Whitby Gazette, 4 Feb 1863, p. 4

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Cl '"«j, -WIT &DAU SON ';Ow Tornée have dons wid yoar tasing, Do b. alay sud let meabus; it. thé skia front my <ingéra ye'ne aquaziug; Sure y. .hinýk t.hey'ré as huas- as yon oua Ma woriedtu da1h wld yen prating, &-nd frigltened lane out 6f meétifs; Po pray siin't hé idi>' otitng Tou'hf as-or catchs axé ton a wife. *1hàtaI It y. se>'?,.,-îlaL I'm jokting ? Th4i yé ünot badige an lnch train tut>' ide?7 Iurjallé,iQw, yé'no wighty pnovokinig, Ansi 1 don't know which way tb décide. I"uo just like a 4iu-ê tlat thé fowlor Ioecoaxing dôsas tLchlssauré-; Och, Térétace r ys sty scbamiug prowiér. Yé'né hurting nxy lîq I déclare!1 Lave off, mi l ôw dans ye todoit? I supposé as yo wîli hava yen way. I'd botter (but. tnind y& ye'll rue lb 1) Plaie yoi whiiu by just nsmng thé day. Don't tliuk ibtua'forloveéinmconenting- Ocb, îtrthérl .you're aloppingtu e bréaith- Bat ouly lu hopén of prés-enLia,; Ménoît being botherd ta death i RomlîufTi' aiLi lie vrtt;lt r iv-e rafar- The Reciproc ity-Treaty;. Trio ftolowin plîrA.,,«ph oora .in 1the Aî,,ui Mesage of >frvernar cotiurà Ofý Mêisne - 0O1 the 111h day of September, 1854. our, Senterei 3i1110 ' <rirt realar-; rasi-einv i îwith Greau B rto, in relation tu fier Norilh Ameri cana Pr . vinces, %%hirh ar. r4tgeinelit iï geiter#,Iiy kîîown as the Reci. prov i)y 'Jreaty. Il waapatof hazresn lliti il slonld remain i itI frce for ton 3-ear,, after eilier -of the IhiL-i ucniractîîmîg parties cai have givein tiotici" I tue ollier of ils tas < terminale the r arne , cadtiofai high.contraciirig parties beiîig ai liberty' ta give such notic-e t dise otlier n tishe iendof sai.] term of ten ymâ et-àr aain>' lime asuer- svanîls.nn Theé it U -gis.aiure, b>'juini ces. oltin, expresssitl ié opinion i lai this i rena:> aliaulit be lermifiiteit v.ith l ie viewvof setur. iîtg a morejustan sd eqoiiale accomouIaltîui ni irade svit ite.il ri ili Provinces. i ne. commend ituai 30o1cive e,1uîessionicilu- Bush Ian views, in some formai ,.d etithic- a>, wiliî the.-object of briîtgitg wiisiever M. to bear on Congres.ê, for thse accomulislimeit ofilime deié rei .uili. - We have ot court-e thingfisca maî's eltuiu Wî-udCnt no nudirect iegisl.rivtr p .%ver nier t ihé ttcion. dog were not t ise better fut l." but tise dg»ibeitsîuî atid repeated eîxpression 1 CUTINURe~.s---Si tnot sî.il>tîtu n-ofritegovustmeitbut -a Siate vléose P"e otier, wilOun ie huacisugiswinçvin2 1,a scytte tno-g ulit 1>'il)a fiutt f tout trs,'Frmiuk, what-mi k") iâ-ork- for ialiitiug ?i-A MS. lruw wiih pourls talent and ubilitee afÎlti tit Ina eaiglut efigaged iu hustîl1l'bor.-Iurt tu gel>triy living by nîY wita.." '« Well, Bull, yuîî iait wuýk wit ijl er ti.olst tlan 4 vaturi,' ras tise reilly. SAi.t W-AiSr Ttu SEBsrDiAUTiUL.-IVr, nll likue to(.be tbc-uuîii-tuo b ohj"ts <f a !ru>;- s-s jin leilui mitui or persanl. flot 1t'.t m(In~.s-afl atnd !utitîg Lsbetsily j.lita> 'JwtsiAý 'sleticiîia-aslthi s tgu leatiuiytý*'tlci is borin of ainiubiitV-<it _e nuitte oortiess cet Iteasi. 1'ii siriiilit-t Beaim>-lîtisel , irjsse si,; '.ur a fiai îe. Site neyer séeetris tu row usi.l.'flue lonurer aie s kniet, lte tweter stuc 's lueit. Site is norstu.,ii.,..r....uf,,c - aie pecoliurr antd i.niî..li lteriLlpin bllue qestuion, cannot fait in have a niiieifitr. ilîence in aetilu>gt le éms he. itis neîtfuîr ti>- pur pose titr iiîtle.edf 'o provrnuîie t', pré-. t4soit aluy lei I., li jrii i iii'f it' iijîtinîîsu s suit k ir --.4 if liii 'i 3i'. Ehst i 2t toits matde i-'it h i 1 s <wt '-ears Ismiteri te faret ifautIlte tucijigtiCal trailt.,-J iiellu si-asi PIte btuis ol' l, ii ety. ii as iot onnl>î iern ij-, uiti-if tl y <tanPioviIuuitsi ueuuiiur til (T_ p duiv lie.;, with sîrisîi-lutl an~d iutriftil tifiscrnins i tr,, iavev iltié-î' ii u pun flié' ii udteistofni t r ndui-.I. iids,*eiliefe îtON 'i-eros IFîtresl atimpltCi ii in 'heIte Rliifi t- rutîti ai ai I lite pii'tutit's ilh lite P'~a u> '1 t carnés 11isuiîijiri tutu Çmp.