î.Thee dmyjtt i tiStoper'ce n mAtIo D rentot4hyitot ioftheDoiion boom " il iQeO4-p,OÀ Mé, tshthé tetonterihiew y i 0 lel ,b',îi ith e its tWen-0 itSst.iimotanit tipisitôhutatb-l Turiodbt Aetiait millPartOt"d té ttt L'it. etos ine ce l, lu oio ees La th* nogbiiootf Thotie tlat',ic a tif i.et ne ~'ie feldanh, etAi béiictéeD tiiloyoud acitigonte peito ,t in lte havetO Aiýute làis 'n sS ote dE,» a, t iul tort th e itlinioi ti» ,h Xa4 L itthenutom- .AYZ oý-i t iDu or tirehpou thî reduttiSt ettalsied inttLÉOtt'ablaitit tf ttiiite tie i ti e 9ti f au*cote 4 oe e i si itilu l in Is ol. . t chn 'lr tuitf . . 0ou .t h 0 iti; 100i4ttLi y s . ;ttse St eticotpe, v uo t rtuitgit Dtsbrom lfil 0 er message,17ortn Cet hutti, .ioastcetl i, ,ïM ile.uo,',4, Owoig bre t ith e re'dt i ti tit ut it hu ntltiz of optels F- te.- "lIko"niu.t O.tdieStttt [se, t an ......kltbpetiS h' iîi 3&lpiiO t ut S, ý ........ a.t... ............. tank 1 c in.. . . use, 1 w itoebiO1.IW tents to îuiswflétri ,Dttt-àtir l- i e t t i tlo tfetrp eite hof buildig oi wr ithe ti ti Imi r Ireteg p te btinea i gowigt urte Il Jt f ib er 1 I t i. 't thte irTti terpoiet hetti eMal, t iftbt h br hl, pjll itOgtSS&M tttit it h, MCtttytottoil. erilui~ irou idthieUnitit iite L4 fo the f llit.Oi 1,eiToso. tttlS'.. 1.0.86 , w»e,', mürgoettid or iteiAvt Ss P.th.s fairedit osteets= I, e ntds itdfrtetE-10î 'persansttht ', .sA« bttSill. - euiodf . Itp',î.',the, OEIMNIES,. H.at PCRO S.u M"EI~I:u' SlUilii Ot ý 41er 67 of the ouïoli ,fols of. RJAJ'±L 0 i A PE D q H 0e» (J làti- FiI ,at<~~ .., ieo" nof (ClinitBRADES, Msî.wÈk ý lp4 De?"'-12, 18T67.. r1-& 12 MT. BR BS OA iL IOOKS, --Pr or~t~I ---i____ ! I A S O KAt îLe Lowestt pricet, 111 cbtyesflots. h.2 1t,,t uitt'eîh ',ptI 'i~~S ~5lL iL D 18-' txedn 0prý4,M.ti . , te. bOS IaTAW. ,rOgT. nIi~~ti» îîlt' ', 1tes. A IN S - '--'- proIpuletot ' »4.i~Iti~j~Y~rWItuil ',. e.I. tut *i~'tiaeut~r Sitoit',E ,'- Ia--.lsi TOCH R OS i ë>S -W . # fir 9fet~s ~ i1C~~Oe S~ ' MAN , ,Lt thete iiiîtî yiih_000_ 1 , ii s ,,S. i i ,~~ 85.,TOI'IESTET OJOCO.RA411) ,O RTE- i Y7,i Direc'oireia niu ag iiii u p titu flbtth e i nbctecteme be 1AW 2i,(ON T . 20 0 s e e i' o ti r a.',, it Pi»îirs z i 1 1 plt 4 i o n S A L E S O F A L L ',i eS CRt P t iîe, ut% 7iti»Mtt5 X 3 'T ". .5 EtI eoitte Ilte eie scef dBls u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ emte u Liilae ttt tith o!etIIEduî otS IVE fti e to picaonvi ltIiso.tu 'ihth ite.,.pcu iiie itt e ttoý i tt. tlcd, c uilhflitieo tttt t eosi.htnceensee htr o tr ituitna t: 'u « r n t thé iti b lt t ie iyt he l POys T TsituSete, Sity Si, lii.he 0 Si4yr. , unI t i aunatsui lîtiyi thidit-ui - - ,, utÉ isii W S ci T eV t t IN .S o ils»tiin 06fn s t*uti'4lg~i choperi 'iit dgo al. to tytiay ttstdet. 