prà3pectul THEL rLO1'LE L.ALLI N'S, ]Brook Sti vhoro every description of O .A 11118., ýýiî7 OQT >oeO~OOl il !JI 1 j rfiscJOSEPHIUt 1 rfv~~k ae4roov 0 tu eue a 0.., 0AbetRA.Qtr -11ee lodoehoe. r e t 1oI~r og iL l b. om 9et. ntI rile.S T O ýbo ganneer ittii Mir. 5teriios~e, . fhDU a A,.ti î1 i- ,Cha bt 0t Il, f<;i gy l At t eh q~ o ~ o r rI rr - be a t iir L ra ' e h , aie nnISBT O 3liO UE hoetu. t.rOé, l urthiliit Ilffr n.f 1 'À 'lni t tteu.. s .,Oa.ia(a-0heiedei. t Ioith o bCbIep .t (i uoi4 C nro Tlro .Er A tto lit th I re e o ut sial, ae5ltft S Ih. i bropand uete'. Oit qet'"' FO -Il f ton 0.IutsaItieruy5ai1oetUtarO.14ofilet leur. 1 ete ~ecs îo go.~rb dbeo-Jyo Tet-eith -ne1~r ~~ oi, ;i t.,pr tier lutsL.etPe ds ~ ~ 1 fer ýot IIgW-t m Oeteeet brgh ,vtbonetrleot Ah)Jilins Dtttr Ia tc lr a e ti n s drct i'c am-, 1e eo-iarT 1 t fil-eSuyeo tJu " eOu., i ys Pr isca nerd. nto.teUr tur3,g aoIlit bo oltUioeethertù. hi. mrsoim l tohc lbr ~î t e'! - c S ld rWsr, uequlved lu tl, s. it R n shane t'go be taoeote toooU roe P. _ortorOte.p- ,,.I*~u t~ lie hee 'V 1"e , ilenir or. t.aFt ur e ille9 forràt Aý, 1. l ru dst ck., 01 rbtea, .I h oStt e C ni,etrr .du W.etat , geroi)cîtorLeaioro al'on tri SaillbiroLait ei O1f .o ' 04 - ~ le rttlttotf-t h. le Ryo i[rbeo, it 'te 20 erte, , tr ooc x s, R ingsrou -sion. li Git ne I o I el Iits ttrhe. blieo t a voua ort rr 05,o Li;L r ,-rittbtt O iv e 0,orO-tedl,01 .a o na 33ooobOo gave fttr0.6ioobto Liaci loctioitcfsliglitsuiterat tu figtues, Papers tetean j ri nsotcrucetIMr. ot. 111, attention iiosd dir.îearb. Stetbwse 5t0r ore orYoee îrtro -e r ttoeetr Ol a a elrafr r iUll uer ae nbe cc ir tock. -mil Wh a or aere te V ijn ' 1, IllesotuoSselle, sait pr . . sprocs Il,0ie fOh.i W ib ,Spt 7 84 ,Iaobing ~g'a~ee4 it pi-te .o bL ,aS,,,"IO,..oooooo'14ot,1'oilttt Oregb.atbe fh t ILFt, . , Fac TO(à olz js cre ti(ila - eoocps chsej i.fier u, c-I o h uroai ot4itbM i0, lob O, 5 DO"Otf ttu- Cha eiio se oy-a t fro ir ead OCers TEItP!.li CI j j-m>-E)pt , j, IliiltOite10m l T q raoo o over2 e ar 1batle - i r liitia te St noielle t ei-aà Vu5p ea u ::.iituW 1' ilu ilthe -Il a-C B 'rh. ait ntdbteeeyefoeoMtcetae i~V 7 te Nwegot e l tebNut.go ry à F e~tîin p.e-i ï-I i,,i lte i.o s i hoc élcinoflgi ltr Chil 1, iee kutin 11; inbg. ud l ilk, - noe I-rtýN. 11 11Pl piv. P Os tit iiei sie foeir te e u bopl bfr ibt oatiie. l t 1h et3 oXtOooeceým. Prel i roilad 'atra e rfe ooi Écr.1te ran -,Wr alter a. 1 t-J. y,(11001 Boolis, F tei'fl3-,antersol iBibles,,oftotre.t. I ol il cii la wi charoi xlut geW 01 flPro sesortbboifer otorbee. uoar oC I :, go E 1. t e ce. 0e lo