Whitby Gazette, 10 Nov 1870, p. 3

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jAIID 011TiIANSK eeocre;ary A Tne BFrmrs 11U.. fulIazrl Citt'I.i, ot 'tiigt I y. fr 2,û1 fr i ] i l dPî.I(1 1 i I.hed, iiitiiyed 15y fr. .>i 1h SîpielSor lmai, i ItlIîn.~ ARIltETDECR Bal tb Bla pi 0T0GRAVHflt1 witiS0 S fWlrelst andy) JO wharc th ýgbt rs o o iik ttiititPhilo. rap 9 lt 9 -, al **Od.tiiloryê trous. Ait iii s adtii tz., forémahthe mai 1Imht piiton.th ifi-ili, adihiC uilCIiF septa, . Oarboiaî or 011 0eoôns, mv sot '16~-~4 . Véry aiudèdéidL Si tiiC lhltiitt'tà Potr ilet, tpecil rae§it410Ctsîkyymus. botd t'erri0'iùll muY Id W. ah4lîtb hpp io.âicài uVisite Af àyi ýé itidO hlettu yowaiî ~ taitri ir4it. . t liiînseyiiutihe idii wil tiil r.pay yci far jour tipcnhtt« A P R.oJTtuciiotAtOD -iy Toû tloîh th, Prifiting bu itat xplily iiiif., A UOT 1ON SAi1ý] O]p 'ýhk $ibtiàilbeî ill e itu bY Pliblè tb ontii Saturil&y, lb or XéYtber n il 1Th. îhî or are oi b if toriy woe idî' ic, latandin- on the iOoiih-hui'f r.th Snurîth.hitfif lot ioiei eit, ih oh. Ohlid dnOOhition of 1h. '3miles '1orth if Aîthnîtih. tiié On «ItI ,. nIi hitlEaitd. n Ohi If. T"i.. cînro fyhiu riî if att.uiI hW gise8in, t h èIet heo9d wih sa, hiiiiaiin Aihlooiinid ti100. Tii (13. -SOo httf 1innii .nbhY ti br phid = Ônlo 0SdlO. bidano in 10,0 moithe'iwith i- ,par cen, seîOiiid bc .tniOi it. Sate iniiioiii iitiieo.11l n'CIO%, nhbarP. -Fl'or ir4 'pariloire sou haod bille Orhhqlidii if, ADAM (10ititSi, -Masthicu.r, 151h. ut. 5871b, la-id. INSOLVEN,2t AOT Of,~ 1É03. Cîndo Cil O.h toiy 'Court1 if PrVnu, Qf ilici, 'Coaty cf Ohtaria, t h. ilooihy of Ôiitoiio. tu lb. Mattef o? T90MAB IAtittil 11 01U0 D)Air, DAN1EL HLiSiATi aiS ]RICHARD TIJSBWiLL - ARRItIIE, Ui *011 individu&,- iy. aU baiig itembhrt .1 itriA or Çco-pait- ntrthip.iiurrying on businesstsii.or the usine styloi ana fr. of «1«Xliut ana Hîàretaon,' on, Itoîdo, lIe 111h day it Noibeh taxi, th. %ndru.ign.d .ect apply in thé dinSee ci the 6oiI 'Cour, for a dlicthacgo iitdir tlie .14 SoL Dae sWhrîh7, thie th dey of Octohi', 170.. a TitoTt(Ai .9 1tT tlLDY %0i-4i. RtiIAn-D TILLtc0tLL ItABIttL1u'CN 3%)0 Cords JAMESN lek anid Grceiîl &c, OId ltye & Malt - - - - ------------- thoie LyerDoule Cowum Risis Afull and complete Storc. Presérved. Ginger, &e.. Pickieg, Sau-cgs1, Pott(ed Pastes.andid eat Potted, a giicee lot or1 smoked 1luans, wax Cilddies,;ITapers, e CIIEAPERTHA EVEAR N¶ew Goods! ?"'iew Giods Iltso rcceivc.I auiilicî t loidhl lot Of Ilite nenic stylest of I)ress