pEOF 10410 tou T i y theor oild kal1~ rfuily.IO due b c plie e 141er i ilif Inn)] akei £ m*t, Sm bitice, wi acd oiel pu.y more ait Lin bact er ýà id liocemi enieelia ùr, mad ofsi rkuee, audiwo lur-reti ycll ei,,e hec e;ocat c a rcc e va maîoiic, i, trancipsroit inndexcccilcgIy seniive uc n délicate ettalit, ; L thteyge acc cweoti, inexpreccibiy cuggective ileid eeuttfei. And, -gel Iceke t hI ialbotiro, in cil thié pridiind poffespeccon or [reaIh occeec.a ien, I Jan) a feeling of Bceui for, tlie moidern pontc ecice39 $c oncntniy cond igltiy the tiyeebOI of firo and fitene. ', er. *alY, iy Umac1 Ecycelf 1lied manie nr imigint lieacle, bumake cf ecmIn yole, appearet inlAUci bbc aîneca and iecii6lni. Wlceie one getsca scon,,e ofiaufficey l h bin uthoe pronorcef the colrai oic jeel, fic isatoielie te remeicher.that)a sketch frcm natifs c ever Iolc o cepoeri y as il dees un lice eccel ejpccsilc the lcid. scape, 011mb cothee hi.JoIilin hi,, anti> hceg il uo;em Oiwllce DÉynar ifeIleT tetiin..or. iiihbotter. taie. e keçln kW, ich >oc teCity, can) a Caruc freenthucie ceorne te o aUlwit il ier.-Scritnerr fo Tic. feleowing cicr3ein tld of c Ynkee aptatn cn) bicgcmatis: Winecnver (licr. Wce apiuplu pmddùmpiue, by bbc cap. line 3ortiero, ailiche plume ecre pnti mb occ Sud cf it, tcn4 Ibat ed plcced oell-e> thce captain, whca afer helping Jiencef, d1 le i»te th nic ts wb never lancia iAs0 iciccci bi .BartOfii-W.1c . aimagr.ngthinccenac stin.. anc bar plnuti ,irihnled boeterI." 2Bc~eIe~ nOtOf Yer3r n ac lie ag, ; "Goi ncn,e Iacct ant i Tic. Yry aiguc6fl h cieeierï, wvicchle f -n lice ionr "tabcof wiadcw.cli cnetpaIc ciies Iamce.atglvcn r.e& o ccer icopa wth Ua.bat wrememneamcng tic. OUI o neuV5yexplansaton Vas icat George Belwya, wicc freqaecly e lisce coUooi.îné o~ cw Antilqnreu atiky ble du4icpserwby ti an &tppro>printe anibiectfor - Jc«cc.aiouale, a ccln)uc MP I hs ut ieon)tcM t gxaddubiSte lislacti of B wco cvcecz.tc4by Davointba woa torgicbb.chand l m ol evcea. od an livèn tier. Fie.y Frepncraueol.wam W&M ce cd f te deetowcicn acFran~eoiciccc p 27,00 ecre area 008>1:b.Ieh pelp Charee 1 f Ic pu5 tic I a ol.Ru ___9c. lace Ocea aaeclr ticla m.iiley ruai.0 STOCK. cee", sCa"e wcibg acitec an Jdh~ee ORN nLow. PO-- t'e A liU luvceteceîit. B, MÀTiInlN, inucloete thy. Jcc. 101h, i Ceonibirta . Kg .. cOrde me- UnCe N linec. 1n0 .ineecein;eccii Wet te ClateIiL, lu fore conute te ceg eornei 9tPANY. Domcinion. vont fouewwtii 'MOSI1 e ýNWS 1 'ccburji<c Xthe f*eRt Pmc u ic,, u .eile, .jne e l. hec ei- ti Iocccne nf but a iccco le, TERMS CF USR I, ,c ONE Tce, . ce P roe. 4 IVi1yNuleecjb Oecà. (Y' - Ccaee 1noecciq ne v.