Whitby Gazette, 11 Jan 1877, p. 2

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A, 7' TÈB à Thîee, i>i fô ci ùdipjj3ýý 1ý _1 ý ýý 1,ý Xc ur r a eýrpmd,»ýâtroue, opinion rat 16- ION- blàý-dolie fiïr 'the WHITBY ETTV of th: p1reegstio ra"twïo pu O-recor 0ý'" vote success ýMfè7 leni, -e --th TIM li£tT=Nlà]N for the M ose-,,-but iliere bail whioh haî in T6 'on ce iii ne ýW*Y whieh thify ly $z.5o, in advanë%Pouage frço. to ffl prevent the- ëa. Aq 'ht ieeiù' unn Îus= di onànbther e ceMaýYý Night let V;ât en roi the chances Pa expenditure of the Pýbjjê,ýý" Ohm ght dirainis ide - _1 thýoug aI vee, dé' -,b - t"t that city. We refer to, Ue c in lob Wotk a Speciality. e a -p. timé *0 that was made hy a leading'. lýoront*.. rc«ýogede HiLiprr-,Fergusciný," son, Macdonald- qte art-Gove &J.-L ORDE]RIS PROMPTLY ATTEND» TC.. orgau, a lew weeke ago to induce the. Watson, ]a t Province,6i Q_ûtario,ý,pM"e particular ballilinff was concerned, annatn,ýýRopkin,, 'd - t t 9 - q1lèstion for the Rouge te consider was thg Local GoveUment to expena a large Absent--j g the Chambers of the 14ýe ive w;hether it should be delayed any langer sum of money en the érection of new îý,rio C. Ring, for #15.80 ; ýBejMùà- W"ý"'tà'fbr ibeiug seated- on the not. Nothiug bad bison intimated on P& Thorou.-h-bredýStock Catalogue& dont 4e,ýý_w On shortent notîce. Parliament Buildings. The Govern- rent for fire, auffine bouge. ploased to, open th' se se the part of the Goverriment of any inten- foit tion to proceed with the Pozliament bnÉd. Robt. King for Bell Third Preliament, of ùn&rio ment have refused te listen to-the sug- work, rio foi iqÉs. LifW R"pecting Newspapers. gestions of the organ ; but have an- 8, $7.1.- l"'49 Speech Mr. Macdougall-.Is it contemplated that tic nounced as their policy in, respect te y tiis buildin& is to ho en these grounds or Liyùlatîve X##emb1y,-!ýj bave mýUchýpleaý aý some other place 2 '114.-Any person who talion a paper regularly Fire &Water Committea eath bii, trom tha Poist 041ce, whother directed th hie n the new Parliament buildings, a Bug- Ouïs in !Wélooming yon agMn to your an Mr.* Mowat raid the details would. be &1[ne , owing Rice #14.dQ,,pJohn -i given when they broughtdown the schenie. er*notho?» or whether ho hale subscribed or not gestion made hy the GAZETTE, be paid :ýThov nual dûtieb in oopneoClou-wüh the 1 - 1 -J& r«pouolile for the pq'Ypient. namely, Bryan, $18.25 for repaWn . 1 e91§8 g - etteet 4bps ; tien sud ovr. 1 If a building was to be erected ti lis year, drf ra£-If a person orders hie paper diecontinued te asli for authority to erect a fixe- Dennis McCxchan, 088.25 b *' 9 raiý2ent of the Province.- _ nb -,doubt it -mue be on the. presont'ground. king', WOU ; 1 rejoice.to have it in my. -powor. to,,a rre ý 1 ý t ho znu= aU a arages, or tho publisbers roay proof building for the 'preservation of Thos Wilson. 814. e S. W. nourice that the learned Commissi ,,xtn end it until paymout in made and 98 teaming ", eners thon collect the whole amalint, wliathez the paper the valuable documents belonging te B. S- for the eonsolidati6n.of th SLfýtuteq ha ý 1 -fanU,%ry 5.-Aiter routine, committees fax la tak*àà from the oftice or not. mith, $5.17 lampe and cil. Il Il . va Sr&-If suboqiriberR noclect or refuse te take the the Crown Lands Department. Hon. From A. Alexanù'or, coal for completed tbeir important and appointed te assist the Speaker in '19: 111111 undertaking, and that the resuit is read tÉe cars of th« library, and to strike Stand- mm poriodicala or newspapers from the office to which Mr. Mowat, in the stand lie lias talien and drawing fille , e]Ïgine, ý 4».75 - te ho submitted te you. Bills Pwbody Ibeyalb Il alre holdresponsible uni il ing COmmittses for the session. theyhave= tt'bil.,Yi" r 1 118- Sencling numbers on this question, Dr. G. A. Carson, $20 fa varions amoudments whibli have The debâte on the addrose was rpsum- bacir, or leaving thora in the ofâce, te not such will have the support 1 4tý0re in. the re. »tico- as the law requires. vestigation;Ostler& mass, 10 0 ad- oommatLdWiionof-tht, Commisgionors wi ed. ail Ah.-Tbe courte have deefded that refusfrig to of the Country Press, and will be 'back- vice gîven to Couneil on Ilailway màtter be laid before ýon. 