Whitby Gazette, 9 Oct 1873, p. 2

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TO.TH E PUBLIC. 011yei I a heictiatb affale, and thiat ttc d il rf B oite iR ofuie Guri/r tuthethi4 Be that icMS Icriti Bcy isihcuîab of Jiiji, 187;3, vett b ct i peut teti etitlanveoîr milsc- eiicdcaigcsol. cerd. 'liPhe W &V.P. Baitlway l CfARJ~ TYI ie0w 1inîhcl hondA oà f flite teotenter-ý - -... --.. - rîeîîîg rnoietaey Miuin ethe country, NEW ADVBTISE MEN'ijS. cla d will bc1iîsheld throigh te iii lieo- FeraHuittre 1 tiFrniterie 1îTltu& jeoi.qo pertera>1iiustc Gergian Bay-et Itsli vet Act f lSti.-Jolaa Salncoeec. 10 it itti da. Loetiîeo.-Jiiceael llriags. 1. > , .. Aiiion Sl.ir. eaOeMIITI F INLAND EIEV .A.deijiretore' Notice-J. 3E. Farwicl l.i, WhnVlic Ab coa delfgcated gent camne Sit, Annuel Sale of Thoaain tro d ;I-rlbeck ta Soutlh Otarto for re-cicetton cftcr stckl, flic poprty of Joliii Miller, 'Tliýtcîeliavagccepicl fir t tcDMillion ce 'rogiu, nTlinrsday, 23rd Goto Gvrc int, e pealicg tispublic of ftie lIa',EroagieciPacifie Seùnaile, tli eît (thc oectr8 then 1ber, '7.-IL. Firlianksea.,ryAucttqeecr. ieeîccaed taIt ragc Extensive redit ale cf Slicr-E6r andmailbe. a lccgîc teGv cattlc, Cotswolclil ecp, &o., tlhe property einciet, wre actrice and wthout a cita- of Messrs. Utrecl andl Jaliten, Gren- dowo-oicaticn, escal tthy ii'h c wcDoit, ca I riday, Octchr 241h, '7.-L. dcw cet f eue eWorvrda8gf cor ]i't&banisel"rAucttcacr. Sol, thcr i f ie aaooi posiftive thiakicg fr Anattea Sale cf FarinSock ImPIe. w2sv it aot, for if tiwchrge eg ire truc mnts, &e., fticeprcpcrty cf Mr. William ht eîiu ciet taie ce icpittce Gcccrc. Biancetar d, on lot 12, liroeiceFrant; igk. .,enst, Now the 4ileincia àa jusitetei, lie ericg, ra Meciiey, Oct. 20, 73.-Levilethcr madle a pccittive tatcect on e a e- Faiîrbanlks, Jr., Auetenccer. ject f a-lil-ilic ew cilieg cer hecdid 'redit Si«le f Farm, Sock, fsclenett, lnce Ilit thie wrc troncg greunadefer *on lot 83, Cîla coacecrat of Wliiby, te chargesancd spoleslcte dtd tadeccciv c z Dicsbefrei n Ireekîts, cn Tîîedey, Oct. acd indlîuic cicctcrc t3 vote fer hm ii, '73, ftie prepety cf Mei. Charles and give l it licoitioen et acy rate- toveuee.-L. Fatrbaks. Jr., Aue. Wtîelî lira, 'Me T. N. Neocleabt nctcy .'Attion Sale cf Penn Stocki, nipla. credîttc is scccertton, telitag jute eccenet ins, t.. flic prcperty ci Octets Joucs, ftic igligrcucd l hitetlie taîdi cc, ccd 011 lot 5, tenthe 1concesson f icher- cîasîy wcone tcoodeioie ccindiii l tilicee ig. oi Tiîeîiay, Octeher lith, '71-EX ithe tatemeet cîîdc by Mine. Ecnief Majers, Actioceer.. . thai Mr. Hacticgioa wac a getîecce of Exteicvec' tredit Sale cf Farcie:Stockit aicdtig and peitiet i, aheset ce Iigh a &c. tt icîcertir-.0allice ce hic publiet liareclor aeany cilie &cte rprt fMcc. Contes, oce oI i îîac, and aiea kltcitg fromein tc eco i tc 4ttî cncetioncfr ickrieg. ce Fiti- î-toilcf the MEtitri cf flici Gevernet, day, 111h Gtcher, "f73-L. Ftairbanksî, Jr., tuai ilîey cvcld cet sticki t trittea te) cetr3 Auctinece. dt eicîoit, eîw flint a gond pari cf flhc 1*1iiihicscr ei ne eat ced ccidenably n more ta kucecta cn Wes cdiricg tce dcc' VfJ} 1tptii(ou~ n, ilice Hec. geetîinti lic gccd lep rioîcgli te cîplate hcw iL cmcte Prisc ___________________________ tint t lti dc eo ilieieas dccc. TflCRSDAý', OCT. t, 1878. 1 TiEn Animal Fair cf tce Markhlm - _______________ -- I and Eatst York Ag. Seciety cc-telîeld in 11l U. 1OWLEfl'SRAILWAY MEETING. Slarkhiea. vllage cia Tltrsdiyaisand M1r. Fewlr'i mooîieug, wiili wai; eltoitFtiday cf last welu Thé attoiideuico ii Dccvrt'c Hl, ltestFriday évoîiicg,fi eon flic first daY Was11tet ojitt Sce largo fliseisteIe dciiailtty f aidiceg tfic cii-M 1et îîo lcca ers'. oeiiig, 1tiaibly. atractice cffile liowmanvilie ccd Goorgiiî for te rtiteoi thtane Fricot %Vere Bey ttaiwiy, wasce li te cauld lic-t 'e ifoi tetiiot this fel, tut onflite dlefioire. Tha audience, wliitl, hlieicr. I 1 1 ieî tfa ir excoodcil any îrev~io acaitie coy lagowiciddeeae l -' r. fuii 1tjii ic htvillage. On Thutreiay Fecotor, cote cîîttied hî,ýchemo in uted.ai Il@ gave fticemeeting te uadread tuitiigi i i as îilpocsitlt te aroonilt Ljsie ct nct cief gte Fort Ferrywcac the te traigori cîjîli boda. Evey h otol gotinr f a ibone, ta consioration ofet liii i scfilloîl te ovrrlowing. As ecen as WIIjTBT'AN 1 EA SE WHI T13Y oell CULTUi;LtLSOCILTY.