Whitby Gazette, 30 Sep 1875, p. 3

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meîdoê. os(Ili i I. 'WViiuixg & Co. iniiiù ie orIurç sytI liad 10lle u At lUgi0amsslaeeth. "I158,1.,oI. CLASSOO 0toneS. 01o.-101-11 50, Cai5iiie , aCiDSeO.Wl J'o lù .K t io, (~ÇElitof ptue bOîit. foOaO4 Be*s OCueaeIbisp.Bow Sd Sinwà, sd M2K .. ee. t ~ Fatter801,i], dy, ýI6. 0001*l.': 2* d an d .1olprixrofurbe.d. 1 yPar oîld .,2WIITBY M B1K.Ei Bull ee 1~i ilsig '1a, J.Gaa oILl ., yeux dpJhee,8ril ýi is ller.îdThe H 114055H01-rL102 ý cgio aif,.2,1d, John. iler. ta, J3, ..1..... ... ..... st vv 81. G ,01.w. 1 yfir 0Hmfi?5d2iid'î0s.Guy. (),.t, .137. Hleifer eif, 2,,1,Tios. Guy., isokeyeP..... ...... Co4 , ad 1*108,GuyT o . .tI. ....... l.É~.ra oîî, ;lw,ý TisIe (isiyDy .............. ...... 2 yenso i i,îit ,'T11 bo odOs 1 year al i hâer, rs, Tiss. (Oy. = ' ~ Hido Di,,ou sîfile, ioeaftsilg. ofone .u livaa Ae'fsjidim,2d< Ti*.,uy. 'roi.'Ist Oo etor aid josfr J.& N. : OY WANTED 1 ara, ieet izifer pl.alB l & iii to. Tcr l aohrlgl 0 Tloooo'poU. 'urrî&rt., II Hais,1 sier 'g1tk . 1.0O2E t1iéa' he r fd W ie oud, H.H. ht, 4isa1g. lessi 2reiUp ', ~ 'piae teO.jîs 2Tad 5.. . I.talbsandtoueAth10 en Il, AN orUDHIR Adoti4ad a f33Oot e1IsaLE o sAM , 8 8 50 1 555441 aîsas i en tt Ir iliftery Sp t2Ews ,Se ncer.. h.a, , a nd a.,,1 ais i , h Be8 Seurin rluils ala 11e I H X1qýnAnd i isbsOgas od a l l5 o t, b'i. a.4 o oil of. j H .OiVE cS i on EGoldfnn.of.wHl... eioieu a sM ThonobainsNOTICE Tl ilsst pair DoîluDoriag llDon hidThu d t..th.IIAi1tEIIOL ail vH. lsd . spa, , 10.24' é Th eEllbt .0 lgora. do.I l. M.OLIVENA l H.M i ons .Thms ybt)Y Sil,,r deo.Il M T2dh. M. OTICE O GTHE , A d aIL i'Spagisl;si, 'Snd, 11. MIH O ES Crassir, whid , IIbo. M La i'4. olde1 peod :O 'IibsIa, O ntareio s Lsaî des ' C5 o10i g1. o' . - ilodîpno'.i. Thoaod, I. iisM.Wityo Thomas N. ... F Eia 18 s t4 y G rE , AT À aiovr e aledIf. Pi Is I . M ,,lac oI o l H.M. eiosose u d H . h m s ssî.îseso sesssno 5154 lloullCoîài, H. a. T oo sî. Dos0c T10,1ow etw yo Wlanî i ]l~g DoMag, H ~ 15541 ay, 211h day 9ai Oc SIa pi o ove îlusW . hm.aiis- î O U LuIlaohi , HI M. Thoas. -;adfo lco Witrks r bias ., 5HM.. 00 140 5IOs f 1,s J O.'~oai . Beet pair Butptaaclg iiaspH.îM. Tlipwa.'Z, 0 -U 5î *Dr1'rîonie, H. M. hotiO. É,*Apy1 1W11D L B l a c k , Il : i ,' IIC b> Gâwfsie ads;'çHalrd. ÏTthmas. INSOLVENT ACT 1. 80 Best85e11ylid'i-sMa8seoe 1aluO- lac toinego.,Uoi,. 'iooss4i sulrosoRoai, Look tisa sloistisepiaesoso800,fubtcebeLl215 issaises"'f"'Ithit.Asu thes prizoeü tisé bet 2 bu4shsis of eitr wisrat. BWiatwo lJualibsis fýfe wiet ?Ili Tloe Msdaaa'iIVs. TIsodpsan,Wiatby.' beet 2 bu51i a frisy, 1 rel, W a. tiop on. ' f0 rassid), Wmn. so. on do. Biak, Tisos. Mander-' 2'cas amaol. 