r,, -J, -. il ~Y> ~ FA-M1LY N Z,'NSPýAPERO pubuts.îed t taoî>)Mla3;ie <lirria Nov Block, TM+URSDAY MOn&'YNGI on JÔTWN McCLELLAND WATS'ON, Pe Anum L ~dane~ VOL. XV *I.ywl bers arte rqticberd tone ______________________ :@ dsmart ana ra ýidobdWrkexuteed osl e t 1wýgçk eter aLuedemd reglmue âtt WibQitHOTELS, gkesuaottce. Ordersbymelfzom any partaf wB.ITBY, 014T., ok.e unly promptty attended ta. THOS. MASON, - PROPIrRTOR. BÂT'ES 0FP..DVERTIIG I Sperlpracoommodatmon. Table npidwt Illihi cents per line, tiet Insertion; "A.Iiro bes lu easou. Gennine lquit gart, best *e*ireousubbequent innertion. brane. DILLiard Boom. Bloomy stables and AI iaizmsn~ dvrt rueasnnt be pald in sheda. 52.17 J. M. WATSON, iUtor i Proprieoa BRITriSH AM-ERICAN HOtIEL. ~U011~3~ JitCorik(Laie Robsan .Rouge,) Wnrrn3Y, . ONTARLIO.. WU BAN4KING. 2M' Hoaesnswly -rerovated ond'furniabod rTHOS. DOW, Mlnaner. Vhty uut2,17.4 'WhJtby.,Jus'. 9. 1879. 83 e111htbugt2.18. Dominion ]Bank., THE QUEEN'S HO=EL. WHITBY AGENCY, (Laie the Commercial) 3rd. - ÂL5OBROCIL STREET, WHIT1BY, ONT. jeit] Sub-A gency at Liverpool Market. H. B. TAYLOR, Managjer. Isaingi Departmeuts ia coanecîLon wltIlîboth bffiees.whier interesi I paid on deposits of el UPvardis. LEGAL. O'Donohoe & Mee k, I) AIIITEBe &a., Clîurch St.; over Torenta J. Ivig' Iank, Torouto, liii. G. Y. Smith, LL.B., jBABIRI8TER, Attarney-at-Law, Solctor lu y. Ceý-I11e3oivecy, Notary Publie, &c. QlPIcu8-RemavOd te over New Donialaon Bank. eXtr&ues On Dîîndas streel. JE. Farewell, LL.B., .(JIOUNTY CtOWN ATTORNrY FOR eNTA- !10, BarristOr, Sliciter, C0'îiVeyiiee, Nta - Public, &a. OFie'îoN-Lîr,î y ecupie,l by S. H. Qeolrane, EBq., laItc Cross-n Attor-ney, liruck ii. Whitby, Nov 15, 1873. 3 A. G. McMillan, ARBISTEu, Attcruey, Solicitoe-, Notary pulc inveyaeecUr, t». Orreeni-iyron trcet, Vletby. 33 Caîneron & Macdonelî, îÂARRtER S and] AttorueyBa-Law tliecitorai fjior lue iant cf îlotite-e]. eu.l - dus Itrpora- ofen miueten&i, niaies tuutic, AiU. OTFIaEz-"onrî e-base. . JLItUe Jtj1, eS,2. - J P.A. Ai rd, .e-î fs--y. -a e., o ï,t rouîl-es, tuu.Iî 0., .u .1 T- -Zj TA YLOR td McCANNV, . Protpri et ora. Ibis hansfe bas been sotielvs renevated and titi.te p luexcellent style for the coinfart aud ac- conmneodation ufget.Snple roones for coni. mnercdai traveRlers. Su eri1or sitabling and gaad box stale. Liq nors anufcigare of the finest beands J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McOANN (Lete cf Torouto.) Whnitby, Ju2y 13th, 1875/ 87 THE INDIAN RAID. Brewn's Indian Liniment is in large dem an d. CtLring the disseaseas sulîject eo mas', bes'efettt.ng the aximiLs coniuoi ii i Or lan.d, Thô -edls w. bave suli sou have grown as vs toi,> 'cu. Provided yîîu bave theni properly serwn, Likewvisesth it Leeiee eti ildolual ive Bey, pro-eid. lîeg von apply t the correct ssay. Boy it and te-y it. and i siejudiliiiet appiy ht, That you neley net be desappojieîl iii tue.ý S. C. B1iUWoN, Seeslman, Whitby, Ont Janiur-Y 20, 1876. bet 4th.- offt sec Mo wil bol 5th.- the Thi sur, USL for or out WF Age Iyears. 7 yeers. 10 yearE FuU r Head of 't "il St '1> Y _ _ _ _ _ _ M ISCELLANEOU8. D OFFie?, TEM LE CIÀ pI The Old Year as>& the w TORONTrO. One mzore Yw. as149! Llkea bmow on thecoro; - xigled w$i Ui.ewaveo cf océan, BOX- W. P. ROWLAND, C. B. Gono, with, peara "ta ventbforo 1 r.epp WILays 1U to0 sou 0atfade d, X EUTi, WUI. ELI OTT, FIQ. Pied for ever paot reacali;ï - ~~Mem'ry now, witlieuch ubocomlg M sqennofl1876ago a perofsiuakea ww. Doth our aaddened he.aie oethrbi I pre~. a tii ea cf ii. Haw vo heeded not Uies le.sings- ICOMVEDERÂTzoy besidea boing a H3omo Eow we slighted ki d vipo- eny, Offara the foUowing ad ýta9ea.-- What poor Bouis we lqft jferae *,nwi oiwiný aur avn aç cliarge biè om ' -go per cent of the prafits are stributed to holders cf particjpat- ig Palicies. -Surrender values are giveri, bher in cash or paid up insu-rance, er two annu al preriiums have en rrade.N -It is theo oly Company which fers the Canadian public the bigh curiîy of the Institute of Actuarîes hrtaiity arid 4j per cent interest, bt annuai valuatio-ns. Policy ders cannot valuie this tee bighly. -The Special Term Rates meet e necesaity cf the Ilbard times." ey afford a fixed- amount cf in- rance ai less than two-thirds the îai Ail Life rates, and provide changing te the Ord*nary Life Endowment within 5 years witb. tfurther medicai examination. PECIAL TERM RATES PER 81,000:* e. 25 80 35 40 45 ........a9.96 $11-61 M -5.0 $15.51 839.61 8... 