Whitby Gazette, 30 Sep 1875, p. 2

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L; ,.,,ý ý- ýý- .- - ._ý, 1 ý . ' - 1 - .111 1- - _1 ý - - 1,', Y 0ý ý,_- 11- .., -- - - - - - , - - ý - -- , - - , 1 - __ _ 1ý_>1ý11 -, . 1 , , J_ ,ý .... ý,.-- 1 ý ý 1 1, 1, 1 , ý . 1 1.14ý1-1ýl;,ýý. ý ý ý 1 1 - 'ý . 1 . 1, ý ý, 1 1 ' 1 ý ý 1 1, 1 1 . 1 . 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ý 1 - ý ,, . .1 ýý 1 ý . 1 1 , ý ý ý ý 1 ý 1 1 ý 1 ý . 1 1 1 1 ý 1 . ý 1 1ý ý , 1 ý - 1 1 .o r t, , ý ý 1 1 . - 1 ýý ý ý ý ,ý - ý . ý ý 1 1 ý . 1 .1 ý ý 1 . . 1 1 ; ý 1 1 ý 1 ,, .1, , ý ý 1lý 1- 'l-, - 1 ý ý ., li ý :4 __ ý ý ý 1 . ý 1 1 ý ,ý ;, 1 1 1 ý ý ý . ý ý - l ý . 1 ý1 1 Jýý , , , 1 1 ( ý . Il ýýý ... . ý . li l ý1 ýý ý 1 ý ý 1 . . 1 ý 1ý . 1 - . 1 . ý 1 . ý , ý ýý - Il ýý 1 ý . . ý " 1 " 1 1 ý 1. .ýý ý 1 ý 1 ý 1 ý . ý - 1 . 1 1 1 ý ý ýý > ý 1 ý ý - - i - l 1 . ý 1 1 î ý . ý . . 1 ý 1 ,. ý ý , ý , 1 1 1 . . 1 1 . ý 1 1 ý ý 1 ý ýý 1 . 1 1 ý ý ý ý ý . 1 ý . 1 ý . . 1 1 ý 1 1 1 ý . 1 ý > ý 1 1 1 ý 1 ý 1 1 ""-" I ý 1 ý - . Il ýý ýýý . . ý ý 1 1 . ý ý ,ý . !ý , - ý 1 ý , ýý 1 1 1 :ý , ý 1 1 ý . ý 1 ý 1 ý ý ý ý REUM2= 1 ýý 1 ý ýý ;----I&-.z . 11, - ,) - 1: Il - - - 1 ýý 1 ý 1 1 ý __ , ___ - ---ý-- ý,- - -- ------ýl---ýý-1--e- 1 - - -.1ýl----i ý r-ýý_ __ - . , - _ ,J--ý-- - __;7777ý ýý ý___ _ _ _ --.----ý -- -.-.- - 1 - - ý,. - , ý 1 - :- ýý - - - ý It ýmý" mm .ýtfý- 1 P - 1 ý . l 1 ý.l ., ___ - - ,leï.,eý ,- - . -il, 1ýe ý . 1 > 4', iioitli,ýi-ekit 1 - ,7,.,,,., _Tà;kà,4j' ý' url-;iI 1 1 ý61pinli'b-altliuligil 1 , ,,1J,,1,)ýý c"Ioliil, l'y tll-,ir1ý it-(I,)ý,ii 0 t pIý ý Pur 41ettïot-), tuUiiitui.s are i ýt J . . frolu ý1,LJr1 buroru u fi* ý J'I', il. 7;"ý1,.bý,,, pU i o t -7 Il Il L t in file i _- ' sl),,ýetallos as degrada is ... ftil, pliiy marc, lrýPc nooù ail; .T. et ' ýîlpÀýetl. I - . . un thü il" la,. ,i 6 Hz 8, 1 ý 1 -ufalI ý' lis ýeq:t,ý Iýý.,ý1Itrî,1,e>it ý! 1qi duiv, te givo ,Viý1,1, ILIJl IIIII treLl to &J ,J;ýî,. tion tur 1 , )[ltýGit a. IuIýiil Ilitty tu tale lýoLioi trio ý 1,111 ý , V 'l 1 Wü 6111ceroly . 1ý avil Thôti. ',3'oiithvell . - -ý1'1;CUL ,t Je adoptioil of il ... reviii-t' fir, tý,Ltii«. au 1. L!ItIý Iiiiiigilýliuut iL change lit , ', ý , 1 . , ["liug ailil plitider to file it Y je 1,y onil lvitrehollÉoll"Ill,ý ]Ici trust, thid nver y I'fflgo in the coutity wili "Ill' Dl "",l"",",l talico ot'ilf, boat, fil 1 whicli wboi lon, ana Mi-. lýLTIý,> s_ Ldýi1' 'o litIrl.ur whicil wotil, r,ýsult t, dit., ni- % 1,mi; joui;,,' ,lut LIRIUVO, And y for- je lILly Lidice ý ut (,le üarly. et aLtý« &S Iloslible "Inallo prcper - ý , 1 1, A Spécial nicetllig, 'l,, Cou 1 fLfi.ýrvti-tl pýt 4P.11oui-ri,,ýl.ý- -bt ' 11,il Was ý 1 l4l ý 1;,!tto Luiielitý()f tilo lyllolà Louve. HOOLII O ,T- a'ý chi-ihaou '1I(01)In. W3 .à 'q il 7ýýipivi',ig Ille 'aflle,""itz Rifil x0tabli "rýàngealûU(fi foi the holdia ý - Ir orlb "., - ., 1 ý Il ., I_,ý, 127ýii ist. 'Illio coýismittbu th ý , cholaielultil, IV]'() 'hI ofa Mèctinà fýr,4bL1ý lýtIrposu fa La a.,, le ýLt 11, 111,- 't'ýll'i", Blýiil*, illild. illeil Ili il Il-1,1'on ýfù gy ûVý ý il i eu lobe 110.114 ,rdl 4II The council thell fidjOurnull- thauk hoav,,] Ivo lire not lui otlior nations gh i, eithof ,Yur 1 Il 11, Aý > u b sulall ,;,il-botlt, luit the 1ake Was lio Among thý u ,,.,ý:lt lý I 1 II Ilis ý the ropui L lia "ILýýu4ýýd, ý 1 --- ----ý- ý 1 1 , ý 1 1 . . artl'and bw ý, 111*111414101larieti tu-convert the il lig, IlïL'Ulg adolitell IL , ý ý ý, ý.' ý -.:r- ),,io%,uu, i ý 1 1 > 1 1 ,p 1- il auld iiot ý,c) far büvond the Wc - ý,i th 6-1 ) LI t ' grito- Our wayil, the lioor Il LI eï , 1 a ' ilIý, Rpolieil to Olt ilio eillýjc-ý't ,ý 1 () g It _"ý . 0 ýlIïir.ý. , ý ll"À,Ë.ý OF Ttxjý,ýs. - q ,Torgnto by Gaslight. lad 1 , WHEN, 4HALL 'I' . 1 1 ,fE OLT IT ?-M'lien ,.["r"-. '-',,euou, ý. . ý ý , ,%ý:' , ,ý't. àiýil.,ý6 thî, îhLýk alla 1, 11, rst'tillillicv No. I. 1 1 r f Tûtý '1 4I 1 rhi 11, . . - Indiag , Sil Il 1 Ûraacý.0iné-'ug ý'-fiÎLd witil a lilze zoal for Illerill,1 1,1'-ask Mr. C. . Il i ', t'ù1IlýIf 1, p,ýýJ- .U..t..,Lit-- On motion of Mi-, Pliilp, the petitiuli'l Toron Io., Sept. 19th, 1875, 910OUaY-A'L'I.,,ýWq Of, the ealtil. 'Lot thoilit si ý fil(, r(,Uèlpt.ýýnlýirlc flic dizqx«, ý, 1 ,1 TliO9- SolithVic 1 ý Iý 1 Il Mr. Str'okliiu.1 for ri luite of taipe, tu - 1 - , aIl over, I , tioný,0I the liquor traffic, aie ý Mr. ý IL. iI-lici, , av-, lui 1 belicive 8 "be exia Io alloill Lit; st6um ,ilý,, to LE) , aIIý Il 1 ! "'ýlI' ' i - ' ï7diior q/ 114JI lilleïiIby Goi ý who prêtadli', louffly our civil perfection O - 1,12 -li'ch, tbe,4ritfoiý 11OUBO of Coin. ý "", ý . aluouvt 'If b 10 waa F'llerrod tu the Fiiià 0 Ille 1, . 1 ýJlId "O Out tU t Mý>ult!LIIZIBOf ,il , ýýý 1 1 ý. ý 1 , 1 .- but gýLi'ý %ýIý;, Uà throumIl ' thome ilitrker c 116 ýI requestilig thp fil 1 tu 0 râ te te InýJns wps fttr, flic e ý 1 ý ho 1 e 1 ç,QWWitt.cý s'sýulso thu ilecount of, II ýoWiJ Luoýitlis iigo 1 VL'tituý(ý,l il proillieic , Li, ul , , rF, i 1 0 ,pceilly, flic - ion 1.1111, , scünes *' 'let lýoun Seo IiLiuia'nity batt(Irod q thi litrcýliuliý,;Iiii(iii l IL n-ahili m3,Httrý.' IgIllea Boa net fil, theDý ýr 1 _ the bo", : lA thoýO in r àý Lcr. Ho ýYçlvü lie a 1 fil. 1'w e 0zItý,lvio, r,-diei5 .,,Ii.iture tu LIIU,üstat of Ille WO ýJ iý7a O Lit. lendili's (If Luit GAZIýTTE la vibit a intu tif' bct thi t e - ' 'i ,ýý viias iOallý.Iliiig, tý leit t(I'lo'boiLL ., ; but 'C.'11(,ge" illý' reIuXItl1o!ýý , ,jý, ,11;azjidmttd Coeblaile. ý - le e_1ýý 1 iiwbtr of t1oige, bcenes, froiïi,ýAIjicli Et)l tli4t sBijýl il, 1510cil cuidling back LO ite; 31] illort, C'pe'eilal, v il' lir8t qualiLy. Jo[ 'a . B > ý -4 ing a -: ; let tLern 'hear the oaths q iliol icir barlcy On fil(, r,,VQiptK lie hall eve have a law, thfa ,ýwilI ho au of. ,,IV. Iitt4ta tif thingi; ut the j,,,,,Ilýlri,,, fin- . ý ý ý facti üswd thlit ttio Of ', lio viiýt witiorily of tlio'casLs recorded lie foulifaia soýýrIo, ai ý il týd one te Atrah9li) lh-elti iqui Lotis indu. ý te vý lieu il ï, il, 1 llt,'9 TAX CýLflXCT0R. ' ý id Rre Ille faces [eau ,,.t,, ,ar flint a djIfJlriit Courle W, it- . - . iIemtrJIyiný trafrie. , -8 e , , _g'l' ;il cuit- ý foi 1,gistelu of Our ýVüIicd and L'riminai ,ual ":ý'n-, ,,,, 1 Ilàýlioa- týDttë'riei,"tv-itil ýii-unlç- ,JJýt(,, il future, on Bo vtýrý, ta"po ý il, , - t ý ýý,ihiýqýb, boN,ý. %itAr in tlinýboa[ lie (Mr, ",'u("ut'IY -PiýDoito' 1',i* - ý 1 , cils for votes tl,;i" ý4"p 1tMiLlatoi are Ir - 1 ls.qtLbiir,à ut' thf, gwilid à_ aii j1JLý f-ai 00 idatiil of Mr. Blow, mVcondeiàeFýl, oui 1. 