-And?~R tso». tthiiba'. A' it AS tiesadt ltee metamceialta'i tinodte 0oioe Ortion r tes A' pstptty atbelet ansd Las.' bier tetitrdtaLas t ar f iss. s, ,Vi"laar ad *rox lia tèî fo. as nd qeS Mact. Le -., uta. eR LOT tii, Spahi Preni. Tow,%tp f VWtOes ahanýttihïée mls site t he ftlets asntrér tie 'fase et Shitbts. Th Sarris eniistf îecaes -Weil wAtes erwili aS 9"dee-i'teattd ad . eueasa iarek iffole. The faraiÇs a ttpt-ts-ate aseerytlig 01 itte paae tr tc aitieogii tan. ,,>sr. .PestesAiea gee ant ise. Far ermes and ittrteuf pan(tiatre paM'& Yttht aBUe, or te. WM.I.CLEcND t~ENAN othe uapremtfls. 'Whltty, edt. i, al. se Wiîîe8, OId Rye & Malta FRIU Choice Layer Double Çrown RaisinS, Caooed Peaches. canned Pine Apples,, Preser%ýed Ginger,'&c. Pickles, Sauces; Potted te and- Meat Potted, a viee lot- of smnoked ilains, wax CadeTapers,&e' - CHEAPER THAN 'EYER AYOIONSAE 0 '1~'auy t!ntas~it i'io ods Il STANDING T IM BER'1 1h asrhrflcIl hyPubtte Assît.i as 15aurdaY, 12[h esOf NhoVeMeIlr cet 'the 'flinter ut id seresl 'Of hteasi wefliilh nttal sIt*îcnenc thé Narhhatraf the Soutt-hâlfaf lt eaaubsr ae.55 ta thetîhtrd aasatsitioftuho .TO I~.SHIOF1 RF-.A.CH, f 3 miles riate ut AÀîhhrtr. Tht O4 li bII i stai- 'W . im teov the ool ste li sesis bartSciit. and t am te555 fraci cas rand. oitelSis Abhha tnd il ite. f mIMB.â-tsShaî bipirha. ccea' 1. %Ps raidt et. taey f8le. "ataue. ta thrse t-tohuî 5,th tu- tesostat? pr st. sefot15Y lis'.ît No"le- 5ale StIS e mette asti6'8t, ,hae. Fes sUéthr. iital ses Os&ttiSqtf, t h teahtrsrt -et. 4Rattehsr ataioh 5th 1555, B-teL.ro J!ISOLVJNEt nLAV eF 1861.A Sauwt Ch.UTON taula cfl TX.> AiiOT EBSl.I Il. -à hstag s.emWro o ethe Salak e C-psci' ae"tIp. eace7lsg on lslnItne oer te camei style a tras t MdaLy amiý laarlesai ulsvecl. ORfn.y Otels)' *th ln et lq"fb nneXatre sthe 'sedsreetgeed viti appyté tahe Jeige f ths sali Vssett fara dleehSg ide n*"" 804S At. D asee VîMtba, lite lktt dar of toiira TIIO14AS JACK3So5t ilOriISAt. DANIiL EltLLIOAV 300 Cýir 4S IE MLOCKX BAREK Van t &Uv b$,5d507 t RING:BROS., Ge. pps~Irain,. tansis LE ATIEIRI pé- oA5lt PAît) Fait canaBs à 8tIXtif. Usi nat aes, uty, Ot., tels. BIRRTUME AMBRIICAff ]BUSINESS COLLEGE, Th «Rit, rspaelenlatve la Otariol afThe r" Met a litrataa interational Chat ociCte. Th. TRIO15 OPAItTMUN.T te tbsr'eghty ài ic'thet trisewtshtala'i h un. aditefr a eathsna édacailat. 1h. PItAOTiCAL ItIPAI1iTInr sà a mit- taie thee entiae ca tiwrth sas psrthrnr hoatltag. mW» sau sala. d drawilg noes,. leIeas A »ataar Ban. f isas te in tal Wtec rgAictt lttiintah, Coda- Par MaiM Éttres OgtL! ATROOT. brette.1 Whgiths. lestaahaoidi telS -7,e FPIRST PRIZIL.PgItMANSHlP- Sits Prie.in t oChhinse.e at orususetat Peeamtp ere satsts ss unht tl@Pm.