Whitby Gazette, 26 Jul 1877, p. 4

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~AC~fl~Chuu CUPID( GEORGE BRITTON. CARRIAGirl.«;àWORKÏS a. ,WM 3B $0 uank hear gso ro 'lu thie uue eautysud wt liegtho i slli Conboy's Patent ISe, JJXGlES, 'CUTTERIS, &c. A19 putàr w0c e liaivoni to 6esuatse big Iug =esu4 urnsbefome oi«ng iaif asdm e*lî CORD-WOOD FOR SALE 1 ROBERT STOREY 0% liJan ronut, WHITSY, hu à%large bhe 'Ii-'dMfz0a Codwoad uIiOb l!AED.WOoD,,. si 3>07 coas XMXID serugqal RUT. WbolsCo0ug, and Ceusuznptîon. Tina réputation IL baî aliaincdinlu eseqaeeai 0as manSllous cures it baî pradaiciddurlug thée laut bai! cenluvy, la s suiscisut nesîrance La lime publiceliait IL villcontinue ta reuil e . appisef reonits Ihat cm bc desiresi. la almost eera> m@slon afcoauntry there are pernoa, pubiiciy bnown,vbo base bocu icalitore rom aamng ad aven desperale diseaffl oatheliasg, b>- 1h.use. AU wbobave IrIidu,acknawledge tbiM urIi-Ity; and vberelsé virlues are kuown, tnons hésitaie@ 4" Ce vItat minine ho employ ta reli" the dis. &usiand ubrtng peculiar ho puluuMmyaire. Jema. CtUaMi- PECTOAL sarîjame radinh, étant reliof sadperfcrni raipiai curs aithé, *@ mars tonnklbi lseses or the bin.. Ai àaaaftguard to caildrua, l owirs. Mg disesses viiciaboMthlie Tbroéî a" Chesi cf Chlhdhooul, IL luvaluabie i fou, by lis %my Os, mulitudes are rescuedan Sd icatored roa l]b. This unedidisa gains Mnuda ai svcny tral, es UOe cures It ia caustantiy piaduuing are loc rb. muokabila li e forgotten. No taimil>- sioslaib. vitiaculIL, and thosé who bave euce. uod h »Y«rw III. EmiunulPhyiaiaus hronghoult-ebe coury Pnescrtbe IL, and Clergmen oflen ieounains tg frocm tholu kaawledge oftIL& eciccli. VEEaOE» 5?u Dr, J. C. AVER & CO.; Loweil, a., Prai-setcasd Amanyticl si Obse.. SOLD DY ALL Ii8CGGISTL YEtR3 .i - YEQUÂN CISSON, - I 11b.. W~4Zpoé*iu, uzqwR !IRtNSI~NCECOI-S. J4ONEY-:TÔ iGAN. b'roffe Dealer POQTATOE Si Whest,leas, and bst *haie . HIGREST MARKET FRICEylb. paid. OFFCE AT, .J.Gimsow 's WV1tby China Tea Stoiy T10 AMIERS AND LAN D-OWNERS lio> -701 want to borrow money su a v el isd fo r y o u rse or fo r ur s c g MIUSa*5*fwias Vp. sY~ andi.-f T.puy ~I s t g a g seo r o ti ir d i t s o r for a u j o Sier kli ye é, Shr0. lgo.! Iterme oftihsCanadaP.. fsassilicssuSavings Company. wieh has Mod ee - ýloas>, o ariner. during tlb.isat y C ta ajoher, 56/oral facilItes sud =bonaunoe qualled by auy Coin- The highest price paid for good 1 MortgEiges. be S ta e s. ticasppiy ho J. UdiBRT M NIOl, *1Ev Managrer, Toron' PLAI WLL il EUTLEDO(E, sOiacitos.,Whltby. v LUÂBL]i J?*RMS FOR SALE &W sadaaslga.doffert the f oi~v~u giiis sfer se.ais., auSouth-ham i lot1a 1,a @Ml-vwt qaar eof Lot No.1», ilue t h hcon * ees«Bd« amithe -T OWNSHIP 0- F REACH Qço.i* q*o ÂABOUT 18O AcREiis w»dra Is e utdâtefi, about asisustrou Mb lriié vilage af P rl Perry. Ilt. in fexeeai iftaisiL SboUSut 5ares eanaud, vs l undai-dralaisu welllaned. nd s agoad sate ofeouitt s- mlaerct nthie promnise@ a sgoi 111Mboss.402MELaiseiaa idsi]frame hane. »t-s---Lt No.7,Iwtue âh conceamlor etIhe iT0WNSIIP 0F, ARA, ace lutdd sul'innée alih us 'l .....r.......... s thèmea I O f th@ 4 Mifanhi tévY. Thtisea timt§5a -ba.h'gaiBosch Map1, latswoaal sMd Ia.wtth a fou' scattori I ne. -1ý,soil eday basti vIffi uake s good Pa- nwbsn searasi up. % 5. Zorg>balg of Lot No. a. hue 1h coau- *ams"onof the Quuta-n'n- 100 aise., 10 arse oaerad, th. romain eluw= iuîîntusr, RockHlm, Maplo. Hein kaoedam.vhlhisl atuaisd àabout 0i miles tuMona Station.an id sheut g21 aes f ram Kirk- ki.i w'ehr. &bore leaslooao statiouof t1h, Nipi ls avy. The saili à of secimlent quality. Tho aboeopwovsr17 vil be no: d aeap asud on C c) D -ifl A8U y~C UTEeII1ZEc~D l GOYERNIIENT fin W iieara laver than tiiose ofBritish ai- "MeseteenOios. -TIse Mot $tthe b.Caaha@ sa igor amaunît if neStislsaud o aisattcaibusiness lu the aomuaben, tItan auj ofut titih or Anienlese hkau Iselsa uheutj atteste s-hispretoreuce of ý. oabif@Canitjua o wik euiiu atefilCana- -aa.saeuiulonaidlter ~auprogp'ess u s atisfac. e~rdu.ai flue ia'plbyrit s p i t ueiîîles Ageunoleuthrauoteute,ulu Lbuilon, viure prery litoransiu eau lie obtaled, or at thé Head s se. Llmfltan, OuLA. DOMINION WAGGON WORKS WUITBY. an4ued &1begs la Infaýa hIiiifriend oitand U» puibiathal b asm ueneai a nov f ~ ~d*Ithth gre.es,Cm Its efets Are as e nderll aind ms satlafactory as evçr. Il retore$ graty or fadd hairt ta lts ydlithtul moloi.