,Mnt lv on nî ico benéfihilor 1the01)0 Ibo sth feiflin esiroc oor ~ePOWOJr and Spftl'Oil .thciublio mii Ogecociu oôcer, parint orfprtr or peitono, ic c nsected eîîh i1110108 ,0 binauy tinot.tilecoileivo1 1, In en ceantrd la tici" G jfied by 110in agrenIer or le î hoi~io ights wlco 000 loti Id deligli to profit. hy iLs cool: nule. No wj itis the extra ,pciin ovroccloolt, Ogui ed-lof JohcnSaidieli's s o ci il isîhe4>pelltal e 1. enty.yeftrs,.thot olli tibm- INomte personol si reilii nppOncent eontraoloi ,(,cg i cnone zair t ,of Geori ýn yoiil10r ietaIhos yot. ceiii disovred that hoi 'e as ther pacr mort 44. . et, îLeopl]inctio of the Une. Aiway .e sin un lice f 0 i lerei eTijii e îcc iono , ! Thet 3t Eteiccn inlenti - fic of cado; - iuESENz on iî-tbe Iferer motiii.g 11 oc eprineipal Weih 0' 4m,. Tinh eTiga ro y so5to t mmpeesem ccd Iy tee ida min bs n, ieio ifefiior Theisale rnàlbz- - i Jtl of Pr eicon Mocleiid tier ondotihin IS T tAY IILIE Ioliel -M 'm. L110 jnaccy OC 1100 OOtfd O i l a; 0 Noc Iew ~f ho prosits, it 8 1 e e y tp loieclj tht ieUchitcry <cfthe Orme c n o a8roMeaoo bofo)iati/re 10 00 hI ileir W tond ic Uo~ok ig o~, Oioco niocent %,-or was hoàundOU ocIf o Uýp2àuliy ilns. eCoe cd hy ei o f """,a, lîs"e Den (litat fie h Engltcel wwldine OR figît'hol licepehOlt con wô por't.Y lecuent. wOn hoie cttatiitcg one, and moceà t bat Son VO wol aucc ta y termecnralter finthmr thon run the rini oaionu8enecl rohecple, The Rt .wlt ne srlike o per.gosroog anti frci- oitl clblo mu Rcoesnico ehy voreRrely cis- nid ifîI cfth tat Eroge, 6a ýtývbw oneet Ps% il dnnicî but. tht thoe afiempî ofdipleffin ico il aoie; l'ofr lthepresee l "GQilco Spol" dlin l adcm'inrtion ilEnSglanil> hon hoon on ,hoonc iucenîLulvo ten slgeo n the prnel mp1. neoi ct.ieO0f o certoicoy the Franoooi.Iro. oliituc. eue woir han been iaàoîrnental 1in efford- on linel iucg eoncforIorLusnia Ïmokîo4t t.lottopi obacEc' ohà in new deuag, butcticiil io <s.ho aitulcde hils 0 of mgotcole thonn t lcîg ,Y iao s, onuneon cm ihlioin lthe ilds lier copoil. The fcrigs altO ore polic7 alopiti by the cômaseroiand octi y. If posoaoing Asdmcinstrtiono cctc w p r, footion, hoo leen oicliii o.le oleto icloer the ni heic-, reapot 0onlotrlaiceotifor Britoin cecong ereeti cý thco nfolu. Whnro questinons are setd.ed el. Th by any administratibon n the o mmgroucd ofiOr Pl tl dollar, and cent, it will.socn eccî al ot c0o8 theceghî ai' prinipeOut of lis discsonsoa, pont1ci anod hognvraed hy the mgeet iaiS of ecîletce expodionoy Ilowever, weo ofo giodte1se0c0jeetion t th ambitious prelendions of frj m elewa. 'b ado8 a a aprit amnourthe ilopÏ4whieh n otis Fçoo0rm1ent mnoea not. If bci~Glt1kc ced ()on the brlonioaqoes a n ittle resolution end y' - mouciel i nîte91li Dootonr tlrew, bot ne t. intentIons, foi'hce 1800 1. ttiOc btncid cf Sin of o miiteri1iot t oi' potiag hlm gocily Globeno'h uis oround catid rfur this expressionc of ha' Coiiniciiiog mthi l 'cime suhbet.