M1E A Utsli ý-AND I 6TRUCTIV4, A shady îüd îdqiiertered'apt, Toexoetitate'alone, Whoro foot of Mauinfpproaieheth idot, lTntreddon sud niIknoWn; Àblttl, brook to sing to me; Soem. simple flower to smib Thie lter of a spreaing tro.; The. gales of heaiven the. while To fan 'mte, au tbcy murlbur neari Thes woud I~e'erresign,' l'o eau the proudett'portion herse WitL. u its glory, mine. Poor worlal' Thou arrtagenerous rouI Ail solflsh thcugh thou ho, te-sip the froth of pleasure's bowl, And leate the. draugfitto an.. ?d'nn cremups inualo o licmut, buaaîals laf YOutih, @abers ia om:tnýaaaol, softauas ifltuaaOe, Cottertîiiuosecuaia ti iîîaî,and '<umnblep io Ithe craille puepat'ed for tus al1. SWhere du 30u Itiili trom ?11 queried aI Yantkee or a ravelluar. -9 Whu-uta du yntîI rutila iron V' "di Don'î ruin aiI ail," saiu lah asîoniîl-ed Jonutiain. 'l Na-ut ler do 1 huil- eto und your owum bus-itt-sstIl, A rs-lertlatimu hi atiavetiroa, hol '-ibm <rpany thit he anud lis 1sra-ritimade fify wîl Arpbm irun ; %wtiieiia, sîaî'ling ihem, ha'obsetuued uhait thiteu was ia grenu ma-rit ina ai t,44fer," sauiu beyIl we ram, andtl iaey raial after us." NOvt. MODEt0F RIEPINa ONE'5 LT c taay.-A liaraI bony hms aahaopaad a mosti-a Laati- uial p lan forturl-apitag litrnsu"1li day duirang wt- weamaimar. Wal-aaa-î'ar nta it gitlaecaîsiai of)' Ilaiîe ( u t, arîtalliainjag eitreti I heun from îLe mmic, lia- scattu parm a hata. a < ta - iii itaha- taai ie over, wlietlia- lit-n -'uta>.lis "4,Iiial.,e ad féels quie a!omnaorili. Tie lutile IcI- Iow will corne 1a) ,umetllmiaagy eî. Mui)atiae, tlite r,-i-biaieaiFra- oclai-a- ist, whoaue camr gt) la-, ne wcil aus vi-orrof thouliît, liaasit ,eutîaae pruiteo- n auaai lli' Lthe- vurii om'r, madaie ;buuisstfliat ulia- mci a- uscîl a word talii tauld atul bu re tiily ttder- Stood by'î iaa> iiudy li lias Paris cnos:kualsi. A fattfuIlIofaiiai ruc'tiîai bar ail i who lesire iacceuts li - îuudrf-iqtrt2 the peocpie. PiaIl uxurdst are eluer the -bessi. mniles of wbieb lias beaueuteil0 uicpol IEQi'l~4)J k aire aJdresaing tbomaelvemi pretty vîirortiuà~Y - ~plI»h ooloo culijvation. The' lowIand i hlSIOK P EMPLE THINKIý. regiun are.weII atlapltwd 10 ii,1and nom th ut "'TE'R WIC'liACT. fur tl e firet lime eaxy cumîîîuraication ha' HFRR1CI' <Gè ýTI>~I beeru eetablishied beîween thie, inierjur and cLRNfYPIIM k th. coaaiî, it irireauab.e tu axpeet a good 8 urearkabley deveIopement . tif r"s"uretifihai anietat-. loarryingt 0 eW.Qj sai cia-itc otitui y. su ij1-oem.rt,,- y torts. 'ker~ million boxesanare old aiîve'and eflterprite.iu liepi)t- 1t'n le g:tbt- &n uf Cl o titair iniaclivally a 'aail)l i ihe î' urld*@. Sot;~ isMe * rnlarke ;i ;at mlaaisa-fle(d îharewitla. 6w' Exracta-ier iir on the humain systela ilaa i3:e goicen fruit, whieii lotIfltiW iheiný-, pickedi up by jiaegaiait race* like Turks 'qt~gioc1 uh jblo& glands, solids and fluida of thé bouly, tlaelr un;. lfefalted d ,h thel iappfieul 'ebfealt Inlu adde attauoks of diseasilouno or two dos almost alwaym FtuORiiSNCANAA.-Tii sick ai lfour Maacures. In oid st andin grcass "altesfm'ai'doe'ý frcpeaited fr-equety--so clemaîu lime -systeanthat Hnuuaulîua 18s i ltu eeeai 80,)0(1 trlzs '. Tîi,'god heath is the resuit. No change in umplu>'- wuaa îae aatuauuyha-ai ai <iar-ai auauî aaaanor duet is noces!!ar>'. The'> never cause sare mouthe, tweilerl joints, soing tiaulas. etc.. as imain> Trurtitç, lovis top a total ti abut 250,000 ottaer kiaiuit. - JY" aT»e te Veatý-ggwaor, bairrls.tien, or tha. noevw%ïft irfmded. eyare ton- slâcreul cheripeî, sufer, prettier, anad ln ait respects Bau~rAî.