uïeerafti t fo~toierLo ejt lb." Oct e Ke1oe, CeO n E St le ond Veîai io' O O ua -otio lrain, (,flad.x iie rS ok tréi iedt bau R yî legn t Iofpo o at teeraoaoooiot oioi bt-oo-ot oi-tile. t-jt . î- 'l4 l 'y outJE ton. trîgli, lit oua-o os Io coor 10 b1brie atttiaet etItucao roo A .o0ybtý tiltPy.0eooiEoi, Ù aisate rai 'ra illpu rvide ous1, hie),lof lieuho'eurg Ail b.tB,; STOCKotu b' .ottOaOeOO laI e tierig T coca Qtljrae io- o5eattlireL fl itOr Q oth 0R9ALbE 7 A, le'rdrsge es ahuc JareIio n oao loon oi ut -rar iti g ta teot nîto e too rto0.or tr iti'o 'ratbetyt eo T heO-S titeignd alnitat iot o oe ' ~ L "e>I I'5 AL n '! ff I i v lt onà Sfo- tU ipololoo'rlot tcA trtbr. otal ft or a t c~rui Detoo tak betil'< . JI U p.IVI.IILn Iitottull -ie e ol r rtobjy Wio I t alioe d!t'ioiLiottlo otU -tTo t os1or ite reOntl in poRanatIl t i lnE o nbo lites- c eons cote c ld - Teleatiru. Ai-O e.suitiii. tloc ttpiciita 15o-cntciai 5l-a Sl1ien4-e- ÉliIfit-,et -- ooitort. l'o.' - I"ZtL E ch Ie orc DISw- 0&i y an .J r 1 11 ~ r tuf lotiraRere tlis terost 10ta ti b ris at, titliitO liti0otttttR c -orttt - ha atcatotto0Oo - W eo rn onetilutit i eottftiore, ecti ceelti.ilt thotW.-r010. litmottto rite.Dtaooliattriittrtattb010 't t oiat.e oniir i ol.Scorol, nrproeotoSiirou to9QîPERCEeT.l t0Oie ctitetintie.t ot ice-- - .rad sd str 'iCtbattnin te u s o en as itc re or tobte ttocrl i sucprent l 1o& - o lro pn 1I aofe 0S frot tt eetolgocrtt ctnttiro t. -pO IT ItELINO tiOMbl I IAInQueeeoi to trcCge a l t ii tathl-as re 0' Dsoiuohttqin cfe - ettieoe t rntn e Cooii ie tad - - Il- Il, lt T~ ~ ' sonne li . But-ranparna e reli i -o lorGors-ttuai Iîri oo hit e cillasj. c.cetaeetitoEruhTie e îoceeontCash fr Buttrlandorrm tpndude. TeaN :-0 ûdo ire -tl, -hi m lau ,j_ lnfaa.I alepotb.,tb o f t âteeeite, bih cte eo, ccocolitIlis repecfrl meooo o' 1 ès stand ien to ttoopl. lifts t reieo nd.itgtfer. t tl a o is ttcato 0t00000foulle ot-to rltotteeet n ' rttloo ed, 0I8 lia Assiot gnr h es, ot to 1irtctiti pie 0f O -a o I type a dd oiltoott . - the"t r i u lot - to- i e tSc0. 0 ott cr bSc 'Dr r trpetomi i to tank etb- 1. I'*I mo-o 't-o ooetioto],ear a letSObuel) tuiU b 0 ot o- lur o -ltci o o oc b lt roaotot beitqti hoat heeolie ffot c - Oii --bor'l3ilirs hatoo E On to.otOr. ~rici0025 sie llooto bel, uBit e Ie ttc-l caat, 1, l ool c oOltf S n o dtoottuf oCcltat e r tehtc e ota , ttott iitg It , ryL !tp0 l14 1' N W24IG S tAli oosii ternldc,r t te lolec itoCl i en eitrl otteo. -I - otttbu i co i, e Ilt u olto rcte o e r ii e fS.Bocohrtr octooiayt iho p tons o o.l i e o r ulrooe o ll nud,- c-oc, i tteSro' ut