m 'fe4dn i.. h etOts y Mr. J. Ilperry, taoftir efor fur"a e ONTHE GnUOTJD09< 1'0 j PRIDAY, 21st oOroB!in, 17 A0 t olo. P.sM., Sharp. Pt ARO 1. 4 LDrS. Iceé la bte ,"'io ZehodlSO hmh. "a North rtb1,ldence fjm I "eti50O.inith. %Ut1i hy M."yStreent .15di the w.At by pale Steet. B &h Tint siielo ier 'ot) d10h a %feoesoIThpetthBt laome ot No it 233 un R.gtqere.mlan ioqanefsirini At.' cr10 -theg privlog n e .'prrhAvr talth otchr ,thren'At te .stne prie- . o'.~" * *PAlltbOL" 2. 9 LOT4 nced, Crrer. 1,49, ÈrOu o M*esplarot, Andiex .1otatove nepttlt n' ery 4 boostpd on th. BEât 'ho'P-1len .22 A à nche. vetOby 121<1. Street. eTéEstt IM,tNô. 322.vii i e 010zt~ientwith prlvl.eof *tahu.g 'v.s Ijit maprie..'n *1. PdROFL,-4 LOTSàvoi11tj'Yo0fo ,».n OahheilldOo , and& ili .m39cipt * 1.Oret, and N. 333, cerner of Palme nd1Wsnt e&Aouî 4-.1 LOTAi, esed 1 iat, 1qirh- 4st nÇlt alnherhAn4dl ly wvse -S3,a 138, 'eset pot. Aehp dan1dso, Aiorset on pA. t. ,' Ilredeneof Wmi. Mçnuioliieig Roe48, ta * 228.hth [nluielsr, louned-aith- H Ecet lY Poisse Bteeet. ô.1 te.Nort1.h yBondh' III. on 1hie .te by Iligi BlÉset. Lt ot .3. aâji tg 7*%f. Me- îsto*YlàpY505t7. vIII fl"tsO.ho offera t r51the illk.fthe pumn-erO ig thaiioh eraoni PARCS i, 1_2 OTS, iorer lt. vacatot oh iof ehlstos of Jtones O.aper, ad Whol'in2 3e, j0ion,., et E.itdad 5e4 1le S(s, and 222, Icoronr oet Kent and Miple Stetit. PARCOUL .-c Lr - int, t and 1 lI. Ivallatt s.th rreeld'eeceof Wmn. Roe. tnd ha- fit otlk, '238, Bst .1oS elid $ttO, And 2t8, vor enIat Stret. ofACEL 9-2 LOTS. f.oedl;érth sf,eidea., ef Non , I.teip.p, d oir e 271 aod 272. saonrr ei and 0hesit tBrnet. h.,. Ive loisoviil es eold tog.Oherr RMWBC8L 9-8 LOTS.,Iceeed bIn h&cli v..o eW là.hideoceof J. A. IO L Grýieo. hq. Inde 211 and 112 ,od 211, w,.t cfRIed St. v.111h. ollored lte htoshk col lot, 2t4, 245 sand24216 Rait o il surent -ile oreako, ,PAiFe16te-è eLO Ot. feteetlnI.m1 bochiSouh iïflesg, i'enetnissi propertir.oido on thtvt .iy If..t Street, Wii'el y 19te!hts tir.ot seldNorth le> Wâtnut B. ueTh1 . nqo.tinabsly th afinest Vacant hildiVg iteated ln Oie2Northo varnl.' The liropeey viii he ft.ed le lec. eAft0IL-2 LOTotS Soilc .17eldmee letf . . t . i5 ' -1roeod W r 0 lldeeot f r. eoe,7 ed hotglos. Ot 18d18 08IL,oCýroftr M Theilhcaosrmiileo r. .s1 .iýeol ri, 17 spi. graina vtth ld-vohh. conrecleot, tondetthin fOie miutes vslk of