2iTbone. Mas- As Paxsoo.oss.-Attntioio diresites ta tis asdn'r"uojasant sf A. Prinain ,0auvoihar NovCuos-s.uosriaaetof 2Mr. a. Isîclitsin lu'îbor ciaano. Ne* Sýas earrivi.a d'y O)atls!à'wwotbj., LiAIe100dY'i4 sfsso~s JNSOLVENT ACT O 1869. 50o5oa08000555s t h. 'Ci.,(Jlst Ili tue tdeUc' 4f JAMElfS C. 3NP SON, ainsoioesot. ou4 Frldsy GoseUs d fuiy i Ocobe,îu' 14atd ut NWlitby 10li 1o5thlgY a0-s' il. ' Ab-e, 05550 I P. R. HOOVERi, Issiues of Mirsiage Liccle, FORBIIIT MILLE PICEEJ3$G The Ward Will. - rn Slo lii. sthe<n. jean, bons 5a505 vigs PAP,B mF 21f SNANS Erio es otaeit Ne.,, BaPO.1M ~Tasliaiso is zbo ~.v' aeîye"Auctlon & CoranmaSoo vliil 15 eusebi1a0odetined te dring outS Opposile Blssck's HE the Waîd wiii0sne ta tisa crasckaItof irve esi esi.isy afternoeoas. ,r-o I.' "a.C 1tg W&s pad iesjo be raady furths sgMnssue elaeit ut tise trial on Tiusray oeoG A ALES sesra1 urs, Vseiog, tise lawyors wvr. aIl hbesd fori, -1oicesd5vus tise 5rOlgalefraii 010000farceuas tugraiOi'l 'h. Sit leSt' Olt' esi Oe'eRae Anugaes, tise jsîge sa preaseosi n. , t . eooh, pin- audit W"as iesvdtisait lvas raaily PpltTe.soesysoast Wh ora ç ti-smes~a~t sept UUtisah e Iat 10eS~,¶{p~1taA of biia fthsera oftuoitsasa u iiepieoi'.n 5o, 5 pal Witflal0a,, nltr0s4iji Jaec,o. piiuat isidii, sid ioti, ..1 itYork aind551 seAifte c'q i 40 trwNei1 l 1birat thleapressaItitir ____ I : thea perposes s1i'ilug hile tsethnoiy. A t. eabry9"» letter reins Siastete iie jtffat, datedN 'Ucsi - , i*» sêt4Ir, ws e ssjieoed s. e,.ssoaitli5o .t a iMath dteosObiseissa Ou this. slssewg u., a piieattou for a pat. ore'sOa11sýlT1 te.i e Odeki tsstioaeOy 1-Y ssunslsislOta0 TufoWelhy.e bev Yorka o. ossuii agtissOLt he tisa arsasd 110405. z r tria i vu pposod asS uoil Toeedny scxt. tise 21,st, ai ,twas siu sisssd Lflit in 0élsdaW iteYi5505ty-,I' i thi iasOsiooistise tutoaet aI hliea .. 0 ivll Ilie taeu ia sw Yerk inodai eipli-__________ latisone".,aedVte eprescua -isa l elaire- -C âyâbur. bsp viteIxapasteel froin , Stad <Iroa*asoe l lillit on th aitin anedulinae of astisiasoltisa ppouesl.b ofttise viti. Tiees f ot .ar5'wMIi apeitsly dl NTiv Tli 10>PORT FU attempi tajoipgt thusaenaltcodtion Ia i _1Wy ol lietis ladIt ati raoruetime pviiae TINM £ TAol.PNWC tel iniig~, anAdssàoWilthalnai&iO iz cd Ssia 5an5Ile' hià n1pxiarle actst thi tiei-tt- 08*rsSprsaoSs. sa5c8a ofa.artulii udiae, asl iot sýs .5ecsd , affi elavit alleges it St asiawilNOt y. 1. Wird pis a the rn,5ing -fh10 saa13. Ifan a 'espirl tvsrt Lya. - . J"# and "<lftAao i ns rlative <of týie IiaGly, ' vaa he Li lti ad usta,,ed hy thae sEses.C _ . i. a teacitiai Cuf. wasd pas.vt.il aoM' L- DAlOýt I m&e4the ls .srtea ll "tb.