Whitby Gazette, 21 Oct 1875, p. 3

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Wll. JOIE STON. Whtlby, Oct. 1711, 1875. Co etts..., JUly 551h, 1s75. ; ASTOIICZEC CiltreUNT on Aesrlese In- Veiceisjifeel i.ie,,li pe qst. JAMES JCC7t STeN, 50 osrfCcis STIMIS2STMeIER. b, corniete inl& it NY RED ANIS MilITr. STEEI caeseotine My A pnin II u.tle.e tin., WhisI ., Bain-tisse dyini Aillinos 0f PaenuOPîe 8. ale cclis5ýv. rpcce JAMES CAMERsE. Wbitiey Cet. 6, 1875. 4 HEIFERS STRAYED. sTIIAYEC Im i e 1, pecsese fcitise i ls- sgsiCtîcs cl M jor, ose-orsb i t tihe 2;1, ofc ta te udtý send wl] ",sevalp yse ls RSS E V M~O55TUAL â SLE i1 e~le1 N T el"by gices tbt it ieder teel S etc Isu er ceres if sale U4 in t t A N D 11s,1 1 lce et -.t ypbte~et t5i. iltite eeessefXistby.e.1 Alli fll~L ~, Satsrdity, thse 61h lday of Novemnber, Attbie~~ ~~ese Aiee .teieeet5, 5eit 5Vetcssecceti.e555iic5tets'eer, t Ithse pit u0 "ti 1sl0*sett Il t ee 1tW e civse se tLe t INStac madteti to'nhec hcicec. LTiser I,, Ine cliant Il t ti li st. ceibos itoseanseîedeeiOnester Fce tere Io d iteete tie 11Icc te e tpl ia netEq,'yetsb,ert A C. M ,onciIl-XI 01 weededlitsfilere. In citby A )itis, (Se1 ý 1ý1tSI, 1 do5. 45ti, YO THS~'SWC] is~cetecs ce7i BOYS ForTtermee an irt eer teidte psy cepecte cD ilSNem icit VitN. tmbr ha Krk is ffr- Ptittgy, Ot. t, 187 .-t TRAbEeselotoetheec1iltiecl Ote l tie Y O U Teee.Is s .I. st SteNo. Oets15. 5 i am arko nue Caer.tt - 0kth e. ,.yit he c w iqWt th5Y 2Peu ic ltOliEltTie Otr4,1875. 4 CttcetWstty ttl, K'cty-sisU deel ea. . Is3--T 0T POISTltE Bek ee tIll nI 'ac l atl one de u. Ceeus8 nieeSt. it ss tece" D ain s tl e eC T WisC,J5 Sept-. tt. 154 ofRUBBERSll Oilril Qof fla ýQl I. ,gimi 01ubberstet 4 ts.ouerTZ î bIsPertetcý I ei ei .C ' l. esssssc,,edhel5' fi 1 AiG1 Eesi VOISese e soellera 5,tin Lels A ssotctionet s- y 1ecs-e'.' O7er-hOeS, NEXT WINTERS STOC$. Ov SOvershoseTeAue, JIN OO over-!testo.i s JOHN' B107e. per p.air. JNSOLVENT TO - ME Rome] pair. B.enmber that Kirk repaira FRFEE 0F CHARGE. ce- IIR. Whitby, OokL 21, 187b. il ie tiser otf ~c r,-HS C. MPH4<t- esisA teee tiis sth dY -se Jsý AMES C- lr*wwoe jibOi atB j9 The Place- M.0Buyw. For Concert-inas, go t obetons A. 110w stock opencd titis iyeek. For Violins,',go tà o 'tsofl'à. The ~ beetand chapeet too , tie Conty to lbc f4und there. besi -ne ---tpststo 'i F.or Flutes,, AcoordeOnflý RarUml.- censi &., go to Bobertsons.m Jt MIN Alpo a larf o 0 'o tSH, AMEJMOCAN, ,AN\D SWISS WATOHS 1 ad Silo-cm Cases, Ladies and Gonts s-izes. tock of Joeliry, Silver-waro and, Fancy Qoo clways on hand. For sheet or haif dinIe]\lusicin- instruaction ]3ookm, for Piano, Organ, Vi6li-Plite &. go to RoetoVsA large stock of musical ' rhs f ailkddson' han' ' tht ToQr' Bibles, Prayer bôoks, Hymnn c.Booiks, go to ]oboatson's. A splendid sto k. For blank book, noto akh& lettert Papers, Ea'volopes, and ohrofies0tQ0r oto Robert- son's. Goods soldeat City