th.B,151.0.0iCoune ofthe sTevon L'PARQ E 4I -Th id he. l o . e r y 3tsere bitweepie, Bh selndyron Sbctand ' direeoly W<ort h . ofet. i8. Il ehiraeoRq. Vocnteleiogl sixalllieg Lois on 'Sçyon Stro c ot îlhme ui eX ancle ftese. The s oneeet y,.o 91let ar. not oerpaseoqlenhaaocy c or elit i' ,iree rld.elcs le Ton. ttlnle eJymn Suest *ceeh.ovooq tezisered Plan a iI. 1,I . , < an'foed ' i okStrets . 0. 0D. Thîu. o 0oe's%heoith ivto tomelai, a ils viii hnlie "r ssch. sd el h.pumleseer aethe. 8,00,81 b o7snr V lot <>the, lIeeêpttt lndtakicg M. ted L.. PARC a Ui.%-A LSD 2 LiA, ddcelci' WsO41h gubadetstdlt,ý OccueBrick Itreot lo'PëÏy liimiand Vx ce14lun1iuk Stret PARC R4Il-Lo ,Ti te l-Oelslet of p ercy Bliei od a orth cY reidocot lIT' Wt.. L4,en. :emil ogi tC 2 Iiel77 chotdy pet OJOletuicAd dcii trcs8. Tiht purchao.er 4l" ls4ctIàingp,ýilty iuLo.roo] iii ha"scego of agtsliânchter f..taslon ic.-. totueeh., etrtbtObnd Noi ohfi, 8't MM, l'ai. #à, de 4-t pris Étrtii tnd , 1 ot of AlbStreet vwiliiha 80ol.1loto. hiek. Lots 67 Aist et sIeiiy and t2 vs.t of Ash tiaenct 1 helini rntcld ir los 1 iii hae tdd ontir Lotii SIte âh ls reet, agni.diie'tty Ocrh'e sdJlitoMiij'poty, Île .ply .1 h olsl fitefloàr Iltinlt non.oeil. TICR»MBOP SA L. onesfinitof it.ho Potehois ineueci , er y Oroi eotirity i h Ohm. on heedOh. oe iDt lir lutel' etiltli1. vtaIiecetc r te u 0la à&vf at« oavryA. w02. Intemnat Seecat t ix por cet on the oni xtd 7'@"iTLE OPOO'P.-Shooll h Iie aeheb ,*et. tht tale ci&i the plansi t the >&aime b hcue a.tA Plas e ith. î?opsrtles os e hj eannte e us o. sud itery lnfortneoiohbtoineduAt the Villes, îje 54 BttoadsAutlonoer, iiivi F.IIIBAOlKS, gui WÉ!toîy, Ont. b, 1870. 0NYTQ LUEND REDJJCED RATES! __________ 1~A' ONT OPPIOSITE THE. ý1089N HOTIEL, D USA 0S T ET1WI B Y thito hoy hto oun ;adQuoi en l'lie hoSobsçriber beB c tlimate thiat Il' O e: leUndersigneul bec to say ticteir ç1igt.oryer-', 110-nTEAS'- rvl trutde, chtt aeo ia 9reat varieY.Of ail kiti4toferhroice 1riicoli a npeaoeo n i n d u i înpor0s. N E I~ J R S in offeritog tlIis ios otoPleith tbcIerd M IN s.11411Q , s 'o 1ihai tniae ah0 b sllklitVOEAîEPic witlnl roimny eflpi i acipa I î I viai nwn a la umi ndts innsNt DeON Deiiv teeo otil elctheotes l1 lwet osible ats, t t II, gai.. or as ',t hor yexulb in or ellr n esi e'u lSattng Olla i l (ar of pu Is Qre a he s m r t o d 't c . imtuIusf titty 5of