ý.airiâ" St * -00- U10um" Mys.O.Ja~i1 ii &fimro.. id Looasaia no 055th. Àoezaa7s. ULÉqamwaofLset5s nO r Ici. 4104 at,54' t Oas 8104 I .;îJ iTU egs 'te inforr i hi the seoson,. aud ou withieverything of .HigheE (leoinported styles early secure( WIitbY, Sept, 30, 18 A miicli lago?' styles' of Cletho better tha ing bu8on k the's w noe bei1g earried on for thû present o'Mdicp lo y~B.I'MIItIEN. Wiy*SeÈtamiber 80, 47ii. A. PIRINGLE. J.R.ERINGLE. Tie Oshawa~ Stov'e Ma n'g Company TOOK. THE FIRST PRIZE FOR TI-EI R STOVES. Fiaving been testel by expeaicnce have given "'tip top 4satgfkltiél, Wp b ldi uge snior at t tao0, aud have srrangei wllh ith We have aise Arm5tromag'sa Coeldug Steves, bren Duk .A.mstro ng lltns, ro So~&0. Be ereful- 'Ttie gond adaue asd boy nsso odiî> And only 1b$irsina &TCU & R0. '8tove Pipes, Elhbows,,Stoves and Pipes cleaned and put by~ corofol werlmuil. Cuistoiners requiring Steves are kindly iuvited te eall a soaedje Qoir ei-at nEli dprim la, . ur isso ardware blsre, Brork Str ~Viitey. Pistas tîi4.Dd lbCilrCid oavsPreasrve Disisso jool reemivesi, gssxlvaluo. Importeun et Hardware. &o., Wiitby Con 1110- il aI s Gos ~TTF~'. ~ les r ~THE LATEST IMPROVEMEN~ TINTrEJ) CRYSTAL SiPiiRTACLËS LAING & STEWYART WeVuid beig 1bave te cal1 the attentioil of the pub- lie gpneroily, and tlîeir eàsteîiers iiipotionlar, te the fact that they have iuuw rteoived a firot clnstock. of Goods,, suitable o r il classes at vexîy seasoxiable pribes. 1,qwiiuîg hiii agreat mGa-' sure ite thé depreoîed state of Ud Eurepean marketo, gôotlàscàn ho beuglat at low' jriees and .we have been able te inadce cr j ichases on:,, very,,faveurable tormos, anid ilitend te give our, ciastemners the benefit of the artiokýI.. -0ur TAILOING. DEPÀ1dTMEXT, se well known for* good suhtantial artk'lu.Is, io now se-' piete with ail tho.neweot nJïud fica. sable tweeds, coatingo and vestingo, as'o leieIt Fusnishmngo D flepsârtmen.tfrem ishicli an>excelleiit.selection con ha made, as it embraces the latest articles 4 W, nthe trade. 'p ]D»sOsOa .odts we' have tried te get varied' and op e mointer-iài/ - 1fii good olaeytesho efinish C1 e Only ' t'O.mi e $ei h edeired, and wo are auiVausé that Oe ustoitneîo huid cadi Caslyý befero tÈhey are Ill dispeliod cf, and get seme cf the richeat articles eves i'itot \hty , Iespectfully yeurs, '-hithy, Sept. OI-1th 1875. .ONTARIO LADIES' )LLEGE.1 ,, 1 -ýý. ýý ý 41 4, .