-li Iun 'uh .sirrIillr proîtusci - of iii> r rvt ; us taîe bajitlie arliulera "a'lsitî sac t iglut lirofilrbi>' ex poui aie ritet al i II) l>îturioiailhu~e 'il t cii,ltm 1-Iiar2t-g, w1iich Strit uw&tof ail poésible ait. vtiltae in iliei mi Ie -- i--s'----- -"- ." ror-u<t or-vtry ernergetu- adtisa ý,Ii~st itîsIt to lnRisa'inAT Tit£I INTt'.iNATIC(NAL EXIstiB- cy ; t.i . u onceÇ it-ilell o TItiS - ildit ii i r jt plut i-lk tli- lia Il ler s:boiuriiiliia boits i af ev'elasttoc [,l,$ auit ms-teiseqaile ; ssiiti 'lie tiath oo tti tran- fie ~lItpk f tuer ls-atraite 1ut Itileiintîg;is s- tulais wira it diss'un i s îltisrin .suiî ai-tutjandtul tr ie 'tri'- ru-- - lnsii"ftt. wiiiifi you. Slijku oaff -tle fîsIte'> tutidare 'ltîtiit-.' ta kelu t tristcailoihtrnIinisenî' mIjll w-trse [tor Ile htu1utI1e ru i- ut (ifIsle liCita, s ht-r laies has-e itf,ut- 010te- tus. i BsiŽiit mIV téî-itip. w(ai5il dilsiMil Jtu, t st.u~ I o . It l lie ittm al iii tuer all à.-srliîsi i t ise 'xlit. itimtî lieaîtii F iunpa«o Ioiul rt l t- i' jli ts-1% itîeltî tut iiir titi. tain. S!ýtt î-fsi% ire nisai sybtr. tspt 'u:i h'y rje»Ijl it louiIoit-I tutiii lnf, It 1i. i. natil lIi . ropi t tisetntitfesa itttniutyatsI -o"tiis ~ f I-et oies a lto usf; tsi' ab til , illîîet Itie it-i th m ld esililniil at frtlt fl ie - S aitte ag iltay' s '- iliie4!r i-i~ let meno than >'tsîrsulf, sulI <'5f otii ui reit. it-4o iiîIes lia' l 1 ii iri iiiSialîttit' tin srisga stlissu ou t'u'uvivc re-i c' h0 l iiieCaulu ititii l tIn.itibety 111ouit.lier tu 'beun. W(ik«Itisî o uke -ýtteural t ut'tr mItéeexxil taFI e Ill tItu ilititty, ntit fliO getsttisare É'.itTATtioN-'rha itsîtr> of illueustrt t it fl ifft ii i t(i ihprtt will teacil lits strtetii:t.lîî'ertlt lplfla .drivseir-iiCinpi<un fient fierL '. tiitstîioa e dui, ' t, lPJIi 'f itite îmai kei.Il'-ttituos'nîj itiu.ti Il - irà ritiiitt a1tIasritiil e d e ii4lin e besi poi'cetaiîa§ flout ; a flirt, ithein, Was a slisrvey teai1, a ei.iy lia-zic ,fiuliet ilii ths tgt of t uti relanri, ro 'ie ;uwth a Is wtnats, a ili tlitci l aikuir i a placree aileit h-I er iuarIlise rnîoîîtll alltI ho-.i iîoail, PsonîFut!,» 1 oflite Slîaîîtîn" ailt tuerie eslctniite facit-ietn 1 1F ,Itei i . i itg é i eit, j îf u is r ' tIte rt ime su-e k iiswn î't î J vdfîittaliti i r-Lnh(le lé ti-capis-saasautcer.a, iities,*&c. -s i.ii Ucumaie lhcithilaa>a 'he 8tasiedtt Illho iuillu oi V, în.iiter%>'. for- lime export iraute, Ian. îluat usorul frorn ihle s-nus> LeduUitt: i itîltt liiim tie sorirt ;îî but fon a i it' i tîso %uvsa s coupieti with ai ajtteisu, 94 iiutrctit il - st trn.îs imt5plyiiug lial i ill%-is-t wita n-mi-. t>' prstp e, a plssyil-9 a>i uist, Grisé Ieiusaflirt-i -,,i u ba ~ailloliuC), il] gt. I'rs' îuraple, a ale, riit. a ut Iitle- iii, msso al playusns, mi> liiu2r ini lueitirae, a nt ii1ihalrrîn ensue ; btuiws leis urti sss inoaiéi Ilise otier is a chit .. Of cottine i s ver). Iiuue Iopretiid lut love, 11n t Iit 'îusîoîtkit î-j aye, smore itan *ut-ij. Bu> M ti ah ioti peio- 1î.',s a yes il ha a ctîitetrtpi!t slan îl ii ]y. Ilisi.aI beat buti pule luy'po(rl.ni LtA V FR055 À SPIStTEta ')tAurîrt.