bléom$eme on i*0 jwld oo s mgt Our i tuheslo'.d eà udoiy; *ne bfflar*ale o IotIan g ÀM 0op8 th» ri o' barloy. Trwwîreà, John Ti~o~.bairWO&e May guld luck ayo bofa' ye; TIi. ook zeay orswi the. 4ay may 4aw, or thie w woo German lardle, lng. bey my braw John lghblandman, lu honour o' our bardie, -toi Bobin Wau à rantln' boy, Arn le'r bev up a chanter; neafem ns guid nloht ajy iîîw' arn (Y 5anter. Tho.n Oalodouiome, d*o. My lut@ ilulike à ted, yod toge, 1 100 thi eesie dieariy; Uâietâond a supplnl tiole brou@, On the top ol thé. bannie hoose o, Âlrlie. inet latt we mot at B.rwlok-ew, -o SJipl*yec me xnony a pli"ki; * ~ ~ hgr~pW tbbrder-Ain' saa w o e.drapo' 1Ilghlan' whuekoy. Will. Wtlo dwolt ci ITwoed, SeH wauhlth ycugg and apankie, b1I oLttlwh.PiecrV aUa.bed #Wii.brmvfct a peck o& maut, stifP'sa guld ha houpft: Thon Bab an' Alun n11M Cat AnÉd~learkwaye dia coupe It. The. doilomnea Mdln' thro' the tomn ne apolr'dlier what they oa'da lier, Got oý~t the gate, yau blotherin' ikat., Pr y. fWme moue tàrry ' ~Iae g'ag ur way. wil oripple R~ate, 1for Ine cor :yotnnq te, marry. Thon Calodoulans, Ue hhould auld acqualntano. bc fnrgot, When Pr6asing oder the hoatner: j Whau %te oau la. &dr&pple ait, * Alanàvi' aeue anither. Then lot Colunbia', kilted clans Te Sqoland tooze thoir glassos; Ob@'. oye the ai-ast in freedonîs Vau- èALi icés lier boui le sos I Thoen Caedolan., &a. TWo Nw Farm Implements. -Qtgr agriCU-ItUral eXChanges anxonna af ecuple of rocont inventions that bid fair to ligbt.n the fariner'. toil, and oxpedito his iwork. À qamVi ard manure apreader. A cor. -reupodent of Bll'o Meaaenger deseyjbes a viait paid by hitri ta au etate wliere hoe aw Mbi contrivance in operation. It wnv apreading woll.rottod luanturo, but wouid àisouiýread long nianuro froslî (rom the barn-yard. The work was woll dons, and could flot bave been done bottê'r by liaud. Tih. modus operandi is given inubustance ne followe: the machins rutie on iron T#fw Y qg Ldies oftoIay. I 1blf#ignmuab- me O teït i.he ,bovo iûbIéct, ab" 'imLiéiyi place =y vIews before the. publie. Prom rny o wn observatiou,-I hîvo,,ome-to Lb. donolumlodii thal if youqg Iaoie, and espec. lalIy1 parents would, obsme nmorn f the followibg'ulM, Ithit,~~glMm<~ê present day woolkl be moto qualit1j4 k2 111l th. poitidlis whieh they are expeoted at nmre poriod of livée tb occupy. lut. Leara bo give up vanity. 2nd. Learu f0 wakg, Pread. Brd. ILbarn mlf.reliaucoe. *4th. Loara Lu inako shirt., ôth. Learn Le woar your natural hair, andi not to build a blll «gof a, hair oni Youé> heac3, which would xival the Citadel Oth. Learn to make your ove dreisàmnd catch a agoh when ltk breaks, for a #Wbiola Lime Baves aine. 7thn Learn that a dollar la only a han- dr.d cents, and that moiney don't grow oni trees, but i. inade only by a terrible siglit of haîi scratchi ng. BLII. Leurn every day dry, bard, practi- cal common sans, for whieh yen wi.l find plonty of useo. 9tli, Loaru te sow on buttons and dam etockinge, as you m=y havu Élis to do for a large famniy some day. 1tbà. Lettrn La &&y no, andmeanuiL; or &aY Yeu, and stick to iL. I woold advise you ta say the latter, as Vion are going te gel soarce, on aceount af se many war@ brewlng. 