»na-bleý ÜD.,y gu, d S 4er-lins rCCevc(a o!ssegnweént OfJ r odg, )Ç' alid 1leady-mae iiiii'H, d&c.,' wih h istruioii o itty refVO.e1àt o arf, WapprfJbIeOioh<Çîrtjns L~mI~woôI hiris 'tcs and ScaiXt I elId Otpe jjC, alpels, )D 1 à Fniucy Otds, Ovocoats, (,oats Vuaa nd Paes Hoop oirtsai-3e l ail klnids or Sumndresý 11encimg on Thurs(day e eningr tsei !eok very ueonîng t tlie,,tore f tho So ýbsotibeir, oppp5îte tlho VJkA ES-WÀLLACLi NKS,, uit-r~ ~NLS M-1 <,WHTY) Aýl largo alud comllote Stock of CONSJSTIiNG .0E 'es, Tobaccos, Syuups, Spicese lai.ge 'ck of Glss Chiîît & Eatheuwaee, iit hé SONd chenil)for cash, dive a Cali and: 'ore. iv-IH. SMITJJ, IlZ FALL A!WrNr~~ EAFt, AT vat ted a,ýs.rhtneut of plian il faticy Neck- ; and Pretli-1 tslyIeas-of Ille Jatest faslîzona, bas Jzsst ar. latesi sensai.jows e in r rJRNVINI\& OODS AL IA YS ONVH,4VD.-M 25, 1870