1 L L4kilig I rid t> ] L c ide »;>II>c tF c tb national iB> :0 >F0 1 s1!1 ])O10îB ]BBBbec >L_ >>>fi >'»IdT WNOF VWHITI3Y. th prt u of 9 wl) Iii î>>1 t > C»»>> t>l Wlll gu~1 e Bt1 >>t>>ide h.let»»the t>y B>. <B f, 0 1 ' , tB IBt>, 'l by t COUBt viiB l a LBB& »>tiJui t >>ft', o > l" . OB 'IrB BfLIB L IlWB»>t'.I »] 1".>t>te, ilu 11brQlB>i ioto' > i î]>» B<o o>>4 lp»B> 0l»>L thimi. lntBf 1 1 th t> tttt ar B ttBLB of t l Ite t>> t > t> t> 1<tec. i wgý l>o>00,1BBtili*'tLtt>t *t t heO»>] Ioo> thot»»v, a> 1îi t>lethe c t . l t 4q >te,> (le Ikill t o i lrn o de ' . t II>I T>tti 00 ., B 1t1IIý ý t B fO t> 0 0' rBtt>>'>. 0>] ,n w]>]> b u PI 1-1,Np ltLrtoBn , BB >to tInwber- nule. e '>Vhitlie pyeml.i OP.t10, à' bd.em.fbLt. Th Sg kng a!lla Cornet. -a p rttrn t]are Cxe'tré ett S idlt 5» tilre -YII E ND OF A U, G T tBl» TBBt 'W O..1'i*..> i . l,,>' > * - 1 1 1110IVIl i A tB C.'s illn, lp i tOilLb. e tt t tBfte in th.éB d>p ti»> O"B">' 'M3,biecRbil.>oG>1,111t11m lirgree'n igh']. full,> £az*bBo-i s]>]. iat, ONTA RIO LAD]IES,' CC>I.IitiLC> »Bi D t d CIl -b0,»»»B i it B»t. 'Lýt> t . O tiug Bt 0 ' Jif Isha»iwJ1Bq tr rBd lifbb, .', 1 , le bowd.Ne1s bu obare.>JTli botoc Çà.10cldoncî. Prirnce Arîhur'a Landing, - .hte>coe fl> 1 .0 ,tthéc u Son qt.LtlP: t1' Ilo . le, adcl »» »> »»Ire >eFo' flowBt b]ir»uii île b>»',>i ott>.r>tp]dIltt>' 101>1 I lwe t 4» tIter 1'. L i t» tel'>'»I t»' bolivaof l01> CAALELAGMET <1BWu w>tii t]»> aud4 i sIppýel I1a 4cT i A (Il 1CoNFitE > t' lo i » e »ti »'O'B» >rallie) t a'> igit i"> >> 't t fIl il > >>i', " gui»B ' >Ii»' t» Yt(,rog'MntBN inttttbefS>»tt it pB> e>.>iy't. 't > >0 't» se rsivioy l . i t" iP i urO)oFJ PLEÂSURE EXCURSION. on Tuesday, l4th Septecîber, '75 BYTHE» tttLEuLI» T>'>> Lt> . l t ',êi>.te..... "-'-"m d'sfoS, rp . n». Brreo f B»>tBb Too<ml>ii C> tio't?» BI f t .) J >01>t't>10 lsii .f - 0 - - m.od>eio,..t t> tht tic.a4F >XBt>t>te ~CAMPBELL. A.D, »LrO,5L! NJzX'.r. y CNCD'Fî:'S ST'O' ei tt i ou SBO i.>.Iiq>t l"B'tA>.>B iiL '»> t>Btti> d'joiE ut.o0'u TO RE NT. FUIIHDORt UNF'Ui>N1t5>Et Biddt»» l tet >1>'B4, ?ooti] 0 ONT LAING &SEMT ~LRO LDJJSI, CO LL"Ec Be'-op ning Tueqdajy, Sept 7th, lst eru Sept. 7th to Nov. i hIt 3rd F eb. 8th to Àpil 1h 4th April 2is1,t to June t'i. A conîpici i'tff cf Teaclirirs. lMr, ITorringt03n'i ce lies lucarge no MýîsiC 1)eîartit]iflt. îteiKtHofldS çir> 4 l' jlat ic1EiC14jjij. JBrtildiîsgssan.d 'Groiinds "'otuetl'd .For (>olcOit'r ailecce>s ît]t'>' i. E tt.tiEttRscN, M. A., foenr Ocrti J AllE, 1. Â. ueo] Willtli>c> vi 14ti, 15. TUSE 4LTEST IMPIROVEMe~ 4j>XING &STEWAW:-T \'>t'î{ldbegleave teoe,l1.11theattention of die plur lC> goeilllY OJaî1 their CLItnomer iupaî'ticIlLl ýj te til' fact th'at t ey hîtve