111hi. Learn Le woatr calioe dresses, anid do i L 1ke a qtuean, andl that ton unnny daily paporm spoil thelooek cf It. l2tb. Learn o terîgard the morale aid net the rnoney of your beaux, as ruany a riagged cont 3overx a noble breait. 18t1,. Leare tloI,.within yaur husband'w iecomoe-whien yau get ane,-fir tLue mor, Yeu do hie nioro île viii sîcre ;the frtiier you' lîvo beoaîîlil the nenrer yeu wili bc ta the poor lbeuse. l4tiî. Have uothing ta do willi inteni. peratoanud dissoulute young mon,,; and( hLnow that a steiaîy uîeu-ij'nio witilout a cent is botter thon a dozen loafers if, bro-ideloth. 1.5iiî. Loarn te gi'c tl rusre. If yoin liave nîuy. aud dontlui-n yotr bectîx on*, iliukiîîg îlîîî ilre is plîu îy muore heuiîîi the seot as gucî(l as, iq", for you may al lie euccaaccfui tic Ccxt lime witlî yoîur lith'e boit ai hlook. l6t. lî.'Veiî yau are iirrieîl uoversearcli in yoiur litiebiiid'e îîîîclaîîntaiiliît, on the, pI'iicilîle huiit n cîn ,t j cran fori. lissenticn reay muike.a d[li [ra ' ;Nu ch f iranhin. l7îlî, and loch, tliougnt lienst, bure oliuow tuiat oad iadi'youn jehie cwn lînia.u', onu thiit no> auauuit of stiiffiîg or igi l4ciuîg wîtl inirvi LO nodel.- trhela bbhind the cart, Le which il la hiook' md on by a simple attaahmtenut. Theo wlob aipparatus Ile Vary è1umpIe, the ouly wcrkjng o'Rl a IuuttUtRît'Al, Oi- F pasrts oonslin of a rerolving îîuîîî pliaI- \'ofi.-Ot\\!,.~ I -to c-,Ml. formi, boîteo n two eîedlcss clîr jusl, and atn " a' Eii.a' " i .lîilaIlMos;t agitabor or sepsîratot', whielîila rovoînes. turîîlîseîu~fritta di uit. l11w0 'Ibo mobion is aomrmtnicateîl by the 'drjn c'îggîin îrîii ci-Ifrîj (:iiîît Ing wheels, by tienne o! two cgwel 'îîcitî. u-,-s:! I1,.,1. -v uiftir f î and the 'muglit lese olight, tliat ie extra io loc iui'( l ii.- ii iit iO 'iic wsw;Ilkui.t îîîîýn.- hors. ls rcqniired boyôe"d the on e or tlira 'iI-uof l1 l'I Onit'tti. tii i:iti at useally employed in iaying dotvu Iar-yrl i t ti I. . ippiî. i fi i tl. iî maunra. A unan staudmu on thes niatui nit Ui.uti ,i' l l p lugi t o.luii.l'-i th'lb. an d fe<'us th0 Macfiine wîîîî aIi1 tt ii tfît IIli uc'i lu ii IS Ire iIil, fork. ia boy loaiîigthe lboise as n sd dwç i.uviitln ~[- i lIiiti i t lt the field. Tlue preauler i mtc'h locrrit' cilIPSt[i-tciI îi-i.1 riiu thon (bo carL, soqthjat the feedlerlies ccIv Ii[1fluni -i ii.u i. tii ti1 te hrow filec mecure down and nover ii li' ît c ur i nei-'i maisa il. Thfi> Ogtito' consiaseof a eii iiîi 'cce b!