Whitby Gazette, 10 Feb 1876, p. 4

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LADIES AND, GENTS 4 ON TO. W ol LA DJ m. W>!. MAt iite Usaicf olowotee. IIIEURINt, 1M. A, sîaâti,Že Uniegty Celte., ml Plia Coabssd 0i PERCENT UO1 wmE QOM-,A--- Mo b oe r FRssad. is)a omjLn M.,XOoIx1 WOnolute 4"e flavi à pIaftLQB S. HME*GO M.ÇQX Y Hu seu esappoaled ïClAL ASIINEE ?US.COUET 01POSTÀ14O. UlUlER TE£ 12W ACT. urt ostle osiar e M ib. osrfsfy .atteid . lU. 18, 1874. ~ Otawa, Juty lthu, 188. j l11811!) !)COUNT'eou Amuican lu. u utl tanIser notice, 16 poercent. j4xE8 SJORNITONÇ,. y ltitNovembner, 1678, betiveesthé aieur Sttoot ad Vie ue et IUr. Aim. Priagle, a 0-F -BANK BILLS. ky eeliuing s"mes viibe llieraty 1 WiLLIÈK IORiS$TOt,* Rhe. i, t 'U CENTS WANTED ZE MEDÂL ORGAN,, H AÉ,RICA N 0ORUA INDUCEMI oS, but a riusllssli ýhe roi tiiic ogatti SviiS th. atiel$2, l ioitti Atrei,l otolfEw sboing oepociair mde eé tout halle, tN psostioa r tsssLlOl qsslltle,. araunusspè aaIl top ises.tiihe plaoer 14-L ..d splon id elet, ti, stulicw glowyioveceso ise uîna. cf toli or ssdlsly briliq forth aIl tise ralt in a S ici lCrithruinsiy. I assî Ucïègctaiais440aWAoieoîI, 1siny oltlse êers Anmozruls steé a" prilai Ut.sont frt"" O A. M. DADLECY 11s4$kwmel u unSefer a" eutsn P101. WRITE. Agout, wbitly, Ount >qU lot SAlem E CHURCH KNOWN AS TUE DA PRESBYTERIAN, l' nov csfresi for male. For- par. -y to a'i, or T .IoILNEq -, Wtbly. O0.îv 'M's OR SALE t ,Mfero the fait slal S ut c5blfocfLot o.asan qaéW jLok NiI&isothe 611e. ceseon ofthéii iSHIP 0F REÂCHO QSPiAStthIG AnOUT~ :) 49-iN 1G P E s -Lot . . Ita Ilso aEh geonae IN8EIP- 0F MARA titiw« ta li&e hs is vc i S I tienS s>.n sail 04 e Ti porru 5saautaa. b>CV» uLwoICSA lot jWhjtesl.PâxetO.M UR- ot prpwedwtth tàepole ar, n e h maie* - thAe h qe m fti. yUmu u, i boxeu;a" u p te . Il - -.a L'or uOu ~l P»" f;usui by MaiP" he TO LP.SD Il T" enmdetmlped hau amy amomit efmeaeY t. tend spon Liu a i spid'lutu ? fmue«tot.sit the itotrovîn. -iMPIROYED FAMS AND»IVILD LODS!, FOR SALE, CHEAP. oTinits mîauto îuoisncipàil Debentlimu, a ppi>y te JAMES HOLDXEN, j~i aI itim, xEsey B.-ro .. Ovi c.-Pm9r the Domîiva Dsuk, NMUMIIau% illi Nio .WEST, TOJIONTO. MIFL=1 C> ME3$ MIRItO- Tihé harget ud.obeapopt astok theIbmDominion Il &lau, IPlot aid tatle. To I l ON12doN, N Éo. SADD ýE9 V TJ ARE SI )[LES! aies Aa Aa i r?, rasas THE FIIIST PRIZEI ri.eu ezbiuittt b un4aurovincial TrRUNKS. VALSESi&c.' Poi lT.airisgdcno0 ut.à shotnotice. iENTS [ETI1 :Stretched -BeltiuIg o etuc UP TO 12 mwaI, of thons TL1 KEPT !ON UNDt' hom su Atome tut emais on apte .iat ocdots kou hoti. m>9tels tites sud ontaasutca 4u KEN G~ BR ose. s >573. *0 RoSSI le, s&ptOLt fon lppes, &ed. Ths* litios for el al bc nu,â LEATIIER. &LOOSI IQCAJJ gsirre. P ~ASE PAIS I108 iIID]D *511 Dr àrses.1Vhty. Joue, 181 il ATBNTS FOR INVENTIONS Ispadtt onaiy amiproptrir îe.ured lu Canadat thebL Uneto4 atms Bdud soope. .luisît. guaran. m.4uea tge r IgenIt fopelote4 iutruoiou. iu lpreitouien jette. j IINRY GRIST. Onaa.gh GmPs - 14 GEc$RGE CO RMACK- Arcbijîct, Vluato raud Bulder, LuaberJ GRE Eý STRIEET, WIIITBY, C. W Alargiuqusntity of ail kindsofLtumberi square Tritber, Sliiugles vedar Posta &e.,i ahwaya o0t aud. Jack Sorevi and Rohlrf for tuoving Buldings. U' NDE tTAKti%Q-Fiuealfuliyspplii4i5d mneadAtil siote!notie; ommaukept coeutkattýy on bauL Anta** siearaoabolts Tfeeth Extraeted lVlTHOtl'EV N i» TIID UMON0618- ýw XDTAMS eau witis pisuiuse- in tse buut style. IM A- 8PLENID Lot7 -AT. M& ODONOVYANS CÂLLAND- SEE