~QIL S !TW'-ý 'ALL. ~ ~UÈSTIsmG~.voTED FOR RELIA. GOS c B RIE N . 'ncsoodth pbli tatha hapse ~ 9e~nowý complote, and cieecting . poîtanig My own a(l.-iic ilnterest of A$ 'Prinjglo,-liiath0 gôo , cimo(3 elle trior înduceriti cas utomoers. Ii~i mg Estabis.m8It' ELCIN WATG C '$RýE ,WHITB7Y.,4 c~igdîinoo e od lsù)itýT1' aaltha'LM Watches. sliWatches. 0fùozàr:wiIl fi&&dthe premises 'wellspb4 c, best and moet stylish qtiality'. ! ~TJ~SI 'U~S! ~Lî~Gold a~nd sil-ver, Lalhies' ana OGent" dr4eit grades ani iaso pricespaid ferRaw Puirs. 2 ]ces. Yery hglno imm, pili- neîieit-of colered 1 , id hgt Gold i3etts, Looketogq e 18-catrat 00o ~ re ho ianufactfrers, and 1ate9t \ý',diuý' rings.,-Nea"r-s1iht aud oh'à tuc S lectxe- t - ,. 4 Ped Cruets, Butte3r-cooleri, sugar, lk bewls traiyo, Hi. oJ3RE~~ &c.8-day anil -bu ob the bot 7 Iwkess~1H Cd and 'examinegedan J A IYIE5 NSTON," T? k Street, Whiy, Wâpt. 22, 200Pqk0ý5- .kr~!fMÂlR le on hand- at theïr j ' iTailorig.EstaIishmeIt, ýtd1 than nouai, emibracing ail the newest 3i w(Timmiligo sfor Goent1emafls Clothing, ilsifLuGi . luy areci vposition to do it ,n~~~ ~~ o.-r th.ltau 1t' unoi ou knowest thiat whei Tis warning'o biard1 binîe Mary girl! Pray, A,6.d let us have some ANS, ORGANSJ O M RIQI bGANS AT AAI C.ocs-heple 1Reg4latoio indicatiùý $5.OO; other khind ý TýHÉ'EXCELSion >,V;li tached, tho neatoàttpi, should b iho iàoý Organ, COCkB, cash. llopair ing i,ý 25 yeaz'8 oxpenoOnco ~hty y26, 1875, 'To an ô. Qive noves been like thees weund uip, WOALI4S '01l Counatry Tee, and Sugar Stose, Dundes M, ~WLL PYte subsekibe for your Magazines and -NK'éwu- pape a: diobertson'-8, for 'the o ye.ril eceive thezu with proDjiaIýs and ciespateli.' IT,\-V LL PAY teo if4er your niscelaneos Beok, News- -Pp tisie, &o., at tolierson's, hecause you. re1r will b. ITýWILTÀ PAY te patronige Robertsou, fer BibM, Tests- men4;tI$ýjI ùxand Prayse ]Books. IHo hutbî d.ay receiveda qew stoc4 iiail these linew. IT 'WILL PAY the badiis te inispect Rebertson's stock cf fancy a 1 nd ritial note papers ; because ho bits aonaething new, neat asi.d petty te shQd Aheza. rr.'-îî4o PAY buso i mnutoe bny their BIaak Books, Note iad botter Papergeluvelepes andl other Office stationery froe,rioun beca. ho lias a large and foodstock of the FOit iSALEL liTsam'eud llo 1. oils t prices. :'Ths wee O zaPe os u1 Osa' E~APN R frsh'osci f statiofloqis _ elLmeflNpenigT sa, Seý$t 7th, 1875. IT wb1ý,LPAY ScholTrstoes, Teaohers and ppls &;r on ii tiser sGiAi large3 >o nin Tuesdof :vh15t aooostIchls'olvààtRoer150t. Ie asa ul WDo bnd. tietuolA)etso CHSPn vrb( 2d , Nov. 1Sth t nil 2 th Thenbveais ubnd