Whitby Gazette, 13 Mar 1873, p. 3

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- - t t - - - -io~u - - - 'i-~r 0 ,- - -- '--t The Auctionsale, ib:,Will lie Continued niow Eveu.y Dacy until1 the whole Stock isSOU) OUF. AL comümoing *at 1I and 7 uclook P. M, o. 'the Last day of Sale, the re'cmailing Atock WILL -BE SOLD lo,3 large '--hoplStoves andi pipes, 2 sm'ulI - Sîn es'2tar t d'i'ort nu l dcope lttp2 1 v i l w e (ittitl Yte i',r1 ttto tlodriIcd at' odo tuîlrannea attd 6in)iîg. &i'- t - 't'FMS # ai uîi<Ict, (7h ; (ver thxt, amntot ot v il londis CfOdlt loiA p Vt'ij) p' Y E(031AN G1Il ' 0)N. W tîîh>, m'ore.l 1211lî10. 73. 19 ONLY TWO'We-2k£; MIOFE! 0 IERUN Ail 71 D EVE Ci N MG SALE.S Dry Goods,,St4ore, W bu iibye- toe~rurc TUESDAY JANUARY 28thy, 187S, AND TO CONTINUM EVISuIY e-IUFi.,'DAY, 'eil u RS 1iDAY &%1 S ATUFU)AY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Afternoon. S-ales at 2.30; Evcnitîg Sales at 7.30, sharp $10,000) wvorth afell cestrjl and fiîncy I):y ,.onls, boataer Gords aCont be- oiod in Ohit<y) Icoto t betîlti .ai meac pire. On bMon. «t.Wedoedmyai, mitoo l,n ne ic.l oorr te- çFode lv priort' mxeit' oncation Pr0qson c îitpartira eho Atntl Ortlc'tl i.' Auioît "ait-e-ma do,.v tott - oppittie-îtq 0f acpplyiugcth,,cttloen r bid orte t'otoole . Nr rearoîtolle rflir oi ir rtfuttd, for t fi-. od u itctOiu. Reem oc.r tme d- tAuctioi 'sale.3 Tlu est 1 iv, Tlîusdwo- & Sattuî'day, afteruioons and evenîngs ; pîlvate sýalcs Moiidays, 't.)*r anda'. aiGitIetiltIe. 11el ' davooo>o.-oa-.-c,.. JOH N OKINNEFR. L. FAIRBANKS. JR-, W biîhye- Do. 18 17. . OF A T W'here wilI bc fouuîd a splendid assortnl( of;;i Clotlis of ail kiîld-' nml'o isIie l l Il ît1 1 aîindc Co ipeteas-- sortinetit olfeverytlmitl."lril, t iettOts' Lcîiui-liliug Llleo, ut PRINGLE'S, W3iitfry, Nov.14, lOlfl.icillLAN'S BLtOCK, 1)ot-liLtA\iL\ t-fil A T'i'~4T(NtiT1 THL CLEESitî-t 0'VCLi. '. .'-i -ot-ttPtOStt. (Jttt, 1411cJoit., 4N78 itg tt t.tfttt tt .oI t Pnre-ootato5t b b ~RalI otFt'ot- o ".Albii.on I-l i. i i - .-i c nrîbee is heret-y gioro îicr thlIeticuce fr sri.g 0i i. RECEIViNiO ViTîfhît S FOR PCIlAuTE Nm0i vtrt tit , -t tttO ' BI13 N2 ILi.EXPitiE ON i0oit, ,,iii- irroftlo titit'Cior WIt DloSD Y, MAIFf'SI26cn. 187 .-oto flt- p~rîrit. ALFRIEVD ATFUCK. filî o, 5 lit ff Cerc of tc therooris.. AI]IN, nvpaprraWV' PIoe-e-aîitert tasjpcjal iN*-oti ce, moitIl thent ligof F ier t c. Fnb. 5 a117.L V î.o.itttt'i ittO-' opOi I - t~ii i i mo rP' f EM.lcIuE Tig'p Olrt t-ot.lo-1 Il-eDgae c O l Otttlt 00t-r-- - i 0 t appaatid ,b0aJ0)Iool-reotlI. t~ D.O~ÂD)ait.d.tîoft ît IFrýesh c ih Fi addics, J SpCi nttirî is d irecied to,) à,file .Cornti QI d craoketti Wheat. le iz 91 Cgï aülleLemonsý, 4oets lq z Oc1t.'4~ .'