now 'rccelvôa'1ia ir4y class stock:cf Goods> suitîthle' fài alil lasse'i it ver e'».4esonabIo prices. ,Owicg in;1a g'e at nme. n Bi'eý to the depressed,ýtate cf .the Bu tropeai, Muike,'ts, geods ettu be bought at 16w prictisa we bo v beciuablet (qmalOs ur pureIha[s iie yejct -fa">'cùitble tcî'ms, tnd ictànd (o fgic e o CU:I WlOTV (lie beniefit cf the a biclos. Ocr T ILOIllN(>r l)EPA1LTMJi4NT, so oi . kawo\nfor good ;iibsfaj.titbIiartIcle; s 0 10 'w p]et('tw hClilt the newetiit and ftshionable tweed' f llttL i it 'veqtitngi»as aiqooGents JFilyrrighing/ litîtuti-rit-,v ltch ttcnexcellent seloctioe u bc utile> gs ýil>'embraces tLe lateRt at-ticles ýi ru(iood'ý we haro tried t o a~i~ g u,tacd tts regards (Le iitt'eaI style, U'dh i" & >ttuy ooly rxpquýirec o e a (c Le desiî'ed, ,I -we are -,jtcüsOUB 'ttL»( or clistoiert'B ocld C Ot-1Y hoy are ttîî dispcod cf, and get>" ià e o the richest articles ever brougl itct ' tby. > Fm nOný stock iii att these Une:s. IT WTLI, pABy (Le ladies te iqoît>'>t Robertscni's stock of fauûý,aitud initial iloe îî>I'trs ; i>tc'clit e ' seth'ing non, ineat anîd pî'et(y (o sLow> thoîn. TT WILI, PAY Luisiness ii lttî ttiîy their Biauk Bocks, j'Zcteo aud Lutter Paliers> ueltot ii other Office st]ticiiery fi'ci]î Rtobertson, Lectmàse lie lieus i Ilo t>ntd gcod stock cf (lie saine, ai-d oeils at oity prices. 'litis t> ettkhL lias epeued txvo freslit ç.ýscs of statiouOi'y. .,IT WILTL PAY School Tut»,'Iecolers snd pupils to 'prrehîsëse80110o1 Bocks tit bleISOtt.. RHolias U fit IStock cf 'tihadC' îmU Scîcoci (ext i1tott>s. IT \VIljlà PA.Y (lie reaidiiîg ýitltlit' te vîsit Robertso's; 'foi Le lias alwaymya.scnîetliiu,, net>'iii tielilterary way; and 'will >giy14 infornation iu tegard t(c auy ltctîlprpbiiabed, i14 BPIE, IT WILL PAY yentii to eall snd inspeet for yôirselves. VTaste tihe pciddiiig foi> yocrself; tLe proof is iu the ecating cf it. J. 'S. BOBRTSON, ]lonoloelle >4 SLu]ltner, delelr in Faucy coode, , ckstet., llenogB.B 0 Stand. Every manj. Uis Qwri Painter 1 W's have ecctix'cd toi assortmcunt cf -mixe>l i'tîiute, bo>ttifai color, ~tîpurtcl.) ie t>»diffrent coIr t w10VIi]ith Ne in- , v it&l nspeotic>t. BOOT A ND 8HÙ.E LIvPORIUM- JOHN SAUNDERS L '-etStock, L~42estLatest St yles, Qreatest Variety1 sizes in IFine aâd Goarse Lines, La 'eis', Missses' alid t t]tlOldron-v»' uy tbie. Ail Orderg To aun Old ThÉht D ay look.. Coia arnelout Ctoo"k !>lîy furin autiqio<, Deserves a notice rît tie Whie thtis hounttîlt>froco '>eek te week0. Tetling (Le course olime. Long have I marked t lîroad old face,, Aud listened to tIc' cA. Xîcd ere» Id let thqe L. e (Iris place, 1'1part wit ovei'y sick. Hlow eften frcm'thy coi to'r (bere, Hast (bou tcokedfort>outIlle, WVbeit sittîug in mny cli haî piir, Takiuginsy toastsr!and id t ".