(w lc cee i.eaceÂccnu ceouu, cn a «Lutoen cec e e nasc. 'hae )n M cc rero t wit IeOece uodee tho c Yni. a boo a ith, tcme f oIcli gy tu c ii ey x e e T eI Si IClu hy &c m grcW,., hi. i ro Pc.f' ichnpit ION mut iy l e eo clpe e a psa 't"',duic làeieoiam cabec00 Lcoî, Co eijeiunut. ip orcl nt. , AGENOU eo«.B Cueeraion Liff o hciatioùn Ileeinc Posti ed d Acc nita made out. S5ea ateto lonotl* Aneccet, c0iii lieebto« . '11 o oo B. a.a-Oc mt 10 . Dadccagc lVfhe. 5c.e, n ,i 4u Cash!1 Cashl Cash!l ker,)eaig, Oats, RN an Shiwa, R(uo Vàtr, - 4 c. , 4Ci CrOODS, GROCÉRlES, )N Y lW',N¶ED. 310k, Bfrook LSt. NhI, A1i ,18 I I~' nienetyacili ce. nîc±reencicj lce. I Or ieeo.iccetL I eve yranid stàeotcoPic views, ii pr p ion Kmi Ansni hoV co selet nof li t erfitore, Magazines, P irihle Caind examniieo oui'Stocke ~.c Whitjoy, Sept. 17, 1874. 46 c..Ont bYGOCEY- STOR'E p The unàdersignè d begs Vo announc I t h naiato htyadoronigdsrc;ta BROOK ST0, YEHITBY, A new -Grocery and Provision Store Wliere ho inteuds te keep erytlnng in the âne. Re ]hop es from pagt experience il the Trade, andbýy strict attention teo business, te menit a shai of-puplic patronage. in Z: -Cas paid for Butter and Farmers.' 1roduce. Teas speoiality A eaui l respectfiily solicited. O4Feliowc' DBuidings, Organs -and :A 24 ýdeon 'Organ s.- angiî0 cte. theecoh. fi mb-e, igieLic pleA j Q ONEaclco1 "Imilbtrou. lrXIVATE ThaDgtrgba 1,r e, I OlnrPeviacedQoîcc. nhee laand enifclcc entai Botti-Large Bot- Icot ecebetI ecba Wa O heue, c&oedy. At ibû ________________ber symiocs weqcc eofn)cl cHili? [N liedtkeno» Imcjeeevthe wu$4 teeo ti at rte. oid rTB B Y. *ce o cdèyàpubi. he *10aci he,.,imiarlycttencti. eibaihot h.eé.ceui c dJan. 7, '70. 1a]kid ;khmcU. 79 , KING 1 CnOnÂGE Alil)TEAiL TORONI nitý lleeonU Sey M t, Ud N o.I.wwi.t1nuM Z L P it -onsth ab01,Acoieii M R I < itlded, ilTocT"to. AnPit 1ti,e1 butn tetwccýty ,4èree goi csin hceee.ersedVite arc findCoel, t utiî=&slae OTOQIOAN. iii at* SAD DL' O Ai~ 1. tir Wbillby AFmi i Teuth E. h eIn er tee. '-i Lialiebel ayla Roca o... MLUR. PATJENTS Fua 1 .adcoi apý. . theacl" iciopc.dccF cc '0Ü e eh, b»boi hy. -ac.t- ow ctcas Itcitifrcc l ,c5 eaiu. elctec Egec TOUtiCBoe, G E ORGE Ci *ccenhicct,£ybiaccicol. RENT I MQmrnlnacni arpe GRiEN Silie e ~ STtier ~ A la goecsmneaycf mt& @"A PAc,e c cwasscocm Latin)jack for cceviocg Bccltiocg, M'tay s. Iois, ocrem 5 re.r fLulie 0118, Ir V.seja 'Luccerc ao',e'à 'LLè Mtt4ge & Yarwo< Manufacture the Cel"iated ecial notice 1e alled te the MJowv' Klyl 5.,i iWalincase, $140; in ReceautCi 15, ine Wahnml eue, S150; in Bcomat e ~'7, in Ileconani case, $175 ;i saine case,> C ,in -P«ecnant nase, 