ç &ESON'S 'rt ber-, iro , VICTOIA BIT 9M tfrbec IjT Uc rr Ye bave ofief, a or er' soioeoeet estiel ~fer plersoe e1tyaoroVOd t ao erbr ip àor Xfr td PuyiOse f0. l for , ir forb feft oatfy 050Who. ;forb n Wbffby, Fo. ,0. lonmy pd, afd dar Ipt mine badoL~IFR o as aoder pais. 11, ciy pookt nnd dore ico Mid dé demuperance. o10oro je minaéead, JKIN- kJOTOCRaT-A-KRt bfIU oiT for n lo t çloo lneeofnin stockz, at t, Sorco. YEvery artic le o i extensive stock at il order to alire mcm for News Spririg Gonds. t? q'i I'wilo rgtna r OLOAIING' SAi B ARGA1IN$ rOR THE Éo IlIOfl ic> Ready 1eoney WViffby, Marcl aod) 1871i Stoves, -b 3' , -~ VRtr of WereaCes 05te. At00510 tio eot Aosioecq l50say aod tok 50,and ceit 50 RienetWfeef a fllsiottr.Il antit 1ihll attent lree buttle futon, es, anod tf bof Ose, f.one ;oevioonteMy ontresOIOai Sermre eoe N 0f foft Apo!iA. D. 180.* J. i. Y WVonoorfil Curs of &it' bat oMy acfre wacte ry lf Tie 3Oowtr Cgaec 07u. M cqmilole, asd, medfreine al lt rto,aet.j ieuateir koosolemeoy. Stine1 bar apoptorsavoecedeodî bfadt tloe ro 80 eplo w te eomtltesose eftbe 055l retord teo naafh. EplIee MNSFOR ta teTi WHE AT, n4ii V'lb N. f.cvcteoneanyteonefor fovtiec POnd i def . OcaPrompt cteed;oonost orofooo, f0 ttbftby, April lona, io. 2- onhs1M. DI fMXNMON GALLEMY lm0tortt le, ie thebagreat reush fe for feef cl.oor%41 eafoo tigralh. Nofing bt goodt Sorlo llo rd o 000' eiteonmthefosfft4mmso. AUf indftnd off eoo', fr , hooo0O e&raff ta s tbf6at e t cte lf ieo, and i oed io oanl te boOjon-Ca bon, 'er cefboof m et t. etfg . Isidia. InIk, aot0fýieo.e 5try hb4otbIL botifs Water, eea f0055f0Or 011 Colora, P-e ovrfbt 11 ILLSON lme rery aeocoeeefofino fobio vamna ve Jb dn', PPrtraffe. fpirates co oe rgooooo. îi ScRvoa. Od %rtraitnetUyeopiod. Wr r&ho là.~ fetSf0 day ' o teror net,as ie flatotecr aofos ' b 00rlt siVI rjay ye lor yor trouble. [OTON, J. P.Bof.f5~f si. flo st.,.'. btfby.o~~ ) LO51UgJ.eeSOLs3e l.1,.j ine'r, p ib, 1870. 1,'îcsT~ O~tr s-jto -Saa.Io-Tiifeto rer- m sac wl intcg Dffeese. r ta ehit ber l5asgea fdit ot Sait' ber. As a ' OfS tI. %0 orsat Soe- * 1dOestionof tw atoys, S TOCK0 'S ty-ésr«. iecoou- ot.isibthso ttf s en tra M achine O0 , ody oi ses pcfarff es'jocatcg Ofoprs. stel$ril offofer 000, uni - el r thebhanenftof onfoetbteecormioraiO ,acore prrod ta ha sue e aaLriOy Sea0aitoher oOc cownocifdfin a t-af ssa fobriorof r. I e dptaid te ii.,l if pe osbte Oeete. eioat e tonory, froooa otoi or ofec 10 tas O b f hovinaft ooobot loofrs, 7Tehol.t 1 rENTON0 7 pointb s ai, brh xerao5o her cils 0kepf osfeoo st t ini of 1000 oolc ooad o vclouat schitocy finit bas bae. gumined hy oIthe oSs. ,1y soeed fa Coiadgi 1? WOL NT COUL ofOR fInI! tEN inf taoepa 'tn ore~ iofts eeothe. 