t e u- l uttI. cbn Oott tt ittoottei h e oetosir ore e ect l ot I otati <t laiul 1,--- ne tottoeoeoereuotteOtfl 01.,bo tonoe gatuf e-IS A" bOME oI Otittetêntosofottt- nd etr lOenfilt fomioiectciit eo.etittbelootji.te t e Il. oott ietoooIuholO t gt rdlo ttttO eP riteieetohileeaS tdoreenU - . - tut od tntatithe ey ot coteea'- JUitetDÛ oonl.ebn- - -187 -74- Al IIv t ei4 mle i tYuj oott- tfo atttr.l- oolitthaNt -cuuAoahro lry a iP thé lafier exettion t ta iip Pote102el. Ttt- od booen t i toti tile O l otegitoort- Ste- eesta ieehed ge i tEantitte botulite,>. lieu'petbeittfitaeeo ttreod Cico'.. ' lieAprl. .D 180- -o tîen i ttniie s aa t e t;rero uityt (0- lnt fr onProb ut- 'ta rbo,. ndufu cescIc -Lord LgUoa,-.o ~ ~ . lit7. Mortit ilt'- l ith Le T r te5ff,oI~ST,'OefleA Z i iemr,,anir oid b en n.t scn 11 lE0' --et b. eabennetulot W 'Vt it ) WI nbn .tI J i s nJli 2t, 87. r Iietn tet he st,.1fi e hertis fr m a aidy te Cnfrdo cal' o oid e-- loi . 'ilrfffo, ad , strit.atentin togbus lbseOelt.a ilur li-rci i i- ttnin;D'olfJ 0 I V Y1l0CT13,0 üokxI.ý t aâI e b i es, eooieluce tet. ls e rne f I se11ei les aa oodite tob" toz ntoh, Cao fornei-of1 '1piptrna e ____t____ trltetaaConstantinople tel itiog tf iit ltI vepee lie eO t't '-. - - 0 - an11 $-e - J. Q.o ety., .- bececandititteti -ste.' ote - O' 1 gtubf fcront ypuitoi clle tan it p'tort. THE DixNBsU 1 NEWSio li~ts;ca lt bVc eyes pidl5 ehtensaie itai I pli it A ca sre etf mtuiotit ef 7lte ppylim, e ntOf tarRec.'- I EIlo If 'inMeucie ct flecehauh t oitig e p. rvet lly So1- 'tlv -eete i4,o gratrteaunr lias frte ie c iny rpo*M efrhe Vifnt of f tto e C l atd tne~ Dat.- 11-i -- -'tehoefreinb_ au chilixr tdiIneesoine oes", Malgiit c oto- ototiofceNorthumberlaaendotcur - i'- L ou Utteote AtotooadtColectin e th.e c t oloiet -i lfleu e iorre finoo aue -o7 n lorattCse 1 8 ii a oetc.ratir g î Kiip - l îtocotkotoet letule Woctl,. altuo 1Lelta rlto oy u 811. lidot. Alt tade cfBu),ck Walnutpattueled, wth r ing orpidin tet e r ,ýït En t arjr go'ndett a c oro teoel tati , l aoet )l cuet. uiterr - i ALI sEr0roîNs-i oJiO 1 nT o. dt Flltub -bol1fogre t t jl tt." ect o ali ai hotao Betlibecn noandI.b litiob lInt, ta.UrôIilboarde, cnutaimng latebfscalbfeuiletaepru ents neatîs-a bu 'tOto totupoai - trt lieei'e - aI5iaOSD ,LA onESAhlatotectoJý%,lt o B tç' . tO ue M IL, ndIc e Vai »ou> imedL 1 d lgatyfneedacrig opie Ibeng. q~s- el ItMorat as eted ten oj se'.oc[te anietbtototter.. o' tottttotoo- caleaO ioal torei Oct iis atrie t i ie i o oeruo5et ' totas1'on, libo ot pee e to i he tittoasiotoel î 0-t-i h#bout o AlsothAfile@,tSWhou, tEON CvAm