ý ThTFail Shteowcf ttce beve 'oioy vii luelain ta etîan, ci Thn)reday lait. It waî 1e04 arc regretta ecay,eqceltofermnerearo -peticaliiry intic iliexhibition cf stocki, Inipleenits ce Aget léterai preilttt. WYliat n'ai c onPitl, ria cf an excellenct description. Tce icether wes emeat Fro- Fitiecis aed tue tari1 eut cf the lads ced Icases qette caime eP ta achat itl iae cen et fermer fallîahwc. We eubjeta thc Frize itt mlncire acescca. . om McdefCttoen crctes re,. ILSpecer la2d, MISS Ilescit. Booemcmde FacyPc A-I irMe. iim. Wcatss feceriet-isi. mec. hlicicp;2ed. lis,. J. T. Gouid. lieue mcdio Siig yTam-l.t ced led, Jceseh laLtet. Boome made lIicclisii-Slec.3J. sIcaid. lise Orpe-t, A. W. Faieweil Zti'*- Nm ia. lie. feepet Cherseie-il, Mes. cSIep. ledj Mmirs Isaac Fench. Union Carpe-Iil ie»di dMec. J. T. tacld- Wcieme Mille-file Mies.Wlcx pliain Cotton ijttlig-st aed led. Me,. Fcy Kcitiig-Wooise-Igt, fiIeO.Wss Faîcy kasigciiiee-lsi. Miss Wieee le2d, hic,. tiqietlib. CreatiWerli, Wic M5iisetM. M. lacd. macet; led, Zlie Wiee Crocetsi1Vtak, Ciiiec-lci Miss Retinfrthli lcd, icisi Ittetili. Rail Cautaclemeýi.lte SSR. J. Dlloe led, Mie, Mette, i.Ysde. ltetsed Blin tsWcai WTk-lâtic Mes. si. (leitd t lcd,Mti. A Nsbiti. Fiai Beeulii io wrltts iseMccii le 2d, misseiWtiPe. Nltiiag--il .Ma. ciii i lsd. MISe MeuhII piper'Fluei-ltiie, J. L. Smith. Pseiiiidsery oes ihej,et, liresf ojact lad, tee. tiei. Ernitledery oce s-iictead. MteAir. iqîceici Enccbriîdcry oce 81k-li, Mes. Cqech lad, M. J L. CSiih. Smcith. ?acy Bael-il is WIiZle2d M's Jeacso. lctaidiig-eet. Pedie' led, Mies Meilcil. paici ititt, lst, e,., Coesigs e2d. MtSS hune Scott. Peatht'itk ceneti, lt, , tiss Wiicce ;hn. jsus. laiic Qaîticce, lii, )1tuEI. A. Neclitt lsd Agie, oiiad. Fsey QIlcîiccc ic, ti 1SeJae S ciit t led, bfseIhL.J. Viluie. Shiei eakicg- lat, te. 9qelshc; led, isec JaieCt.I. ..1F.j.W ad Iapptcg thec ateoffaic hue cgog t ic' chut lligliti01 on t'ivîuiy iute Itfa- CneW.lt, ieirhs. jas. Whitec;lad, Mi point, lattecil ef deiug e friher nartu invuuoralmoiirevlt ucCnein icfrein ilîc Atleeîcc) Mer.Ioldon flloiech, tal cîcelie li1*cutu - ctnh>, tand hy 10 an ah. tlorotcghm %jtileenICo itPlcticie, , T.Ficher;led, clîcaly i Cho o f he outiiiuf tlicface îeîtadig le that villtagewcsc-ioci- ita Crd. ihr;21,Me P. ý P P Bnd wiiei r.Hud ofh eecitleesaief, ii., PchtT, ldIt exctoF.teInalich a iur od Iccc 1t îoy Irgel ta'th stitiglet otfcl Ilucil , t0p 1 -e, insmicitsc lud ndeeiucot ilci-cu cul nitrc, hulotn lad, lier . Limith. ficu extension oai it rond tlee cmmencet. 1 Ciavuuu Ceiscel, lt. ci.., MaGilit ; led, ie, sJ frouatc cuniietlite 0. igueo eptt.c \\'c lhcve fîca herîl ie Puir cpioalenLOîuiab- egîiste excteone roitefileosclun)it, of ci- teicug due ef uti et inteceProviace, li ii.ig, litiEduey Coudetl IcI, %Ibm. J, anuintafavecureoai ietîicg \lt. Fucleoandci fteo laieg as-ihîceocifi, ta cen sideo ,i. riui i.Iihi-oual.iccg, ten outlr tcco icut l le erut- iii, ccii cestf cibetug clcvsed accinged Vecet Puirg. htcincîuu',elJeu, Ciel. cueinni otfifcte fr o ntfuleu u t h. uanîhu. t l ie t.eîe uu e S. Icis N - , ie . . C uicil. Iîtîcu aIdflIhtciticcu o tef dco Cncpeuy 'Chic Sî ofcu i oroaigi-tedilSitoe cc-utti.gIut, Mv.aiesSile ,-; 2e3,Mies Moiti. ho evie.e wasecilnet tcmionacfroieu sit-r. Tuhe Messrs. Miltero e, oaile tWaxCeruic, u,.l- Jacso. the 'ilimilàt t tlCie mcainu hue, bai faot, l, u'cinecc tic, itVciteac, Spenctre, Btas . ldiciict-li uM efl ,Jut Peui Peri-y alld thct lite ti-selteta U, vol,iiretîl t JeotuiCe, andl ihors frcmn i-citeecce, i,, hcuil. lycils;Ic, N ie@ titiud0e icouici tIre t tle Suricci uAn alter. aide Cîutlfcariel cff nay auuceî ir cOuc raitionc,aee raxcîtd c e in CWliat Pittei. Mssrsc. Brownc & Fleeto, cf Cdii' liaies, ic, lii. J. Ltith)uctu l . . ticheucice saut nt c ie ceeît,, na 1 ,'Niitby. cvincIllectAlei üno,, tCU-thi m.rct. i til,- nîscîhiofilit a liii msig efa rocolît- j Ceeu m b iite Rerapor Ttcbute CeInditiceiiiea ed, Miss Rihard. itic ecýoaLiutolegice crea-iteaitle ticeact flIcCe'1e1ty aidia hI rahitty in ensac Mr. 1 hclcaccrttig ecditc" pri.oc-hig. STe nottce litIMime Ella tbChececi, lcC]siccd 2d, lece J. t,8ccith accu race tirngli l'art Focey. itu-sera, licugen, ofiWst i tby, Lookiac hiege tîec,ectli eedesri. lst and cd. Mis. J. lelo aui Cîcucîcgucf u-cetuice ser cunticocf huiec i he Fine Acta Depuri-iL. OSemit. l'lcoai-vadcl ice v nigsoeîltg lo vea ctc etlc. c iiîe i ' Aetiiauecsee, cc, hie. . tL. Smithi;tIci, WMh ,1,Ioulhcalu l'cri lerrey eeinucih o elc atui iccîuttqel aacecibl e0tcTm1 ciPititrg, c4i ced 2IîT. Flseur. wlil, bequie aac.ptale e te Twu-Manuflieinees. We jtieltm (0giVOeo tc peccaedicici cc ad d,%Ira. j. L. Smithl. ti-i L --Ite lit iprizec a cacel, belsacte frile, Pdticrrpcds. i 0. 