îî'îlt intia-- is-îutic of pronigs erratîged iiiîun irregtîlars p jiralt 1', j itI l U t ii'i I l fi-,'itiit . n (belical) fnri'î, il vns Lu ilietriiiîî Ilo e ic lui- ii] v: Ut ist i'u1uLi.Ii . . It-. iv cl nurojvenly over thie piaiforni, î'hliiru iiI i iij'c-I iIi -ih volvesiluthie reve.rse dirsotijon. As thie ti io111 Oa.i~ nnl io doiiu platfermn renolves il darnies thua nantie -,,live'ufiaozen blior(' l'a. 0jJ c ni u iac-hai finely diridod by the agulator, anar ta the Iiilfl.lini lie iiit liad pri-uit ce oif mid te baak ofthie uniclîlue, tlircwiîig il on li i îîî hI-I hîLtc lil ilfilî grolnd iii Ilîa î-gular anud cou jj îuuoue dmru n ti i itct ClIMieth tîuuO i l i t. of!ânanl iiaes. TIie qîantiay cf riiiru ditibutsd is rogulatod Ly altri i du lite îuudictai utiî eotito dis- widîh ut feod, or iî tlte spea'd nt wiiclî the' cota- iy itlIll d-uilatîr ouil.îcure fa r da~rt and machine trîctl.A width of 61 t. diLliliI'Lue-. It cuu'ot itlI liucal tisa of, ils spsoad nt el ilme thle mt(Iicliîîe trieivelscl11îii aul lycl ia'tilil iliii jtaiii ad - up or dovu Lihe field, bt lO teinnentors liUnictraitIau o i clutte 0f Lbinlc that for lanîd on tflui (liJi fi. mclv wîtiî antagut bc a.ihita tL iiito<f T,', G reuù Stols/uices lC'ie.-e thue epreader. Tii-y have only juet per. fechad Ilueir nuacltic, and ciiiîerqc.ue 1,ian Iiliati vai-n-i cie ,oiiîiiiit, ii iiav<fDot yet hrîîugîît if bituore Liîe public 1posedu il i Jî'lice iof Ivii tit'v\ofItl uî but those wlua hiaro hpen iu to tudo a tli-at e iiiei -ifli i- li i r' ut1ts; Il le.l vato inspectiounlhave iillu ioluexceiption, 1wlueuul auiirîji. -cii-ti it u id n- biliove, exprcsiil ,thieliseino es asiglul illtiuuit:utie atiýsly litli te iîîii tu.c picascai witlî ils workig. The aîlcautagc- I.'ci'. ) iii'c )u% -tc -ii acS, i ~ bý-ti i,(ta&Ve., * RcelIiitg Il lIIIet-ti-ii tii of a manuro sproading mîachine are nînny atiy uii al. l' uaill'punc ettîuî- and obvious. Aoiairg Ilîei miay bc men- ie 'ls liiîriuti cialcitiii'.ow~il uir'iirî. tiorucd the grîtatetiligoft labour ; the ai!' 1 (lîtulîu-îîîîu je iila-ru- ci heu tinuuu Il. vantege of lching thic- IIoilcîiie tcllow los i Ilîil ipi 1iiii:tii.Itili ie l u 11 a iiî gai iîl Jîrt -.'1 ot il[:,( ii-S iii Linl utta()Ii.cilu fiiis -i jî ly aftor theia mut , citilte, is anouiing 1.11- tîîi.S ut l Ci-'i îa aiur, l'i uilt Pasto of oî'mpuî-i-uîor wasiing;ithe &Av. Iii itiii u ts îîu dcii.In,i- tinoidanoo ofthie uilîi hup balloms, o lui i iin iLi taiuiwiiyei'rfinneCirli - whicb aro rrcly ishovulleîl up cloecîn hitthlis 5wl' (In scay, thihit ptipsunas uîet,îl rla' hli llîaad, îîcîuîuauîc-îîîc- a-tt uu l - eongi, uilwlicl nhsur alargo portu~uion rg' ,,î îîîrî c'i-i uîlci'iii-i'c nlig <u'1 '!