philo £, - -6 8 i-.COUnty* Agîic-ulturss1Socîety's Grouads, îîid is., itt,;Zt , aadilsiiieit e- %iiLeov'l' - (N bkijîl i.£131 13 4. Is:i-îîe~~-u~î.~ NQI isfrm $250 to t$1,000,ir thrpee four, or Wý S.j ive yeetrF,oun FARMau eeapi-y, ouhy - alsio Farms WEDNESDAY & TUHRSDAY W.i S.Waiîi i niW'ld Linds inu celi s.ttled dietricts->oH. To SP.3t C-lt 83 Bijtislu A iici î-liti aivc Ci'.8, %vil- stTia-atnsfur uew inventioýnb obtiied -SP.Jts&(Llt 83 AppTv ta A. W s'ssts, upper Canada Land. ltsgirtry i1prfmùiu» toIDlîeam..uni ,- abouta$1,200 vin SOit Vcîlia't ii t $468 Exvm aniisu Patent Ageucy u-flce, 37 Colhurne Street, To- saarde'i. da mxi.y. Mý1 C C miii ufi tb ronto, C. %V.- Pa rties enter-ing thoroasgi-b>red stock, will be fl~i siN'>uia a es 'ed'îti;Irquiresi lu furisti pedigre*s. plttr s-201 16 '.'îtiii mît ix day..N Sî < J)'A l .1" AN EXTBA PRIZE FOR C. Catîi.;iluu hfoi pANI.- en tioherbrstr s~s îtTwo GSA L~ N Bimk of To m-iii. W tV ,lC -tr, r iNC suce <One N oariUng 1Bifer, là k iWith TROTTING Ai') S s . wbite-tiipe under t6p bet. suad white biud lèer. vu s!egi-n Vei i t ut pl ftîîr 1011 565. lAfitiî e An une Tv-n Veri1O1 Spemiked Heifer. The i Fr prillalt ce e tr. execultttii. J D Ar U 'w p if. uv-uer le requeFtesi ti prove îîroperty'. psy chrLpes, ; FrPr-clý u Ciie is'tvsWuil, 't 'a"iiiat ~ andi tanke thssu away, or they wialIt b. cut l defr-ay JOHN SUIER GEORGE ROBSON lit ib illutg I--m $1898 90. hasiiîa.diate ex BtbRY T1OCYzepR. Sscrrt2s-in ). bAîîuîuîr1n 'rlff. 'oi19 Znd Cu. Cxliidge. tsby4hSe.183,2l RAtii,vs- .M"-(o V rdict fi îtItxisidge, 281h Sept., l1865.- - £77 s b5,8.- ,Immdeuaitc 'uiu. . . Df- "< Armniîr fais pîfi. Bu3y ysUr EXI & W liter Rui NitMu5urpatis. .Tnw.-8. Verdilt for ti~s s vr dag§. J. Meletid tiýr plt. ' Bt 0"t'-SIil -El The Coli.1 îlheiisdjoniteý t1lt19, 'Ctuck oA'TU0 I- -. Barw@ ii;i'ct n. Frss:ri.ths on O TEORER OiBd ~ o e Slieriffs gale of Lands. ccniM. C. CemenismiE (., Q. C., Mr Th-3 1tock. lu QuKntit,, Quality, and i Pre v-ut TIrE il - '~ iNot True. ILI'Vicr1 Co vifts Co ont3xio*s t.ns à TîRL Ms~ a Tise Leader, in &aludilig la the recerit ep- If. iWhItb7,................Sept.Lt AiitIaLPIA:$ jTanm.pT -e fM.P:. Rymal îo an infer. 2 Meciseste.............. dOt W. aaim vsmrnrsdliseNaloat bih. cierktihip in -t#à Hamilton Post.officel 54 UxbFldge ..............52t *leniw raiee.Ili~wemye-..-d s Vaoano............. . 28th ber fu or outeas r he averaein - .inIlleHamiton. (s aee ofuteful anmd enteîtaining reudiug, with ée-We r oral sîgravinge end fà.hioii-phîe.». AtidresaR, cewsdie ashot UPPàg t fEIICANADA IH ACOI 40 ab6.e- was tsaiHthore were boa mally emloesei Gouirls &DYq OnK PIIL&DCPHK: .