-Anti os pren.i)neee la toe coou., casaiS ta o t resii ,cal; if ho supporta anme can't omalaie the miole rwho mut Dot ho Irastl. Jsc aiitrary-trateacnl ýt.teonen, lmo&ot. oI- boroneico ,int tfruitn te 'uture will be' olîcucted, alam' Wo 0bava e. D h.b tod nnly refer 1te i 'our - etisfceotiorn icol et. S'erocy procencec noce v's1 -anor'io ,r'easnc cfe. qc, iLgîc Tlnocîiiioi Wlý yj iiii.Ol lihiier cii' ft Piceritccg, SOOc niui Ii1% WIX8OOrPickeii, 11 >0[rdus.,c W cu. % iOe, Piel, JaOOCrtdu-,Wm. Tiiiindoi', Bull cotvee.Cnd:n Bal $sno i. HltOn, 8090 loyic oco 2)iIelioîon0 lioc og_8130, plertd, . Hecetticer hocc, 01 of Ponice, Jolcn Icoiîî, Lnc Trimmecer. Gin. ogsoî. W~ l'ocrer, fer. Senekdet-. 1id Illu-kF.n Daid etAlieii,RlI A0crhuir, Tiiois. IjCrte int b'oe (eeelr)Richard Pale,1 rerd, Ucinridioie, $140; C-o, I Plt',$4;Dù.,ý IL. Diii,' JîiccWi icîIlkeitieg, Ï70 i lliHOilolir $55. Sin p-Icpil $22801) N 11alckiho10 $200; No 2,i%. N1 ,170,; N o 4, do , 8 1I; Nî, 5i IleiOuî, 0dnilc'ton, 8$130 N.1 il ,J.nîcioo 1. Dccitior,Pî,-il eEwesod b tti iF Pr ii-N White, Plilerill", $14; Nos, -MjIrictc $ 40;- No 9, Jfi oViîioiny 61 t ain, M (b. fe 8100- ;i, E n Iameh-No 1 pair, JO Raiàcntc, 80 0ýNo2, do.. $SI;1 1. i)nocdnc,,iclkericng, s$. regiuceoo ~,rrtd on Thunci lItentaocs1lk~ rooteopree nnliiticl-fror olra itrasd zioouic's e Chareor f il. yccbor dies ,eïr1 lietch c- de aeed SycIratcifbtcesendi gaiclrd lice eâooecc jM of tIIr hec olis0ncniy. yq.cer -srntat'-' liiccnsIcave L'en rerycifccnd einl-- iîîg ton theordigiooly di 8psodscend one ur focvent oppae.1ho(0tle crelet Cugncot . bore bîco lin vuiel; ti 0g. od ileecî yoct 'est dnico7 pur yiiong peoplet wil p krLieiicly i. B ya s YOU bcveo 60 piahiely tcndisouoes li tecliy intrcteti t.lui n,, o - SoUDy Seoonsin 0Scdre.d ocoole. i NO810 els d o i ce-ie led e al'oi- 00 ablo e rvce lNi eo. yiikrd 4 ed ailier con enrs of ypour Ifermcly châve rii- rn: eteree bnthe cehoir, %Vn inoievcie t. tDiiina Preovidoene i enitd eni ootic your Unie eccilic ueilcýe trut thnt yoencîcey Sud il ezceetinglip clirec bie. %ve precy ticol iîd Iccccotýil- Cloe ua bleno ypur emdrtioiis and cticinci I yeu ine lie diieleerge efail or doties, aniii ticit Y04Ieiefty hoencr eeta10 ld - terin i th'e creoîtof Ohrià.c7 te perîlieal enoer j oti oie lroiiutby loaOr hut neen m 114Yv- I finiolci eor Mict.r'o moart cpric elrthie1w mneîieng eceir ther LàIIiienveii. 1 cooreqîtc8nîy6o le oceepit.lce09' 1 eeMpooying -picrelcoiof rnne coana liii eciedennecf ori cglc regaîrd0fiî eor ifc punr excellent tife Uadcîl uitourAfiuccliy. Wc romana 7000 ffoucienatte, Mi 1 rilionro : JOIT B]LOW, cnch JO N OODIOISII0j, lrden,. l b ocilcf aithe Jengregatien. 22 Neo. 1870. - Thco Reneronti gontiemno m un Ie Tviceden ttoi bt î irri .3 lor ire aut ceci n:i 100, v noid Oct' rit toc [lilitasc 2 ; Piiilstnce k rondti.