> l Ee h ave recciu'eî't ai> is surtiie tt cf W Tjîîttuw' ('crîiiie q lies' > h 1 a w y s hvcYbv i I u i AV ~~ ~ ~ JA&Z forbean>ty of design>, cocîtteti 'itiipric e > dt fy cocipetition. inY aemyeei' ttt TÀc 5Z . hpî'% N R ý As 5 o'ctoclk th4onpaît>. ina 4,le i11'i reaiatgsotin. But more delighted do i 'cil. i u îî>herot»' eiietit' t' 'iio>tgo fîlea. ~'FE3LT ! :ESELjT !FIELT ! Since I Laya>, de4lt attl'elîi TAY 1,(': ,BARINARtD lt»> >tîq iand oeù e (lelaroost p'of lt eevs( cuti l>ci rtieutc <of Ftans ecx'cr tîou>glit into the Ton cf Fer Carpets wtirrattc>l îttli- ioo! pesvsth f\htvOtt i) PH FOR I>titCASH. (Caiýpe ûhÔtn wa '\\ 'O lii»> e .als0feit ttc licing n'alla of 'liey ]; 1> to i c al:tutta gîteti c>pply cf watehies, ( o, t Houses, beîag amct> o i tictoi'-iiaLLhes '(ii i»îtLCeh nriner iu Thou knowest thet wicic>tlouî rexot, Je'ii ra tvc r i'e atdîît ictty (oodc, Stereticope ud ccld We&;tlreranud c]»lcr îîiit»tticîr, 5; N»tiTestin.iuiafl.l te This 'waring's heordfront]'lit', \'iews, 'c' eps, Mcr aop» td' Cunîcescopeti, iii"y.> OUn ho lfeko at our store.lCorne Mary girl! ?t'ay l»k alive, 1 - -o- And let us hatve senie T'il. Awrýil[[ teattycuti promj'tly a#ttde4 to. Ordori Imîst ,» UA.RVE ST TOOLS. Whpeit~~liciltti187. Fis ateS"ht',Stti» ,atles, shov'ets, lices, Woodall nîto selisso>0 citicO ecip, Wlttl'> t 3~lSo' 'nd.il e. , Vu litoae >reeived 5; dozeu Arineriesu And w'on such N'ide reiîo'vu, '>- Htes, ulshgtitltiug îiy 2 e>Have neyer been iko dicoeoenhip MýT1 7ý fI'aiîat 0dbGenuine FigliiheW'ititc 1,ua. .Varrishos, &c. Bti" »'ige it. >teplWO)LL'S Old Comtar Testand Sugar Store, nia A fe>>'Ameican fluud r.M.-q ef.cha G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u RPu ~ ST O R E Q~A9B~t.lt»» rilar'Greenfrein Hstch & stei,\hitby. ___-o _____ ]»»»t»..t'>1'>' &, Witoy enteDOMINION FLOUR cg FEFO STORE, The -Li:dersig nehd begs to annou Gr( 0 E]Sw BB EflC) H' to (lie iilt ci lut >'tLcd cttrrotîii t> dmstictt1 at lie a lias epectled jil. ie 0Lt'>)1CKl ýO-.D ELL WSYNEW BUIDIM - 0.-Fr (the Chetet i>l btt q uahty of Filer snd Feel, 1009 FELLOWS' NEWSBUILEINGRT IIROCIC ST., WRITBY, M'ISISTOS&NW RT- SinSoe Begti te %notince (bat tuey li Aveoi !afirst-class Stock cf A stil ftîrlterrpetiiot.:: tiiis heing inado la tLe prices of 5Vh: ie enste iceep ecroiiv u li it' Flour, Corn, Cliop-feed, Bran, Sliortg, I h- lie~ r'i inen stehcile. yti g ncFT P N PE U GI3 eas, Oat-meal, &o., &o. cLo litnfer u m, ç (L e ntcn1&j 'Fatc , titib '( tiattittiotu iEot m ifts a (Le ..L.LV LLUF'->'A> - YOF011SALE AT iA(ý>r3~ PUIS I- -C a sti»il fr Bu(t l ' ýi0 Fariuer rs'Podci'>e, 'rea g.il speciaLity ,.'li i res u fu y soli'ited. k ,-JL- ~tUrk St WbitbyA pril i. î1>. t, 'siArl101(.8-y Dominio.n IFlo'u & Teed Stons Whîty, y* BLCK EÏex»hsrg, "5, 1873>T 1N5c1>YIINWAAtut' itti.G. tWt1.HA L j<f tB»Lei, Oee 0AC.T» 0»t-1t6 ..