* It removu &Hli ruptians, Itohlmî aui dandauif. Itglivu thehbead à moollng, 8Othtug sensationa of great SoufOrl, sand the scalp by Its use becomes white aud dean. .BY 11. toute properies Il restore. the eatlllauuy g lande ta their normal vigar, preventlng bald nest, sud mak- ing the hala grov ttaick and etroug. As B dreSsuig, notiîng hubea > found so etTectuai or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.D., Stat. Assayer Of MAasacget, Bays, IlThe con- stituent. are pure, sud carettuily se- lected for excellent qnaliîy ; and 1 consider It the BEOT jPIARATzOv for Ils lnteuidcd purpose.." M40%eOu*. fllaju 31awulàaqm'u :ye FOR THE WI4ISKERS. ,sliâ glnt preparation maiy b. CÇ-ý'ialig0 thie caler o0 the 2mr4Ikangray or auy other undesir- able shade, ta brown or black, ni dis erettan. It Is.easiiy applled, belng lu oue preparation, and cjuickly sud et- fetaliy produces a permanent color, vlulch wiUl neitlier n'tb nar vaslu off. %USU5gr.d by R. P. HALL & CO.. NASHUIA, N.B. NB u'imglt.M m i s ta Isalêl. glu. very tSi, .dd a U1111e mîlk, rab@Sb i pile of Iii. leather, sud put on the glu with-a brxah, then aprinkle on the amn Coas-oo.â s EUmwiNhe ve Il ugwnn.obe for kindfings, especiallyl if woc in noi piuntiu1.Ta prépare lhem me. log,ý@r 0 poirs. otreuin and 40 parla inrDl atW cobi, and dry on . o meW ~about 1h. t.'mperalqro boiliri valer. Sa&umo Liguin.-Carbcnat. of au mouimioz., carbi Date Gf potasb. los.. watei 1 pint, dissolve sud aàdted lthie solutio tinoînre of dintharldes, ô fluid onnoo, roi gîfied spirits, a plut, jqcod ruai, 8 quart Bub the haïr Weil villa Ibis titi a tathi là furansd, thon waa>î thé h.ad vith OUI am£E YariDHOou SULPU-Hogi iov suiphur, and a eousiderable amount ofi is noesasary la keep themin lu ir btaati Wbhea hogs run ai larg, snd find grée ad thsy mupply themseivs ith wbati needi'd, but boza kept in close pens au fsd ou bouse sîop and corn, uesd s@am more iazative tood. H"u.ow Holm.-If tibmoaof th suimaai are eoid in Ldielnorning, you ima. expeet thsy have the horn ail. If the sye look duli sud beavy, snd %natter gathon in the. eyes, sud tlb. nos. i.. dry and dot uut esm ost, it le anotmer evidencs of bar *il. If the. lair is dry snd stand@sou .traiglat, aud the. droppligs are dry aut liard, it la a tihîra iuuiieatioîa. Take common toacup hli full of good vanegar put in a, tabiespouuti eskel of fins sait ani black pepper, jgruup<l fln,aud let ib soak lu tb. moroiun ju*a tabl.spoonful lu soi car of the suiitua gfoted ; &lienext mort ing repeat the. dose. If the case is ual tac aile Iso applicanta yull genersly .1 foot a cure. As soue sa te nalural warmît returus e t me hou., then tbs cure is ei fected. I wouid recomaannd net bc bart thae hmou ur eut Liien off titi thé aborg rtineti7 bas bec'n tried. lu appiying lbf anedicîn,, it wiit b. u.eceses.ry for une per - - the uedicine. De amise ho old lie es RAD THIS TWacl.-Five tb lhi'ty draps nP, 0taI hlihqUoet'wiU nt ualmnlo thei of a TnsongÂA.4zICLY&Ccrsmc OuL, Will Cure Coin- bead. 1 hîtave nos kuowzu s creatur. 10 die Mon Soi, Turosl. IL neyer fals lu Croup. viii lhe hein u Wtît fha& boen troaled It vili Cure s CoId or Conghinho wonty. wvthIis, for forîy yssa. four ta foîity ciglul houîs. one bettie tuas GI cure s Jrorichitis af ciglit -esis standing, 015 récen t iases are uredituIa si ax dftys Lt lhe laul regulai .meting aifths Ver- lu lasstars- tbîe moice viere ltme permon muent Dtirymeon'a *Associations, Proi' had l e poken above s whisper in livé Stewart. aif(Jornail University, r.uianked years. Att nu outwaîd application inu al l ia lsiitén said thaI a hîiiy caunotry casés of pain or laiuess, uothiug like il ean do nolliing but ilailuire ils animale; e alit ever been knaiwu. Que bottie milh l'uitLiere are-pi-obabil very !ev farinein d cure anv case ot Laine Ilck or