Whitby Gazette, 23 Sep 1875, p. 3

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IM Th his ultataIntelttgenr tiu , r. goo4 :b 4551$«1ont Of, OvOytili kiepbi ýPliee ta ai orriea lonst t, l, tlitiil(9 toi. lias, comip for oiash. ______________________zig__________ II6 OOD' thewlol wrlibioutibu ou b tle OT D OR RELIABLE G 0D ,-liaalto quoiftistaoripture, and tis t i5~ iiwstn.mitis', .l isttet a(Lin OfJOBUe lite tiarriago I ta tst ~~ "etOn i~i~,O1,Stock nowcopetudeltigudi orsg.yoW5 Tole , menl i l ii eStes do is obe . idOteids0505.can offer bupe iInducements to cash oustoiheis if tise le'isaf t Ith ibla vrs iitsii i* ? W.lat i st 10 did5111 mo Six 5graitt tU ,ittSCl îT . waterpaî5 ril[a! it test. ine tlit lai jELGIN XVATC-IS'. Jewili'wddiiig? .wViat itis, P sîeaai 1><,a 1. s in ui WI1ITJ3Y MARKE'T. .wne ' b iuier . Duos. ail tit ijiiuiily theft. AEPi y1 Moena bioa a iio.elsg,%vbii», tesîîrî y fîy Puertelltikei l Si inrs.iyOn ai nd eli atcosuntr~y lavori setdiity go ot Wh'~1 titiiy, 5at. 23,185. IusflWths gbris ?, Daee tinsChoisis, witsi do firmuThe tôwisser-ot osnnI-tquta- Wlthain Rusatcbes.ei,, or Meuiters slpport tmie,; oaa10 e msasit cue 1 * , -?l.0.. thsee Peutahsoievit h berliUe Goajîi ia' etsi FUWbiont. "'. ..s...... .. t 1 9i wheatta ............ ....... .ied . . . 70e1 5 si.a ies rluii and. gotti apuistie -1Ait(eif a Posa. Y*' .............. 7,50 Londona gta.peilqe, pînlito iLq Os aieli ta ....... .... ..t..... Gold ad ilver là(Îies' ansd, Gents', different grades and1 Wilt,'Fuir PI' ygise [ai pltayi t lits........ 22, , s le d d .so t ,'o Plibié an tiiis'àubieot, aud brietilioto a oE. . .20 t prices. Vers fine gold c lu.s peddasrte4~fcis relief isfore liteTo...........ai u....... 100 an~ sd brigt Goid Setts, Looec e ig,&~ 1~'5 dennusei agitnt $a iUl'I4h R nd id *t*».....*'*....... . S.s'i.s.edi.g...nN813sîlit91dothr Spectacles Idicotro-: draalitsiio»t?~' ~ ~ ...i e ts ......,'4,50 iy 014 ansd New Totunselite petit out te liti Wstti Ds. - ..ot plated Cruets gButter-coolers,suaadmikb i, on tisai ubjeti lie wit îoad 'hia losea . Toast-racks, &c 8day sud. aOýhour Clooks b3s' tise.st pasage int ttiriseliglt,- *5etender ti 'Pair Puy' liû alvice X'17 RS' QTICE . naketrs. .Cail sud examine &goods sud pries.~ ~ , wiihsgondsioi Doter Cano in a sgavcE "JIJAMES JOHNSTONI,' te biliisa lonesottgical stautta :'130 T0 C R E D 1 T OPR S. TO WTOMAH. oaefii. Young gntinn, heW s1u quota RCIA WT1MKR thse Sciptareeyoin eaua Pro'à aliixsl BrceakStreet, Wbitbi, Sept. 2, 1075 an]yLthtnefrail tise maie,.. 'ThoiseLrd tat' , . Leieo ee1i«itto5Z iais.nni i sie1mu1. . t.t p plnitir i th .,lejàoof- T itip Oniclitrin te'titi isîtety et onsio, 'fiserefaîs, every iai shoisoo cioi o &.oTias, 550 estîfi l ieti la nt parilelrof ite legs.' - t S Y UIOTE«,o theuiTewi ton Tis era cf aclies i n it, boiitot fr th' ndsaised Fksaitoot, Th ro o u orreîosion tQ nc oet he i t i geveiior, 17. Tre Ilitaaassaptiontu ltishe Chic' urait 6s 1d Pa ,,eertsooue iiieery i7 tata ndt .sia*igonoiay