- visall isIlthiise,. Tires. Tis la iteasti itsrt inassh a i veT otatssd irai ss - bdu tesmd lu salait thstw tase m.,as~: PesasS of Caaata am .igmdat aI hia eahaitit an eh. P'rsttSatiie h a thse a4d.Iatiosfs« aIttionue. AM S ALLAC i lasarema ast Gmassai cmiteisa Agent, D)UeDAS ;STREET, 0-f r~as xawa mmis.. W . lann M -erme r*ss. le reSiw Udtigh0 SC. Viilis Ont. 3, ile. 4 t lifil '~qFJU NOMe 1811 E. [last rereive.i anathier silendid lof or Ille 110 Wot styles or I)ress'Goods, jastiispurtod-from Euroàpu,.%hi>cli wili Uc cold at Prîea ow- er thail evi'r.* New Tartans, iiew Sergeî,ý figured Reps, frencle MaIri- fns, blackç Silics, beagitifut Poplitoe1 eiw WJiecye, waterpoof Cloalis, Vel. veteen Jackýets, FRioiîd Oloth iack-ets. 3esr Soal cnd Astravàlt Jaekm's, new 'C'artliWoîl Shawls, verv çchecp, aeiôther lot ofithluss fi pn.atd Jose ph'ilte Kid Glu ves, ooly 910 ceose pdv pair., Anethlerf in t i Glve llrîing French vove StayR, 20) Do ices aoi'ne*'Irittîlungs for DroBssesand Jacîceis, Scttrltt ii îc%%hite F1lanovis reelosed locre pur yard, btaloe' lamt year's prices. A plendid lot iii tiesv iancy F>Icnmets'foc Shirts. Ceuils Glotling mtade te order fin lie shortesi notice, Paancy Tics, SCarid Caps, Shlets and itrowers, Qicvei blitse, &c. P.rodtice taken in Trs.tj. Cail and excaitiie lte Goocle. JU)IIN SJ<LýNMIR. Wilitb srOct. 2m'018", ~jOjNBY TU LV>ND REBICDRlAT E 8! iis tshaeoiiE e0tii urisüorProdoctivTirown a'roprts', Atlt oni. ha r-a'.ictd ha' >urly tue t os r taoe s latsonil ent e u IehaintarestMrggm esit str secartits. SÎItis Ontl greseheehks bteoat(dtolda ArFr fi tr.,pasSieaa apis' ta JA.MES ITOLDNN, t2i0tl ne, Mcsey rakst, &. Éru'u.l.otitns ia, Brat St. Whtibs. 5aptîiibei 28th, 50. dc S IIERF'S SALC OP S N8 To t'i'ti. Ç third daty of Decoaista 18. 0 A.ttonai ciiicîclsitp. me. wtt hbu eld tes Publica Aiitin, imy calot u te Ci ourt Boue, TOWN'0F WITB3Y5 Tii osiuneetssd Landsit Tiséciets. reiset enerr uid ba' itesf a %roli4 i ta i ss, t.- oct 4 f tseCoepts' Cort, f tie Coo.ts'orou. tortu, andCO tent ireatadi, tantaes ltiivg Sit, Thomas thoonIes, platitiff. Thcmsa llrta'a. Dotendasi. Aite ib e i.5 ti7tt, 'Ptiéa, Iaisrnst. asd9ity5 iIs f EteiîtuOioft bsWaei ansidt dsfsse ThoassMoiron, tsurctacite or i ait d in loar. oith cnMslis of the Towsh.ip of Pikrerng. ts ibe Ioosur if ilsiasIa; asd am te seorts-teaif ltob csiut ticinte s tibtses1ofluus of the sii Tssset Poticering. aor.tt NElLSy . litY4OLD9, SaoinS. C. . PetaGo. S. A. RiYtoLet. shtsSS'. Oinse Whttbr, . Aa. a2t,187b. i Sas.1 w-42 A ppPJStTLCO VANtres Te era Si Pratirg teaieaas.Apptt tinns. dittaetathe tGAZEtTTEIOFFICE, Wttba' N WGOODS TO IAND 1 Wateh.u, (30 hour & 8 day.) Gala a& Silver CMains, Louskets, Naenio Plun, ad Chalais, fitadas Md Lhiks, Geza Ringui lmo@oheol4 JAMES ja~rN h. 0 A . i e t r bI Z a i R S , . P r' o b u " t o g oa td iita e rt e asa style. 