ý ofîthe julces cf thua mmure ;andl tue avuîîîlIit-pin t'o. hstandslef11 t-t1adil aidli anoe ofitlhe damiagu <doue te youtng claver u-tuîu l iiugt1luîî hou ltincohui uli by the draggiug of tliA aorhs ael rthoy ac > il;VUii'iljrl. c 'f Ilîî îii...Ilcas t,>i tip ed au tiosio elingupof he li i ti ti e '( u i l inrs. iiiîuIR tiiîii luri tippai, uîl laa bavliiu up f fle liu p lilitiîui-itti ici t' . A a euttili tiýi 'nla'iii boltome. IL waîuld Le un adilitioniai ad-.itc IL e i iiitijviaitl i i cti~lii' 1 TVantago if thie' machin e coulul ho maule fuu i -i fu i I l-un tul attuil t Itlue C ijiul 1u food itself, but titis cannI iot Le attajint-l uhreîuu in oi clu u 1.illiai « t y îît Iigiî telpo 'l l' l -un iiuii i iut.lit i witiiout sncrificirig come of the cxîsîing ad il. 4nsICole, "iti-i't', i ]ttuiiîu, A ventages afflue sîunuaîir. "lheeseeins tle clîuul 1 taioi(li,'tt - iîi-'Iiîc b. no ilson wluy Iland uîllime, as well Pnuî'c- 'f tile lioi-î l itu î'ii~t $jaîîe Ibo maniure, sheulu l nt bo spricadb3' thje iilii 25 et tax.ox, m a o i o . --__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. À Ni,:w TrIwiN Iltisn.-Tliijc 15 do- Thtomas' ! l' i 1! I'ortlî Tc, ~nribed as fofluwe by a Scailh paper t- Timeasts lî'elig it in f;ld. 1)o l'oc Among Lbe labeL inventions muy lue K ~i-i 1tit/tutif 1,1t!?2Il ,t, itîis caUued a mtcliinu fer topping, tailing and Tha uu -li d. iraieieg urnilîs, an oeriation Itatons man-y Tiu r lt, uw -jir-liuecfmt Afarrn wili very soion iunolv'îîcomîii, Jcitai ilii'tu ie i tit vpit -iii ns of irtl-iu weekly oxpfnituro. Tko tiret tbu of Litilîî,f 111'i ii i- jui-ii r aiuy grünt ft kind worthy of notice was exlij'iille ] i l ic 1 li,' il îîu t iiiti e. fiiaif lo ijeTiliîAs e Highiland Agrieuitural Society . MeIîcîv a IE(i.îi ( i. ic i )ii.- putc t)c'a Iirc:ulîrîiocof Il Sterlinu In Ifl.Mu'. Jluntar, cf )Muî>'bîle, Oe(ililii oit Iit lui lilîîîWn, 'iîci ri Improveil.upon -bauit iplempnt, and -i L " tlt'<t v i '1-) k 'c't. !il îîî- ti tîî'c uil biblbed lbt ut tho Royal Ag~riultuntil shoew bli ii îî (i~f ec \l '.11 iiiill uu 0,'ia antBedford le 1874, when iL attraclaîl con - il 1 *î-.-ii lnlu -r[iien, 1lanît srd.rsuble attèntion. Sioce thon ils ciii li lit i-iuug , i*f#uts wliijuf uîuî. i-'en necîjîlt - mirution u l'~tiî lii llc.' ilJi J l itueA Iliiroa, oril i atuiinbas boon impueveci, ifatiîiet ihu lll(.'r'ilit i'iiuî iii'ti.'lit' intu l.eur-t ai reme~lelied, the ainendweî't bîij:g hue uvii r tftiali ' is i tiî i '11 liiiiiga i tu. M hi plaaing o! Lbe wlîailuithat run betwccu ui' iliai. rluliluiivîiii ut w i i cuul i, I reu l<,inips neusîor tIhe celtre ail liii' loi at IY lusiau li ilii- îîI,, t' tr i uati body oif thie etnhinn'uwliioreti its ait~tiitiîuiat n"Ltii ~t? -'ai ui-,,'i' ni au-io' thi te the equalities oetflue grouiulcloîllceIlu iurigii . i.Tti.t Iîr ingiuiîic beeon porfectiy eccutei. MiLli' ut îuîr cî'cr fiirj i'uil, ilii0 wîujcîî jprzl. 