su edgladsthe cedi. îy tend gaauhwr sheih 24 7j18 ises gPlafth;ýi itis fi cemain the laniagro o pectaconle.rar Sarnia to223 31 r. 0ot'A.r;aand, annhaco t f s110'0 mer, lus p O An aitor mon thbafid a st she i- Port~ ~ ~ 1_ ý thae. ~20 8 3 578 ie ostile*lie)0 stricty ulfeodieMa-icient otu rhe sno ap w taoaetv I ,un bt ite Cottgwor. 54 64 10 120 1274 0 i nd -Harlnda cLerted'tthmoes, r-IIIon vry bsidf iltu,aron the-joseia i,pi 1 27d o4. 6 5 0 6225 49 3t e W i d w , a z a r m e ne1 3w a e 1kDie Soud... o 74857j ber;2" yhii old aul. tatenîe ror- cgttî re: macî iasd i butor...Ilsewl tit l a i s o îms..- enogli er but o .asil a nd e.l t h a oI ir $aled3«203; 320be224aboe;sRev. M. Vallerruvthteiy Moei. citieg2r.49 . 79, oo o EvryUldy7so0mihae a B oK F onsteeifrrspacl deeldbMw' PortStaney-_ 407_7,_'____577_7_MseSinW ib t ty :r. Go. le . M l ipsc rucifix. Tht.ncawssiie p1nun-h Hecn -. . ae prci. eîec- H LLW ... Adallowe3 e r tîlud ie m t a s the ai en, ai Cornnwaml ney 3saved 1e8the province, passed off ln Witbyl asi rida y u - ihavyte pkîig n. Ae uoinlliaper, the savith grete0ficenc6i5th0p blic;nihwiîh ore anuuai neclat.i- cm ielu ha:o ieflîa rpa Owev i . Econ O ôyude 650T e ih w smid:usd 'varn a end oana le tosefla a'rwfac>ma id)th e on-ii urtalmet etexpnses wil ho 'aih- butru w lsot-deer sprtsote oca on twoto-begra n. Mr.iycrrie tiever Dpatom ient; a-ladymoon was boavead onriceî peti tho dand ore.h, boit, ta hos nd~~~~~ ~$21 t38outysmeva sacr-dle" u in wihtandinr.g b.Ye rihtthimmaccifi.Tjriew-e tîlen , a lin- Hte ivehaveinraliya reorm olt fapoto fu abaeaaasi wsdfintbcrtvr[o h kdit irat finyinnthîermied ry tresue.man oreya sotheld and e llk ofthas Ile surprig or e cenr ut 10Lue ultei oxetît nee ed c- yoîng--weut fothnt h' ift arp Iri haJ w fal n u ea 'llcn- çerv.n . Acn m n e t e n w T en budthew a ld ' and Valeine aut ilt cna t'i'y a arou d ihe6' cIh article frompecuwhich we have Fn' tythéththe boys v ,ud at 'enmnaaaî' leayo 0 bove qu otcnca hus : A!d"fa'blyheorribertolorsale yrud.a tiereut, anttsomeua xi -to biteoprosecthoe occasiki. ,lu tai men of ex ens s w ll e f it - T e m on aat y oor, to ghouî d S id nt as t he ch aas irphega e z- itinqir' a iri blaut nt' paraofLe prate ie ih,;htth ovnse ed r cnîie t rugglc o e , u lt thaat tma n indte on t o iny ess a! ic lo e ut but V hv an eî'tsa ing fo rnieut Athe rlhn -htte uniyw statie, a e -d was eut Jort'ra, anri as We unjeratonai Wnti! osek out maavaig rdtek-a.desTmoeçilookthe t-heasusredsfrmeo intoi uhw hucsiaeonintorait afaiRfo rm tieer ouf apotioofm the con....ba way ant i ci iug littreanaael exceptthe ires n ineom eîcncy exlraagetac, mas nci hbo's oor aîîd th nerves dof "k short ea lri be otu ie, oreIouw mnchart anagmni, atinfratdrougla t tcariyhthin Ille triditl'oik"aitusîdeuoftie, ou this eu caseshe fulai. recteti, shw low tirdr tiular enit, virth a ____are _____________ ll Re. Ir fou th workconrici- h adl - pcabb ge _____Stocks_ br rcutnai.Ie Ana'ceMab-arep ud ~therHloei eTU ie aititecon RvOLUaet ION. sure aril ai fcory o îmach e av o ejoice ta have tm snd t"leeqthero,îî- PIAu:ld otH eaino r:. 30.