Crick Je Vsermoant thait esnal mil an incresed u- the Back. Foi di-ases ai thé Spine sud ama)unt cf stock.iHs spnraved a graduai Contractilarofah he Mueclesa 111, nus-qîmaid. changefrnipastnriug tla eeiiag. lu bis lu hellmatit ai amy othmsr pain lhe fia-st ovin expenmence he began seiliiug bis Is-au ai, Hction doeet you good. It stops Ear hers-s, sund founsi il hock only a sixti of àcrhe sud lie pain of a Boa- nlutIares- Ibe land irsqured Lefor. to ketpep bisi i minutes, anad is nltogetlier thae bs-mland Iben led lie claver fi-oui a quarter o! an dlaa;apeet medicine s-m'a offs-rsd la thte acre su seven cows sud tour heorses. Ih pPopie-tlie lieupest,lus-tuus. i t tkef. anppiied thain ail lia7couid st a for 15 igl 1111 l do you gond. It lu comxapea os dasys. This veuid give 180 days feediug il six af lhe hast aile knowu, aud -nothing cfonus cav, equal la the vhols pasturing -l'ut ails. IL 1e wurtl is weight ini «ad. seaan. Tbianezi yeaKlie ted eleven cove, Wln altîuy 1hta d (ay 2-A. B. Des Rocia- sud faunal lias crap on the quarter acre £R%., assistant poauunaats-r, Arthabamiaoavilie, auffilohenî for fouîtes-n dtys. The iolav-. 1P.Q., vritea :-11 Tilteen ys-sre aga I vas ing year il fed s cov 160 dayo. The tiare. RAsirealby n s-vere alîaaite aofrieuinstiani in sveragod 160 le 180 day.' foeod ot ons lie hesal, tromain lhal 1 bave neariy cou- caw. gtautiY aufferad. Aller haaving noéd ]Ho thon buigicu oWOR On a larger sciai.. a.Thoas' Ecis-ctnic Vil ' for rine dsys, He seltscide teu acres of gaad anal niuly arbalhig thie foreis-at, I have been roui- acies afinidifl'eieuî landl for the support of lietely enredansd have auly nsed alfi a sigint cave sund six boises, tave acres lu Eote. Ttaiéa I eau e-rtiiiy under asti if lu clover, %ies scies in vasîs, and Ivo lu yaUm vish.".-ROV. J. MALaouer, of WyoE2. sowea ccirn. Ou lhe 201h utf May ho began hng, N. Y', wvies 1' Dr. Thmasu Eciect-le ha teed the claver, sud oathlas 2th Qeteber 011 enred me of ]3ronchuiislunut ovavEK. is 1usd 65 tons <if tas,'i--ft, wbich soid at Dealere ail ave-r lts- country eay, We iths harn for $972. l1311 Loaursa aday of have neyer solda s ru-diri-ne thaI luas given une rsmaindIblie oiling. Thé mans omcli coInlels - Atiafar-hînaus5t hu." - vages anad cosl ofcmtting lime todder sud - Shd y l'I aîsaicis-efsul-is he- 25 bat,'amaunteal la $175. il. nover eav 9~. N. TflO5fAS, Plis-Ipa. N. Y. as-en do bs-Item an aoy pasînre, andl ho andl NOeTIHIIOP & LYMAN. 'Toronto, thanglit is goual t-ansiaction. 0f conrse Ont., Saie Agentir for Illas-Dominion, jt ja ual vise tu try anal moe eepiillsids bev-Relsce.u.--Beeasa eau~ie- Tnfor ulhtg, cul mai ctof tie fime hNve - lzed'.imitable haind enogh tui the purpopo. By tbis proccaîs farwert înîy double thoir THE GRIEAT 1;1908HONF,Eg IEMËDY tariRn., ul ay buying thei- ueghbbaur. but AND PILLè. b,' doubliig lie espacil,' ai heu iro - acres. By lb. oiling ysteinhb. 1usd kepi The sucepese hisIIhesée Medicine& hava more stitck than hhs neiglîboura, sud iLad s mett viii sinsce Ineur introduction tla the arger surplus than lb.,'. The Ga-umans' public soupe yean' algo, proves piainly t basve a psenuliai ainiing oyatèai. They lii. mail skeFlioal liai tte7are medîeine.q riso suffar boeta,. exîracl aasudii lite that preformu viat t hey are advr'rtined ho suigar, and Iben brep mors stock on the ThTie s oft hi-e.mndicués have bacu uefas.afithb aet tia bsy fi-maitl 7coulal veil oila, andal hve witlîslaod their triai] au th* viais proiluctoaithie landl. lu sali- lu a, Montsatis 0 tary tuanner. For iug &bire i s agi-calsaviog of labour anad disenusaof!telie 3 d ,Liver. Lugg, &c., fs-coing. Fs-Da-f-es,li thelcug i-Un,copttnu they are nnen-rpssscd. We ,iave Is-ti- dllai-si% acre Je asr 5, osyiug nothiig af m ouils of iracumlouecr e o! lls-es- is. tio)ti ulse etftIi. land ooeav-ed by latucea. 