-AlitIt'hu~ tei ytîr <uai,~ spertor tti an>' purgativipuIltu ic he rld. BRUTL.- liflebovtet yeas od. wi u .eV-The discover>' of mastin ai a1iliwith sugar ul[ Mr.. Hertiersuna. liiiaif- iîuar Uine ctuanigeti with Dr. llorrik. aIothers aire uounter- fouitq, anti, if ascd, will du hain. anad dis ppoint the Laikt', inthe' firsi catauataiof flaana-iai,, ick. llerriok's ills aireilegaintY putap, 3Qi j&~, ut cd oaa lhr' 9ah iasaaîtil l'a at iuja i'iteiflite box, withî a large shosh cfileecons> aad sit flor 95-1 cents a box; 5 oxes for $1. uiatuaaa au)a r',eioua ieaiiiiea iîaiae',a',,-.a 'eKt ALbut. Aita raqua-su wa.u hula taran aaeab,,,l<. UEhRIUCKIS KU)> SuiIE ( I NG aiatd ai va-atrctraa-îa a (l1linai i.AI 1l ra 77, a,u 'rqlaau ,i' eaP'-e,/..Fa s ala î 'asian-at. Dan ud Uhettput~t ko. Re..ad1 inu the MILITARtrS-rouês.-Wa- fin"ieua a (ait.~muereuawmaed Pîsaýtern cure pains, weaucness lia-Qu-u'. l' < M'aulyit.a'~jand i 't-u ne. uthe boak, -%-ide and brelsat lu (ave tieIithe îaa tIluk'tr!,ti ' t tt l" hoaua's.Indeed. so certaiin are th.>'lu do tuis,thait A .au-aamunai laiti li,-11 îItl,mwëta. t»#-uta he un- u-urietur warrants thiema. Sproad from mroins, aun ii autyaa I a'~'ii-~-iyeîerl~v, aai--at baltam~ and tgara's, onauautifaat'id leatmer, rend- .-i ali a -iiifor U' l- aaua#11the'lru'tîtar. Ou anad cther.%. Their applacation aseîani'aeruual-eqnai- IV to ate strong <nana, ahe feeble vwatman andthie de- ru-t 'a- "' -li lt'I'~a'a li 't',tt ai 1 licite inati. Tas ea"<la andi ail tbey wil Vose a eu-i-ut h a 11%i«" 't.-.'l'. .>r- 1tu Etil-b poil babas ntI <la bleu'ing.Timir ause lu agrecai e, andi for~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Qu-atwl tv-îtrat -aats" mthoia>aaasatanc or trâtuile. aicbPaiaer uil forQletý--, WutGoeilift-ii iolsiv ear funoe aufu nuntha, and In'rieumatio -1 eoanplaints, <prans and bruies, frucq'lntly affects REmîavAitirs Rcv. J.'\1. Km;U -We lei-tint cures mhen ail other retiaediem fait- F'tll direrttiui'ns I',ai a 1 M wiil lue fuvut on tbe bit'k of cici. Public spcaak" î'a ar' <<tit a r"-a- O ui l1~~ .1'tit .~lea--. vcalittu. utuinttarf 44 the guspeli. and otier,-, Kaa'u-, Ni. A , ' of laîs (y Ile 'Pu.,'ala will sta-cngtheu îhe'r lungi anal lauiprt- their moicee li- ararrintz hu-tu tu ticir brets. Priv-eIN.,'cente. 'eriaia Coiiat.-ra-a1iiu, (t;'uuililsre'at, *atalu, 'Theta- mb"ruarticles art' tutti lu'MIithe dtealers in lia belt ccpte ti li f, 4#11kbi r!a1OgýCýln.Ia5 an h DrijYgil£t'iiigetl tp iUdtUed lta t.'aaaaacaualaa im' tan, tut uaara~ 1 Sut1îln:tauS.andSrutl leraîi=sta> e-al h 1Imu' e lui has pa'-st-i i-t Iar-tu'--aeil .sI tllu%'drugisiiàtathe paincapal uties. ahé- of Oioae i lata, wtala a :w a14, t 'llttau % .1î';t'" 'îl rAu settllemeniiltTu ta itu. Tuai ttai a-e ia.Praaticai hn ltAlbarnv. NC. Y. 1J.F. Fleur>' & Co., Mo<ureai, Gcxnca1'Agcru for ai Cuo lunabus p %a-awiv't ti 'o wlith t- yie.tlicu"Canatia. raIaau-çan-a. ai -';ivuti 1ia- l<'(Ilut haýI-aitat For Surlas inWhitby,, byBaasni4ta-r. gndiG-o- uf arlae peopl- w hieliti il -ai i tattfa uli tol> mil l'ite Pua-u-byaryhais flua 'a- lu'it"t ta<taa a' 'NOW IS TRE TISIE TO SUBSCRIBEý ",aoau f bi s ucaa-ssKr.- Vindicaieir. rs Paiuvl\ItCÀ.PEtas'tay Ua-Paatýlaa- Moore's Rural New-Yorker!! SErisî-ba s suataFats~K Actu ta' uaa urea-aaei tul'a Ia'au-i uvî 'nl'd!-'rlig'tîd 3o.-tl'o s/a SNANO Emg'a'w.aa'aI. laaly) aliiu' eu g nabatiea ite at Ilue expi-nita-sfutllea-Pr'ov'ancial F-talaf-tu' ' iréi '/Fainflh;Aaws'aîr vi"iah ieî aady)tiseiuls e bjiý ier ary fCa rian.luat -a-àa h i' h-e' SI 192-1. UB LS BEriD.