-Ai 15 -Aîî-ioqtta tor coinii1g miti tetd lîcoattantioui rfi ue beaux. At l6-bet-siI sas-e soîna irIea ofibe iender pttssiort. At I7-taîks of' '& love ils a collagte" attî l isieresttt Jalec- ttî.A-18-Fancieq hîcîssaîf iti loive ulli Soira tra-nigomo feillisw tin (I ileneti ler.- At 19 -18la sLitthe more rthffitsî(mi tccuutnf csf beiiig noticeti. Ah 20-"irne>tu.es ho- iog fIliLi <tnable, sif îtl (ahet-u Ai 21-lu- crIssqe i cotilten-in luiuer ati ieiltuSaS, andlé'rs! rHittesiahlilmetnem. /Au 22- Rofuaea a giwofofer mtirn a ucîilusmuan hitaie S L i. oi a Wissu t rble rîa ait. Ai !21-Ftmîa ssith es-rry s-sitv mai sîso meets At 24-Wontiers acis ilîtt sinrisu. At 25 Bais-tter more circ-urniapc t) lit er conduulu.- At2UThank~ tatrefonîniiefno, qutte&su iialispen»i'bfé. At 27-prefusrs iatiialhmerl o flin:i-ng. Ae23--Wisltes tIottc caiied lut mqtiet avléwittm a comri<srîabhé 'uxosie.- AI 129-lnosb aletpaîns of enierng dise mar- dcii state.' At 30-la raiher feanful of baîîig calleti an cold maid.*" 'fnac W±,nmn<a ( os'ÇEN. lTou Ts isusaANOi Mies Wâaau,t.-The rescitemeni andi inter- est iu h isImait nagewit biu MmesLîi-bui Warrepp 1tiselutIle Q-t-en of' B-utty, ittcreas-9 es wi, jhse ijay ai dorowdia tttlls inher le- veés t-i 'pay..tfueir rdspects previlis <o hin reticemeult l te l pris-aIe soif doînestic tin- cl.,àTbe wos-dingiugo lble s- tich atndire- c er e ae sair. ltifact il prOmises cte ie'h gréa-f auhioxbe e-et of lte psass>su. -'I'ey are gos bte macriWid- cm Tuesray, Feb. 10. -, TIsenupli ceretmonies wil tlake place ab one oh' the moatffuainabié chuncesanli hîs City. >Carats of fn viîiiviiu Ihbe îsuet ho finuit famihief or Ille City. A-aIlthé usaimber of géats in the 'ot-etir b-0 ne pê*rutt l b0 1 Party ri-fI proeeètI'i to ofcronur l.ding l- C -tieha immrealiaittl>'aller lte ma!sage ce . emo-,1 nieî 4ihiëeeîiiéy willli;t iIa 'btief recte i.<?> Ïér thos.e nly whe o 1idv> (l. t {of i ù > 16 lte tfve1h)gfil j thI. W111 i ' éq4àwli, 35%.,g s ertaiFi throfr'iévernial s , - is icirlwy Mary, éxtenti thein jquçnoy tatlinjjroaeUttWasii- ing[on- Thîy If',i qlsansi subs.q iently, end a cotuple . '%wekIçg1tté treaidetice'u *tfl, 'f ~ ~ s~nh ,Maie.,andi of theibifgae~t idéa Conei. At the e ofri4 4 i>se.fnnêý-(W)(n, the ilh$arhtigppI siogof hr.tàelrf Asthey nes-ernieund 4QtWvp!puftie extibî-h tiens., 'rio»y; qzpéust 'go 6.,absent ievensi 1' SiA r-,ur<liseré-fore n'nt stake up ils mii tglu have mrxlCiely inilite paittere, (Ir tl ;4; ikei ui'o "th r,îe a-alin ultis uieqisai Moore'g- Rue1 -7Yorker!!!, éd b b Pe n Péol te, Tes 1 ipaO rlu., throughou t thé Loyal rttes,Cada,&.pvs that tle War foY irte Union 'dôes fot dimrnnlà1 itanding,'or f"wpIariY as the IâI ost 'L£c'full Ileuiel¾Jorna) A.lwaye loyal. practical andpi si4éIeyl hz tee frvorite Farin and Fireside Journal-read and loved iln both Town and. Country. Itq ample paires eom prise Deffinonts d'Ïvoted in Agriculture, Iunr- ticu fture. )Il'oie BSEcnoniy. "lÀaies' ltéading. Rural Arcité4ure,, Ooce. Misoéllany, Sabbath Musillgs, lteadlugfui the Youing, FEdùcationi, Arts and Science«, Genéral News,arket Report, &r.,.in. eluding n Susnnary of War N aNincrouri Ilion- trations, Tales, Sketches, Mlusie, 1Poetrfr, E F ac anId Reblusea, &C. for Ptye-NEWTPE. good pnpi.er-Arr. atleast équalin oboth contentr and appearanc <o ither of TL'l (10-Q lOa year, in '.ldratre;and în ýClubso if)0or Isro-. $I 1 M)per<'.s>ny. W-, Join the Club now fornning hère. Theé ral is ini Double Quarto Form, romprising 8 pages. ,SiECIAL ADviER1TisrmENT. TRRENORMOITS A-DVAN(4 - IN