'f018teaqot.iorthbifci feetasîse.dits lpoioaO, bot li O ConO h it. oobf Obte goST, ona iMy clas 000f foin.ohcfffs d stoofO. utSoh Som.mnt oces afofotot a s honfole oge. bof as OcsaSstoo il0 5o0botnt orotfe outil the jooccakbf ylC' toficifr of patnessts dlon vitoes, 'oateapertraecscry te metos ai0frO cti'onftejofrnalqooe o beh, tospe.r 18 r ail. Iptco ossObeoosolade u tse Oit boxl et l fon acold sbit ctiout thifs roat a -lt l S Mait ilà fiteter. i 8f<OC'8CXIAfNfE tilt qLL LIIEIgAfMR THO COLisESI SHAPT or stfhtooory h moment KecoOcacer OOo appie. TifOit Os soc osot te oer Tee Hia'oted estabtlishenoccsts, nyoffhcon fisasa.tSs Tuoxreo. esais mlonetstri tho eo.ofcy; tandteaifboutfSa oottll ocre la. .rjifona00 osfice e 0liseotos.saOc fontloit ich r ooe sflo tu ii:o O io . n pbt, arilnac0ab ortea' teull 0 ce I nenfomoooun oocat.iee itIn lab t ,essre aooco sîedtuth Weorjonorfonoet - rpleo.reoaots l5agnothugand oabotheoRame eam tao erse uof besa ofaiof oheoereaterOtaof 50 beigttsetton acff h Socke'B Etra Biiie 0O1, iti poceta tb. o re ers eoof ortealare i ma 0 ttisitb"- ."fee or -,barge teSay wacy. ile wii ae eY sye. eno;(1%nacfionlOen arsimfpletetaIy ffltive au 0II for a day .011 finithoSteh ysihgoof ta0 iowneron fie baser Terrepi. aoo atn aogoite ilote beau fpet- an.O B. STOCKe ursa.gioceseOMSf 111' Sos agel fer 0the Dominieon. 19 's LLO ERY (AIII3S BG IS SALE.i [IN SKINNER (,ashi Dry tJoods LE 1 ".nted-I SKINNER. ves c>c> wç J1in. 14q Stoves, Whlere you Br:an wilI find the Iarg st ani best ASSORITMENI leest Goal OUl always on hap~d. -tM WILUIAI BRYAIx Wbiitbie Seplsmhtr 22, 1860. Pai Tl ,,n, Lentary anal ýPatent Agent OTTAWA CANADÀA, LOTSa tlhiiNV.s ftb Oie iPatent Of- of tii otherIap liaorftente cof tceOoo- ifl' f 1..0orAtiout4rfo mop osf e b urfs!théSmip esfrflof Palttsoost, &o. tg àd fie Rogfsalsion o!feaeoMonos opîocd. rotefege, peoifOooflos ioeo o mi.tceary L0 5000f5 Paenote n, prof treon ecoopt offisheMotel et Il -o00455L ,e:a7RoneLests -k S'on, Torcono 1 I. B. E,. fteoîE fooeooi.John tbafieig, I clo; Rt. Blt, E1t Instpeoforof AefOeO l.r icrt Oe A»eoraoe tlonoPaelâ STOP'AN*O )SEE 0007 inoa rosiorbe os Tefstaonoaisfoôf R tsytlioe '; IlEA T NIo1O.4N IfercSfS7D)- ,Tiey toi etro' o t, sl osootetarsossfcS 55f o hO e iid o & .s . 11ti am e l. h a'ri eo-o. C lnTesthegeo, Inr, oge.. ea' !-i2o meIf o uriedyO.,aoof oEiOfoB99Xti ton of(00 - nOloon ;or.ot OttisetC 'if.!N o lrcas orrof Consudoosfo nfaf etf A!o '00, tf ci n o7oooroOtaorio, efOt ye- la nOP0 ivrfCaplltl oor Obus of Jobn Ibc '0.000 e iroo.