1 1 t elfit e tii, rcavetttng Pahis.1-Teh,-iuîs t ICr-ghl1 turnistîhd,.gnai utpateint t rat 0 ¶da UhUm O.id t it'rf,,asd 5 LastebdIfad iex. Détient $tallittg. ,A tisehaitll rtsseaa ispitean î,lt, ti1e7 43 10. qADA LIPS AB5itACe8 Conpal4'. ESTA13L I E r) Î841y. The ostya' laaiiasa Lirau'OMiPay APTE> ]IIZED lt GM MNUT POlItTit ls #01tl.+i fre flntciArta Insir teas tuoseJiuub or nime. rtcaa Offires.t Th- ranithat the ila-Itaabi i Pit int ofissainsste and or Aeiurss' 1te5 esil. Doiièià, honany'OCta. 13itu k cV, Asecal" seutiaiêm.'sattfntto aeste l piîtâmâ0niists tt tiasty is iticete tht. papotillu iseprntp anid pratîse. UanhataltatOt. . .RAMSAY,. G5.. ýSMIlTH, Agout ai Whtiby. O A T M EA L 13EST QIJAL.TY 1 SPABIS & 0.1T11U1 Brnoklie Apritl ,tis, 1859-. 23-tf BRITISB £tE'fItttA INSURLANCE COMPANYn ZORN SLOW, 7t1. aad Ni.Agent tf o P itiha. WESTERN INSURANCE CO'Y, 3H01 BLOW, Pire saSMasina aget ib« por t hb. plastêr and Waterlinue, 2,000 iJarrels, aihatasala adit asit Biacksmith's COftIa nRgteca*Rshpis. g fietr ans'qosirta cf FALL AND SL5RING WHEATa JO» jLOW, , JE. Psrn",o ie s-atmjetsa in leor wtths'. May tub, Ilci on the'Corner.] Eri RSI1GROCERIES, OYSTERS, LIQUORS 0F TIIE BES r BRANDS, a tt Tobac os, Teas, Suga:rs> &c. t - full and,complete Stoek. Whitby, Oct 5, 1870. te si EANC1S, No. 1, on the Coner ai 1870. U 1871.Lonm JOHN S$AUJNDERS5 (Opbposite the Royal Cittadia Bnk) I13ROCR ST. XVHTITBY, ON1*T.,. Takes great pleasure [a anteonciîsg ta thie Pîîhtù, that ha has rtctved a ttiev and large Stock >of BO1115 ANI) SIIOEýS. for Lia- teses' Mens, anîd Ottldcins' arear, -wiinch are oIltereil ai ex trertîei y lowr pritcas. flavltîg çeîrchased.ltebulk of hisestock leciore the recent rte in icaileer, he calîtlt be untlersold.1: Ptrtietaar attention ia ilirectai la the lmn-ril ork, donc in the Sltop. &irots and Shoas of every ue9criptioti, of the lateet and styles, made tu order, and cs noue but iret class woîkiooiî are cm- ployt'i, a cure fit lut4gttararîiocd. Motîîitîg, as usiual, on thes hortait notice. JOIIN SAUNDERS. 4ô Neae &Tod.d, -0 -1 A W A ONZT. IVIIB & SF1111_1lICIANTS.1 '1h. undersigned beg to sâa3 to thelir customorm, tand getteral irÀdob,that ihcy haa on na.ts4,a gîuat variety of ail kiodq of chjOiea WINS ~LIQIJORS Which they wIl seli ai the very lovert porsible rates, at time or cash. TUE BEST ALE Delivered at ali the hotele An îthc Cotinty1 a,, 2acts9 pen' gai. Also Porter ait thO sanie rate and Price. 