-'î fae ri ig- 1oe ar ur t eery otirer, s ufitu iy A îes- lon l th " isy - i oo o sa r f ia-s evaa s1s ladGe. b>'hé îh. cornncîtcerne:at incesmane I t nty i nutal e s ly ai lvaer r iawn a lie The pu lie w;lavvit wt', a oiîlaal oadid ru %iae ofîh. HBloc 11Y2. ad (orm- ePickîng aTwn Lio Sabbth ohoult aa' aa îuato ai eS"l HOrst n. d'sreaRCY ety EEthe -ne. 0 it- s ru eus ja ing.ri teve t i ii fTIle r aore respgarto n ll po vincthe A ini c cf hatthe ucolar seemetten r its - wla! akr' rbil frrvIaiu t b l nd gfîe mem er o th Sab ath cbol bek plce n Sunrda, he p a ilc aP i 0t ti.a a iunceo n e i u 'leisema paeapeetexanbn l8îh it. The m ei aamm t eii in l.- thc rpai;ty o ta. Btie îali ' e bodmen th os nt ofiiu u eisî ursoui the oea o-ts h-bve a vouqene o f to aan 'in iai culrer'lon d o nu: bnellr., lac hasu sbeh l s ees a.tu i-h e o. en-hecustos ee n -cf th e y dowara i gbe la e ii eclar ne f t e u vi!for ns ira loem f an i;th iss it aibispoi. l e ru- ii. dthea surfin. A godlys ;u t er flAot it asf ou a bfte r e soha ineloteil ier lour ho ever, creted qite nga. lve- teshiiwt c f:erprns awayo!andCncibina's w inn ut ater cro th andh jin e tat siith aong r- ofe Con- wa pr oun t. h e ir n l c hilin ue r ir ac 15 îe v lr. v rth i ravsofVlity ad y oîatorier'Ibe wittcltful bo ficcicateioes gi. adni ta Wite e oraiaike. Tue Showne-a !t -h uei th prvne Th x u f hi ese s taleo M .A aîly eshrt anni e e ftr e,py a ialge bemanebail iresam in cosequicenco haereol'is- neigmos celî; ,andJither'nevh no- beenposhet ii a îny alr pessjtaVt'r- hoareeI staff o f u tor con tumpearlnte " lo o lk"e sje oftreae 1i1nmihi f ginua. Webiv b utoin as1at i s thil e pes enîedfoi the ros nd u t ilî-aî roi- 1war ont-o lectasltî,is ati Ft-o n Pre nu s e uch in ti p rosp e t of a- aa e . - -t e j bagtha t i e l f a e as p nb b e s h m f s brouîglit4-to ltely, byentier-cf- Attiraij' VjlkSDa -~ - I-I - t: ltlever are naging feafolly, arditaiutliaid 1J 50 r 60 rebeis urne daiiy dying.. The maii 'e orDIY Of Lee's army in betweon Bamnker Hil anciWinîcbester. Natminz- nestuindi 4cale a ilefrC5l. '0 Theis e iindonti t iai Bragg is haulenini ta the relief-ut Lee. A gretaitle viheu n mtîr'iîdoobi wMl b. fughtbefon. lthe ce. -of the week. PIIFLA»ELPIIFA, Oct. 29.-Thé Witrfting. toit Star. aofLais evening. o YJIil ;a believ- d et hontftint -Gen. Les bas çiivft1'-t-i u army fouinlIwo large corps, one nr.der Jack-. i s.oif and flIe otbsr unîter Lorigatreet, andin leavhng the reglun iii whicb bo basboita -posîcnl since- rerueîssng the river mbt Vin- -giraha. BALTîimoms,Ooî. 30.-The. loyal citizens arresti n Tuveàday îaigbt in Temperanico r Hall, anit s'lo sere sent dwtiov be bay in a sieamboist bave haut yeî been roleaseti fnom co-htîtiy. Gis'. fluatifurt bas gotie le Waeh- -ngoti)tausa-e Presfitent Lmn)coin iaî regard -to tilcîn uitwat'ratib!e a'ncabt. Bradiford lias 1riemanîdedthae uncandiiiona release of ail itie pa rties ainreutedt andti but ail papers anti tucuimetitus eizeal b. given tîp. The petit- ioan. for the nernevai ai Osa. Wnoi receivei nuaneinus slg7aaîres lest nighat anti thia morninug. Att ativenhisemnent appeaus ita taoyal paper to-day, inaviLing L he citizemu cio Baltimore Io' cali ai thc Untion raarine roomn anal &igit Ilte remial ho Presidtit Lintcaln ion ile renaaîvilaofGen. Woaîl. Lairr-Thc loyal citizentu vio vers an- rarstcrl tîy urin-nOrao e. 1Vuoi ou Tuana-day taiglîl, ;altireni tu Fit Delaware, have beîti hîaihaionally releaset, ty uater outheb Presitetit. Thie papern seizeti ai the tufse ni Ilte anresi have also been deliveret i tp.