10.28 11.91 13.80 16.14 20.49 sa......10m 12.44 14.37 17.25 21.98 raies and particutars vil]be given at th#, J. K. MACDONALD, Flour and Feed. oueraI Agents.7- H. B. TAYLOR, . Agenit for Whilby. Tise underaigne>] has-ng pnrchasode< O--b-Ntvlrdis.3 I"LOUR AND FEED BUSINESS THE DOMINION BANK -0onle Hem opeiied a Brgnch cf Wbitby Agency ai \,V î!IJ IlN STO N. -Liverpool Market Dnud-is andi B-;-ro-a Streets, Near Pîclherlng Ilarbor, i-ii,- tf.' 1- e f eef,, no- MI- t - - c --i r - - on - -,ul 01 o~f t-îi ,t- ii.ti- uil îestî. - 1, -i il I ulD -\-.t. -- -45 J. Z. fi'eewel, I,. L, ii. JaSiise - teie 6 i mo t 1 î i I-r,]. il---Iflue- f--r r -us- Iui e-es-tii-041 D ,A I' L'l.%VSiitor, i.iA.tLileiri moei -îe ul u---u raie ti>i Cduo TT TIrN 1 >V 4 lctiiîaîey hi es mseuîee5ti -eu - is l ie lie t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~P, o î iifcis - llictk--- u. enlue Liii>iti 17. ui.iiihi Tmb. 1i,.857. 16 L iu~S .Jci6.S.2 Robinson & Kenut, Fr s-fîsetlier iuft -riielien eiiiy te (tceetesry ctOrceey.Muinager, 0.tiir, P. Vin cil sâute c uc iuiîuiI,,>s -il Sas-est - cetiiengr iot sente. FAREIWELL A&ILTL"It0l J. G. ROIaNeSON, M. &. ituiiii-r s A. E. LETtee. - - MEDICAL. T)YSICIAN.Sbi45L.i AACLCUClIEC1iI a.Wnetby, (ut. MSptembee- lu, 187-1. Dr-. W. J. Burns. F~I'CE nexi iootoiî-tii AisCit-uiete' office Reissdence aît N. eir. es im c Whitby, April I tIi i>7s 25 Miscellaneous. G. 'YOUNG SMITH, Issuior of Marrîilge Liceouse, WhITBY, ONT. jaiy 9, 1874. 36 flDW ItDM-sJ0~, Olb-sî ssinesApprizor. A1l1cedorsti le ttchi ;e i.ecleOleor teddeessedî 0 hua se-du re-icse loupt Berlie, unîeruo. 33 -"W. SMITH, As-sIl iut. t--iaud lustiraice A.J ge t, Iiiiitie b3ceei steui RzreisstsItieserGilbbs, Bru.. F. W. (ien. Rsq. 33 I CRN 1>AWimS4, tts- îuîlelîe, itelria, deaer i iDrnig,p.kteit ii li'iiiL.Otiîs.(>1e.lfia e- etifes, Grocenies, teC Wîîîe.e til Littiom orilthie Mmci qua"ity, fioerSIi uitmriiuesr. Sturse8 and coitles uûdiies el rayss in iaued. SiItors n otby. TEMPERPTE HOUSE. hlici, itilie-igiii,l lic s -l it h m i Cti-n ui11) the hue-ci îree Iicu,, uaitei- ..11 SiMis-pihîy 31-S-t e.on flu--îîcsr lu k~ i u- t111 it t- 1 1-I.frs- he u r -- I-i--ru-h i - - I hi -Il.-- P i r si, r, luit ntult I-e11 i 1i-i l 1 iti l i liu. tt > s-s-5sa-iitle i-i-i rs , S 1 q-') r le-i --ii- a 1li- fi.nV A1, KE Y. XVhbi, l> *ttI u î:u4 SALT! SALT!, Fil nusomcliru u14, ail I coruise-ocr ing os-k. Sl iIclit t--i-lu i i- is-et i-e ici i liila i t tise Cei t 'i -i% ld s 1air) Coal, \Woodec, Salt, PTasîtr, anti Vcalee-ime, CONS-ANILs- (Ut HAND. JOHN BLOW. I> 1r1 hletoiie Ontario, DUNDAS S M-IREl, WHiT'BY. P. O.eiaatsf t'leieltity, rt teir miiles Broolin.Aprl 13h 173.e- rIHE undie-signe>] wuuId Iatiuîîeîe te the public, CHOS ifSe-04,'-,w< Che-l teni'ereaetre, iatltise abus-epremises huv is-snb5r, twly itted Toi Clrkantby.urru as',> reniue'ted ths-eecghiut, los-lis acuineuja. c'locls. 3tt tien Si tie.dtý. tiesit wilee, lîquers and cigare. The Cre-ein tuf Canada"-tv aiza Lager; alIs IuIO EY lo LEO: ure EheeViîne. 3&'hages- 'eilesanti e-- Ni1 - JISE Pli A-BAD Ae-es.rige tes- t (If.iîiies-ty--rIse ndît l n- Boarders taken by bhc ceek - u oderate terem. F-111tï1hIL-,, îeal e-us-a i 1ot,twoflae-arbouses, Wluutby, M\ay Ilb, 1871 1 ai&d a largo trîcit Liiusc. lîrisliberal. Apiuly te, 'SASADA hiFE Ai~teAc G. Y.9Mb-rH c eh 2h.84Barrister. 1 ý -i -- Bîîoumîs..srP. O., AGIilýNT FOR lHE .ROYCE REAPER, -Paitessn & Beos Combine>] Drill L5-,1T 1 ' 1 -1-1 1;1 ) 1 4 7 s-bs uîtey Canadeas Lie. Company ~ FO)R 111E DOtM ls 1-15-es are lter ithaîleso e-ban Office&. The tact taiîthe ('&nad% le of invemttnn ts an>] of Aicurtis As'>]ail kinda of Ferm limplements§. Deteinien, iii,, eny iii ths Hr Mr Alisote coRaymond SewIng Machine, Organ, Coinliasies. cuttiiently silte8s Planes, &c. Ail ertiers adule-esse>] te Beogham the ltce publie tif Canuada fuie-a P. 0., vilirxecelve prompt attention. nadtas inciituiun, ani>]it ii eesmisor .18706 8Sm lestory e-iden-ce o the papiulai Heife'-rs Fonnd. i'-«' A gs'îoieiatîraughîtut th svsry i-uc jaie n sas' be eblaii -came on îlesprexulsei af MR. SAMUEL CAR.tffices, i,, lie mil ion, Ont. LUTo>OIS. 3ed cencegseeaa aiPickering,on or about A. tb*<rniddleof Novemuberlasst, uhre oSiers. Parte- 0. Y. SMITH, hyoving proporiy sud payiuig xponsmes, eau have Aeta hty Wbîtby, Due. Sili, 1176. 