110cr>-' 1 ulie îtacve penugi-ephuWC Clip, from L.uudee'pe. 1,1. J. 0. cecr. tIti' Pocrt Ferry ltucucieruf, of Ttîucî vcay HIHcSaCHOcu. TEccceeEXAccciucION. CaieatiiePhotographe, ]et, j, 0.lece>-. lccc. Thüo cclietC, aie opine, i, ouuy -We cvuld rntiind parents,. gea. cuce ,rODCcc. aiutCutri f he ucîAî.cxAx rOituSulhitutlA iais, anduthtepublic agcterally, til Choses, lot, D. liii le, J. Lieu. Firkît l, te tiili t y 1MreFoccîe. 3,r.Oct ug ft e ncont logeuatioîac of hue ulte,, ]i, j. Lit ; led, Mr#. j. L. Smict. li Fuwer is uiimmnseali(iitofCeuicîil of îPublie Insttimctioii, approil ibutech,él. .Lied t lad, ste ilerre cpeier billaswite.c iat l.ae ium clae Uihictuad grolcieae iuei-, b outrt.apils tulaîlbua-eeterel thc Rugli e Srlol ceeu. iVe cacucuol cetivoc, ay tht - (ea et iien Jnnc, 1862, muot ltere-eermioed 1 l cie ipples,1.1 cciand . nAt. Mcies. 1i of *lieBowniaville nuleo ta tocay or admisiotn, acnd Iin t teexanaiuie- cice eppies. juts . c.A. mscece;tsc. Thumpccc cl aie lav o eeaacove dc GcucngiîîcBlyld ion c-t ite phacie oce onlcy, iStht, il2iiShmer Place, loi. D. Liai ; IcI, a. m tta, a -e hoaonucaescu d eill c thite înueci'one Enceuay, thecGooman. 12 ai' ter Pessaleti. A. Mgn ut tt-unclthe anrtcie liciex- led8.à se OuIi,cc. PiciCesi Appîe, 1, ID cîstccof flutc Pd W. & I. 1. alw 141h tntItL i enderaioil thut i pio-Liaitstic., ies dieu. 'Openeaie Gci1r,, kt i(oon-glei titti, ci% htclay attraittoiasa thc examinton mIl sund IcI. J.hDuces. lOrcetsi et>oftefruit. lit -cîcîlpetrüd l ctu i cloeleceîco u hcee J.Lubs. Fee the gest airiet.y oet cter tIi-cc Gieittt etfthe Ihulu Scîuaten hîtîat, nt cte thuetocftcnueinofie s scccc iss crecy atientcsdad gecca b> thecuiib. uolüssi agt N ti erfrofteuns cs- cc-ell entci po.itie, prizesgitcc by u.h'aeecsuh, .r,.P.it, Jls. tlivO -i lg hia tbcîî it gtnîchme ueutac Ial iaîil mlii tac-e ecteredL uic cled, u1.1. Ceat- ofa, uwu'ol miut ltte icifrnthecccl elgsiice Lthe aboie date, imda Ui etecî- roaîee-Pou Oisasrse loteand led .S. ftee< - lg pupila etlolîtle preacutt ttho Ex.a- cd.tu.. Foen lhut nd lad, Se laces fil cf 'î.ît ceucu.c. îeihcetiig.The naio.'uriciy Fociep,,1 il.T. 9. lery and SOas. GaZreluihec-c ce - tt(lmlit th CI-i, aimuoiie. rE uîce cece. -.Milct Cea. ici acd led, sic k)iuu î ut a hale ploa ontfuucuthe Tyee Eingstucn 1*i muutilattc foloir' thacicie. Tauitcr ld'ullre iter, eitu" bi-cutii utî'statlotan, c2ne dunxc egplrie t, cie.iT icac n.Bai Ced, '73, uetnd lad, Forthe jugpuzle.Gsi, lTaonceileioseCii. 73, let acdi lad Lt-ici ef 111080asto l Ivocaeheutsciisct e11. Thacurac. ncuxîr. Tue yer hd lili- ofet P lci-, andill tmutea j()ith Vtelilce oIs, aund lcd, >iîu.cGre. Tocid hiritcelet, uaîoýtuîgilu te atett-t avoetin-i b, ince Thou. Grey c;lsdd9 I lims. luiireCir, 5'73, r" eflrrý,l tsilo, .Tace,. umaptes. MlltcbCcc, li and ru- ji flhcuitu hiitiodti)l f il rchfi-reeg Nbd, Os-. Qe, idccaticne.Tsar Ol listr, lot, Cisc. c - citlv hreoEeceFaNSea i-ceiie u;Ic.j Gec-. Ticerm .Buhlli-sit, '73, iiuiediorehy luaetercl mta tý c.aoaCeA Utc.c. uBaitute.ud,J. csaeh. bstter CelCe '73 -. te re heeelb cn ft~ hia p-eacesD let, lise. 1hieeiicec ,hcdu. Il. leixicis. senl Caf contemcplscîcphytaieth(u- cL i eecce.scvs i-,.ug4edEe, lut, A. Jelirr SsinodiLil tetrchaterce asol und cru.