1 du Out suipp6se, ilitellectuiilly, " U a îoý Y'>U"' th« i,,iniP]ëf;, ital us lüUlý as lve play I'qui of W.wr mit ii. occ, ý Kieo Mr. Fii-Kubuai, a liy-lktIv - wes , iaLrq,,fQ1ý thillie idt,,r,, W theso, alla thewein'erge Iteot tý ,ýi Urý r. 1 ivia.1iiiv-2,ý'Vitloly nrgtiments ; or party ýý D.) theil ;,ud if tilly OIîcývOII!II go au( a tell - iaLrodý, Uey \41 bc the gitillerdby this, but it lis -liesn ânil ', Iculy Covereil WiLli rugie ; jet tý j U1ý - ' U l'I'LBER- iut. tfitbir hurlait, tiie) wili leninbAozle Ub, 5 ask 'Vr vitillis .'if tiiey, vtel-e iiiii boys, foltii tho.d.ù) t". !'Je iiiLuaLed leilli pit5ýod tLti)ngli igue «noverAl iondi« oiiil'tiiiàüï 1,11terc,411ý aria iis(iftil for aile Ille ligl)teilireet-4niijoin the Kuy cite,, ,. fiIýiting . ., ;ý' lit, - Il. 1, , __ý and we dêHervm it, ,BOL w1hen they sec, u&if tll(,Y.ýv, Il ftiffl hé '-(ý'i1li') w, UILI ' ", Il, J...sIlý9, ale . r ,,Il oi flic world tu kugw Illiow the allier Ï" si IL., ý , ý 'A the coileigie Ur.) leq lip( iiitiiii: Alex. I!iie, tax Collotriur, ai . calo tant ilý-,:,Ily AittitjtBr on (Jur ýiIievalkg - ' ý flint ta secure Probibibieutw, ý 1 giJû,au ürlor foi, Ira, ï(ý",go, titeil .ho (li4tabea-(if ,iiffegýa ' lié , !ii.lile la III, ýruü%iy of $IUU. 1 1 1 ý .'l oi'l 1 iv6s." Aud, it iii cortainly, my oilu- 't - , are williag . go- IL II 1 1 . 1 ý.1 1 ,gela tiley %tj foel, as vol di.], filet onr , ý ,,eýý - - -ý Losinkoui-VotituI,,ipl,ý ý . . . ý ,', , zuilict P£PIrtilitllt . . kanâhip, uni] if ". v, oglid goï, the Wg ready- Luild ILt Lor contrâot.d tliumi udIIf4Uèý t;pten (ho Diuliti DRÀIN. ,III, doit flic secrot -JIl BýrI-èJ(ilîI; 'crime in y in, tP.ý,mIIch. _ ,'fhe-'-KOO(11V +È, ' . . ýd 1îP;'ýJiI.-ack iul,.PaýLyjlffi'. day ý of sal- 1 1 1 ý . wo ý , ý liate, 1 . , . . ._- . lut lies in thut procego, what6ver it, ý' "" ý -- --- - - ---' ntiF 1. 1 , 1 Couneil th@ e es , . ' Po ' "' --- - vAL'Un 'rom ']le,4[tiuk cýliýeýi8 nui fur off. 1 gout., ý ' 1 ,Le 1 - > eý -1 t.LuK lui ý On motion of ýfr. pLilp t 0 1 n, ,ur alti """'O' "Il nt thle t'ore,*' vrill frêl, t0ý, - -, f in8on '*" If in of -the B 'P' to l'à e . _ MitLliew.on wam grainai] , .1 ay. bel by whicli socilluy tLýma parts May 11 1 if'ýlýilip.fitia) is 1,üt well qýaLLL Manning on Drinkin9ý '0nýt1f.i puyt r. VýaI. I ý , leïr. 1 - thetit - 1 -_ ý 1 1 . , 11, . 1 AlbJ->ýw(Y) , ý .;Ill Dr. Bnmt- , tIACI).Il h1W.1é,ý.Lui'r. ' , -, ýý , -, , IJY ' ý_ I ý 1 1 1 lOqst by deciýi%'fi, PoIiiiçj,ýÎîiorj ; a Ebttled . 1 bnrýe L('Iýli( ' , à -f , ,P , ý t fr ileing tlà.t hm be ijehl nýp0 Ili le fa Il there lire liko'vise in ý,,r eaý Il ý, J juld bLf-.alll up Il Lu IL ..6 mi.iwe Lime, ljuV'(Jver, 'before 1 m ivili llav.,p, 1 ý_ 4 ý lit ru ', Lit, hgtàd it ia but iLlll>eriýCLIY un Il 1 T0601ve that we Od ý ý balej"I'f'. aýiIl-ýut ocemriýig in the diggiud 01 r'l-lý-..P. ý 1 111 il ,_ J- tdlýibitioli Rila Le ie'(IlI1(i ýivag. hie, upitiioà,,ij , Iii,,n* ý e. 1 ý bnS y vveek Ille CatliiLlâl prelic e sý1 1) IùàRiiýý iMmbur and'go, ý_ ids wbich .1 1 - otýtigýiJingre.,siotliio select tirele-of - ý - Il. .Kh ür.ja. 1 e11ý:111-1t1 ol, , ,_ 1 attii , a of st, m,1.Y,ý oloi Micielliel, W6 gluait ,eut lu lirýporýIlküdý,nitii thAL rd. out Ii!lj hil, boatitit 'aiý'9,t the sufrelterki. i't'ould be liküjy to', ,,I,,,ýVII tria", t FINANCP AND AS$ESSMENT. , :. ,,,eiJ-ty. .No( linvilig Ille neceamary recni,,l CITIZEN. Cý,ý,,,,, . f bis doive. , We have the .balima, of pov" Ll-lýKI _'OLD. b"ýl tsuivii, 4.ud. &ta ýO,:iàf; a-ýLlâ thi. Il ,Il loo i:01ille court 1 wa8 framwý!iý,,.i düWn 1ý. 1 .ter ltu,1,1. 111 file U,'LIUItl 9 1 _ _ýj I'ý ý . I,, 1 nèiýuu 1 eid : 1 hop, yoil II11vu La let lié? use il aile, flic thing wili bd donc, _ Po 1 of W, ter. ' ý ý ' ý,ý 01) motion ut ýir.. I)OUOVULJ,' Aêlibnie by Lbs ,ignibries of Litauley, 1 mal Mali 1 , ý ý Ce' B ýà ý ,ý ý - ýý . . , Froag II. Fir,61 oit N soin, J. by Me. lIttrper, a by-biov was iutiùd 0 litre streetti ; fâiIiný thlt -igic rod glose, An Open Letter to the Citizens togiur Malt, a lýbviulilu bejole Oeil 1 bilit not iiWilien. . . 1 'b- . iôtt J, il elv u o 1 _ . . -1 '- eclare - ah'l pasaüli tiirugli ý ý >ý , 1 0 1 t0%, ,lm witil that w1ocil 16 t[oi ourse 1. Daniel camoroq, 1 1 a Ill l'efofolle. a first, ýcond >i-kiel lit file illi'luiglit rie,,iëB or flic f«W hitby. , L ..Il 1 W pn Y btui.iel, aud iv. TÀý 1 ,il ' eý ý walit se 1 1 1 -1.11 Ç- ý ý il ' ' ýý ý ýi . Ilcolde 1 id aud say, LlUit 011 M ' ý 'ithe bixth day IO the ovc.rilowlila. ý IT M'are ý with third rending, to ussuss ilio t., Wn for ,' fuvâ.roeil in dieu m.loitu Bila bât cooiii. li - , ý , , and 1e me and the rail) -L car . ' [ 1 1 - the Gaz,,i _l .eu 110 aeodly liait lIecuimd ,Ii.kl The èdiÉýr of thet Caluitlà ù,,7,,é writen il 1 savý a enliffl 6ailwbuât water lie their 3eutio, Il ý,,l,)àn, and týO elal hall belJ0.1 I)IIrlbwù8. -' --laililo %t'orIýB Iý.edi-e. A To tI,6 1îýrJ., iiii - illus, "Dent the leclori: %výi11k'OI 0iü'orýler . be ý1 ,,,,iL,ï.1ý', uýý".>,",ei ý , G41hlolls Point, Ileeý>.ýiry of draigis b -IJI4. 1 NIX. Kùi,ý, ýcuild.Il Ly Mr. Do=' friendefillino Ial the gooi fortuua t'O bc 1 wLJ"ý lý eCI, , , 9 ', tbat the but _,,ý"tfItr is about il rafit of by -1 a, ,û , s1li,-ýc1üit a few t1l"Ilglitý.4ugge.Meil w JýIIiUý .N lia, tlinI- aw ^ Folva Su- mi), eli l'or 1.11ve tu intrulticé a b -'l ' , 1 iplo tho 1)0,3i;iL)JI %vie r ,IIi11ý iitle ,i,,iliý,,, loul wakill ý ow a Iýu'Cloc1lt iLi'tho Il .1 .Y 4Wý ýl*,)%V,11 lý joli pincod hiiii il li, lýiiàtillý, of file 1,,Ilùý'ili" paragrapli li'e .:: býhOa,,d of oue eotilitry, Tais paýtaud the )lorry seigeon .ver, flic Grand er 1 -O in %ý'ueb lihor Wall týcxlJ-iLi .. ,il , LiOc uiI-,J-y Oiliiiie; t',,iiu the ,-ýI 'a A fit"14.,,i;lI, flic Iraitnaty y t ý là âu,"'di,ý,iý1Lie.iýglâI ut intë tlî4le , - apply thie moijoy c , iiglic Ivitli * in yul'r i4l'. of -faut w,, il :, w ni, tu ,ýx,',hl flou got, Loilgit lootureà lire gIt'mý1DjUg flair Comilig tu Ille tuwil LU ýio> 34uiilcii)ui dipal Loan Fual tu bichuol 1UârËoJuý bail htelî 1'(IjiLi.ki: . Le .1 1, . art, two perHoil )i Ï firýt , ,Juý. - .itlI'e."It'." tell entra'"'e to the 8.')i'et ' , ý With retiowne(i eno'rey, ivork; 8: -'\Vhc 8l6w Lutte Fond. Curried. 1 I' " "Mr. i.Jýý (ýoogh. tige ttI.bý.o,,I t,,,Il,.,.Itý. J be ', sfiýl iluil M, scalid'il uIlo1Iý luen. - - "' ', , ,; ýýý -iiBIj,ý,s nt auy liour. Mille virils tho, ] ty oy- alla wo belitteak lill()r.t From -ýV. "' ing J'I'r- ý ý e.tý.,,h,4b",,ýi,16tud uIIIIg.Iý,.It'lIle..iiýo .> ý te h-,ioW 11,1W Inany foi' tlieifi' the bo.r, mpatlly 1ýnd active , the boat ît vY0.8 sailin'g, adlvu Ille II. iüt . irsi, &I-k L'il W.It pletýiiig tu aloi 6incig ilo iMI)rl'H- J 1 ' 1 Bat joy , .