* ,.~ 'te. 't, -'i t -WHJITBY-GAZETTE ANLD .10 P. M~ 1,1<,, atU eer poaeed before; è êhht t ru 1 obieve cum are wromitC ed ilI promiseory ef4 future agi, stflU'botter' iant noîe # né n mpeaueful Ibm ~ ~ el&, li Ibm Mëdsterauesu; t me, tir ~ udisiglfettbelr pgalantr.e oIqt&Cfî, (IV to t rade,- ,e"a ad firi:bult pme age Ull~h , -iir t ue 1. itea ei c f meoki0ý tad iii oue ali leve me IL~a . latbc Alotâ pte!in 4 w à mmm eue ta f cbariyand!f;i',.fitspRmlnt*e tia hee iter1îî.i~e fuated n<er the G3reat Iclh ibér oe ' ,nu;itel voyage froui Slicerneu toe Reaxt's We The lut9'7. Content- Bay"-in tbe !DiCt-ColI-o fI 14Y Newfqaundland. 14r. President, te kecp aVnaoitrcbùttali 'lr 'id a huuc er place on the' Atiantie, -Lgmd -e ~ Und WulL uee& iuoraand moe, fiettleuacuts 5~Itid adiubxlt -orensd harbora-oaliug. wyi~g Ut ~Y tutionasud dépôtas ple-o[bî thlo~~ 'ishores f the Yast, Ocean. )There areno thnu poaItlon, à aa dçntàle oopea 1rube seoi Ihle that *urreund Our .ancestrali i 1%d m ge Ve lias eGulf andt IfiplmS4 IIWle& - am ùg riih.Âmerican pover., Then,, evexi lU IDO1II ave -I&aba ra i"e suaw. di aif .d e p u uelve i clectric e b4eSpI 11 nius cobaveications with Our Patberýmud we iega- aeoarly tu place Our handa nh vlm xietioxility vioi<ihic aw.w MIeenyte touch the, ~tIilftOeZ Magna . Chartitad:th. Bdl of Râ-w> u mio l1 84O0xau.- MlËI nda ù'le, ntni vided beîve t e ldrelcaixatnty q smpa. D '61, the, Piottst 'whieh wu IaIung. (-Oheer.) Before thii -r Comxil ao -a ~diay ,welve mn à ,hs >r. Presideut. .1 trust flb~op~1atin, e bull se here in Ottawa,testPr vee18 ~ 1~1Sthat we: %hall se. the firaI chupter ef a uew, UVIMO Uue CoU., Volumô in the hietory ofth le Empire vor- will b UudersVou. Ihily conxmcnced. W. sha" a vc te bear reveedraedi oSmùuntyeerr Ype1 cent -n test n ras e ~ ,týe Cet ïfren hu insigni5ceut oiÏte A-gm your aide;, but tth e wtt esesand trials;-b-t the io40 of *hiich 1 tome 8are ikae i.gales that shoek the, 'RilI Le oven 0 ýpiras.tUc banuer eof Roderic Dlii- 1~~10xi ~ e thx 1h5 donred in the rittedl rock, egie. (hout) I Proçi' te the lenapett'. sbok- ýet Bu txa , ».e etrix.., the louder It l b!.,. tllia "iu . - ~ (Ciieem) 1Eut liaI vo iMay se. ailla »U hc,w e t vdesiéo li, tis respect acoomplislxe 1Jt ,MMely .o~ o eu sI begu-, by -o*rxesthy ~ ~ <> a4ring tïie prochini thumnDow (spftal, attcuio, s,& aQa bttweeu face sud ereedexaN Mîo le plittice of th e utral ground ; sud thatwie.11aiéaeavor, unumous repei dybydyZ ohinbt;p4 ,tepomt tht ev h eu ose'd ifhavinturon ceommnc ountry, ce o <Jl'nmxilead. asàaug- di n4assýeet lier Mtijeety'is North as, i isl 6dAineriesa axibjecta. S8caking tu Iriuhmen 1 one e ud IralProtestant-', I iii enly add te t a ee %-teWiat 1 bavé veiýtured to say on the mxii. pâWes, iaeludisig >ie and whicl ha&s aIreridi detatied joli L wile t e cloiagWbatene of your ewn élan Lbas a popoe suboatifulIy Written Ottthigs!1subjc of, or soc d andnational u ;-e a a.eas... ~Mai.I~t~wreaxeio.det Pont OMee, WbUlby. mief* A". 