4 esueit,anal of tany atheus. If any ou.ne gTua mia ring ai' ftucpe leeqvusi ta the whole atUicted, litIlului iny a Ilîîls- le unedy cnet ai soilang. Tic mtavixug lumanons- by anda sbox of Pila. No inîuruiîs e'f!ea!l koi-ping ià under cav-r ije aima eauauagli ho wiii foliov thilde , oaahfa is- taiadeiicca.i ipîy for tliabonr oI suiling, sud tlis' i p rsoni, as thieyi cie iI-ly '-igutab;tha- ere ii îcg of landl paya foi theluetbaur foui 1belug no minerai mati un Ilîs-m. Thc imu-a ever. Que ian viti> a team nd CORaig la al, vuils- fle alvfintages isrilipd proper muccîiiney yl milseaety-five f'om u h ie wiih donrubespsy you for tacres. yaur elpeuse and trouble. Tbea mpsdicimies lu daiuying, it1ie ta héouderiod lIaI are Jie ly. k own I hi-uguui llpias-Dnin- -if thas- ow lias extra labouri n walkiug ta Ion, anal are for saléeîy thie principal ruedi- saI f§roum lie pattions-, or wallting sboui aine dealest. Tîy thein, anal ho couviiîcsd lisep pasînie, slis gi-a es;» miuk. Stoling rObot lissedeicine@ are nt) iumbniau. No 'winiprodnce -ite milIa enaauii1laocavni a ie Wiîo has, led thc S'Los>iaueme Pilli- hat. lingesuisarofi île ram. Tus- dîaly caw s-ve pixaou-eal u ufaveurMe pinio(n muet lie ftil-fpt, tan-d by soiiuu. a-u tau uft hein, no a fmuly wiere lIasy have bs-sn snpply lasr -i adthi nmtple fanal, sîad avaid tIie used viii biwilbout-lias-m. FPulinforma- uriog ep of lime cows lu limas oai drauîh.1 lion uiay be 1usd ou ail particailarla lunch- Thiire are prolialulualt it arins-wi-s un lng lie use, anal lie experieuce aof lîos- Vermoutt hilt cotil ual adoput lIis aystem, fr via have uts-al Iieni, by aecuriîg tl t aqt inaiatlupetwi*li gisat p'rfut. Ih le à5 Trealioe ai lb.Cii-culai fi-ouianv dîras-ut ...-i..i_- -- lu the. Dominion, Fis-e. Price oft Beuiedy la pint bottÇhS $1 ;pills 26 cetl .&yer' s il tn~~lfterei~ ~ase fu' s, o iu w, n ge t e o f-luk. Ui otmprr .io h fUwn se sud expose it tW dry, or ta pertom ains5y lbthe lng Sos abe.nd osheet'of uiisied i.wrt siness ixudrtiob. I nn, s of~ y opeasions upon Parla ai the furni Ibat are pafit. Ly bolb lésves betweu two tof the Urinter. I& everydéed .ka th. wet lu tlis sprit nk ssi f511. Duriniz tiis laye tfcarpet; put the wbole under a liglil of lh. day. Thoue of the lawer il, month % le > 4fy libcause tha e je cf board itarge oflaugil ta caver, lu dark boxes and belwoeu murky.shelv.i; he troubte in fltika kuiov*ime grub in thé head, lr Stand on lte board fîra fow socond-u. lue douter placés jis iindifférent handieaork Pd l-overa about tb.eibasinof its victinme in ÀAu éfc;éIent impression mil be fousund onin thb. carla ; the raesmsu bas but Iis 3t arder te de Ilosit i eggsabout the noutril, thé 6rbftiug paper. qsiomer't-i piques, sud lu satisfyiug bien 09 Sm.aring lhe shsepta nos.'. witsu tir, aud TÙê,f*,1owinq compondiu are uqeful for lus work ia sndéd. But the puinter, every et giving thém 500,55 lta piaugbed greund, oiero inlg:Tipatinrlig 4noraMfus spolia orer thée work of lte pmmn- o! ae rcouau.dsd50 re atvs '.a.ld wiftt as Muoamine as il yull dissolve. t1er. Fellaws wba wonid fiud imupossible garden sud o'sro d yul u o*'beplu sa sdd lwelï# parts vatsa and suosesai ;m. ta put tuventy lesterfs logether gramamatical- l.yistd tiacir incisas., and isl.enîsaut lsik woniae. Brans snd copper, 1 lb. muriatîjo ly yul Peint Out witb gles e faut in u lit r. saou ill cnd mena. (insee 0trthesacid, 4.0a2s. diie; 6 5 aa,8sel ammooniae. vork-iud.ted itLà Ibis elasaet f ldaviduais er, &no wil cmmece.lusct relale Zinc, 1Il. nuriatie aoid, 2 .,z... si &M wiuo ixuake ut a point of findiiug eut every )a Wy be sheebed ain hb erdatinnby muise with al tbe aine il yldissolve, lattie dtscrop>tuey. Did t&h. iublic ku "a' ee ng abrpok-ont fortlem, espeoial- sud 8 pinta of water. Iron 1 lb. mnrlatlo thea. Iousauis of <Offurenut eharacters and a4 y te baller, w lob laye lho. gga about tisad,8o.atmalo es. a .slowseanmrprussd ià s printer's eveary dey Id ime. Tbe bug quaiokjy balebsan d mouise.. Goid sud ailver, 1 lb. nutriatie lit&-did %bey but know tbe Variety af ld akl.ins i&W&lJt wbth l.A a au *.scid, 8axa. sperm an laow, sud 8 ose. Baltsigogetbsi forueigu sutijoeesho.tIhâte tu set ith iss t wi t u afd6m. p, r.,d, correct, and révise day Aler ad&y Fe troy titis Pest 0A eacf i n60Psp iilOla*--.bey wouid wonder bow le kespoetut st the. base of tb. ree fa saisi tehb.aasoaie. a lutic asylum. lBut préchics mak,-s