1 ln readors inust bave seen the impie'tauain alti I-c int." l s 1 ito1i11iinitu1g 1r0stlî[S, 1jc the AgriDillturaai Show t JBirmingham laeîaniîiinî t V iili- rngl e cf olîplîca 1n July, as iL wîas ths cnly tnachilie cf Lhua intcothami t ciîtaji lIi-vl e ollre (lis-r kln tat aeexhhiud.'i'li juîl' -, ct vi lî'iti no. iiiaiuiînl3. lisesoroiiug TO NEàVO -'- 'Ù Ë*E1ýS DOIscribe yen: althot,- i iov1 , éig" gv your &ge andpresentbuolneu-; nemlteî>ovznaan -a miserabte àxintence, or auie 'M'hJèa, don O-ver 300 che 'in 3'Monthis q$ter many y.SrE4Munerln0. "Elora Treatm2net" lor elther lex, a gude ofvital ileportanca ta tha Young, demi or! n.ea "Prerention and cura of Consnpln ihrc thoe books sent pro-pad oe racipo cfdqit.o.o 1:2A ÀCure GUÀIRNED. Im those distreaesaffections ax-sing fromlLls-g grattons (ignorance of Natures X.&Wrâl k 1hq-ried or linge, weal vision, BEMiN4 _ IÂxÊNBiBg, lois of nerve f otor cdeay fof illoo 1 Inrjdyspopelan, paiusns etho bààgk- , EZIAT- IITEA, &e., &e. 77- REBEIrN LIES TOUR ONLY SAPETT. 'TIS INYFALLIB],LE -1 Ta soecur@ an anser t>' mail und*x.oo and a ANOTHEB SPLENDIID BOOK. "How to acqîlire plîîînpeo 8 ef formn, streegth 01 11mib and id EAUTï 0F COM11PLLEXION, or.ty 25c. 'Parties eoouing Prof. Egan. of Toronto, will fend Iblut î'crfectlviy uoýlo ttlàad rlttwoxtty in *Very paxtieiitax. -frotc-v-lt llecorder. to.We eanD.e U crruoricl the afincteel to appîr te hlor roYlef;'le e iatrlctiy honouratie ana conftl'lctlal ln ietascl n.NoaeBeaeer. "lic la a goîut1illn'mn demorvlng of alil confidence and tborougli r' lîitie'-Arnprior llce4ew. PRIOF. J. Y. EQAN, Toronto, Ont. tte what Po per you saw thio le. 321ly YEOMAN GIBSON, Çleneral Comnmission Merchant aind Producc Dealer. AGM-NT iota Imporial & Commercial Fire insurance Co's. ]RATES ([F tFi'.C LOW. Ala Agv-îat-r LONDOjN ANI) CANADIAN LOAN & AGENCY COMP'Y. 1Onl ll Fento a. Ilavaiefrîi; 2 to 12 yearpi and le i'uiiilti u a îit artis. lit,-rvit Iuw aud Mortgages Bought. GI13SON & Sl>AZ\'IEJ.lI'S tîittîv, Mari-tli tti, 17 20 ý ALE 'l: ni i ln i a tauuaîd 1j î -treus îio . iin t itfSgî-u ray i- a(Ile i I-r to 11.3 -rI.t i %.u thenud 1a ci .- euu -nof gre tt c~ui ,- îî tte Fcuî!p> îy its îîtQ bcauuiioz; Nzite en:d cleau. tlieca ili gln s t tlc r nsore-i pi and Inuak- 1 1:1 -- i tow tiicIculflStî'o:îo. A S an 1essiiignothiug lias becîî folnd i-o effectual or- desiî'ablo. A. A. Ilcciiî.D., Statc Astcc cf i--n'iut'etssays,'- Tua -an sl:iltu-t5 ut e plue, anîd caî-cfillx' so- lecit 1i1ti"I -xcec l lit quni ity ; -n1iii I l-uie.t- k i le BIST l>IIItPAItATIO'< fu iu luIt - i ll -jt oses." Price, One ]Dollar. cgha~mye FOR THE WHISKERS. Tlils te tpi'e pn 'ti oti mnc' lue -cluil <Io Celîtî(thge icolo:' o!Ilile lian id-i etueu'vor tn'otlie: iuciî Rbh( sIlinîe, to biowiu'l.lek ifdis- eretian. I sesl plehigl une urcnrut on fon qiekly iind et- fetiiallyi tiltesa pcrmnnt cclor, M.anufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, Ni. 9014 t'y aitîZu-is sudanLeteu iin UCIi.'izet Ayer's Cherry Pectoral For Disoase. of Tliroat andi Lun such au Oough . col