1i *oOINvue.- xrme. Tue,, IU... ...........o,.X AeUbwi rout$,.... ..~0~ O Und after meay Nov. 13t the" oh'- 116a.bourg miibte- aeom.- Lateashsd"bo maikaL. iftéen "iUt«s DÂVID SMIT Il 1ostOffi',e.M~ hitby, Nov. 16w, 1865. TaiLAitor' NEWax Apim *-hoali &aenet gine express otieè loh hé .e.*a 'y nré consîdereda i rshlaate continu ei 2.It~ôr «i êi4r the.discontinu- allu ofthir paPes thc pulUer May qo&- aine q-seL ua areanagçe am aià- taki Ibeir paper -s lke opeât oâce te vwiîclu thhi)' are seat, tbey axe lielai respo. mSiLle, matit heiu biltaaresqeld, anai lieu 4. Thoeo«uvte ave decideai that refus. talie wa nvppr or periodical freux tia "u-a cUbeor ordering il sud loaving t uncoile ' for,,la primas facia evidenec of eounional fraud. M. 'rialjit iltO bedistiucjy undcrstoed 1 hat Do 'per will Le stoppcd, until sUan -x reragea are paid up. It je Véry amnai fer mcen te continue te takn our papere for h Ocr u monflis. and tiqn reitarn theul msried refused. The tir viii bear 'e ont inxi seuding th. piper uxtIlllie aubmci- ber ha psittpnp sudthexibiecau -eîop bis paper. Tost masters ahould acquaixit par- "ie cf 111efmct. W. om tainno notice of pipera returxied, unîea tic-party doiug s3, han paid up ina PULiLeLt titi Le dis'- tinotly niidcrstood. &,ny persieinmg toe slp hi&e paper bat enly te remit the. amouâiad: at lieamine lime say bc vishas tstoped frim tiat dat., sud the, malter il a tteaded -te. CettoxiYrn evEo kirts-Hatnii ton & e HeoweWS' Bropeaun Cîrcus -W. Watcr. man. Victoria Sewiug Macbine.4atea & Co. Prime mrma bel-..Bostd Upper eCunadu Colege- Divim o0u rte4 0o> Qatario-Zitixnhax Whitby Baoeý-T. ilutox.' 7HJSAr, UUI1,86 Ieeo.ie .vao s. athitm â Pý " îs-r roËâgrvin, p1fflgi" aatiedultthet ~wtaa ~ '~e- Yrl ivrgre ti4 loia>îgi.' - unitS~I ~ ~icllaaî bc ecemmended - te-gense 4_______ 'good'addréss sud of -au anteOri~sù,gW 1V-ef voila; 'r: tlae4p s Dotualsupposed otiever, ro et't) nfmt M70sra1the 14Canada moulai w»enxUii Pcawmluifthî Ile ' r. L 1éleneitye of3)nlie' LabkiïltdClna 'a rira the $Iale: ' "'o*, iîproseb inathe Ceagrcg'uloual as, as ser aà oma st gahaili ýe nteprize concert; ceue cor Ivialarge pries nx ab4l' h komno- and a "et t fsutafer cnes ; encourage ton-1 lti instant. taiad, 1but flienco by ~the numan srfrccýnceP, ,Iunen' f adesvt.npromîcù femniaO-ntf ervBAeK.To o arc 0U t ~lc C4; h;*-eaoSsee hek' i ansmu-r the u 6~ u h Leco -v ,b4ng diS. i-er ', peeaunt questions by 'sayiugllm<a i hesea, 4 dý,ýhv E- ij la~îi priàncipal le in ie Ooantry ai reseirt, aorit £196u,5U0a a ta-esunh accoua odâteý mqa ir a ut Wil -bc brtek lu a as odé 6 ied'wil1,000 mciC <i ne item cOf th". kind -seon pverbiul long au otc., ci sfeîde se tilI tu, a caicu- ý'ou battu ' o tah iuaxnunln ifl abers eu* tUckett,, n ah lie th igt omne-,4r4 a 'aIî t* th tusuaudu by lie o ér*aion, sud Come i te abimIo lcL-i as yeer'or lwite d lie seheine