- the office. Now we fiud one of t le ran k ett UDSOPI'8 BAY PUR DEPOT, GoTUD LYS$ 0Bera. PIÂ>L.t J.sort ai Grits put imb the sarne office. la Ihie s Gode), for a splendid nomber. retrenchmerttii.L7dr No lewer titan tevemn.colured figures appear Th implication conveyed bythLedr ~ ~n î.vJwo ~ me tal r. Rymal wa appoirs d in th1e in lb thePshiOt-pIite, ad tv ploden ace ol M.Ritmschs attre T. - giavitsgoqt; A ew story la oommenced bi, ' o f the case are -. Mr. Brege, the junsior - Msion 'ladn(t. sddtlqed "'Leih Maore's lacis iTrta11 Now ia th lime to subscribe. W. clerk, a mhort timenîusne, resi2Zned hi,« cierit- gtv hi trme: hiisin the Hamiilto pst-offive, where lie -Oue eopy, nfqyèar, $3. Two cnpîî'a, nie tara a year, for a more lucrative liùuittioi min ye*rl, $. '1'hrsae opies,aime year, $6. Fu Detroit, oend Mr. Rymel, a loity-ttti-C(uaiii copiesi, que yeau, $7. 1 J. Rytîiîat,M. P. P., hatu beeiappu:i-ledl Five copis, cite yesr, and amn extra copy tu ilitih1e vaceuicy'.l'ho Leilder*g iltesîsua- ta the perston tretlitig up tise club, rnakimîg lin- isthierefure, pointles.-IlaImulton six cuopies, $10. e. 101 Kîng Street East,- Toranto* -" Eight capies,onue year, asut suextr.1 onpy-- Ts AP & FU , to ic aisougetirg tp lîvclu, nakngCANADIAN ITEMS. In ensles, veriety, and of Superior Qîsality , WhoIe Et-even copies%, nue yf-Rn snd an extra RAILWAY D salN-TgeLa e 0.dX.eKELLY copy lu, theportion gettîmg up thie club DEALCTYt--TiîaLadeHG . eLLY maigtiieai ti, $20. says thia there was a rum,r irarii l Toronto ,Pracptat7Hasier _____________________ eniay, tiel Mn. C. M. Synîs~, fieght alzeîs lforthe Glaud Truiiii Rtiway et Pitiîî Leva, C -4SIPOE19 VWIE .AT. Fai AEiZSlid akedadt itesi sopsîe tays go wittî 111e TIRE UN\DERSI;NXED will pey Cuahfan Wbee; The Assizee forr ie Colluty ai Ontario atlge aummof £130,000. How hme csuld have Tdelivered ai the nimiet o TiflJy bus 29th iusl., before hait sucs au etiîurriuuA amnsi or Morleyyi: BRIC'K 3MLL.S ROOKIN, epeîmd onTmsce-,, TINTO MILL8, (JRRENWQOD, Mr.-Juetie-e Murriecu. There were nu crim- us qpossemon tui o oie preleîîdeil 10 exp:aîn. - HE.41)S MILLS.11 DUL'PFIN' CRE'EK, iiali cases on tiie jca1eudar. #The Judge'e Ou meulegrphiug tîauurQuebec cori.sporiolîî,'sudPFORET iHU'BY. IEtRIVG charge1tuIsle Gransd Jury was coiîseqîîeutv fuir t(htg flucîetif hie case, lit-,senutIll u~te fi C. TPORTE R Ca. very brief. lit li'ms short ad.tiras he congra- liiiiigtait iglii:-'Syruuîs lî.fî quine lotit -- _______ îîlated