guard, againal ils dépredatiens. Eiliept perfeot, alsid constant friction luas rnhbed Sn in eoalties wesbàkh& buis Wit and Humour. ail Lhe rongli edges from Lii, oliaracler or s~ bonsy-gatberiug wii b. pretly mucia ov-r t-elia. n of bLeterg, aud ho eau view fi-Trs d Ski. unanth. Tineré lu yét opporlunity lu Déception ans cannai ses hhreugh-a oi lii.mosî friglaîful des;cnptian wli u s 30da soîuelling lu the way of Italianazing. glass <r7a. parent esimnes.. Afler ail, wlîaî liail squaliiig, sud reguiasiàg stocks; epera. Thé causé of vomuen suffrags-acaroity errer, gramamaticsl or otberwiseP Simpl lions wbichletsb, atlended la,, if aI ail,ofhaad.s aytpsutfplcht'aan e durirg lhe aummer lime.,lices caunoo .e ltaanu 0it nugh tuye se t islae tat iisof bsndisd la much advsntsge wiîeu chiily Whst boldo a&l th. auuff'in théevend ? qtshe g i a pet u e wiya la veathér cernes on, and after thé working N n nu.Atter liais dissertation on thiemn our eseson le over il is veillae disturb theinas Musical -Obldron fer tbe ifitjei.partreadere vould piunhîps furgivm un for luIra' as l1t11e as Passible. cr7 lu miner toues. dneing a hune or Lwu on 1h. malter, or an n11 Stock cf ail kinuls, lot it bé reanembersd, priuîin, i geueraiiy it will noed te bc veti lookd alir st tis Wmyis f a bo hkesIe?,Beua l Printiug Maîy liadivided. halo four1 À saisen of sicauîy pasînres sud fsiiing fi l eva.classes: a springs. Il la alwsys puer econemy la ai- A sure cuire for a soré lhroal-A cent, Fir;t-Tliecusltaer bringg in uisoanalu rloy animais to faluteff in condition. éieeve with ap srin it. 1in a. quiet, gsnilennaiy sort vi a..e »Y, Webri pdiyîMledsg milla4Uruk aI.0eeynlâg -or "isteVnoouw' 1:4 d Whtberil b- da aIo ylhl mla Whns vegnxabi te. aurylhing but agree. - kndly priîît this luyorr best style." t.youîug crealurs, I e pIdl t v uch »' a bl nbo'nàùpA éé t) Iietrgrovlb, suimels icuended for visiter au nbtrI LpAle.He idîys s fot tek foi a i rice-rs-qnirsva a.feding, or beuso f burden wiîese husi. New Maclilne.-A patent lias beén ab. proof, Ilicopy is very good, andalile gires s nedas it is la 1labour. pays ta keep lhem in taiueà for a nmaohine for a.akiug lante. ia trtibie. Iii. oriaci dlaims ilaumedaste f. ful ilissi sud lu goad beari. -TiLDe works wondsf-ri," lhe woauau sialI totol't' e Pint 's Illwîaisuewsatene ia t are n ud ptluted aon lhe beset paps. 'li tie tar wle sieît l riuate ahite i errais, for tue prunier Lias caaifidence lu .\years coortsamip. lîlmasef sud laie cualower-tiis work give eHousehold Notes. Wbsu does water reseuilel a gymnaust 2 gi-eut satisfactioau sud veu te bill jasent s -Wlien it makes s irnug. WUiieuin l ie im perfectly satlsfied sud pays tiae - Sweet ail, rnbbed on th>e akin in sasid la coovrd 2-Wueu u& rue. moue7 olaarged, wiib piessure, Hes y bea sre atidte fr iy ~believesiu inhioprimesr sud bis piloter r easr niot o v osn Suîid a philosopher.- "M1y fîîenou-~ believes lu hlm, Thais lu firut citas priait. TaJ adnav e plebi lfrdueîedlhis ftture wafe te lue sitar-aud ini s aoTe Lardonut oe n pley ail à orhere bis leattensâiup caille toauanend.- SFicond.-T:ie cuastomner stslks inoathe d Whist lu the difference lietwees a laungry ofluct) watluan) umbappy tast of cotioten- À putly af starcl ansd chtlorida cm! zine Mou, sud a iglui.toaa ?-Oaîe lougset ta et i ncs.-. Coulai sucli sud such ls job be hiardeasis klsuad af3s 5a tppr01f b ule s t cong. prnted atmaie ?" " \Vlisl weul-1ifiloasl ?" Lus nicktls, frmlis tppr aaa ii lie og.'Hw long woulial P teata pruI ?