5-lIn Whiby, July 2o), 1870. Mou! Britieb or Ans- las a Iergse- anouni ie business in the s-it h orAinse-jan thîe peesence af weIl ses'ducted Co- pid us-gr., is smait,- .iLy cf is peinciplos use Deminion, wse-m inei, de- et the H-a>] GRAMSAY, ?us- tue crin- i ence of Grae-in Meeriiaî > e sud Oibiirs doiceg ubinestises-e, nud for recsieing Il. B. TAYLORt, Agent. Sept 21 . i87e. 4in-48 I i t i,i t c 1-j GENTLEMEN! If ru-us-r.cs-n.i-iibs bitvee sr, greai-. piettior cGe-t -l tIii- 1ImiIililit h t l iicii-at>. (-e- If ils-5 ait -1 1 ii Ill u t ii>,Dsliltu. iee ilnruil i s. Gr aod( Ii OctC%. If otuOs ce-e'îelics are iI o t siectios-î as a>îîîu. us e-'tic r, I siI> 1-'t ili ie Lii chLg- e huLtt eci -t -s-il , vs-îîîîble. Ps-mca tesen>]- Ii Il>-!\itiI\ ,nu(-sieclas uulseuclî serre. rK î uîlrîi Itz uctMr. \Vi.l u\\ilîruik ciii> fi- .ouis A- Litb IIIseuls--u-ire jiriuipt lauueee Resnuusar, ('I. -lih- îîî.>l-ilc--.(ts-,nrr Siîouan>] G. T. HALL, Land, Coimmiuussionîé- Grncral Agrent, AGENT FOU 1THE ('onfederation Lifé Association OF CAýNADA. Books Posted and Accuunts macle out. .C>lerial attonîIio) cmLinti Lccollection of Notes,, ITr -hrIL Il..JktîiesoU', Duodas Street. Wotlîy, Sqjt set. P174. 44 JONS. M. WILCOX 1 (IF THE H&, been ajîj înted OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE FOR i TE COUNTY 0F o.,,I kRIO. UNDER THE NEW ACT. Businese entrustedto is charge wilbe carefully attcuidel to. WVhitbv, Tani 13. 1b7l. 0 S F DIVISION COURTS FOR T13E County o/f Ontario For the Year 1876. Brhuiby.. ....... .....2:< 4' 42l1312' Portuerrvm2 43'0 52 4 27 Uxbrcdgr . 271 ý14 . 2627 6 13 15 22 ('anning.......28 15 .27'28< 712211 Marrýî, iildp al 17j 1 iS11 GEO. I. DARTNELI.. Junior Judge Whktby, Je1. lst, 1876. Ottawa, Febe-ucry 25th, 187,6. UIHORIZEDD 1ICOUNT os' American in- t.voîces uritil iuretter notice, 8 per srunt. JAMES JOIINSTo:c' 50 Carmrssioee- j Custo7i55 NEWFIRMIN OSHAWA. Tise ondersiigne>] heving entered li-c Ca-part- 'eesbip cned hou ght ont tie Toisacco an>] Fancy store of Mr. Fs-su Neal, cree hîepars>] iclue-nias gooda in iheir ihue CustA i enCAsE. THE HAIR-DRESSINO BUSINESS, ii-te-mee-by caried on by Mr. Joephs P. Koee-, vil. sîiih be peotptiy attenide>] ta sy lise nov firxand cuatomers s-an reiy on gtting lise lateat styles of Rairdreaing. WM. PARKINSON, Oshaw, Ma 9th 36. JSP. KIBELER, Caeto.gifteeLz« toeurs aofsadnon- Came, anid vont, and nový are gene 1 oi unIlike the. swallow's passagse, Word, and deedas have lefi thehz trace, Sflv'ry blemainga, eonda cf daLrknesn, lime can neyer nov efface 1 HEark1 tise peals af joyens we* , me Gree t the ISoi i Yeae-t tie oor; May It fend ns, viser> better, liiiwe meesure t=re n. more i The Mistletoe. In ancient timecs îlesDe-nid prieste, With many a solenen vev, Gathere>] thy branchîes. sacred plant, To orown the. priegteas' be-ow; And chanting grave, luysterious hymnn, With ineasueeLsteps and] slow, They marce,> Ce reaths the.old nak-trs, Bearing lise niietoe. How manY a legend, ste-ange and nid, Ax-oud thy becanches clings, Of SUIpertitions feerce and dreead, Of weld barbarie thîngs i Wlsat Corieus sites on Salisbury Plein, What grand and pompons show 0f Coltu ani'otiitn hast thon seen, Mys.ei-ious M t Utoa. These cruel, Superstitions yoae-s Long aines bave passed away. Afatirer priestess than of aid Biees tly leaves to-day. 'Ic-jeu5 aiirl55 thed stiwy uina lTho iaugiug maidens go, Toegiher for thete- festival lise Chrismas Mistieto. lise hall is bright with Christmas chose-, Aîed youths and maiclens fate-, M oh eoer-Ocer andeL iappy keeete, êJùible~rind~fro -Shouth, Who ABsleoaîedîY as I've besu calisd 'a fuol' atended thore to a e. p heir abade for allowiag &0 many flietatians t.o ga on Ianmmer moun . j ithoat a single prohibition. Upon my > hb leand th i plnsa, lesand o ul oiue ii . ,.A jeta olagd hi pa. udgr Wbaî but jeabouay, or nome cilisi i te.a& a or-qit piaco in' the nortie. equeiiv amail vie-mo, could induc o u e J>IUpart cf New Yark State, where Lb. bore mamma with complainte cf My cola. .6moor, a delicate wama, cauld breethe ueas, andti al that sari cf tbing, in the tire- fihe fresh air frem 1h. Mountaine, and be Boee ay yon have for the lIset tva er {Por eckudod tan et Niagara. throo days 2" Th Tiugit or bis arri val ho. chanced eto IIHas Me-s. Randali complaiaed cf my tll in with Barry Harvood, whom ho had beiag 'tie-esorne?' 