lTHM 4 50 mos/J, J~.s/o/. '."", =-'.;- a RET! RING, FROM 8:U'SINESS8- NOTICE iï*hereby given thht the Partnership heretdOte eiting un >der the style and name of A. BAIRIP TT& CQ. i ýthia day dissoived bymiutual consent, and'al outstandilc counts are te be settled by Mli. BARRETT, who hereby ges notice that Uuless they are paid befot-o 8th of January. .nàxt, the accounts wiil be placed in tho proper hands for cýl1ec.' tion.. Further, oing te, the increase in the .,Photographie Depar ment, Mr. Barrett feels - hiniself unable ta dc-vote the time 7necessary te the Fancy Goode and Jewelry Departiaenlt. Hoe therefore intends to giye .up dealing in Faney Goodi and the large and valied Stock110W on haail-four .tirnes )gr than any in Town-coînprising evervtbingr the- hetmrt of î%ýn -Wuman or child could mrish in the way of WVliéh Stock -,uvlI be sofl in hionor at C ost Price. fie lhre- fore soiicitag au etsly eariy eall ta exaine-tlhe stock sund priceà befora purch-osigelse. jwbere. No troauble to shuw thie liodî to those iutending to give Christruis bxes. A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'itWtI5 fl icaapunusv t, uul'~u ~ .~,~ and get two Christmas Gifts for the price of one. TL-e Stock comprises Jewsry, Work-boxes, Vasses, WVtch-s5taui1s, Cigur Holders, lukighrse .- -in, biges, W'%hips, Brnceets of ail descriptions, Purses, Pocket-books andi Port-npis,,aies Comàpanions, anîd Gentis' ilitto, AlbumSiin great variefty, Water Colc'r Boxes, aul Zes sud pricos, ,natlienatical Instrumentsa and Drawing paper, ÈabyCii' ,csTand al ra. ieu, Vals, Toy Watclics, Jet Brooclis, -Clsairis, Eiuc-ringm and Lock6ts in. ei&ss variety. Ail hiiids of School B3ooks, and eidrens' Toy and Picture- Books, Drawing Sates-lu fact Tuya tu the mat lead-abovo ail a Éplendid tasmrtment of Moote, and Christmas and New Year's Cardas. Caiii ai once sud examne for yoursel. MIR. AOCKýHAIRT is Ieaving the -business àon account of his healthi, asie roquests bis friendas aial wbo have h1ere tofore honorud us-with their patronnge.'to givo MR. BARRE TT tiseir hcarty support, saddtliould they not "uni Psctureii thcy wil not bc sorry, fej they ean purcha6e their fuil ist of -Holiday Pruumts ut lower- prices than ever t-eywec sold in Mbitby. 0f course he bas been bekid thEr seenes and knowis alabout it. Call snd ueo the thing ata ny rate. Prie àmd judge foý youxselvos. depressed priées now ruling. NE W GOOfIS,- GREAT BAIWAINS. WTCHE nS, GLOCKS, 8 Z O C il and see Goods and Frices. JAMES JOHNSTON PiIAC'tICAL E CIk~I Brookr Street, Whitbîy, Sept. 22, 1875. O:c MESSRS. TOMS NEWPOIRT Becs te announce that they have on land a first-class Stoci< TOP ANDO-OPEN BUGGIES, Rep«iin cone witk neatness and desptatI tÂrtl 5, 8te H:ave on hand at thefr tverchant_ Taiîoring Establi8hmente [OXET TG LOIAN. Amucli larger' Stock than wisnl, embracing ail-the -n»eset [ ~lyes afClothsansad rimmlngsl for Gentlemain's Clotuing ad oe. veet M anusshi d as îhiey are giving teir whole attention to, the go Teiorin busintest.hey arn in a Position ta do ià beéttr than ever, the Rat andGents' Fvrnùh. ing biess- bemng carnad om for thre preet. e4t din 'thre same shop by MR. . LMoBRIEN, IVà%IE ,tNDSTO I.@AN. . A. IPRINGLE4. * CI> II~A~S, u1 tRI E 0A2P8, BOT~AND-8) BROCK STIIl JOH *N S Larges t Stoc0k, Latest Style, BOOTS 9AN» i0 3ELLING CHEAIP FOR Mensà' ver-S9os Do. - - Ml+Coarse Boots $2, wc Whitby, tOc -27. 85 i IÂI - t t Bureaus,.