Goods, just iiporied front btirope, wliccl wihl e Sold a praes lony- er thrie ever. Newv Tartaùis, newv Serges, lâgired Reîî,,, Frenich Meri- nos. li;hlc kSflks, Ioatîliil l Pipliis, neW Whîicevs, xvsrerpiof 11'-loiks, Vil- veieni J:îckprs. llro,îd lili Jackets, Ikcar Seiil and Asracoît Jaclig-ts. ncwv loii..i Woebl 'lmawln. )t.i'v cliiap, a;intheù lot iif liose Joîiviii and Jose philme Ki Gl,ves, <offly !111 ti tts pdr piuri. Ancilher lot,: of(Giovp fiiig, Fl'ci'I niovéi Sa 50, 20 BI:oxést :ioev 'l'iiiîoîntgs for Dresses cand Jackets, Sctret anid whiiute Fanuiels îelced lilis per Yard, hloi list year's prices. A specdid Ioi o 4 tiie aiy F'Ianelc lfor Shirts. Giîî's (Cloti îg miade te ordîr Ci e liiiiîotoaî notice, l.Xuncy 'JiezS carfn, o.ips, Shirts anJdl)ruvors, (flnveîu, iats, A- Preduce takeit in 'l 'rade. 1ûiil and exainie the docus. *>NSKINNERt. N LW 1 'ru U AND t (30 heur & Ô à; L*ld & Slver Chains, anid Ohainit, Studa andi Linii, Il E M L O C K BA1IK Braoohes. Waatod immenitat71 h> Lr Drops, Setts, &C. IKII N'G B R OS 9 arlc,, anis.Jotmooî of ohici ri, iOC bote, WYOitCR.oiN*siJgwiooea. Uppiri, , trooh it., Whitay, en. a,.to87.. a id A.Mo 8UPERI(t lCALE Ottt$. 1 pcir04811 PAt OuFR <IDES A KtN. s UBEFF'S SALE OF1 LANDS. foui1 if CCti~ o, t SATt'ttuAY, the i Ts I i i, îiA dt) f .r Doe, rWN OF WHITBY, Thta.derm.ntiie usdand odteuiouit.iPuisa M oidet of the oiatyO200it, if CiniCoity of lOt- t ia.t teesd di'4id. i h . talieig sit, 13USINEStS 0COLLE<E* eonot ANO TtiLollAt0tt,%Il S7tJTfl ttîbe i Titi. .tat. and E sa'y AX BL G AÈIC lSitUTI f .,ai i t he a jo e adu.ifaied iii . oit. Tii. uty tueO.u.itCîOO I. l)It*.inifTh ii,aoo n i n nu ifui t f &i fadioti Ob %ntI a etratosia itai.otiOoiCiiain riiloii tOhitcai, ihIto o.RdipfP, tei .l Tht ul PEtITIaprttÎOAin Ôltetf Tf i tia IULOI i itONt 'Tr.he TinORueYtt. DSP.eAgT4uîno rio,î u oC _h "S -.7 Ti h. fRe.i i gPefo t . lchte ns. i.Êbene1,0tu SSteIUi6dtor .11 . w, othaobuOo. iO.N. A. RaTeiLus. iéOé.élago iitu thtît vputent.a, .Ii Onouftttjl miirnsd huk cite.. .0,100i. o- pffotiunWlic Ai- r titéne104épIofgani"Sd Insttuonint 104 fea,. TtOtOUIi ItiTtiTTTiSO hT9ItîGRA. quy. it, 3é,tr.ijged It fort> toiu. irttsi dde tioI aie n ,dr itiletboreaîavo * Yiu..e.itot pririe-tl STog mms eusht hn in od ouinetii ý FemtP..MMeamo, otad .4imnedAt ti, tetuai4insOOa. t hblOi te Oome.,Y.ÊAccte.. dos <OICMER22AL ROTOL, P.,- A. WITHERS, -Pxoprietýr. The Piopriit o. fis lirced tfli chest t,i thi ..ii t'.hlil. Ttho hoaoiolat huriighly frteo, iolie, poi, owilt, tj.