'Mr. Camerou said it seemed that tire Ac falite newmpapcrii and poriodicals froin tiie I)notý- ed by the-majority of the members on A Measure giving votes te thfi- àons 4 (lovernmAnt tllougbt a meetîng with the elnce, or removinq and leaving theru unealled for, in 170. Moved that Ostler & hEOWaCCOU12t farmers, in certain cases will be subraittoï üec Goverument would resuit in a soprivialfaçis evidence of intentiona.1 fraud. b0tl' s' que' -des of the House. As we have be referred back te Finance -r»mmittee for your consideration. Aise, a Bill fW sottlemeut of the questions in dispute be. the already said, the opposition te the tor futlthe'r information' extending t4ie Votera*_Lists Act, -wi4h noces.. tw»ýýeen the two Provinces. Ilis ordered to gary modifications, to natiùicipal èjecti§&Uý, Hon. Mr. Moçv«it said, on th scheme of new Parliarnentary and De- e contrary, The following socourite wero It i, proprsed to ask jour >.Issistancal.l 'i was now agreed to suinnit the question Ho partniental Buildings does net arise te be paid :-John Hopper ý#B0'; A. Pringle ýWard8 improving the q . 1 of the arbitration te the pro froni any jealousy of Toronto, but $30 for service last vear. teschers and in securing to ali the oO, rivy Council. his teachers proparly trained in In answer o Mr. Cameron, simPlY frOm t4e fkot Ïhat, at the on Pnntîngorýem*tet 82 COUX PAF ER. b* &L pai&"J- m', wjü'son for ýrln7qngs, ýwe çà -teaching. Z_ on. Mr. Czooks said ho would fubmit OFFICIA L present, mper-. thw- juncture, the n2oney le i S wili'be iiia ge4 ito èaute un Appropriations for different section@ e un statement Of the receipts ative i Of 'i I-ef thé law respec là le sigle and Dr. ly needed for other more import- th- town for the year 1876 were as fétffientéd -and spirituous 7quolýsi.-Ûnd ex Doi Med ant Provincial enterprises. followa the Act of last session. A Bill will bo^l' » Mr. Clarke, (of Norfolk), objected tn THURSDAY, JAN. i il t877- Aint. Expen'd. Vnx'pdý offered for your consideration embod i i making school trustees to subgervie t Roi The Hon. Mr. Mowat shows great ýD..das Street, $1,000 $960.00 $40.00 . to. Lt 0 caution Slien speak-ing of erecting new Brock 4 1 some amondruents whieli have b... Y'n' Couùty Coune-ils, and h£ erFetion of of 1 600 587 53 12-47 gested hý experience as 8'alculatéd à new Parliament buildings at vresont. Ha Paltering with Public Opinion- Parliament BuildinLys ; Le simply ablis Base Line 200 176.69 28.21 vance the efficient workim, of theja - would rather ses large sums apent in favor North Ward, 400 434.00 wý àA. haq Tax Exemptions. the Ilouse Il çvllether a building for the Centre 450 532.00 ngrfýeni(-nt lias been arriveci nt W'ith « of agr'icultural service. greater seciirit of the Crown Lands South 800 273.00 27-00 Government of the Dominion for the pur. i Mr Scott believed the Province would 1no, The Local LegiBlature lias had itE y OVER EXPENDITURE. chaise of the Rockwond Lunatic ýjsyLl1rnI 1 tavor the ellection of Parliament bilil4ling8 ella firet say in the inatter of tax exemp. should net be proceeded with now, in. subioct to vour approval and the approvai in Toronto. He moved to add to the 15t.11 stead of being longer delayed,- an(j North Ward, $84 of the Éarliament of the Dominion. resolution, that Vie House regretg, in view tiens. On Friday, in the debate,- on Centre 8 21 Should this agrecinent go into effect, cf the grent intprert manifested in the quem- hav i concludes bis stieeebli with saving'- e!) b the tion by the people nt large, thaï; ]lis Honor tow the Address, Mr. Scott, the Inember for It was moved by Mr. Blow and soconj_ crimizial junatics Dov confined in tl, nothing haël been intimated on the ed by J. Long that Mr. SLuith leave the a,;vlum will be removeî, anil room will lias not been pleased to make refervince to ruj, Peterboro', moved the following resow M theré)by be oblainel for other patients. 1 the subject of the law relating to the ta%. part of the governmelit of any inten- chair, and tLat Major Ilarper take it. vot lution :- tion to proceed with the Parliament Nl r. Harper-Allow tue, NIr. Illay 1 or, to rk-gret to find also that there is a necessity ation of property for ninnicipal ptirpose&, That this House regrets, in view of for iticreased accommodation for the biind and tûe exemptions froin such taxation. 1 Buildings." This show8 that the honcur. Present you witb our congratulations. 1 and for (1paf mutes. The proprjety of Ft-ft Mr. Bethune colnteniled that Govern- D,, the great interest manifested in the queS4 1 al)propi-ifttic)li j'ýýr it(l(iitionp tý) the exitinZ mert property was exempt l'y the, Confod- Ilit: tîon by the people at large, that his 1 able gentleman is doing wliat is riglit, may Only BaY that 1 hOPO YOu may have establi iliments for ttie icFtructijn of tites, eration Act, and otlier property in the in- byt Honour lias net been pleased to -make re- leaving the question in the Lands of bealth end li.ppiness to eDjý)y your lion unfortuiotte classes wili, tlierefoic, deiLiali(j tenst of tlie inunicipalities. ference tu the sulýject of the law relatitig tu 1 the members, and if the members will our@. vour liutuano consilerittimi. 