<&T R OCIlESTE R, New York, b>' -~~~ Of thitia iaite 3tutat~ 31 409t us-a' ("a 01i<D.T.NFO)RE. Iu al aie e8seuîiaia-of a firi fe-iaîtl '~ "'Tit irsitilune bile caeAgriciullarai(, llorticu(îaaral, Literai'>'"ntiNews WaS k~eet, aile filt lte ili'tsai a ar tisav t a-S, stltltiae ma1ýr paratt(i(Iati aan, Journual cornlmiaudte Riualbaslong beproaouno- was itmd, llefei lie avas ,f t' ' S-20957, was paiatl tiv t'ars-t-rs aaaat aasr'lec'rd, by both Presand IPeuple. TitE BRit r F as OLas' asiiiamitaiatn iaaa- aad eau-de-rcolgnc- and lie iaauauense cïrctilataa il continues hteusaintain Siae alma (ilt ias il sou-lrtat is 1%as rut;aiic ia te iIIhderidfo leiitliiiithroughout ahe Loyal tStates, Canadas, atC., provea $40 10, " uîltt(a 'naiatt 2,10. e'baua-t Uat te Mar for tne Union doua fol duaniishits I taruusli li-a .,i fa-rt <i daatu<t.., esata-l 1iftaading or popuîarity as Lhe iy se'Jcsai [alie ci'ullts ti chaioatstra%ît va. jîrue yIu-qat at uisyat 1 Most Uteful Home Journal b. 172, in valua-ofal clnahinui hais ieen1 aiugel<u, a'u.aale-i aîaî,aleyt.aîkli-aa, ILIuti le -. nasaaufiIN whule espra-ail îviah nnî#lteaiumtibovs." una i aaiaîair a '1piî u OLSXt a vii La OF ;thecoili.i lborha&tirollltt in Aiww>' loyal, practical anti prozrcnsis-e tie Rui Aflarctiuamtmte iituureuaîr-cu a 11h ae yo ang is 136.130 ; but thte e>a4ofIh,-a- iant a a- i is tee Irvort, Faru andi Fireside Joarna-read anti a (1idea lil)a is h ooipd i-1ge1ýI xiri.;frti.ba coi n ietisa arhmet derole tlo Agriuulture, lIon- Vaaitllauttu ' ll age. A gei-alla-tn -of nîy islnnaai. ttlaaiîm, %wti'îelî la-îjru bruita uiaa opaip ' lcatae ao eEooi' aii taig 1 1 Rural Architecture, Choie. Muisceliny>, Sabati cqtiaiitatace i's naist imeai l0repeaathe 1atiIsme exieaisu-, baN i- i.y .rnducetl $24 7M.- Nus Rsleadiauefor lie Young, Edaacauion, Art. aia iug aifa di,-ttguishla-ulman, 'I Y>uu Literaca ! er niii- asenuad oeierstnd Scienes, General Nes, 3market !epo, ,4. j- w(ttUIi as-oi uzan.wliatx nl, Iîssoérlîucwiîh ll e tni-Zlaela-al wilaaiie waiis ofth Povinalrato*,Tls kthsMsc oty ngu nelauz< lsiglagabt'l ire-liýo)ai tuhue aid Pa utuîaa $640 îîiî'ittg ha-a-ai *l a alitry tanaRbss c are su aimal ia itceae their ow'aa atil oachi b-aiitIiaNatîer, anadaS11l9 liaaîîaag tact-n VOL. 1 5, FOR 1863, nti îjar's ilia'ainiies bus a- ' - lmiOvr!1CommenciainluJanuary.wiii i. pubtisied inluSuper-. - aikai t ,m veipetdedil aunari i hile y car oua tle libranty. Uî1ut) h i' ah yl.-'.ZW TYPE, god paper &e. ah least whlîllha-ae. l aaiof-tie ynung aivili do thiu fît-acu hc epeumsi,-aequaliniiotb contenhs and appearaince ho etiier of W ticla. is uaiuasté Iutlitate CLVI', an tl'Ib failiti siaîts ut a uulst t i ewu- ah iip le units prudecessors. ont tla-etiiii-yuarai. Titere iis sti5C anda of $191 la enset TER.ti'S:-$2 00 a year, inA.'duranea, and wlana bil% Ile iuc iai.sina Clubit (f 10 or uuoru's$1 50 >per ('upy. wis&im ua tîm noI lijais iia.gairaert t Joia tic Club noie forcing bers. Tii. RurI EVIL aa1 Is.a-as--Nmnu-ten lias of the - -la inbuDouble Quarto Farta, comiprisaig 8 pages. w-iust;iiui rnéia-at <a, quîak rcijams. to a'hum iî li sapa-îially parricioumu, ilis flabIil s coin moaly thet fritif maiay diuappoinîtintts, aiuud sehemcu. oAtbafflurul; suand cran lau i Iheir sclîttaaes,noui gu nîauh for the waatt oi strerauuh, 'as; ahe ill liretaiîuis onitl. Thte weaiko'stlivitig cru'attanat-, by cuncetmrating lui pwa-aion sua~e lujat catmactnornpl laah pom-eifîIia ithe elnusgc.si, l'y aispensiri-g tua ôVair miy. may fal 1-o ta aitaiiulli t anytiiiam. Tite drap1>tay conlinueul iiiia'a baes lana pas- qUEIaTraION- 5'FOR A W[l"a.