î, cm sin mîthouecu. Seaeic extendicedt-eLcakte rnTisi a tRac, eteeaWin Rare tIa ccc, lien , scjuol tîco ravdte lict Bsere 'fit isuaca ,.iidgucd,; bcd, Ji-uhepBrou. Te-a ag ces, ici enil et e e tuenetsuhl ineopeeil. at - 100(8uni llcdgsac ; ld Cao wetltibs Tsiber- the e gent becel, a n iO pin i agc peic0 Cicr, 1. in dg»ee t Icil.Jetey econ Iec atsîtii- irîce'y, ai-î gtu u hntec la ee Go autis ThteagisltratûstOhco hi-cclacai ues wsc imdgsaî c led, Jeff.r> Ceeu~~~~~~~~~ bîtic ittteqotetCceiehcoe Lc buitiliic on a ucecaiýt birbiecciti Cm.eSouebîces e dsRarsclec, 5H Checeer bua icItil iuIagie SI ttty a positiion eaqt ' Ic.d,8 Tucss icelttc Macs lest ccd CedSIl te acltouvens te Latie. MG itîty la Icce ch- îchitîîan coutrnageo, hiniihlsd on a ipenmesCeutain abrienadlsd. lH epemece needy gciued iusaccomecnielciemciiy chc -aro -1,t'dh.t5il neccîbse aiOf -ct)Ulg 1 t gid hEcw, 1itand led, Il Spseer 2 sheee i o'afeîeandiIL twcil c etfitciiiieàmûe' ic-ulOiPort Plre'.. elto I'uesitc cf lcuat tee .t la IlSence. tac CEurelamientec an pnpii;n oe ifhel ticuOnf tue cea , Liu i ceic-ault t tegit ndos -itaco cide- an Il epetie seBurea. Yearliug bers ut flecDse luopeccni ,cp ofa, ,fu cdu fimtnut(b c u-utc '-,ttCui 5c, ccc [ledd.Yeetrlieg naure Cuis ceei., cccliii- coouflicrtîaiito--ait- vntJ ilec r'î ead lit -ycci tucerah Ptrpocs 0(x-eocf ce .acîucy. 'ilcorc,t mil tLe abiutt til cnt t'-ie-t Ausiera T'ht lai,.t 4;ea flot Ige; ,-ncîd Fcak theil DH)iif8intu Iegtu t oiui-iig isa Licee". lnit i înucgîle toWujÀi3-, cc1dîe uifhit Y,iuceluit7tCol.u.t T FerryreM laree ~TicG to c -i ,ita Cii, arnei icpel l-icral f li Oce luude rtile ,-icutiwlcit, w i e i- sf telle lu l'ie oe;s"hreond. %hir 1t-cemcarescol '73a ctt we Iavcne rý,v a a tic c ie. _,-utu'icisuet'lg ccnit, d in ile tChe' îuid. t secdlue aPecrymeeutcce sic rocene i-aiiltt pisuce ow in( ci 'tcîtul afit, tîve bot-uc Ij-ïelarg_-'i iurts Cci f7., ic e>t liScctdsendl ef.&efh i cI Biout l Ite caîdoise tgauiltîlilen siumc- u, ,Cicrytu).cmci -4 tIiWml Kecer end ef .csri ce Lother es tO c poo, R. Td-ri-t ticeigî Ru-cCuit of '73 nr.c il B soit itîccesuir, ti l aripacu- .'t uiceritntte -o-n-,uat tthîir crui. a eceecl it imcsmid lu i ucl-t, recuni. ala , Icteaa'gocei "'-util.Te ia cc-teehave lui fate fttc Joteey Bcu.e:lceceic, c iiFarewellt ecusAgrul aic lltut-îu y i-tatih ilSe maiiric -fonruhîir nefadihjsCiutt rctadatel. ai-o ic.ct,t, C Tute, 5 Luti** sCacecil Base lLeu-1 onf cina, - e le tiie, Oocye iii-LLetebier, 'iVDn. tmCci Pecciii ei .tic5 srîcwSci but,' c., otlutuoetuo t cnei_-ic tay. le tcw , th£l-,l Tu-. Drinctra. d qt irieti. To-Ecce eý- Di.Le uî u'ts Sîtiei tisc' a hive.111,, acai un.laklcs'. TIti - c t ie.iicntd aîn-tcfiluat(c-u ii of GFcsn -tie ur ci ii'id un tt o rt - -- eîîîî î -ttce ,f it it il ina divitg o Wl.uot u ccîgiid n l' j; .Àp eaux offlic h-t, 3tch hat.. wicucedstnocctol tOi,- thisc-rcuida tofftrikeh ter cItpOdi -, P utjandeu-l ttau ie r hon cia hu-îil.it ouegeolý- Ilu i-e tuîpcuced tii i1 cii i i îeîecle. le i ii tcinbtit heutcfaBiiîg of e ovvi ~ tf Port i u t uit itie ot 1~ I ece eîruaec Lt u i -c uc tc Iicerlair- . et, r eu-,alIhe cie-1geinte mcint the tt v i î tIe>ucrl ý C, f t rý U -o W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wi iA i:.11It'Islvî ia ~ îtugcu h inhtiif î-vieI- gIF cnc1;l'il. ree ne ca ph Wc cee .cn z icasl:",tui. Ah iare ieîsielni idl.A <qu' c irid m 1-tW95 1u, metiijureiby the tt lr. -~ ~ - - ~ - P.1t4ILW1tY~ FAlittLY TlhOUIhu.. oNcONI.A Cccui'ücin, curc.tAT %CitED AND ccc p UISTE 1ATOllS' NOTIC E c - & r . ALW TillM.ttieRAÂiES 'Ticeuctil icit eci Meday leci.'rTe cci>imTcityectuleebti Tuti, li~eit 're u~~ ~10 pari, cuveraI ati,o' secionfein Port ler- Tîcti egeditere ofPlitubce tbtHall, lti W'e give hicteco ttc nemeiadcc cflc ei aei Meacra. oMueraper ilpro-iticry atîtcelileca ies Laitata Sîcbacîo ga fteFeahtce Wctiiilt cct ieotitetce taklio fcelice iagélac,8e 011 ccsen teic.'he ntîtce ver reqsreilciuenees isac, cf tîce ouccchcgip of Meri....oci Galireo, îieo, ace dted en cir chient W'Ohiîuta tc 'iaia ppeevedl. Thc cîcyce coparteil Éhat lace u, c he ccotS irceyfcn1ottc ecusdyc Speiterct ucBc, i- Tire. DnforFci-ery ta Dilria.- Thce ycniteggirl IAseio ce or Iefore fiec ithîthia cf Jaaaeny, THBOUGE LIN RM TORONTO Tîe.Dned eec ad-.lir. Calp'hatlcispetccih (Me.