tttttt. t Ionoldbyîillroegbeteceeycltaco roatoo -, t oirttet odi. tye o$ O:Stle $7aimel.B 2(1 9V 04tp. i - "Y ý!e 0 elle, soe- - -cacuyb pocrcRtm isIRees Yt -RM3 W1a ir teOc fa t iae.o11,, litohoedoj.oooil < c e sdttboeeIieerl S'etoot rbo tco treheaiaie meAlE]) M E, 1LeeOth itsn tat curOooOr ltrttittautPtIriO y abe. SCoutt 19 t b. m.yl rt oeeotIl , ty b i A D 170 TooQuril -Tsbe;fiebiuingrel<tot5 e. e -ot a."+ e adclb. atltesittlrinfliVu jt r cloing u cmi ete, OnAa)rioL f I . C t~,ZJt rot-tiihetelitevtIte hotes -oglel liCureltni yoten puvoel i - ' nrsrsnr heCMPOd NreSI îAT p. EIOD5 TO LI N. aCt nu Lr. si"c. Away and toitieieottk l ouu.t I1ebou et, oU. (lîapptte 5V/eu, ea , <>'tr ,,et 1 - - FAblt,. Tb.DLIoST IHf Aýu.IlE A BI.1O 11 S T O N ' etruocîëledW &t. lleoce taltcoet..a -'t looe à.iia)"e o to ty as ino le op t e ru-orl aifau5 lStthtMe ttretst. C eloesotecsna 'Throolloiait lb Ati Élie itait D Y GOQU , GROC RIESill"ohFi fies. el. heresiRoueicbetetttna Ct. ; 'i bridgeof riu is fn al; erasse herr. Ai e Lnî fu. aicYTt-too Itl let dt.A'bile - - -2 eluiboron, ia a ilieullittg Lecareps-nspib WhlOtp. t bea theLÂLI. -t$40 gs- os, y it uit oteoanlicoud . i i - J. W'OSTE.IPTH JsPZN.Belin a tItlgaollon nuecel, Laci aflicctbu - e lliqtaIL u i ey lnn ft o ft heWcLhappy lt-Itinte or ofnpsmag5r tPeo atsacn ss î:- 11 TI LS ctIetlc ouleY . 5 a Y etty n ottb on ne fr h e b I As-s-1~ aui'aCHAln WEeT.AiIEthéacte -i lir a sIe 0cr - t 50..e boy, ttttOo gtithp eongit. "'tra> 0 q - be lteebeet'î6le e oc the QteaoOeoertstyle- andtete ce e , iWod 'lt pç4lab t leo t rlacer 501fB 8Ille ;a mpope Ilati, GAisey1ty00?A LTae5 i o ni ase.,or0150bceiins-ota o îe e ith urict twn$ dis- Tu. a cs doaiîtenrtt o Ph ' btbrMe-a 1.1 - - 13 c Let7i , n eoir case,$15;f nbnfsers. %i e - caitotliîtoler(e tarcai ie 'yMNT lOts STI - 79,_ KI.fettt 0, iM~ net ccenan ttcas ed0 ; nîsane cae, suis'th r nt SI sat200f. ap i n u s ! Eet e cgî o tpepool i Le grelott es ,utefl jaIlleeeitttt--p A ND TCoEtiAX. OtPtih C Lan .~h Itto -tboel o-tttot oi TartC 1SeW ?ta td UTertetese CheL. A4-atilutootlackcdt 1e. Psnenfogoar.n- lUtorh)idîn "Iant iffirLicenes àbrui e4a îles lot o iy - eat teapis ba ee oir, -teti tt0 b ,.eeiS t 1j oI I G 1? L & r R . 