anlsisalie ieipîno cof.Qhristelu an d a i titi htstiean ttreg it ir- hsadalid ef religion. Iiinmperon ta a1lits tttîtI idt, *te rExntoire o-ft iad Estata 82qeai hydre 'initi, s ulied ti sd winchiisde," ail Pesi te dit0tlitt1 ite AicSO 'etie F ont% traigii thee itt5t oiiitl, tti uita Moaderey pooihie aieth*oit .4aLlo - ant. itoo eg&itti teLlai fa it015 ela Hf overy cutin s itise laed woe ane'de'titoitlbae notica, antiaail i.ot hi oidartli tag ils duty agait tsa fou, tIero wouid At o sa ritoei r nt irtteof ,, n eutiberaSsis fer every auiias7. thia IO~- I ae i-t ioe. tei le 0 u i st tribtioniiî Ciety and ta I d aese L t hi fuaCoin of ia t l aie ln nireotao oi e for e s orahi enu fitis ." Atnd iiit'nes iti6ttot ta the $.là Est, aire reqestndté te attta th u ebu d nitsieee rtteiti. The Work and the Worker5. OLIVEantons. * I Yok launly isindIin tise City of WItbiiy, Se .16si. Tbronto,thlire ie fry-fve Lsdgan if- . O. G. T, tiirtyfotir ni-ietli intisa couty preper. laid sixtara inthe liselI-LA N & ST W R iiiansu ggregaoaaeobesip a O tee LA1NG&8T8W R Ian nCtti Vpiatis e oreritire nie 44l iHope) vvlis a uggregnle 10M*Woulld beg leave to cali the attention' of the pub- isrearni ist 01. Tise Brittis 'ual-m T C .1r, hazve tweuty lodgen is tise ooîty, an" NOTlioe geueraliy, and tiieir cutomers in particulai', prin e siisslod wàtrtki se CousIsThe os (tetars, ,hangastitiltue 'the '1iii te t.sat'wotdgarie. it onls nd! te oi Wo OtioCaItr iAoMl ri,,, thef 1~tt ave uow roceavýed a firat hinssan cîsla Io tino taige Timper- efesreanloor. t)rati Gosori fi iiaî class stock iof(ijoods, imitable for ail classes lit soe ergoîuiîiiai, . 5lie iaiinao oitto tie oiît> aiiitiaia Tise total iggraguste îeîniserqiîip of tise 1 iiCiiMte aiiTa'sVhlt' avr r~suucpie.Ogs u a f gho',rpe na vertonse ordre iii lite ctin ty Nilil .ttlte Mouday, . ept«'iber 27, 1875, su.re to tise iepressed taeotieErpan lenst tisn 12,000, and tuee rt ie ili Pra- ' Markets',. goods can be boaight at low PriCesan gresIng.. P es Ats ieo s sal n oaa .1siraisehnit otCor. Beaiden thoranene ttotyl%'ve LoogA id0ofte Pas.ce, aie- wü have boeu able to malleounr pùrohs.ses on 1 wll ala n t oice sand gyam litEinlese ergenizti fiiflie Proliiilor-y Oaaaa rý1digty. tiPLO o axsi eyfavourul-ile terma, ansd istend te give our laas5' OtheelesSC oînoiôs uebusei o tseaticles. Me. oiselsissali lia is ees tatring ta îiitl iisept. 1, 1875. au aggreal càte str-isaiseroiiitt of OB.80Wi NOTICE TO THE Our TAIIOIIINCT DEPA1ITMENT, 0 ei N lrntnu for îeood sistantial articles, is uow re- u Jaies Browne, o OCn uo, U.te t fined*$titanid cuite fer 1rliili90'o 1 1T ~O1~ L TIs Ionso îatîoinTomprisse 3so oitty ni! I f oryuilîti (Tyentonitgt. Oi O tai LdesrClegt Tlsuraisoy lue telits vsry oicaoefl nid pte.aeani teounit.1 Tise total receiple o! tise dny inre aount sî HEopmnUs uî Ivasa, THAT A $500.