PAPER, anti thé eommai y netéeameti crutthereftre iuprodue- in(, tuiniîty J'ait-, fttreesuo tua ansce that on the FII-'TEJ--hTH DAY 0F Dse~,1.862%tIhé neisil pt-ire -as-TUlulie ";F,N (CENT$ per eopy. Wé oni>' amk forsn ansee wutltelent oc-énîrhe large. t>' itti'ritaêd éXrions5u and trustt lîirétonér our reaut- ens titit-h ért'ully cotnu e isé tiipçsr it . Ouir tenn8t tis <n cibsenîbens tli hé ati-esirnetf' as béiow nsn thé F~IPVRT (OPJANV ARY, 1 *> With thé cJn- messeernaet of hé 'dth volume. Noir /Ç TuTIFT.1fr To .WD.f'riID. Oueecpper mail,ome yean $ 00 Fi ('le.t lubh. one yrar, la ne <o A .gent,15O C'ity iutecrsbérs, tîy Carîs.ea, one year, GO0 Single copies;, I() 7 Sticiesin ('tnada anti Bririsrh Provincesi must ret ti8ftr>cents extra rn rov-'r iFla-e. BOUND VOLUME Singié Volumeé, pot-paiul S2 ton Ts- t'ciuinest, anti cop> cf papér one year. i u110 Threc - u7 110 Futur - u u 9 <()0 Fis-e - Io 5:,ô Six --12 no Ti-nIttncoq i ittis be 'rématiein in 1'nfed State-s Ntte, ('tild, Nets ui on Estern Ctirreot->'.or îtb- Pt-n orne ntutNet i'utrk Jiair. lIn eu.îinittiuu titis lotirteêof terme tn thé pubalie tliv Pilipher tmuthhé ilt ho litnéraiiy reIpondéti to thtnugttitssit tht' couuui'i, b>' ail of thoséa-ho fél a pnide éD Izt..tainirg t hî Nationial liuni<>îcmRl Paper,. vs-ýh i hnov prononretI hirflic soumit otni1tetent jutlges te éLe 'ITIIOUT A RIVlAI, _SeaI ail léttére s-r'isanti adIresiiainly te L01S i. lzTEPUFEN., PurlIthîerfor Propnietona. No. 1161 Nassatl-s-., -New York. Sf> EC-IA L Y< I'.Pssrtr and othérq aiti îtbligé itsby îst'iog as agfnuts. A cpét-imcop ssiii jw scnt fo intoapl iu-alor. Au>' agrut ierding, a Cinit (4lVive ii,' ru-ain $:t it' hé thouiti prêt, er un do t;o. tn-teai tif rez-eiv1,JIru s ti'r tie pitpcn. I'e sltîitulllike a ihave au aaeuît ini i-ery' Townu and ~Vil - lage tbiroughrîub lthe counstry'. Séntfor ejuýecimen The New York Tribune, T 111- NEW YORIK TRIBUNE. fi-,et i-snleil it us1841. nov ho jus têutv V',t 1err )ia* oltaine'l boLi l rger gi r not e %% Itiels ul.tiisud rireiulation blittoan>' itivr rte-tvepier eecibluiblii'iedl nnéneica T lisoti it iIas tsuif. feretl ho comui)On usith ot.iiejounrosis frotu, tIe v tînîeýerigand departunreof th-us of tîsousafntia ofiba patrons lu> sertinlu tir -rfa heYî ita circulation Ou t413s GUi -o1 Decenîbén la as fol- IAI T - 01 25 IRETRENCRIMENT 15 Tnl, Cniiows LANDS.- Sirmi-WEFrKLT 17.-250 Tua ,qeri-ea tOf NMc. Salier. 1 WFlitsitetî I~EKLT 148,0110 tifCiuoniatinlunilalisAltnrrrs lis-eiten hre-emioîly s journal Of nevts sund of liisi'atore cii u iti aitb .Sthe41ý imen;h-teutta c' Tu'.Tititnuse bus polilical convictions vhtici (i -In. Me-ta.bss- Sprntnat .Wi-eut rrîîtt Grah:im, the g imule vitrlit-z ciiiLstuî Ajimî.,appniisîeit ý lle uslaie fins- j l otri tlî rent tsuth1flIlst "oi]l ias ruade fnomnita n alàaisof oh'tîrt>rllanga. a u eaciu csfone hlond ai îuattiuu Of mon"-R-spuhliCâD tiré heitr'a'ftithi 10 hatîisi lé com n iisi, ii i ils asser'tiotn of tue<'quai ansi aliperui4zuiktat litk fisluer ag'-ists. Thîe ms'rn >arl>' b)- of ailomen to "l ire. liberty'. andi tie 1sroitor1 tlite e eargseu, sill bus $4,î7Ol. hapriss"-Rpsbliean il, ils cas-na, t dflu Steatîfuict ioetihty to tetins-e poîwe-r, féss tbp jaruoexa tinn Of 'vxasti ti.grenaI llsion. to IIttN. J. S. MlAcDo\Ai.»