1 1 Hon. Mr. ý,lowfttrepliA(I, and theamend- da3 Mr. Hopkins concurred in what was Notwitlitandiiilf the sums liitlir-r m(nt was thé,ii lorit by '29 yens to 41 nays. the taxation of Vropýrty for municipal pur- i imitate the Premier, they will leave said by Mr. Blow iii regard to Mr. Smith. to in àid ut'iiiipý)rtitiit j J.an. 8.-At the openting of the sitting no, dj, 01, were peur,- poses, and the existing exemptions froin 1 the question in thc hands of the people, 1 Mr. Hannain aisa congratulated ýVr. terprises, urgent applications iiro irit' (t in from Brighton, Lie guell taxation." bebalf 01,90lui, of the titiil!lisllF"lý, j t,.; %;,ý 11 a s the NIiiiiicil);Ll CouDc:ils of T(ýronLo, W ent- who elëct thein to office. Sliould the i Smitli on his re-election. ma: , L, m , -inýzston, Elcra, Guelph, Gana of the ctlier projf eu-d i-m1ways, fl.i-c r t 1, A long debate followed ; the result question corne up,-wo may expect a It was inoveil by Mr. Blow seconded by f-rrants. 1 commend to vOtir . priz-l'nt nt- t10111l", G odiricli, Corn Wall. Arule.-stburg, org was that the amendaient was iejected few who will vote for iiew BulidiiicYs, Mr. Hopkins, that this Couiicil do liereby tFlition [.Dy of theso applications whir-L ý11- Rnd otlier placer, prfiying for I by the following vote probably thcse Who iiever expect te get ten.der their vote of thaillis to Ilis Wormilif) MRY b(I f'rotz-glit bef(ýre ýoii. tlie aboll"D'u of fax txeripti,)ni;, nuil frow Tiie safety of thi, r(>cý>rd-s in cie cr,,ý%.tl ii vry larpa nurnber of Oi-atigi- Couutv WRý the Mayor, for the gentletnanly, able and Lolg'er, pritý.i)ig for the incorporation ()'f N'et YHAs. -Messis. Baker, Barr, Bell, elected agatin. But if a niember lias Lands Dep>Àrtmerit bein,-, ( f Boulter, Broder, Brcwn, Cameroti, Code i efficient, matiner in which he lias FrEsided tance to tbe coiliiiiiini:%,, 1 iilit,, týiI-ir and alsa one, frow the Grand wri auy regard for the safety of his seat, lie Cnutts, Creighton , Deacon, Flesber, over the deliberations of Liiis Couricil for yon s . Llf- nf WesLerti 01IL11110. N Grangc, Harki ri, Kean, Lauder, Macdoug- wijl strongly oppose squandering tLe Lie past ypar, atid do congratulate him on fi""ný remon for furthir 1-1-iy in el-(,rtliig Nir. Frn.,er roij to corrilet nn error in such a fire-prooUbiiiiling lay the report of' his spef-ch of lýrility nig!it on 1 Bill, all, (SiiÜ-ooe), McGowan, Merricli, àlonk. publie , funds on new Buildings at , lis L Li h 8 e-election for anùtlàer term. Carried. the ii,,eit,,i security in fili!irt-. PLX exeMptions. Ile ,]ad giveti Rom$, bilil Moëtyn, O'Sullivan, Preitou, Richardaun: FeSent. We are glad to see the iii- ctll)-,tllv valil(,..qof Rosevear, Scott, Tooley, Wigle, depe ý llur. Smith-Mr. Chairman, 1 am talien Since last tho differenci-s : 'ati ude lit stand the Ilon. Mr. Mowat by surp'rise. I take this as a very greaý Ontnrii) and Qit.bpe have coritinced t,) re and tf-ey Pli,,iiid have rend fis NAýYs. - Messrs. Ballailtyne, Baxter ceivp the atIention of the Goveiýntyleljt. :-Tlifý value of l'roviiiciai Gové,rn, T Biabop, Coufielil, Chisliolm, Clarke, (Nor. lias talien, and it will gain him favour h.onour. I have always eudeavoured to Besides soine correspor.illlnce on the ýjjl)_ r-ent prolwi-ty ir, Toi-()nto in 18f)7 waç: Ja n folk), Clarkti, (Wellington), Cole, Crooks, througliout the wliole Prov' fulfil t lie trusts tbat 1 have beeri lionotired iiice, and in J('Ct. ilienibers of in Governilient iilýt Silice tliftt yfýar 81,00,00o ljal y Dav/son, Deroche, Ferris, Feluilig, Frisi-l-, witli. 1 sliall always enclfavour tu clo My at Ottawa Uy appointment, a CoLiiinitu-P 1-1- F4',)t-nt I)v d'f' 1"-()vi"CP on cal)it"ltl ite- Gibson, Graliam, (lRiubtoný, Grant, 1-fau. tLe fUture a good stipport. bv t duty. I thaTik you all, gentlemen, and of the Governinent of Quebec and aftr comit, and Qrî!0,000 a vefir lip.() 1)"I-n Q7ý- ey, Hardy, Hay, Hodgitis, Ilunter, Lino,, The Globe feels quite sad over the ',pitir , (,te. This, of LTon, MeMaboii, Massie, Mowat, sliull ever tbink of this Lionor you have a cour.-e of at-iion to c)i)tiill), (,il a(illitu)ns. ri S not, fusappoilitinelit. But the mombers me. witlinilt fiirtl.,(,r 1,iss of Urrip, an cxlýf n-ýiti-1-e 011 the am( ODonogliue, Piti-deo, Paxton, Ilobinsoi), Rose, Sinclair, Springer. Stritier, Watter- know well tLat tbey have to accolint tive &cision as to the a\výjrj of 1,i7o w,, Utiiý erFity, or wiv of the ;lu 1 are Worth, ýViddifiold, Williams, Wilson, inu.ually çki-runged. by Iliv Domiiiiin Governinent. Wood-41. for tlicir actiont, te theïr co1151îýi.,ents, NENVS IN LItIEF.