Whooplng Ooui the ,, Eh. ns, The îîîîttli tluttQainttteii, tnconequone af the îîtrnctt lllii ncu t hnhirttedîccai tng the icit lii critiic>', l a Atiflciclît assurcance to the pubititt Ii l t u-utinile te rcîîize thé happleel resiilté tint 'tan blueiureui. lannniost ovor 9e-tion aof centlry tlo-i re personge pubtlcly ncî'n,î io îuîc bcnreetoreil fuoni uiiinîîng and vci cttaperatr iieaed if [iieI' iîgs, by uts use. MIi h avne trted tcnu-e itc snpcorry; and cvhct'elits vitioe unerkitori, lnaooeiiesllates seic what inidtrlo tut cîîîptuuy tut ruilera the Is-. eea ancd eiihlering i'ecuiar to Iuntmenaî'y nfre. oa. CiîEr.n PmCeTciUAl,iic- litrords ln- stant relier, and pcrl'orms raîtl nitr-es ofitbt mlidler vai4eici oi'iroîucuiial utuicais weil a. àe noetforidatleic lieasi lic elange. A a aiitai-guiaî-d t tiiui iiiid uiheuistress. îg dîseace mnlîili becci iCie Tiîroit .iid thest af îildhIoo't J, cli n V lkt r, i. -iL timeîy use, Tlu iii 'tui-ie e 9't:11i lu (Ii, ut ccci->'trial, as me6 Cîmu-ceaili îe c0nsýtuiîUtLJY mr i arc toc ra- iiirkabtitc' u' ia'firiu-'tucn, \utt l'uiiiuy ehould ho lithoît ii, attilt (îOiŽil Lo l.'aruonca usca 4i aven %ijIt. 'cribilt, uandiiCicctnîen iil'en l'e'çoinmed il ronu tlîa.c;i. nuinladg. cfiLs cifecue. itPUiAtcD IET r. J. C. AYER & CO., Loiwel, Mass,, Practical andi Analytîcal Chemiate. OLLs fly ALL I>ItL'CotSTS £V.ENtywJLE NO. M-Lot No.v l, t t.eth concession c1 the 2Mtlin 0 Acres, situati., one" e-b» m-ites futue le gof Brechlin, vii.:, n le Jia 10*,o oof, bln df'e oesmlon047-Ibm ,- Coctainlaf 1010 aores;20 acres cleareul,the reMainder cororedt titmbor, Bock Mit 9&Vo, ,fi evBlnck and Cedbr, weieh is stuaLted atout 2 fthlles frein Bidon station, aDd-à!butrlà mlt.gfrom irkfel,! village viiere thora e also &a atat-ibc4the N1p. lsslxng Ïailay. Tu ollis0f excellent tiUalîty. The ahoyopropertywflviiiold cloaepload on M~asyterme o!payniont. For fertiier PartîeWare apply tthe proprictor. Wbitby, Oct. Gth, 187 0. -- A PPLIOATICN- TO-PAl1LIAM)£iNT, NOTICE le hereby giron that application yUl ho triade ta lthe Domaiuin Parliaineut s.t its,.sext Session for anAcLt te Incorporato "The FrancS,- mans Uay tiarbour Oomnpaay," vltii aUlthe necesso~y poere te raite iney fer ,ee ô .~ and ôffira"l the prd'perty'-cf tha 'lerân Barbon: and 1 Gad Joint Stock Comeyp anyituat- ed lentthe Towuehlp of Plckerlng.le thoaCou ty cf Ontariot.. the Provincee t Ojtarlo; and apaIt Itinilier riglto, powors and pnVlegüs teld and eni ,rodbe the said Pieckering UeorDoLd BMd Join nustock Company. Dated ut Toreuto, QLh Ielth D)ccdnbor, 1878, J. '). EPOAtI, e Soticitor for Applilantes BTavlug disposedo? f ninItorest In (tie OAzlr'T rtîit tîj.g Office, al l ette d(ili, fir Stti-rll)tion or Job Vaî,tu ithe Itrgt cf Novnciter iast, muai ha oth-ni Iîofore [lic tiret of .tîusr> x, iiti tiervle ttîey wîi te îîputlu a Iîe>c Lande for collec- tien. Aiceouint encti hoti ctied wilhMr. D. OBMI8TON, I3rock SrrW.iy NWhittv, Doc. 5,.1876. CIIAIILES TAYLOB. --- A N'ory deoiri1e BUILDIN(i SITE, containlng 41 acres of! land,. toing part of Lot No. ii, 2ND CON. PICKERIN G, (tîi,'.