ýý,_ýll^,IILIýO'ýIllý-11111ILIýil. 1- Ill t'vIllý il il, 111E SUIr AüAINýT TUE PkAILV.IY t2,)xýAY , !11 'in jl,."I,,I ttuil 1",b,.I,,-, L141"ý,,,U11f ut Lie pýJJr ,ýr" of,' ;1iý,ý flook ; coý,,pJriLtiOn oftile frivais of Il, 1,11la b4liffl bail bet,Ï4kýýit,"- flic bail- tuLqb-.*Uil of, LU Ou È, I', ilig certe, B i,ýl, coulil bc rioieil on tliit was not ?1!1I1.1ý , . II - Mperalice Il ý 'i'r t Jay tl,,,ý1.411di,.f ilicire everywhere. Bru. J. john.toil Lits à 'i ý funatikIl Lia ocular proý)f. So SatiIrilay .Iýýt. eoýd',ý,týýýlý,fý,ýý".,ý,,,Iýt, ,,4(1(lügly llilIalil Us Mr.. Fiirbï,iikm aslitil if the douera ý , 1 ,;to,41 l ,b lioty lui On- - , appolutiol jet rýitrý,ýr. te lie" bilit leut'l f 00. kýoI, III tllý,iIliný,i.1.,1 ý ,C-ýý,d 44-thê ïeuail Jet " 1:Iï,-.kg a relýý,tc IL 41ý ý ."P", ".týý, ",r' ea4 bogità La drii1gý(1L i66 the lah-P - 11l.ký.n Mr nigwuallý". au.1 forth ,VU. W.nt. NoW 1 ý , - ý l,.tý1 uDeJý1 tIII8 gy.A lirso Sitied iiiIi labor I"ir(iogI 15 file Hu'aUu,ý, sio, il, (110 1,Vý & Il. Il. "lu well 'l.r..IitlJ ý 1 ý - 1 ,,,,,Ce,8. Heis*a1,1,ut .rbe II expré, , , te;liilàýi . Io£ ate %lie et, th him'usual rboIl le ' 1dtýod lýýýilwIty Company, %, 1 ,Il B. . *,ýl'ilW)Jihi fi, et e - ""' týùv"iud tgVthoitimoblo%ýilighalf a et taà,ý,to t ý 1 I,,ýl,ýi.. that "Citi,.n" IN .otaetii..Ei 1 lis a i r il tge lit II So il ne 1 f i 9 aura i of thlm. I wisli to pruvail - op COMPIOLiagthe omu,,ýeàs of York C onty, - « Irei "t"" Il leà _Bïmomitiolial, 'Illy lotLýeA in .Y.ur , ow, have been Il La by . 'Kia ýpI:ephred ta report. . doubtltoîdýoig Lente - , 0 - ýý 1 .ntL-rLuýllüd bv alaby I; ILI Il di wlio %Yùliilijlelén ta luy e an(là nrretL.gitigtý(,vimit -fi-oin north-wébt, Kri table oule the Mr. Dônov-u, ag a relember tif the 1 ý mýer voloý the cou Uties of gale tItà Ing bý1 ollae - 1 er tif the c , lumils Il.ýAcl.ito what billiply I ]lave ,ý.I" ,four cititor Mr. John B. (J()Iigll, lis accoeil)t , 98,1 Iýýi"... -1uý::,ý . 1 ý tilat 110 t3ipfal > boat could [ive lu the ,;o)i,.x.r8 il, file Dotale of e laté mittice, statua t1ilit Ille ' icaýýleeiLtcUj ', - il li.,iýrl, n'i'l' 1 bog tu assure YoLir relia.- ' > ' , 1 il te lia 'OiLloug to (10 witti- il ; - noyer ý l,ý Lincohi, %Vti"Iull, ànd,ýWO]ativI)rtl), balaie seil that WIP'iý-,ýriiiiiiiing a. fü.ý mues from ý Itll wI ... O hâte lerd bilai , ' - ý elle Griend Lodgü soLbioa. ý - Bru, Tijo.ýài S."LL Gulthralle, 111111luging pay eut 'or II eli prej'Itrod il) reliait to-6 ý,oiI,ýB fori,11, tire bviio niaijîýii,,itti,,,, ,,ltJgtlýBr fr ,,, 1110 philanthropie c'loue the 81ilrie, 'Thowils büýiîIigv and buÈaXý' igau'ili Uct,ýlIV1e. ' ý ý TIgo collimittet, WIl had ait iiitIýrvio ý,'i ý the ialugiilatioll. 'fjlig vilidication vrill . - aye , li.teil tu a wluplýulon WLU tel!pt, InYI)n "IBO çûntiblied Ille inc"qant labours ell - , tll!Lt .Uliýis lege m, siLayv of Iiii,:Byýimipi- large, 1 limier and love the MOI ýiui,-Mflll 0,Ïouýýboiàt thé ý,ntiro Bulurner, working illyself bbýrQWèd 4 row bout train ý joui ULI..,Iylý1"8ý éLAI,ý,1. mi-. llildct), Mýt;li,,ieig Dilt-ctor - t ý Poifiapi iJ-o.Bm,ýry, milice 1 niay ihià 1 i, LI 1 le Weleot w ý . ý . 1 1 t iy ati(l 41d't illis ae, elle te Le ie(,Ultige-l' will ýbl£y ti't IAIL Ivitit grent zý Young joli Li N ., l' ' road, wbo h:1dý v8ly coa, te(Jui;lý exp iýèJ havo toilifttiýiiè,g blighilv illillblI;, f re of bal oeil auceptance, He lia& 'Vuts0n'[Lt)(1 ý1ýurLod te thO ý'Mr. Thotil ii.8tultit tint tien 0 lainit- t 1 'ILO.Uil),tltv Us thpu, -vý ,vhIl ,1,ýýigri 1 ; hoil 1 , give Up drink, to CuLe wmer, ;It rf.,enntiy:uanvaLssocl ýVell'ngtIit, ,ConnX.y, . etiso -th lie whole let Xi mile L.,,il "CI lit", 0 6611) Lw" I't' piýr0, in sufficit IL ,Iriiil, wh'jài gLiod ,,, 1 this wfek begina work hi Po 1, atter robeue of the parties in li c boat, Un "Po ijIl,,ýibt te eik'illile iýhoI .3 .1 illa L ccrI ait.r tu 1-h-ýii. La , pilas. JbjjjýgIIgQe Of fisteiiiiig ý . . 1 , , Of inin privaie mlliviillialm lit .1- rat- iI,4týtioti' nýiroiîL Lits doik-el. -ide, 1 ta bila in >le it àl;ry-ffell, Togroâo, and Illili il ' ,il] à ý SL1.0 ,lit vIbich lie will visit the C04,ý4 of Perth, gotting outsi(lu of the haý )or Our boat Joli" -ýlcll'tYre ng;JlIýIt tLü' coiQui ktioti, 1 , ý ta give , WiLh te, In vauceil iuoiiey te the Itiiiiviey Cool Iw ; luilail liatura, file %çýý rýil;'(l froill strout wýtilLI ýlIidlý., IIA ciiiï'iyiuilcý6 ieinil, bi.1)oletà-lia&.-,tiýken P. > - ter ail vve lind ta %-Y', ]Ii,-I),tl..,tl tu rJ'i-lIrt. ýý . . Il Oveu Âl will bu daibuiently - Uevt ,,l Bi-O. RiI F. C Muni, . begaà te fill,%Yitjl Vila , ' ' the Muuey and iletezeetthieýrpoil Iàý ' , ty IreL und l'rom bouse ta li.uý.. leceilve a bill 6 1 ý ""' ellit, 1-,Iult wùS T-il wlArh set l a 13 di , Àrdt wili La 8ul'ifiloieutly 6 si ýý; ý tuer vullation lend idnow et wirk in tiie rettiril. ýveý theil illafle ý, becoliti , set forth Ie(-,oti,. dite, alla the IlitiI,, ay Co ,ý, trent. -Y THF üRrAT lIi OF TûXO.ý1I1O The deliiic In LI) te, ut' tlaiiL'Lýtýr Ca ý rëi>ul iliquiry, imoi 1 Ille âuer, were, eut in a position tu pay ý Iý) .e . ,gare 80 distiàgiiisýIE)d 1 II, ... rud love the N7(>Iýkitl..,-Luul) ' 0 County of Norfolk, after whicli hé luteude (JI)rlt)t M illil a siliall Sall.b, ' t, but werO the coluraittoie hall u.Iiu udtal twa ke , the 1 . "en Io liqllair saluons ,if the luivu.L chais, il , gelitlýýýw id untin-al < (Clougli, fins ' 10,whood il il, n'Il Bro.,E. E. PLI ligüel iQ> returii ,Ivith L aise. V , Mayor, a Dr. cousequeuele Ivas tlï,y laid elut-Ile 1 oi Giù l)Vtty gttmblii,,ý belle; 01 file bal, ý but à je 0 di) IL Ili, alla 1 ,vil ý i, gý,ýiug te Raldima rot& , 0 cette te Iiis Illeursh.1) fil., action alliginst the campally il, ý . 1 . L je ,;,tlýI-r quetition villother ý iýý HI, lt)o(iiý fi oui Loue ailig tiýi 1) pi aide iJeen'reýtii g lit liomo for Lholi requestitel, gL,'hù,ýýtur j1 lapét, ta gle uuuu, Lit arbitrage Opta. , , * et.t .Jýii -L .iý-ujs. li'lre lire the priùc-1- i1oiý feding i ' Iiiiieiently wille-spiend in y0a '" a few, II 1 ý tu 1 g', but ý r. ý , jed , ýY illýil eitrilë,l Las toý,V ,If \ 1 p illey te culture uny oV,ý1La- . l', btItýil;,t" deilàà-4 iYola Ilita, LI,, . god 1,11 next, 'Worlc 1 11\1,1ý1 i t'a' the relie O with Lis $te In Cla Lurtioit of »Ir. Tlir aupson, B a Douovlill,) tholigla flic tüivil HIý1,11 , i ýýý 1-44 tient ,ir;dil away flic 1 uigli wut-keï, and lias arrsa ho rtlfiiý,ïë(l to do so ; tilib, iý,li he er, the cloincil ý res.] vie lie Loo basty in Ille luatter, lit% au le ,W111 , ý ,vitii Loil, lie iB L-M,ýLotl oit è ý1q in Puterboro Coujity aller 1 whioli lie wili 1, . 