tilies u ami ts graIifymuig tacis;ad, days agn with five tor six lliou-sarît ldoit ai 0 9. of i f hlodig Up tuIoticir view a pair ât white Rit1the irompaji%5'b uuisîey. The affair lias biteuî coal .l s C a l .l! gloves ltiesetîted tu baim by Ille Stiertl, lie kepi queiet." '. % OAL ()IL AS ('TIEAP ANXD tGOOD AS VAN said 'tiat théât waq a syrnbalof th11e miisten DzATH os. C. FREER, E-Q- Thse Q c ,s, Jbe hed euywhere. ,Assizee whichhi lied mîaw thoe pleasure uf Neua regucîs tlu aîiiuiseetie dce.uîl, ut _c. opetiiug ia iiibijoutnmy. 1-e 4betaeved Ihat Friser, Es~q., reîeeoî,iv îaria",e, (ill ie Piliit '!IITIqU VIT) AWrPU(i AN SILVEj tiey wrou-d ittidividuaily total as reji'jced as ie L"vi îli,,tiici ut tiitv (rrii ', iu iîo T ACEXAT TUEI FULL VALVE, AT did hitiisfe l i ii. eviteliiue f the absence %%Iiiuculpaittiil RCve.11 took pla(ce ailosres . - JAMES IL. OERltiE*S iiîiLwoutd bhie qiàatly aliared by tIlie mazzis- o iii l e NieFieei t*t i %vis Itilie iàI lic --DRiiAVL -.JPXOE hu-êes aitd iiuffuîit eîîially. Tlteir 1laburs bladifer, liavti" eutc,;etit-~aifolly ltii nîiiuhi.. 'l'HE- E Vi TIA NN UMI woild te iglis- béiig eiînpiy costiîil 'lu Thee mplu% cre til lbe ia i uuît Wl lliiilna the tiataîjis lîii of tthe gaul. , alter ln«I t 'tr trial a k îti flicti12 d id tilt- l I I T whaouî îhey iriîglt t etastît tu ilicir bhui. C"mlîasîy 'ltcnf ti,. bt>t o <itl. EX I II B l'T l 0 X GR qND JURY. --- -OFTHlE TlîîîmasAtCLIî, limi B e c*rnraiî - ARRIED, County Agricultural Society 13,wîi JaNe- e îlé-A. W ES't-iiiiii At Coumsbus by tise Rey-fD. Cantîinou Wed- OF Loi iicJtliP.liltu nesday the 24th Septeusher, Mit. Wus. W'errx, lu I'<1TX ~~' f P Li"uWm ock, JMiss MP. lii lisuui, born.of Eut Wfipby. 3OfT 1{i' î*, la~îlSîOîîiltîîl, ,îîses Vi- -- --- --WILL DrlIEL D AT ,CIVILCA-. 1JJtittt t. .- - i <............iON THE k F SUBSCRU' ss tana o is mm~erous enstonsara for tha véry liberal support ho L has receiredaea.d business, wonld state that is ,# ~ANDSIMMER STOCK 0F i LADIES, kGENTLEMEN' -A u a ] Enubraces TM LA TEST STYES A.ND NOYET&Aeais solicit.d. ~-PRICES MADA 7'0 SUIT THlE "diARD TIMES!" - -lu,- yluIc -'F Caldwel'& Brick Blcick, Brook Street. %Whitby, May 3, 183. RE LYO VAL, REMO VAL STlýWES«y-POUGIIS, FANNING - MILLS T» E UBISCII-BE4 hep iuutia.t. uhis friens uana the vealPublic, tkat ho basremoed bis Stove & Âgrieultural Implement Depot. Paîlémuot, suduhicl. -suit. aIl clamses. ~Tru--and 0sud ocoai ,i--u r(uf, N\ -T1'I H T h A è r ~ a W r . - h t b , e î . 