$512 n12 bitridieut itAcciilcoeo Mley, piou imoItinn yf Flitir tbie n ttcai, teo f E if eikotty'niec mtion af M 1iglicr, the: 1loiiiiee 'l'owri.4ip 11-1. RAI ClINCtO Ï7-iiO îoppoeîority for D 'epY e o oeoi0ii < uruo f tits olbr:nîbclil Ci ,lj iitrOei 8 . ýi vi. or th cellioeioine- d~ e tram 8et oppoilite tiir ni- io. -lliry lltIetnl r - IIS11Coîr cîttl b. d 1oIihup& 0faic 10 IrJied 9MIco. D'i-Iv!, 89- TiaIt (ienreh aere occ.î i iîoIeet eî fn trrîveiiinna Gte con-* ,,,r 18 Icvot1iiust .iî-îîelî-celt!eir & IÇ,,iipep fr %mirk n012 oktite st.ie iiiioiiiciinrCelc Bi(%eniiic11cliigî8 11 ; %00011 tqrliw if cîî I iluc r afllecodyou fer twoii ii.i 75 ; ucmtit) 1 a Ili",,î îil i brcdieorc tiig Tocrcoiip 1101, th*lIe Ghureiti IIstýit ti iijnigotiuîîe eft'n 80i rcrcicrk ie loin theo ctj ,qiicIIOn G-cat .\. Bicciei, &cied Il y Sbp, ice'ieceeeie hoi-i l-ecnfiitrl woil ceiler crînte-iothetii treci- acmti, irsieiiil$ebnlii1 Oiimn rîenripp tlir thi e For èsolo b- Ic.clil Pmileirios. oien en11i.ir Be ndra11i'ned. %r. Bini eondced bi y Théo breaki b ic heeoc i'bct.ocon Punia reovo *wameccthtoizid flc Remic oi-i KJO ep tO'i' , lia ii brenrre- c th# Tlrceeerer ic fiieor roiirod idt ii.licee Ju i n coIc eokioie or- ofir lie son, o f forty 1er tb hicel,4ico oi.pile bo byoeei. )Art. of' ibig nleny for ltho fleeiey i'cihtt he l'riles lleitolîiiit 10 %Ir. Biicle, oe'oeedcd by cenoîrucnilcebrilno.eo lin 'fleioc.ICiVOrY lriie'c ion o-cticerized teaIccuciiag e lc 1fi- iiin thenfots dustroyis 1t.ie treocînrer ii- fîcror tioir structure, fo i îlnSoc-n,'f 81.00,aiot 50 ete. for oiecolng li)e iit.'olcnand Boecrlr, cen o le-ltlI. ioOet orrgstnd il i crciiw cyqct eioci.0Mcnheeti Ire lier, eccuruele, -Ace.cec a 120 îiiîc.oicce-d n1c-il ltce pni-aelr IlM doleen istticorizotianodlreefiireel to rcO- rueliono aîil ep.op ti ýr pubm Cee lieUotn n àpfrcc ni'tino 'noiiliv B. F, Porry, ni o uify thueo Oloear of lbrel .reigoiutiin. Co'rrieel. iuloric ci, nedu. hp Dit. thlie &ecici etc 00ww nejnicirii ijicrhtuonîlli l II3inot 1Mccc- -uLer, iîen t cicet in Lhns 1, nt 10 Q'loec. I. Sproat ton. am] -tercoine tio ctije uttoc 1000 fenicl in licoir ieî ong 'ieon for ne"ce oilelo litciig NSilil. Tho 40 pier îlco lilcen te f1-i îiiooo 65 por prlî-iiîe, of line rui lire de- Imml Mi el oivcict. In ik'i-îl f 112putilers, ttiil eto ie d upe "oh ciwnelotl wmck cr COlla aond lVatoc'licflp, A inni0 tcncceto OeC""1 Vieeric IlicesBiec Onîy r As itc0.lIcou ihnîidil ceqetreel. Aveoroe enI. vrdécon eniieci cesonnmth.- Apf cy pcrnooelln'c-c by cotter, tn - J. A. APBN T, Propritc tBi 81t, WctiLbyé 0c0paDWoOD & .STONE WANTËD. L. F1AIRBANKS, Ji ", tri.aitnesOn ood enoei dcamtlssiôn Ageol, ~. ic cd etîoceicoi t.ifiOi5O Lire9 Pire, I9idlillY &,eCdooflbrait' 'Whciltnni.dot. à,21A. g) Si 100OR OALLc D[t. iE.obiVOOeL, %Virocce aobr2f;, 1870. i T0 13 v S I 'iI S fmIE AND $PECIJ'LA'O1tSI -rHE.PEaRRV BLOCI<9 iVAlcin boa ilîit a t IedeO re l it strtionf t a l i b y0 'lad eâ ttoaa in itou ieirL lccc lre t he slIbj storeJy -'L4 le TIY, 'Ii .!,é,cccrcaiiCoreo 0e'aiaucnte ii enocisr or tIntcluIe