-Tlie Governor-Gens- I have ;ivlýl t1lit the public Mi-, ititi-o(iiicel a bill resppetinz 1 'lot and feel a little del« ts, n 1 ai týveDly minutes tu four the rilai icate in touchilig ral and party arrivcd in '-'(.)ionto ýý,edne8_ acconnts for iý76 ,!jalt be Iiii(l hclffore vou. a i If the Roformers in the Local Hou3e The eAtitnarpli for the varions House ailj,)Urne(l. by t the ques-tion. It calls the memberd day murn ing.-J. VIN iti &Co,, day soud 1, of th(,ý pliblic service for the ipr(lsent yt-iky think that this vote of ý11 to 29 wili Il - adv l' M uLitreal, failvd, lialýl.ities t ýiij'd," and says :_ $175,000 bave betil prt-pared, and will' be subinitt- by t support the question of exemption, ThRt tlieV have less confidence tbon cause, itiability to weet the first payweilt ed tc you. Il Around Own." they are very iliucli inistàlien. There Y-to Bâtis- on an LI I trust flint V(-)Ilr d.-liberFLtioni; will r v Iý Tl iteusion grauted ebeni in July la8t 8 )n ceive the Diville biesýzifiZ. lvi r'e" imr CAOLLER'S PIZn(;RESS. ýNOT a la i of Il is a largo number of lieforniers who IY t'J'eir c('rlé'tituf-uts uf the wis(lulu and - Mr. Lailftwtu ' el cti( in Jacques propriety of in arivancinc tlit3 pro-ýpfrity and happinc ss C -2. t'le (",gi" "' b 'Ve il, fi, would seoril the name, if they we a bolder C(,UrEe of action. Cartier is being protebied.-Ron. 1 - re 1) ei hiipýs the 81-ellitt>ct's report, jusi iscued _^ýdari1 of all classes of the lwopie. ed. told tliey belonged te a party whicli may quicken their pý,ïceptioijs and Btimu' crooks bad a tliurp attack of ili t3s is tallen froni the 0 t t.1 could seo nothing te reforril. Th 1 t ti . L TORONFO, Jan. t1in rc n lill'e of The a e ivir courage somewbat." Sunday, and lias not been able te au Lid Ili 111Q f- 41- tl) hi-q lInnai; sincè- - .Tii.t. 1lý, Il- ýfl, the ppeech the spt,ýtker to-k the ella;r. 1 Owen Soulid Times. aml çvas re-ýi)cct- argod 61IÉ-1 Vil k- ýàé - Meetinga, will bè', in Whitb 1 1 - - ý . 1 1 ý 0 j» oblong prom-« auring- the -latter art oi-thàýýweek ro;- p wâh Ahe Am ' e,',-m ad, tbM ofOiiznelfuo,' ýrhUr4a"Y' an the Presby- U aman of' feriân ma- _Ë - ýTàpié7rý-erayer - loi Rcý and, boày, and.for- - cd fongpt in that ruost - Nationýô, ý -Ruleii, Magistrates andý ing arens, the stock' StaUsmen ; for PÉIIsnthropie anà,Êe nevolent Inothutiona. y- loÉ'a - Pure Lit- ii Staten Island, May erature, and the spreaa of, souna eau. love for school educa. cation, among the peuple. ights being devot6d tu Friday, 12, at Y. M. C. Associa#on manaking them. Hs Booms. Topio---ýPrayer-for home,,Uncl t the a ý of sixt 1 - 1 1 98 "" ; foreign Màsions. -Luke 24.-47. 9 at eighteep and was He married a year Saturday, 13th, at the Ladies" tu New York, wherè College. Topic-Ptayer for the 1E[o1ý1ý' 2tures with such suc- Spirit. Joel 2:28. ýe of twenity-thrise he Our readers 'and citizens are cordial-, and worth $9,000. , In Iv invited to attend these meeu'ng'e- àon with Thomas Gib- Service begitis at 7.80 p.m. boat which iran be- d New Brunswick. Of WflAr THEY RAY oir rr 1 A FEW F,&e.5 This line inoressed FOIlTFri, P-'rOPLE.-There are but few pro- ,ught in a revenue of ' paraüono of medicinec-whicfi bave wM_ ad wps then entirely stûeld, 1 lie impartial jul gementof the Pen- wntrol. He afterwards Pl r a-y greht If-nvih of timp. One of inaugurated several th - 'is Dr. Thomas' Eleetne Oil. Bead C Ilowing and be eonvinced:-Thos. iiiips, frcra simple fer- RobinsüdFarnha-m Centre, P.Q., writes. between New Yoxk - - I have been aflicted çrith rheumatismi for tbe last tEny(lara. and ha7e tried many f the nivil wnr lie pre- rerneiiie-s withont any rplief, untid I tried Dr. Tho s' Electrie Oil, and since then 1 Goverment with the have liWd\.110 attaek of it. 1 would reenin- it," costing %1800,000. rnld i t t () all. "-J. H. Earl ' Hotel Keeper, hi@ l, operations- on W,4t Blic fford, P.Q., w.