8h. seemod tea gree ýkQown socm. years before, and vas per- vith rge in ail tist I seid, and even tea dd suaded by bu to etay aven juat long a few remnis ehrself, in disapproval of -euaugh ilte see the siglits, yen knov." ibis latent affait cf yours." Rarveod vas a gcod kind of a fellow, IlWeil, I don'L kaow that mamma ber. i sudt pleased te flnd se congenial a cons- self vas particulariy bore, but I knov JE rilon' is Dick. Ni-xt mee-ning, sifter pro- vas viien she talked to me about il." 8h. È enting hie ta hi& beentiful fiance., Miss finishe>] Ibis sentence vîth a yavn, sud Randailan>] lierîmotlisr insisted nponhie added, giviag up hie reornnai thIntuie-national, "Comie, take me up etairs nov." cemaiag to their hotel and considering "Net until you have anaverod me, àjimself oe eto their pae-ty. Louise. Has ycur mother been vearing Hov plsasaniiy the d.lys bad passed eue face ta me and anothar ta yenu? Is mince thon I1 Was it &DY vonden uhat in she not ahI! nsy frien «d 2"Y the saciety of Miss Randali ho forgot all ",0f course sEe,'a ycn r leba, Barry, ee ? Ferga thie savîmer be iîsd promised sud goamarnJ. Only den't be stnpid, or wiii Ruile Heaton-dear littie Ruthe 1- u--ake a quere-el viîhi me, or gel mamia the idoni cf bis boyioli days, wbamn ho lied put ouh vith e-e, as yon cee-lainiy viii if tbeughe t i ,)f.uîly ail ilb. long years Iyen tell ber any more tlts of my par- avay frcne\her 2 Forgot even Barr-yHa-fy" vaud, autlisieyed an and] on, utumiailful "Nov you ara trifliag.' tuai the bfigbht <Iys vers slippirg evey. " Oh, Weil, Cail t tutat if yen viii. Only lias-e lmet b.i6liîithiere. -...-.VI tu ,...e e Cuj i LUilf' 111000tiltils Vîti îers- uesper reverene. thlei los'gsd sc earuestly for lus s'omig Tiii Prie-en prîet couiii i<oo, - Tu-aiglit, foe- the fie-st time, il ail Cam(, li1e t -es- hisses >uuslîing chseks u..c. ,-e ~back upa-n bim, eut lie wes ico honeet not te admsit te limet-If i-let t tease-longs-r - Iviere he was wouiîi be verso thlin folly. Xli ICUIT inee, lUraly ndwedhimin indan] --is-wa tivesutii gaiup aIttiIerfnl expression o ..u, i t u - rided,îeue-eîy euovîl îm n îîinu anu Luis wa byseul :countenance aaslh. thougli that in a few prIrson. Que seidoui heoke-il upon lia9 'Louis, are you col>] sud heartos, or day. b. vonld be witb Ruth, wjiere tii- ~~~ b-'lnptli of limh ti breadili cf sliouuiie-r ire yen what I have love>] te think yen- eemof--îcs Itue lest few sve.ks weul. Tihe Saddest of all.s Lobnou hit feeling hal i-bers muet be a cee-- wbat 1 wîll think yen yset, if you viii let scos fade esvay, t - s ( igI~tianul benty cf heart irtie 2 Perbiaps yen 'la oct cars b thper aili n9,tlerWiigt;, were uetthe t.ands1! 31 tiuglini t given te oves- I have sîîffee-ed s9ince you met Franklin 2" Clifton Houte, anil lie bail promise(l--lie - -, ~~- ~ >511 m~ Si k l-I)g r-iîîig li ine>tru.lie Couhld rît fail Loisîe'illuse-i pronoancod lber guiity,ddnce-tehikbwingc -tale ise ijt'ý: i ungîsri--a]st itg]bss a coîinob oulu see Ibe n iia f&-w cave. He wes - : -i ili-iiii-s-s- ue i le--itii e -l, i.i.at La.il; ie-mi. trenece f->r imrn,,lf one of ibose coocestous wii eneyer feu- almeat eslîaiximeu ho go now, even tb ctir h S i-u->i Iiiailte-cieto e llrluur uv.s p-lo~î,itive a lis tJlshé hl]been ed tb siften lier lover, and vîjicli nons the excuse lie vaisose eli verse>] in ceest lrelli Ç ir -s-itil in ioncliiii- fsr i> o uf-ar u- or s ewiltiiigte ask il,] ol ew betcr tias-i sie- iîew te rake. Lay.- n;buhoptaolfcentemter ail-- i , u -. > icru- il,("iili-l a . tliii 1ue had ing ber bandîl nLuis amshe sel>], sf e nd, on eeaching the» bote>, met Me-s. Ster 'r*t Site r e~ tc i itbi oh an i cR1ii ii."Fosr-gi«ve me, Barry, that I have meule ling and leer tite-ee daugliters witie the air te-y taiâtwa4îz ugain ? If is not aiwvaye Bt coultinii-nzpr lliikuknureasonabis en Usuifer. It ig the sarnie eld îtoty cf My cf un Lfindwoeviiah>]be r olie ceiltuiic,. .