2q E Gfinitiontottut8t«Ondie t it 50ini ethoe to t ii»ulin ioiottt thimteui îs iig hé uIS c sîTRUNk . . .H U au the ifhe-tstii.u tt i nt Ai t 07 tite-At ta 1ukeîjo.emte t s . UNiON'uTATION, ut ruai et Dip iead aifeTlt b'h ûop$l lu i eb-inIp1 ti1 ri 'r- I , hc r c ie ', 5Je7-7D OI ftfîi8ý ad t . (h nd PortestY hcttcotdeeti oisiun 1odtn, A kti ic inve -h CuopIiîptant of'1.. tqutS»it..3 ' s t e poosiite a ;'l>ae ., î.ruper;îs {»cSlptielt i . . b. IiaPttention. 155. ottidtctnrho tiý)iorc i k ela cori ih th o itni',FtSer. l t 0 ofi>tettidzýdti,eeeo»dtdla the iohé gut i lueiett,,enlît e TorontoteisrlEu 1fhVSeeeuiei AN H E TE , CW t oecn etii v i .l uSi th, LI t ,~,Lig eiiirpoosi 7l , pa l îib1 ,06.- - su tii _____'.TIilo','Il get u il Çdfota, ý gl Ac ett, i tuttý i n ad mi', the é,ast. titiS I e11t T»IieN deU A'ttReis TEbE. ntPL a2SK - tintaiPtîprîît the Totettce4Sit M hepoersut iutiputla ot ad o i _______à__________ o r Gd hi ie s l Q f tu es e o ic :ttitu ep i n u er t e b e s f ,L a e i m on s ea r U I O S A T O Ndii fCrDi D tcif C O - -ll publi j;tait.ct ,tii"bultFiit , lon lY itdrOet a J. WXL Oi, al.RE T T 1 O(1 ih .e',eitLie ctn1gst iiii»tstthstth cuh t ty .pt ' etit lte o t u o W istroPI.iiéhb aI'toi fo . t1h NrnTiIfui E lct i.ni lue Si i 0 thoe et leueqe 4 Mme if isite etthth &m ine oD IUiet A N C ESTE , C W ,.UIIm fo ciec »ieieroi i,.ln teciq o h ae *rliilçadfotii andOeub titstte, Spatah irt, ibt 1 iY ET U TANSL5Nbe di!c n Y ',su nt ftor Ceo co6it a t1 h ise ft gI- pr vso s aTr tu o nUd fl i s r ilé o 1 e rf r 5 C D o8 it»t Y c ilr îî I l. â g , r p i t IlCORNNELLlSg ù,tnllitliafétstuoi r ii.w hoS it', er to Mai. ilaiEocQUsti1tMcui O TE 1t,168LeS -tephoulotaMfllbý h a estl cst. d ito Ytt A tocot Ce.i.a1j u te of ttc thi1tie1 t it o th êr o)t f tthe/ c3.o p.hofetui eis tf titittoeOi', Ite L i u r un gas K, ait ttta t, t e t',u plti tte tti h .WI ON F O T TEE T, LitTO tiiaveutmifet tiit idonC. O-O TO ON AL O npovdftiletat - .N 'îttl asoLtut 1 1 T E' tgiT W cN È ,ity oi iii4 a aeti e, Dnts, »i et th.eciYit utime1 i . bit y and ct ti0eil e1entii.heeto til t Uift t $t.uu.Sfi AL'CSPS. te lte d l& I Ciy tit F,,,-Opjci or e5755' y.tt thtiettl i4titu iflit. w ,,îe is totte i Otei.tîe diteeealitB IIe Ô tIoIlif efo ul ssfrstsî.nctsl Fvs cts g d ti sfAftuariellti iM h lsts4eee tit . Pît, h. hou li hiit;uoa riDet, th. tittOdi tift aLuedet -.I thithvcd tIl E tL ,.i.Ilsuet tgts . tee',iss tsi ils, îsubail tutti t fiittett t. and- 3iSiu.Ysth,,5surpriseit.sf,-Tlcî,t eiS0b OIUM1IUA1 itie.ta tlt>e i.t ..eN oe...t i.e IoV1L 1 IDinde- foreutSspttit0dicSflisooris. sy liti5,ît e u t T tiLf t E E t T t htu is e'l f o A o p ý , I « R ryY yo PUte Red h î i tb h st cn P Yte i P Hivtrlo r ',e ',ll o t].ci nisb cl'i d theeefi Lb> utahde cît ite it ar r sJ oy ad th uiSdi sst'tfu iir peits ten 5 t o i. ît il etrciovjt f rsstliit. A istioust ositit îl'rte I SS1 N a U , i .cHtitt»0'li dtii »s teeius lsusins n ',l itit h a i o ltte ucwisti ÇÇ,bI -1ait u esito ttsei al.th ncedu utyt tsl li'tStu5 u, i'î tt'i