~ 15f il noit o ."O4't'rju y t "c!~ lit-N t~?c~S0~at r. t t- Ot~t Oc Wf ITr WaTfY 1IIr ciAC asP. vei a sul i e fi'&'i WAI, QNTARIQO c. *,O. ~0.OceO O o.a a 'i oînt ~ t "Il)y 0 î1t oe ocsi,.f . À eleslA~Ioice Gfëén iTeaJ$1,00- Pei jeï ùIIIuîd. Aa extra jectIfleti01(i )Ryen, ahns TRANSPARE NTI GL CEEBI SOkP cati bu ricormelîdnl ns: the fihest to, he The untrigoned ud epet ftlly ltftinethéit 1îe:speaei(I fic p aicrre.eI ah ~ 'lr o,,Foo Imd. bSlîgrçr,'jý(IledHamnil, Bacolà, Beef I i iKSOI, o 015 'INGlMA. 'O 1î11NES ut %flairlîl sCtll rvo tl The Jet'l ,...I I. N. JAM~eot~'s. EAV E R si, QVlN(1 rACI1NJ', d 1; indrng's ltW.tad c<nloa E,8elit-'oN il ison 4 deliîcosMNUllfJGBMAY EST A B L 1 l H M E N Tr. Ilr key o le' MUUOOAPIUR~ IN C .O PANY. klAd,,,e.lor ddl press ..W ATER rW H EEL.' olttis r, tZoddfoW vu- lý i, aurra - ht~Yo tINlTI~1Il7f.IO Piatent It îpsi y'i îie oltNt.hs& yltv- t tttonoc l: jtt Pl he- rFloffot *Ot.Et"-11v ',, _______________________________ tttot'siitt,., IL ci- 'l ilttt1.& 1 1 Ç) .tî:tir x.p 0 I.. Dce. C5 o do. 'l'ly n'fail pimrneI ont ut 1 and 11 ,-u flic Im.es :ud baildtii.;r o, o th., $lot. $14tptt 1,000 feitt r deelded f visiDthoEr0.eanMarkets, tothI Twedè, Doek iii xn Beaver0 #11U CwiL 1) S'Otiti r 3 H fuIclot i reetStc irtJoOtrii Iîlott' tOî be lunesaitittt trp tt0, 0lanii dloiro ott' o i.'Poti-o (inS, Aii.i E- L kO j TO Wtî t f litan'Iileaittfilmtti (mîtle'reil' Finm4ahîmî Fanc Gods Elctrop1ae,0oi!rNur Proco Oyl'lOltlTruuir ........ffo' IVppoo, prdrtin~ (î~t~, iz :--IrVîeî' o~ln t i ARM'.Y C ,TlflFYOÇ car,,oî. rciirttc.oo%%Iolor, t.&O tt spopod Vtoo 'l' i a tl an fIle nt s an IiI dii ntei tieý, I ura t' Spvno ecc e to sit tl h Eu o ld )arki su A 1 t N oîr", 1 'Q Ë ,000,oftiit Ge ' itit e' 'rii cc#IsI vleiaie m d )%il àî Uooo u- in .1 et s sq'o uatt - î ior~trc roiîr tC ~tI'ttt, r i n l it o arot rt o fo r C.'1oSth »t, t-.., t-ndti themu p,.DiIll',ro iett,..,,j' terI 1)IaiveIîewil hiiod-neniynves MufLorl. %rr.-rH C..iL.uIllelles, Nc-"ie..Ceffts,&-c c. 1tltr WhelaF -r IVitityt Clilt fI taifl ol et it%. 176 i. c lahi tr rc a ?. l t JAMES - JOHNSTON, ---~ouè, iu anToO TA IOn orc aWC LLGE ititbtyttottcil Titilhv, Fti t2R1872.1FRAC, 1. 8 13 -'tlU' 'yitelle r:ii li lakJe ail botte lriSitDEL".tEVILL.Exain ad ONiTifllt ca Ii t'ro:.gh-------- ..Jsut72.ig t. o d n Si-q i tl Pnead a nt 1eîtnte itt .noitfrect tItltt-, Ottttit00t0hIlS itryic-n.Anoiroet' charge,..- - lI,1 -t 1j 001 o î euottrtct tliswea, tt to oiiri od tlte roo th, îîlitreyh -I, . . .y... ft 0 - ilht - otice ' ia il ti , c N Ej ttlo . 1o'Gtîo1 ît, ri tot tt St- t . , t 1,o ttitrt.ettttlr.,tlott t tocOc o -1' t' -1-ooî$ malle etuiteffilat, caihii i :g.a.Ilte s l.II NLLSONi G.'u i t 1t1c i..berioo 19, l -goe-liarthot lrnut slip ('o t....tu olI. Q t tIuiiOtI. un.sa -' t-.