- Assuitar'. lhave terîtgiveat by the Pacai- tietulialIltle %hu!e afl.tii svll Le atijusteti to ah14 &ahiâfactiouoful le la.yal people cf A ruait[tom Baltimore was aure.«tet by liePt's aundt in ay, har'uaîg an lais pua- session a qaaaity aif qaunine, opaium atd moarpinîe, suppoév a betoUcinteatîletifor.fiti. Sa'utl lc 55-us crarnnàiied 1tuhIe tilt caipi- F itTrEssa Ma.uRça, Er'-i 29.-A rraulwho il%$ slie WM9as .aket i pasoier t>'bthe rebelu ses-eral anoati sago, aad iwwu flaaly oblaua- a-i lia4 rt'lease h ariuas -~Itle fi<tl.tuîiug ac cuafi lie -Ma'trimâc Not. 2" :-l have teen iu Richimuontinomeilime turing my eaay. 1I weaut on boardI bhe al M'erac Nu. '2.11 S. e laahrragialy antdi eavitv iron- t-lad, ainr iin u eiy W %ay a luugi CU-la.mju SIte lt-as beer. etumpicet about a runîib, anti i-naç mate Fevaati iî Fi D lriliîg. Site 114at é1but une gota til buart, but Ille aathr grata ifo' hier vet. ail rc:arty ivieti 1 leafi. The maa-ltatiy- ni the 41' Merrimac No. 1- vairs veil, andi sie can ea!iiy maire 8 nuilest an btoer. Tîte r.abets havai every ora-fiehte-in hvr. S NF W Yoazr, oct. 31.-T;-e ste-amer &atfej, J'ruinNeavbarate, bas anniveti.- The Wuhmniiaaaîruu, N. C. Jourmil annauraces the aiariv. cf 7 Rergus.-if negtes tho garnison fite tusvrî andutfortifieuîion GraurncIlle ts seki>' seasc[I* Thbey have been iQ a carp eti in- stjruCtiojt natter whaite ficera for ittîno monti it. .An Apainctaicola let ter repotislshat a nava! cîpatti-atisenit ojii lieri-ver caphureti a shnî -p andi 80 hales tif colton;, bat-not, boy- cs'a-r, witiot a fi gbt viti tberees on the tbaauak.. Severai ai aur meun vhe.re stightly w5cm. d 1 - ;- i - v -~ -I p i 4 i lo qe ter rep'Urip fhat lh'. email. P*ox and tvnhoî( ly - -A iiiauprt eterofth 2thinii. rein acM[tl irijsîo.b 15 -o ude 1A gurions, andi snoeaaful -franai aoîr itis c1,'y inithee matter efrecruni; uin sjaeusn discovered, and a -coàintithee> apinwti by the Commoil CounaWteinveuIýgat. mati re- poiltupon it. litsesuns that certain teeruit- iaig officers for' sOo cfelthe t s<p"Iar rte- ngentslibte fild baro beon in the habit o rmiulng their meon in hiheCity andi mailing ihem otlt ihowne te the rtIl ilofr ths local beurities ofler'e by citizenê 'hos, -fer instance, ihL. tcwn of B-is wiliing tep give $150 Io emtchof ten recii e seateafill up ils quota. A new Yoik r rccruiling officev ageresu ,te faruisilthe meut, 50 ihorn'itegivel "$Wa,' 'clr, <!alling i the - cily 5Umy1 Sari poire t'a i,ý1s $100 per man fer bittou6re, It has been eg;!amnated Ibat New Yen i- f bas been awindik s oms 5,00 meï 61~ titis upecies cf eharp puactie. Let un hope thé millier wiii b. througbljy investigaed, anthlb sýindling reernitinç agents, not artly degiarldd from tbeir mank bt »nt toSiatee prison. THE WHITBY ;ROAD ANID HARBOR- Froua the Ontario OberVir. ho a previcos aribea v gave oui reatier a view of the deatingu of ltbe Wbiîby .