-LJ- y<iU recoltati ushaa ynîîa leuliti --w.'ras aaaan<tiiatn-ly ai[îc yoiz haai spuukt-am tha-fi ..t caaki:au torl io ) hurabantî ? Dia! yaauuao i a-eliuhameda t iat grtevett, anal yet-laeiaaprouu .1 ladatit it lhaî usas, i', anid ever mail ba', yauur evil gemiur. Ilu ie the aernn la-r utiieli labors ia>ca'satll a desiruay yuusr piee, whiola chenuil you wiih the, di>îluîi that -y'our huabaîmî deanveui yoon ahagar, wha-n ha- realIy must requareit ylur loto. Tiihia hue cancer uxiii c ealsé on îhur.e un-pa-akable eanotualas you feit ana aiae tirait pressurt of liâ haad atid lip. Neyer "o-tiiuraugaii te aaaeillsI louai-tale lhiSI> l'urgeaibe raqtatein in shacis lhe iltiey ofai tQrent rueiaes uver il, anad leavea laio trace waîe cari altanie bu fitulllleil. Ifiyour uaaa rie T'T a A fln(lTI Io'W i iîaély, your exaimpie ol patiencate usd lulauid a8s Wil au taacata lim. Your v[.oaeica- maay aliuaae hiea heaïl, auj vour neatli-- mo - huirnta da-aparaion. Yuua- saotht-ing wili 'In Pelçiat a weelcly aaewin ti'er *ai extra.' rateern thum->uii ti sail'îai uidu. hlm; anal ritiaary îtîneuaisunit itîaublisheil on s1killath good-al.aaared itwinkle uft tloae eyeaa, now lu waasaai luhave beeniesuarîed rmore than fillirug beasuifullY waia l, cellsi ela-sawjll a thotasainî years. malke bain ail yusur own. Thie Kinr.<af Denimsrk ti a spnrtirnan- ___________________ Iu a recelaih'îat he killed, wiah bis owaî lianîl, fluteeta foutes, ciglil bucaks, and a numn- VE Y IM U T N ber of simallor gaine. -Ma. Cmno~n uasbeni eelîca by l'IT 11- great importaincu tbat puephe shoalt k.up vocaaimiteau <aithe Peanmylvania Leiialature FIEET DRY &COMFORtTAB1LFE gîailuy ifbribenv, in eradi-avornai to secure! iaaclb4nbpaeaalgaOa s elecIun o l u aJiiled S'ales Sanate. ma-IoL f Lîci inaraîaa a'ii nmei' nitilei BOOTS & f SHOES, aq Loral lluu'tlhe iG!uiu.gaaw Ut.'versttY, iilmanatyter0iadewtliah h tâof a pnlitiea 's M 'Ni BUt R N , S , dharcteoin hie hodeciared tisaIthie re- laîlomut utGreat Bdiau ipwili tho Uniîc-d CJaldwell'$ J3IOCk, 8-ck Sreet< Stateo were neyer mote,,rirun'aIly than ai pr.- %MEvur>' description e! Ladie' Mens' andi sernt, "Tht ecnfédtlrie laiaiîîlaifailen from ChiWgdens'wusrkeptconstaiatlvonhuialnd maIete beIow par. O.otton for Bughand. Tbe importatlons uor<'tuon lite EnxAand for huie pra's'enl yeair bave amouuted Ia 3 10,- 0 00 baisIe, sViaiuuu 20,000 for the. correep'(n- diug pet-iod luin 862.The. qumntiiy afloat crin imj, .#y'to t lcouiany wÂa estiated at 400,000 baie& at ieO at0lesrt a On lb. whoale the 0ordton d i" ,îltnumanufac- fore is cetiliore la have' împrov.d Iretli 1 Wbltbye ». i. O2 - 6-tfý PROSPEtIUS 0P TE A First C'uss FamUiy Newepaper, DE'i0T5ii TO TIlT IiISSEIIATION (W SCOTTISH LITERATIJRE làMt NEWS. T II1E SIXTU VOLU51E o! the Saotdih 4sieaica .Ju"s-uyLebnmmanceal Jainuary it, 1883, conta year coustitaating a cuomplote volumenocf cenreniént site for biidiug; auleatassnusiuer eootaiining a inuit cnterlainiug andi »usLnuctlve repertory of neaci- ing mattor, caiculaladto interest ail readers of Brit,.