-,Tables; Chairs, Sofa.s Ha.ClOtit, su:.an d kP;ïflour Sets,.: D iuiing,-rooni Setý" a14of îîemwest designi Asplendid Stoek of Pic tures, andigilt fi Mles, &c., at -the low'est prices iii thie county.1 to TILL'S for Furuiture. riunerals hppl ied.--A larýge stock of Coffinf and trimmed to.please customers, and an e1e-i at al .timies. Sept. 17, 1874. 26 ORGANS, 25 ORGANS, -0 A 6001) ASSO1IENýT OFAEtA T DÔRe TIIT- LE CALL A'ND ýSFE TJIEM1 CCOKs.-The place tô bivn Clocks is at No IRegilators indicatiing both Moutreal and 'T $5.OO; other khinds -cleap -c'Ill and 100ioolit t TIIEExcÉLSuôîlt WoiK Box.-A Work Bo:- tached, flicneatest, and îniost conivenlieut ti ShOUIJ be -witI:ouit one, oilv $3.-5-be sure a Qj~gans. g Inckst-iWtchcs.. Jcesclr(Iov ca8h Iepairi gLTi ltaneesdne byi 25 years elperience and mwarranted. Wliitby May 6,1875. THE SIGN 0F TFI J.,Il. SAJIO'Zi OLP ST The. best and. Chcapest1 IN ýTHE DOMINI ~ Alo aFii-st-< Iaslie Fueatteîcidcd Kio mi $Sua,- ILL WhitNoy., october 9tb, 1873. 1Groceri.ese Gre TýEAS,ý COFITEELS, And ail kinds of l'amily G(roceljes, ceaes LEWIS, HOUCK'S NEUN SOUTII 0F THE ONTALO wPLEA.NE CALIL AND EXA' Remernber the stand, WNallace's Block, S Bank, Witb.. 84 CLýýT d stylish ied a large -and c' and Tiv Spring Trade, cpI4 tug i ailthe lati FURSi Ar COST PItICËS. Custpmers buying Caps.from W3,. and if not worn next s ea- son.- we 'wM heve thena cleaned* REE 0F CHARkGE9.1 To arrive thIs weelký-A Case of the latest American ]Tate. R1UOiH Mc13RIBEN. nlatter and Furrier. Whiiby, Jan. liii, 187ff. LAINO & STEWAýRT. Most r 1espectlully -coall the attention of' their friends: and Customers 'to the fact.that Ahey tyt keep up with the times, and ini doing sa 1 ave béeen fortu-* nate i getting a choice lot of' DÉRES At less' than -what. they originaily cost ta produce them; a»nd aie now offeriug huudîeds of. yards at 2.5 cents per -yard, worth 8â cents. Trimimings to suit. MILLINERY MADE A, SPECIALT.Y.. The same Milliner employed.,who obtained the first prize for her work last year. Manties made: by Tailors in .Ger,- many, Splendlid value. CLOTHING ----RBeady- mad e and made to order, on short notice, in the :lst styes. An excellent assortment of Gents' Furishingsa, H1at.s and -cape, ini grat vari.ety. L JG&SE A T ,Whiby, Pecemàber, lSth 187. WOQJDAIJLS OLOCO00UN TRY.TEASTORE, lob. XMAS FRUITS, LIQUORS,: &c. 'S5lf- Raking * FIRST PRIZI S Provincial Ext -ci -C3 î . -.. 0.N' s -Reaper, eAT bibitko 0 O e.. .0 iii! -~ oit c' O Os o 17e offer to our customers fur the cominr Harveat, £wo dis-, P "~~ tius ain" bsWhich, in style and conwtfuctmo,, embrace .the hIatest and moetoneful P, I NU Q -iunprovne..sor thse des. - mIl RL - Iià -For cheap arn TUE 66KING 'OF REAPERS." e0I ùmhmd rsaMsccesa of tisMachine, .both in -closely J oeatiasalsIsud in thse bands or thse Fatuera, warrant asin.sying tisait , asSelf ~ ~ M.âis. j ksa- UMrogoc od 0insd leua deetand busmet vit)' niraMMM lm ag uiur, tises iuy Bîsaperbheretofore offesd te tise-puable. Who lias just receri W. ,were awwaded the FÎrst Pi'teauJ D'IOma, 'at thu- Pro.-.fo th ois)â Ixhibties hal in Torcuto,180 jIumoto'isaul tte raiugi 3-.Iial o h s î uafaeti di iePrenne; sudAvus Ouiresasi imprcvemaeuti. . ves iatiuglIn -huh.gi uoi-gtii ud, ..sc -iu am tig nsels, ev ueti.~~~~~~~~~~~~~dn -ia  jusistoCI avnaeer upsudduu, ia, ~ip the». jsai VoorD tseat-mer for 81bi~ iaDmris adfor le- I.ieGents' Furniahin UIitiv4ithgUS.BROWN iPATTERSCPN. aon lseli]ng offhalarge ana, weil assorted. stckciof ýLl--âmowm- -q- «Air nI., W'. M- 1874-: -

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