-Lamerconelacappoint. -or,'erelA.D 871 e ondIhl , file-fTaîvecf * boitcrim cacteaiy horne forrse coced cîked it cdr .l iyec Ctif eesîiniifi s aggdinto caffonce toiacfds'isgcd 1m ithlceT ecîdh cend aetueil by ea utoîer cf yeîî np ae.Wicithc. lunlIce ocid Ceittyl, Selteitor fer '~'F R tr.C.iibut iei. el csciaile ilta g tit oâico lcsile casmeel t ilt in cny, bet Identifie Wilihitic Fcrlv llctdcmetd fltehoy acilsi' th n I e g t t o a , e t N i h I i ' Te Co* f o tic o pn.t t r e s f Ib o e l cv n i ai c e s . c o t e a r e n w t - L t t e C a l c i H a l l A i u i i i t c ,i c f l I c e lire. C. euthced lie hictîcecil etc cocîcif 'oI Tue Cotîccil cocai ietc ecmmittce.ci lhc eeeasl>5A1, De cet rcoeiloct vmIci e e n ýr g *UrOied. Shc coco pafill alcaeccace, eofutie i llect, il ael ' JOÇAGE and.lidtcrdfttlhyeratbocedocicirméa fille Re. à nd jPnceIal SechyHtL ,rANDt> PINELN FALILS, Campr eh cnt iet isonld .Cibelte-eil die conelderanepotirmuil ihe e- meegle 1ce lclid .cytrie fils een i hcr etnietiecend srls eadrmicue- ced mnycoif foiocc oei y . .nl ç 0c:~~înehtc cdrpcc Idte ohc. lieL remn Mai rETomas aed .descripton, flice fullparticîcce cof î'EScmn',EÂO oller lede iriictiig icia ity.haccntciacet Balon . ., ociaguetalhd hc hecam, cHEîc tSfthi teeel eamer-OeTRy IOed, weshts tdl us le go cap cairc ;uair]iSuancd mccllemclital:ruiy sui apeelmet lc Metirrcs aiRe cfateeueoftirireac(I ecav- Iic ricnahice efr. Cmpbllcoc..îe ttting cunthe case fer tise peiat tla deys,lieeil bytiretm, ced tsnctictaily atettio day, ced FrldeY, ai Il ôocîccu a. n5i.,fon anddo e qiielyfoec ttc arrîvel onecutesiti thefn eccesi -1d wacnyn l t leovtrble.-saSnteeutasce iorsicuiteerioe3 t fite.t o 10stf Hethnienel té 'otihee on t rpitti everaci Finaciand rAcicc- cdhv pb nrtciiec uireit ct iîch f ecrtheceeo hba he e ceceantdtIlleEccîII csr. .outid ai hafie size ciafuac apeucencra tee iie cetele o fiute ecil .Phficceba Hallnt,'rcnfeniie c, e-E(t ce d c cusetyfo aen c tcihio. ent ecoileceraientotoiil, elecen itia c ieuued e escd re osae iiitdemu epriesce- inTronto, e ttc Grandt lraak Rail. Mc, n tha coscdholer bcd uer la tl irg.Teàitne g tuodoi io Iai-tiei ieftuteace.t-he tîrld ihelcV(liavlng refcOCe »'M-ttt Thicig. 'rltec 11-t litealacetu 1h v- ltm fwicctiii y, b rririag ini Liaisayet il telt l acdtieil em' lttyrecith e toil liSer Cii', cremcdc cf people attcnuhiigtIse triail iti eiheAtnpeteatete, asa Bal~ leagcon, ai b I m. . ; Penelce Fa ls, et Boie taoelgtît ini thotir report, echieg foi ihdt h diiIlt ý SciaIlca haveas1Idoueé, am 1 nutlfier udîlitll a c -eriiou ferroecte oeilfor te cci t uo ita3i and lie igtancd qutreci, oand tie cctifAdmýielcînciore ce 1etélm ole r mufe." MoHet-YIl 5eîarc ny cife Be long- Duan;îtret r ucof$7 wt a-fourseiere ectocuacd iltiet yietîlcîv cubtier cf teci chlcl flcc i i bIt, fer the trueemsc.PIÏUrRa ea, Veecea Peut 'c or." Site seculi "iIlave T dinco," ei cartteoi, Thce cciiifor Dndasci's gc. îveld btee eiitat. hMe. J. E. lirocsofll. ceecl ray p otic lltefotatyspreee l eeed, Tlneeda I, aleatctiycic andl hbc iii etig, e d for Iceo ai d allO fe DaciAttSte.eyfcoalolacMr.in eîtteYeuSmuinet ave ort i, rvit cime'tdc cL8c-c. the dcctiieriucl ei cltecal iei hin 'Te Coicu ittci Tomccîrepcrtey report. Ceti teuocd e l .Snîi eciveil by tfileaor lhtîefilcadlSoliiort ci e otFrytctn ecncisuse site tihi or tter ialiace tedfae Mi d li oielehec he amulo arriclter, Wtiity, utcndcd ce thea part of thtina of distributin.Traie oclncaiig -wibthi Cthe ;acil 'lPcaek t hoen trici te lift lie cp, ccd e aetit.ine an etteuut cf 3fr. W.Bainse for ceh tîta thie Crone'sî,cnlSc. A ir ecici I e'îî9c,îi els c zee theecwnpalicecece. ,triiarce $8,46tred.learrancgeteanime. firthc- c et there nue catiecch cf flice pee c tjteeoiIîid mVîlcgic 1,0 ___________ cit , ltiteritheilhtc îaid Joa ilcot Fiteri rom rlist c, 6ycs. .0~ b tc cocui ahlll, sd tdb stcfcc n~cd oce oet'Mt. J. 1Itou$1t.1 fer Carlinsg. Pa£ieeh, crithue gcdlAdiictretce. te Lhndsey.........LItg.S - ta intlrfère uia ptilc otiî in t- . CRiaCîY.-Ttîc cotteen match botelce Wlcty te Undey . 'a cioct' le. Jac. i3iycue; . Iitu h ctii hThCornea ucilGeceaoo Crelet Dateil Int lieby, sti ti., 1871.8d i ficgo.1.7 frein htue clithcieht ie mWccituteul ta ICldbshue oui utoci teicehfegrcaniialite flicJOHN E. PATtEWELLI Throtigh]ILTickets Caili adlcf tics G. s tile lMr. Camîphbelt. Tireeson mcccit.r PellIOS 1iii itiiuiaif te Cuîai auceC- aterhconmccc l.iui cttc ee eflt icicrireeceit'oh .iidtei~ cc ceree c iîe ir eu al. SeasteIoctelutel eue 6mt îi titt. 