ttc t iseptu vll- Mrt nue t lihetl- elrlg e oe rsofteni Do int, .fsi -eloL.Ssuhtfiitt e tmeatdet tIoesissuss Inuiy a fraeste. IboA -,,.a yc, isy oti. d -Utiso tt r uccide Il<oiB1 totiîol s »i,'helkKan, L ç'f, isu Andetiîtate»tVhiéteht».e f r Vf2,r0,CG of v tcd o er $inO ,O toryOIiIINTJ.o' letC- , tîîti'ifsibwaetstitse'snobecampet l hit te un i t r l Alsden i q tton l ,c»aifd ss. itS tti, C a1 s 4 hoiwD i ist, ii gr andsu thortittsius eute' outi' nei3. . W H T L R Y T E , tit',liiScatieossoîctss 121 .eti .si.-IYth.boncoi 4N ch pu lic n lesLrtiIteir répatte'Rag ay tIauisVubit'iit01tt 10, 4I1 r 1 *pt) 0 Ijua &r t1,tme-3i.1 roi I on theIî IV »I v bceotei ttiofety1Lfakeislîe, isitesci ital etet turîtsuî.ces. titll isf1tht1Iolocee< t tta.aYeeutiliasts .tte.fuasqSitati'fiJel-.c tepubct .IIcO.ISJIAILSI it U ' eets1icd tuocu.OtititikASt » fivui o Vleto r t e oe»d ',voitefiitSStniseS is,-0 ndLetudetdupt dhasie. htiticeettSuefuttciutSehsth lS iiitsntthbe=t.yt.tstÇS huhE1pheueItaiIolig sosod Lio't11t0ite t tgchtUeuet», eî1,t tttSdh ',Suis sou iAGIiDAII.G ZIZaBL!C> .tcstii htîettoueiut',ayittSttieo tif siof soleilitetswSLsiti Su tI.etepustiy, tintMtebe-c-thuo-tGOpec1eeît fait ESpartOI ERAl I ssiti steiteu, tedtsiirento 14otlsio tiiheu. Flic iGrantl'aboisiesutttgnigecii bntiipleiui ,0 duil, titi St e! SeetStSleiLI.t. Ssii.~Ul RINtseGtt !îstceilo W e&e~W YRUOQA'RD rsri' il.:eru sstyifie i' letît',o tA ib tostiîî îiîo.ttttit eyI Isetftftont îATibi.tCiisSiuiLie,'i.c.tSetra tfd.ist ioIusttit ntoet Setiseftis Ig .t3 , lo l n . I arid çilEI. v t1LisN . .r IN tTU id . sseatss d iS 0Su ubsSutcAti < SS',O.ottc Srt ocnetti.tAndititiacettengetc, -1sere lt eisios e tsi-t', ,, s . . . . lis.is tif tn oht si tet h e piflo ut he SeF . net 2h etn A V T LX IhI-utIfront ehe tictety-O...i âeId ,5 o -L J- PILE y- ±et', ef if ratI1OfileA IcuitIand 9ASutl-FPRJO}3, ,î l1ill.y id te $ 1 fi yiSSeeipurV'ton',tsS hS', iebsu,,othee,5-rcdlru1 tr»flttet...<.1. . CAItisuietU1I> tte',htthdd tt ittitsittfstini sloop.;e.il taevi liiiset10sit ecsitise1eiTseittiCËise 19fdtiid1b11,1, LONDONQ onstlichstboa baseiieffecituai'inîraiese.flt'il, 1 siSe____________________________P_0,_______________toit__________Moi fria leti.t.,itîth jf-111s,0.,h e,îittî~~f or jTo r b si is i iotit tesreo a I O ,ittearl e F. ni ij.T B I L O L 1 frfp a s gla'nd..a L u ABee s n o 1h L -0 , i' u ttt. 1h, 20 65 iibS I'ýmlssilt~ t tIeey c4u.tee*p.tP. malt28, 1869. W HI5ILN -~îcIT3Yî', ,i,!ei. St'ti.TitIL oSty i 71 oete ra Mohine IIo 40 TI ir , U N., -S1s1 I l 10-cii iSttda afi oiip o eth ý t',, itec ofi ooitîU e tset, dei,ft lut, Ij poe tu fl -l ohrm n utd n c j on -les (Int t thttcho tapira longliibiti t. ..e.. .f ..i ... s ,.S s iu r i 90teMEp1iR E T t;n o08ortiinoiothlW Uofout -üý1g bal, uf publie pin.rotaS.svani le t, of ic e t e 'ud, at I IeSi VUil, 4-1bee es e'co pool, tferthe Ittveti k. sen i"Pt j.m e uIt