* i - 111I t o't roftîttlo. 'Irt-rc otito-t or] l-rcoi0ef'trurDrio oct- ol - ttt to-if \ oS o1 1rt1gll1oM3.î"Illtps-rào(0otorcheraoetct. "m ~ ~'t.~.ra2-'~~:.î,. - t- ~ ONTAR IOtn Cwommer I tcil C O LLEiio- ndwaîtltti ce Ohte-- JArVIE - JOHSTON,.....o..... OOttt t~ O. -c o -k. o..-t ti i.tttt-eE-r lnog poctlo n lîro SO S TO~ DUU icTE tito....c......c.......ttct A. institution Pa the,0l 39p-fon Jo r o uri mecai by lnpotrtb ~"~ , ~ ~ ,tj~ $J~ tro, t'io l.iîll i d uentio tpcooît - 4fin dut ofrt t inis. 'l'ien, artI aprtIioroio, 80 tti t r t- jýft~i. l ...t ..t, ..... ____I J0 .Iu, 8Ç 7 '~ 2Ir- t- ' eirîi' .1 .o -rt Ij l.. t. t, ~i:IV c ofici "g tl s uni the, ni' ci lI Pi'esN lettriril ht.ui- roniOc.. Mot-~l at tifi tltir ed J)ii(L'. îo. ttt t. tt o .2 ctctare iiliTToJAL 'Il o Viôt lis Ntoîoe-, Itar -t S-o . 0toaoÀt,~tioav-.nv heincalCoI t -I- L . ..t - . . . . . . . . . .ilt irî.lîtîe-lt olt try 'ie-r. A io 0, 18 cri'0 .01 . ort, j' -ofute-o1 tiototta Vrî.rt.t.. ....t. ....., tttto (jat a o'r pa - A ('~. E îtti. >îtn iiht C a-iiitehi 't.,C ttpo 44 f' ttitiîitttvias tt, a nd Ato rt'tn. t r ntalo t.,, î-ig tc.oL, jît....-... itoo c ~fi î.O îo.p o illai rotahLfuuuirrctcod T e.otu tt -l as ..oott........t..nto 0 0 . o.oru.W t..... I. ~t1oî0oy,01ll'»he-pîe18cl. q ' . t i(ig t ,] filJ.44 îtt.rttttttColle-ttrtOtftt,......olt...r...lia -... hio, rîc.21 - - tt.oht n )ttr 0,iI t.t...o,.... .. ..nh ' ho g m -r.I,1'7 .t- 14 Nîr I) P pIoNGllpisdJo riS .o Mtttit'Sctorr alrea tfO , set oIcatr-......0.t ....t.i ________________________froc___J_______________ I oSlcco A lIclothteotarhololralef W, ittorta' ua toitc....oi I ~, 9 P C K E R I G . jodtt,îoaoooa~itl il il ie 5 " I 1 ... ....... uelon<~, le orrF oft .Thei to io.' Viol & ........to.tt 1 TuIT ' a tr o. .ttto, Cttae .r îtttsud od or ,th. ICelu. .C . îf..... o.. h. (;tilt Furct At cot t.. ." b-lt L do ay a tî, vaoSJtlt-ct nriaonutt Clnh ,,e.". 'l'hine-ttoe-i f lm. ..rtdhJ.fcoto crto.t --î l o . 1qtt 1 , I.. . .. ... .... .. ood l cr0 1' o'Iloi otIil,î S'c Hcîfo 0-~ u) A M's;a d olr g o s A TIUltu II GININIT O-f 1.r1ilio t [,Co r uAuot \liivitgee.Iiptiln.ndr eeIi h .. ...... f roporturoeay.i44lclis a lpIt Il biTItler.tIMl fille dryno- iG t t gfwýs tn rlooa»' , n d.ttl eihe u-oaa tlut«.Ot . t m f o r 'lr oulit bi te , .leb ttott, t t auht' ti o o r 3tttho o . rite t a ie ld.*i Vis Tha f rot eoh ot 0) t' or al , utL'got ttotî,dt i l ,.oO RN E R9 ,, ictaatu to o, titttîo i tir ai lli it Il.toc..... y ~~c i'i o n ly 4 c e n ti fo- t'tcre-'ttfiitoceo,.toftc...c' iVin. 11? ) l~ Il .