(Oo .of tSeinoLsS i h of o'*oor eofo,re,,iost r 500 coF SdOte et thoe D-4o fcoro ad osgt a circulai -ooooorri onoo th50e qIRgAl Prîre of the Raicody ln Large Piite. $1 O. oor hy ailDo-arte o ira in OsMotO o-I. AO -o. frtf-f, so U. Gerfe, and! CHINA HALL! 1 17 Kinog Street East, Toronto, ~T. WHTBYe 7~i.~ MPORTÊR OF'CHINA, c ~ 109 -1869. CIlass &Earthenware; Fil COMPAS14 Th. brline a ssOnS00-1W11 as mtron, a eaciq Sca&b awy r- s.o4 tho 6R i otes.*0oir soss fO ,ef fis. ayai n e.E0SEDUCATION Eleey titeC5inIWY ofOtrlpS $TSTES COLLEGE. ont refo ra tOOotiChainS aS lio ir 50 a --o----- etd5 loief. o s beo ayt he l' o oaTio. e .587 L VAL'o sefb epeononOoLFifo e OscN acsina-y Wioabr K andGenoa, C5 x»0E' nA,,ty gustoutne diyosc fiff 'cT c tire e ch bu ie Zw_____________DUN_-_A _ ssefirses, d tm orbom-fl. likos efocodo acfi lAMaSmTw& ofl l iacu Wal lesaleore ElosO otra Elv tr1in" Ccg-aireeoehOfe feeteses eaa't 5i'O Ao',nê,pseio oyoroEr rakaconrbn ~ iso, eosors , 1,co E os G n i id0580000e jDUielt &lNdA T1eii ,5bà> ndO c. Al iýrarw ccsToo cfsosclofae Osiss T, iea& pRfOn s dr -'~ ~ ~ OE PRCJL, I'rhlTC AU-,k<teO F.i'# qq nRIarctv'4IN 70 4l FHf Tue__hatit. l . t a-tno Oseot îug~ ns eocoeyrei.#oOtso o t e'en a, T sosýin . 1 t f I n esceecS 1000 Vs ari iOcaom 23-dtO On csisn h.. dia DOS. If oVIES SON, MALT,PLEAPtiP tCc SpArari N x Cf0EAM Air, DON BIEEIY, I RONTO, ONT. Ae the Pceprtoatoent so eett th Oe tOrwfs, g far too or. le and Porterconc toybO deýfd o.î rtiesadoroos of doefooo ope orop0t and ortofshoer èua thir. racfc t o-ti y acr ent0l, t, 000ry for tfwIvâofO Wfffo.thesOt croorer -a forIitfoO, e eoobied fe prodoo a rtcolte 1,thOe y 0cr roosot, memond toin e Ole 0oi.o R OQrdcre felaoi it' . o. SOcont th00e -Vatità in Wi ioby siff oseefrrosoipt atentooion. "ROOMIP IER. T rTceivfontOSs0 tt- 1nf tlseEeg- p> rand , oer 2oi3,Ael16t,0 188. 23 LANýD I I1 LAND WtLO AleIUR~ seecaf ood 2feaxod Ptroc for @enteenesy tees,. Aig es aihI foonot aces f cboie i tandl f rsofaefan0the Soetuti ofPef. croofib, Bruetedb tedrs. Apply p JAmÈs ILMONe I eas r ted at ofocts fnt N . tejauÀlaNdoa I cOi Stookt Ooobn Os enciasofr ictset o)4B OQ LEND 0sortmelnt o GOGOS [ Ruas ta ALSOCARI Makin ty and Tailôrinîg, À~l REI{OOMVS Are receivitig a( sPRINO1 6Di THIS Wl Millinery Goods and Dress and 1 DOMINION Whi*~,Mslnh ~ iB?1. N b * Spr~îig bnpôrtaticihti Mi'MItAN -& (JO'S, I WL, be o a bs sono o teairivai cof. à ýortion of ose r pins tock# wlich we aRfè nox openlsg pout. luil tho eneot hlylea of I ats sud Spjoerogdap, wo shoa bu o±teinve ud beoutiful aeortmet. Jleapectfelliy AÉiiitig the nttestion ot0 utfr oistomarâ, 54 d tho poblie geraily à T. il. DeIILLAN & COL Bt!X lla ock, Whitby, Matchi 27, 1871. 