- Road anti Harbor Company with t'e aslte Ceali- dnn Gos'etr.ment ; andithe facts vs tislosedt preseutei a sad ppleure of- the. Ccmpany's delinqtîenciée. We gene-ally findti t a course of conduct pursuedtihîougb a $uWfis of yearu by any public bodyY s&,rds a eair index of iteir oriiaty moerleci roing biai. telSa, unisas.eXterior cirecamatances impose, some kinal ai rest-raiat anti necewsitate the adopt ion of a tifierent policy. tis maxim i. emanen-ly true in regard te the Whiiby Roani andi Harbor -Company. Badi as their lelinqirneies ta gpverniment appeaýr, ther. are fada encnnected, with thte internai man- igemeitasuf iheir affairs wbich reveal even a wer.te mante cf thuingu; anti iL ispqhy riglut bhat these iuîiqoiîtes. as weil as the otitenu, ehoutd be exposed ta public gaze. The subscribei capital ofîthe Co-npany.s $10,001,ail is divîded i ioa 5 ,00 hanes $20 eacli, each ahane coufeining a,- vote on ho boîtler. The designocf the uubucrttit btock vas ai course ta futiish capital. he,,psy h.i pntecha.e mnoney for lthe Reati. anti Har- ici.- Tsi cIre yeanu have îîav elapseti inre le Company vas orgatiizsr), anti yeî but 10 pet' cent. or - $10,SO, cf tse; abscriti.ti capital lias been paiti, leaving $90,000 yet ro be calieni in, By-lthe reluin. abtaineti ty Mrn. Oult iii 1861., w. findi titat 416,080 art beeaî paiti on ilustaimenîs of pr'mcipalbe- in $6,080 moestitan the paiti Up capital-- a faem whicb showstilaut, en biatta Çom' rny tisapt,ue7 Pcl .titcrfitsu-m- . t'uuig f gron h er. inisi - ouieîgt iwhen ihe COMPaDY-waa Organized, showiýng ,the remarkable facithtat,, since, thaï, lime, but one caII of 4 per cent. or $4000,l»a been p'aid Other enla have beei' n nmi..- allj\ madie, anthelb mure- boneat aintuftts- pecý-tngmernbérs of-the Cmanyai_ etomu i tling of] them; but it was sot-i 'scer lelîgeil that the parties- Who hekildteb. bk of the stock, atid conîrrld the affairs of- 1 e Cornpaqy, wers paying llothing; andi as a mainer of eonse, wben that factwasdicoy.. ere.l, those Who weré diispo.l to do the fut-, shing, wprers oelled in self défence o e Fist foai rnaking.fürther payinsnts. 0f the 5,000 ghares, mbo which the Corn-. pauy's subscribed stock ja. dividei, four peunuqs holti 70 bareie. repreienfing $74,40. TheÀae. four: à4ckholjmu bol& paiti ýon iteir',îooksimply, $7,440,.,leava4jý, milii upaid the sam-of 466, 960. Tlisimk- was-neyer'aeqaired. by, 1hiébolisa&wiIh. tha expec la.ion or intention of paying' , oril- morne or 1 hem woulId nçt ,bo able, and nonue- wt .Ihem - WouÎd -be will i Q& :l-,to thu lut ji was acquireti for the sole purpose'Of' controlling the affiira or- the Comjipany.. ht tory, ilt ransacts ail l theboean.:The. di- - !sflora have made no ca a éý-làîèp :baùSii tbey thhmselves coulti sot, cor would tliey if tbey cc.old,, jay»b e e4naowibirown - shares ; andi having matis janlfa*fair, Io pay it, thsy woold n- longsr b. -elS v 1-