011 the part or thecoualoil obýkli'l « Iti 'ry ý,)LiLrW noie diât citil Il.ktiiler te tho for .ven eue igit. wag hy Ur, Irai-l' ilself , Y ' 1 er or the, arcisial. ana mèclagalic. Zatiou WII.t ,eerlebgà"ing Ilit service" 'Bide i,ý,IWI)alioue driti4-, thüy offo - IL probab'y -go IO tètoriâ 'and Simcoe, offered pay for the 1 tug NI-Ould fiatt, colutuitteu oftlit %viiolecil th initie little good. ý ý ý ý 1 . à Àli(I'Wljeu ýl speali i.,bii )ýý, oit ]lis ývi,ý, from bis woll t,, Agniri vve urge flie friondii of the , cause Igurn in goilig out. U ý'" iý i "' sUff_ûý,tüd report. 11 . . , ý - ý di.nn, every alitir'-illout thlit caïl-tumpt -Mr. Gotiý11, lou. rely fake, bien lis a type Ille il ', Lhere tiares upon Iiiin a te ýjjI- eý,ûr,-,,whera te aid. oeil ]ýt5tuilë,xs as fer; se Lý . IL) : Ili .Mr. Thompsnn said thaCthe Co lit Mr. Diinqvan inglovedlliat Mr. i' ,, ý loiel'or bý- tg pui, jette reiluuifioJuý evéli of ý aýllUadbtr l' Ilepuilar ý loctureld, whooo ea ipe . , ; : ý , I, ,et ýpublicity toi as ail iij(luc(31nüüt fur Ill. ta go lit IL tic týipvery côrner, invitilig l'lu tý, POR.ible, hi givin, the fulle 411 satte, Mr. Uellit%,ri-, "î1ý w vie tii Iluhléiý bu hearil luttera thé co1Inçý 1. jý:eo,(:m àfýLe)e batelle have Il sigültlç;iiiéo.' b(ýrviýcý8 inigi t'il bc taigngéd, alla Nvithu a ý t-hat pllal)tk ýt was twokýý Ar. ,ýVillis's hi,. nad examinait the I)Iaýe4,,where i,,, 1.ad greference to.tlà,d Suit agrtindt the Bail Y " 6 M T,,iiilaýýtüd Mille, that id tho -Tich- whom the 1, plie woubi bu equliIy de- 0 O nîx o; and file ,v,,i king-wan wlio ý,ý thoir ineetitegs, and making the ttrriLnge. sous ;iV 0 . lay- - . 1 in Inip 1 ivil 1ý iiivriLs as stitisfitot(iry as possible. The 'Lad et ilito Býî,ialF'büat ut falhii through the iitIoNvelk,,' and il allie COLipI Il. Iltali One dingy. bLcki;ued, lig lied. . StIr ILIIO say, 'I13ý Go -Lud Litage is doilig ita beFt te' have tlla:1410uth of 9 n k, and were coubulleod veith Dr. Geau iit;"t fil afftir, 1 ý au, effort bc madge, dait it &I tv110 11.1,mivol'os lui Lhat rës w GrI , LY câl'url . Il '_ . . Mr., Holden filon entas bilwardý , t ý e&tlir-i"34ttvn ala ý tolientieut . board tilc 1 You askIç Ilibi out . ý 1,,,L mpou Iiiin as a nulle who fi iiý,l every sectioil Of the colin try,ýýiiiitptl brunir lut and aller in,,tkin , luqill t'aly lugid 140, vionla net detaül tiioin vers Il) ' ; tal, of one tif out figost patriatia régi- 11 1 oi 'l'O oileofi-ve as to tiedlire this loi, . Ige .1.1 tiJyr il c,111.,, Oti-who woltid 11, ageotB, nuill explInding ail itp âal able boing drifted ont de'. t lah-0. y1r. 9 e . , , 0 Di fi; e,ý theil fold me tIU4 d* go ýtliý,U,'Ilt the beut -Y iy(lulil Le 4 1-vie it.W,,ùl(l tftk,.Iim bat si very fdw ULD lents of vtiliiutëers, "The QuouLi's 0-*u." l.ettýýtir'it ïf-r icý.,, if il tell. une lli"làt." a * il, lifo fur bile Fake-61 J'eMU8 aq l,ý, encarts iii tbtit way. M'Is reprot, in :éome ý ýý 1 vivotai the Nvhui,ý altlter tu &LU, Mýý.or ailla Dr. 1 e Jruifti,-rtiy moIst WiLli mnaUor 1 'fi) iliako tht, Itoit i. eaillil) LI Lilittl'eI.,> 'y", , o Mr. Willis'8ýand find ý)1,'. if it wils Garni Lý jettle. ý 1, 1- ý to 'tell what 1 bu tend ýto Bay. Clar j royal Ilej"il)., ttiougli ti.e Je of the à faith IL lm Out bu iiiiieil foi le'i .ho ,,, plaoi-h, thii weetingii hayo beýq but Ii . i'. 1 ý chargeallad )een Lands hy Sýir. Dr. ýtii-lýUilIlitigd-efi oilgh,ý ,\Ûljj ýlII,1.iIIS, el. 1. G, HUI. noillt - havu,' , , 1 Iliti boysali(l lie wislied liiii, (Mr. Dira. Ilis IVI.r6llip teck , 'C"Iltiütito thismode against thé. Railway CO.Ull)UIIY et a forla 1 ca"t ,nl ut the body as Y611 . 'illy siiecI,ýsl'ill bimpl, 1. ,Ivýnnti of ý,a, , IL hpý8e phicv, do nouvive OUI' IL v, . ry Invlolir- L'nd, Ilon. \,i ,1ý par ý .,.IjM,'I'Ileodoré Titilla Pcr,) tO 9,0 -IL with 146 VI and rescue Pt b Loi[ i lai, but il is u loil of l'bc L Ili, liffle, tituely nei-au;"Ptuerltg 011 the ýpart of iliuging; hi ýý Ii lle,ýtb,)4gliý the racétin -of thi, counciL il 4410 j1.JJa-týsi'Q .1, tittllliý,,>Ilt nali IndjI Cti ý I)rý '1ý,,IuitIg.i-' -llo'su . ontle * en have aIl Wluc iiIkhd oUr s1cel), P.] Ill %voiiiB lut the friends in the filain(,diato ladatities Il fittuibring thella back; hé Ir. Draper cowluittlie e4tirel; wffiilg.jýjüakfùg out a iug Direetor, hall coiù haro on the inviii 0414d. Wlit-revoir vre go tio je is (lie -their privé.'l tir. Gociglj ont) bu becured 1 1 . . vil ý Otl](I'àO. ý 1 J' .ý1 1 r i ý , . 'È P. - cer- Mail. > of ILs War4liip, the àfâyot, toi pli el ' ý, li,411 ,ý,,I bLreýligtL, .IJIt bliOýB inan lIf - ý ý - ý . .. ý . 1 que on>yiiig crawl], the $ait). 'lig igilL5 1. gaillet a, little uà to il .1111Y àeatîiý l'ut jt'ýLj Cuit b lig rport J'f thiî kind witi a 1 p r -, , *arme Eli'P1.111ble a fair lise militer i r lit,ât before t - ltu-t'Itlo(-,e; tho The ilititfi iiiiiiumil Rcbp il Artnly believo tha Laiti baie, Which tilky I'1ýOgI cill-.eg ; J"'t-'iýIýiilêro tybýJ.eVür Ll'e Pet, 1".)ýru,,ý.1.1)ý""r" 11f,1I,,ii,ýIg, ,:i,ý"'L'T' !O à m, w. 0. - tý0 Pei >1 , ' 1 if ' , - the b, %y Ill'h you J'il, G aS ýVoLk;ljgl "* Loligp of Britise Teloillni-B titis lield fil le Mr. ù Iit, ý 0 44 ri: 0 , ge ý ci ýJ t Dilid frima. The amenai, 01 lllouëy iiniiir illil Ili ILW_ ut ad, I.Felore, 1 fous toi the Beli'.Ii, IIII , ý Il' - il Perisheil in the j4ko off týeýiarb vro ý tir elle coullèll. , 0 ce ni lest ation hi tIIý iýý , ,ý or tlint duung,,à muhfuinva. ý l&& it,140 Il ' Id il au ý place hi zaying that overy IV , ý 1, ý.ýpU, îuà, ý . , 6 ord Ur. lu) * lit I i liqà1àîe ail sallurday higlit in di- ,').,.,"P,! .ý"L"fl, -1ýý,,: I* rtionate, witti thoir Ný%v GliiH_,IIw, N. 6 la in ', 1. Of III ý;, Iiiiif,-Luttil, ve, l'O t,,keH the P)e g. "Il ý1'1I'.,te.9 115 il, 1 1 ý ý , . iY,1)rJIbgýýsoIl8 ,condition, ri, Ida'y. , ý feet incfiulea te act in the capacil pue hall uttç-,i-etl in oolinociion wilot t fi ýuçù Oi t fol ialA id himpi y etilortiabing. fâc Il 'Il , .1 If Lheh, fil- 'fumper, - , ver DANIEL t.ý ME ý of au a a , , il, lis V. Lliý a fi - RON. ,,bit,ý,,,, au àYo1iýoI11IJ"I%ý" Y.M. 0. A. el- ,Nlbulittýjiu8, , f glit üXý'LuphI Io tell , , il 1 the case. IL ,muàll ý bel vir. suit ofAlustin va. the I'iLilway C(itàpill setell O'clock alI7411011111 à.Ar ; it la Doiv ltiülý 1.1 ,8 a un 1 an inotrende (if bOO9l . - 1 ttially telking thé very w,,rk,4,he -'Cojuiuit- waâfùý1.48. ',Phatgoiitlematiýlljtàtilëlýtlýý . hiýwiý[%V,4,t,.»,gLIlýuitteIi, privately of luèiwute. ut, , i tant niýtýter iguy IWiti sucil Iniplu tg oit. Willit 1 say 01 tta a have beau "rg:Lyli,/""l ]n :, 1 ý . ý , - à 1 'l"va and 'L'si)('ct 'l"11 '*or G'V'L'g nifinheti for CîIniIIàý NpwGtat)(lýLodgo& I, Thomas Southwall, j?, oinnly deý 1 tac siýIiiia have donc out ùIj'ýJthüI' bande thai lie.kiieýw ilothing about. thé air , r6o, Lo every halais. 