îîin iitu- :t i' i? itiitt ii,nu'" i al îîi':îi c 1-r 'lit Mî' îl oiîie, iliiac i lt, Nec ilo&rd- For jierticulurm '-i'> o 01r. JOHis ILIGtHlT, 111 i ILI]n 71 -A 11i--T - -- iID i i ut'.C) y I F Wr5 SMiLES THIirU ES IIVS ASi) All. AI. t!0AK 5 TII E ULIT >IIZE! When ex Iit tth ic (o %, and Provni al W 1Aid ea hoî eUaey !d o whiel) w il11heROI CIo0llar for Ca Mn. *rRUKs.VALSES,&cý iliY- it oldiriilg Jdune0un> ortilotire. VIl' 'lu 12 t.Cfl, SAbuve [bat mile made on apecîi orders P.t luw ratc' and l ohrt notice ilt KI1NU- 1BROLS.,ý [iI'I'IM LD A' A (tIra F AL I a D5 OP t. i r, W Olt ad r4r *- AS- IAl 1I)> 1: )k si> i l~J J B3roc> taree;, XI ilty, J'nue. I8 17 GEORGE CORMACK. Aroliltecl, Viiluatar and Builder, l'uaiiben Me-lin, 3rpeter a& Joiuîer, GREl YN S'lR E E'r, WVhIlT BY. c. w A 1largi' uantit vOa1lk iid m o ' 1,unibe r sqar lrmber, Shinicies (2cdar Ilt &. allwayA ou hiiîul . JticýScrews andil ollarb for muvinar Bui1tdu.s. au u. i. t c i arUliiC î" atende'l au .i.ictie Cot,., kaute an harid.1 alerse tai hitre în re amneiah ic iermmig rln4 RXlaltedFor WVITHOUT PAIN. y 'l iI.; u -; F,~ N ITrIffS ONI)E 1 L'GIIING 6. V W "ADAMS Coltiwjflî pleasure.r. Iwocom2njittieJilbta heIuIl'Jc 5a a afe and pieuantaniuoesthiucc. ITeeIlu ftlled wjîîî RIE Qoli or Silven. Artilicial Tecelt inserîed in the bcdt style.- Rocmm orer ME. R. Il. JAMESON'S Qrcer Store, j Il mit COIno Brokan-d" .,Dundais.St peet s) ~WErr-Y THE CIIEAPtSTr PLACE IN THE COUNTY FOR JOB WORKY CARDS, CI RCULARS, AND POSTERS. - t - - ~lO: -- Send in -your Orders at once, an-d you shall have them executed with Neatness and Dispatch. To theorRMorchant: If you have rcce-tvcd a fhJ supplý of C otîi S, adx v u-oim.111-itu11 t t it(t ,tIl' v\ ihauve a super fiuîuits sfoC'hluit fil u j-itue hi , tbî'oiih thîe fu - il n .tl\t Owaiy' - - tait Pa î 1HsE The ýPrices of your G'oods in the QiiETTY,) and yo i *max' expcct yoîir 'Stores crowded w'ith Customens, - - :0: - - To parties having Lots and Houses for Sale or to Let in or îuear ro.1thie GAZETTE offers spef'ial aflvaîitrtges, ctnd by advertising such, retiring Farniers w'iIl become aware of tlie fact, anti may probably becomne residents. If you keep your G oods well acver. tised in thu <AZLI LE, you are sure of pi'ospeinif n busine tss. - :0: - :El J&d1v Eie~s, If you hîave F amis to t,-3u'1 or Lent, auycîtise thcrn at 0ucîi-. SU B SC RIRBE whitIby, March 19, 1873. the GAZETTE. S1.5O Pe i aîium, in dîno luv.nthis. .Lostage piid by us. ýGI TER ALL MCO J 3- 1 37 She iv'-el suQoessW Ïsp 'Bâléà, haxe reSile Jofrtes od Q(~IE - efin i dongso tlatwe: ou vsat the saine timè, for w-ç hWvPÉi »yips~. , " . eVewt those