-i*tee, Il I bave been troubied witli liver complaint for several" k exchisively to the ypars, and ha-!e tried different medicines time he had ovrneil witli littlo or no ben(ýfi tunâl I tried Dr. hips and forty five Thnmas' ElectricOil, çithich gave me im- 3 accumulations were mediate relif-f, and 1 would say that 1 bave )0,000. ilis commer- usp(l it since with the bvot effect. No one sliozild be withou' it. I ha.7e noed it on railways were princti- my horse8 in cases of euts, rroundg etc., with the New YoA & and 1 think if is equa!ly as good for borse- vl, the Harlem, Erie, as for Maybep, Mprchant, New Yorx Central Warikworth, writes, Il I bave @old some bundrads of hottlep ûf Electrie Oil, and it the Lake Shore & ijq prono-ancpd by the publie, one of the lias béi-an rim in Co-a- hert medicinett they.bave ever nsed ;' it ýew York C(ýntrp.1 and haz dons wondprs in hréaling and relieving la, as one contintious pFLin, sore throat, etc., and is wortliv of the Pd ttnd seventy eî- 4. LreLt(,st Ruisan, 01- Township P'rcy, writes, was persuad- ad toZ(-tlier mitli the ((1 to try Tl.,oiniif;' Elt--ctrie Oil for a lame s coutrol mrtkes in ail Icnee which tr,)tillr-il nik- for threa or four r two thoiiý-and mileg, yparr. and 1 ncver foend anything like it al of 81,19.00o,000, of for euring lameness. It is a greât publie o ow belotil- to bpnéfit."-A. lef. Hamilton, Warwick, writi-3, "For wPFL-s 1 wap troubled with a, tpreqt in the Aflncqtion .,Iqwplled qn(,]P, wiliel. mrnoTed me very 1iree year,ý ago much. Mr. of fli;s P1,11re iriduced anifribil' Ul)i"verý:ity. .-ctrile Oil, and before one whicli hA mA to try El i.ottlf> was n.q,-eý I wets etire-ti. It is a moet 0. fhis instittui(m ig r(,tiifirkAble Àty ;f thp M ,-tlinýlist 1,3r)1(14)vnll ,1. 25 ets. fir(l lipLq il. '-. 'ýN. Týj41XAS, rhelps,,Nlý. Y. 11-id 111so An-1 NOPTIII:()P & TýYNIA,,,. Toronto, Ont. Ftutl.v t'f Pliilo-or)-li.v. Soll- Aeents for th(- Dominion. ire. Tiiiii)yi iý lrp&, to NOTi:-Eclectrie- -Selceted and Electriz- d department, and in cd. ýtPrary oiepartments to iistry. had hepn 19gheiný,, (Read Careftillý,.) t,.vf-n months. and 'in [1 and mittirali.N. fiop Sýtmnpl Omborne, Sophiasbnrg, says-'lI jý,Ftj %va.-i fýfftcté-(1 -it-itli Dýs[,upsia for nearly the aý-111t M" 1 fiur y, ars, my lungs t,'ecoming affected te- tt) ofi 01p hý1,. 1 -ns induced to try the mnins wf r- "three f!pr usine, in Stmten isfiqud, ara tilletf>il witii ViA grcnt- or foar bo,"-'p I 2'Pit nizich Letter, and gninr-.1 rtren-ti nY heaith im- L - ý :-1 rapi(ily, nnd wben I Parers r.,,r fiowri-F F#1- s 1 tbrcf- or. fiiir more, Iwas wh,) hafl led r'acý1 1 qnif, rfý5tor-i 'nt] btrrngth. and one ennné-rtp(l with l,ý -tfr heal[li than for ici- ç ..tar3 1 liail bQen under the l tri )t ,fit ->itrrie- of phyeicians be- liontreai Ti in for c. liul rp\-;ýr rfc-'vid anv material aid 1 v(,ir ri m( ýNNîETT KNOCKED DOWN 1 A. Trilro, S., sRys Il lie was omewhat ' V c r.7 1),nil with Uver Complamt, but used Ïon ye.-ýtFr(Ir-v c,)iicE-rii- a-nd in a linter r),)nt" %ký.9 RR fis ý:é erer been in Nir. Mav. a 11:q lJfý- 1 n- in end wish ilc,,c-n loy ntr.mer. À- lie has Tl,. tripý1 il- have governmeilt and ecclesiastical l'oiýt Si. Charits, and assured thexii tL-at speech, txpreqtýý,d his iý,griýt ti ---- ý - --- 1-1 - ...11 .., Il. - -.. - , , anotlier ait-uligc-weiitti had been iliade by wliieil a nitiilber for 1 <' Il cyll - : - ýr,ýat t- nipI rauc,- tiiitii, voii know, got w v s t 1 K I-iit lin 1 pr'-vented fijfý dalighif rs, illust go iii, itilil see dit-il), Cy il r r properties iii their mtdst,- tliese pro- Thé construction of a Deprirtmental ýLrýke would be avoided iii t1je I*Li-turE).- I)v il In-ss frou'i (liiclittr-,,irig the iiiit.v %vijîc , m * p,, ý, f. - i ý 1 ' *Il b', pn w itIl tell, 1101(j coffIlp, in th perties increasing in value ever day - fire proof building for the Crown Lands is 'l'lie pleiiipotüLitiaritib ut the Easteru Con- h'lid at tlie last lie, n to ' fýll. 11 !- liot paying one cent to the municipal Illio uf injilipdiato Riid pfiramount necessit% fereuct, Lave iiot yet succeeJed in forcing mtrorigly --lo:i0lis cventah. Oiir friend, wliom ci ri) and another building for the other De- tý ieir prupoàaIs upou tue Porte, A Turii- i t1ilit tlit, ll,,use iliould not be ci :1,-(] to- -ail ýloti(,4, rfýiichf-ëi tIf -ý,r:ip lwi. l", i," revenues The Tower of London pftrtwents could be coustructeil afterwards. isLi Ct&L)i,,Lt Council meets to prepare a gether before file cviiiiuencein i1ý of 01t, %ve will ( i h!ýn(I, l'lit t"rL:..ts tIpq*(ý ig conv pays to tho Corporation of tliat citýy The centro portion, whieli woulil contain scheine for bubLuisëioii to the CoLilerence new yéà;tr. N w til y wre on il X.11 n 4 the Chamber for tl.e Leeislitture, tlie Lib. based on Llit, Atiirusây ilote. Tile file elitire ftecotirits for PS76, lie ilown t1ýo 1 ,Il £2,100 sterling per annurn. Why 1 ? ait r;ick- fi In ritry ai)d the neceRsary Comiiiittee roolils;, pittiencfý of Liiu Powers isbeing put to a l Illev wolill 1't, liplore tlielli at Ril t-arly (1ty, its, colitutits. Of colirrv lle is profjl8,ý in should nôt thu Parliarn( n Y Bu ildings Pos't office, &c., could be erected wlien the s&verý t&st, but liustlu lis uuwiiliLig, Dot to and the Ojipoýltîoii and the I.;iilll)i)rti.rs tK his eXruý,0 q. alid rn -ý,iti, althoiigh Nlis.q blit li iri Ottawa pay towftrds the revenues of Dupartuiental Buildings were roinpleted, uny afraid, to go to war just now. The ttit, G,,v(-ruinftit and the en-aritry rit lai-go. V,- vith Ii,ýr s%,v(.