-kin4i- Waisy liaa bist bull uanimai ofai'acou. ly Fendul il iroof." Tic maîîy ila average *A mixture ai' tsllcw tiares- parla, tai i virai dispoeian ? Ilecauas ta.l offers a i bt , lii, cuitoîuper lias evidealensîi1111e cou- part, applied ta ths bark whlaae 1mui, il borta ho everyue Le anesa. Ét lien-s linlajmmaelf, sud non. in lais printer. proteot fuit trees againtunme. "ïur goodnus overlîuwuaru ans," asthue Tue prou' ls eant Tiiere are lwo or lil'ee i Brins yull anuserjoeî nawell au saitt lesntleanan iruurred to Lhie outatupaigu, klidrltl h p-îîr adad ascatter over asparagusi besis lu keep dowo wlaen Le couldi rase frow ileîîuair. alt-ratioîus dise toii talsi-if. Hie pvsaus- eedu, or asua lertalizeri, à Ciuciamé nati au ld tais tuilor hhat Lee lirelîareratilb. pr af, sud w oni wut shis lIa. alteraptyafnr wItriat la8t- eoticaiea.s i i Tin eaun be removad frous sopper vessais@ ouialaaî1>7 fui "Iiat iset s-*iLalY. wl iault nattkehlong" Tii. crrections 1vsry îlîorougiy by iaiinirsing teiiîa~jot aidiioîe lta eIemt"adb. are tmadie, the atustiîuer LilieveA il)sescond-r lui a soiotis-uosbIne vitriol. A bpauisb îîîaverb ea3 s :-Tlie mn rate patper, and tha- jobh le exa-cuts-li 1: ato j aro i i Lia wa'alaiig day tstarlu as lieuteta- gelbir i ss-cond.îisa, tainner. Hs-asànu i À glue wiîicla wiii i'étsîfile action cf sut lu tie la.uîîy waU îaaver gai pro- eatiil. Tuse bilIle s-At ina tnjudpiî watem ita tmalliy bu1aagituund o! glue maie" îia diusaatislailîuuaund sdefocitmn ai'f in two quarLs oaio Linubea iniik* UmsDremer1tois s t as tîLte life oftà iLvE par dent. Titis is e econdt clatis prinI. Qiyceriu paute for offi.ce oao uay be pis. -acta aiod bûchîclor ia a spis-tlisi brtaikat L 'i 9. pare by itàolvig 1os. luii arbichuu L tueràtil 04, dirIijrird.- LuYouabedontrJ-mYn no' la an ay r&yoou ( 2pdslr ëgby ctraauivn 8 a. butairabucer. a ulersbyfat<asj udsaisa ae s-giing ta cliarze une 82 fur îiiîjoli- '2 tac.aes gycein ludor. balag isltr.i sppe. liv, I h1uisdiathon omu dpriait6d in île- cily c Eqoal proportions ofi' urpeulâine, haLsaied À tait unso iisîdiug fitd a fritind or-i'for tliaIit ai1" The- jrintf-r thu inwi<uw ei, sud viner.sr, îionuugiiiîy appluarai aiîad hie h,,irtn.-isiof lis&lige,thie Irielid lreplied. ,1Flis-liiasshrewil au,;îome.-r luléisi llio, Iben rubbed with fltiiai i aauu tixceI ,nt '> iY ,go reasîlu tie moaa-atsnre aud kit oiciiiiiaqur,.g uow mîny fla.ueaniîl lnrsaloure poîasii. eaiu >-ai. dà 7Hr faind > vas elthIousauud for $20, the. Tomake gis-en gold, nielîtageiler ojue- as tueiie i ,nserà vf i.rcgiaLis, ual Lialà ln-.'Ia aeannagse ,ua- uiju leen gralals pure gotd anud fas-guèiars pure muet le adwaîtted tlOut Uaey aure tsîayat prints-i-it gives satti-ifacîjon. The bui miks. 't e iisial iuas prarpuresiLias a îeady ta makt- âsu tadysaîceA. e s uî sit iui i. quaýrts-n atisr îiarts-r, beanttllgretil sitide. Aando P m * t ~ 'i 'id il lia-n 1u.ifut1we yeurs. Tils le Equai veihta o! acetats- of limue sud of decesseal gsutls-aa iat 'uuîoku.-a ilà tiri.-ae riîii uiloride ut malciuini, dissoived mu îwîce imupaire? laiis i età,' a rival r.--j. ined, Eiuticaspraîîîis luns-vs-r paiti fr- tàeir weighî it b ut water, s àflrprooiug "'uX!esi l ~liaàs hast tidf-ct.' i rnsrg-atuIîu ivmdabi n.iiaure lutar is. A sintslî aiehsîuîa socis-tv t Oxfuord Ouc _______________ Anl iuk coiposed cf cci1îpsr 'Lut partu das--ns~.-ti aaa iii bait '*fi)., iîsîioi or dassiai0Ves in lu eupa14 rtaira@Cid, 1a) pâr tb s. Auilgiet.li Eglanfii wagusn-c--.ntu THE TIIIRDilUU'E. wsî- r bcîuag site rwaralsoided, làumus--unI ian oaI, lit]Cutlaiac, lal i.aaz i s-il ft"." mnarkaîg ou titn or zinc plant labels. A NV(,oiitlock itè,rii. u ,.,4 0 A D- Irait boy, agidw-aI ulse, wîaoe im-'1i Whiuteo harobuttons éruse umade La lnu. it@"ls -11ih "1110-'Vh sta-ici aofs-di>îiit'aal ~aà- a it-niblmr of lie L--gimliarur@%, W ..5*- tait. iother-ot peau by beiug bailed au a to diay'm aap-r im etiirt-ly owing uC tile anîi lta muuantk.a trip ta Liauîs-ii,' liw lotracîed solution elgar Of!isd sUfd thon a bsti- a il tlaseditor and te tittlflesof cl aytia ulianis-i ta vuvi-qî the t' éaî-Hus, 1&A - _ L. - --. b. lIl.-tuani l iashome ys-sttrduv na in - îc n quckau. he ooLIJpsuund imatiniaed un theo raid iot iran, sud lie latter u'spîiued in tbe tare. Muaogany Staaiig.-Wevsa tle coud tai b<-staaîus-d wilî i dutel iminet acid, 10 partsi of vater ta) ane of fcid. For iiase-wus-lI, glire the snu-us-watiu c.rouîne tir Muacla ca.. Asplitlhaîti laillau-d Witilaurix'uhaîaa faima an excelîcat niaOogsay tuu o aiew wo1,4rk.o gasa frr.iingtbinillI<oiM"i 1îlesr ta[P ÉlUertî* tssts -» .11i-..- - ,l %fu b eut V 1P nct Inyfor ii-' Tuké landaut roi 'a-hilila 'The Germain waelasrvom, us cml lnterrtr- alae bel Iil e.pi)ëz.