as înterested in the suceeet Capt., Clark's arme, if' good Ur, 41Ç BavOage t Eropeira'yawhefîwcenîy-eigiî y ÎQO ,ltsylL rlfeitehearia tt he If TYP'FOu24ruxi~CaUadianic >Ifw aeiue Alaý'ive been in lImehabit 'nla 9barivdaleih h ibto ti -, on vtiÔN. *ype o ut., iuteen ays from -N àahant. s»ae-lirgely ihN Lyuusaâ, fupdr,_____ sgili ti lufao Wvi iis day ina eccirnda alarre stM ce1s 7hLs~ portion ethie businew, frein ýWesternenu- CIbLERA i.x ST. Loux.--Bctveen >ho r di. %Vux regreitteearintaI Ibis'minb ale ulaIixdW e uetlie liost: active of' lie Ynkhe en purpW~eaa, syàpathisera miti Feuiaisii in titaI ity. .been repoui tdtte cSt.Louis. Boaa- c la, tiemid i-jot.ttmilie e sussls tI uc net#]$healthsince, aiturday, saveral co hmiici duo very fet IcLîmolRiaige fightt, viih w*nsre" 'lhave- prereai fatal.' Mut oetblue.-cases 'h , vie~ porteai to eLeadverse te Canadfien arume crfuo epnosrcn.yf9a Ld eoieiù. -Newwu n'aiIunk il isan dnty LiaI lie'Oadtin - ite, r o 3xplqlit <i(rufh o*e te tienmseIves sud li.fr ' country Snirabcrso i ee ioeCaile.' îo stk'eBôme more votthy doleiiWutîrc; of Iiemperate habits. asins ia' f r'tLe Yâtkee wm iml re$é*e4 ejil- th~ 'hîa4uig lage «Of Vjaaàdag, le-net tle ma àte bce O>u Co.Lomry, acting comimandatof etti yen~~~~~~~~ 'adda rner. - Dsrc, n01Col.MeKirastry, oethtic l2Tîi câl&LC RAMIN 1 WOTLArIi A &ý4x- Regimeenl1.were ou the. Niagara froalier 1QLIu.-The back ahuqers, mbuicasrz nOv Tneeday, Dakiug arrangemnslfor the le- i4u -'-cation of4ihecamnp ef obsériaton a"vhiich lihe iuhauît*xireofa'th erasuaeû banûao e e icpiagiie, roo t up Lb.he e'È by hidhi iiepu-epogahieai, reli am"Y t4 ganagsn itiupeamiwiol itILfedeé, iàd' It le repora-ha tht te ihe betycfu-l ntecra arae- Le calleai exil fer camp siJ ve oxmonlb, i oidierfiuzî tàey may Le thoreugiy prep"eaitoe cteio Feuias, ieO seeni te LýbUsily-iut qial rpr ing- for tic more effbeife i nVasion of, tic teutry israi ta> f tbec1st or Jane test; Il le prebable liaI viexi hose bordes et -pludeerxuand roSheis maie tlir eu t attempt upour soil, îiicy viii be ama tidi o icst effective xVepornpov irauseu, u ya liI1e milcmei rater force,ý heice illathe duty> efthie Goveinnentd t e .thul aur velunteere -are smdvla ticmeu effecCtive La-eci loadin- rifles ca-a reposIons, sailthathey Ltleaougil1y. equippeil sud provideai viti ail icthé ni tiens e't vas that 1 lect8ary, ta, rentier tieni ai'effièieùt 'ian ' ýeu piepur or su. active campatiguas lie hroopa cf le rcgular ariuy. ,Ticre aboutai Le ne -dola7 n - h t i a ter. T ic kU o* l dge t it t icý cainlay is lhoroagluly pa-eparcai le rset atmafully, an iguadiug faorcccrotuixigthe 'inca aI any point, or, simxutaaeouuly alesa mPany points as May bo-aeected, mai', prel, vent any aît.expt at inasi ; b -t if-mtt tien wo nul an1teitaimi fâà resuht. WehaveaAtlta- Jili 4 ~A, #~5*' -. TARIO 1NTELIiW»ECER m 1 M ~ #. load2 e hi"Pl. gow41%M iiiiriry-4rqbq*si. toeb -Itllb ioIupd'fct ïià, aLmy -tiiaeoe.l It wil b.S2 per buslêý vinciai Exhbibition for Uppaor Canada vi i-beiied a Tohiuon m.e(ag-on h4 241h SeptembeXâtriésOa Ilorse! a r o tic Slep vae maPoultry muetbp iado n eixe s atrull.hGa made by S"Ir.day8et.Sé . raeLit sud Biank Plorýme for making lthe entri eau Le ob_étaineui efthle Secrts4i of suli e Aricultur'ai oitesdM cihaules' Insttutes liroxglioxit thep, ro U. SP.exs Is.