(.t sn-iilp, hitil thnt in tvr su ils ný)t to interfere with the publie Lusi- l'intea of ttils moruibg niiticipAte-s little re- woulit [,car, tiietil ciI,,( ly. l1u olIserve,à' it into Llif, p;trl.)r." ent1v that city ? and the sanie in Toronto ? 1 iless ; and temporitry arirungçàm(,iitg could suit froni Turkey's riew propokiail. U'LC t1ipv il U ll t',,,r the f:ýx- in, 1,11t is f-viIlft)tlv tint -it Ilorn- ; Fýo Waq, 1 Why should not the buildings iii Whi be 111-ie for the meotiiigs of tlie Legirla- iiews of lturibini.i deje.ais in Turkestan is teLitiIi] (If th' --lnIl tIJollglit thlit ,Itr it- cxlalistiliz th wvaiher topic, gii,-qRfs lip bt lature." in coustanti iDen who were But by, used for public purposes, pay a tav calibinr, greid rejoicing nople. l'zir-nt and actlv, lie'il go woli't "oil tak-fý- 1 Ims fi Mr. Tully is a governraent officer ) i i(ilint Pasint tijitiks it foolish for Lurope politiciaii4 were entitl,,,(l tu vote. 11m hope(l du,-t ciiiid il 1 (Io. 1 t's c!ýi1lV ont.- - Do firi;t F to t1je - mullicipality whicli protects y to fuitlier arinoy Turkey, ai; a general that P-()M(ý check slj()UlIi býý plAcéId on thý0 ou like sn-ar iii vour-' Yri;, aull of course would give a report ac- Eulýopeftn war niay be the resuit irom fàýiliost nulitDitfi(l power of t;ýxatiôn e 1 il thein ? These qllestions clainour for xerr ftp(l a little iiiitiiie,(,, if vou have it 0 St cordiDg to instructions. But wliat W6 II furti-ler complications. cisvd I)y f;cliool Trustées. He rpgrettêçl,-Ve II Weil I never ])Paj-(l of iii-- settlement ; and the vote of 1'riday 1 notice thlit it was ll('C-.Stary to fXtend j wàUt to sec is a report or 'nvestigation, the i - 011, vp it improvei; tbp flavour, esi)(,(,i. niglit la8t, will ilot stifle the cry. If it lation for the linfortunaep ellièrs I aliv if'a ittie lernon is riilb,-(l aroilnd the furnisfied Lvý a blard of arellitects and SOCIAL. After the Town Couiieil er e 0 1)] L' )ào ( Gr. be a fact, VA was said in Frifiay's de- liad got tliroLigL the' of luillilics, anj liolipfil tlie Ilouse won1d1e1ý' of the, 21aý;q' and 11011't put thp w1lis- ir proceedirigs on kev iii t)ll \Vhy NIr. Jniii,@, wliqt (In engineers, who do not Lold any publie Monday iiiglit. Ilis Worship, - williii1g to vote any rea.sovable çentn forf;ai-,.' Fri bate, the B. N. A. Act prevented the Mr. G. ther necewbary Fxtrrision. It alsa nppFýar-; ou nieiir. by Iiiittiniz whiqkpy in coffee, Corl, taxation of governinent buildings, au office under the governineiît. Y Sant) , invited all the meij2ýers, aie ed uecesoyiry to e-xtenql lire od a bor) .", 1 1 nl a liti !A If mon rtil)l)e(l in ftround t1p- agitation should bc at once begun, to We understand that tUe,- Hon. "Mr. well as ouiers predent, to bis residence. for deaf uiutes. find hl, fit the zouse Mowat will not press the- subjeit this On arriving-at his house, we found tlie would Lave plérisure in votiiig for edge ? M r. joneý, 1 thitik vou'VA l'epn have thifî prohibition repeale(l by the neceptiary extension. A(Iditi()Iijll nec driukýiu_, 1" Jonos eets out sonji-how. The i session, notwithstanding King Street good Lhlings of the season prepared oin- 1l.ýb siove mid exciteynent lifig nettitllv Imperial Parliainent. dation Lad also beeii provided for l 1 ! W. L 1 AfLer etij'oyino(l a very pleasant loyâter Ino set Iiiii) up." iqo that wlien lie getA to X son, pressure. another unforttinate clai3s-tllp blind. ;ýqj e ! The Reform Party wbieh has noth- 8 e r, tea, fruits, etc., toasts and noticed with pleasure a be iF; good and drunk. Aft,&-r vain att(,rniits i 1 portion of , London Advertilier:-We are pleased ilie to the knncker oil the si(IA of the eusse( ing to reform, must show tliat it lias 1 speeches were giveu. Successful and speech relating te a fire-liib(,f bnildiný, in porel, Il(, and in g th ' to see that the Governw(Int lias not ,its (jown to thinli a wliile the right to exist. If that Party does acced« retiring inernbers expresbed their whicli to secure the recor(la of the Crown finallv holds tliis sniiloquy wiiii (jov i, Dot grapple wich this grievance, the ed to the wi'311 of those parties in Toronto 1 great pleasure at Mr. Sniitli's re-elec- Lands' D-partrnAnt. Hýi I)resiitn-ii Ilow- 'Il for Jon.s ! (hir). WI)itz7,fr ninz- Ist 1 who dct;ired to liave Parliament Building$ tion, and coDgratulated him on bis, evç»r, from the guarý1ei1 worlin, ý"f th. zrr le'r (Ili(,) gpt up. 