parties who seil goods at a mere-Mno'ma1. xp fit, eîý1ther with those who sefl ai] for the 8inïýfple b enefit the'csoe, (for thiat is too thin.) We are! o110 ei wso~£if. ac cipe persans. B3ut we do hu~ on firet-class t-'~ ~ are, onsequnently, - able to offer aur cuatomées gooad eë£ 4l anY' ouest dealing, upright house, wliose am1 Q cP a i be paid. IN EJACH DE PART MEN 'ý Wül be found goode as represented above. flaberdasbery, JI[oserST, 'G-ove$ Flannels, Blanlkeis, Calicoes, Towels, To-welling, Quilts,,Milp nery, Manties, Tweeds, Cloth and Ready-mùa&e Olothig. - Little Boy's Overcioats, - Fur! Caps and Hats, Youths' Overcoats, *Feit Hats, and Mons' Overcoats, Mink Setts, 7ery ohesp. November 23rd, 1876. REOEIVE D AT LEWIS 'Ef'"OI( Ii'D MUSMI STORIE A large and well assorted stock of ROOM PAPER and WINDOW BLINLS, Whici ho ii, prepnred'to o at the LOWEST RATES. A splendid akcsortment-of Station- ar', ncw iiscellanoiloiii büoLs beinitiliully bouind. Ail kinds of Scllool Boolis. SEWING MACHRINES, lB est makers. LALGT- ANI) NEW AS OBT X F BPST AND CONCERTENAS. Go11d ai i I..;/ and hain8 onLa. AiLorcr )I i!~ ~ À~xJ Amreri- i IL 'L i j d u dIOZttoosujAna çi Li«t, IIO q p P/IZ BO>< 'OA 'CHOQL8 Solici tiiilg 1 iJ ordurs . 13îo lStritit, Mi hak PROF. G. C. WI' 1G GIN S, B. A. o- Instructlion on the Piano-Fo'rte, M 'S'IC A1 RIIA "'GED FOR A N Y INYS TR UMENT. c -- VOCAL AND INT tMNTLMUSIC T i-,iton~ tlîl, satne îetlîod as at the Royal Academy- of Music, England. THEORY OF MUSIC TAUGHT WITH LESSONS. FOI%" I1 'I, dirstQniene's Hotel. Wlîitby No1, s îI J mO-ls;S'i1,0ON-9s no1fin Raking FIRST l>iIZI, AT -. uxi -e - - e' ;.~ t- - p. - S r s- - -e i i t. i~tI'<'t' lui 'ilil I>îov i lic LU I txi~iîibjtjiî I c c" ~. e - -4 ~. ~ o w c.g ~ s -g fil ul el sI'<i- lr CC11 leat-iL, t %~N 0 dis- ri ro ief&.e a i Ji ,, 1 Ire îî,î îîi'ui-,l ('-~.~îîil fins b ~i oit[i ini closely oaîtiteeti'il Inî i i i thi'. n iid. 'to Ilui- 1 iu rtlême Wna *il- 'ilu t îî i s nj ChtL, as a Salf.- jiIikîrîu I-e.pit, I ni' i 'C itîlIl iia iurt, z'nîîi tujlte eagi il lu-- 'Ic-ci rid bas met wîtl, 75e for 6 nio s ucces- ilnul i-es f i lunî'. i tit i vîîcR'iîî'r 'cnemfcîîffv'nud ro thùpublic. -,et-e avaid li lie 1' îrt PIr;'~- üaîît it i oî îlheumPro- vincial Exhibition. Icelin jeToronto, 1870. il) aomtpeitivmî idh al)îthé leading 19 cîhminiftuîcîurerli e ueravinoce idwmtf aur Puant impruri'm'nts. vo unhami t-einviv uchlleniý rî'ivimiQtuian sd coMrienieàn t ilti'u'iYtiihiîMcbinem, W. a,. INEY LETTERS OR ORDERS TO eatisfied tiiet sualimnit tiîjit ill nanVjna'a'-Ver r-v ,.d'atlcu (1 mind, thst woo î )NE LE TER O« OR ERSTO the bout Mowor te the Pa1rmcr for 871 , biuj] in the Peiminion.iSBond for le. / mriptive cetalogues. M,. WATSON, 'h'itby, Juiy 3, 1i71. BROWN & PATTERSCtN.6 PIROPRIETOR WHITBY GA.ZETTE, ONTÂIRIO. '0.. VIOLINS --:0: 113 f> 1 . A L Lel N" mq2mi m-w eaper, am