- bah oiiel. T SoliA&us'oo uriuurtheuglhu decidaidî>'lnteraiatialai 143 consatefrS l'pro mole peace anid ProsperlLy betireau t L i piaiof Great 1Br" taln stit ioc, le yet eaiJs*tcîallyt Scottis inluits copions recorda of ail evepts ecauring in ScottAnt it M ce OU cftise leas i uert ti natt- ives of lba country' dm.i'Mereakad to tbla 'noes froin lion,." ta aidd ,1weklyagamr otier parts lo! the world. r À dlstînXüiqiag featuro of liae $cou i4 mekc'la" Jos na'il rmgiair réPuCbliatln-àdowua t .tj as--of the. leadlug articles o! tie proiuinelat Badieh nu.uap"prsadother perodicals upoli éiie'-iot'b~ porhiun'topdC fti. Tsfaea ~asil one, anti hais beeétfomad'vr om'ptaulelo'hepu *a" opp E ï~cia1éeded 4*aidratui On thae'Amer-' lèua dôÎe4at. (r.erenee tg ateditoiiaU eof the. ScouM.Amsurica JotairiaiL - lsihaa fact that tIi. Biiil'a presfrequetl'iovl eirý and cra afome b,coploay.m rig'rt Our eobln ad -aiag thleé~a<'at Jo4ýU ahtrio' a 0 e ereFttlza.n rpb" alsd &ivéu oftheJ py ioa'items ofap.ticamanw "asimlu narrative cf-aveahtraaieiiia tvçariBitshPravaatoeË.., 14 the uafortho gvdlaa.or L4ii. SeohAl sM-i eni Joumiajc*,»e ElDmaacç wiiue devai1ote t Iitrary depaut$4i n4he . beac41" ' ra oftlie keý oemmpsdooai r14 her- p utnt, ebltled- RACH1. NO BLÉ~ r~ ~ ~ ~~Mdcn i NlI uuyVtb loaîoa warsauî.d iho ÇQUGIIS, CATAR)M, IWP CONÇStTPTION, a1dafl dtués id theT ~Cxand, Luxos, A few doote. wll effeet cure Whmoua&U other m.d- RAD= MaDilira otortin aano&'80 muoh reb 4 odinuaat- pether with a pbhiI .tanng certifiloatea oft utare ~u~ th~ fte*ngmatter. RAD.ÂTu£ t? la PLEASAIkr Ta Tan TABTL TIiere la no dlàculty 4 admiatrn t~ iid cP en3et an490i.botule.. Sold iu everY Town andYlllage In Cs.ada. JOÉN F. HENRY & Co. W*at.rbury,' VtÉ"and Montreal, THÉ EDlÈsrR6fÉ~V W , Z«JRTU 4$f$flREVIEW-FrftU Uchirl. TH$q WEg2!MNStrflREVIEW-L;bae. M ACKWOOD'S 'tfkR f' 3AA1<, -Tory. ' Tii. prçsent criticai staite of E uropean affaiIra wil ene-.emP*bui4tions dtlabltra1yint ereÏtingdut- dl. ground betwen tii. ba@tu>'wrltteii uews-iteant., crude saeulatUons, qad flyi!lg rumors'of lia.dai1ty Jourra 'nd tlaepqdormis Tome of! lie tuture bis- toriain, wrltten alrti Wu Intere;î.axa exaitô- maietof lia.,grMt po1 l al<1lpt tM44 passedaway t lbooerieodicals Liait read- k r&msusti4<uk for the. only -'eîiiifllikiht,'auulre-, Habisttaty -of eurreit eventa, amd s a iu,,uail- ditiôn té "their-weil estuubIi'haid Uterar>', scientific, and theologloal ubàr&eteri w urge thean upon tiae consideration of the reading pulio. The receipt of Adiatc.eets fr oiWr'1thae BWMs pubtishera gives additional value tu 1h,. Reprints. iieli ai*they c"n now ho ptaioed in the bauds ut au bacrubers about as moon ast he otiginat edfitons . TERMS. PER1 ÂNNtiId.1 t(;etuP Your'CIUPbs foi'1868 For an, ontsorthe oerilellews, $3 00 For an>' two oft he fonroir , ,s 5 0 For an>' thr.eof tbaoflýr RqOujO,, 7 001 For &Il four of tlw'Re4Iae 8 001 PETERSONkNAa ZINFor BIaokwood aflntewEs0 = lsFor Blackwood ât Magaiine , 300 Ladies i For Biackwoo&siid'-the four Ro'vlews, 1 < RIS populair Moihlv Magazine ntl Mon.>' eu rrent ti.Sat lar sse inl l0 Tir-o h-onj8ajVàoIt ei receaved at pair. the' worli Iia3i fl il wlli bave ioo<> prt',eufl Vn. amail subacrubers U e wli . au»ied free pages, framn 2010 34) iet rluatea,,*2 ta> 14 coan r- .psae eut paterns. sad 900 OWi'od Engravtfi Lnuî mil' New York, Jany 3rd, 1863. 1-m do.sllr ly îth DOLL zine. A 'Y'EAR Ir ai %ofstgclis. Evea> R d R ve)o nr lady oiaghutua take '"P. te- %on." Ila la j Riv' C un r . Joural ublshe fnRedRiver,flud- heNewQpaipeî Pie. iau ïee.]al other L t ii» 8ByTerrihor>', contatu the inai5ziliC. Mra. Ann ti a loj.iin Tl' si.M. D"mason Louis. ChandliAifM'ôîalon VraaaF. t M0i4 È l ie'luInformation, '1*,vanten'l Caira>' amiaiey,it#.l tri" Aaita").r f~ "-Susu' lie-'iary" are refflTir "ont-;buo's. su JiRecting the. sources anal present condition of the ,ils,,aie P'rank 'Lu. Esna.dit, T $- Artluar , i temtoryE.NI Patersoniansd the aiuahr or* .