111 olis of tlies. individuai hi ligli wisli -tWoo . Manitolua aiiclýýVie- .iii,ý 1 . ý 1 1 ilit iii of:*Irileti. L'oar béiLliren, IL oi clarte and isay, thigt on ',ýý lolay, sud phiciag it on Ille blluulhlý, Y Ilicli hil the Compatly, nuit Llint lie hall 110 kil, crool je of a .Hnjiitýwliiit inottey 'char- gentlemen tolveiard here, ail that is us- a liiiiiks, ; à lm , wiràe Qýl;iýýe,,I:,nl tend south Austriklin. 'The sixth day of thia D)OIýib, J Lvi, à 8migIl dit'. L'oi ihiuk %as li-ýlit. 1 ledge of the Writ until 110 ,W" upprià,il . orl You enfer throiigh a btig passage cte,, try iB fi pOiuitiutiicato %ville Ille hurenu À , ",If,*r n Inn NI r. Blow tholi Lie. " Iiiit ýes had tlie fflinriff ; and that tigelle havil"', 111 en si Ilight 01 tioki-t3,etr,ýl)ý4 invitep N'OU 1 ta un ' 1 ' or whose fJil.ýiliées they lire Imborital. 't'a L"Si eýhilIhà. Ui,,]ill God 1 (.,Ili ulir'! ai iuilOýýtInt actio. of Iho ' . ý boat out in the Lille off Go:ý,)14,É1 poilit, ja.. ilriulio, for a miel, lIk4,I ý,,LK8tr 1%1MI.0%JY1lsý ý flous Il %vry strange wey about th, ir'wý 0 .IliIt.,ý;11IeýIIIS re,-[,,Ilm el* the estUli8h. 1ei 1 flic failli >aloptlolj of tOiI II, Bis t g. .. -fk. nu, board mecting, lie bail lie t)piybl Lui - guarmuWo filera 'II ý-I)rio,,," Aild ho fier a Il' , ung ý ki6 ý wil 1 ,.,O ; but uillILI)I)ilý, ý,hcn eue beiween eight and ton .0!cý CL' in the ILI, as U wt.Lpbeio lieu , allait Lee lind ofltriuwiiig ituytiiiiiý, lit tlieafffttirs of ý ont. Vtith mil):V ululgivings you allow Ille würk ile donc. Élit this is net vilough. ý . 1 a a ofall Te.ýnprarice Orders favourable tu (lay drifting out in the Lake iii. which lievàr ilseri > Iý ý . ' , , ýWîjag ý,,Ieag)vBii hereeh LI) ffiiiik, th, ,le . don ýii-laffin,.of the teieip,,iawéô,fircýapp-. in tbý,WlàtL. - and ho coutillially. ,Thim 110 (Mrii eý)1(1Jýn) & OLI1,81,11 LI, bu 4,11illeel IDWI just les Nt, Luotclinflt tri toivil wili illilIUrL Ir 'pùt-ýa : ,I , - -1 19.6 âwees tu vellicil Yeti ,tauuod, giv. On there apilenred tu bc two 1'>Iý8ong. At ki)CW ilItliiiig about thie ,I 011 lore begi-Iiiiiiff il) tlii.;k",u"b",tiý the tictilar class i Il goollsi kii(,witil,, therin Id Ili prirleilaf, l'y which the InjýRtitution In , M>rt agit it ClilirtboterLý4e(l lits a f4lse mt-dtýmJ-ut. ý stit) Iý ilool iviaitt is mille, if il lui il. 0 tinne tho itiii(l 1)10%%-iu# ')itlf-y, gale , Wf, br.tiglit in to-nighL. M,Ùlis aile id te mari liala 4 bdttcr,,pl)oriuiiity (Pt kuoivi liori-8 .hi iel,,Iuýýil tel.] yoli Of wopitieiful 1 iatlo or no deu-uIl for Llièrri. 'finit Weald drint 1,,wýýL-gn a bïutoý,l IiI"ý,I"if. râoh, naiiàn or gront ilivipinti 'theré0f ,will from the tiorth-Ivesti -thel),It began te loi settied, loi il& Le bibttled *ebuce Neitli-tit ail âboui the affaire of the colupiteiy il rùbbirivm nad e-tv,,,ý ý-h(.rtt ug11u'wiàrý Diiji-- be lolly"iiid ILL', SWII if roponted, ýýsO0a ', aIýa gaina, Euch'a rOundý 1 1 ,,. ý hie Il , lors are ashaul'ii Ot. glial ; but lie entir-ly irvivp.folent, . the ,whode ergs- JJII.11L ,I la ravir tu Mr. Draper. IIII wale àý attýck:à"lli"r 1 dermd lend illillie hiquied, thoro id a pause, Il Luld the purcha'icel île larilircipte a1z'ation beh)g ÇontTol(ýd il, privelo w.,k, drift out in the kike, and Ici,ýjviçg that eliirktlývTedpoieýibilitý'. 1 ý .... . 1 Y. ý "'« wliet ,ý>W.u talies toillink, elle bottes ing nail principl,-8 l'y il Qnadrpnnilil Ad- ý n6ý15wBJlI bout eutild live in lie që ,41ÏIiù glit tige allice à ,tljreetAr, alla es 811C.11 'à[Wi&Y,3 difloi. il, thrown Option und a flood of light ThIe meveral orgauizafious that 1 men- .1 ,Il mbiIýu,-biI- b,,ýIIiIiiB deuil fil athst eoznruùýèe ithotild bette, e .ý tac 1 ç'a, ÎÏ(Il. full illion You. Blin.10a ut firht, veut tiolieil in a fOt 1--ler poti-L of ruji l.tter lire et flot ... ,fisory ne" îu tbëir fige etiècess te the Clouai -",a eew ruiles ý . el-11 ..... 11. býU.Ili'n aloi 'nf froin. tllesliIre, -'ýDâLg. r,,,e,,t. They tuoould hove- un liow theMore wasalwa in a 91 a ta ýqkm qult,ý. quruer mail býgln"olèr observa- course liguI mile. lu,-l'celàièry ,coliôerriB. . NationUâ Lo,î,,,P. The proposoilnam6 for 1 ý4rrnýWcd a mach lu k 'ý ompigny . oing, Ulis, uext licýi,,Iibor is lin 'lm h*" ' ô Il - . 1 ; - treble-fold than le Latin IL ý ýý- ùic>lcanieiýoli ' 'Luil 19 ý J tmie Ur, MCILL. rke hall sus- evérytflh4g the C t Our ' , a gcMiLleui y t IL jéir busingmm, , lie, ,. Îles. the iiew Society i - U if a Te Il ýýtýfý.. ,r, , il-li p. , - 1 Il ' 1' %. "' à h, , lýofiLtlierilriiikd, iaib,ýi-y 0"aIE'R Ast3,,viitiim." ily8o 41 ý .1, ; Iliet , 51 i'.ýýt'uevlýiý,i Brob ligu qjau proportious, OLil"."*ilý", tu.11111el, . (3.41, la (,rguliiz'ol U't,ý -the l'Our Witte sun'eis LI, c _ 3-oulig ý and telilled; Illut wagea hýe lit, , )g là& the simple facUq of the case j, , , ' , " , a liela ý , . , ,- ý'JIu eý ýtiiýteit toýflie i ' ' fl el in thile tif thé àçeiIÉýnt ; thé, î L of the Austin, Jemom ','ltitçliîe, A. T, Fulton Q girl) board a Iieuiite.küablq marks of fur 1 i litteulation "of file falit, ', iiiiii the 1 LI 1 (Igiring 1876 ta celui tige ùiganizatiOa -emettè of t1à P* 0 , Po" ý, et) are Daked alla ltiiigt Duet,,r'a bill, ifýw.1 the Dut ô o injuries myself hold stock in the eiii-, in the whit.-wý8Iling lias. 110 .av - '1ýu ers from flliiig," .11Il l'y tell ,,, y (I ý in Cannilitlulon il priucipli"bf working the boat. Oit goilig OudIsid Lho Let. Coiiipuiiy t tl reefiveIý', au fil - gng,ýil wx'ýi3 a **,pI)i" of boer aud ,au Itimt - xuýAW1111 -eVMrre"gr-ý- tý P'r.l,-ý , 1 I- ý'ý ý,'-.-'fitýý,ý_uY --)'tIýqt, wjttclçýiUil-bil« lAcectionnIlbe I? bpIr Our . . .14+ 0 ûùl»bi w0cild ,;Iar- aiMotint et î7i),200 ; wu alHo, hala ' 1 - ,,ý 4 Jý4, ý , , g.batl'y ý -, - It W te 1% U)i nit.y.- Tiý11c Y. A'r. 0 1 ' 1 1 1 1 'l q,ýg, ta 1111 a r been vi ý a 1,ými tion-,Iý fâl boulle judge- gago, bond, agailist tllp Copipituy toiý ti Ille lins atout iconquertoi thé pentimoui thecornillu a , ô on Y, il ' and we 1boat be" , -vlin iiiii.8 ll,,88 1 liý,rý,e"ri"ý','r 'I', t',',ýpiaricü ë ait -,- 1 ý a meut as Io the ý r, f A i til,111 Il.) 1 s'IV, if thel e bu' J.J'y NYLOail LU relier got pý bIelýa»ouatIàe wight atctint o.'$iW,000. Tial ileuouat (Iîïý liar and la ati-ligglitg va iantiy %ville the C e£ Il il, mission in 'Ille ilýelrIvfmslIt , Ill ý ý.fouga1l Bail- boat and tried to, out Viith bc goutit1ela to. . 