-Ti'e corespomîtî- I rasp the empire of tIie>New Wiai-It and ie!ilt ait of Uic' l<ulrr-ti (azele. (Oppeui- h )h et résnnes cf cirV()riuviry foriils Osaitagnan. sînilinL irru'm Qîne-tueno mtkns tishefniuowirg sizeneni-Repuliticaoi its ius anlageîlim tri tis inîitifufssi nlotn îto tie'"l'itsr-qts abits (iotai ntboratsarad'despote rtof tIse offc] vr, ito thes hi-n. J. S. Mardooalui, ns watt ac hîs l'oti>'ail in lte periln'andiClfii~adn ané-m ittitig altentirts to puntuiitr bosines t- tiruat upon us by tissiîr A fneniceun eotanîcrpart, g< TîtA premier. Mr. Ml% iatoAI a aitt> utise OVérttsirOW'andi rsin Lof Ititiîotiel hlpuh!i, mos' ciilig-c"ii oflietu mart,aisuas Iot be founsi -Repuibican in il@ lhope ausstiiîst, ils faili aitd ni lia ilesk frtso in tri taix .anuI wilhtiiueas- effort, thuat titis nsbllion msîsît resîlt iséheig. preggilic amy lisonveor illet.. r ise'os-- liai oserîlsrow alita l>lrttcrand trhue firtn esiab- eiimasi.5wea m ays pi dticuy'eter- lialîmentot eq*àl ightlsansi equai lava îlsnuagn.- minieit t o i i bestlrrtis, hoimer and ait- onItishe whu'ié exltecsf Our country vliereto vatta-e ofilite Pros-ince." Lbn> us sin ialiare~leseastil' séparable isencsforslî antI foreser. TiseTorosîocrsrespsnifriî rf luTuon- Tîî rssuNti.c ecntr'a alletion i luer Tht Toonn crrepince:i o th ýJn-tinteg, ardît! taoine éxterit tin tis"e,to'talutuaion- tu-ai H-l'ttIass:-o-r1 promnineot Arn- TeinpérnsnmcAgîiutre, lus-etitiuni 'andi vist- enicans ins Toranto has-a rpaýnîIdMc. J. éven élsé may Frîuhititer It the *pii'iltta1 srtini m'a Gorrtrn'Browni. E-q.. etitnof Ie Gilte, jtenial 'progressof rusoliiiti -'but. for tisfe in, ti su' ilS a binuluifisl rt'J Ic' variel c n 0mark its éneegica an" ils eousmoisaare mstiusydevoîtid of their appreriaîlon ti iba sirady anssi sllé <nthe iav;gbrationaund Sticeas of tIse IVr for -ad -cacy cof Northeqs @et)tïment,3. ' tisé Union4 t.Iseéicnrpéosé acont. - p~~~anyç very coneideésbieau~r4u.nîott~- T-i e Wlth it'îun conrnesp,-nlant cf t hé iiiportat incident' <tft1lsatigréaI strngscle.tvinîsl C'ommerrial bdsrfanzc>stat the B-ons. va trust in soon 10 nesuittlu thae signsal ansi Mr-. Cartier, toi crsailaa. ivas iexrodue A ti conclussive triumph et tie N1¶srnstarenadio Preshqileni Linrolit ou Wetinsisday lac. y ihraeeeaio" eéeati buitaords Secnearç Seward. ratt, ledn e>unIr>. tWe héliee titat. Thé nnamf-q 'of't>.' S Cscy ntiHon. tof tIoth<éf t Afiam Wilson ara» the mnt promiàtil rd éà coistiiot b. obtinoct04,11îisLhritsth ie a-egslar tinit in eonnectisn wis tn ,jtidggéîhlrpva- n~1~t;ci. ooIa ad ~ct~ cAltS fhy lie death dtif n.Jt1nst 1e Borna. en wt t leUse cîoPeaiuti~~Ilid h au hctl'of, Uu<iVere"-saR uo.S»îtyrït. &Wd'cuslu- CANADA ANiD THIC RELIEIF uxi.TWext igisarual. Londion "meui-.21haituéls the ~ tTi nms~n'tura receipî b>' ilacLortL Mayn ofîlie 'foll'r-wing' i qlr«e-n-tt sans n lu cf-L»tiaAhîre Rehief Foul' 1'<> f, PriÏtî are, *4rie IIIS -Hamilton. Cs;tjutifa Wostt f1Winstgl -MrnR. edn.piu*îg s péeersplstis MIE noy, £lMOthi viliitn anti4wnlipô qe-ns~rr>ttr-'tit "-i îe Aimontie.- Canadia, Weàt £8 09,;; a . îi-DrLyTirî~~ t ~'i Canatii West, £40.' ' '-'t -iiaI op.t - i MailSais ~ eas- it v ai ai véO jnia a, i5n0,'eu' en yymrsfr9m I<lié' (rsery.-1 oIfI'pIn u î ZJ ik;-y frewauom fÉ the t nées frcM 1h. bér-*er k- iéopeoêa,~~8 tif- Vt he ksnlI o Anv lrger nimbe~r aiiUsýà-. Î à ea keepotI skjî ea4' * f&ei lthWblept j 11>aecribéns, Si S1 £41t'uinuextra, oO!y vli he rotnid putioer c ½ h eu"iii~a~:~ inftnDesuUh . â.f-a iâ-A. tia,...... nt.'*seVusalia -iad"£<lobe ha ire-e, tu thée 4ei5uhi or moyen or ciolît llése-4. 1,1 thésufaé thée * qet a ItIth-e ie nrrh4ronftiç. 1$ffjeý a,1 ' the enari svfiewl (t, t e Ilrftý 4 Art~~ a gi ft lt , mT aro~4tshy teahoyer. li - s JjJ IYdTMVIT nv Ti Ibbooti. glands, solidé anti <tonds cf thé bodti' heir ue il attendçtiWUglJatisehap)pic:t elrce. ls iat idden attaïka sfdÉisettse, osmor twts- eosci alhsnoutlalwas: cturés, In nid standing cases of isicknés, utaWqs., es-repeatéifeqed Xo lss> b~yitoàndhsi4t. goodtI tutls latls.