0-tortlâcheso &Ib.0ont-m- a-'anlethe 0,. -t- olifor gaCres" oBo] he ae ._. c t m 0biais eate boardscic .iiteâf p o'eneSeend t. . theo oAcnect 0cr05 A'5 ' 120'ADIErScHIteut14 siL setM" île ods a'cior m ea Pl muU ItalR tseoSef AUorur srt Jitu, t 1a ty f Mcineiltt er oU itaa e dftcemdas otie de tempoltil ________i- oVHENSinter-Ian depen i-nothe lieur andd toeeof>nR butr .ar W.k -rC@ft ltlle-îr.calblbe. lu169 a brtre etry griI>s1trtOOeti tPM t o E .T l Po lar es irad1laue N ap oita o - ooit Aa ndb t h@ .acie[ Fo o IIirt. OOt irrte oi0I* o t Os oî l Te ta annocerills 171 ehos 1 e d oititattaa en el 87,etCîu acur c us, eut,. heteotoaso -- Vtl Y CYWýî ens-pi ulJ.sIL Gtentel' ricitotilli ittacsteaaafrny elle. Peeclise;i.nU 'ilitaton msa4.Itrovreoofor. ce eeeees. Illaille agenat sta aidnla qaaleité ieit 'u .f, hoae heIue nVslaietd Oepren w5 flOgN lise (poe.lo n ad' ýu at-co.T F R murcTmls, liMUc es O < 1 )ksabicaheioic1ttashaeevn tetat ctI es , e ,~~t lo rota -w o e i - o rontuI l. . Ie eeotg ali oli laue. - ,te Inbitcle oo ,pols I t~~1i. ho A.15ra 50e ta - , . Pneseotoh NOifAfol..peineEdtlaentn -o .la ui-et eB O $ PA T R C N -tot s e t (ta a t 05 00-.I 5il tgantsi e > o a p r p tiu tl e s dees Twe QccuE.eIiments f 4heyt ma5TI1 lie .&y lie y, Oct, îRb12,t1874 a - stboye'r a otiin e&bl-rn.fl -~ c' -t A SPLENDID LOT 0F M~O'DO0N.0OV AN'S' - carfiage Factory,-',. 'Wiftby0 CALL .AND SE IFtd: - Whitby, Dec. 30, 1874,;_ (Mili! " VEWIVS. Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges- id Hair, Clotit, and Damiaslc, Parlqtt' Sots, l3edrooni Sets,,P Dining-room Sets, ail1-cf uewest desig-ns, and best -worlçmanshi4' o - A splendid Stock of Piotuires, sud gilt frames, wmndow-corincee*,> &o., ýat tie loNvcît priCes, Bnilobe oouptjy..Dpn't faý4pg tTI<S for 1niture.o-' Futnerals supplied. A s~P~ tock of0o;lrlnus alwaya ou hand', and trnimed'te please custoîners, àsud a n uegant Heanraready at ail tîmos. -- Sept. 17, 1874,. 2 t-WM. TYLL. BOOT' ANDO- 81E EMPORiIUM I BROCK. STEPET, JO HýN SA U 11AS THE WIIITBY.- N.D ER M Largest Stock,: -vt - Latest Sty'l~ Grçatest Variet7', AUH sizes in Ii ines, Laie',Misses'.ar,,( Çlildreu'sI-* sW~~table. AUl orders;, -ptnétiuellïlt,-ttoud0d to. Ilepisirs ndatly doné'd- JOIIN SAUNDEBS.- WitIlby,. May 27ý 1878. br o P~- 8 THE SION 0OF THK3 OHA~R J. Il. SAMO'S OLP? STAND. - The best and Cheap*5t, Furfiture IN THE, DOMINION. rbe Also a Fiîst-Class Ueârse. FuiteraN at:cîîded to on SIort ,Notice. TILL 4- JOHNZSON Whitýy, October 9th, 1873.41 TEAS, COFFEI$! SUARS And ail kiuds of Farnily Groceries, oheéapër titan ey&r, at LEWIS HOUCK~< SOUTH OF TE 1 i7teÉ. wPIEASE, CA U &ND ]EXAMINE ! Cash pRid fùt Wheat, barlcy coats, peas, butter, &c. Bauk, XVhjjby - September 17th, 1874. SPRUNC LC.HIC For cheap and Sty1ish Suîtq,,calat ~Who ias ust received a large an01. 4oicG Stock 0, Suitable for the Bpring Trade, auet Eats 'and Caps, latest gâ es' Il m~]ZS~~auiL th sabon. Whtii6, as-h1, 81 styles, c1l2e laiest no'eeltieÉ lot the