1: Ï, ' Hib Opponolit id a sucall vviag (If ai ill'il ý- iluil, iutellectuni and 80cial ton- ý' got fief, M",t 1 ... e 1 titi. ýi'ml)IiMeil Total ALstinenýLl,' litid Pi-ohl., ý 1 1 , on Opeà illecoulit On 81A Augpfit, 1ý 8- Me ý outig wpti by weang 4pproprinfil Il ýý 4ý( ýo hati bition Society. 1 roviýiOn wam made for iti bill boa ta terri baeh- J) 1. We mr. ThOwpMon wNa gorl)ribcd at the Te- WaH Ï118, . 012. Thi waai inoucy uelv , 'la coal hIoiving trIeli-, Niholui discuesive dition a lIecil, il huiÂt, desr loi-Abiel, [il J'sus then reqtIesteLl Chester Dzii r te go marks ronde b>ý MrJr-Jý.IWW. Ille hall look- out of car nev LI private futielle tu pa;i,,ý_ 11djity iniiiiIýiiýt, frqilý-litlv I,,,iý,t,-Il by lendite 1-u wità thý gospc-I." 0 ý,t-,î Li biqLýrB for whaaa CJIriýt died Nleptiiigwýxf surierner; for eýtabIiShI_ la out with bis steurn hig, içj i . lie re. ad tell ",r th a town ýý ,Mr. Blow und doigt of the Ci inteany, interest ut-crut ag "pligntoil "1)1)1i,ý" Ut Lip braýdy (lec;tyjt.r. Mtcha ý ,' fiietiiiitv lins iI.ý el, ' luette in sale- 1 ,, ý IL e ý il resolution. to-iii;,,Ijtý; il moly Mimsinury II, ctuing A LI K, %,, ý Il f confil not flot bila Mit 140 finie Ille cela- bataille, relut 44cars, (;Iigill(,s. Sillambont a ille $Ilijiýet lit (li9pUL8, lis neUrly 118 1 tua plyllig C ... léallili', pei'liO of flic Lowil with ý 0 g'n -y % , Mitlè, Oro, O - .t l t giV@ il Uý. 1;1ýWOLUber y(,ur i ri Lr thé i e attifée .eýi,ý ahout La -ý'iro,-t.e.i with shtur scôwstind.itItereat oti.itecoiiiit. 'phe alir'j'a it, ib ,e]"Ll"k Arciiiisil.1) Lylich jiaitiýy- ,il(] intereatilig literature, ana thet I1eî,ý,,.,1 . ...Io tif W40tu are intruilied uvvxýill vvork, ana oigteroling the fared toi Pay for t'le full' tL'ý ng would work. He auppuaed X" Bl.w was , , ,,Igýt or 'i Ong lie Ilib pogition ('11 the ai fi7luoýJIe ... t'; f". In one word the work 0, OrIler aitiong flic ,-VOrkif1t!Men.ý > , dowa J'erty Délileil by Aiistia, et lai in C,)kb"ýe J ,,Llr,& -go. '£hînk of what ne iiý- os )à voq àeldIfài Ille te * ciliafm)ey, L 'fils big mari lItliI-ilid il, of ait lat'y Le taimmell Up as phikinthra. The F,,.,ç,Iç-iitivo 01ficers fi), tige Ç'alocing lise, but hosilil Yefuseil ta . ý t lier go. at Ihl, B wu, witil the 0(.Inmif;till_ý, of 0 i i libord'eab". la a lit talité el you nt file lat ýdity- yvar tire ; Chirif. Prof. Dý E. FoRtür, à. A" 1 boule one vitid it wight bc S'a and hé, i rallier lIL littié 011., JlJýiIif%. il. Tile arguments loic. f.4 ,ver 11, Willi daý .111, think p. te, go all bile housç lit Lfialigny. locolliolivem. ou 1 Therle LI the tires- ., 'Il el and avery i,'ailillit,-r, for ý mous ; %Ir. J)rtLlpier roilip(l t t if lire way dowp tJtý.re aftarMj4. The commit- ateamb.oai .and scows, 65'2,7ig'-'. The rd IÀOI, perllil'. filleh '18 wouhl .ül.fuýiiI calicot bu a Iloubt tho. 'y-1), V ai, fer Fredprict.n.Ný B. ; vilA, NfisH !J. MoKay, 'illis* 1 Ifùý6ýIv 0 an . - - , , if the ý re bu aioi ou@ aluong would go np ta Mr. M'illis* and find tue bati thorefore ýr4;oi@,Jo(l wiLhout bilan. tcreigt we ùraw foi the milady th us List cm tu John Stll'll-L ÀI"J' ; but tlley -ente 'a ()tir lu'('Ht f y 'J'le'of thene ýà nvf,,I),'t De every girl' aud ott'ry New Glasgow. N. 't , ; Secretiry., ý Bey. A. Mr. Hierper Qua à ' t tltlýgtLitor under. c - . ý hoyil nid bc ii, bentfit te, the Lotte. lef. Phitips, Ci)btjrg Out. ; Tireilloirer. J. 1 out if it was hid boys, an 1 At if b " 5 , cd out ofeur owii, privéte tIonds ý8 9 , vrtailily 1)"iý,,,î t tue of Origiaidity, iecturers %vit yoigi tylivl 'net yet lutte .alla wilo thluý-8 tavoi the position oft .,Biow as a menu, cent, whieh Wall Arad by résolution of t ut, elle huili'.itut te inoourably iimprum.i 'flieir soui-murring ivorlfit-ard Joem net the bJcýJo Es ,at tllid il, a W. N larderai, CharIctietown, P. .B. 1. ; 1 wislied him te gfý and briai inu biglait W"lv.m 11pou 81&811 us are 11ehr, us id town agi m.IiDetieing ta awakrt) it froin - r«Mful. habit, let me Lncturori Rev, T. MI. Cntopbell, Cobnuig, ho, Mr. Dr wotild 10 b6roffliat e,>uuuittlà, Mr. Blow . * fuià Board, m9giled hy.Mr.,blLijori and ,&econ te, . - i èoialry gentils nue! slapi on 48 alcep let tbeir suhjeot bu what lit m,ý, te a idani ce ïà milay il mail nad wuWtbti Ont. ; dýiinSoller, J, il, Fidji StJohn T tatleil a Iiiiiteek *go Wuigbl Ii,-& ho ir'âo ed by Nr. Draper,, le will lie gi t ;Ianll*tot-Il Il. - W40 lia , il il au incurable dronkargl vi ý 'V' ý II ù1s soý - LL. - utive admirera forrepths6llr,,d those gelitjetiogea wouhl , )ýpý: M'. 'Ai. Liver- üÜlIIý tok g rit] > e. B - alýaptnin' quite, willing Ille coincille lvéitli whatever ru- Mr, Draper. as a director in Il lie, shoullierI loi th.e reilleu - «41 aM l lie CoUlpa . le a ' lit litide by finie Outil nt p00171ý. A. ; .Part (11,14, D. C. ][freiner, B. ' ' là the face of-the abovil d àlnrati port wa» broug',in ià'by 00L.r alambers ýý of was perrectly eogilizant of ail the," fer fille IWO oratoiti. Ili avutlitr cornter a oialy givewiiIa is g.,,I, ,vanta create a 1 rever 1 Up 1 demie, jtilýs 1 ý 1 1 1 - 1 the c,,Iutnittee u lie jipow try lâtie abouti and Yet lie bail the Lardificald to ou sale (if ebécke.â is g-,Iiig ý forwhrd. ý At mardi un 1 iiIt,-IlecttiItl stinitillur Ili ' A., New elasgow, N., 8ý will any one believe that tàgý1jarâgrAPh thé mattfik. The catijinitttýe;jad liserté 1 . a. bill filiale IVirkllieti, about 1 "I)Slf dego, o.gumullityillat likue very 11, aithy incentive J"Ot ýs il a1w.re LiLý il ý,àI in of S Ik P,4*y êt. ruée tin gs vi lipld every inorn. irmé: down. ta this board finit tell 148MLO" ý O'VIIII ai"" L Io il élidai, ' ÏItýIlà, alibi'. ilig ; ma$% meetings on Similaly. sud Tues- . - ma the lever]. and now MI:. Liog, wae th ver," atü.t)iacuý481n" tige mérite of a laite giveà LIoi,ý, power, and ' àetivity to 1' was a llwilful ajugil inaliciouÏlalotýllood , ý le the colincil tbat lie klitew ýnathitig a ' ,çg, firbi LI tiffél uny. T ý 'lireui iturIlly lie $eu- 'lay evoninge 4 ,end a ditiltirenliii meeting Li lit@ with alibi ; h -lit ter . k thé Ili. MoiloýJt, ' firat te find figult witla thein l'lie tact& of the affaira of thé Baileigray I,ý, fight. B) tige stove two ailes are de. ail whoin IL relèclirm, Ë t wl Doon it net much raffier pfcýe. flint the - CI)jnýauj-. wilether a ,,clitiýdi" Intely arreiaed, thvae deuil ilý le &4tljê spirit in williug. the 1 e . t ight ter . ail Monday affirme ý en. The Néxt ennui 1 t1ii, case wtre that tlglggcelawýttlle tata iavi lie (Nir Uolden) cellieradeltizodý ü"d a bb ýitinu 'lI»lit down', for If) amys orB9. filiale lie wq;tk." Alla that becitiise, of the bttilien Il, eut! twiBut'y, 41jl:la lagiudred session in te ho held in L alleu Ont* 12 &,Ill hit Mr. MgItityrv, and aita carefut id porpetta a Il Lb ... l'ini tllreiàd. Oro I [aille theil Che.onicle, to sorcen a pet alqiuý tender whiùh Mr. Draper ha il .I. vil[-be 1 1 . 