6ROO1l3RI1lIS AT WHOLESALB, ai loivest possible rates WIJLE -AT THE FAIR Li Tr,'eaA, Sugarsi 'POSITE THE -ROBSO N MOTËLs DAS STREET, WIT beise r sto bitirate tht i'lie sN ueil prenss ntetIýh day o= cotr ncai- ZA 8S ANI)D;Jl')F'lMElS; a large Stck t h,. acekages ot ode potod and upWarde. gý thi4 Stacak to the Public, the subscilli 'col I Rd etîoe, having made arrangements 'ville the L TEE Co> thet enable hlm ite ccli at WlOLPIIAI,1 idilig te cuotomers le the ctnty of Ointario ail the ai id cheap) article, wich liai ni laie heen cealized te il Y of tlhe prinîcipal ailles and tootus tri Grest Britair by te catablishment of large comrpattiea atnonsgt il litcotraiiao o lo lig experiiitce and ample lovons on lai the ottyiy too1 on which minimum profita cao fcrîber, in respeotiully eoliciting a share e îystate ihai dise designation, irade mark, and n Coniçsa-ty %vil[ bc eîaniped on ecd package and wî WANTED.-~Twou steady active mnen ta cansi '.11. & ici,.0. in IllesConnity ofot tfia Whitby, Oct. qtrd. JAMES WÀLLACE,' A o i cB B l 1 HÂMILT ON & 00.9 flaiesclpet a vcîy laresad c il usortcd Stocki FANCY AND STAPLE DRY 000OD Wc6 -l a posai tentlia ta osec Sekn sif reea tlacets ~iut a sut lscëiod, ad seesis arger tiasunia. New Faniy pliseelè, CloIto, Grey 5'lanaclà, Triee, Whtet iolîtnî, overacoatigt, sarlet laneelà5 lIaiBso ani0p, U loinkets, Ncck Tien; ' 8hairlaBracîu, Mînt ., , lbs UWpol &w4hUns W'hit n ad Qrcy Coton, ýFlaueel Shirts , White and tGrey Shirtung, plm ifisesrt, Striýet Tlnttip, lae o hitiic, Whitted olsrcd Quilto, Wlid'1ttswilofieedst Glsvîn andI Hoslecy , wW~u, ' Carpts, &C, Golotilsg atis te erder lentise fàelmaistyles. Taitaz ITarttunI IDOMINIOWAREROÛ%Sý Tartan fi Dress Gouds, Serges, Ail Wooi Poplins,! Terry Silks, for triniini. I-osrerv. Coffée, &C.Sbawls, ANDEvItVHIG I TC ROCERLY LUNE, AT P laids) for. Gents, ArT1T 'CI " Ties and flovs There le now on band a largq anti eutellent new Stock of Asul'tii tokaiSth nIPolapki n t.tie tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i botGociem b oidl h Dmîuo tIb e'eîy ,liîde and4 color. the bst Oroceie» be ouad a thLadmnionsat ool 'Oeste wtth sîcevesa antî Ladie Wool Dreasn LA.WLERtS. iOWES & rOWEIJ.- IChequeruid stare> lloockSt. Wvhitby, Oct. 3, i7.~~u c.51870, wHYFBY c ' ACiOliY GLA C 0W M. . ONOANWarehbuse. rd. 0.DONO5. iltt ro DiRECT ÂrTlTON TU 1i1S LAsea à COMPLUTE STOCK OP CARRIACESe 106611 dlbO>a.9 C3 C>. , n~ u' rS Dt1.,Q1I mir 'y OF TJ.Lé »idIA N0' a fou ins * M..sî07--mA CalA is respectfiullY Bealtd. s .idtosnS., dteaSUL f ueseqlo, i0,aa. abis -taeh.s~- - as mtý dw.Th 1-1111c 17 Il syea a c%ù qm preteat5lM . . x R. Je1 C AMPUEIJ', Beg to aitU<nce t. thei ttintlferoUs friendig sud cust0pto~~ li thtie ounty, tisai they have recently EoIarged their premISes Wbh itOre m econd ta uia country storé li thse Every M rtet jg fily and icomflktely stockidr v'ii iait l4 8UPY y ïctidài u ça sil . tie. 1 - a & J.