3 , 8 6 . J A M E S B A I N . T o W tt N I 1 T 4 I ,Y O F J A N - 1 N _________sept. ____________._______A. . D.,l P ,54.Uc iiaiat T tr 'e. 1-kSnn il e utDîreeîly oppoite tise <4~n ruigOS. hr .wl s sp ornw i necuu - i M hv polbsi cus,îinsert w% w-li-le.novtheunes. tht &nlériHan iai-in the Tfî'wuoft Wliuîly, thtis igbi. truc ansi dcutGesu d .akm "_ nainance wt e ns 1I111pîVe F ridfor -al. tsti futwI-ch helrie. ienJtereut ndaiut4h- cAhlethec ofthidut rirsedstyen fiî,uNGrrlOR AN BO udaiii.way i there hl o u iil2bcc, urreil siture nuiins4-? erea- îipseFsite lah u-ertenti,,ned lLands sud. ery aStockofie4aapresstesoCO IGPRRA]BXST E, w-yl 7T1E Subscriberuffsre for sale «N\orîlHIft!Lot SNi Teuieer ts thereon. .s'red hi me ne and s i tr- -stock.Eeyaril f iu the po-Lý)i'iîo~ iseCiî'titigriitilc i 1 91 t i onessiu < f Tiorah, contaiing 100 acree tise oftcertain i V-tu ofFreri«Fneu-ko it:vlaAlezan- 'lhe aoùthweitý tisatii11-ah R'îcîurrîîîu of which hotwecu :30 aud 40 acres are cleresi, anude -" MPlser-sn thse eider, ['hiiiiff. Ri'luert Ira-ine T> E F R IUR S P LE . lfusatil rtrtedlh hassr ed fi-ce fi-uni Stumpa. Thons ix a gooti isarn on tise the eIder ileceees, et the tilne ut bis deatis in tise ST VE FURN URE:UPP IE lus .iily er1i'as'dwiî lussittteeilrsrsy remses. Tise soit isof ercellert quaî;ty sud tise -bauds o! GeoirgelirviaseAdtuiuistrator of ail ansid ACt sbttd thé tie irop ilîîtd s4-1C lai ltîmi,'sa. Ttir,.IFaru l2aCotly five smites frouî Béaverton, on Lake siuigusar t1te g-ad hi htiels nigste ansi crédits G OR Bi<~ Sitncoe, and fie'e frn Caningtun : there are guos ic ehîi re of Robert Irrne thse efider deessesi 't Msy 1873 2. tiseurn ofbsdettti, bMaysia4,,T187os3U2!8. loadlig New Ïor and Washiigtatus Jfurias initie ahlisoth places. tLotimNuof bisr ut iLlîeti-tdant h th uncecfjif oonir«atî h e ti.cautnry, tuai ha ii sae hti.e Ternis, sud furtisar paitieularo muade knowu ounec-Eiiî-t'sarse hredTh Cncesison tof tram iruheý attack by ie reu wî application (if by letton pre-paisi) tu R ach LEghy-uare Sis boitye r c re apeiratht h Fîlma dsctr lstie at«es aFreghhonte, a fra1s ofrnaxixtyly 3rooerie atoéi.àth a te edsaldÎameril Ilelae is. ?Mi-IIAE . efraine dria'uug sheu aud a log haro sud stable - e h Alr-va soi Lake Sisore, Thorais, or to- sud a gosi Well of sater. cîiio e~mmuCII reater titaa i I e-.n luitc ,i-tytof flharv -t portéd>they have lotit unismerCHARLES ROBLNSO, E8q..-E a, -.Wlim~wuDefen-as-nritsdntreî. ni anui irlme'ikèlIitaofkittod sud *outude-t, Concession i-f"tse Toeýýhip t of u't.TH ineI Lu ot&00,tgthfWt j( nthe Court cf'Queu'i BeucisCrrns wit 5 Zr <v (eorge St-ange B)io'uIt. Plo;litiff. vs. Witliamn- H. Cura-s #11aus eCcrdlng htoms-e tepors, snd a large ES J A-SALA H1 eliken, Ikfenr4,îîf Lot Nusmisor Tv-ettv-Eev-eu Co - iuomber of iges, &e. 