1 1 l' au Opponent, will ý 110 fallait tilitt he wu@ . èveri ige liguer the balck (If tige lethurgy lit tiii, i)ý-,,I)lle, SI).-okiitu ne a tlaàI, bilt, e lilie Eitl*ullg rop-, wbieh 60- . . .11 - __ _ ,ý__- a tolièm il.,: di.,tc't tJiiez üpou lutin I'clluw directoire, lu ende; ý 81)ýICies of Icut net bt('P, IL, ., ', Lq, , )1",Iofmûilâýera 01 thme , Lhdý,g col, break. 80 it is Wall tils iad Provincial E xhibitforg et Ottawa. a'ý'1 nag lui ; IL.t lie wud, IîVIýg .ü bis mmium; ta malbe thefri aip t in a flalocýligi.ii ý ,jade ïa'tile actinti of âge miiiiiiiiiied disoue. :i»viubdýr of ilie, 13( no inatter howl Io Trean the tbey "iI from IIIIIII Di. that the fore thé publie. - NK,Ïàèn wWee ifftitrrsààtt ttookk Ilàà Ïon la rôt(ýrctou W1ý iguatters Of religiolu. Y. ti» C. A. 1 ci .iPiuit . «N 1 give 1 n théine uiýýlIabil ',iriLkiag,.-,Wli(4,di:e yeioiý,' ' ý . - menus ho bu to adopt aully - 1, ad Lim." l1goum le, Ae toit kr6kon, LUI w4ft bailly Iiftýllisroliditwagiýiiv6lvud in au alm ?Ille Ili one et ilitowariet vue týiktiIrd, ilt .pareil if lilo. .k1rAý ý ý ý . 1 . WC notice by the Prize liSit at Ob- _ bruiaed, and tilàt the Dr's. bill waff shallA noý of a 41tvr 41F..Dr;ll)(ititiI. wu gaitiéd ait- tb adopt lit ý vagi plaa Chat y(>Ü Bugge8t. $6 ; inextricable indt-btediiý,wý,i in the 'Il 7he ýý ork and'the Workers. , HO will tvcu descend te vr0!ý1I taillader. , . poè-ý il tlirý,qi',ll a h-iad of' lilLe,- ven, Atiet, a Let fils il' ople wili it - eywill twwg, Ontario, as noutil, lias carried off ' and mltër prýouriýig au ýhü glette they law suis atter law'siiit-agreàt inaliv 'isbiO gai rolu Our pnidât : give Il' -ad tiultor, an rf- 11, . Ci. T ofthê 1 0. il. T., B ho prizes. ýin0ngst. Such is the mou wilh wlkçý,w vee have 'ibly roillli, t bey c1ouèl(1JIý,I te .i., Mr. lilfr., Drapùr's short Pr Ieut'Y At tl'Ô - thetn ,;',iring fille 0.ý»i.e '&'-,of sonifs - - ý X, "Il l """ aud r w r lm (Ill, ý 1 0, el worà 1 -i 8 , c.ý a fnir sbare of t , .2 ', .,il wu tir. i,,ýrriiitt,--d te 1-atl A littie i-utell"ett'41 1-at thé PFe el' Il:-.y- Yttggl. à te adi, a, 1 ""' t ' Ue ,th Ce- , ýý Mr ce - l . ter gale alla oftlit ald,- ,"ctàroool the latud in IL ... J. à. flic ;In, of' Loili.ý'ilýt', Ky" Ilad ad- hem We-Up 8 0 fouoWilig . Mr,, tyr. dmc'gil...l W L&1éý t of 'ItLür Ou Ille 81w. o*u rrivate twills th'f.. - the face of t4eli ' 0 i TWO we&,L-r ebrterwurau *rý %telut),rg setit, ,pay cff tiglons elilima as t iey e .IrtliJr 8elitry. j8a, 0 , cuir ýs claitued e P 9 ý id Snoll dri.ý-t-d i Le, Gentral fie,ýl-,tikriüB ý In - 1 'leve tlien pas$ on ta et fown. bill RB yet the encolturaidemène le oe Lobert Wilkes prizè ci a biurize cow ý if tbere à one qark ai ýf mailliu wititelle Vai he wuuld Lako 1 tlIý tji;Ïýpànj. Rad we net 1-illitititly liglitod Victime litoiýtlii leteli aliglit, and Ii,*ýtesliee'iollet and th. suc.. tlàe,,rdur,, ,,Il Lliruugli thune, thé teubor- ý . - ges Word tu the coni ý ý dinitte I.-Il se a I.L(tir %vbiuil' stangad te. land Calf for the second boit heril of ' n'* : ""Y , ', "" " ý," , LI' « M ', ' le uni Tjiree ."barte -e.m of il,(, ýI,,cÙaîlic»' Il ý 1 ý .1 . ý, tl4,ti;ý, la. Wall in- 1, rengage, the ý,F thé r( lit 1 ,miel) alla boyA. 1 b ýr.,,,It pe " c - iatitute, and (Aller ce lé,ft in the editor of. the iliro,,i,,I, (4f Ille dàiy# waji Ir lyrobubilitv in, tl)t&t t ý ail. , -týiwij'éuc Bal itoi ut, t viril attention. At the bloom. Ayrrhire cattle, -"a wora by Mr. . -- - - in ill. whieh O ý ,,, , gir- l lectures Ir, file Il as ta give th ý, , wallowclupi tIý1hupplyliquo-r lematind, th, -il. and t1la Dr. Je. wurgild 1 wOuIdýjhaveýbPBuejLdirIiVs allowc.,IUpj -, - . -,ý--.,:." 1 -_-.ý__ ý -".;.ý.. f1t.ý 11,1,ifh. ýihgUue st on of the B. Nv. 0. L., bela . - ý ý . ý 1 .1 . . lit mi,-.;-.. n__ ,-te A.1ý- * À.,.,Jo.t P«r aeilýry ttl.y usuaiýy -- y "l Or)' '= , fi& ', contrihosd tu L'y S wil. knowr: laç 1 orý c= 4 -farta àý' Far Jtlý il'a piliré ho ý;3 fiat.slippers would SJ7ýý,' Lumumtmcnt. The tkê l'in euj.rbe bL Afýyor taks the il ýhj, , se&- u L u Ili tàa " 14t trd W..t "OëAA - t a -111-11, âtitie- là of. li', 1 1hlýipt, whicli. tbey dis. ruulliûd ut the HigLI-no S-filty's iven'll4ý utcýrtai=E, U"' - j D'A !.ilKf"i tj'ù of tir. e'how Rome 01 Strgtlii.11ýn'a pfr6ormed for J.i- whirre good tlurL,,r accoM."ti.n CoUý de=yitmasie hélis won ail ul.rllvî.Lie 0 9-ay.r. in. '%'iiitby '*il, lie A! some furtber ýCýol i. .1licli t e,-- Ilýott"i l't the sain. feut in rriyÊ tt.]%ing 1-abella illeured. We lumeil D,,ver L wonty for J rrr loa t"ehs Il;, valoritity iti this respect, T.Lere wils uniii ÉLA . iv,ýi;nps iliern. tu ou G, 'fr,ýtirer ta ho arrangi ird, r,.d Nuit whitý, ume iutinti dis. #m là bpml f'r Cil, izruat IcLwt,ýr trude 01 them ta"', m-Ély, likëwi.*, several fa"riýq wlsrý r fey.ni lim, ill by ýuring tàk~ luu;-*. in %àd the flowd oi uibitt-ýuuf, loubig tbM& tu- tro W"["& tu flu. üIdý»igLtIy, and wj1ele fta tjit 1 Y Of the gntili dpIti P e Iv Éh litive of the wvlr.1 Giiý,! Týord Strathallan, out of Iiimbella, by Le We j.làý6 &à"t UT .1 - thar way until bbwe wre Il V. , » r fi, ..l lied l:ýi lmrfor-Pd W" a cligug- in tl il ýLate of, tlige fthe worst deecription -Wkýro ýCf4. brlfore in lueli, ij4 no lit lu É l'O LIrd. -ir Mr. @zit Rt our lluri,,ý )II jlý ba iiý.,rtïly rýmvý,uà, il ta 1 thc r. why ouly the ot! Tjýý» latir, 1:i,,* Leýu tbf, kuyers t,ý Lave illui. W T,,wiý nrým-, of ClIurnbus. shows Le Joad" d exertioliý &MV.YGU,39 P,ýrL - . - y iu th, -11L.try, muli -il, cii!ý1 Ili, roàd,ýter Fillv, Elearllr, end Ur. M. ,,e,,,,d L,,, ammittee, liiiý dur il, vllwel got ýturk tri tht'aibri"" 'se bliti.,l ýuk f j"Ut WL .iî in ffrà, -c'rtmifi th, quality "I ,yjli*iag tLem IL 84 f-t üf wtz-r. Tliese filial iza te u,ýj"clRi dià,ccurý4ing i. j'Ni going t-, pý,y a )areze -vy t'tvi>ube trum his ro"ý is-têr yearling Filly, NKtié. Lus ùwl ridiculuin, &14 F tri ; , t. of tý6 halhýr. jwd op IL il -., flattécri;,ý týý lis un for, be ,il t1le -rio Of L. J Nfr. Gý,tgf1 D"id£!