prics For Sohool Book3, IHigh, and Com- mon Sôchool Text Books, go to.lobcatson's. Foi, promnptness' aidpunotuality hi the fulfllhnont of ondors for xnimsc4anons, books, miýsic, &c., go to Robertson's. J. S ROBERTSON, Booksoller & Stationer, deaer in Fansy Code, Srock St., Dengouglie OlsI Stand. COLDSM !TH'S HALLI NO TED FOR REL14BLE GOODS I Stock now complote, and selectine, anîd importieig my own goods, cen offer superior induconsiets te cash customners. ELGIN WATCH1ES..ý The aho Goeds sold Cheap for cash, eat TAYLOR ê& BARNAJW'S1 PiciesVtcmre&'JeW fee, Wl.t Waltham Watches. Russeil Watche. Noxt door Gros Mc;cNachten, Hardware Merchisnts. 1old and silver, Ladies' oisds»Gonts', dd9ot6nt gradesandII 'rices. Vory fine gold chains, ýplûndidassort1iaent fe- rc "Arte- trigitt ol etsLochets,. gem 1Rings i&c. , Sweddîng rings. Near-sight and offetierS etace~d platod Cruetoi Buttêr-coolers, suger Pywl,$ees ~~ .~~ - Toast-racks, &c. 8-day and M- Osyti.bt C ii ~ LE*1 lU k' makers. Oel anad examine go pre. 'AMES JOHNSTO)N. sPIIAOTIOAL WATOUMÂXER. Breok Street, WbitlsJ, lePt. 22,1875. 30 doz Glass Lamps, al ize LARGE CSSLAMwita.. Stiadents Shade, 1A O NTARIO LADIE S' COLLEGE.- BRONZE MPS, wsith Students' Shades,- 2.15. PULLEY I LL LAMIiS complote for - 4.0JD. 1 hsave tlis eapest' and hest assortment of amups W'hithy. Cil d examine tho stock aed prices. ----- - ,Re-openiflg Tiiesday, Sept 7th, 1875. )S lst Term Sept. 7th to Nov. l5th. I 0, 2nd , Nov. 1oth toeFeb. 7h III ve on hadaShi rd , Feb. 84h to April2Oh 4th , April ý1st to June 29th. Merchaný Tai/crin Establishmen A complote Staff of 'Teachr..i. Torriii-ton continues J j ciarg MîsieReas oale chargesfo A munit limner Stock then usuel, emhracing ail tho uewe~ Boardi and Educetion. Buildinlgs ai-d Groids unequelled. styleg-of Clotits and Titninings for Geutlemaui's Cititiag,, For Calendars, eddresa ed et thèy are giving their witolo attention to the UPlV. J, E SÂNDERSON, M. A. os ernor, lUîj Oçedeeceee 1~w~ eposition to do it Or tca.f I.E B. A., Principal. bot th fan ever, the Hat' and Gents' P'urnish- Wy,ùl14,185î>7 ig b11s1fess heitsg carried on for the present ini ths samo shop by MR. H. MoBIEN. A. PRINGLE. F in. ~ ee. Ji. R. PRIN(îLB. - - --- ORGA. A GO< CÉocKs.--mThe plac Reguletorsindicatin' $500; oter lind THE Exc)ELscoas . tached, the'nea.test, shouid lie yithout oi OrganS, Clocha,' cash. Ilopairirig ini 25 years oxjeirice 'ltoyMn Q185 Coino ancient Clook4IJ Desorves 2, notice e3 Whilo thus thon staxisl tu~cXic Le r ooisue{to Long have I nrked tht And lîstened te thy t: And ero I'd let thec leai I 'd part with evcry st ýANS, 0ORGANS Y 0)F AIIERICAN ORGANS AT, SEE THE M l Clocks le at Norv'ilio's. strikinÉ mohîtreai and Torofnto tine, on.ly lail asi look eit thmn., .