'iii. tiveîiest, %pple- ~HE Subscriiter'4silsrespeetfutly lseg beave to <n tise Sventy oce iOntaiseTo.ti5 !i~tt- Pie oa lie niaissr continwtelu b . erlteiiteul fur teIrh-E.ansunce to bisessuiserousspatron, and tise pubs- f ELSOIN G. REYNOLDý;. Bre -;»l - licgenerally t-bat ho la offeing for salé ah eztreniely oiày of Gstu, Buinsiîle's sirmy, uow on usO low pnicos, his comiplets stock of good w-biais cou- 1 I if C10 îriarch itus eimfurce Gen.s- Rasenciaris. Orme siesain part o! Watches snd Jew-lry, Carpouters iSe.ffC . Aund evsny other articlew-bg.'amskes *1 Thermoineter, Spectaces, Gogghes. c.,J'et C.A flhVVflP ' nw fÙ T 0 Il 1epuurî yelenîihlY scai thet i hci uptied Eniglis sEIen-lsTtse e pos utrSirf' fie lib et 91863. . IA uuuIun T ET ut CuEa-w~u~tu. bytseCmfemrae.ts~ I d has b'tu on- Raives &ý, whichw-ill wea"ilesilvera'aou - NE- -------h-____ ikîltuJJ uei3ulyiiavr rtia s osÏ, a trial i laaht.e coifflnendatiou requin 118 â eidiilly Î[ill1vry riteai d, Aiso a large steak 'of Coks, froni $1 '50 up. poliO'oigd6wn ami the soutis bauk ut wih w-U be. warrnused for 2 years, io ltenuihisee river. Tise Faderai Joui ucle GNIEGIY GL)WD GRINtGS- i~ mbnttiîg owulIt deesiai usanseasu WlH., coNCTANTLy ON HAND. thrkn i Gra-V re asmuh W-H-bOug a PNi-tialworktnan rep îaial bluda -t absmuie pbsible and tskiug ail lime o! IVatcessasd Ctaka, Ençli-th and Anican, r. $ _ uioruit'îîîey iC li nul aiit for tte purposge oh feeling confdent that al jobs - îtrustea te fis cane FLOUR. H R ,ý* . A SO A D aiigi hfligtpo h iw-ill uTrf tstsatofMnseswiîî pîéaso & S O T L A S O A D aidcigimumit tlliig a li dpi.eIed ranks, note ibsst thet s discount *I alv-aya b e allow- tsf tfeir *westirn a rrny. Tise3' cautaini very éd thons, notlosousny~us, mi i te - heriffs8 -l -fLad 'o l lau oa 1il1 Lamnpsý iriy, in subetatmce, tuuaI if Rosetieratis hed FILUTINAS AND ACCORDEZONS, osr s'O.rAi ~ acundûfands# Clft ,"t1,ffl10n oiadî le ;verAi Di- -tN< 'naPIêDA -A.TO wrT: day of DyeerAD),r_;ev a d 1 re vipioft,uhailJ ethor urouud la weh aasIte <4me gond harraina mriy 6e iad in sec- 186àt,Àt Twelve àoleeok oon vilb as y1ohoH O VGJS O Ah onlîlufGm hisao i eîee ad and Waîc/t n. Core ne cme a<l Atictiob, at y ffoela té our sis.5ia t-h. AT THEL fl ; à F109CS. afi or.o oÀgle.Town of Whltby, ln the Vounty o! Otatlo,Îhle,., Of eot wh î',smt for yo inetheuraeheld 'avetitîe andinterest w-io1sshe unuimentionodsidefend, u.. nbt« nilu u( îrirfieIs.resut