th ricialcti z; n doiolgmaahai Greuat , ila! nndaithei o.Pff1i711Ci A'! WI6HSI& i~. t ioost oasilo îto8.liStteC s , reu linitii>.c e 'sta nle v cadipalarge aod warraten..h Oa[aawa. Oct ho; U17b1' 1870. ;'nn n PWROCEU l IS Wiîby Oct uAiNEWi- -STOCSK CALL AND cRIAG S1E K FAC'roR v InIU38 TO DýIREGr ATMMONtIÔ I S 18LOO 0Lt'2?Iu RTk OIP 0F TIIE BEST AKEI!. Cali is respeet(luy BOlictttC ylîithby, Cet. 12th, 1870. 870. OCTOBEII. 1870. pcoerty. Mtte : 'LOVESI POSIB LRBÂTI % m1 X lu osue a ae e osulit ,cavern. prniplsi1S NtîW SEWItG AT 1115 %auce het-pol by y.sriy isci.Iececl, st ins cee lendebeterte. Meitgaie C BEÂP CASI TOR~E 13i er Ad oud ie oe oicd colle a- elarhlpotlîlsr 55v Oc T i inîict atho.rtint of new Eau Goodis ho ho fo0îîol ili the JficaiIIge m.e I0DIN otiîy sf<llaro o&an.triecifully souîcis aWn lIspitctue)t lu iS tuiCit OlceliscgcteMacy sciOO l. hiciî cil bho futsnd to ho îîîarkeâdoditva l'ury tlleap. Drce Gonds ii in n BOce .-seuleck, s.. mai 00 Wilthy. leesvst'ictjo froues1C' I Mnîitîo, Iretiëh i'oillu, lthreObel,,'l'ar- 8oeoeser 2ff, IO. t Piibýtp1iioe. ratitrs. Sîrge4Lis aaaPlaids,, ilristade, sidW'c's nli rausd iiiaîkeîe-tla:o3ilipartmetît ciii hfourbitcomloi und tise A ANUa WAsL A 0Neepptil oatit ~a. Paesc %r Wsî1iceys anI s'usaishîisrroin 21ic; (3ny 1-Ouic,.e .. Oeera ,iihiietA4s8~ Whte o ctnit, esleis.rb gc, ~2prinis, &dtý dltiiJ spdon-jinI vaiiî.- AndGaratco*î«.ùAlèb, Woolor is i'edo e.td U)atiirg-. 'inîtdios a Viety. (Iols' Lies, soaî-fa, tsla Ti UN YDA ce. n coltar hirte. Olitket pails ois, th!8 jsntegs, iîîitto0 cânieor shnnls& audat sPd Aeotou 01000e, leMXIe.s I iîtl *ti s datiri Duparoîneno îu veu'y ctlulttuatad jaf, FréýFidnty&Acidet bame t ilne îdià olilmi etYles and vtry low red. taitSo ire Fîelîl h ccioOlblEU <.tltOîîy'itsîald Bis atfi mi rcet. Pto.uces takeis iuîexcsatigo. E BMT RI.WlitbiOtt0 41, 187.LJO N SKI NNE lace Oi .1eeooset ple'.ritt[frnt" kol0eu4 atts autetth oi. r W iuhè- B AXU IK. OL 180 AOIE8CEAE) G1moeuuhetiça d lelpetovg*te he drcse S L e P LAS8T ERF, les. se. affl S4i. n Atâ- PETXIR TAYLOR. AC.-f1n 1964, FIOC.uP.III>Fr GAdIN! jomHN BLOW, MioEin5 - teri V SWhioyS nai8le. p"io d 1. heC«t*CortOfthe Rciu09 THANKS. Ose.tyf mgoltast. utora j f çRc. ai - uurce c lp o fr AOUX YfsWOR.XSUN2 ,zy m', AcA.J.