&trd tats ILI]t dale tiiîinig. A fi' bal fur ouoîriuqàiitâl. Otliintdi tI, 117.43 C ANODA LIre AiCniL'tANd]3 EËsTrAB3-1, ED 1847. Théuo cl> càno,,l LtrCouipaS> AUTO iîi 1)> IY (G@VEINlENT if'AitTtIE i,1INÏO. fi, RtO. arc i ier th.,.thnett it lish or An- 'dnio iiit. 'tifni t ni lthe'oian 'à t14a niliie i ofirinuiitt notern . .. ,,cntî, laineiilthe iI D.,niiîn,. îheî nec i,(e 0w'iiteorAmicai Cinoniit,. sailtoie,iio tsthoe rornes of the th iéi, iioi f Cou 1, i.fn1 ledt édotd 'CA* ndiaoIoiiOii, i if i cîpid progrot te.511,- fooiryiv,iendfhbi. .iiiof Itpriiitii anid piotiiot. .uIir pge ci iit aiîu heDoinaion dr ofiic. huinuaito., Ot- A e.! RAMBATi e. Y. cSITH, Odnteit il s'Ont. Wiihy, Jay ,1871t. C.y-Si 0 A T M E A BPST qc1tALIVV 1 OiT t. u itto0de P» fRUQois & 81137818$ BIlitjK i i.ý 1 rtoekin, April Ellî, i1839. INSURANGCOMAY Ft ia lirili. Ageat tu ,rPat Wlitiy. WESTERN INSURANVE COY, Shei5*ts JOfficBLOW wbitb.y, in aid àltrio. Agi nt fOý lIO îy. L UM1t 1LUMBUR 1 F1astei' ad Waterlinie, gLOSINQUgPBUSINESS 1 20ogc0 arI4,Olnid _____ P.hîlusais and itiot, The uiédeie b'-. &c lungne iiAyt i Lainier e tnod,OioisWoiS if Illif di, ScAutIlU<s 5e.atto Ans AM WALLAVI eulg I...uddéO uuf tiui.,e)l omiSeus **ieut." DtYN ÂH SREEgwoueu' omtimm.l04 Wudnihte 0 o0,*Tt T% Atm.. 5. Ir". pt.yift-dOijet-, eîtLU- I Stdiota ,oitP"isoYatedet1,a ta wà* ndrx" r Bs.i elsi.rtii a iéioi Ai U! o.ofttSuuttOi Li% Vre, Widuiue7 fàAcew rati-~.~Oti. I a tiI OtOit odO&-e.imwpft WOIP S j lIacksiti4As ua1. No. 1, on tlie Cortner 'ioyo. i 81 i. FOR THE LI JOHN-SA N~S toppositil the it(oyal C tuttéti Bank,) 0ROk1T W t he O ThtIl Takeot giott poaqure idi ttnn ffilCc tôe Ptlî htli lias ri-cetced a tietc atnd large Stock of B'i%)'rd AND) SH0OES. for La tes' Mentsand Caitîdrens' wear. nyhj.nhare l?.rel ai ctreinelv oy prices Il.ivittg, pliîrC!tied the boilk ofIhis tok bof cd tlîn recoîitrizen l hler, ht catîtot ho tiidersold. Particîsiar attion Iiit dÎr8dtgJtll -I l ole-in oie %York, donc itn the Slîp. fiL)oots àaudSlîoan of er dncitutî of thse latest and tnl-sido ta ordpr, and asi moue but irmai da isolmcîî aroenam- ployo.d, a sàciOrfit is giiaraiitaed. INetîultg, an tttil], Oit the siIrte4itlitié. JOIEN S-AUNDËRS. 