-in itais tlifte, delditingeg OpCSt5, u inreepuitib is sspetar! tie GEN ER AL 1 I E E TI N G1 prnM rsi',illeo, , 1olin Te ni lou eso'rT.iOputiasanDowtsut-'f Pofris.y ieQt itns'pr0ogîse sînseti tl, meanuîPro Friday, 'r-t day of Octolier, x875, Fr,tsidn- lrii. 11.MLsn, Tiroits, toniîteiîa a i, . i 1e etmtati opuis'.te tue ro. eleoiii reti. tVisnsOt Lw iuot er ,tise lnie xt li~et aniS E. 11.Peiait ;sEir. c. X. 11088, Ont tbi tis dittopeta Sêeiaoer.1u7a. B 5;. E.v. Bolutli, Tiiltaîs liaitltnl. JONeits, b.rou.r...1 ie lstinaPtues. BSaaoettey. 8eorattry.-Ntt5. Jacob ptit potemai. __________________ ExicnUrîezCe'.t.hliso. P. l- ~ ej ~ Naîjglistn, E. Oststtotali, n. S. J.0 V itunter, JmnT isaionpsýtie. eorge Flinut, ~ntm~heiot ,Pseit ~te T. J. Wiikie. Captsienulo, lIns i. sneeeoOr.i tite wotr 01tias Sp Walleae, Lite Shairp, E. BDuttllu las. iroo5ata property soei .)nanoise,. Joli Shaw, nd Wt 5. . Wiinson. &Aplyt te acutao'EOTLAXE, Siteiht, Ounns e eS' Tise Ca4ketglae lit folwieg gootî jtit teuCtrrespeatlsntn - NSOLVENT ACT 0F 1869. t woulsa ey tieulcoinflus t th ue roguierity an eru rinty. o! & ail tioneso iitiate G 8, .5.Brs. T, WV. Citiay 5of155 f5 ette'of JAJ11i1C. MuPHEB-ý Napseoteifcotrrespopati ouli toa tan BON, an ltîaatreeut mmd te gise taesunt nid n essof te __ Lodge reproaérslau ulsen wiiritisg for si., The Creitene are nstiileil ta Muetiet fOua Arm. r liese. Ifist uiirqeittîy lotppeuso teS etsea hosn, trareris Auibin. utti, , lituetoae Itteg ae r0ý!ve( encopig cnsier-ofItatbsY I, the Sus MtS aiOntairit, oni Onitts, ebteoliue f tiOCPforeeptlit, iiuits'llno,,, fur the Cousieexaoiation othte tonstit, nune it QüL.e or Louige outOiooti. Tii' 1 inti motter. troeuisebl atane ta rîiiiraia euîi Dotai At Whitbyu thittsuStsy ai tepuitene, sots 01 irgtitstinin r, sery groli, waitrd 176 o Marty Itîersre rreiveil, tind c.'i0Envoe iieen plainte sabout tise isneeipt o! ordarot Aseeme. guea ci lie ta ectintetl for. Sp eineEiy meiisling liseLitige wihitisil NSOLVENT ACT OF 1is83. eunailier. the preperr. . andI Cooiy eaus tie aeraiael is3reiere eta th iet AitIA sie ieir(sits ai direîitesne teie arinigiy. Isil s'esanaîs o, ero, i00tiecouty oitoa Ost nsnaiîts fiedo la.n sa osui Cie-tne OFasis he yo ntro eft tis atnaeu') Ént J At tue laie eeling ofllise gnid Ltulge It t5 mota,' q/ J4MES . McPHEZI. ofn ewfoundlld lthe filowiug inre eulat- BN s unifett. adi fflutens fr tie iuriennlyen nFlui t Uu oot tiabes:_ 51n asûa'eite i.31111. OS. nitiOf iOntabli îeîuta li6 te Pro J. H. Souierviile, . -%'V. C. T. IlOléocstaa ..e idesinimunilleOe oniti hit jitoi eVy, u. W. Celan,. sotbb*f itat fra.icaretile h J. D- 'LqMaii, G. W. V. T. Oteul eht iatp tit. iOt topestsepOnter "WltaLr Ciinottaa. iG. W. Trs. J. W. ILruto, W. Chap. JMES C. uctriLPSOIeN. N4. cllier, 10. VW.I 1 . ASa niséeit. W. ~Tlnsspti, 0. W. taG. Antisnniy. 0. W. S. E. W. IlenttSi, ,. W. A. S. P. R. IHOOVFR, Sts. Ms. Buatiir. 0. W. D, . Pi. 1 aA. . F ieaG. It .