oud av Pl6sao neni;tbrthe old staddchopp.0sito tise anissÉvýU sn inthe uudomntanedLand Ib 'ý l - i is j, k u m , àfe to f ile r b e ls . T h re G lob e o tel, B ro o k lin . s u d e ni n4r npîtioâe 4 b - o - ,,- ena-entaviseroi Wolsed b, Me uzenib r Wodeubmcr tiii. Thte u Ioenewesi -W HEPINSTALLI nia r a0ad by il( ltuî t. VrlkInn fl aR.ieh In thet eCo- l4bcotiltyCo'it ____ fendant -te ----trt 'etislIy$fies fosIttkeký utheides of appt'oac.hîug G.PURSEY, Theêneraiut Boot oflotee etaker -T ra fr - -j loitdsa ti (ie de tsd-teily ton> rapidly. e i.toaaiRoe, rtkt inthé iK5iiconsio e b ttirànip O 0f k '- -O , ' Vl aiýT~ tfl. Valktiofishe Berkiqtire5 Mes.[flueur- Ail ork got np la thse bodt $Md Inod at ajble OF. E;itng Mt -t -in thee Towna aseie-m î, a- v wa,i% broko en sp n Mcday sltyle. Lades' %Ient.s, ad CildremstBoots khos t lo N. i, O ocelai kbd abut11 biyh: lait uA'idfi llN'ct-sf#3gei,OOOmît«uangi sew-d.if deeltes. Jol" agieoa. sude ni JW - Jîflt, ô,o hjitno. t k a*0 tNI ilr e - , -S. eut S, e>1î= â éve# quaronr h Ontasulo.wav. Chnriettén 44i4 1' --"m liai, baldlafrebn o f o n e .Lr1 6, t1t'fi lithl 3q-, ian l il on poiler O.W1hfuaýzr Of Blanc W 1b1%419 1 1 do- A CIRCULAIR SAW FR.\ME. 1 0 Pexcell-nut %Voan sd Workmnaup, for sale k. hteap. Enquire et tise &*Zee U LCe. Whitby, Sepst. là, 1803. A. ST()KI ES, JE E.PE CTFU LLY anuunces lu the inhaisitaut JLJ of Beaverton aud vicinity that he hat; opeued s s&hop 0un Sitncue street, une door eastet ul 'urkuien's Hotet where he will alwayu. keepu hansd a ehuice aesortusent o! uneat. Sp.18653. 47-26in. Mdain .Street, Brougham, C.W. ,M Gananente madie up lu thse latoat styles, andi snd at moderato prie". INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Market Squaré,- Toronto. THOMIS tPALII11( ruletori 'rE PROPRLETOR detires to tonderisi lccre JLthausakato bis frienidLbth publie for the lib. oral support acoorded i hm *ile in the Black Hlors. Ilotel; sud ho trusts by strict attention tu business sud tis wants of lais guesta to nierat a coutinueuce of -their patronage. ITALLJA-BILE SLU J' LOST. L OS T, lu tise town3hip of Tborah, duriu tise month of July lait, a black aud tan clored stut, answ-ers to the naine of~ Ndly. ,Any one -re- turnlug hon r t nr. Workman's Hôtel, Beavýertun, or ta the Subseriber at Coiw-ay's ilotel Manille w-lit b. suitably rewarded. é . JAME S EIVART. MÂvs-.LL, 20M Aug. 1883, W.II.C-A-Ta D SURCEON --DENTIST, DUNDAS ST'REET. WIITIJV, C. W rnas over the "'gàtsette Office;lat . r. Carlton lyxeêe'a store, AIlr& operations w=&*Wste. Ternis