45- Nealel& Toddi o SJ-iA WA0 ONTT.1 rrbé usiders,ýihed beg to sityto iei i tornerq, and ilclcrai triade, that tîte>'have <o a geai iieiy tàl I il Coffl tics SITE THHOSf41 AS STREETr, On the,* onter. F RESIIGROCE.'IES, OYSTrER$, LIQUORS, OF 'TUÉ l JEST BRANDS, ToIaccos, Tecas, Sugars &e. l'. & iii [~î lie Ocaioîît' t JmuaîiOo I)MSWÀLLÀCE, Wtiiby,'Oc. :7dAOEFNT* 1;7 AL L IMPÔflrATIONS1 HIAMILTON',& co., ùis e*nioýetiel n loy iar17e nniàd llasborted Stock FANOY ÂND 8TAPLE )IflT WOS - paiii s poil a ntenîtiùtô Eti L .O Aof l)riti Gonilol - ebliItila *411 e0ldclod, and mach lotgr thati a.oul. l'if tille hit nnel .eroatîigi iourlt Fat- fotsanad Cap luoast, Braëo,,_ pst Il il g' ri~1 îthorbegiqtat intimate tisat lie vill.OF above Mun îl 0 ii i5f1.'s o n ho 1th liday cf 0o .tober DCxt, for or P(uF-i3 8 AM) (aFEE;a IacreStick of wcuil receîvittg, J p i nQe poondnd t hwards. -----tgtils Stock to the Publie, the subseilsb so wvtîl' git ftifi'ei h'visg ciafilearrangements. witlî the t. tiA & 1; 1FýS CIIi)it enahie hinm teo eil at WUOt.ESAIM thèrOby dxedlï 0c jiw! in e theUi connty cf Ontario ail the ad es of à piïèRfad vclýi p tlicle. wliich lias of late heen realized te th itacts of licy[ptiifls 1Il citiîoantil towns in Great Itritaià United ,j te-sifby Il" i, i,îhlisltnt t flarge coiipanies aiiagst 14' latî ta I0oidfîîî t it ofliig exppricîtêe and ample mns on-, ticular hbrtýi S tI' illyciiiiictiliI on wliclh ii:imiîoh profits cati1 te succeed. '1lhe isii ii I* es1îer-tfttlly Sohicithtuga a l èof p a tr eon .g e , 115 S 01 11 liii t t h en d cs ie o ati ii, tiad ! a'ein a nd , i Ii genev If lle Gonij '1,y ili Le staiînped <t11caci lionkd'ge u) Mniitlee, Lamb'. %Vnt Drawerh4 .ti. o o th i,,,eiand ii.,fui, sot prîcooiA Whtch they *il bil ai tht i4ey lb%%,, tPc >sil[e ra, iT, n .e oi ks ahte and G rey Co;ttos, Flaniol Shirts, ito, oîue i o i cA )nO Whtiteand Grey Shtrtng, irs itlirte, dt e AhtI.r ,briui'à oolshitni ail itripcd TieIeiiirALi3 R 1 PttS OiEt'E,1,..4iXtÈ l. El 2~~"" . ."White and clored Quiltà, %iiiuow iettndÉý ,(T IFl.ST,11 ; o TeO ervn nt teI -- ii . oissu loi ýe P rU m ned te -- rio. it hi e a n m f tihi i(ooetfti i ottodp teii pdn. f111o-Ii,, i e t s, mt [)eliveetat ail tité hôte la liIle Cotîîîly, a. 2,3cîojpet gai. CIihio moentdaidr i bbc îewatsyle. - - C IvLitop sTOO.Thi Also Porter at the saine rate aîîd Price. G iirÀK. f-o w au i 10aniýpi gth GLASCOW and-. oini,pariigntir,,I m osihu, eý'1Yotraou. of p,,. nodgi rii hi iy t GIhOUEMtES AT W*tL.o0LESALE, at I r tpossible taies; -.1. oi..a. ., Oshava. Ottoher îrth, 1670.j u60ie.