<CAMP 41 Wiluby, O4i8afls - . UN DERTA I MC &"Clad e Bastrussrauils ! pplied. T 0 s*A i ~ l atst M . iUet 0*aNe. lale eu dlsAret ani d 5w 1 Il 11,iîaos witthts roteîs lien à[FteýIirsé9dttiiS'erti.g tanttubun ni tthe Port Itopd t)Bast. ttu ?ttdliAî Lot'Stil ilCon. 20111A", If" 12 taIl 200 V a-mi'il eleilonseuhOold t iraatt ii>id 0 'tiuired11 13 on 16t.ro Iý 12 140 -,~ 4 Pt' l u 19 I 1 tXLcE, Loita12 B4 -9 200 as 'Gail liifdr 'Mi d SO'uIERVFLLH Loita 2COii. g(ide, Tihé ebuunrs portisaraeiioffrsdfed t id at1, i n t'i5 iii al Lavsorisif payant, ni. Jd H.aAM PzRRLe Witiuy, oetober, 231870,.uisi 0 SCJleoOtà ]BOOKS 1 FRANK LESLI918 --,ad- 'Agettie Wa5ti4 throaght ti he Coiuuiy tfol TgE dCABINET LAWYaua, At" "llaaIsA8AI)" BY SARS TWA Shat aXeto- Yu ii t7iYu get ""Do ereâly hintlhe aid." -'ohiiback the riing,. .5a.eatea TuE ]RED fOOT ýNa Blow & son,. QMIAtrL Pxotitic ÀXSsii asuos MDINDÂS STRflET, WHIT13-V 1156 alo a u of lai, R.600. flwasr ec tI tra tr she tIo thRat itishon OOliru noua') ;M- The htgheri Cash, piries pid for Graino pl' Oeras alt for @ats. ti. 1LOW & SON Wbtty,isept. 12, lse, .4 W ESSIP- '0,CAUI?!ÊL. FOIR HE T:)E e Y ï Unitd by Cleits,ia ertankers, anti Iterekuoauî ihcsaglhoaLtthse rtd, witl dtBmtý lieaufac Perseat let, C' ABRIEL'S IVU[T19 GO VP CE ij OU5AE11'AàtgL, tà sppîs o ayadl., Baondoeihitotth oad aed qefeut, aad tîniii tothet où as caieho, fa, taaayed. tîîr- id. pt'aibax. Au for itabriot'.o tebratod nuoit Prepiaaioiis.. GABRIEL'S OITEOIlN A M E , 8TSPPi5I2, fer presersinîgfrtbouisLl iifsrnaated ta resbais White and ascras ui ts.Tiistisatit lpreparaistreio àifi treeh sait presants itaaf. WSutstop dit-t Prias , G ABUIELS OIRLITIITOCTi PA5Tti, (t5,latsinan ad ilapuosOo P tsitand impartiagaaaurel t rdges ,ti gaca, suieos th t ioth *hu5hô ! 4,n ,bo i&É Il ABRIÊ1L*S iR0OeA L TOili1 APO DE Rrrprad froc a aillepe a', iý zyI et tysl. Preserna the testh, radt uii Osiiogtfl e t ires C!tt t A B R 1 L'S OD014TALGIQI 1 G tIt.ifit, aite atl paraltstat f' efiuin .11a acléof Tii, satiia Astndi athe,&bdtforme à mt areabaaediirtr.ai ,ooth.wab; has ths aarisaiiit daîs perfaiii i. athecl,,d sssetssitfth.ob"! eiasgthisist the e an La toe ast iaàratoafi'o t 'Tankers. triua5.' D--ARTIÈ,S AI'& DITA,409NRI JE ule aoritiastah eth ayhara Sisltreo'U ptiil.lnptittor dcat.est@,OnceMsera ., ,1,1t» 855*Isteî. by sendis1 perttoitais ii ,esa eltl a reattasse ff Str ou uniai wuuo, Ilatiria ut forkinga )oda ftha e jso ii i (Ji iet atsli diNd tharW OUWor Éi,-hOP' uCi P....aa ébar.a isee oargne- Moase, Gahrielte apttceraon t a ptlI ais e o rasupofpoLae lea Ait luteret a td isat, d II r4 ÙR14TIJRE FOR ]EVER«~'jDOI>' TLUNE ? 'iETila os stOx mon Or aC tic IOCKliIU c.iM j 1.1 wbitby, sept.,12, 1s". 1 1 1 - -M l Est