21 Seds! Seeds! Just to land, a. choice variety of: best. Seeds of aliddoCadl and, sce l lRtiS %ROCERIES? OYSTER$,îu. QIJUO. si 0F TUE B'EST,43AND.S, Tobaccos, Teas, $Sgars,&c A full and coinplete Sto Whithy, itlhrcb 99, tSl. Ra FRÂNCIS, Mo. 1, ôt lien Obrhl6r. OPPQSITE 1'HE R0QBSÔN 14ÔiTEL, tbe mcotiséredbe bià niiso 1ho0hday iaf October ncxte frtie l CFJRWP RA E D.o P11 TEIAS AND OOFPEEýS; à large Stack'of whichahe is now i o esa pepo*dOSOot 07nsnosOofooeyreceîifg, 10f paekageé ci onse joondandiswrs os tie ue.erOty grfêteS Famrý,r Productive Tooo *05,007.o i~e 1 li oferiog rthià Stock tb tthe .lPbicî te su leree LON SI G [ILt RIT so wooh greot cofidence, haviaç saoado arrangof1i0fts %vlthi the LONDOIN or. 'EAok JOPEE <) oaf 'îîhhn jisi o senl lat WIIt.E50.E Prices, ' r ban ',ty W. ;.tttior f eooapreadc P -o'lh. 'vich ha I f lo Ia hr -li 1 o'oaized tonthe ihshc co uO neu sofatspucfeanydof hoî p il o~a eli, towscîfa onGreat Iritain eid the feceretel sl'o 'efee r tioee nited litotes, by thonefo'io of elarge crlm anilfjj.oàuso inytlear-n Envcer omlIseBaisbl -ogift at od. ifel tIoROa cfoncscctraf0tý o i 00. oP<ft 1,1'rC 0dcn1I uoaso rpr le-For ftd n , laya a0ItOppfy tu iscfflar br.ouch S ias ecindy ;o-liî' ou alntolfl profits cas bn haseli -, jMESTIOLENto aucceed. À&, tIs uee, Mnsey Ifroker, A. Il lbcinii9iî,apbi 0eptaonhor20ti St, Whlt7 patronage ty stet bat te deRifircboIs ,trLrleiaork, aed namO ofthef ~~~ 4 atrollts bs ofiaa oPaicoeti-icli oceieoani waractcd. seR IA Iffêfo1& jt.yOoffee ground dcoiY. __c WANTED,-T'*o SEt-ia' atiesoti toncanv sfr tle P. A. WITIIE - PPpofftoz' L- T-& .ou. if'tos Osiotty 01 t l0O The Pr0'pr or i ,, .«b sumat e u h -oef elro lI, ,,o u 19 bos$ a tJAMES VAILACEP Pceoi OO00 O-Whitby. (OcI. 3rc, AOINT. (4d là 1or- o ff*"d Lacdnr, Manl.-. rfo-l ood. NO'»Orna f fr eaaetLdeeeelg. ....... . - 00o1,cciioo lo.-34 VNo1 ISE ASffANCI. 0 AIITIIOIIZED n MGELIIENT FWiTR o ,%zÈoN- O~ atoaoo o nr t5 00 Whslemle 8and letag KttoOxcturars ad luportoto of athrasce. - reP~r1 9 IlNG3 S1ILBioT EAIST, TORONTO nePply t*a isedes.SccB.O7lr." ,T.SNIN. , i eeo rs ti I Lor F u_ T Ir' i i tocCi jrt)WEÉlir,- . RqOw N,& T~T - WaTTBT, dN~dlid~ Siitoof en i ik& ratieo ca0 pcsiéoé thc e Man tii~eéo e~~ 4 OOO Ostiigfos 'that tho ', Jofooffon Sef-ltaking Roer" iý vory for on idvaooeof sait éthoer Machinue tde aitbfh prescot day..lehaejetittoduoed t iiti t anada0Oid toet0fbipred a lisoited numbhe loposot Ooolnias yeL arc thcoenly tin;facturisi This eOs,ù asoeon'la4hicco wilil enhriaoseiobamalli iprovesuento au a year'e expeti. tOtos i thé fiafInffature loto oggeoted. Strcgly and dtiobiy but. Tho béa et iàl11e4e t osroi0,btme olon'ry tho ,m'DOi; ompoct and ddoroblo, tho leâet labla te get oni of 6rder. 