a good supply of Watche«, Cleck Fb tto rl2 h. IT'1VWbLT-gublicte viit Robert Jewller, ilvr-O antd Fancy Goodo, Sterescopes t 'th. , ,APrJI 21s t ' ne2t. o ehaas alwaya g gmo ne in theltraywy SViows, Teleocopss.Micxscepes a 0Cmuscoe8 Olways ' gie e nfbrtaatio4 1in regard teany book published. - 'Ail sepsirs ne'tly and pscomptlltede e resm epete Staff of Toachiers. TuMi. lTorrngton cont.nues res ptf ueh.iteYadpcpyatdt.Oder bege MoMuse Dpartînent. Beaâbritble oharges for - ty ue ,>5-or Calenduirs, a(dsEo fo rer - . B t5 Taste the pud i$4 fo£ 7yoUIAIX5 iat _____________________________________ 1EV.J. b 5XO )WCITt M. .-1, < er, ini tho eai'gof it. 4 rinSpalJ. ROBERT' ~ Wbiy, Jlyi14th,lOll. Or a . J87hi A, o l'ti* Atteoérdealer u a 'ncy G 4 uSp Do W HITBY _ _ __ __ _ _ RMfJONFOUY01FE I A SM SITH & COIS. DOINOGG I td FE * VURE G'ýCAPE WINES!. '13UO '.o alu'x¶xtfoe kl li ersoil&. e13 nd haDu*1tyC Y I\ tARS ald PiDili, 13*lat Co., Ont. D.C ' For tî haPe8andb6 uyo Iiub clbae ie s iade fom atje juica'oftheobest SSBS. TOPJIs & IIEIWPOaT, 1 CLix on d othtr vrieties of xneteaI Grapes raiseel in tfde C'fintrY. Its invaluable. sA.ut r r eduction is beu- À. STONIC AND> .STRENG~THENING PROPERTIES Begs te announce that thiey bave ound 'nt firiatclass StelkofJ r Are unsarpasa by ii1-Yo0t1es -Native Wiiae. Being the pure -Fo~ou lo- juc fthe ga .#p,,dd drteroupersoual I 4 VI -Peas, Oat-r -ed, 11Y-' iont, its ority andbleauesa are guaarnteed. The yoen TOPaI ANDOP EN -- lu abýLx.ypalsa f 1tgenatoe ua altioeand! the wr1kt41"1 e.-ze4esio1. to îdrantage. It is particÉ]srby benleficîi FRSAEATI dc3L c ldo y.j A Wiae t e Jýou avaids te RusslSmth &Co*s, rti, *ye PUM GE)e Wia t oakxy eOf lino! t baoi.llbenet by its use. -ttq zZX ue flrJ LGJtas1eýft1 ha-iýaet lib. R parn o nc wî heSatness (,'Addeqpt4. i Whitbz Nam o5k .d i lhe p 1es O ;8TCàs ST(au SE1E TI.Eýl l(4cks is at Xerville's ; striling' Dflti'eil and 'brouttimine, oly aud look Ht thent.; -A Weork :Bw:t with Clock nt-' ýovoniet; thing ott-.no LadIy .50-be sure and oea theîn. Jeiveery, everyt, hif g 'oheap f&r (hes doue by a praoticl zman<ë lted. Wiiinson'a Biok :ht Day Glock. [rople, look alive, Ceule ancient, CloIý 1)eseevcB P.fnotice, WhUie thuis thon st l1:elug the course Long have 1înarkied h , .nd listeneul te thy t Aild ero I'd let thee lea'vI 4,d part with every të Il v often froîn thy ce-ný East thou looked forth 'yýjen sitting i14nîy elboi aking iny toait and ~ I n'ays have My eveuiný As5 o'olock thou calid I more delighted de I Since I have deait at ' --If- 1 WART. 1. -1

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