îtce- Ss-witsprilic, and] bite vcoriis f - itlrusiy in vbich Barry teclteeesan>] love af vaniety. S-LIq nt peips 'AM asîre lîtt . y to 0luis 50 ii> i-f hue 60 fs-iqîe-ntiy indu]uie>. BiseI ese-make tliegeed fiance. I ought te s-oermie]cll.mrig o -Mtîîy iouîti eveï we ri pent-ciloîw-, and] fromi1l its leesrt ho 2? \Vull ycu 9forgive meo iisonce, vasevcu>]erfully entertaine>] by a whioie Ar.'t voî urr o eHowsf- in )e ltspise io iuelf and] pitieil Barr,,Batrry 2' bevy of girls, vho voeaitogether tee nice -In sarrv fir me ? He waî to ave been negietdalti ie ih a île adiîl oiiun wluo r- iur ciui liaul otrail teliat made --Tlit I wiil, Louis., an>] love you thelabci>altes mwte Wl>i?- it woîli l briiluîeâ. Uiiwiîîlily lhe bailbetter for havingskeil il afIme. Ad outIeao 10 g omake np for il b3 Whv. fBae-sy IHae-ooui.* loue hlm bte cl-i pc-st iijuey-e prir e-e- now I wiiî ae outekse o yuerace ;butstaugrjuls Longenciuyg slh te ae t Wae Lie - Tiey w-re saiiriing away t - iidpe,for il Barri-ysfriendship fie-st let me have your procmise ibat tijagycuugend eueilper the helse luEia in the gidl>y diance. Dick-alwaye toi) ft m eu01e whost pridulîy in liii approcia suds eof ilings ise t an end], that 1 May te ain, ei lb. eIercnes secell v Bck u findt tf x-atzin o t iik cf miacb esaio» -mof said graitudle for e ki>] eci ; an>] once more lie dovn iu peece." te alnyrmthme i.Btka s> thT Rci R aliarîner au>] sncb music-at tirw lie filt tilfrttaslien<un tlite ilucroçwlie Ve'leclstate cf Ibings do you mean ?" the CacraI'one o rehehal,o isway tpes ibis piirtieiar tiL-lo aas Fo abere>in lIhea-uimf-r-t tîlîn file te face ]lis puuisb- witlîdraviug lberlien>], whici hee had tek- leoîîgh culenoflie baa. en is wa-fe- te faîscintlionus of thie cip, wluiclulie bailbut mntt wouîtl b. inîleetl begun. en jute lbis evu. eont le ocub ib fLu >]ît ieddnet Dick waët a brui- leenrieu fellow, witi I Tin-s flis-ition with Franklin. I don' n B aonppecu, issLus. o r ok ntitce the uîlîni-iîed face, vill i ils wssî nullet eefnernien an]d E-iciICY Of fOeling ike to use hareli tee-ms, brit youCh cmpaiigfrsmîîu. lîIbi o î eycs ciiiniccîllit, a;lcing svmpaîhy ancd theiîlt bbelot of Mcstlmn;ian>] as me te di o se y pnrpcseiy misunderstend- nThfoiaoneineu yea. A hll fe-ni n? is-e-est ab , PiiriiŽas îiiough the lips ha! i th Vi;ti' tlîîd Louis»eiciokoil upon iitg wbat I Bey.-cee-el s msnk , ul teinkAhaI mibav spuken. IL didiiîot, ion-eve-r, peeis unob- 'li i hiiparetial eyes selie ovr- îm v.illi " hit net a fliletation, Bee---, an>] Iosicat iler. lest ni-lit aller I left ycîu." serecl. Arriss tueroctu etood Bas-ey itîle-steug t-irces, Le resolve.>] ilat afce- ho. denttlike yen te Say sncb ihiiogst-i me. " cet]ntbelinaerepc. Hlarweuîl, frowiiiug upîtu tIîe ycnng naval nîcre- ivlie wolrid lgo away cric cf her ilfe, ThuI ave-ar it i8seomeîhiig mer. rye ;- I ha>] ud.ney er orn a% soe paiek offices- wlîo for cthe pasi few wesks ha>]""t00t iit il nuglt. sud bus voice rew 1ev an>] husky as h u l slieistss iihsucya won imany cf tt e mules hliedilthîtouglit After ail, the sacrifice wonieil nol be adile>,et antd, ou my soul, I beileeve YOO u andies @ui voide l iaeonallir, o ail lie-e uv. Louise Lanclalfelttlber liesarigreatt; 1cr, as Li@ tieeugbite vent beck te are theunuprinciile>] flirt I have tleldnet Seeleiui env vy h on.bent ereilr grow col 1 as she Pev the lu-': ho casi upou Rt-a joue-ns-y tIcs-y touk Lut rae-ely lu te thulîk vonI." Spnn naywyt oiele lee Dîck, an ul utg ciosee- 10 lier ccmpanion's-_jt1lese days-lie cosuid tel lehineef freukily Barr-y 1 i, orng appearcuce. Hi-, 'îccepece>] even in con- a-nate etthe bail-room, vaîke>] theet, tlîuugil cbae-med witib Leuise, ho di>] "A>] tlrigy rrting bis mniîe-, wbich lue fearoîl muir ase stey 1An whet Clu I but one cf tho poor, be teo syînpatheîic, cs lie steope>] te pick douta the stairs iet the rance-, the-ougb Onet love ber. miserable dupes WIte have lallowe> ir- jour up ite coral bail wbich bis keen syes bad thie lonug s ioutît - -u Lu tb.wi>]e <There vas e feacititîtionabout lie, girl pr-ti I Franklncomes next lu crier,asdud piazza whicli ovet o ,ks the rapid e f ur e- bi e-s aiîicbm ut m e u hue . The far- nay tIhe Loril pity bilai, for Lie viii fltn] n a td s o er d a i gran le> Oc1Niacgara. off look in lber cyes, lte cequettisb niouîh, Mercy aI scit- uranuis."eiHae-vecd di.1iîttel! me lieschou!