-lrtcnEoutTloooutoooaof ,1'....... .. ootocol. LI V E tiiA" I1"i' $ e.Ac"lt l ,ilife-,N . ( ARS, O SP -s t, ; o t ,lt. ce.ntt- e0it lt y nttttko It 4~-A -p , F(' X T n allahou J3lýLS fr it l lreOoO tO u.oo tittrt t0,.k ro.îaî,000e-Oe-uooUaîaOoeil- k IIî* o, lu the -co. t-oIttc ttu I)t. n o ian l Le a Itryu h b . . . . ....M niaer tuhe 'îi eîl a w e k s îîc tit t I w otlil t~tk A itt'icii ui o. o. 1'~l'tt, I - Scîtioroo t i, alla ott ieoIl byi...... ........aU> $t td ze.' Profi l B>y, P'Ibu1 s - 1873, t àti t, ur o jt . A. LI.t. t--tIstls H R 1, S IfrttO r ,ii c lîe$rutotlc olr rîltîîîîly. ;trlo-.oEl oîo V V 10 - A'X t.to'tt, tiiR ,otOtt' ifu4 toe-tîuo yttrolt-t olîo flt iîot otno -ot.rOlct fr ltct- ttol o - 'o So . 'oy' LF A ýSIA C ore-.e-.o'tiO fiiet 00or.. 1-- C o. 0... tOle ' .-..... te.... ct tit otcrctt)goSt 0 ii pRalist.0 îerins, o nltttl y'u lotty 'roii tI 'I tIolt i.t otutr .t tttuttattO ,hI - TI isrté onalt.1tI1litesor eut. I lcoIîînine.e ..e-rc totocf ig ... i.. .to. tiat, j, 11 o L a.y ,,(-t c qt 0 -~tt 1î11 f aîîd0111P<>1is1iin.l. - 1 rotCa 2t&ljto1 tlt,,BoItCottre-' 0f t .t.o 1 4 ~ o.~. -c... it ~'uouu-o0oott' rqttIte- t. .crotltàtertt, 4ttlI.IOOOtttt.co,,ool îtit tiC1ia-4 -- l'.'l'A 1-31 A Fot-Et) 1Mto t-J ttttOIrientpoitttittoIfOtIl, t-.0 1y e s : o' - eta tui lLt e1 bY"t l.oflutttd erv re tîl AI-u-to ,Ta.. - SI, ecc.o.. htl'. lct-iu ttttt t. tyloect,,o 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - po 10.. - .ro d rgit tirt, ny 1,0 ThoiyCnaie ir.u Ot tope -J t'Ot 00,an- ia .eI h r th. eht, t-jet iXIe- Tea fro 201sand ailoffergoo s ATI[iZIA ýt-unVE tuttNf iutol t- r'o Slu- r o a " .'î.o.- ot-.- îi 1î. to -t rotte-.o.o.-...."t"......t..i otot.. SI Thrist cu-.tottotio-r n1)) Igc- O *. I. oî ot. ti tll at toto ottdlttottttEtl t ag~o Q t' R ie-, lwrut a i l Brtihe- ue e-e-Ic n u mllstf b II . .. .. .. . lb r à %. t-tg or-.tEtoi1T0oro, Wt.h2i h Oh y,-e2 tt Tt ir.'l'L ltI. t héottu 'il t.ut-.... .. , tI~. j int loopoo lîoolrlîtt o'orl'iît-4 0 'ce n t»~onth .2.0it1' h, 11,.r ý1). lI 2be ......... O2dn -.1ot' tl, t!W jtl il. .. ...t. .il-. 'î oloit. t'tco uet - tyI i I4i l et '. F0 R S A L'Il E---b aIEAP. SEui l' MAie.td ........ iii-, fi t A- - - -ie - U--lstna nJ fi ilozirti. it ..... .. In rf !tn n id il. t- t 1 . Ie ir rranîto ( Il Bntt e,,,tetlat~ 0et, 1OT'VEir8Ill.Va-'.OK.;UPT1ItOt o.le _eYt,0l* 0 000S WF~ o~n~,c lit' b ' tu'< ,r lit-z' t u" I lt--i C-ot~r 1.0101 h <i .i0a tiototo e- ~ uit tiltcyot-~f 'to.yira.a, 'oev. 15. lS7f~ W - -1 oideaoo ta'ott1100.. 0- 0. F. --~~~~~a tinaeryai-cto t- -V t oni ftt-tgeO ojtitc,- 'li' J IlTirtht- (maxiO il..,,f~d iL .(WbitbVc Ae-1Ii9. Iffl- 1e- . wraal lt-kefte-ie, u1eîl P. W. QLEI%, ommelon 1 1

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