8190, in caine caee, tToc otc i. h - IR THE 1PIJIR 4 Whouc ocêitSi e t bcOo*.chi4 F.,, ai Cal c Uceuh*Ç--pu mm Z m::t w ia ~weh clbesd cié TRNKTY VAL8EN J KING 13R OS0' Uppe. volt 'LEA TIIEnR AI.SUPI susîCALPSKiIOO. DCeocl "M&3, wbitky JIa.e18711 V ou ~reu TEE- WHEI<TREE LL EIiOs~ MR. DAVID BROWN, 1Towc cf Wliltbv, fhal 1c@ -lev prcoar Good MKhz In um Ln"is.laait pumaebemu A- e 1o usiba i heTseendgS,Uy]acti,, e 1~ K':'g Com' cau Organ. les snd prices. Lh carvingir $160. t carvi.ege, $170. Al mnade of Black Walrîut pannelled, with revolvin~g or sIîdirýg Lockboardï, containing ah the latest irnprovoeeits, iteatly ahd elegantly finislned according to piice.. AIsa YAilWOOD'S MELODEON OGA. i andsome0 Rosewood Piano Cases, highly'polished. StvIe 4 $150;,Style- 6 $175; Style 8 82M0. These Melodeon Orgaus, ]Patented 1878, axe manufeoturea soJely by 1W; and id e oly be *locured frox» as and eut Agent'. Trade niirks and cases llegistered for Ou.r sole use. Ail Instrumentts. *axranted for Five years. FRED MUDOP4, MAÂQU 'Wiciby, Dec. 12, 1874. J 11 % NS TO NT'S, * Ralkin op PIiIST PRIZC AT Provincial Exhbition 't1 r HAM I sie botte in C171eY ImZf* l a n ee. d bamet cait sreo oWc.ct te. public. eoffer t(oaur cusioîners for tuhec mieaceao, Wb"tcl, icc"Y!$end emacccrpco.D, some.&o f athe b Th. uniiuersal succeus of t1ils M tme tWcaitelbana o el.ou.Parmcrcwi ggRpi. FMaobiu, iha- aucre gond peinte L'miamaaed a"cfiilcira, liai a**ya"Parh01 OAY-UGA J-UNI jwere wailed the. Firat Pzj-re ta EziIbitieo, eld n ta ?ec5cU70. fl ca m o1 r ails a m I i e .; lm " i bEem mt%~ & la . aîmar fer 871, .ill tbe Fto WeI 4PATT~ERSON Don'nfiltoge 'G. Wu alwayson band, et all tinis, ept. 17, 1874. 26 .WM. I BOOT ANDO 8HOF EMPORIUM1 T3ROGR STRtEET, WHITBY, jO0H N SA UN DE RS Largest Stock, Lrettt Vrity sizs i, FimeaabL e td. punettally tttonded te. 1Ropaim neatly don..1 tby, May 27,1875. PU A 8 0S TH-E SIGN 0F THE] IIAMMOTH CHAIR, J.~ ~~ IlESAJ1'S -PSTAAN. -Also: aFiràt-Class Ilearse. Funerai, altended to on Short Notice. TILL 4JOIVSON~ bille7, Ootober 9tie, 1873. 49 rCertes, GraceçrLtes., COFFEES, SUGARS, rEAS, a4n ail kinds of Family Groceries, cheapertban ever', At LWSHOUCIÇS fNEW STAND, SQUrTlOF-IJE ÇONTARIO BANK. l-PLEA$JE CALL AND EXAMIlNE ! . Cash paid for, wheat, barley, oats, peas, cbutter, &~o. lleinernber the stanid, Wailao&s Block, South cf the Ontario September 17th, 1874. PRIUNO CLOTHINC. IÛor chegp, and stylish Suits, <38iU aV Who lias just received a large sud choie. Stock of Suita&be for thie SpriEg Trade, splendid value. -s and CaPs, 1latest styles, cheocpc Gents FurÙàin inafl t>..latest uovlisof-the 1 u $~II ~lr -J 4~ Cia;