'T4,~ cooshtnatoon of *od ,and hon le thoflinger bar, suekes, 10 thé b'oàt perfleti fing*ii' hors. ' " i'the seat of the driver, leob Outniàls Oe flrrfthé Whsk*àbooafoeb ritevatâ the ingrlbar, that it ib los able to oag col' lrsok than Liaitsf.asv other machiee. Ont' Self-Raioo in teOieooo perfect ever ioveo;ed, and ion ista of fivo Moite8 ravclv' WÈi erousol an sxis clooe te tlos driving osheol, b plited a e bc lentiiely iender thÏ coatrol of the dr'iver cclfhoot ntoipplt7 hoW tit, whap IL cotesed deliveastaogled, oicIbleol, l&r ldg&l giaoo ialýily suid l in od a Cule e i niefoot aih, Witb oao litho droft ti a lýht fne foot lloser, and nossido drfi sebtevor. It otts otoily, sit11 s coontfi iins, fruro ftooÏi.idtoi enty écici per dsy* sud bts out die onodrel sol forty aciel 1U bovotf loys. It ii manfaaturosd for Resjolg n1 nl, 'hcaùso in s f 5boiet slehonsttteà thIoatse set %oIe e o*rer viii lofaI Vo out filro grosé andlgroleitantseo sobioéd Mebes n oiemach lmb is the sggl'orgàtts. Ssides,'oaoopro*s Motnab l l e lsi comltdte Z n ccbio do'o -lèàfo aiblo th gét où of oriler, and lâ aniaysf5rcad,ý Itsori tethoitthe troauble ted del4y of ohanigiAfg lr'ul h e 0theo oshor TWhis balso heeo la euddoesffsl operaàtîooicid ùy ice vecrrH, but iloio nah perioé pointea af agneleethava *on for it dsorlofg Llol lime ià. multitude a le ds ond pstnnelrblotèeaotiolheà d ynéf loeettt' hloS shot a tinme. el ie ot ortbrea earos ait 'oas '0 'parsti' ely ll(tMukdmoio, but dur'ý'c ztht sot. tep SoRatoseil *w tidoly istrôod thiroughot thpincipal wheasç'oyewg'iat ntiouîs of the larod; ai gtltsd a pojoiatnr sfoedst là luthe.hlstoly cf 1O.so4liog NMtell0oe TrHE HAFbVË1§rL 0F ili8 .Jý1fl hÈECOR D; Vos'lotiyéa1bérolois040 lionil .oiloii e rl iibees lhi a.l 14,1à oadli tase for baelrest geas ttip%ît fonse. Thoe trsw haoî bet excedint*ly levy,_brûko)1 ont badly lhooged, thorosiay 8eoel3c lons thq abillty oleilss difrrtidtomachines tils' r 14l o netrlsetlodhoef fii enablod to m i tloean , iti segWfo thofc poiblifo ôoiaot'or<o/tloat it lae qaîl b1tiy ntirgenàiy otia tssffOiç ekf hsgOo _77 dfidoméO »tlilebeBROW ÉÔ N ý& 1,&TTE3O14ý Nça--le &4Tod, O~ÉIIAWA, ONTe~ iVIN1I&SPIIT IIIIAITSi VÈioc underooa.,ned beg b Sày tu theur C'dtteri4ialaoîdgCner Él ;rnde, that they ha'e on nand a grtat varoaoty of ail kands of thece Whlëh they inîll eilai the verV ld#*ât possible iat; at tinaé or cash. Jelivereol at di the hôtels li thb Courlty, at 95ct9 pbr gai. A'lso Portei tt ~sutni eàié od Prieéi tbodlEýRrs AT ieVHOLESALM, at lowuest possible rates Orhawa.ý Octobër ù'th, iS70. 50, FIrt BtQ t4oiI~. NEW SPRINIG PAT. JUHN *iSKINNE R.; W iiLby,M L hl.iS.r Ne, J. C. 1 1,18W la J 0 1-