>reitult. 'No change ia empra>- mcua'cr ¶nccaaa~'u-Tlsty.uo~-é5 àîsésore meanthsa nnelet jýiut5chiu ienbs3 té4a a-u other kinti-. Thé>' are waantêt ta glîre satist.te- ttu. on thé usoc>' iti bc refuntiei,-- The>' ae con-; tidereti chéapér, ttér, préttier, aud lu aIl respects supie-irtu aany purgailve pi51 ittaéuson-ai. r Thé uliséeo-én-> 6t' oating a plu viL4 âtga- eusatd witn Dr. Hlerrick. ail othéraanré countén- fe; tg, al i prd ill doba-su, sandiols*ppointh ricl.é.nickt pi1. He roé bé:gant' put op, m50nlai «si-x, wsitb a lange sheet cf directions, sud sei]t'on 25 Centi a box, 5 i±ii$.- ' 't " - iI-Ertftzcw's KiD srRrIIENC.TUENN G- 71<e Gtcrq( SýrMih""/<çter oeilPqia P- er. Iu* Worid. -.-> Th'-se renowueti Pîmîtena cure palan, weaiksitsi anti d'stress in thé baek, aide anti hnoast in fis-e bions. Indeeti, cr certain are they ta do thss, that thé propriebon. warrants thezu- Spread fn-sans remns, bhaans sud guni-, on beautifrît'k id leathér, rend- ers théa éolin> rIpéitagé asn9afeiaales. S loté'. harlsîslî9éul ttes-ééalt. o O1 lyt to t'hoé sion 4 msog tise féobié ae a tts',hodel liéate lofant. To escis sud all thé>' viM pros-e s baînt anti a bléssing. Thoir usé la agreéabte, aud without nainoyance or tros-ble. Etes Pluater w ll Wear front one ta four monthqi'- sud lf"ii éts1l.$0 couuplaints, éprains saisibruises.fq, r*uélsllfewiI curés when aUl tttn.seleur sfen- )Pu I'$ dons will ho foindron thé b fôt éschs, Pis W0, ak- en-s, vocalifstEu, saltera fthte .>gospel, anti others, teili stnengthcu birluç-lngs ant irapel.eêtheémr TOiê b>' wéarno; theun on thein bn.>sst. Prie> 84',cents. The aboyé articlog an-e olti b>'ail théeslealera lu Canada--, aud b>' Drzumsggltniighou't tise Unitedi States andtiSouth Atunea, P't whioess5é by aI large, draggists lathé principal-'o*n- - j - Prâicial ehénnisb>',Âlban>, N. Y. J.F. 1Henry o., monts-ual GeaénaiAgemntas-ïor Canada, J#orý8e lin~ iiýtlY'Vgetale Mdiémain ar-antedto . COLGS ÀTMA, lanes aefaéa t eaa bute renises il -' taduewo-al t ý èradficsa. ve TO s éSs te T roett dLius -- s'eaue, not a80 rouc1sby a direc ïdj iackpotedseéilbut' UUM.; lotUe My b iasus ttua fic unorers dollars capital. i'V Coméiion. J. T. LLOYDrl, Xbo. 164 Bto4way, lNow7Yok. Tise Wtr Departunent aises our mnap of-Vlrgffiia,; ,,34ayyand.. and, Peninsyis-sxia, cnet $100,000, on whjch, as rostnkod Antiatas--Creok.- Sharpaobo, Mary-landi leightrt, Wilîiatnsport Fér>, Rhorériiie, Ntuhaad'.9 Ford, anti otiters ontbéPototebacs4ve. otiadr placein Marnyland, riit 'n-Pta s-cola, iorthe money néfondeti. Llod'. ~Pnpsgu-tjseaIMapuifKenluckAy, (OÀ o, Iaduie, rand Jiisso,é. la thé oui>' ±utbority ft' on en Huai hati the War Départrnent. 1Monéysf .ýdef£7 te ais> on.> iodig au errer mn il. ?nuc. 50 céie areu-tc2ri-ice, Au,".vt 2.. PucîxLsÀir~.-ThéMap 15 ver>' langé; iLs eont lu hnat 25 centsq, and t in l thé béAt whiéh eao be pur- 4eisased." LloydainaLe Map otf thé MLisaissippi River-tfram Louis ta tisa (Iniçof Mffléo-13 1nip-é~r miles back froua th ie --coloned inla cunties anti Stati. Priée $l.liahéàj 1&ý n&*tcf -; anti1 $2.50 on linon, with roliera. Reati> Septembor 20. Ntvy Dtsramusxîi, ~ Wubiington Septesabsi 17, 18812. 'r LT.