-TiaDemG,afs to baveas great conavention aI Phulaeelpbt.< e" fore long, sud auxoug tlie invitcd freuxthé, ISouth is tic Cýonfederate ex-Vice Presideuht Ae.1.Stopiïcus. I;Uhis letter auo une., ing his ititeutiQ oleaIt&id the couve tida 11e siiys:-" Ixidividually-uay irolo eull euliated ini ho enuSe oda sme edy, fail aad perfect resteration 1£ the goverument un- dei lie constitution us it Dow st'ands,' nie alsc eays lie ddin-1860, a1 Lin, iiéi power te avod a couaicî cf*armeé, iaeÀ"'t tbe, wile many ef those novwm80clmoiexia fr'viaî thhy cmi lie Union cïause, vere giving encouragemuent, ut leaset thie ex* Ireme meu at tho '-zutb, by ýciearIy sud decidediy expressiug a- perfect rillippecs on lhi un athlattbc Uniex.iMaigitt lide,1 if tie people of h'ie %absoulli se itlle I nec conchudes hy aaying: "'it ýj ti Uni s!îall Le rcstored uudcr lie Constituin iis my flxed puipose te retire freuxta conuection with public affaire.» Tnz CnLia-hediecaseiga. dually apreadipg over the citice'ofNe* York snd Brooklin, and bas mýa<itis ap pearance J a <lier eeapert tomusi the Usitcd States. No ciscsbave as 3'etbeelt reportcd ina oui Caxiadian Citie, tlxouÉk we eau hardly expeet. tic7 viii entirely-ee cape. Tou muchi importànce taîoq.be attachcd t te »Qusi tary Prccautions ireon- mcndcd by cxiiBoirdi, of nIIolth au d viere tase precautiox. have ii axiy ai uer boasn egloeld too lime sheldbe.lm t .ji attcnding te tieni. Ilis axi sngular fact that in- Nev York lie 'Chôleia, us o&npied tic. sanie -round iii' 18e > sud ~66.Itisasigiioet'&< ais, for ifttoae" usîliat-in tese 41thy leali lie disem,thairs i rt Iliexi preads a %h 2lorou, iaset iweck,ieas àie iomhewId"'e lihe names-o itose'vlcr more #iotorieus anI 1 f ovoit L-n;cxi l h reodcu.,i p1,-tRace 100 yards, mca-W. Smih -Its ellnon tatFtederuek ,0Ca.m-do. bo.y-M. Snhliviun. ,Esq., a gexilteauai-.rioe pirit oe tuRnaing' C, )[i'nmp, n ËuC iy, entipalea, tdj~aspfvid aud hound- do boys-Floe beýteprà a -aro isnd pret, Bbays,,-?ulseme. Bie;-e 'eou- the pres'ideel of the - Conmo an sd- Fiat -Rce, 300 yardsmon-W. Sinili, -thc indoîxitnbtc champiqg ifti.-unaietai- do. beys--C. Joins10 -îlu e bis done cveyliig liaI noa-titt Rnng Lam.g ,Jump, imn-J. Barue, tua coulai deO te advace - that Wh* h % o.U es-ohasu bas ga dealyatibearl.- lHe W bas blaha. Hop, Stop'=&iJuimpy nepu-'J Burnes, Scharter treanW-Parlianct'eolbLtiiu iný-te de bQa-;Wlac C0owp:m uny isproe eaitcpracticability of ' HeavY MdaiîiuOdeRs-Lail, ie can" by Lerôiu, suad* olieriseîx, saidby Rua-ale Race, moa-C. Ray; de beys- day said by aigbtwvenins iaccssantly, for .