îri..iead ai i intî m , T iî , n ietdti u eoth,- bas the, e{. . lefii eouiitithse' uIt h, M.ei, IB0 e t a n til(.tOtel nlfi r us re U& UU UL 5E h . a d o mo niota. ieh.i th ili Ille l it ni a rYoita .o.rAC C x o e r' is,, ' u,, é aritf n i 1."'l tdl1iilrrtt t, h on .r Which i~E n * ~CCIUi 1 110 C uiitt storpln-î...rn n&0',l'-nihp m..tus A t ueo uu Enlargd hidi , i 'bflie Coffees&c. o~ ou ,aai.o odc os, ortaliAe, ATtioe rapi ri Tarfa is ' twn s ! IJ WeT ,' is tw PRwbkte thert en heotfOfeceieS te he(oued iiyt tn Detutsatone a lL, , LOM us, AND EERYTING I Tll;- (iOCER LIN, AI' visi wiliauilifleaf iiteliilflgrLrI"ers J-AW LER'SOLA" WTIIITBY tJhequerStdrBcSt 48 c~~ AIIG ACTOIIY BROc TO DiRECT TiTIO-2iTiiUt titàeiàh OOMPLÈTE STOCK 01 P ii iA!cQ hhI2JliEQa1 tfighus Coeh prib e uî 1fuior Výiye. f iafl l l f FALI, AND) CHORNG W1IE' - jQo.N BLOW, eg R*hy R. ayo StbA eon. ,Aeci- stieyu4 frimtiei. lt h, nofi A C l s sP cfÉI h-a h iS otuy is , 4m Oe '. lqo"mboeIb t. in, Whitbjr, Oct. 1-th, 8O BESI! MAKEI y soiicîted.. c~. DOMIYUON WARE ROOMS §k1'Hull"'E"'II 1CTai,,, m dantdrW toiWu elu JAS. H. jiSAM L Y. 1iuhi T!nnlr u-1 l 1.h JAS. 11 « .0.S,&MOse , Unly ~ W*l* LZI DesGouds AilrWé§, AilMOI tIerry Silks, for trirnmitng0 flogier3r. Shawls, PlIaids, for eots, ,U*i~-tâai- SahRibbons, &c. À ssleî,id ~ of SilkSaLu.udPOPUMis Plain ta ilfi1,tfti Lades ~ai ~~h LOWESff & POWVELL. JMIROVED FAIIM S& And Wild La-ne FtlA , LÀil on.14A All ,vd a i. ;ý, , '101Ik al Icc o duharîi andnl, L<d i t 'ni hralfI Cen ittéini t e il oof P eivt.tn ;1 iIrtcIl tiîCinnCI îhe Part I1QpQInu t1Oîfsit.i Row. .MAIIA, Lti IlIL Ci St)Aeî'i jt f. 4 11 Coi. 100 Ae ' i il i;,) 13 12 i 100 , I LA"t, t 4 20ICi arLoi .1 18 BEXLEY. 4 '110ri 6 31 " 8Il 5 SOîIERVILLE Loit 7i2 bli. 24)d si-nf . P. 18 9 89O The ab-e proporiniese nOeud d f Ci%&14 toA prico ndliiinrai tor50i f payiit, 1 J. DIAM PERRPY. Whitby, Octoer 3 t1870, Oo-5 ÏttANt< LESLIES f3emoret'. Tutothi# Centé O0..îiîed t hoguiia th.eioty lMr ?otkl',OTO'S POITABLETiibAOLE T THXE CKBIOET L *LB, AN * IWNCEBTqiàtR10AD" Ry MARK T'kVÂi? î ME RED YiiO*' ,~iythinh o hi Ai," l- litia l 1 hering, i. ifauiii," il êsCiu.io Sept. 24, 1970i'4é ~.Blow & Sonij »UNDÀIS STlitEET, WH:ITBYO4 Èât tu n if,,'i.the 14y havoî î e Q00 oiitarai iy unoband.a npéîof-i 4litY of OAT à CÔRRIIBAkC BRAS, ;Mr The high..iCnih pries p.iid fer rain. pironondaga Sait fur Sale. ~htS1~p. N. BLOOW& SON. 1870. 45 l tue i et là-lx. . i LUVTHL LOND0 E'OR THE TEETH. talA bî firistil Firigntîe. , nSittorîh.iptît thronghîsî îlle Worta, wth dirc- tions.for firsonat Pst. CABRIEI;S oVIIITE (lUTTA [PEUt Whithy, Oct 5, 18ýt)- 1 M'hilly, Aept. 19, !800. Wivltby, oct. >26ti., ù7ô. 1 Whiiby, Ùét. &, 18id. .1

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