>taOXDý.i.Sire îend4etW1.t M 9" OdM Xdf5uhh-aCbr1êH.IIa >1b.natiOuf th,'s sisaippi aqucutron. lsa aithorized te pai-chasé as insu>'r as are naquis-éd for thé Uae -of that squadron. '4, s5 a r- -M, Osazoas WPLLiq, 1 - -' ý Soca'tary of the NaEii7 i ~Thé ~N>w Pah-A1er iJnJ to oeoned It as bélrsg noi otuy botert ssu snd an>' othen Paln-Killi-, asti la ager isottles at a elnd oocséspndig picé butas oriaiatsgnotinlju. mot n-loua ta panons umsngtt It nia>' housét i renal>' i for BURNS kSOALDs, i T lIE 001> Journal p/ul4Ri-id,ip Redi River,RHud- Rc~petng isé jx 'py nt 's" edition ut' thé ténîxtor>'. ~ î u $2 50 tIf~iN M ~M9' lit'enoesaanlctio te neProptlétùénj [ES T AJJU 1S HE D 1,N3ar ' IvlS Pioneer Agnili fdi 6, f ïôi e to e itr T110q Ci t * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e J&WnîfaUbgnp4P Your cet,&>f r 1863 ARL The Be'îad 'editei 1t Wrd r -D l nd khapî>,inile Wriig Ilsry al r ithé ut veLul i iMiw.ô lp.- d. ~* " atories yet partalié of aI the wild, weirdI and fgar- r mo(SM1 EDpdK. t'Il haratér T uTévouuotinuf. mr. ofsv tl MagazIne Cnntii.., îLMp, XY» ;v ±I up ,ixrg ç89. -Ôfu«o* ThprToi- o he mouey ttan ajiy Magazî,in W ' . 1GEORUE TjiJA»Y, Pmm. folbwin, aoDgohcrthe worMld oi1863, h wili bave 100<) printed McColloîig~~ Fea~M Léap, Pag"lrJt frohY'?tr- O1 e~ teqf 1* îq?ll â cdo r- cùosTOaA- .EnA~ADBT The Bloody J$Jck lHose, 'l0 g-.nai Po' 0sé.rèienter with Bigot Ibis for ooly TWO"DO.LV)- 4,Y4RQra v,#si Advontnnes Df'DàiltllBooné, tofinl~ b~'1g'tdso uC15,Eey'da Ilerilous Advcoturee in &aCanos. ld uhîbtk ýEiesn" î LB'eRiyÏNt»r asis Thnilin h 19'dhtaé .'iouriGêal; o 'ffrd 1Y F. di*t ertion, 4t, i hdié1 TFi'e 9 rnoutj-'it Ba, ' e iato..-' AT 'énturéf tJ, Nach b, , '4helf . atiii ' t e nith e ~, Te SeAcondh i , k A(l.rmsilo J.' ue q po< iid ~ Eak Dc an th a Bhr, iiiAitol<l lht'Mrer hett f mîî 'o's.' Onr -A-gants fo*r Uld S'tltéaére Bf."M:Pétlia IT he l-eil eamosFort ie.- ' Ti-Pbazil- n 1863. by oi4'- <'hnIdi.-r Iloij- ill&C o.,I9 Nsaieétcô Jw ou ~ nd T% hé wite RIbrserhy FentînkMe *Mb Bheck tiexuandrt h 4qséwar, 3 liiiI ilrl. Ti"Pt>i'e c nda.s a ,m- L U, o r s et iocç-.. amrp oédt riS t he I , * ' puri n ewe-fl <ta auîiertî me'zz1"ots un.! oth ro rUndSàigé;vo rorolauméa r o ThéeCiinlnl beW fia anGob. t, t 1E'.avn ý M rtèýo P' .l'î Ias10; ounqo hé~' A Dpr ti o's hîillng sfcntre5 * , b Fin ot- t ____ eBOT 11mw a Braveclioq. In Té4 Détroittr - TeIilia.ng 1as1Bigs,,. COLi 'RE 1) FAiShlIt'N i'LATES IN Ath M ,_I A,,CieZETTE The llingÂdi- lentwrturés;it3 n h fIon n GeScot, ru é eidn. ý-C dp- e. I&ONTREAl to.J GAZmeTsrE..b TheéTWuîiar and the DAr4 iuadlr, <Il c > the il.-lir'!IAzineVAE e~ O LYM Srm T-hé M oreLiref'ee. ew 2 5 i er i-'pe den l plUés é splat"Lb.?L' T hri -ing A re t -i of A 'j v e î ts ir. t clin le cn i i y r- - - - - - - - -1 î' y F l g a h E pr .> , d l i s ip t $ éh u o ThllI.e Sut olvad tr esî, postager,.4IpRoal6 MI Tri :t- tErxta C reek $ 2. iti varvrépt 'eiii o r etîi6ti îidyt locl,îIi, '-Tiiree, tirté s. Evé'-yb-dy's Tryw yér c re h nto e é ia"rt î e r ) g..utiu r ups -1u* f su rmurnug Ri. r,.ra ey nesa hi' Fran Cr A tjvEiq P el 1 5. - re c il> t CS 'r ti i rito $7 Son"r a i-uIt lu - thé anie ille s té pi lv, ofn t ain t. bé sie 'fle T~,-ée ud i' iIraré, tb' r.rtber< oî cotipui furin e- $10 , l arît i < nir. o gTap,,puhishd n otny Is, -erl odaya aadFng- .Tuoug, . . ru't3 1 .-Ji i~$5 ~detaco. t te Mgz n lîr tayublt o r 0J0thée, :ym oIlFsT .DV Tý tLAI W eteroa re aP tbisGuidée rt-e 11t-5>'ii ltMmet' lr. i -1 i d. t- ti 't>mie' titi navae.'v' Mes m vFaCoo rv. ly, E s . Prne $1 25. -Ors. Pci 11) î )f5' a l' r leé i> iiiz 4,F7t'% B;ta ,jilqth ea sz0 ,Daîly, .D iy ciio. 8 o0 pa auning the ry unie. 'niteO $1and. Togtier wih' rtison rieu Wf l re.