~d5r ne îsý -a Board et' Sacir Ràce, mneû-'-C. Siaielai;-do Laye- Diètn ntee,ov 0 ta lapleasura .Bak e .n Muarrlxug-hieefforts.& 1 l j act a Whectbarrow PR-ce, lihinaioldnl, J Columbus amang ola i fogiensaidisetiargeaid-, ' obieY orhte Âa-eiery', geutc ea-î Ilarper;' deo mi tva great preheutions.' Ticy' vie Young ladia-a-L. Ma Brin do marriod have ncà tic brairat conceive nor the cxin ae.Z3ls usr ergyt le eýe, look mpen M~ r. O'uQùoitin,-W., Pascr. demandea f is ý_a It idosireai b' hltnustltinai bis fa-iý s laI' enamsm $«60 W< 'vrti teB on a(if thedCoint-- puny aboutaiLe phaccai te is credit as a ue Gna-clzaetteofethle l4th -tuaI., r evaut for earryiag --thé, esxterpu-*e lm ais htuaisliefolcmimg mbiiehiero la cvery rea' piesnl position. This mayappear atarge seute,.Lelicve la correct- suni,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~W ha le t.uli e wpryuda. W ave il 'fro'uu rchiiblhe autioa-iîy ; 1 It a n Fridday met, S i eî'yand a a aM b r, W. exiaf4crleq4emewi.- - et hberperueua mceeboldurxg' a convers-. *4<1-lieuatt O4n4ý ov -8itb et spitter I «eoui readers tiup, by queîiug Ventaont, mas pýçent-whè-mi'àycéx ' ývactai, tdeular meal i imi tue àS bu ixarireai lia'if âie e cpu d iW brolit Tfie DMnicipal 1h11 I'assed. U pe Gû 4 , O le ,- It xemiti etreme sq¶i«aqtioii vo have ~ V.( 1LEO le aluxieIat r hk~ooAmmbly Mr, MioKehlar'e Municipal'Axcndmout BW Mffýdil uai ru ading, asud miiinom w E fA ~ s ri ,. becbMnýlav. Oneê cf te mtvada e AT OfCLOCe4, A.,»" tetrsfhbil lite clauàe wiici, pro- aU A" 1-e t - - IJHsCY x sdkè adtio-rsideng tide theia aors ecitien shal Leai - ance y tbe preae1nt, on- tpine& freux ameng letheeaet tic ýnt« ýupàilic te saofl- 'PO me-bë% o th eo an7th," ho a te lbMidudanmer" cucanent ele cteai by the people; th'Paentea iibr es1mi eea 0si 12 o'lock. clausevas carried by 40 te 18. Tins a Âddiîional IaIeiiiiesn now e5ofl tu dtoe - pu vca-y fruiti ni cause et' diaturbance- every pila wbo oîo eu.ý 1b lý»t91tamug tJoie the E egi or Modern Depauntazl. la' year7U miii -o', voa-ce)happy te -mevo, Le which tlaey arc thoroaghlY&repaned foMea- mbolied. This will et eneficiaily ltwlo rst. ni o teCvl e liAry Sr. maw -ra sourse ef misciief viii Le The al t lal derisgth thellast ive peau "o14 remwod; 'sund 'sec ne eMajor- mut' olejboyo," av sarsioff gire (3- eut of Z=3yfua(4Scbolarsblpoffered aai lb. Mata-ara- be noiinýalei' by lie Council,-,iil -iii irin. Iaiua nalaansothe lJnivesiy of Torontat, duce4urLestcitzenste.eut~îbe(joueilandi a lar~e proportion of "ueg oflereti a4 Trinity ai a asufficient guaa t a Sehoicre' mii-a* Ui adable ambition et - becomixw abSplaMtuald.ecll.aef ,ti 70 Very materfal absagas -have been nI n'h M ayozso ,"day. The bilaise prevtdesintra ragaot hh batagsaêtde fer Ii.aboltio et Youciilrs.crotea e m foiat anti to soeurs iba*geaarat Veil- for ht Wtion'of Cnnellorg.beiuag or the resitient puali.. - EXvery bo.der cvuisredtmit. àg,-uit htm a M' li 0Ixcoioig frein the St johucriyat f-dcodo'juahéucleq .. N. B, GQbeet ic 'iIi. Te.rmoi~o*seter whoin ho han beà pas fiodsIeduea*d Thç-rm'or e-,,Taition f.ae,.perte.z ; tuitiena nidboard, in- feared 1ie l-eeûi cirulat'd.