>] go et Many cf lie deincers lied leken refuge an>] the ver'y toucb i o ise eu>] hd a>] That ilii do. youLave îi nui"erl îi rnn.I a ut eei lîere, and tlee piazza vas crovded viîh breugliî se>] >aysioe, ivs Iof leor Bis lips niove>]. i23u'ou hIi tola seisi ni.in gelting away faces, yonng an>] ci>. Lighl-beerted girls wcutut, aund seme>] ilîey noaate e-inathe II Ne appeltis necessaîv. Yen ha-r. inu-uni ib is enchianted ispot. My buker leugiieciand] taîke>] nereily vîth han>]- biipp)inesof Rîîîb Heatun. Yet Lotîtar selle>] the voman yen professe>] îc love ;still feuls te lbioe my dlrft. Goo> Hoev- sani ens; memmas conversed in 1ev was nul ates n mitd il n n htirBe alabato oseen", Mise Louise 1 ' As lh. place>]th> tenea viti eue anethtEr ;levers quarre lIe>]conscecua cf tepower- bhe !i. Site vas iiejtthe senEiltîlity te be tîioeply veunde>]dis.aln s-.dceite-cm e fiaen, au>] the an>]ce>d c cee-cee-ores; som» ve!ked un- flits-retl sud cornretilong befure lise- by jour vonils, sud the shreegîbte ttel lemu rucurecf vba lierha>] niy sun e-ms easuly rip andl cinvn, whiie cilsers, veae-y eCheot-elsys vere 0e-e-, an>] knew not vliet 3-enflitailuhcîtini te ber affe-ction or r-o- sa flalieul upen hi5. 'It enu net h. yen cf tîte ge-ay soone in vhich they iad tue it n-as to Lavei umen peisa bier îy onnelîceci. gae-i coses fs-ens this moment, vie have sent B3arry eway 2" ohare, 8seiîg4il Ifîebilliee-]'-orms belov. Neae-iy s jear hefore siluoLead]engage>] ber- "Louise, darling-' Ail were fandingwvItlenjoympca e Ief oBarre-y Herweoil, because ha vas ,e ush I 1Ton have ne longer 1h. riglet (Te lis cotinied.) fon>]in ar-b t i lace, and], vbile 1eW vere consiclere>] e desie-ebie parti, ash e i.like>] lu sd>resme se. 1I all neyer be-gsi eutirely llapi, pee-hajîm more vers e t nne obotter. Uuil site muet Frantkliu what juIn have set>] lo-teiglu. Here is thîe geiber miserable. ahi.lbail voru lier tîtugegeucent ligîîthy ; but -rsing I have vertu for ycur otake, and wviit- Hard on the Chaplain. Louis. vas restîes sud iII ai ase. Ht-r for thte pasi 1fev vi@seseucinly ha>] Heer-@ver tise yen may have giveanme ebaîl ho A uewr prison chaniplairu vas receaily eveniug with Richard Luad> been ut beat woeîî's sceety b4eroî a bore te lier, but hie as failhfully reinre-p>. Gae>-nighî 1" pone nacrantw. H a nnsetislactîr-, lin>] ber lever vas augr e-y 'eî- riseuces a',i atoyance. Sbe iilnol An>] vithut lihe sightosl laiton in ber apiue]i erantw. B a witii>ber. asick scu vibvtis was, uer hi sieek voies, ortbrin lber frale he wp man Who gs-eally magnifie>] his office, an>] Dricions seuil yoeutering oocf lb.e culs unleis fie-ste-oun> veii ai atz," tadFakln l1 t laiL uties-wise, but aiheeve> lierseif tue siuuteed Barry, au>] left iraute look cf inspection, bhoviiî mmcli pempoc.iîy hocpe Mis Louise enj jyeýil is much m 1 Itu fliuiitt-..lis- in a >],-icicna direan, con- Ilis te-oublu in the face, an>] fight it ont a- tutus drsete prisouer visa Occupieil did.-tetuteef ith tise fueihuat ecchu day fauntfloue, t: 1'I1 brnetimes ihiuk yen are net capable tleo tub1l figure hy lber ade, su>] the.Iblue He neyer ks'ew boy ithe nigit passe>]. 'Well, Bie-, do yen n tov be I amn V" of uîny km>] cf enjoymest.' eves leekiug dowr ntmIehie-s wiîh u .nclus. Something brOnght convictin ta hâ 11heurt "No ;uer I diina ciL," vas th. mns- ",Recause I lave falle>] le eppreelate grise>] irduiratien. ibat ail vaws aver, t'a] t aîelli Ouglii cf eepiv. 'MieshsdeiaSociety ? Snrely yen are Yes, day aller to-more-ev Dick voull receliciliehien vas hepteleas. But net tilI * '_ei amise oue- new ehaplain."~ iinjust. 's-ave tii-m. Tuî-uielit lie voulu ve-ito te long efter di>]lb. renaszethai it vas nt "Oh, y. are ? Wael, I ha. board o' y. "I 1îci t ittuî te b. uujuet. Youdl>] Rut Il and tel'. lier of Lis coming; bis heurt alune ber auger et hie, but ber lovo for before.' seeni toe eijoy it, an>] te Me i s tie eue bs-et quicker ai the very theugiui. Te- Richard, vieiciî hail made the step sia ha>] -'And vbat did yen hear ?I" relurnd valîz ev-e- le be rcmenshere>], Ion"-ber iîî e-w tue remittauce ie ha>] besa aaily taken se easy for lior. the chapîcis', ba usirisily gotting tie voies feil- eil is the lest. I promise>] CXPf-tiug muaI anme, an>]lho could ne 'lNis Louise, upen reaching ber reen, botter cf his dignity. Bars-y I vouldul cdance with jeu agait.' longse- have that excus-e for delay. If net, lied pisosd it he-wbite dea by ber saloft ei hadla b is v ik Barrytdesuse, indmîs ohs uvasui sue."bol, no tieubt, ho gladti lafunish bIne ve-ppen, she thrcv herselfif mb a w je vene in y. preached thora bailie empîy; - ]îar-y lcent uinl m.'11hM msitlh ny sue requhisilai ta lis depee-t cheair by the via>cv, aund hegas' tai hink hait li.be bauge>]if y@ finL it suci an lie euiniU u y dancing viitu y 0e Lare,.