« 1 inoeo9-0 0 jwd ti. :h d i x ept. A. met W .te*ïff.sedm- hi, U Pssx ta, c ohee Snou, e.s~ . tt saerot u100> c Oem a m=-et oie1- 1citil hsorth.oths.mai l'a Z-1 th.l' 6s. \Eo. îr 8,.d OUE YIANX Ls-nLlEn FOR OeCrciicR. Agesis vetelthccaghooi th. e 5eOy kt TIM CABINET LAWMNt. Am WANTED-'itOteaiacïiventaîtto catsras fortise. JAMES WALLACE, AUEN If ilaçio où* opene.a overy lbrai n 'Wel i sscrtcd Stock or FANOY AN» ST/IPLE DRY aOODS Vic lnvite Ipoolial otîietion toanu Stock.ofai iress <oods, viiich 18 walI seleceOd, aiinuch largerto uui ?q- F-ue y -letoiC to, i [)Ia, lryFlnnel, y Tweeds, White FInnnoe, Oe-otlt Peicrt Flnnes, l;Its and Caps, Blanketo, NocloTien, MclcOtti, b cî IVOcol Drawcro, 14hite sii (rey Cottoco FIanuel Shirts, Whioe uni Grey Slhiriqo Dress qliiasie $Oripeil 'TiC1imý. Lce (rt ming, White ed coclred Qtit, 16%i ndow tHollande, Giovoes eocd Hosiery, New Pure, i2Iooldcg made to ordeinthe Ise i tles~. iîa the f C er OYSTERS ,LIQUORSY 0F TvUE BEST I'1 à Tobacc os, Tea1ýs, ý9ugars, &c. A fu and complete St fek, 1.1 litmy. Ot ti, tbîuJ. No0. 1, un the0 Uonàoî ]POR THE19ILLIONi. JOHN SAUNDERS9 (Op.posite thae Royal ctiiadiaj Bank,) BR3POOK ZST. XYIIITL3rBY, ONTq., Takes great pleasure irn anicoîsîîcilig tiste Publie that lie buts received a e. îe and large Stock nf 1)4 ITS AND) SHOES. for La- dogot Mens' auJidtildrcits' wcar. whiuclî a-a"offcrtd at extrernely bacc pricsns lae'îtig îurcissd lise bhuitoff Coo ci1nfàre tino fCctt rige na hnatseri hie FaIrticosiar attentiois bdirecti [li te htiine-uxlaole cnorkt 1H8g» lIIJt< Iooto andsd hoesorof' eiy teon r(ptLO11, ne die tatot aud .85to Nmb-.ui, et 5ymnnie otI y«.Najce lIdeE made toqonrdau, and as noue bol r't ie laswoiitIul7tare cm1- eenci5y ~ ~ ~ ~ d« ths e dt"-Tk sl i og ,Pioy ci sure fit is guaraed. Nl0 eud* a uun u oego'etnoie 8I*OOU<N. JOHN SA UNDEIRS. 1 There.10 110W oic l- n a large and excellent nOwV Stock of tsse Ag.RoiWih: the buet Uroceriea k) ho fOUîîLd in uthe Dorniîii, ai JtEN I8BNE O Y LAWLEU'S5 J 111s019ore BOW,~ih W hitbv. Oct. 5. IR70 Chiequered Store, Dbock St,. na.àmrn imtfrPr hty Ta3 ta 1?i! ~ àp ~ -iiâîn niit,OoU »le DO ITON W ARE*ROOM0 1 iget mlpi.grnin Y(,hîto i-i--Ô.