ý of E.,t- wliitb falttfle I1ý- sud i8 L"reý,ý tO &r- "fUti*ntY tý t4o iw,,ý jimomi bAy th.t, wl'ili, air lewling ilirm il, mention gl"el1jie j"J"er "'t«, f fu-1, ýc»sLLr. illery tiàuliiig iucu, -rs eld, Queeu:ý Wo »è»ïo thst let Llord IDILMW# Slâ bitritte thtret)n." treille thpA shauld flow in LLis dù tl, àrvý,s1oiu« iil! in LIr*ir Pl, ý,f Io eulylly Pl a- iýim " ri tu Ilg te. Ho qu--sLione the .,rder mu.t Ls ciagiNnut. U1 thi,, MCKýiazie tircolum- [OZU àJ,14 -Which t»k plisce lat ý*m£ivrt, M r. B i , W ul a to the ho hud no h"ït"i,,u in litetirig tLat pe"munetn&Lt ; willie the ilimpleyli Nt the the uet, who stm". th., W. liqi 1ý ru Lave ut illeir bilicir a Il Las, a carring. Stallion a vemirs atà. LucU émeodimýnt -ti bu týjÉ,ý,;:7L t>. l'y H"b., L.1d the kes te the vu- 11, ]gdrumltur&l Gardeils E6" .8 uttractivs op 'Min i. tZ fflity, 'bc I-xiüwê i b "f-e ýVithtlieinth.fig tièoTlQof1li,ý Ail Tiail stailion tram, importait lil ,Min lu 'Irg Il t le YDgIM& SOILO of WjR jusrd i %71in t(Ir th(, kna"lg ihiF. as Riso ti be relsrred ircit gl Lr trade f LLO n-n1à anid tbrough be ni&Aë. f- th. dmiesi.n ý'uybr lwke b"n import" fyýw Aiberica, resp-tî,ýz Oie h,. Otzaors dibtrici. *UJ tintil a Clairit. in z-l 1. eýerv thil m, st ,r avy athèr JoIjnýýn pliew ignatil'n 'if m, ilumaini ;.ower of tuotily". J-Y fipm Y.I"hire. cy af b1rý S !Nmbttïeý &nm-unt tlx-k igohuýii held forth il, ,tir iw,1ýl, and n!mJý isr bvJI.lr, Mtlu.1vre -ýý il ýrticI. Tlif, Ilhimu fi" m rigl., 1, l'ut 1 11, ý ý nia e "tý" mitre, vviL"ýïe, soi cult loek i .., "I'emku l'as ri pnvatN 4 tb"Ir lec ri, I,ýa, in by to. ërn, or Lhat ;'tide W P.B& .,fr oUr le - ur !ý,n. U 15 Dot rtlàoagj thtr, FrX-*14 &ad OfE.Ulptil.ati", b4vioms and gori8j x .1,4t ý"t 1 y drnuglt ) earliug StaIliý eh ad LI dLack bretai- " with eVýry pO-ý 1 b-yer 1 no'd , frire ti ý,P11â a niffn sud wamet', -n, of 0 ko a fufl t-pürt J;ý*efflLmg f, Dosideg th. Tosa bever Le y-t which ilimtafi. Mr H. lf. Tlziupt, Brý1vk- nuder Ruth discuiirmeilag ciron thoissi of jwrýýn file ýtÏiI lýgze]Y the m-re uLentiiU of §IWA by tZr ýûG"*etun On tâe u-à,u f11ýL_ 'd LI. This roed léié i mr. ii, fiot i,-Rli fi,, MY lllstaiuei la, Tir,_ il, Lxlý ,tiý>Ur,,1 as eue f tire prinuiî&l 4 tbu allait gift-d rloy on 1 TI-Y clf or ony 'gidrem if .,nr Asv, tuay dimplay lier jýinX but bmdOy fIt -!iy di*,ýript -oca, to Lbe. ril F-mj mwrt. point of y Jr ýwJI,.n vritiv lecture on feelque ion and in .4. F.rm ,»ýý1, Ild fi'um tillittW"Delýl' il the bar ut in Onéll iýut il"y eru),i Eo4ýzeL Êle i Mbwbg or«Obe -,r ie fmzn 11b"111 y drtrtinýnt wf notice 00 týIn- ili wl, re b, ta bmWe Po' tu fT',ý iý1âffw de ru thm ILkrlir mun Cr bi> h Ne Polff"h"- týýxt 0,- lwf)wl, Pýit_ý F01J tIt" jýffl. c ii 'ilud" tbe pr--scut rAs filwaz-, Icz l'e op Unil, m.ýsSüJ2 maurji, Gu'eý ill weu u ri'au', 0 pu=ce, "a uot ù'o. e t., ;Lirg fýux uýùe, k liavre :,r; T-fiak am in Lis 10-r rlipoiïitmentà'ý,rill bc made ONTAILIO. F. Fournier, (2,C., L"elier : Ç'au. FROM VLOM NOVA SCOTU. 11011. WID. lienry, QC,. a 1,3t-g(ily-oulog nu Y t4ose appointineuts, aLd dis satibfiw- tiéll t1ley , %vould ivû if ý»ade, the 01âe gocs on tûý giva tIlýe probable ap- pointments LO lill. tLo ý actiýucieb INIach yvoeiild iieceý8arily be created in the CCurtý of tiror aud Appeulaud lu ILù 0ntý&I-io Court of Qt3eeji'8 Bench. Mr. 'Moulas Moss isi spolieil Ur as the ele- oessor to Chier Justice Straýiig, sud IL A. ifutrison, Q.C., as the oucceshor tu Chîef Justice Riehartli.- The Boat in the'Lakëý À !§PECIlýN OF "CHFONICLE" iorRNALlsàl -THIL »1ý(JRA1(JEFVL ATTË31FT TG pàUAGE J'LAbED UPON MOLIT $HOULI)ZICS-À STROXE IN, FLLll- DEPENCE. A paraeapli alpeùt(d in the Gý&Z. iz,ÏTÀ of the 16th imst.,ýCiîii contait of a boat which %vas been in diutress Diff Whitby harbor, *Our read- ers miglit . ivell bu mure that no sùeli inkragiaph rellecting diýcredit 011 nuy une ivould liove appearûçl in our col- uinus,ýiutil it hua been thoroughly in- vesfigated, and thora was no doult. of itéitruthfuiiiesse Theparagrapiii . ri ques- tion, i1mot truc, we wore aware of the bolliseuuelléeà at the time of iW publi. cution, consequiently. we g-ýrSý, _u "' Axtrtieukr te finil Ont the fâýts in 1;k l", ilection Mith the conduct 1 of M r. is)S. lier, nhicli te U8 eübinef t iahurn-4, YOt, -Lfter ILII Our troub1Lýý,_z get f4cts, &IIII thoy seenied iso 1) ami there was no elitLuce of Our collein. the Chrénicle la8t week Pa likibeill à hipst uawarrantcd and li nus article, (Iènyîng*tliè whole iiffarýr a malicious Pü(l ivilful fa1sý1iOOa, Oriý ginated for the purpose of iiijari.g,' Mr. Draper. It is plain to bu e",. from what source the donial eiaianatwIl and the'effitor of the Chronick U"kr, ing it 'ton good a Il tbot" ist the GAýZ»TTE:, coula ilot spend the t4i toinvestîgý4tG the matter for LinuW, b'èfor'o publishing it.' The dellial aje ' à' appoitred in the Toronto Globe tl, saine d4Y that it mine .,Out in osé chroilide, bliewilig entelu8ively Llif the manuscript ha&, been tient toi tlý4 Globe'oilcýè. - The ý parties, no douM thinking4hat if the matter was dels.W prouf miglit bc forth coming wbith woulti plue the atigma UPOU the obouldera; &ud 8150 tbaý,L the liaving copied the griginal para if a coitr"ction coula bu cir through the saine medium, would bc rahied and the ily wuuld tâh-e no more notice of the 'ý'ïe ter, even though Ive should, sulue, our case. The suatter now stands before the ;Wk wu are placed, in a very « unenvi, liglit. All who have read _v li 1 larag 1 raghs in the Globe, a 1 position te, kdiw Lhe UPOU the edit'or Vf ffie very.base person iudec.d, if ho IsLyop 80 low as to, tell (ILS the Ch C14puts it) Buch a -l1nâjIciOuý; houd- for the purpo8e of "rne4;iiig the obarnater of an, huiiest man. The I)Srti6d most iuterestüd and wLu fi aie. ,sa., or causal te bc framed, the demal miglit Taufà hotter 1 ave kept quiet ai] CI let the inatte'r rlut whiere it waà. As it Pow îîtauds we am forced ta Make e on etrolie in self-defenoe, and if that de- 1ý rA fon».sliould bc the meauï of tbrowiu,ý W laure odium on Mr, Draper si2à ci ing the unreliable4ess of the Chrlmia, el not W blamed. the« impà. tà auted Sàoidd consider - "t -the dub I.M -vith whicli Uieý inteud tu Ust out ýur In 'bra'as bail recüîle4 upon aàeir lvegif4â colillection mith i',îlen fitatementa of dirft (Al iý,ý o, jartie*vviàa are MOIIt corversâjjtiiý;, 1 dt IL, of ILe catie ; R LickI ftu1eiLeLý, tL Iie will COLY;Uûe Lue pubàc tLaL me lof liet üiilyjuýbfiediupubliýLing t1ieiti, -, ý a, but il - i t m ", wu jxe sûrry ta tlw truth - -L Àrunld"pf t'Lýý Town Lf Whiac, du solemmly det:lare b&,Y tLAL 1 â&W là rinui Lt&t on t Le &L ýý bcrè ,"te :Ika 1gâe tý, tîît we , . of 0, Wb, ' Harbor, soi,., en ùiiàe betweem Che bourg ef 8 ("elock- &Liý 10 wcloa in tLe forenom. 1am limmetit tbere Wère one cr morc

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