* oiin Ile lad. île ucu gsh s cr01. uitkav i nsar oueo! OZ. îps-îau aalh 1 ioz qoare etuiL fort aune ta Ieep tiien iéîa ails." --1 aluni vwaul nu m'us- I-eiaid lIas-pain - ('"là g'901ollaiadae "nertreo 2os trepeinauris s-r, ms-l h Il tIan llhe boy e'rats muîking fun the Iîaru.-OJî,a .1armer. s-f ainmuq0aaa, weiî iuuued laîgPether. 'filae Ou evîat twoC iao ts iluà s litie eau on i-s!,reitni'.d~jIIE~~ HIIS RTU u TEMONTE. wlsîeh ilb. saîap lias bs-an tuasolteal. 'Th. tisa-I ounIiose îwu (leae -Tîts day bu-. a torînseorual.seUsai Ito ulh M OLmmittee~~~s Uo Joly vol-k an thu e rr n ny lieaniomma-icîcutbleti ar iminmeised fui lwenly-fou Laurgs ',re liiqinauar-iag imi i fle Cape oolhe G ond a luadns-clîu. o s-es- irte oomuiatîs-eT an utva veida--Hamiveoi s.oniîiuoel." BDy suai thun vabîed. f taupeIue oitiel ite Unlit a't euda-d eai faneuet tl Statems. IItiy o ed.Jesn on iRa.tes o neets lfurtherreducû n buh. the lisginuiug ai Ihis monîh, iudeed, vhs-r, Wlis-o il is- oui caxvenient t ta l anlocIa gra)wlsd he painlar, uand lie-' iîuîîgsd Vi1' _______ teMlias mlî-hei basmbepen aal lead Pbe tneose teke ltiig lud Aflîr houhaIing fut heapittuare ofla spout- lis-m ihua-sa sow liank andl lnelaed a lasap THE CANADA PERMANENT LOAN& A IGl OY larmeru havé been dul,' Pion:pt adps esoe ratrandie, ues-ein lsthic ing ms-hila-fola utlîuug tiîu'u, aut 1hboy afsuow dowu be-lalilhis cullar. ing, lias «rester 1 arî euo! ofthe ia, sud ks-yhlasusahpressed firtaly agauîtbisesýce-aI . ti,--conm ore-aut miis-puzzhed. -lirii. otis- inauilv n 2' q?"y@1-- 4 gupin craps will ]lavé- haien ecareal. Oas*righle ýwHiEu'A D O F< M S N HALL, TRNO vaî haé l leeut su ills a cp<'îug'~îaîs 5Ofou )ocuak.Thîe indernia- At Ilas liie l lu laieaatIs anlu. îiîit.cd lIme boy uts la-iaikckuul ih ho ianter on the wlhaeyoIleh et.ad as ugimt taions lunlbteetuiolitd portion ruade bythue ihue la> tht' pi'iaur. as l unale Ns-t, asia. lie tapge betars-Ilas-grain ripëeu.ilu aider T _F10-71 L n -O ne s 4 ta impiove the qnultiy ni thé cii-wav sud ' yards wW dshow vhîers te file. is-lualin. liat?*'Oa Iuiug t.>1 Ir ta it Ifîe wuuld liama'bs-s-o llope'tliastlnot F r e s -a i pis-vs-titie grain iraru slmsllng ant. NWieu Taextleaut i-nul froni steel, immesae va a wvitll, lue 1,<ak.-di Nt il 4Agiin utad hIn i'rhei appeau-eI. lIa piaiuita- inoved DOYU W TTOI ROW ONYtbymoeanfryn- haîveul ape-raians are liiui,'ectludp.l, cruicl-la o ûcIa-aûin 9 esolntuî uictaiti.lng v Y, ofil he stiefreAuncWfui awsy Mufl la. a>,htoatlas-r, bai calla-d oi sl rfryaîsosh i aiornti-O Y? ho ence, chearunudendrain, teahabutbe wvs-hobused and atesn cy-aide cf potassium ta a wiauî glass ful IIiRos yeun auin, boy 1"ao tew ipv oi lnP.upy.g!&Mr catie of, espPraly lhe respine maehinea, oa i atai unîtus th<un tanald t-lspjei . Cen Toun ipiv i l <a »a? 7' me -ia 111 rdiril11e vuIcOglu rbJu.t 1-a fafle for aothr iprovous - e ? apyof- ouaua--nlrrdbs w~. whieare su sotly, end fi-oui Iluir causirue. Tien cdean b,' tlAa.ut-s oa othabrsla waîla rat p, paiag lis sal ips Acotunlu', hop. wih instructions ho repurt a su lin wo al-k f ou nyatborned uIpaso h»Cnpnwhe a raeto lin. muet amilter greatly (lieu axposure W lashîue conapoIlaIe af oyaniale of pataisiuuim - -tauîtw-ua'a-y 1 von 'muhuihm- nto he 'Ile . )IeCeuni," ri-eu.d îb.I Ifaai.titealatuytbers trafCb acilp csandhîhhadanara as arimesdrl;l windanai veathai.Il ix puinful 10 observe Castahe aoop, vlaitening, anal is-ahr. Pr -tur uugil,'. a Tiruenkyoil. 1 viii," It- Agn atii-. aewoî in gotall h Cuai baiet t e Do ~ min uai. dfsitasaiad aeshetmouqal b-s- wliat te u trs-iudsuine-gléct si-e pra-i if~ou.t hu nimsai aaeilap a hattlAtif' uîu 'tuier the iliTsrenie betwoos-ospieudiuig uTulie iooessuryuIIIxps-naesssreIflzefli Mdin wentuaan iauaii-chargesaadnhii eiaepaiul ttis-a inlutlls adirs-cîlun, Fermera vi heîl,>ln loe a «aJort ie çlikfy auaitwa- luaves uf bi-I, said ihuap- tuai- mois-s iana rl uamlill. O11 sr iellerrlog arstlinstiuse iiieu,inuunv thuis-eî.oîdag tirwerI-)ui naanut.neiute hntrt hame aud a liad slrugpls- la pay for aixpe. uniwn Tw-n lis-nbaai e asos-vnt>as as p mOii- lakea ligulaiiowetîaikifultvs thy t CottiCaîuaniieon u Crirfuelas t.i . AbtractufTidutotiearprupa.ra ui<eed ut suicitty ait Pafla. u i-eucaqueas bînti naidetram hClet ie-e imnpumentm, bs-ta-,yo on ht oril Bisble aver a low gasI~lu liai clienut tan [usIf a i&aezeu lumps afea;, aine Camanionnal vita tiie cigae.