>.io.tBii i 0(] A>','at>'it t > t t 'j, .x'4V I 't I liett»>te 10 tk.eti>1 eO tg .o it e!1.i 0> '80 i Pi.t» f ta c rAl. Gth>~iBtt -- - "'-"-,'-'> -"sîî.'>toî tcrL 4L ,6UNMY 0FONTARIO. >AryL ~LB>»>Mt> '>0u>. it OTARLO BL>OCK 1t 7 1.c>i>e » iBFt> 00.~ ~ ~ ." > o..» tLi At UTB K I~A Y.COLD$ TWIS HALL W HIT BY ýtp I » >~' e ~est tUt lFBIIF V Used by. Li> .l ifciCcagregýtttioi)Is tC"» ttttiuion Iturposes ILI S,> , e x t,,lle tt f or ]E T,1).> ' tn t Tiut jii4t'y celeltittttil Wine i it icdçfrom C> lt> ji cýf the bLott ilen3 >ad. > t>,,C»W E Chatou ILLitlttt "ri tic>t t 1 d G< ttcI» iLOCiiii 8 day'aettS.~t > ( -l Iý tii gre t>t y~~ ,TONIO AND STR ENG.-HENING PROPERTIES E glhFiê 1dJw ley God Àre ntirtSiB by ally other pNa1tV uiigtheii»Pi]»Chn, trDl)LokV(oitiigSpectacle , W edin> jitice ofle-ic g rao rdcedmîierflth0 OI "i'nîlsoIPeNis- rings sud Eeetro-plltted. t odî tl1 nîccîtbe o~v latitrt y 1 r> in, its purity and gemîiiil»is il îe g'l'h Ilie ycungest ii4 i'tld ]iity 1artakc cf its gLinercli» q'e1liL».iltii w tiltest irvalid yl iysetcit to advautake t"9litttuoiybnicil ..ew Gigs aind rerambU1atu 's left t» (lie agod artnldodbititattd. yet A winle to Le relittl . n alis'a eR->eil t'iotitli '&>CO'q,»<A E O N T N 1>ure Grapoe Wino. '\V eakly personis flbd IS> i t Ltl' ise. îJA.1A ACIAI S. jr :13 ITE-z , ]t rook Sreet, WhItby> moy 1 5»ICoBBB> La .JI. CerrLe, Chemis~t& tagent lor WhiLîby. - I Vbiby ,»n tti. 57. -ORGANs, OR NS, ORGANSI TE ' NST l i D 5 I A. C,>01) IsEfM \LI t'>>àiLxN$ .KT t~ IT Wlilfi PÀY to sbci Tvvo\ou t'daýncs ai >Newts- CAM, ANI) S Ir'J 4 PÉIIntîe atndtcertti ortenî>o ilt r eceive (hem >n w (ae'ît>-Tîeplet> to 1Lit CIoiriatNor'ille' st.riking Prcmlitcco tirid dcpa>tcb. lt'gltrs oîu>catiiiîg lîttitMdtreiIalm iii orotto tIie, cciv - t,, .$5.00; other liîîdo c ltt[ ili "ancid ktbk Lt thpîîîl. Tiu Bxsi.îict 'V p«ii>Attî. Wço)k'l3qcx with Clock at- IT WILI, PAY t(ocrîler yac mitiscectttîecus Bock-s, N»wRetahatbe iîettest ii>i itîs eoeitbicgot-no Lady ý paîier-"s c, 0tc. , it licbertsî'>'O, lieu. atise»yor'crdeur wtl>l be shouic be Nwitliîct clu', titI'- 'b >sneud Seothein. pr0ruIp~tly atcnded to. Oigaîue, ('lco W'îs, J4ýVe1eryi, oNerytlîii*ug cieap for c tl.Relmii'îlii, 11 tt>branches doue by a pritcticiti ru 25 pirs expeienece Raui'ttrs~d 'Y' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W H.WI. PY cpaooI>'Ittcrs oi ibes esa s mi i Qmw-AýMrMl Ct %Y. kl. IN Mi N 11, LI!ý , i w1thby ýf&y 26, 1875. 1 -