- mMwie i ii theTEM i5leii Rossi' besities alil ia. bet wrtu'-e; lu aid. 82 50 V"ERE ANNU Ml dijuon un aie siîpumb-ar,_ i. -bi i frr s'rieq,'the re ywill li gi'.u bu i 6IorlOriinal find copy>. payable stricti>' iu advnco, in Canada Bank Bills righa Novelets. v'z; The Broken Taotla'-Pliighl or Aanerican .'Oetage Stampa. h.v Mas. Anti Sq S'ephetus, The Second Life by TORONTAGENTJAMES CAMPBELL.Book ta-Aitthor ol " Tii.Mirderiua,$e 4ieuî R'04*." seller. The-Patie-nt lea#t by Louis>- Chataulier iîiui- ton. Count 'eireaoof.b'Frauk L- ST. PAUL AGENTS--COMB BROS. Iteneilîu-î. ln! iasiliistrtbous félso;"-- Patf-rsoni" ;*AilAUcommunications 'b lihe Pruiprietors, is uni ivaiied. The. pa'tlisher challiengesi a cou-a- ught tlui. addressed a,*Rffl & COLDWELL, Redi partenbeawe-a its sutpenb uMez%i qitns diolb.r Ziver settîtament, via st. Paul, Minnesota."î .aiea-I Euatraviteu sa.~dts-sj"le llzns, Arl1,81.I sud nue at 1befst l'ali*.in evry tauuber. --------------___ COL 'RE D PASIIION PLATES IN AD- 'H ht lsah. on]>'%lagazine iase F.'shiou Pintes K[Nf1,STüN AL NB S can b. relieul <au. T£1»S.-ýAL4WAYà1IN ADVACE. Ont copv cae ya'ar................... $2)50 'hree copies for onu year ... .....5001 Fiee Coi-@rsfor aunejeRr............*... 7 00 Paibt copie. l'or eue yeir.. .........i. 10Ou Twu-iaee ropai faîr one ye-sn........ ý... .. 1500 Siteen copiaS 1". ubaie y'air .............20 Oaa PemiumÏfor aetilng up ( tiais !-Tbree, ive, eigit or imouel copie. tunake ai cluab. Ta evea>' pei ti-un gt-ling aap a pitil> q 3amnd reaniýtivg $5 ut SaRnd rematîig $10. for a etib ut 12 ana-e. t mîinag $15. andi extra cuaptif<u the Maigainetor ;863 w111-be gvn I Ieet'.d haee;w îîiti. vendus a ?eaiamýasaliaaa er iey La, .nt, i Dîa S n~'uîMi z6eti onra mlra. 127 'ilsb>'20- ' Bunyan panutiig i'oni babhitau'd('latd, la jjlit. 's macrh pirînremo oi' bnir s.' ePreaaiunat 'iaaa' WIffaluiuroa-alîag loi' ih Rei-Ase fr 6m Pi fison." To ceai-y person rettmngtop aiclaai f sirta-n, lieu extla copies oÉ ime Maimazifia.wall bu sent, orn aiu h-c of ah. oiba'ra-petaUsitm. Adtares, naosliaid, .CHARLRtsJ. î"Rso Nao. 306 Vheaalnul St., l'illaitelph. -À"'ll l'oatniattea'q ç4ataituued Arete, but air>' pprSoau iy -'ge' up a ('iibta Siîectm-us -anal artituituui3, iiwitemufou." 'A wor'k oIa bsorbiDgInterest, ITHRILLINi l AVENTUIRES- 'i' ïïK TUEEPl.A-RfLV "P. T T LE RSp ,&,y WARRENLI*I£bwooD>E&q. Drain froin themo mea , i ld of AnWac Hlstryte~ laaijie aathéliie Ouroeu;t, iise slotjes Yet:'P%#AWif i the wild, wuird. sud fuar-, fuI i9i;Facuàer o! remsooe- , e oujicotuatb follbwing, auxong Oton'#rs mecailougb'é e aduM Lua I '~ Tifhulj '&i~ o69 a uianger t Figlatini 'rota cf a îrfas'l'Ad~u rnQa~,hb la". "'ta- ~ w a,. ~g J MB LaDIQXO>NSEVAT E JOUR.- T NA: ofCra aa an dthei glçe$t :> per inm wQstdtli Cianada, W le euhisatailigaton, trains. It la lteoui>' uiespaper.i«Knoni foi' many~xi~laaitpsiIshe@ -direct lelegraiale naes, anti ie mailing -facilities aine sugait itle readers fora liuildrod Miles eust'anti west, ire -placet inb possession of the laheat iniulefteWlu ad-a'ace of! .1 ?Uier nespapers. Enjoyiaig the largesi circulation un Western = t4.LleboCt&IÎM bnna 'The XnoKUSTor D.uLt .rwws alford tise Ïer>' besh medium of coin- munilcation betmaelýadyeawaia the public.1 Subserlphion. b>' naaî'f.rialy lu atvauce. Ad- ytrtisemem!ts insertéul ittlieau't rates. A weekly adition of Lias Kingston Ns-ws tepub- llshed, under Lb.e*111e of thes Cuzoa-sef anND iws. couhatning a very large amnonne oÇlutereating mailler Paubisher, K<aagsioai Kingston, Oct. 13. 