bq t ir e intri d ýk ,'etf b e figUIStttii t F40,767 bal ., geS ,elAept hinTpitg4sq iôt..',, e th. F-. t h- rotS, it tisA so îîies .i'.S1',ts',et e.Scl StShelle it iioi .t it. S f, itt i , ÉG tu 1 gnd.. cil', ut [t the liS sigbrE it lls s stt,.d ît jIesi iit lý tt dd e, flîsi m it setî te ltt b i ttwm Cîsci ssde,tistsbutcg 5,î Pi bbystlsor. e. ..e eweý ltd a155.titt' at, e tcies', e siis-the .1i itt TAii ... ... .... tî92 ............ "tsi.i' Je te f'.t. ti'W t lun F-F "utEp VEu;, a s .at u p tit f J o ttS ttCen@-. tIt, ust7.t' ut 'ti b,ît.tttîiofwDy,- tile, if',,i mp ines'-i.,ih, Soc p lt ootlouiiee. fyi Ï . ei. 4x t . i'tS , ,tithet 'ttie s it 'iLLSe .ceio. Y',i le u'lluei Si. hv 1, uý PISI,'"dpiiieeeîumdc 4Ke ht1'4 e t trtushrh ,i~ ~ i wae' i Rdi1¶ J fr etrer i 5 t ïc i endh hi! i tt f', le tic f 'J't W isf, J e' b 1 h. . .11,ý ueobtoqâi ifb Qc -ttu- Fo 8J igtsKf t idittys. L p tt tinof Urine. &c.. t % A6 For Femial1 iseas,! ,AWz , ,-'Vroue ,ProshielioltIfttS .m gte l it.Gtsed Le. ,/ ý'trgagpies ruis« iv i ll it il e - V. e .j' i... i i , ei ly partoflt ,inStthe Itou Township of Whitby. The F.tein mIthtl e fiitlY il',ti, ti1sg Uf¶Ot âg» se uth i i tbei.tSL SiS 3 il , Stiii (t its C-',tc.iciti for tSs EREO T101 of STORIE 110135 t. , s Ausd eiihllisc feesui',tmluoI th l ttt5e 1w WHITOY & P. P. RAJLWA .. AND5 TIII PULIC GtJ ]E'VEALLY. i.. t Il tSet i t g ',bce ilt,ithtisuepety Mt i e t îs e t l. tttiii i t bho', 1 I-I. COLLI N ,ë.r555ii slottitieîîc'ey mte»by Aciibu 1.,. H. COLLINS Th- pm L.rty . t ksettdtdmlitoly n Tiortoe; ot t h e ', te ittesitofjt* lsily s» e. TUSE CEL url;r sitlssit nitrJarticitaire iSytt 1 teht E cetce'. \IIM lItIIidStI l.TLA W'VIil ERINAPIY SUGENiAmtFS MCliýii i,' ittese ettiistatt» r wtif ' 0 t~~ etW, tU. BItI AXtIF; ¶5[lu ,oorfiftti., eb-tdeeitiedà. it oneS Ste whîiy et. 2; lint$. 4.if -k. li- êItisuitoStit inW ltbY, oh',', It L ..'s roré,itSpS ie5'ý,tt-s e TORONTO .eiet uet,,i s 1edtc îie stde ili jewellry .iauufactory. 1MLRl1 ON Goidi & Silver Smith,, MASONIO 'ST OTICE I IEGALIA, NAIRKS)JZWEL -lu Sieu, -i. e ii. ssl sDlii.etGdLD & SILTER. DRAIDS, LACEO Vsust ttuetsStth T ttt ii s j GIXP,TASSELS & 81418. - ,MieSSrnN 12 riNg-T,. WE;T . GN I Whnirîale and ÉIttaI arfatettrsand1 titiptrs cf nI sîsep t S le m LnTeaVuutL(y etti th ',', i'p lfitso l"- iii',ueit.F uifii A tiiuii ti loiiuui,, r,»4 htils'- tstthIgc sOsi.teD t tsInftt', Bti I leu, vi i f t, t1 Iliglist Pio Psid foer RieFupc. W holesale Dry Gooads 3Mrcliants, and *1 E9 t.-Paul treet, Moittta]s 62 yi.nge SUtict.Toronto. Il S-.iu du itet tn,,,ititoté,ittft7 ecteettaîsylcebseî b~~~ se\i epet tiiis eioIsttslsu>iiot~ -M:i.tiek ',Est.,o1 cu I ec sith iit.e >tisStSsc»ue ee b~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ý Stsit.tt 5iittttIs.,7celf'. STAPL--f .St h.d Voee itscO .S' Tteti5' Si lite' W Ae, I A] ist'» iet It.ti f S LI IER ueiLessleie fuus Spts