plac auOnce B9&8t- toc questin; andi la ho boe bapei thât % Engionti miii ho oscpropareti mhou On come 27,1 una ncn dr tdnoatrngle ot andsitdeolà-i ire. If aie doe Dot fgini bumett a o t colt! anly potpanoe mrtin i een& forla 'oiryer-to tatr a pco onoefromoltat'of lu hic ictÇat cf the sotres of tino Boopboi*i U. TME MAMN3IALD TESTIZU1ZLos"X tstimonal te i Joha Ae * oae4tini 2e bere tcoti iî Y Oie cocautr'tg 6 *Ver#- 14, hIe a mten§r nsta laond tu the boel >*éat the 0 mcole othbin pruepqeno amion't-8t1*c4i>m -milivinono oisrllot. %W. ic-n -. gladtaicletn ttn tcir ardtest saato le lata oroereetfae heu lccg, valualatnd l' a l nt.et -O r'be yeOs in aat.P iriscase Ioiyt e erc poiticil I ea,l 9onI cftlOb pericti ba oocilelia pr- vrii ent' 1jcoab.leR is kaon, tat'.ntgInei icI iconmaroiitpliîaabeau prodoctiveo f te e teont trecelten and tislyl ni'propos lat ion lu à tlcIow-aoontrymen oho hans beenbe baeoO tb he einxoorcisai'f bis gplot tW,, àiold iiaitelina a lniataishieare-e tut' as a nîtitman, as mil esa rsmo cf# ligicot nortiicati intagrity an acre acenete laa of having omoti lis officait p aisioaenericohhicoacI111 foat, Il la, *anai ita baltntSir John dn.-day àla ep man. Whoa soMO" ojporlcaiilou j74- eandet er tLlorates nGonada la ftcocl. 1000$ Origute anelommuàma ma f <loi atering Sioa0aOer j00 muei an on refaoerotprofi by Othoe SirJolihn ccOt- t blesdou'l.e td ai da va ro1'f can- %y>' lin au gratcihaiona oeg onaielbo lest <t «,bavaPceanier' nae al lai n te tisere'o? ont publia guiet 1ai r ina tla ntlreiy free iroom lista daeasg.thio eevj i ýg totaL.W. um eort4ii hi e <nn ua- the Oeiiîr tq i-yl'I -eioe &t thn oeooe it i ts-.0eneit l ei -ain neih'.is uy tzi o h ldotoneoli ait le -iteo-neot tande of ite it naaede aspiem. It niers O f arerfra j ou cil in tic o eaihiity, t- en e cce m. quce jtdgeauernt0 i eceryrngOnl Ourpcr IRrF , Ileh -à Puccrtnuriecor(bu ectiniadîlU th Ehaentocidieuiy e enrc l owed. Albut tlii o II nîtitie t- or. t, aloa znge ote of dipeoe ro. esioitrhuit îes-oinue .oti tu lio1 li I;nendfillyi ae41j tiisapparent baerd iic tcroridbe n hî beard ocoonget usno br s ny un ion i l 4 jmitlgo f Ille c. norneie Iig h ello" At nion oi tcgat dy niecliijc lto bcdre- F Te fliwicerle s ntino e nti jo hord the Oronges inisi et iey, sont Occirnceo ecrred eOr pouo Ka oI c Inni In. -ci batelltel i lnt s Ln ero dII-cr nîriieo ,a * M" Bire llI, li- "ese booo th m Great Pecmeor, jhwer eeaioiel I 4 ul r lVoUySfoucisti feen offçctioicotllv anctu i ue'ilc -111, *i"nt Illeîn Spe-oiirr îusue1i lerew eaoued hp tiem ibie mr attend lncg Agu filthutthey - I Dot c li ' ur'ai eaumlere; tnd greut Qfr'Yeu very - _____________ieseeif fe-oc Élin o Gent I bori ridj,c Ic -ree a coefflinl statientceut nloo Oh m v -recenlar trn your ttecdoceo tipnle pubilie ANAI-iieecILLUiTclAltD Nisw.