1882. M*ONTREAI uGAZE1TTE;ý UR 'PIPEaof38C L Mfnt jter, independent in politie, contdinlng " tLa~ LF.SZXUWS on a , hotoplo oflteme.t A 4 c by ' f- ~ ah, Elpes ad Mails, up to thie bout of publtit». 418 so i. YLLreT ÂD 'm I 1<5 RKurL MÂkic and 8am'nv;o RZaoaTai, Reports, of!mot Nfontreal G'azelt lai tIi saine sise as the Dai>', containfng the. same daig, n limo for-the early mails. WEEKLY (A Z ETTE' meationed edittons, pnblished oâ Saturda>'DMor- 4nSs. TIi. .u rption for tiuodition in payable, ~ ~' Hitm, $OOper aaiuwm;* Ite AU remittaeuh in duly-r.giaterd Utteraat our THE ± Â~EH ~"1t ~hL U)IEB Genesee Farmet. ai ~(.>dw é. ~4p. cd ztu, MigL' aaaaciboandapti bs cen bp fu isbsati theuna-att$2 eaAla'ho subs"Ori;san'id$3 b in'ub- iujatle rInt oi Ladia paper m>ba bp TieEI lowing engraving ire e '411 a4. Chralowî sQliïl" Vrieorio, Ltalu'sPrine Albesrt, AI- itta%!ia'W' Wallear Scott. Iîua-t'* Washinetoia, Mat- lisoui's Benjaosia FraU'esi)tVý , (ut>asFl' il J.i-~,:Bckl.'s S 1>ali-s Lo iTiao; dlorbj &'eaerai Haadack, Herrimça'sTiare. Mm&r. of thbe Teaape'auce S'ocii, TAc Cast u f lacé e, from Staaiufitr's Picîaane; Waadcï«&'tW* MauayQuci of Scola. Loaaidser's Reftrnirom Harking, Land- e.er s Digamity ond lapaadcuS, LuAdse&s De Pausa Dr. Kanthe tcUrts of Sir John f1a ha'sMe,~ilcis'Colaisb' .pr naspdua ii. elpts, n~pei~e- -pa' etl ia rgu, y! a. fuw g1I.>Maay lue t trarleln.rt- "Subecaibers li Canada nanthe i.B.tibiiPr»Yice haivq,ýapey28 ents per annuin foÂÀÏac4etupoat- W. YOUJNG, îEitor muid Propriolor, 16 Btekmaasa.NhwTl'frk. A~Is The New"a zii*,iiee TNofferngleli pblic taIùs Dln-XIle* == su' t Yria-Uelr, santi2 ager bottll atai îeo pnorae but ucLano'oSr a~ uu JR 7M-;1;1 M î.J [The NewiyÉkT g 'lias obtaitd 'ubo&>a £uii~l stt i>i#4f ily dlf~aaail ;jrçlltion ~inp#yCkf uaifpw ~I ~il ,iruaaiui aatils 6Lh oI1Decembej, QI T lishe 'furtbrty.onyear,in nueof the ri e hest as ri.I- ion,Îwitii haiedda'of! Farimere an"d'Fx½aâit-êrowlera WKL T 4 ais regular correspondenl......4voted iexalylivËliy te ÈWI<L , ~î.~ thé, Fartr.et'a'V'bus wn, ftroie' itsell,, in ji'es. i'THÉ 'if tNu v hllu ,i-)Iiîutiual C avc1ua iîýl,ï polal ananner, tether*god' iàd n±ronngQo. »î t'li'ai'l', j1It.pn, W< i C î'e ' .gricuIlutLi'Jonrnj el el CANi. (t is atr)UI'litiai inifit.s """"r~ in the world, it interferes witla no:othor paper. 'f i ,elC iot* iPl Aiiatiufol' îa0mi -Ri.,iïaaiv Aboumding in reliable. inforumation on AgrAcasturalilttt asijiuoLa ?qludiieihÀi'j4s and, ourtiultaral aubecU,Ino Faier enuread a i 11ii a;tî 1e ictraa¶aawsm? igi dnimber without'rýceiving saine sugestionit of' tapr 1 .sî.~!euban in msearnoestd.lut moro value than the, price f the paperfraya.s'fs sitry t'helvu aefoi tii0 with Index aindT¶lîie, ?aga sità4bfe for blndlng, of'iia-tjnoT...jmugiiRetîé;4 THREE FIi.NDRA&D ,4 EIHTI-FQUR Pages. u'aaap Luie empire oai lb. N¶w Worqjdd ei Tau~AoacvLuau. AN HaracataiaDE#»,R-ait- he raiources oaifour cuueairy'lor amouarn aIaTe aire lmofesiedly unsurpassed. Considerabte dzpsu-eabieî iôsairÈaa the i attention wiIl b. bestowed on the. LkAnla"'aindaisuc~ al<dsi.aofj» d ;wp Yaauas DurÂanamcs. The (ast Volume contaiined . 'filuli É iailand îe-peîlis ale thrst i Pù d %t elr le tedn ep trate Furnisbed for ia tpages b>'Fariner' Wives aind -e'buan . a u audA,,roif~iu Wo.