'flube495 ia Seiritcor fer thie Admliisrations T. Agents, Tetonlo, niaeherCutrel ci iccr c Orcevîo tF("ilE DI T SA LEh 1 Thruigi Prefghitesi 10w ralea5 îte aec reg euetwtiIi ieîv tehuciM ne' ceuî1for CieksOffice, Frcinci 'e] nfvr fGenwoycFor terme, &o., eppîf ta ttc Agents. MIra ing e cc outt cf tlic an Haut, e, ______40_____________ ie ung.Aey informatton ccc tee obtatcced iby Sp. luy Decuil Conmpbell. meeg1l, Campbell tee cei aeammcîctctioe rec'd e We cgeicu'uteuim cattetion tau ts hie o- i* \ OFl [o compilecilif oeecgio d ed urît Camp. frein f tic d if'ret offcead atî,îîî liileod caheofaiMesere, Birel & Jelt onc " ' B'i. B. EIIBALL, JAS. iOBiN -bellscicilfel lthat ne, ttc aaeucIeoidayeteai lte uifercî cîieîccd îsace teWo bel; teremiail eue R INGIFPLEMENTSc tI. itc. hiait'gtifrefer, fumetereut - o o til.'attfendi aiîeetling te Terononîle uice tlof F-dyfI at gi a naP orttieD.Cap ellsi ic e tia idor theît ison fCcie,. ceore tlitfitsc hici'y draughît Sutrji 'Vile SOIcsceettr linscroccivedInstrulcltions Sopîciner 9, 187a, 45 li l e.Icip dsiio le in. Cemianlad of..ene..o . Onmotont -. " ndimporethtii conseil by Me. W'in. 'ruomp. frein hu. nB.l ecc i ap epohel tso, Cailler uiersifmaliCn lciciafwercutnson- 'ritîoectuah stoak le tee offeredin tsci- M5IR S. C 0 A T E Se ace l Cmtei itoill. Hoe caneom eaocbe f i cccie i-prtor. lowe 5&cncad ul ilieyConent chave,' tceelt ioclct euoi____________ Execirtix ci the lhate JetteCeaie, teoecli nîicemWCc li gi elanut ucie/nar. I bîoard Couaiint eîjeîcccd. Jiuccîmetl rtgge, Grcdaate cf Cohooa by Pualie Aeseion,aetltee promaises, Lot tH 1.Pit n a la y.0 aýikadi__1_-_____ S inýiy Woln êcin aosfr Ne.,in t ie 4Lccessccionc oi theaTaowa- cue eeeî iîl os C cuacth ailieINORTII ONTAIZIO FALL ,S11W. ecc-f"oueh"'eouc amc frlie îic cf Picetrtng,ranue icVillage cf pa, ced ccc egot,, rucil dte anitîcer renul- sopapr rilieg canl ai a ecturor, aihî Accdty, cen i hlere me remaiccl frorncccil tice.Dohl EThe aanuauchFusIl Show cf lte Nt bleilfetirtuntleue hciai'c McIri ce te- FRIDul, oCC'OBER 1791151873, Campbellregea iveet ta tire, I'a. recl GuOntarioe Agricauuceel Societyin s froidt morracc tlridcy) cvcniucg. (Go cod langli. flie sotte returneiln - li rs .stl nte *'Ig f -Ir(IThceartile ofi her Valchiue FPtritock, FOIJND Ill udecc.CItiiimIhe\ilîg f xeugü, cii 'leeaity Moe iI aiilsa adrertise te., ciuicîtome t cemphaincd cf heteg sick. fuie H. Camp' andcitIl V (I'îiiliiy cf lest otohi. Ilcccii. herisTle h & e Joli i ercce hcefa cc hel t motbi atch adsUw old irclracta hylirepr n ian of hlsiatchrdunecthrceietyr. and bout nt he cedocilarc cia nciierrit fic i aolit ireceesiatiihut Iae is11aieltefariîr cnsirein nced4 Oaa mtl ated, uee. cccli icee rminun ether quarter ciaouneccr there, rcae lefriur uiesfonM s; adcoenthaï; ime mcsciepteo teil;ed i y eet hou luie".A lreitiiOnteai, IL Il. 'Sine, Wcoelias emiovoil tc To- One ageil baron, aed onemaare ti eb ae u five miuetes loeger. lMe. Cmpbelu thonp-zctr rn-gut eitiOirii ndte. Te li u i Ienare gi00L Iee ce auimporte-i terce, onc treond mire', tefoLIl weet btethie romoeilandteck Mzt. C. by thue -Joln ie îtr, Laqi, l 1191111.e e tic Bien, and colgive e-ry attenticon ta aun importeil batte, oee tu<gy hem', fontelandil ifloen iareoff theîellndi ifled i a -ecey large îproportieon. W'acgaigtiilicumi ieiee ' eoiiaidseccrol c pt fehc r ih tothirbuinss WIreoiii eed avnyeh)ci stautofpecolite2e fBocf L teer ut, en lier fee;le ichtcdilunice. IMe ilite cui r ctîevîcfricniint u eirsie - tieuinti hie puie.une eatinecolef 0roc taeuhtteferoun aheil aie te esFslt aculid.ltil. I cked iter gaie, e 11îh cuut filihettîhîoy cîutia ti-__oit______________in____5 oiers PAU 1ie laite îuy rarescitle did lnet deoo, ace lier latue l ic îule cci st,3' ficto Sctilu11-i ISTOc'UciTrIio Fizn3.-Thit Directori I3fi-coudiun tf, rivee 3 eare cl ileere. 1,are ic ic o itteiloiuuer shîccl. fle. C. 'tarie sicict', iit tiette u ltîo nulîîîh eftiuti, Wlutty m and ltWilithiy egrcielcîreh eoe tee f2 yeeil d, ogttt fât Caille ehrco - ton morcil lie hcuîg ; huchalie lied lber y, nd lli. 1 uec-oimc tSei clilaaoSrdilctr s îitte3tcrEr ichicil I putmy lIcc alelier ber cihocc0ce ilcl.tli[L n titrtiv, tha . lia lio tv, illme couttshtesaw,'l tlnhliee rînc. o tea r oii r dnoo-'WEE ce ad ietîceillier alactg, coutil cee t te the naay teb u car uîrhiirtival. iciu Sturitcleflice 111h lmet., clinte adlticsu rrCLCcel,ù ndmw topofth ftnrs ýSie lrtlel p- tetndioiiI-c icwiaided io prie i the Showc clîl et, tac beaâvy caggeno, Oceecarl, ccc toi'alittc lc tirStucndasoucc aulcipcsfa lc Asilienul tCalpbl vS c puiti epcing