-Mbr Nci.agu'ec nd eues earriedl ocer Élite riilI gs~ ~~ ~~~~' olijeetutn leoveeiino rnneciitl y ilen oorship. -Moy (Ldgreot tuit iiiy-imaper. viîiîiîlnogeterispirerSoielcdeiiîeItldrnoils- liaet bae te folloilng oFrlicou' dcupîrturthec'Égout Adn, il cine " tic ' î'e oft e l 10u0 he. oeldirce t) r ongi -hi eatr rL Jjaa fte fuel servic a l l'cees atotneOd ->an it ieotot tayio4 er o p-rly 112 ie gegh:-Rlloooîrermy- nfecniry, d e leaifilthotalaire, cat oyliieo enaeternorioaeilro i y Icie>'r, 68,50), riliery, 93',' nnîy eoÉteinof te lid gM rin île Ileto In thce -Voatil ef 1mb s uirgtua ! oeon Rylioe,-eur c u e N m eceFrttlry l nrcol gisits, ave trelo t-lis doiepet interet; ood ie. iho tarocive Peeib i? cannneies. TIre A, poIiItOlne duieinr') e iprioige gieenr, 26,160; gn, 16000. znyl hnel t oot.* 'nnî en he d eii-tlt intti tino n; tutel o r jti ti enouyllsrte -i clep" teIuio - neoeii.i i l p ri o vig crof ~~~~~mn in haste la ta cepentrt ispsucf tine' et' a nt cîn î f h 1urcs Ill 10m iic~e ~ Ae p-l-c li mec 1-1.1'on i Brel oe Tico alefacîrve i37,174 ; eovalry, 143;, IT sr 10 mitte dt e-in o atu, alen ofvil lio nlly O anterg e l'rlco e b:so] i fo t rseileco de- TI cin bis r l. etiployel Nir. Buolton, ilccy, 7,3d]. gnouse, 22. Total tcIe Deeion- riiemonot.wl olnül e îea UPr.e ure r lptjj.ut o 57. ocoanecfuuplnproabout 1t0,- .r o Ilinierel seipaerbeloolt. a i ec ti t:13'ceeoutresn fo tr .ofta 7. Iclyeneplan c about0, htito a f tOnirury *ozl. Tn nrin tsILv onmode fer - _____________bas 1a rronsfoc eO otriOuo pn.eetst. 'ithn e Loci hsu snn oey cf ANAi eiecrierec dopatel si th lio eoir h y ioyteef ond JrMiliY offoirelti oocllshcoue iceleiOc bl tnuouairâes ne cocceipleasire. I one 1ay mno chtorielunBerlleville. A minrori5 Q]coc as mon lleti, jepor )0 voisecrrylag 1500 guts,oed scipnvieac leo ee norte csîirct Iticanue Yen ,m tani emraiy fao'yoor mceilin e.iopînecr nre utote, niopi-int of rie -'-oty' fir tins 1reool' iy 17,000 mon. Agnusrieisaen compaory, tien labiîtiesagnasiiieg tu Pion% wigeneosonel proets nfnr My ji occ My- îîîhoo ictreoiîin Alinecey i~o f Cretieli tuinia, forr Oendi e n 00ILRrong, mune ciuIa cînil>' 8400000. c co citapîy bu sftr u' soif cudti tur fO10ill7ctoe.lOr1ol c Y.eo poony peporhyte aboudt toIl id midi o mhipiciendI5Iý aie lic nf--milion. Y eUn ao>', poirs oopicyed olarga noraler of ropol- si rct a te oer . co ti c?, la (ilot 'oi'39 tamer tond l ors onite ti ges l aio;ncind &fecioru i in o nutt lc pa a'hIre ia.' hicleOy o i enLet o ecoA cccýup ll u i iet iiu t (1,ar etet' nicon yoatihehre te ltin o s orii'Chrit %atio10<te n ieclopo re re-îo licnp cm iaiien ir(nifrii ta roe e, crrybnrg nearly 800 gala, ant i aooi nowientnhue ahinppingc e r oin osî if (1hi"er (-cfour fý)e4raf »c. - Ou jeor$io> eloipul cleecioren are qolî ui t ni901 ot e -lr clou tree]li.. Iiiei jiertr>' ml UIlo>tey o ie flitebidoreti guclmitrio, tn. Turne>' tomauan rece> of ot -00 teoicine fc iood. - ibrauchiniu morletii bltbaa licrt oaac e. oi tae Wminesintcal incevi. cniny mon. wLhclactld ho inernoord Int Tea usabcee Ornacnet icainocoiclehon bie LIclth lI, c u " sw ' ie (!,,I d WerrlIleiL ,cinz tdin u Lindecn oi TIc. ~Snatrion nus>T oompresns reluesiicuiieti oToronti binveo JiInt ab cpiOieinc4 oiireraiioliioht,- lit rm.reie itt o eb o nm 0lcc Thi u tia n an yet cpiccifecrs 1 iI r îîlibieoodrte o- tt'ýh teroi 0000 poreite efficiellp. me .o.lc of O ne-ouSUc wàwminet iele guitears. 