- - clding waahin seat ian ech cld'orbiax>'med- L, It siareai itbüt theOanadian-GQv- , iTh comsîeue.aent of toa usaI session,, ou Sep- eitacreceivold an offeér, freux l-c tomber &Ïb. la thebw U ie. to enter Collège. fîthers cf lie St. Sulpican order in bMon- For Paon >peoetasap*'o lo the 'Priancipal, 1V. 0.,. rf l#MD tie $4 on, tievaine ofthreCll5,Totto ..- bu Ottaý a .-.îe ,,Governient .,, Toronto, Aeat.11, 1866. 41-3la re p aui b lberl a-iaui ng ad without any intoreat' direct or lairct, irathe, question et tic Ia4bes.days of (Jenfednion ptan%, Boude, 1 have the most inupiit failli sud 4*t.ýM<>ew Raiiread ohemet,, Feniaiendeed may sa 1 kxieolItht bCanal pio-. ~tip md ~~t~sxtisTeIgrpb mbia j stil. tpreseut înâipiency -viii caver Le hi pl. te lode allt of local projeela a.od.40 te osti fo uaefxi 1eVs hé on ie aoa in:a dollai for 40ête enerpriees, ef vliioh. the. iuron lire purpe, _ &Blt ft remnitrer aru ui dOnl.ario Slip Canai4 'itbeut anyifa. ment nor aertion te eptabuilis h seiL 1 set f debî eldeLii.fermoatpostion, évideut fact tflirthde litkGtof et- self.pe PM vtcumit rupîbsulétsu 'et The progreoe of Ibis grand projoat a Pie' trenu uxe rt te proohet an pro sent;appean *teobeslov aid uxcetai.W.eot te sucumorlu lie onlv Deu fmkn ateboorry for tii.-Foriàagood MrY years- the Bondi of aa".vaue iliatever." pur einai bas Leen aomevhaît familiar miti It appoara listaàI ee ime lic Hou.. Mr.1 lie ideas-of, ils-promotere, sud they' avak- MOMasýt vas-the oulyloneofet'a Boarai if a dhn us.at O "s lime neo ile s -hare uine Ihat oppooeie .vt;f the Bonde to et' enliuaiasm. iVe mci remember the! Mr. Capîcol. Since t eu"Iaom-evcrreeÇýgn. Toroutoiný 1856, mien delegahes_.ere Pre. lias ecured aufficient adiierenta te reusder1 ~p.t feinOhiansd thetirWest, Os "tie, Board,iù civ, c.o c i aI a a.quc. ý iiego aud the Eat. We do not forget ramt cananotLe obtaineai le, trasaîbui tic elirew iva lenutionact the. Littlejehxa'a newaa i in _tuuar î adxdb rmad Bross'nsd Th-0mpsoiVs, and lie -It tins appeirs ýtht tu le lieu, gentleman 9iib.r~set they lielài cnut te tbis sec, viose naine tre erëesory te quote in flua fe Western Canada, whxih ehmre to be keounextion, is an> eneruy ratier than a ý#a1isd by lhe outtiug oethlieCana.-jfriend ofethéiiCanal- sâhesne.' Whcu t i Were il oniy tensable, meoeil culy certain remicub -red liI 8o uPiceideut et lic Iliaui~~~ th pocc _sprîtc - 'iI uGreat Western Railroad Comiarlo- viabl. osition mould i iii estern peu. stmuelivenesa on lie Canal Bard may be nia Le th.e- in U 'Tie map wqp.