-A Werkz Box with Clock et- bcoilvenlient, thing, oi-no Lady $3.5O-be sure and 460 thesu. Jewelery, everyth *nÏg ch.p o nche.s deno by a practical mn Of anted. .gtDay Olook. Uhy form antiquo, ýs frein weok to 'week, y broa&ld(falce, ick. ve his plae~, ick., IIow ofton frein thy corneor thero, Hast thon looh-cd forth on me, Wlien sittieg in my elbow chair, Taking my toast aend, Tes. 1always have ny cveuing mcal, Aa 5 o'clock thon celis, Bus more delighted do I <eel, iceI have deait et Woodall's. 'li oukno'west that 'shen. thon warnOst, rohis warning'8 heard frorn me, 'ore 1Mrygir! Pey10k cve woo: fitreet, '~ codail who sous so choice a cup, And won such wide renown, ivo nover heen liko thee wound up, Nor yet liko thoo mni do'wn. ,ALL'S Old Country Tee sSugar ýVitby. Store, Dundas LA IN G& STEWART Weuid beg beave to 'oeil tise attention- of the. pub- lic generally, andtheir cuistemers inx perticiear, to the feot that they hiave uow rceived a firet class stock of Gooda, suitable for al lesses et very roasonab le prices. 0'ssieg in e groat mes- sure to the depresseci state of the European Markets, goods enu h ousglit et low prices and we have beex able to iake our purcitases on very favorable terms, and inetnd to give ur customers the bonefit of tise articles. Our TAILORING DEPARTMENT, no weli known for good substantiai articles, is now ro- plete with ail the newest mnd fashionabie tweeds, coatiegs andl vestimga, os ai.se Gents Furnishings Department, frotm which se excellent selection euho made, as it embraccis the latesti articles in thte trade good, and as regards t-e uateric, styl, finish, &o.. thev only-roeire te be ceOsa to bei! desired. - sôme -bfthe ricliest articles evor breught intcà "t Wtby) Sept. 9th, 1875. flfliiAifÂIP ( POU f FF! 87TORE. -'The Oshawa Stove Maiig9 (ompaaiy vv , wr e.e.- * TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE FOR TH-EIR STOVES, s< - t Haaving been tested by expericei sv given "ltip top" eatiefaction. '%Ve saisI e large number last sea c ld haves lsiî arrenged witlite For 'the Ckeapest ans i lest quality of Flour and Feei.. Comapany for titis »seaona epply. MESSRS. TOMS & NŽEWPORT, --- 'We have also Armstrong'e Cost1,ins1 Stoyves, Iron Duke, A setii srther rci"n tise 18 being macle in the 1ciiceU Begs to ennonece thet they have on hand a first-class Stock of ÂmtegIoePre Sceu c 5 esl1 1 Takes gond edvce andhbuycsno.' Flour, Corn, Çbop-feed, B aiS ot TOP /A ND)OPEN BUGGIES, So And ony Piu5S <oIoeiied I Peas, Oat-meal, &a., &P, by«fdworkmen. FOR SALE AT REASONABIE PRICES. ýý il. .DÂirOTS, wholesale "'Id TOtla ,cotttntiy kept on ih-»di, Cnsomere requiring Stoves are hiýYindYIvited to cail asnd chtýap for cash, et the. ue ine or toê , ndtpIs aI Cicr 51500 ji.tlwa- Store, Brook Street, Wleitiy. Plaee8Cruse, Butter Cooiem Card 1- ssver% Preeevu 1>1m., &c., )>jiJ3 E'o~ &F dStr, Real"dne tcitk neat-ness andi despatk. 13XL0. l WUU7s Dffl of~ U-k&Cepsertece VJibyittXva'u-u34, 1V.- wErrtBY. STOCK Wii L 1 A -1 -0- -1 : thoir 1 1 ST RECE.Xvz#

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