-îttiîg I ro ll R- i , r om Pni t11 4and0.' nw,k li,, t00 Won éckiy $,25. esas"dFi -Tir ftOfîf apiain. Iot- frathet u W C ii 2Jté flé %es In t 'IZîith7 nen1,t> nai n k.L. fr toiadreîsis ' aiti 'a. osÎtagepi. o r ecei pof >It .I W al!e r . uny lbuoolIt 'îrrrIf i , îo E &CiA BILN Aie$ 0.r d irs . , "sîuai5 Mtnrai«ceteOli l'Il -il ig5 and rh-tdr-t-5, -IdTe Pery ofarlle . -o , -qn i iii ti'l 1S J. ' A O ' - Moba.a. Li'u ni AelesN t Ae fNt C ook Ag ent, (Ins-t fr Ne.. 306g, hî,-s "0- [St.,P i:aîlh t)i np. Th on fcr't*i>ug.2on6la ayabl seera, Ped t nd Gns llil owc i:ondér ai- au-k-ý. d ae rt.o o k . T c 1 1 f n h m x e t i g y ~ A i I o t a - e s C S i e t ' < l m -c h ti c t y i -vn e înotrnuit enl îbera-in.ni' TuE. 'tite - 1r000 jsioiol nik,aI CTa vin e e (If so mye,1wth' . S'e m s o.eii wnnbed cu ee wliereftîrythe!rnsaié. ittira î tn - - K ts$n Alrcntin ces inFox t.i'sï11 ýu- NeW $..,ato çetf-ý ,i appltion Bo atid rrese o ny tw MA-N o lEs o FEMALE l ent ' i etrlCndat TO SELL papér Us padWeonerne Canaoa W isspuor nvherl ai rite Ltn - - ~ ' , i - I ' loy5s ew teelP~a~ C ixny Coore brtan rit n té oI>' ite ntpea KiUzet iEafo prosvnin rf thlaettinteligat-iin dracéo ai TIIE ,W e IOL.ud ter' wilo ,)wil T I ro éet ury, oiieiAgt 10, 18pck-62 o it r ewapaper. E26, yIntc agntcrulto lind ternis llu WesternAiC ootdatthé èelonqna of d i eyKfio l'Ii SICK PEOPLE, THINK, euPIt$20,0 ta cgrait., pa odoo. jecsatne rDtYNw 1,0 oal.IZ WII l M T itaviet ella ut téAS<wMp,éeut 13tcyécos; t bsnpin > ii S'ti yi dsc. A-7 UTS rémankblé ('O UTY ANDforALR(L-tQsalle.shedN Pl-h iléo h CioaL~ S zî Fmerican renedoptest é U niléti rmbés ntianna ie , oî h nce s, c u Jwa g /v s y ' y r b>' nfraio.apI ooradsu. O-, tv we.-Sbeito,$ e roo,1 .vne EDWIN P iOTT xscs ae sed Durante é A LE O n EAu E A,,; TS por day, Centr' l'Canada, ndh Ideg No 17 a omSm t ilf lowes.retndhémo. ' v opanotbé nulti sud - - a" Rtcod-by Riýagct TH ENlCOR OtF, BalsRuAndE Sentip for he$1 wor tb él anda Iadinton .1 3. r IlihISa.,. ",Te Ief - lixîracta-thijir effeét I>niobed instuctions hou to canvans woil, fordiliee -----c--.-%ilafý Mdeqi i Flon aclé cavea, oaileedAssth iagfa irclai- n-yu anti0, 1862 infWe-ternACéna afore oui- FM3 ofp'the KINGnTO AetingdiréétlyonLEt s t $ 2alifot nrni,<avse 1,a ng)ned 'Fsséé;ati" O '- 'îe4Tj:.5 IVING RATES, BEST STYJ.. 13LiS' I' S.1LE. POSTERS,. CIIEQUESI, CNl~QUF~~itt 'n - '<'5 t i i i ' t ' i A-S$lJRANCE POLIC ILS, - A$SU'I4ANCE PflLlt-lFs, C IR C U L A J i &~ i ~... -FUNR 1 L LE717ERS,, BILLt7rtS - i BILL 14ÈijAI>S, BILL flEADS, ' i i - - Uifgl.$ O~ P'AJI», - - t ~. -IILLLS 0F FAkR,: i - . - i i -' . i - i i i M'UN1JÇI'TTf4 RLANK~, t - - - MUNtCli>ALi BLA1t~,K~t1 t - MUNICIPAL BLAN'KS, t- i t'- -il - ' i r -~ - .î .rî ' - ~J5AW BL:iNKSii LAW 14l~Ai~XS,1 * L4W I$LA~KS,> c~n~r~-ilî&kd~.îî i - clTlFrt~A1-1~ u ' -î. - -- -i -'t-'i i k~i i. ut' , -~ 't -~t' toit> i ~ r';-~-n i *s.Wr&TIILLbkt - tî,JîTuîî»WÀ81k4,1~i u'i 3 t '. t "t titi SHfJW~YkRiS. 'r-"-~i .--rrî o - la s. t toi i l'i-~tuî.u> rr 'kj,~'r5 - -idi T, -dl" ~4 ~i>As,~ 5t~..-'i'u fui i 'Sdi hulSirtit 'ettt~rIs i.. i sitil t 5 ~l-,i ut i RAL LIt.T~VEJI~ - i. I - i~i5't~iii~i~ t-lt ar.uî~ t î.rsiuîM-î ~,îcu. ~,tr i -s-t î1J~s «titi ~tc't - u,~-t -itou siSiaiti e' ?)Z2 1ro k> i î IBRO CKSTREET;-WYfTY , The, Subscjiber begÏ! ~taoj î hàIrit1igtprchdsed-thé , eIa4fh made lage'a.dditios, he-is -pxepa*od mlay be favoured, XeaIyý. PIOMFtlY i i P L.EA8E"REMEM E. INCIN BLILS, -A I*H,'RINET AT TH E LOiWEIT- i ! - Il ýý - 1 ' ý 1 , , ý - .7 7 AND iii 'iE: AN0 'lN TH E 1 %, 1-3 nju i

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