13 50 tnuecord. lu Tünors eu mianicîla Aiiaiaf i n od rle o iO lnii L ili tifieons1of'eîGerma i) , if fotlul fu10Our' lepisltn oob ts, C e il a ho a gcraend St. Atiircw'o nonie8750). ogad wudb fcure h ntI rpinese rafncor; a n ejoy ei'rne irlee tizetur. - iinlit CcloirgOun thl ie li. An lio .ncis Trylonue ta o InuineRs getai mult !h of18afileru DAVYo teeieuouisanceitrublesiPar ii lier mlc ire lkot ieiknoc ;n nti Itoioiit ? nsoee îes aoy haeo crînct>'lienle ien IIce t ilettce nt Pdnau-eL--i o nomPiauliol tu i n du l ee elene ruito ai r miteeect eeuloec cii el îbsi otiar e iii tta if euri>' 00 vefflsl-403 ceteai- rtl$lîa ieSanrd irec.eIidg ie 4Irant h at terien eand, Iteu à critle u isttcio t 13 'îe - Ur. olt ifreni, SAr. Vitli Ioure Lecnlu Wlîiby Ip i or fy ie teey ntied. h on ru trtine u uice ie eeaara ticepits ap a Nordieebtooir daaaîiiO miS Ir 1r -lus oO fie tteo lait.iMr. Laing utisceoil- poi'ret.wonl-,ttneai iaLc c> oginer of' aaling vonule--Whbla I1 fond, adalic av i e isaut, ea1% iln allait iveocg eterutt , cta-cof b acidiers, lice ver>' lest O ia t tinc thgneibre 1ii, t.jle eeabtielaMiintrreli. eoce. Tue Deio its nAmul fercoir oecepteti ol eh pum aielo h ie oetncy itneidt eiscsîeebtee i rictl- M .J.V 0cititUiib n T en- i il- Irer rit oa ie nrceisg leSuuit ciou n lytct ny brcoîoeci ifnoooua>' iticout regardtanatiooliry, fîr ror. da or si ic fir Cuba, andt o rip thee ' sl-nO I tinta lofirà i eiitle i Thce filil-î o t iotilc ta orleol hY o ulI le dýoet. -lueus, and ifla b qelho hpcd ll iie i t tl irogi the ISt.c«.l e wlia b c abshent Wteiyecn te 'bny 'Thr trglmjr1>tuli.r ai lelca le uen fl. -hm r lOr îou ieo , t.ar o _ cre, nntiyeî 8ca frr, ,Joacs ' îeee, c bir e rit Ire Pleine c e oIljois1 ben on co ieto iff&1s)helieOrtn bat ex-cihnooiiy)iif 'ce1-11 ri,. ie aa scian-hird lia~~~ of Ae'ios bc be Tut mysbor citlteew i it it Netei. DnoriuieBout K -A* cili ho ceira Iy the tho e ol tic l ntifud ocele, telicelr 'r e i ting 42 .ute0t 9e thîl iotnl Mr. SantifiltieoaientPro-oenao.Npee i0,arriomn rcrconc, u rbgOou Ire î etro eceny fotllaG i " orer le pet Approricina meotrldvetientlâ inOdur olnieolle 1 iteefolffi, sar rIe, y mcey ol (JIeoGritfoanoni"bave boens cole cand pubiliied, qaiito aclonen ofnaiitei tockieeftîl nn __________ O an s irta emn oale s h e10 Naïfuthetnnpartries arreatod ;Iro& in orier>' irnthon ieen enîicibl, ent I o tlWc -AIDI, tel'eTlON uiui au 1 P ceri4til M.c a -c oI eo i le epeaer'd Éet in0> d intna os twnty.liq e t rent tcn lle flearo. Thn ras.cocWil gakt.iu t lio iti' tiranstee y ron ei-lt.e""o."axa. eillnecu&) or aais oaucoq ri e .Ti..j cai',M b i~~mp llpet