-This vas Tueatlay, snd lho shoul>] over wbat ahelie d doue. 8h. hed lcked easy mattor te do the sans. vi' thls aes ' but hir.' o- stay a day langer than Tliiursday, Bery Weil enougli, an>] aathing Lad boon y _________ Thsy wert, leuing oner Ilîs railirtg nov. flhini ceme tetItis dseeminatiou ,,b fuether e-cm lier tuîoughts thes' ho dismiss "II nover tii-,it iliresvood au exeetigs-g oeok )iuîsehf, as il tc gel eid of luis per- lias sellhad doue ic.night. Sie biaL been The treck af thea Hsmilton sud North- aies'. I shuah] express Mny opineon of hie i PiPing Ihouglets, an>] vaîk-> back tbrough conieîted-yes, quite happy-in tie Western Railvay je Dnov laid ta vithin a ou sel cleemgine furib -Aj ta denIa>]parlors and] off ho is roaes, thaugiet Ihat spar alty ehe aheud be sale mile ar Ive af Sevartiova, ad tie Con. duete-oneaolvin g nealo ve-ile Ihe bite, aexcitealI, nîsînseoof Hae-weed's hase, and tiie vifo pany are nov aadv. rtiiiungfer ies fer lie ment 'or- yen »eopie. Even lie fals 1h cm- 'butIngive Ruth a sur-prise. cf a man vhem RnIlmen esteerned. Her I e-cd boteeon Geee-tekvn and Barrie. eot me go te osa, for I anm nascoei siecîpa." Barr-y stepped suddoaiy. Hlim short, -alier tickset figure ge-w quit. majestic, té; lie straiglce-ned ita e ts fullhaight, alld with a dttsrminatiea w1hich scae-ceiy -ver wo-b caIlegon br .. 'd & c . At the timue I-OM1MUC4,, -for t4eboytbey at.. My Pbjedt züzpoe1i. 10 mentingwas to find oqt, & ar, D01lzl~gexperiuient December 2&lJîw sud oombtip% fidà'wém-*Rm inmblï Ï Thi éi £h r *à.lg PO, d 7 t , w # ý y ; 1î e b d f " s h o r ts . " 0n 0 h a l l b u b e l o fu tt ag a r b e . t , ~~~W &Bd len Ponasof' hs~ aï r cv.Ifed-th.e horts arnght and g0,ï hooue er Patb ail had, 'fa jiôundo,àt a lime -Ti.beotaKw ~Ow eouldt eeoaqim day gvûinoon. :'They' were 1#4 au tbbr ens wonian te bd w te yie ouîd est'up o1e ti, lbreemsg fi ,51mperlority- le8h. u sg Thus, the. arsî week I1-the Ibrèe4Ii a4d uOrry fa't braif to, lwohundredaud ted ýomd fh ,-, t.u lhouî 'apa l 'à d -nd isixty-eîgliît poud f - ~ ~ fut 9 * n e. ould sud ten sud a haifl aesc et~?. i >14 -~UD rlohen ghb lo'gîàîwfy ay wsa cf -a vry Pooarquly. eg lie he r4î Euh B46here>h'ee-s mate ithe cent as fo ilQsO.bu .4 ul*lg-~vord~héh,4ig and aly.ý;jpuwÉsl MwMaL1 do n. flA-P " - l Thon her thongb ts turned ta F'ranklin. 'ýb»ts-at fifie ù cets er-bushi'i, ene dollar, Suddenly tii. fact that it vas hlm eoh@.and 'ffty*oeiren cents. W;seClthre.. h&- lved, ad mot Barry, came upon ber itb dred 'and ssventy.njne -pnua of1m1 lk, a s ta r tlin g c o n v ic tio n la t s n t t be b l a c nk n s x e n s d e u e h po u n tl'j i. o into lier fair face, ayeing it villi crimusan butter, taking twenty.îhree pounds of ikk blashos. ta make -ou. paund cf butter. T'he butter 8h. had a hard s;truggle with horseif vas of the beat qualiîy, and at thirty cents that nighît ; but before shie siept came the por pound wauld bring four dollars sud resalve ta make it ail righit with Barry the ninety-five cents. Thero vas lu aidiion next da 1 h. shirmilk, sud a steady gain of, lh» III. caws in fleili. Tt was witb veli-apsurned indiffèenceý In the second weok the feed wau lb. that Franklin entered tih. breakfast rom same as the first witl hiusezceptien-.in.- next mcrning, and hie saw, witb smre sur-stacfeeigigîpndcfhrsI prise, that Louise was uat in bfer accuistoui- gave them eight paunds cf feed, oomposed ed place, and that Mrs. Bandail ad been one-eif f corn meal and shorts. This breakfasting alan.. week vo got 394 pounds cf miik aud 18J Rising as hoe approacliod the table, she pounds of butter, or one paus'd for a litile gree0uwtiavolyc usin over 21 pounds cf ulk. The Dont of th.