-proidly.j understood. The Railroad influ ence of, glance at a, hopes more- higli andi anticipa. cource is strengly againal t i. >Capreol andi t!oasý ardent. Toronto; our Western bis short eut Canai. Tiec iadingnevapra. CnApilà)iî ma8 te ait luke su irrperial qcepers ye inu a hi ecla nlecs tbâ higler. fectin tic maters ofiLake On-.1,t-end Iiim nenid, snd the geveruruentwmicwl -t.rià,'îeceiving tribute froznilhe unbeunai- acema te,favor the Ottawa route, glvc iiun cd Weti1 ne encouragement. TVins tic gaineet' lIcir Bsdiy, lioxievor, is tiae vision vih1 selfisinesa presents tic execution of a qxcitcd, those lowiuDg idcas imnpurea.- f ork wbici mould ahorten lthe mater cmu. Meoretiau a decade et' yeâ ru have. rcicd nunications witi Chlicage some four bue- bsnethe convention ebovo refenred ti rdndlit-cighî miles, and nxnke jur am sm blea. W a î and r volution have- 0130 ae xe~d s t irnty sud~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~lk thsdanngleniior u oe et ti riba point et' the commerce and assd aongthe oigbonwbowereof he ur astand the t'aiWest, sud oie. most interresîcai in this ivork. The A'.- 5te f'or oui people a prosperity lutherte latie lcleqraph bas been xuootcd as tie unknown. dreaux of 'a visionary, ceufederation n'as net liought o' sud tie verd Fenian wmas -' Publie Holiday. ' unkuomu, excepting tte i ru utiquary. Theii . eo teWht %ecxan-. Ail tiese however, have since largcly en- cCoamtcofteWib giceseai our attention; but net a foot eft c Institute took advantage eof oui annuai fesîlli of lie propo-sed Canal,-wiici vas Holiday for holding a g riad serios ef te enici oui country anai mike ià th prse hteAriuîra Jonxs h highray of tbe conunerce cof net only the day vas eceeedingly fine, thc attcndaoce West, but alseef the cnet, et' India snd large, sud txvQrything mas " conductedi in Çiinu-ha>Leen dugl Has ils impa-the beat eider. The iarizes more kindly ticability7oi futiily been proveai Ilion? eentribnted. Theitinuing ef William anai I 4e r lie-fo re dom racfth& At wbitby, ou 1 4thi At., AxICIC Ç&-MAMNZu.u yngeat &wgh>ter o Sali irbat ............... $1.60a1 £prngih.a...........-1.30 1.40 UaIy..............6 05 S0.30 0.35. f.............. 050S&te Fit 1b... ..........0 8.00 .piewâmý .....025 0.30 Oati ..................0 ù 07 ea. .......... ..-Oê00 Chikdu, pr air ...0100 l Beefrr ilOlb...1: 32,. 0 1 WËc,4» DIVISION COUJRTS CoII0 ty of Ontario NL'o, i-Whli .......*t-S ept]. 186. .~Oct. 9, Z. BURNIIÂM. IINIOENDIARISM! r$400 Reward! i nfiz= 4.:ýii t e tha nprerlanoroftlb pardo psl u he n aiglat. of Wedaesday, b.itaeJoylait, set Sa-a to mu a8w 2lii. ea- te i1"aldectruaatlunoe ethescamau, toetler a uniyor lutar asnla. OHN BARRY.- ErokluDru eStoe. - Wed $100 unix, 'Publie, allera Cia-cua al tic land am Tva> Ma-. Rl the uni umme ENI A GC iortcw or Vias ùu îa dIL rpeal Î lg raf wcjutt Wila-, ah vit qiimb -t the ýeducea tt - ie uni ad cf tiue A. ASE Iti, sho ww 00 suoli rtde qa s -i 1 wi ft- take in 'cxe6unge tic St. Suipicân Lui'diugs in Uoutreal, at a Latated ameunt. It May bc tbis'report is net truc, but îlaeae la vea-y littlddoubî liat, unlesathesc Province", are 'unèïxe4 te lieUniteai States mithiul ten yca.i, Monta-cal wiii become thec Cap- itol et' Canada. 