u r. PBolduca, of cIabis eeý Vio.lie cler" :- *1fTee innopt (e 9c-idil, 1 i oc-Ilt Aiencndec et apielan at i tb teecud nid sYi".oo r er We il ire 0 ooinî ten, Wmiiebllcof 0the prociniool diect. il î'i iO.mci eret o adr Trrl i iea'(nî i.K ney 16 aOIIno le)è i 001e. ei '.. Iec.e leec tc utitctarolle, Neoro 11eeeeN -lin ien, the ocia daauicir. -priccea, mol.hereeoi'er 5t - c'r 0 cotiee ICteeieîIc-c $ pubiihùcerj-c, cf Fliaueirieea,N, iRAtu t'. - Grille ho la ct ac tersas rior, lut. lie timieeleu , c yet oe. Acio a ,;Oi cte J if.RÈ malaIer i inirl, fieo N 11 2 Gar-enbi c aO0t 'tl1IeIe ,Dt h, rqit -- e-cn lmetI. Taerno leno lno Ict.yo raIcne îogepreis llong Toret or n u Tcnce il - tO îI cuuhnby fe i iJ. 8 R t. hciàr ioiel on0 onU et- Made oanilerniele pFrie -..TficcclaîI8I cee l t wmci yd , idUe or iexleleisonou o. ee-eiliéIren S mucntli eo I ro i- om mltici-n Mo Ir c Iltr t - a Mico aoftc'nic-uii anti l e n e gjl s 1110 hî;55U nvtteidiugs met- tedont af thco red Los-rlu; hîee ue by a J tu in pe à utio nd Ileo i sb 1 ýIre- nu initien orofrcior onurbInring eos.%situatienTiti!_of___________________ in;i aipoatadtirit i ed ire <icOcit>' dnrieglthuge' iaIs , eeict'fsiihîonlengncoece ee 'ie' uc-,ptatentiof thce ir. t onin ic r a '-"-'- Ma - w<10 bu mei airp t lice godte valeîu( ifi nîcii n iciolcf ni'a lîiecstationnNaee.re cf- desoha pc'ciag prlie sse. thuit tI11 èkotgiad Chat theo O5iep. iitneeiiic'eocrtc Jj'I :mS cm ti toian N popeono ms es .ieii -oa-e u d udbcle oioo< e fini populatioon h enofehoroble pcopnny n-caties. 1iri îeu.1 icir Lellol menat ýr.vle"l fr rCe lita ee aetht, tylmijugagne t buLco oer>' cnocOf lPmig trayat-. jcf iila"set mamfia l n i m ' So-mc1.N ee> fiet they have o eon tnisoitn ii 'eris» elle -----.o--- mideecâoOslrrlr . fiit oitcoCinotief Tire flrling Ire teî Im'cs, th ateofÉle cM ie-te :li.aea long______teuioof i'out'roulerea theaodartIsoaeoeot iiloiii pool bociljios in thicisd rett ,y ....'.... Serilcro -51 cie. cc itît ~. ai lia en o r>'ani pecceoe a nd 1nt il ine n o d ant eaouri ez iII Cao .Il. »... .. . . .. -. ..'.15 SPi Wq i eir DIin i -el -i, J feeecny ois-cr n piinaorsi A uIsie.durgy woui do t,thïics tle lle e reico Iý' .....1c ,'ý .-:' ..'61) ueîim ~~cIie iisb&intiy opWelnin&rnni17r B oVbliurîey, onct Ofaa Sondaeaf wsiteIli aWaeqcituOn' ,,,, e,*~~.,.'. cil ,,yte llc'neM. f ic ginnton, nii aloir X*w.R.lcoî. urOisleo ___,-I____l'.ic ... ...o.' ; :00Ce. - -'in lf - nWe ocm- b r. t .ue .004 m oth e f br nec0 tic iatelv encActeioje ~ . .. . Ay or henorhee twnili,ýf,) aàf ltrey on bn itun 0thhllen sto eo r'1 Te .I i aI li- Ilmtad1 l 1 oa n C eeon -ase or ........... bcti iattutirnieo. be.n......... h e<flirepL,À ewns tigre, tÉ Witten the s o ccniltecnkmuao.i.. a- iis i ô' et NcnoFuuTcere neu je, ccinnul __Ai_____L le otan or nrreicad. Cree,,*e" l r. - tela ast ni r -alet e p tiscicenofijM 1 v ic idie ec-cee -r 00100 of rlec vi- ofmn s8q 1 aeitu O ',i (le A - th p i'e.M -'c'. thetie B aiiliwicer Oein a'I.