---BLOW, Tart 9 Dress Gouds, R. 9. Peiaye 01d Stand, aàjoiniq Aisiàtdtl 64 Serges, hitu, May bSSii AilIWooI J.D C aIlAo *Poplins C ]lify Terry Silks; for trilinine' "EzALSÊ e7 l10siry, ie oly CaondienLie dtiaËis IIoSi:y0,n»T0B1hZEDI>i!GOVIÎ àMÊIÉàY Shawls, !fOIL TICININ Plaids, for Gents, n Bldae ioeritâthom of Britsh orAuc. Tics and flows 'ah5filetthabthe tcanada hoa largsr sOaast I X1etet an dof ,Assurncoe bhaiee li the Sas-h. b o s,& .non, th.ui eev nI h*t, et.tues o' .ltei ix~asn Ilî itanooZtnP--iee.,,AuMoientoly atlete sprefereocecil' *94alt tinti,and i ttI rapint pireusOincPti' A pe iock r iitaea1 odlttpairîu ie - ty!nnd.00e ar the ppotcriiy ofelts principi.s in snvoy sha clel.' àgenileu ihrouuhoottheSiDoinion,. vherd Ladies W ni wila s1cevos, aand Ladies Wooi flreÉses. n isvenn Hnteeif so htl.,o tto 5su At 0. RAMSAY, LOW'ES & POWELL, , lfl. Agnt thitthý. WVhusy, Ocn 1870. n hihbyJliy 21, 1876. 17-21 E e] I .fur GLASCf'irEST QUALITY 1 areiuouse BROOKLI!Gf.I 13BroklioApril 1:4tc, 1869. 9 Be- o ain(o)Ilt te tieïr numerous frtenots aid lstonicîs luteCuainty, liîct th>y lhave fecoiiy rifoIarged Ihei'prcmiNcs Wilielî are 111)ws ouol i c o nt1ry itore iii tise Provinice. Â~~ IVery Deipaî'îiiîeîît le r.iuy anti completeiy stocketi, alîd a F'OR T HE T1 E E T Fr. cisit wjl anply înpay intslsding purchsers. kSa PCamiste, Paifetotes, e&Isrtetffi -othat*5i. Wsrl, 1wtth ie IL & ..gond>EI, 0for Pmmte.s Witby, Oit. 4,1870. 48 ('I ËIL'.q WIITE I OITA POR. AL1110il 11PEnRTY ]FOIt ALB N.M10 S nnbàohst untptxr huis faur dcon. nce le N Dl0W oî. AIsir fier t8uriotVe slahîtel .Tioeal iOw 0F I~ ElIlislacnono. BTOPWII.fer presernirl front tocih. --DUNDAS STR8iET, WHITBY, lethvndpftreadej acOftlpt inrnosi at u Tiie flleuricso prûut? . ngw té thce sloe , th e ., orSscf i9A. Roto. lfs,,t runee5o 40, t . h1etpu te Boe tl'Ifo ePublieLuttthey havcostant- fiAH 118 .sOORALITE TOOTIT iJA M E SA i N1 àt tsdsiiur quraliy ôi f PA . W lcSotuk eeagsd.improtogti& t.b n lpàîtig a Morr ienosa ,Oh&' Ondil o ailots 172 tel 205, .aitoisi, h. Scellecttiioii leari,; ieiu.eou acie the ouclt OT GeNflL.lioi opelr, ted gîteà iltiiy Oc Pa Sre aendry. ENAR.ar ho ,usapp birtst a.. BRAN t'Éeor te. n etic etMW.spl 0OsORTI.Se.ft- AItCL'MIla 0 Y A iL TOOT>!ý A..o Ockàl, M h igttCf .t d Îo rten. Po*DR r ie oips oer I. ,* , ncu w oThe hlihc a SttiSl. rxlt P tsc . thu e O tieath, dît cpicuc I~tu. ae lssssOil7rSl.a tinio u..i.the breai. 0n o neeoh Picersing, Aie5. 