- heet e is Biha vollerwoofqu rsti nk foeod Ibis weok, cailing cern, as I dia, $2. lin Why hais le earr ay? HMr ak-per lhundred, vas $5.65. Tii. butter wau een Louise tis morning ? Dia she know Worth, t thirty cents per poud, $5.55. ast nigt tht lie as giug? 2 u tis very T e third week the feod vas the sam osas strange, I can net at aIl understand il" the irst with the exception of feeding bran " Barrey hssn't gneP t must he omne. insttad of short. Amoni of rilk his thing very uddeu. Re had ne suc in-veek, 880 pnds. Beth butter and uiik tentin laI niht."same as first week. "enii, I st fld ouseimmditey Fourth week same -us second, onlynsing 1' se wharut oigh s e thow n bis f ybran instead ef shorts. Milk this week, peculiar stop f 'ig" 480 pounds, butter, 19 li. Ceai f food In a t!orouglly uncofortable fraeneof sanes sedond week, $5 56 ; butter wrth m mnd Dick teck lie breakfast a tily, left $5.70. the. btel, snd walked dwu the road te" I have ual tried crn-meal &lIen as grain ward the bride. feed, but fron former experience arn con- As h puruedlii.wayabush. riedte inced that it is -mot as valuabie for maiflas put ut f is rid the recollections f either bran alone or bran and cr meal list night, ad the unuyeasant discovery f mixed in equl parts. B rry's d partre this mol-ig. Sa ho I hiv e n doubt, le-m the above resulta, swung bis cane, wlistled, andl evn con- an1 mv observations amase, tht ne botter of iuu u u o giv n uws tlReR coran M esIa nam bran mixedi. The ceva have net euly more then paid tle keepinDg un miik, tint have steadily gaiued in i1s-sh, and are nov fair beef. Had. I onv.fed com'aon hey, such as I hed, they :evould foi have p1;It>îeeî- keeiniig. 1 Perbeps I shoul] atate that ail the feot! 1was scaluled, and Lhe cold water added i raiug a paitfil ac a tlIme for eechi cow. YThe butter nii. was î-ni, far bettAr -than itwoula have beeîî v ikl:ùiy bey for fodder. I amn satisfi->] tLlîranl is fully -equal te muix wtth cern it is better. With ir at $25 pîr ton, anti corn et $40 1 vould use as i.n ue-lr as bran, and feed thern I have said litTle about the rootsfed, mny Iobject being te determiue the hest kmnLi of Igrain or feed te buy. But se welisatisfiod -ame I wtth the result cf feedtug e-nota that I Ywould net on auy account be witheut theni. L'Every fermer wouid find it te lus advantage 2te e-aise frene 75 te 100 bushels for everyv i %ert FrWPuch "-IPuivTHOUSHT. "-Lill.Funyrnan' _'"Geing tote b eoker's faaey hall, Fred?' Fred-"'Yes. But _j demi kaev vat char- acter le-" Little Ftinujman--CLialk your isa>], an>] go as a ce 1" POLIT£ FL-Ascere.-ylady eanxions te pet heme), "Shah vwe tura tg lthe ri.ght, Thcomas, or go ste-aighit an?" iThomas thes nov bey, much flatteret! ai baving bis taste consulte>],) "Lor', my lady, it doti'i muke nio oddn to me V" Yen ilon'I bellevq iu EIiott-believEr in the Tue-k? Yen do be1ies-o iuSa1iabcry -if Leese vii ilte work. IMPROMPTU BY SIR WILFB.ID. "OeO teetllehr, Adami Ajes, vas as fine a feliovas ever steppeci, aund b. kepi -on lus Irgs lflenf:ll.ly te Ithe lasl."-Cap taine Si-rseorge Nares, ai the Parinn'outh Arctie Eretertcinment, Nov. 801h. A A ealtb te galleni Adanm Aylem WVho 06e- the topera atifipro-t-ils. Froi eur cesy safs, and Ai-cii. gales, The-ongle erinkiug aa]y Âelamm aies. PRovF.RutS FeR DIPLnrTIl-STS.-"*Bià manerk qui cite mark."-' tUe uakes bis mark twice, vîco make@ il quickly." BsFsr Fous IN HBccyr.-Ho'oris ah whaist A RÂSE PsIsr.-Tlie one that frigbtou oui Robinsen Cersee. There vas as'hy cur mmpression of'it:. BESv WEÂPON FOR KILLING Tzur.-Tbs. Miiutne-Gnnl. "A. WeLF IN SasIpEE' CLeTIrNcu."-Boaiti (wbo lues juet been informeL of tibe moan- ing cf '-B.D." affixe>] t he parsons nam, en tIie notice.)-Bacheîer a' Diviuity ; Thes' that ibse-. mn i'a arigit umen tt praich, hy ny m aya c' tbiukis'g 1" Infer man.-'Why neto t c."Caahf cails bis-self a baceulor 1 u nwh' a niarriei mau 1" How mny foot are t1ée-einua docbyard 2 Tvice as mnauy as thore are bauds. evYOUNG, eU-r PRtÂcTICAL.-"Whah I ]jar rv netinb,>] jet, an>] it's nine i<'eock. NýViat will papa ssy wben ho cernes home?' "Oie, papa!1 hoU 1sey, 'supper 1 suxpperI The erenietien moeomont is extendiug in' Europe. At Bnnussele a SecietY, wih 4500 menibers, bas been farmed, wich gi i grr'at cheer te the iLody-burnems /vo icaru that a toue-lIst arty cf Englis'- gentlemen is liieeiy t be organizsd nc- epriag te visitMenitoba andti he Norlh-vets Tere-itaniee fer the. purpose cf buiii.ug eu, abaating. ' .t'7i L - * ,t ýi>,, . w 'e7.-Si 7 - a-r4 ' -i - Z .---- -e..... - ..ce 1 1 1 it k la ýO à y u un Y.