'lix. disstisaction cx- istimg villa respect te the Ottawvu buildings wiii pave tic way for an agitation in l'aven eof 3lontreal." a tîre irben wc mca-o every day hop- ring fort'lio complote te-establishment of peace ia Europe, intelligence a-aches us ut rallier atha-oatcniag cha-nter. Napoeon, ,vho mas suipp:-sd to have -abandoneai tic intruient forexihadaived in lis add-posa te ýlie Chipa Legialatit'of et'sckiug territorial agrandisemnent for Franco, lais domandeai "crectfication of tue French fa-enlier, " or, ina otligtr ords, lie cession to Franceo f tht, Germea tera-itonies Westoet the thine. Theo emna smits. an d naval activity d'nsplaycd by tie enap)ire, is inte'pa-cted as au indication et var, in cane luis- demanda are net 'eompiied vit'i. 'l'bat 1ruaaia mii accodeo' t is dcmand Ï&seîarccly pabably under éxisting eircumsatancen. ie hba juI merd from hler Aushrian quarrel, evered ith ili îiiaay glory, andi lattera ith the sibstaniial spoéilîs ot -vr, ila i tc tuisres cf 1theter-itovy wmiel Napoîcon! no m du% asfan as me cia sec, for ne- other raison i hliabtlie coyote id& .oaaed. tetan d pem-er. -It isipossibotRial n o m e u ad e x s t a a u d u a g - l e I bi s f e 'm y h a v existeai belmeen- Napeeon said U7iimai-ek beerlit te mai comucecd ht realx'in tiiut case it seoeffl. iuttf iaîf Prussia miBi Le* coaterilcoalate bie cspoils nom ,LIat se las soe eait im ilioxitaïy assstnce, freçJaiaee. -I uelo-is uh oni mit-teda useif te i cy et aggression; li4 pr*spée.58 ef' tica .arl iy citicatina of lie conxtiuhe4>t ame by nô meas brilliant. No, niar'tLie rcnuri the 'e. 'n0e reversL e tcfact& kUt tram lie very fiast tii îndable eu- terprise bas Ikad oppounts. Ties e reo - oubu1ie Wh"o:disbcioved in it, cynies mie asaccredai i, for sre special a-oisons et tieirown. Nor are ahi eoftionudeai yet. 'Alhougi ,it eSunot Lesai 130 progrs tuas Leoxi made, ah prescut it 'la retardeai. This is a diagrace tlewou-peopIe suai a abame te 'heur enterprise, "more cpeiaIly vicu iL ià kaiomwin b-tthe liei ocf, acvanctuaent ar ltrgged bLy severii pesen ,bOi 'béu'm'I~te asi~gumuïiaiet lienu- ILawrece, Smith n'as mach appiaudod the jram piugoetC. Ray said J. Barnes v'uiai bo hardI o b e ten ton . esaekanivo Larron' races createai muc m a rsmenl; lie amreiy wua quitesa novelty. Inl ethen"cin- a grand vocal sud iii- sti'uiental.-Conoert tvaa given ina tie Me- cliarics Hall, vhich far surpaseai anything of tic kind thuaI vo have hai for seme lime.. Mous.1 Pernet aud Miss Hudson vote rspohiouely encerpievely appeauctne.ý Thé Heppy ;Days of0Iu'ItIuod~s Rmis, by Mmi. Welfeundeuuand Misa Parquinreon 4an witli»biJlayrpdeWd. The -Freemaýn eéll mive a feu' Lauli,tai veilumsr Ou thiewhole tut tbm bas net had suci a ./iL