13, 187(l. ' diî4rgq. BLOW & SON. e1ned-iikawâuais, ant proots hdeW neo. ~-,- - *iithym, lest. 12, 1870. is l.Nne t TO D] L I T 1A BIL 1ME /5 ,ODONTALGIQUE AstII 102 Cili dlLA I)ecney tic c*4sf Tic, Wcalis. acd T,ih' wing arao ste ef Seeth- o cf"icOe. suj.sMdli, nnn' là .e.riait o ted c te ctiuo hae lta &cêeo f tête à'il hle4inn oal g c dis;lanlid MsoIeh ube icdS rowwnSHiL8ojÉ PtdrjRNG, ' . -.ut4ho 4i~. ,c sce oniill c Wtei ntïd, eet D.li4 » N0 1 C 1913Ai iT& DIS9TAýNCE lIE- ILllidWËU12& *gîatV, .Ylahcehy gttee.thuilslrJue Bottwialter rl"e N"t >, '4 h y s. dnec partcl. el tii Whuîh.h sep. i, cfd. e.c43 uAle fcoindsyi.ags.iyto igOn des ace,4tiitk " ttu of 036O )4u . t Whos u tshé cf telrogi a n 0r f the Oleuieyer Gteri a sIinsu4ft t ing 4 odtsofth. ioueh wli We '" ' oie S loceds O cththe l!: Oilrn ,oxante h aiOo i antuid s SaraîAdle rnortouel beuMI oms, iiètJolct"W. Htfno 17-eeo -e'-t.-- zil= 4ât6nçiU é ddi Ns-)7 . . ,Lrentsttte seteio4 sn t, eeo. ieac e 0 ur ac- m u" U .Peeplntet nu.Afai Ae eiet C.o 20W3m iv - D3xt 7j , artwo Roo,"emn.doesus.d. Mr P" c So uiiicy oue.eiput nf oexui n MARY JAN E eao0"'r. 'Ai .test cddmeeu 44,D(JATIf éi Aýwlr]3EUR% e ropritor. Demd Itint. ýtet day ofOSpt.187à. lie-O? i#, Tw. Tb. Pmjetor bSss pig o ie d eni,-bhote[,l.IT R adtr iaeplsit'i pIfor teîle Inedl af t ittsIioul1eubm ýhee , onghtyF rnehd. t pis vdtr ed te a AloRs OR IErEÙYBoD:)Y Gondl Lqard. Mdri t vel tchak ne nl Mdre,-sol Icimbrle;19. 43 70, RIVSALE OF N DL&8. IWEST 'f Ui ri Rnîu E XAMrdINA TliON F TEUAC Il ERS <OUNTY Or ONTARLIO, Win ho bell citin thse auor chonte ef WHITBY MNII NILLA NR8ftdIIvÉs*. os Cmttoet iî, 1 Ol 8ATO7itOAT, OSa . %vit -:l r Ç hird dey cf iteoseeh, A. 0..» 8780c. ocisrtp em., vilih.. oldhby Pubhuico Aconi, 51i5>aoe"; e 08eCoSe ...0» 1.0t" TOWN. OP WRITBY, Tht eed"nelefieislLcuds s»dTeeesescs. «4ï.4 une dey Vinuoe sireof FierrnldN,, e. adxs et f the Ofaety Oee.t, seCthe Couist et Os. ttct, sentLOsmeo isect*4 ntosthe tstlelaat sait. Thcoiomiley, Plaintif. irmUR8DAY à FRiDiAY, e tAil te,. ltte,, l.0 . tt seeOsRc AI, lp»iîbm --lie ttalyn ttNciý, 1 ret1- t c. a cib tb. E. ILTR0Uon , . Ie s.mtwurt ofd.crreu;t Ny al. ifOh N" s lm«soom.hexo M». be h e etaOC Be.oI. Ihel.1., 1in Lb. »it h ai -f cn' -L -BP"ctGs.,DN.P, *e .-.' - epCxe.o 1~Wte atsB . Mai1f.ft SEIdx G WhMhir f, Q ee Sfi SIT Ti E TIllES, Tahleg, I., 4r, inthe atuiutucslie ecuth, on A veoui0,', [ 07 a"1nantit acetrb "uin th*OIeSast eannCo ~> hIll~RTAKlN du nnFoaer &J10i 4 ee ptOoL i I v --- 1 WII! T TUfE fAiR Teas Sugars,, AND Evrpy4fllN IN iË 1i llG1OdgIZY LUNE, AT 1«1.