î. s. Issuer of IsearriageLicanse, Rsi- eCoter. G . t. iS. Pro. J. Doaidesist G. SIounoeg. FORREST MsILL'S PICKERIING. Rie. Adent Scott ie iotue erliiintetl ]isisotiSept.l4tS. luS tit.Osnto. neling &Itenrotatinad llpresotstvtua5 ________________ tisa B. W. G. Lesige. XOTICE To CIEDITORS5 OF5 Repectablesand clîigtiOi5people read nf sois sîrsiga S huaI w 'les t madsoe P B I A. IE5 letweek ajoon u f.5.Bark au ineffenive s See ope&t, lgnst.etatu natelo: IVisilet LTT()Oy-TE are we drifîlui P W'iist lethée unrétta O N F WHTà cxnng tai? Welli tathplîy do ai, si TO N F H BY laiig an tty a cith5uso i.lilferpucticltaend OsTCE lahernhy gcOne ioi rnmfl»eeertw ttoî no biseinie tond in stemneg tise NN ~ C5r.~'i~ ~ t iniqaitiens i tuse iqaur rslla. eI» tt end i)ttiiereiîom ota tlt stia ti finoie is le f- fuse hea! in n e ni Orl t!ftuýe gtato i ent Ali aee tsTs the last W, t tuttiolesaSeeCosdOd st thetoomIto. Teseonssit IWissol ino înoe, -R l sr0r15 u tisettecond55 tiseoet.'tnt 1 e15 Oi. _,d eth on lac i theït fre taiej. nUE - ti-TLE n s n efi e bswapapeli t wFsueSW iare n sdts tîe0..seuie 15 en.th1 mesihnsSdebvnsseti tisaIttistraa c 4iitr er sasnasi.JttnnK i e sisauls i e ewoplfiro'ns sur Mitlet? 'moree -iiiiitol Seil usepissîtai l'Fm citLitieotate, regrrtent 'i ao Iwean tint ueieit"It ,îoîtnf tInn.tt5e, .eotuioe natre Mr. G. W. tons i. P. recenity lett ee~S1l7 elt umture bihte on Tsnspatits laNnpsee. Tise oisa i î geerense !,,o,,t oueutosnit .l thé~ lirasenepufieut ty T.W. Ousey Eeq., . W. 1 "'m -eie iutsatie iunusrine sue'ii Mr. J. P. saitinel, osel'laduin, sase vIar esolia eysbu-' hveb l ie prefett antige ai pt'si1ostontaiet aetOOtaL5 leiOi05t pie".. Lasr tan thsee ae. ntsgennsuasJiltIST-i suit Sesnunela w intetrai1e lis a. ali4eMU Seitans 5$or -.eie,,WiSp. oit. painenît niepper tY Ilise aper suits _a OrsacaL .Aasq uniEk.s-Tlie appoint. N ciAsuigneet eider tis iew letche%- _ tai bde aer lIse wlole Csmnoty, and in1 ,s î f mi nOoO- teeessthei not noaehbues4 ho ta olkGt&eio &loues, -u ecoet dultiey mse u.ses al- statueS l by tacais e lus assnm- ,tirsi Ts7I*be1 1aete w,ýith g]aIllli iwest and fiishicuaýbie tweeds, coatigssn vstillgs, as aise Gents Furnishings Department fuix wisicls an excellent sélecticn cau lte sxiýde, ai it erubraces tise iatest articles in tise tra 3 Dres (iode we haýve tîied te get va rie dand good, and 8i regards tie mate riale styla, finish, * &o, thy ~xy roquire te be seen te be desired sud we are ipxious tiiat ourouÈtoiners isisuid call early before they are alidisposed of, sud get some of tiè ±icisest articles ever brougist into 'YWhitisy. * Rcspectfily yeurs, LTIG & STI WXART. Wisitby, Sept. 9th, 1875.ý ]Re-openiflg Tuesday, Sept 7th, 187E lst Term Sept. 7th to Nov. l5th. 2nd , Nov. l6th to Feb. 7th. 3rd ,~ Feb. 8th to April, 2Oth.I 4th ,, pril 2lst to, June 29th4 A eompietît Staff of Toacisors. Mu. Torriugtou continuel lu charge of Mus1io Depsrtunt. Ressouabla charges foi Board sud Ediseation. 