-i<imn;1')c1i, 1 ri- s'of' he. ecioi (f atl ,4 theae o Wï,o reaieof ba g b-IemtonnleM0e iittco Vtomcilolnaaec .8e 1,0 tc i'i4i)eere ,,[01tit0theo- 1AiId %YOiOc Ls msY e#$(y0 la of the an, t e fîVq<Y01L -bIl -l sag- eduuig lic .ni oaî 0m i a itr- x:I ef, ,I n d tmt fo !ln ~ oiiq C te *era1F PIl', -c, 54 # w e a e t J n f t e c l- l ouo n iI É - L S ei ýi 9n o m U n t, mcTh e c4h1 as a o. ý ,j e " 1, plm rjjjf aî- ifemm i tQ - . , * o naneith "oandncoerl p .4 P1.1t O i.ct aoc Voln- S. AL Sr)'Tndeeremicc Is reortsud bomc,n-D t -f icle.oto eniin'es. ni1t.1celrie sînie Oiur the elo$eo, eî ba e iueîtntithte, eeor aatofi u ir dca IuiiOit oiec e ten ce- OC 10. 0. T RETRI UM PUS SEWING 1MACIflNÈE6 LOOK AI' TIr RFCOFIDi 'fBcieo . f . PO reae n fnturc e C, nc-1, iget iriitie,,wnoii c f liità i. M BPeeeo..e c.ti'. iia i'm eeece nictc oeiiàr rtdIc iiciO e'ri taIc e ttufieiio taris, U0v idmo'o dlad dauoe 'in feu0055'r'1'ro. .clr , b le f J., . 4 1871' cc m aLA tIl g r t l'rOSOeme' a unioeeGAacein I ~RO~I( 8i-~ WHITBYe Irlati ,oeeltoc'cemircirl iSocin w~Om0 Oec<1,OneA*IO' <ce1cho ArnIlaeypeei O~Aoi0ft0 0e tub nues taons wtntcslOcce'*. monom bsec O tIti, JA8~ Â~ ~P4Ut. ~ Moto - motoient l tj. ,0cadniae non arbol-,eI - 110 ~ eirtj,ct le nt.d aie tie un ld tu.rcy morc h ba iscO etrsevrchaliser?. 0 nO ieca lergO lue 'letci ftiae in uinsa iel oTeonof %V rri'ilf Stle F eo-r tt P tiriclageioOporllo5 n ofse.pisoh'aa0 'îoieev apInnmailetn(laeeth ituorît fcOt caigte cfi tien ta emeleen ciiu. Aa nt Lots Nu- 4. micia sir.elitc .1il( 4 fout ca i l-enai teenaee xô«e 2, :;4. naee5eite irn ieieedof 20.h2Ô, nofina- 25 vee rcencieeyielic ýrochu'iosretb Ileanld on nêrr Coicoueb o, eh.oiolo relile mondé boicil At socS. ruie ta emiliuus o iii riseeqoisad tnsigc thecs o4 inliioi AedteOieca nd ese t "ii tone tooitc rOcmi ticincaitheimiic a imp'pcncOee foef aIs ncl i cire a, and et l cicneeliertu't n optin bai. ri teex etsiecieofe0bothteeae Clu-ctAcqmecliy b> *chdeoud ileien, ' b.ce - Vnxt 'tea JAMsIGoS VLAÎ ch.- end Pè31A le. i. Oleet 1incetAn A"Iaul sceinibapy Amant.'% of'c..leY ultta 0a elble lem0ccdelorluOOi imetaae Qu ee W Tiret$ yrna N. B -stcrtofcsae1040ic %Vhttty Nor. 1 10.'O,0 S 131ÉËIITII200WilbtiAl'INC 'WHi4IIY POST. OFFICE A it, fjord?. uirJhn. Jun.. Jiwen then»A 1 cru]ý1 ca.Oieu'eICct Loch. deltet Seeg.ciC Lonci.t. ÇClets 1,e, Thom, ie, M. 0 tieru, J. T. eoreq.uc. A. Olio atn. 'cniieb lec iî'eea, Yit CIe, .rjJii' N rclloto. IlaanI Chmiiic,. .Johnee Poar, 00gaSultaa camielot XMary OLcam dooc'e tai,, Ci'eos. i. ro'. Fo . tciiait creleiron ie ett R.-'HmSO Dmd.eW J. Jnoa.et.i 3 ii,4'iiti g, ceu ii cic n ec Fi-ciiotceOt. icetd o'nlA. cd e nu.Os-ct hr., Orolitu, niecau Omogn Iîllo ,h*W, Oi0nrOiiIN,2, i18 c0. T me la ".,e 1 tcl. an eleieoiem R imy OtIroW S , f1%i)s. I ly FAIflI ORtOWN p~oE Rc,] tesae bseoiiet,c-d eïm î)adoOm~ JAMES WAZ*.*io c.m *10 k e4 t eme Agent, E tt wkge0- ât e.M i ýp il br À) n l