ioderat- flood. & --Laird, CAILLERY 0F ARTi 79 King Street 'FetT 0;noO.W., GILEDRS LOKiNfJ- GASS &PGUE FRAM MNIFAURRS IXFORTERS 01r ENGelisE NEVX ir ntju4, 1863, â3 451'KE OLDRIED 8TORE P'y p ATRONS-I lsh t4 l UËfortni yn, that at n Tisain muYu, duri1pbi4hpiod t'1iàs been nypasrto -aply ,jour uýderst&ndings with Bot$m houealJb boterepmrte to âteetant thiut &tthe presont. -Th tde In Quantiy;-Quility. gn d k sud cz O à= " f- ntaja Myand M.IES S 1)10E COUOIIICHI.ïG5 T ErE teatnè E M M ÂY lAY ezvis B ell w -sst Trai f, . d all stBeaventon ever M(ounlsy, Weslnéssiay, ansi Friday, st 3 o1éook, p.m. andi eveciy Tuesday, Tbursday, snd Saturdày, st 12 o'iloak, noon, retuhniug t Bell EwirL t n e to conneah with thé evonlag train far Toronto or oaS- Tise Emt7y Miay oeils deiiy et JackoYs Pait Atheffey, Oitîs, sud ohrpaoswbeêbesusy stops. At ilUe, paseungera oaa take tise steamer Foau.y for tus. Muskoka sottlOuseicit, ad thai ôe»Mr River. Fanes iioderate. Moals sail refreahmnta OÙ 1 oard 8. TRE S'ENEPACTOR 0F pRiS8, a THE ÔUREAT RE4ZýeR 0 4i TUZ WI<LE wORLD Ù?4îiIL4ia l £FTER nl -,1InT RERICK' SU lBCt)ATEÇD PILLS is @an-jing the orlsI - by, stor m. O er Swa , i n i i* b m o a r a s o u 1k t - X te leit h.elioÙsns sd -Plemiâadet NSPtsltoecnpiod sy <Ù. B. Rbu.u Ej ýq.,bo a sitabie -tenant, for one or a tertom of yoas. 'The Housé 4s very cons T . vmodiaus, costalus elghtafflarmente, hi hi l iih- --oer:.,a-- ed, le fitted41 with Mlarb[e Mantias, Ga Grata,. T' in'aTh Ils lfths Of5 Sn alê,tle In excellentla order, aud, las Dry Go, & ea y nad O oth 900ingadechTee, n-Gae iem about fenmntuwalk [rom tecentre -Of busi - LJSJOu5nasa in tise Ttwn of Whitby, aind about the &sane ELARGEST AND] BEST ASSORTE]) STOCK Or froiu the Grand Trunk Station. JAMES WALLACE. Whitby, Sept. 4,1863. 46. ,,AT TUE LOWEST PRICES. -imt. CASH FOR A MAMMOTH STOCK 0F . . RE Bubscniber will psy thse Highest Mark-et 5~~IQ U 'veo ln Cash, for gond Merchsatable Wheaî, T' rec;, i . ickp ung. &4&st 20 per cent. oheaper tissu osa b. had la the County. deSIG atcl e d1ed te.Cop WhtbySepemb#2~, 163.T. . XmLLJI. Pieketîng, Auguet 13, 1863. 43 tf ------ rU N D E RTA XK I G A N D RE INDE RSGXE Dbega to informihie frieud asic custosners that he haa Three -D0@îr' È,ast of BitIn's fBoot and Sho. Store, Dundes Street, wbe bo i prcpared tu tae ail orders for Funerale, ansd fully J e ý CC L JNi C & 0 65supplying theéame. Also, R A V E R E M V E D O N . àM a d e t a O r d e r a n d R p a i r e d . LAÇNGI'S BUILDINGS," BROC K-ST., A K. RICE. *hitby, April l7tis, 1863. ;eô-ôm. TBSE Ile _î LANDSý XTT.ATED fu the vicinsty of Lakes Haun àBAt kSuperior, intVie. uudermentioned Townll wilI h. open for Sale upon the u.sual conditions of payment, on and afler * MONDAY. the Oîh of October ]n%~ On application to Juaeph Wilson, Esq., the roeldeft Agent Fit the Sault Stâ. Marie, subjeobto &Jaeo o- dition ut'actuel and continu*" settieent wlthirs three inouthi froin the date of, pürtha».