'Lo! Eriplimufa next election will give practical proof paragrillpb, that the Govert)meut'(li(l not atteni et-Eocted bfore tbe country Lad become con- lionourable titid fair dèalings towards ýox ! Wo*gomA tillmor (Iiie). Gid ni' schoo of the seutinients of Reformers on this villeed of the C intend to make this a start fer new Pýkrlia Snores. Some other cal'ImrR find hirn g8thel subject. Mr. Brown, the Con8ervativo neces-5ity for them. The all parties ; and, one gentleanan Baia ment buildings. happy ivith bis arna around the door-step, ellilir safety of the records in the Crown Lands' tliat the time niay yet come wLeii Mr. Mr. Mil,86ie seconded the Adlresi;. ffi, and send hini home. fil(- br inember for this county, is to be con- Department wili be ensured by the erec- Smith will represent us at eith I)Opi!d thitt wliatever amendments might 1 1 or T icense Act would have We liting iip our stoeking New Yearq a"Il ir gratulatod for fiaviiig voted tion of a fire proof building. It will pro- Ottitwa or Toronto, whicli expression 1 be made Upon the - oanq 8 0 1; in favour brougiit fortli aulause. The c a tendency to work liFii-,noniotisly with the evP, and rocei%-P(l quite an tment of ti%,H il of Mr. Seott's amendment. Had ýjV. bably be so constructed as to form a wing ompany articles-a -overninent situation. tfiree 2LC favoured by the 1, me Dunkin Act. He bad pleai;,ire in express- for any block of buildin,,s te be afterward ing te the Administratitin appréciation Of speond-liand otatops, the prayprs of the el L,,výf, Brown been a Reformer, Nvould Le have , U excellent pleces of music on the piano, the valuable assistance thAy Lad a!,,ady chureli. the plans of the npw station, th e ai erected. The Pubiie Accounte are ready 1 - been fotind on this vote, on the side of if we ' and dipperspd at a rea8onable hour, protnises of the new alderman, and con- 1 loi't to for iiif;pectioii, and the appropriations, afforded railways which opened. up new right and common Benee ? 1 1 after enjoying a Tery pleasant time. terrilories. While still holding that it wag gra . tularions of the defeatpd orles, the ro- an in may bY sure, will not be greater than the the duty of the Government to assist such Inalna of' a livery horse after boing drivén classei fi nan-cial position of the Provinod wiU amp- enterprises, ho trusted flint the ordinfiry ail New Years Day for voters, the proi;- Brit. DUIFFIN'S CREEK.-TLe Rev. J. Dowliug, railway speculator, who bad Do ets of a re'ýlenient of the Presidentiitl of Tru GnAxGE ýfr.-r,-TING. - The annual IY illdtifY. Other oh- pe L C-rraligo meeting was held in the Sons' Evening Timeg:-No scheme for new nf Uibridge, deliverod two vivry interest. ject than the advancemprit of his own in- rnuddle and war ;Li the east, a spoiled bal- not m Parliament building& wili be submitted ing lectures lière on the 4tli and 5th iusts., terests, would be discouraged. Sucil sp@cu- lot, a. pound of sau,;agý, an tricts ; Hall, Brougham, on Tuesday last, to lators should be carefally guarded against boffle of a new patent coeinetie loir tne geuvri but it is contemplated te, erect à perma. one on the Religions Views, dild tile otlier by the Govemment find the House bands and face. 4th * install the officers for the prescrit year, nent striicture for the safé custody of Pro- on the Customs, etc., of the Eg ptians of Mr. Macdougall (Sirncoe) asked iÎthere- InsF el A very good tea was prepared by the ýY ing of viticial records-tljit5, happily, wili answer Three TbctiE;und Years Ago. Both lec- portA wbich mers promised as to the work- The Dankin Bill was defeated in King- Sisters and lady visitors. Speeches by ord every purpose and break the back of the tures were illustrated with paintings by ing of the law resPecting tbe sale of sfon by only 106 votes. Snell a rpsult in a housee and toasts followed. and the whole cry calied into being by the inordinate the lecturer. spiritucius liquors would include a tate- city is au astonisliing -evidence of the rapià in Bile] ment of the cost of that law toi the country. growth of publie opinion in the right direc. ing 0 proceedings passed off agreeably. The greed of Toronto. Many peroons Beem to be taking ad- M r. Mowat said they wo'uld. tion. iNuell f c BrougImm, Grange lias purchased a On the ninth resoulution. vantage of the bona fide redUetion of Mr. Mowat Baid the hon. momberg wýo It is reported that Judge Taschereau, of ex Ôot ffill liew Hall. Twolve persons handed in FoUND.