3lihings sud. Grouuds uneqisailed. For Calendîri, address 11EV. J. E, SANDEESON4, M. A., Gtsveraiur Oe ta . J. IIABE, B. A.. Prisnitl Wiufy, July luis, 1875. '87 TIRE LATEST I1VPROVEMENT. TJNTED CRYSTAL SPECTACLES FOR SALE BY AGY NES MMý IT 'WILL PATY to SiibsCribe for .youir Mians a nsd News- pîîpers eat Robertno's, for tisen you aili. recoie e g. with promptuessansd despstcis. fl? WILL PA.Y to order your sisceiiauneous Books, News- paperq, 'Music, &o., at Iobertsoli's, because yottr erder ilbe piômptly sttended to. *. IT WL PA.Y to patrossizo Robertson for'Bibles, Testa- anlti, Eymu sud.-Frayer Books. 1He liai this day receivedaa aw stqok in ail these lins. IT WILL PAY tise-ladies te inspoct PoberttBo's stock cf sstuty and initialtnote papers; becauie lie lias somethîng new, ieat sud prettyt show tisoi. IT WILL, PAY business mon te, buy their.. Blauk Books, ioteaud Luttoir Bapors,,En'velopes smsalofluer Offie stationerýy ont Robrtsou;w beosuse he has a large aînd good stock of tise am suad: sellg ait oty prices. Thià weck lie hasa openied two sh cases of statsoxs»ry. IT WIILL PAY Sohool 'Trustees, Teaclrs and pu1pils te trchase Scsisool. Beoks at Robeî'tso's. lHe has a fail stock of gh sud Commôu Seisool text books. ~WILL PAY the teîtdng pile to v4st Jlobertson's; l~isMalways soiËetý g xew iià tiseliter ywsy; sud wMl yinformation inregé5rd to any book publisý(* IN BRIEF, IT WIItIi PA$ you al t cll sud inspeot or yoigrselve,., Taste tisa pudlding for youri f;,tise proof is iu ueeaifg f t. J. S. ROBERTSON, s.,.a.. î5.AUe tteer. ee'er isnoe5e floodoE. rools.St., L nnghi'e Ciii Stand. *ORGA' Cxocs-T hapi RUSSELL SMITIE PURE GRAPI Used by huxadreda of Congregati9fls also, excellent fôr,-,e VINE YAR1s : F airfield ?iail l'Tîsis*justlyodelbrated WVine is made (Jiluton au& otiser varieties of il e * <dis Costntry. Its i TONIO AND STRENGTHEI Are, unisurpatssed by any othier Natiç jîsîce 6f tise grape produed underth, ion, its purity and gehitiinetl(lss sre g a1child'may partakie of its gouerousq iiivsiid muay use it tte adva ntage . It to tiseged. sud debihitated. o iet be rei.ed on. lu-validso Puie Grape Wiue. Weaidy persona *ucre Ilt . . errie, Ch WllltùJne Stis, 1875. ýNS,ORGANS f A 1l ORGANS AT ads1 t Noriie's; strikînig ntrl udToronto time, only anl00ik at tîemn. :A miOr!( Box twith Ciookç at-> ieiutthing ouf-io Latdy N4sure sua see tsexu. iwtkry, evrytbing cheap for les dose by apatclis s W. H. N,,QnVlLLEFI 9?E EMPORIUM 1, iBit Ceo, Ont. D. C. 0 fr&h * ililcèe of tise bot îtote Grili sised in, N.tq .PROPERTIE!S. Be . hing tis pI fr ' . ôvmpersosîsi supervîs. gàr4,ed. The yoisngest LutIl es, andîltio weakest t[t shiybeneficiai s s R i ss ehI I S n itis & C o 's, 'ËldW; b-nelit by its use. tsms0st pr5055511, agcant ir Wtitby. How often froxu thy cerner thter, :H.Ast thon looked forth on1ple, W ]seu ettinagi in y e b ew, c a r Taking my toast sud Tea , 1 alWiays have ny eveU ý esi, As 5 'cloeck thon de iBut more deiigted - cieel Sluoe 1 have deata'$ odail's. This waring's hoared from me, eCome Mary girl!1.pràY leok alive, T S Aud lt us have soylne Tes. 00 Every ma~n Ris Owu Painter IWoodtil 'WhoeBsalis8se oioce a oup, And wou sueis widea town, 7 Have nover been lise thee weuud np, Nor yet like thea en own. We isave received anasosortient o!fnmixed Piists, beautiful_______ coloras, (imported.) 