ýb-a4 Daughters. . A, til larger number wlll bé given in ëffort >iitt daisruabelluu,nri jpet ,utJ4çfg the Volume foar 1882. A carful and eofinpetent main uletMtro shî's1t Ë, àii rfsclai Complete k and ReliabierMarkot'Reporu., ou ,t tuai whr le e x eeeapr W.is An n efotwWb.apw4 @ ~~ Liberu>' "id tliio6n ;shah aindeé d be Faraer fou. 8a",tii. a]R, 84 it Cotaily lathepI, ie - !À ;or-li andto ' Thousainda of Fariters aro s. toppeul th. igla - tiiia1an.d ta>sarit- eCxtetiki t14 ýiA~o t Auiïq pried pa$r,ou **uaý6tt fo f pe."Tt etaiaue, Agriuture, là Witujo', midl b lia aasre Fix= aui to 0cb#p that ail capa afford t15 er )ef telitaay riiister btise s pifIs4 . tala. it. terw1 proirresa (if maaîkiutd<lii'týto bEp7s OÇn1y Fifty (ler*U a Yê' 8X ' ua.aergbes anitr, ifS U4mme ïli> E ach Volume (1,>' etual -adineaquiet) con' uLm i îuaLauadieejé i'p A' tains auni A'grlcatur~4al »d-,H=ri.éhituraI moitte, leU"a.ie'jerî ors than moet of the. Two'tDolltar Weeklies. Theunpre- ifY5ron)dr>bJlkhdp.'1.êy Pfa~ei é'ebeînii~gb a.tai jI&at Itt rt~aý@t la soa, teremuht hoii, ius'* Ias8 aû- a Lrger-circualat4Ion han an>' similar upa4sierhml oLiftiauI.uejda Journal in lhe world,jMa-p popects for usefulnesth "isoauî tîtae ud'hr( ,4a'd<. were neyer au bright and pronaising as ait the preszriiehu.iia curt>- ,bleshs eut line. no utIi'rwibe enaa ifi o Fariners, Fraait-Grower.9, sud ail intere.«ted in theofai ate rg<",v"sj'(.' cultivaiioq of ltae soul, are invited toý iultnuu Si FOR' A SPECIMEN, ,raa~c Ort<Nan~tn And if pleaseulwiti liaspaper, 10 show it 10 their Naionl r 'isè wic l,we 1'regard *aid. jpplio)td neighiors. , SfeimenCospies sent raax to al es ttdIUg I cîmuAIog:t ' I'ER-IS.l 1t et s aaysair; Ftvs eaupýies for 8 Eight Copis.S-3; witi a cojpvof lihe ftn.x. Ma - IÇUAL lI peuson getliaag up the Ca~ % grMon.>' ma>'bi. aent aI lie risi of lie Puba- ligiez, Address, IOSFFHR TABIS, 2-pubaisier andi 1roprietor, Rochester, N. Ê àablimlaed inI 1822. A ýWE EKLT NEWSPAPER, pmblsiaed ever> Saturda>' Morning, lu the ciy of New York, inti devotetito News, Plitice,and Generat-ltera- turi'. 2iiod-taisd'um plarPeri<jdiq, les6 aiw applied tola.the ic t'the rate of Three Dollar s -Per AnnumI br 8 Cinta <Woekl>'. The -tlioai haisbeen wideiy known for fort>' years tlarougiouat the, Unite4 Statep âant'Brifisb Norhh Ainerlea. Thoronghly î.alepn& ognt ltone 1irwil i. $afôna b onalaü l e l.ae- mntsofHoeJournalio,u,wuith' âne atteaitininue e> Mr ioA~icidenttieuL h likel>' b bear on THEL, LIi'ERA-R Y DEPARTMIENT' willi' leenà1eî Sa lioýretëore, wlthatihera' O ! 6 Englisi Literuiture. L oseto witi Art, the. aibtestcritîitms wiil continue La bc-umnliisein iajt es of current events as are -deeulti o b1>.of intrit ho a circi. of intelligent raaders, wietlaer Brilli or American. 'The-.A1bscsafalrz'tsu, iLta s.boired, a valu able vuekl>'budgetof lU-formnation iid enter- MONTIýEAL GAZETTE. TH4EAL-,ON EN*CRAV1!'e.ý "i praef Priaaîiug patier..surd oie ~a*t DAILY TRIBUNE, 5igeCopy 3 at "Mati Stibseriher9, came year 'rwo Go1i,.,on.'year - WE$-;TRI BVWt M *e, ii Qî~Cpopev~. 'e~m-u t 1 Hiruue Copies, (nie yenr~ ôFir tptute yesr . 1 TesIOuples'-Ome'yeàr t m~<> sApysraea, i na acdA uii be'éeutto ie;ry club ôf tià' ' aud. auy tir4s'r tiuuwbïr aiaii.tuiteffse" t extra glp aiiba ettq qJ4ll4pof týgiýesjtja4 post sci'Tocti>4 . w.a~'D li ' b Psiay wrî;îten' THE HAMI-LTO ,I ~ ei ma of-'Su teai4 i The Weel &he importanlt newis t i Ï4 m - " b -i- Te*Weckiv'Timsa Md FA.LIS kNNONCEXMnNT., r[WSuboi.er hâelatlyopeneaI Mthe Môiitreai Oarpet Wirbois. 4,RM'ST. J*M55 SYR.CZ - Bau8sRLI1 and jA4o, tu» t»inapafterris of! adaI*b1wonlses- 4ch b. ont te stuy *WidIUhYlaitm 4ài t. for.V 1 1 1 airid Hinâms. 1 ; Il 1 1 1 1 1