ccggec, oceeopeucg bord, eue bate.f Huau my crin aoriier cemiug dowe te Cci flcu.tîicigstrcsefaulic ilIai, relioeenierehtonIe pacofgoug peiIon 1,tuiru, cela led lier le tire cela. Sitecoin- Rochcct Ctiui coiiiuiiitioul aîrnieii- Aeoichy lca ign. Ae ltirucey cet adi Co ncutea iegî, cOnte ngpiceigi, onNeE plaiccil cf biug sc et cc evean ele hy mtu uîiiiai ettt ^v c clumiutihcwîy sulcir t cachedomion puecgi, elle ihîtc alrploclu,on A T otue sofa. Afor tai ftabout aMc.te20iiminuitsioiij urr.iilluum Cciireufîtimeeciof'luemilihci ooirtouoneee cc t Iorume dertillpdeonce C. wctt i ft liice ufeici; tltik Leaidl it i t iiin e ti fbhuiî ;iRobetrniCatmpît "Fuailiu' Ithug il mac if 'cîî ccl'n, y iag Milonhor ontvilale, neuirge, ee an.l Lacul miii, eae luos-is lieieiceeptarterI, lit ouctt. Ote eclltlcei e succihuit bermurehboitin$2 tut ait tue sîcrelic ei n 10oo luutc5tuit wsceme, an' itc cayticor ai t." roile, eie graiuncihle, scythues, radios, t&c. SPL utDc c ceecItrpet'gmieaci IL ngsrts ûlaimoeoelia ctlct he arw n * ha ceueuîhiiug cf tpain. Me liflelIter cat.'liciii'clcaoi c hni cce __________eeecr, t athli, monhelstiefitdoue IU ID - of cnotBy htl 1 aise ou iliuuucc ttu fite 'eiiu-ttle-s ac IfycuccilitatiBmitle yeuîrcchf agecble huuotwo sin f tringe, tec es cf ,cabe ironts i daI(,c cp ohtere ï iriritvfrIiiccgc ueee a hliloiicicote rai-e lierior uitsu, Irî u tech i îii IP bi îiiiii iirlv. viL t t clifirtheteale ic5one, tati an i ceic e 8yea pieue a edlh, clx ucece cf ic ipe tteb catola le 'cd er t Ile iloruni]ont 1 lle erts- sineao u scr lier -effsiranducis celitle as itels ce cuit pîrecaro , ihriteie fitty. dho hei elider, rouIti co ita pe- iioiI i-possible about yoice osc. Peopîlc aroc ucc ise i tro atac;o triceeumc, te ho feu ce fliteI TE luit..ce oIi-ps.n licegtaStijlcr evaaulueecotced tilepîîeuceecea taceycplace,înetglaireccueacitrglWione whitii uciet lic con11 te ier in chaig-twent iilll- c .aulP-eg 11iclugm gcicetueoieî ii y Dit, oee letuing luble, coepîrfr t ec, tuck ile o lice hulieeuua %Ir.C1e t 'Ili1 îot lu clu1ic ouithic acru ottquiestio a nncucet i let aleecgettci c uitiler. an illeoati clesccoftuocecod ui iuruuc nut orieon p lç(lut a luait.sitlI ra ic of ilotoSani-cielleegise, alla. thetton nIllue ouita mni .. u ip ad afie tîemîtu rive uilt Mis. licuec iicivll e'M ie etuîflumila it;renorsa uc.Tica-ioHlamileFton 'ciaior. Lau tcleicc ret.cm iee ET N.EAE' it ta r. J.înao h a',unten îuie, ici rasil, tiiuîvutvcenic tcinilii Itei s ceiu I )cc a e e ct iiaitlof ucieqneucc, wloat, curp. creepi mi.t"I) hr -d lo mrrn Crost-exuncicuc ied SteM . Smcitm l. u-ctuaiuîii h iIli eîiiîe i nuiufg o lu tir tIcilulietoedi cittia t htitcildu-o. telui ccccr fchati uecccll l tiec 1 e - I riiia nth l.Cil o o t arieni ~ ict i-cutlis' redtutil viii it ccuIuy putit] fu- Cunhuteliul c ii-o stîaly vuuoIi4 ý. -SuJalmume giujt as îlisîOlnc- r .i igpîroetitJoint Niiti î e i cI- C. - - ~ " eu-I Iroin utlie il nîulpeid cohen LIi1- liTerEREV C.tit eisgtt. I briioe litec uu b'lalochnte hieve thuat the jockey cîmiutlerc MmcvTav oWsu ÀseetE A 'e.a.-It il etcltrips ccd 140f, cche nectic donce eithl ce sfaeeo-iur e iraet mthtpepleoiatlier isiotr; te fueche. Iititi ceeeiaiuy uhcnnicir easy a natter il ice h. FuAIRBIANKS, IF., sitiig.. litre C.1 hilh i id ciet # l 'n- iiartliche of Se it. Bill, hucaloull The Pin-yte pl ore11,oc ti. ti ota f 6c cccli, cuteri, ce Aueiiucaecr. icg ccc, afier mcc ectchaturdLr e-nu d.le: ledt inoe. 1Iwanrr poiti. us tîccu- i e- ofiEspiona7,e," lic aîtaclmnergebuta cîrithu.pendsiwlI rii f lite ese cf a rCcîcie Ptcering Ot. 4, '71. 19-l ne ecitane t ams cireIuelai I . ul tiite gevenmneui, thct by thitir .ini-or. VCLenIle cca ie elliîîg tuigîcli'MySLEtk my impressioethuera-ce cen arructi i i weîi ciaence ai-c jîtuvec i guuty au'icotulIL en 1 l. si i etliboîrelcuel cojeot tie f ahcecîhilouceo 1toicadii. etharges uvumchu striicicly iffe t the proca igic i iit dIiii îcîiflice wer. A filidit epot A geail het-etice Potin Te Me. Dcir-iu.C. cuede net-i- irity aicil iel/acofthie couîntry, tut ccii tLcpci- filmabeitene- 80 tiglut atici ý150 A C R _ tane i gingou, ad da et oiIo rio, hos Wo mithzeil orourcoi ueuc tic uuîuuuse etjeci platîcif. 