-The horse that was taken ten cents on each dollar on every pur- bad supported the erection oÈnew Parlis- the Qnebec Supreme Court, is about to Te- Llieir namce for member8hip. by mistake from Mr. Armstrong's chase made at Odd Fellows'Hall. We men t buildingg bail not profestied to be ex. sign, in wliieh case hif, place would pro- lating sheds on Monday, lot iust., was fonna pay, Bave Morley while the chance ie pressing the policy of the GovArnment en bably ha filled by Mr. Joseph Doutre, Q.C. sectioli Twà fair daughters ot a Iiiglily respec- in the stables of the Queen's hotel. It open, as it is Dot probable that Mr. thpit point. Ail the Government Lad ask- Judge -Wilfred. Dorion, of Quebee, lis men- oth, table family in Montroal eloped the other was discovered on Sundjoy last thst Mr. Frost will continue the system longer ed the bon&e te, consider was, whether the tionad as the probable succensor of the late be abc eraction of a proper building for the ersat- Judge Mondelet, his seýt on the Bench be- days d day witli two cousins, and are now Rpend. Campbell was the owner, and he was than the time advertised, yjý-, for the er security of the Crown Lands shotIld n- ot iug taken eitlier by Mr. Lanqlois or by Mr. ing ilieir lioney-moon in the United States. notified at once. month of January. be proceeded with Dow, instead of being Langelier. daveri Tii; Giobe says the Lpponents of new laqt as i wolild sav nothine Pýtr!ý.ýLi.unt Btii:tliiir- k-now very little of Y. Tribune -Ith in- thé illiatter iliý:, liave, attrLupted to deal NN, 1 t il. -Nu Torouto paper Iiiis liad enough nt thp 601 pays, tlint entetpil.,e Iiiiii to pIIbJiý,1I an esti- tr-nes Gorilon -Bçýnnfit il, (,f Ille c,:,t t new 1-nibliligs, or to -nnl'ip thrit F r4rirk (il ý uil thé- (left ets of the- old invitation to R 1)0,iti'F n Cariails. BI-nuett t ilit- same olil story, in very inrsday and wag ir, gen, rai teriiis.-A Jiingstou correspondent ;vl)pnee the mêssrIý--p 1 of the Tribune mentions a rilwour that %fitiv, ac("nmpanie(l l'y Il for severa iriont'lis past the editorial niglit, optenieibl * v colliwns of' th, Irimh ('unadian have been unilpt-rtoctl G--n. of PxTre.-Ilîrrit Tav- s'ýIPPli( d J'y IL Ili fact, ail Irish -tt's friend. i Or ",ge T( i.N . a follom, r (-L Sir JoLL.- ST.4TUTE OF VIC. the Park, rit L(Ywpll, LoVI. AND L.-%Rcrý-sY.-A respectable and té, firi;t soldiers that tiliddle jt-ýf J %voinan, nameil Aune Doe, is a lasting Snd benu. was t1w witness in the police [t. iR one (if flw first coni-L vi :- r, r 1: 1 iiý, ;iust Win. Thompson, ratig(rg eed rnany visit rtir- pr, s ýtwI itlyropriating die same to g'lrit (,bj(,(,t or higli lii4 owri ri, ý. '17,l ii a bricklayers' front Iffi l- Kinz of liss;stalýl, :I11-i iýilS i'f-ý 1; t)iý- loer of the A.ver, ti) whoni hiç ýi;I for il 4 r ý,t yertirs. After grftcii)us tri fi -J 1*i!,ý,lý 1 :%, fil Ili fini] been ig rf-rniý(iief; srê ri. 1 :il;tÀý lié, Lit 811*2 ilorii lit r nnilpr pretence r tlie Qir1ý. W i- il tri ri- ;lijl lot for tlieir D (iý f.,r tri tlim Ciý ' v j ýnI il , l. ný- ýý i-t :j tý:- - N iiývilm e '-i;lliced." ient F 11;1,:Pm of tlip \\'lit il a.,ýe 1 W!j;tt Iýad beconle of the ,ience and ý,rrns.- 8112 lie Ili& atliltn'cetl soLue landed' eFitate, but if turned out thut ho was a de- cviver. for lip had no iiiterest in the proper- ty. Tho !itcb %vas lia ectiltl not explain onneeui. lits , Ir) rlir uliett ,(- linil ilorie wffli thp monry. But :)r pay, fi, Il S, I(Iý tri bis is iiot ilii- inoz;t éýxtt-;ioriIinary part of enquire ng t,,) thf- 1 bp wp 1 -, 4 '1 il %, erti., , 1, Ille storý-, Tlieri, werv two Win. Thomp- sons iii the celis-our tri. ri(] the lover and ourselves that tbey a 64 drunk." Thil drunk was ordered to bel iectjible. But when fischarged-ainti out walked the lover racliýs in )ur midst, the false pr, f ( riic i. O,.jcrel intc Court - y0ung. in appear. to be tri,,t], %Nij(ii in malhed the il drunk." Dot pasi; it by un. _Jdail, Vonday. people. who yearp and wlio now wear How is this ? Jt A iiove-l experiirient, acrording to the 1, for it bas a per. r, cliport, N. Y., petp& rs. is sillon te be at- rice instead of the nipt-d in flint city. Tfiis expériment il; ok (if hair 8tained lient the bouses of the wliole city with ýr or other coin '14 am, after tiil same mannt-r as it is light- 1 it has been "] with gas. it is not hought fcasible to color, lustro and have one boiler do the job, but City is to he int wonder of w n- iivided inte districts, and each district ia Cieillian Hiiir Re. fi) have a separate boiler.,* Mains from mitators, but theire each boiler are to run to the different test of yetirs only Ilouses, and all the occupant bas to dô ig e its finitators die to turn on a faucet anýd obtain all the heat Iton Daily Globe. 1 hO wRuts- L 1 ýr

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