- Towna- ahips of MACDONALDS, AWERES, PENNE FATHIER., DENNIS,, K ARS and FENIWICK. Anci Town Plot of -Apaquesh, on thse Goulaia RiAW., (Siguad,) Wm. SPRAGGE, D. S. L A. Indian Departus' t. Quebec, Sept. 4th, ýîi3. 4 74 DEPARIITENT -OF CROWIN LA 09 Qumatc, 22nd Augisat, 1863 T IEundermentioued Lande lu W. Tow'ahi*of T Is,. Couuty of Simoeo, wiIl be offred at Pb liectin by the reaideut Agent, JohnAlxne, Esq-, 't hia office in Barrie, on THURSDAY, ts 282h NOVEIMER next, at NOON Coi3jitionab two fifths cash, and the remainder ini thre. ¶i armne instalusenta, ith iuteres*. CROwNt LÂNDB. Cn. 1-Lots 18, 23, 24, 26, and Si 1I. Cou. 2- ots 2 1. and ' .1;4 19. Cou. 3--Lots 19, ý26, and N. 1 . Ccn. 4-Lots 1 bý21, 22, 25, 27 (120 acres), I11. Cn -Lots 12, 18,22,23, 26. -Con. ô- Lots 13, 14, 15, 13, 27 (120 acres), a.nd N. j 2. Ouqa. 7-Lots 12, 13..14,1 A, 17, 2?M (66 acies),a"d S. j4. Cou. 8--Lots 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, S. 4121,. Spart 2Î (80 acres). Con. 9-Lots 12, 13, Con. 10-iN j 2. N 1 4, S j 14, S jl5,and N p art 21, N part 22--to- IgetherilO acres. Cou. 11--Lots 7, ,l0, 12,13,14. 6, 17, 18 [85 acres .acU] CLEROY REBERVM5 Cou. 1-Lots 15, 25. Con. 2-Lot 26. Con 4-- Lot 26. Cou 5--Lot 18. Con 6--Lots 18,26, andS j 12. Cou. 7--Lots 2. 8, 25 1185 sorts j Cou. 8-- Lots 20, 26. Con. 9g--Lot 15. Con. 10--Lots 12,20. Con. 11--Lots8, 15. Co.2,W. P. R.--Loî 65. W. McDOUGALL, Commiaair 1 IS't OF LIEtTERS - liprniliningr in the wMtb6y Pout Côice Osw lise lst of Sept., anud nol prewioug advertoied. Brittarsey. J. a. --3 Luke, JohuM.- Braden, Hngh _ Marshall, Michael- Barker, Magrexet Bruce, W. P. Noleu, Min Margart, îtbe High Philpot, -M(r Jamnes Clark, Francis.-2 Pierson, thomns Craw, Miss M.1ary RoisnSan Cain, Maurice Robinson, Joshn Perry, JRoblSnell, John Derryi, John8 ElWeI, E. Taylor, Ma Mary Fraser, Caml T lotMMr wengeott, M]Ur Jacksn, J.Wilkinson, R. J. Jankins, Mis Julia Wilson, Y- W. Lucia, Mrs. Margaret MàNUabbL Min Mar ~"Persons calling for thse above witpl«aa oradvertised lettona. D., SMITH. Pou maie r. IJNPRECEDENTED PIIICES!1 Inspection respectfully Solicited. Ou Ilîsîto.- T/m ible Si.vpence agaisis:the slow Sheilliung.' ISAAC XAY, mader