'We bave different oolore te which we lu- 'OODALL'S Oid Country' Tes sud Sugar Store, Dundas W'e hava received au asseortint of Wiudow Co mîcoswlisch DOMINION FLOUR d FEED STORE fer beaty of ýdesigu, coupicd wîtis prîce we defy cempetilton. FELT 1 FELTI FELT!,CB.,IC ' Fojr C"arpt warra.nted suoti-preef! Asio preoeuves tise Caspet frein wesriug. M70 have aiso e fai for liîsîug Ws.Jso! For thse Ciseapeat sud best qualitý e! Floux sand Feed. lieuses, being a uois-couductor rmaes. them mîsciswaernl ceid -weather aud coer lu summer. 1;---Seo Testimials 5te lgmd n h rcse lie hsd free st eux store. A stili furtiser reduetion is beguaelthpreuf HARESTTO9 . lour, Corn, Chop-feed,,Bran, Shorts ]?ouks, Rakes, Scytheos, Sxsatiss, &c., spades, shovets, h eaQa- ea, o. o 1 uupsd field. We have aise receîved 15 4ozen A±enocau orse-pokes, just tiseethlug, only $1.25 eas<oisad Ialycg t-t kP n sd aEosebuiidiùsgsud hesne-furmsiisisg fsrH ~oP'alts sud Se* QATS, wholes al sudrocash, A tei ep nlsrd Paint Oila, Genuine Englmss li ite Leadl, V4us, t.oepfrcsh th A. few Amnerican Baby Carniages left, eheup.. POTT U -iyoyur Paris Green front HatoliAT & S-1UYDominion plour, â-,'Feed Store, Brother.1 è:T ic, & m>i1O5 ORO5By'8 BLOÇçK, EAST DOO,, NOÂ4DB STRIET. importer of Hardin5e, ~wliaby centre. Whitliy, Kovember 24,'1873..- B II0- IIH STHE SIGN OF TH MESSiRS. TOMS& NEWPORTMAMMOTK >,,,CHAIRý T AV 10 'J1 & BA R N A RD jBegs te aunounce t hat they have ou isand a fiXt-claIss Stock of TAYLOR & IIUXNARD hiave eon baud ene of tise largeut aud fixest ssortnioits of Fans ever brouglit into te Towu ai Wiutby te ha SOLl1) CRBAIP FOR CASHI. They haive also ou bhaud s goed supply of Watoises, Cleeks, Jewelleruy, 8ilver-wsý-re sud Fancy Goodot, Bteressoole& sud Views, TeIesoopelS,, Microscopes su'd Cunuuescopes, slways oni haaud. Ail repairs neaii7yvsud premptly attended to.- Orders rnost respectfniiy solicit d. 'Whtby, J ei , 175. TOP AND) OPEN BUG0IES, FOR SALE A&T REASONAJ3LE PRICEs. Repairsing donc 'wilWiatTiee an dsP e J. Il. SAMNUS G The best anld Chei IN THE DM .eAlso a First-C Funeralq attendeed10 jWbitbýy, Onalober St,, 1873. -a-. V77T7 77 BROCKÇý STRE tT, WIIILTBY. J-0H-N SAU E R'S M4AS THE, Largest Stock, Latest Styles, GÉeates Variety, 111 sizes in Fine and Coase Lines. Ladies', Misses' and Children's-very sutaýe. Ail orders punctuially attended te. Beps.frs neafiy doue. JOhIN SAUNDERS. Wwslby. DaLy 27,1875. 8 To an Old Eight Day Clock. Coma ancient Clock 1 Thy foxm antique, Deserves a9 notice rhysne, While thus thon stands from week to week, Telling the course of timo,' Long bave I marked thy brod o1d face, And listened to thy tick. And are I'd let thee leave.thlp pplace, I'd part with every stick. k £ 4 Tota EXCELSIORt' tached,tise.neatet3i shoild be ýwithoixt 0 Orgaus, Clooks, oasi. Repsiring W 25, yasexperiice W liliy " 26, 187 0 . BO OT AIN 1 ~,a6ý ý --- - -

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