1Dy tute 50___E go larrdt I lleuet b mue a r] t un;i- t' s eficureedotIll at tn ,CPyi 11,a iethc e cti f Wei itucalteu te in tugston u Ite euCet lir i ne t ga r 1 c-'cputtîn fti-trl te iecia sud c tit i i i tco p, c-lie icif faicemiro miteiet cf Iu fl ccic n f iiitldiu. hiernuicl te~'cce tc liu iuii.brangit flime guiliy lPanteic1 itil. WCo fiii ucer. lieSirlst scruase io tiet 'bc t arsl ic Ieîe e Te M. Scic hM. Cîîuuuî tic l catioIirecîtgo gtn ols n te ge cete Dr. lGoiit, a elIlLuaitanb. -i1iCticnoaîtippoeefor alimîmomnt aiy midai eclu nuit' i ýerfeetlifsec fri, i£'tue cuir- out-buildings e matncht. enumubute eoucand ee Mrs. t. ti IfL I .;, onltbceahejiial turc ici)lita cavi imucunruc. i lrci ern or unier teoemaer, Fe r jartiersauppîf ai htlic Office. Ityrnec. "ite Dr. Pcai he]e uiigoe\Ir. theu if ho hlcl gocîtlrerisn tsa l ieet a r i n deil1-3, atbuildinguetient lliccnihtîce Witiiy, Oct. 9. '78. tîi iti 12 yrec cistlced bieu.M. i il eutotld -- Iii iplet coneefoile-abot httuof hua gondcu lc iirot lII iii c i le epeutig, itics ouiy iee 1.chalDe. andieu îîhdcu dua et.I bcîc. ltatie ha mtil notue cvery cilcciituIr e tt5ry te u itieflire wc mieter-uicgmon IMUEL BRIthGfS, D. B., 9.Teluoefa-eit cteiiiîug tecard Ste. 1 i, ii bthctl ret anîl olceuvtse te foil the bo retecat fdca-cinicute leare. Lighi Whuru 1 I liciied Oi sththoe l 1ploiers, andmif i tlie atapt lit ohcl nft u ohlycchaurd uuel e r tocau, TeII. i ot1 ie, apuee s d i) t -ru-u dt h î on oceeete 'Vil cpu-akhie opieeon lice espueruuuuceso f Ehe r rtocue Siiiuieuul t dicoet luobil tif puivial, o ceoliutlcîe thitt Iie t t A iýu iruitlecin ic cif aie.h tho ige i fi e h dA BOH E MIAN,m filetleigh tlitc )yu-elf. 1hoiiiel 1t cci -JIlirrdmilsisflcbiI nt Nr, erviù, loie\peil tebcvery arry Ici accusec bitai cf statuiig lufi flt iTtti' te paiui;ut fliec scuce fiit)m 1 ecn- ou.i îîe malIe eaI wlie cautile 1tOrVStccu'fict, E-hdtIlIhul ese îrr-rc mnycchi ca Pence oufcuo r. tl i-i-iclAndul ce aucde htliile acuiculutcîpe- IîILThI. 1 M 2EfHNiILuÔ HALLu wfllIIy liai Do sa anthig t tu in fecly ustfie inIlsng t icih a t \lt - ic teciiy, ilitî ntt, FiiI)AY IcV'G, OCUT. htîlli, '7t. te caytueunaacoitieu. Ihbatc-outl test suitl litascncu-e, ie te the citOeici 'cJt Il.lic-Yau, af I i" Amcmn25t evre el llcuzlc Rosc, va-arc, seu-I cc lîo ic îau l la ruceIncuteth lme l ichu onz ,uthui. , tice wies-ucf ulscmg u iltticc et ic Ce1 iine alantea lit bani uegucc tîiieccl. or cu- 07 cîguy ecmcu Il EtAding u flicdo.r o àlr.Cali j nios vile aille thattongu Clin l ile. M.ArhieGccucgier. tf a daiglule. orOpna7;Tzicdtaomee bos ecca n huic iglît ef ice lut afIi- pi r o. etiiriughi lymlees andcu iieiiug IiAIuIED. precisc ly ui 8 i-'clüceh.cul Saw r. Cmpbll ad M. Daifu i tnd n bytir Rév Dr Thonfii M iutly, Oct. 8, '73. dtil '-ir tl, eupchiau i.Dtf-ls timre mentis of troaikilcg umit i. dncit' Il1ttt yteîe r.Eîcle __________ i!rcs.Camupbellittailue dueu. 1 vclw - oel - io'ciitîiirsý, 1iuctltai lIc DancieltCimte- - - ctLi11 icg etir-oe tiMr. C. bld lie u tvnr , tîtgugltdclc-u'luu.Eetî Cuobteci "h2, mý& LIL mie ttcecariege. SIr. hBcc îîocû c i- huc t ey iu ab e t kît secret, te i VlitIhe. eferuerd al lu dlite acalil atie lici îe igîi ave thicenecnoone wmulilseluccite ATI lboct itualaet isi,by lIce Bov. 1A4NUAL SALE lbisi bouse. siccio , ut ýlai ey cu-ilu i tin fer ttc mcmns iehondtu, cI isiSîSandicccucc, Mo, D. Feoncei, tb MisesSXI N LSL I ndrsicel te canaugecci il.U tusclte lace'itaeif wotmîl net berîtun cuit telaroucnce CI. u-ai,,bahoit i ai Wliliy. tuesfm. Cent uîcttulvc y furotti c -1iIt Lde enttUI cc-l forite hc aurty THOROUGH-BRFD STOCK, Ia mailure ftot e aleiiciiie îlO 11mI ciritu guily btfccu-otheo wuîrnBY MARKETr- fle D'W standaliél.beliuoce laI, !itîccu ie lo i ti ~ un Ccutiei ial ead c i'- i t t at-ure i-sc, thie uil -etced mIl eappty JCOiAFR JO gt uiiaîcuîui uceTicracalia <Jacacel 'tia' h- noîap to e u .c 5 O f Ihe i-aid Ccitfa di-I_ __WicehmlIr1 m r if'UTd1'Te h- uie cd edfrc civ oet-h Is-na i i1 - M ptîlctttatcC!rc lus ~c i lti~ i-ettc cdl Art. - C - i , '. 4 Bala otiteShort IBom ra ed, ari5'VW theY,thic(ith deyuloetoiec, ', ' " ,i t Si. SilO Ccir tagru ..I t .,m ia i t , o t Go l c e i e i i c e e c , e ec i e c c i l e p f - c e -forat tche- VfIll n afrfle - t i JHN SiUNDEc.i clie ecyieg, tee tira" ca clafor hheeee." I 3 Sep t. ý17. -4 ecgucSpt 1 5 6

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