- , - stt enti ro thm<lé»ri& lh;emre a.motS.hi piDJyottrAC-~sc~ unwis'cnva >vmoid F-ree rauîs. DANIEL 1OLLIDAY, E sçminE OSHAWA, OR IEOK. rS OPIU parîlaul gmI-cekeui i i li tt.licpt4r tham crsck t,- e-aichrne theas- ie tuathtlsitA-u tt1ýi npuldiIth(lu-i piaytiauîn, l' n biiz ifharo anoi miues ii ieus-proîiptu and isatinfactorily attcnded ta beosacudn rsg~$i noue- T'hîi cuuiuutnulta obe. Tsols and Puace, iivvog thic porions se be easilI,'out ifcf bainriuelt vay, dtr? dia hreaki< a I îhvere.Aiea urtvale lundi-onutanud. riinplrts-et rilùlluoa*niout nul,' fi I,ig. 'lP < - ami tu sf-,ri t once, és-ri i éui. s-ALT BIGt.w e. +,mF76 DNE OLID en, ut < >1--Ifsr taaui saie eaok mvii- Tlii. illroviug &mululuair vilI Iti-ez. mis-ch, course of ieyer» ,uli-Oaa- O pa ua - 1ttasy i ast tha t hnsu'that aiset-ul'eted t n 1<b on ey siwicaei rtlp OrI il s-uly pti nr ni-gIs-art. huaI cmogw oui'viimcl. ie ofuisl O uiybfrn er su î aise.ut. pë ,iuceaon (lriawol i atmé-I xeslela%- vante-i se tn ui'eid no a ira- lainiz. Even v timuporotahas gbt buisligitbas-mîilal wuî,a utnoie of luttnd of lIaiface 'valu<ise ;-f- yef V'tcanth l'ilges i n t lIasîrip fidMis,'COlin ' eeoi i lii aua hu l)is p lunlit îOUI1I'îî 0F JULLY. 8-40) ta-lielilievents-i disgniul. JIs- bu- fils-dI ly ttcviug %aligturlnuips. Tluay Salser >gp s-tak cafor Ipeula Iutss'r --wl rt i- s- - oî. oi i,faiushnai uîpeui; lel ahleiîbe ,it 1- ' ITN vil1Io ut araattLai nn 0gri s irze, bi ustilà haissI-a-s- foielarnit dgufluul wio!i lyusvansd lue taitmaluy ueaauîîeilLiie post.P O . G . a tinip. likolta mu nu , is-i per ieno îî.if pvvratheîs- linealaI Moiaaofiitt ateie 3hriodwuay boyoa! ails mai. oieamsptaaIcisa i nonp. Thasue ova rias-ruI ot faithul esRireysd s-en li. mehîâ moii ut tc- ______o fah vieî viila grvecrIn ipaîn ycrucîble. --Fotulrdah u i(.11,? NVIy, Froad7, lin Ga Cloî-u, Ihfinaieaut ne of fo' Itoin-0 falwla i. aelaaîaîs't apot>aiuy ryo. NWc ii'svs- louiite ofJal yireal toiuaroi, dîmein lascive mu' dasys, eud Inn piepari ne ilnnainlenaicaor l f uIstrop. Ceunent foir Manluhegea nd .ahubatar.- bai -s-laIte e-ais l-ttmaa-,1 uiseais 1 'Il s-lil Ilfuir wo ahlli." A roarrow fi.-ials#§long lie $aul s'ftlae voats M ix l pshcu-f adrPrUis-t slut j onk o 1g omn.NIIls the' 1'Npea proi;i k( W ok tVe n tPu ton O h6 ' in febAt ocai1 tatcon b, i)otlnkgofWàedlime, ôv l'ersa ai bu l, iria, umî u tj, îlot'î yu,îknov vby wv- celas. uaeevtplis-ta vas tii2nmr ,' ca n aniaovu t!ie-ýe-thie a-lia -As lt-ailmy la l'e sinti-ru. iiori cIniinfutuail cesllus-sail niake ne u-sbrte lta touilla? %'«1mait ihns,%ars-iad iiarf-o ainal i ir-iwua amp i-aissre tarin. i MUSIC AJ?-kANGJi-D FOR ANY INSR ME kiiied. Il is a thbassarit îuiîem veri fairm I hut'tatlch psiaulé vith 5liotte of o me-s-t2J!lai ai a aI. uItaveu iu Çsonan lm hu flot ts ix itasud Pripe c(f Tic r'hbj-eîta' tlie eé'e'usasata.p muog nt me- j eii ftli ut i ai-1,PyMi Au l _ tutee te mmmi a a. -g-e of prat. chou. Ths quains-fa, ble i ientî i. 1h selts I tmaey.fiuer 1- Cîaiîînphter (ohmbnm 1" es-eîuems-al ltrmu--t' via,'la Tou off-r it far tva maIihiii - ' >s-- r' -- country ' latoo luare. Pritugit inu mummo s)rainsd the fracture C5an»tIe r; aald l n ai isu1.by1iuîut:nui,. Iîg "'sltict a Aa-..-N"u.,7 ç \1.\\ ) 1'1%S ']h .1ï()'lLJ,\fl\J N1U I sud niterai-imu f fiee-ring anad hiuwiDn lutana. aiRuht mI elus-u i lac lti-sv-r il) i WI. ais-na' in Ma, ii . iiai vinter, ao'. tlîa truits of wvboiestle clear. Wlon Ilie fouro f uc Tî. ny. us-li ail Mn. Got-ig.iun -[ar -,an t- li ]'s sielleloiasi sacuies-,citi cars- ten lb get iltîaosrongzii. iug f15d i-e saaid ce proue a etali iea ou lewrse ns-pis-ai lao utitu. - lu l'e - lue ai,,las-Il ie cit-oan suileday- ti. iuas- ly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~wl ri-n#&i bnlllm aa 'eîcadvi enearnitppioximabe lie- gi-aina a Ié ho u-l ii aisp ,,,m<ils-a ii n hum , a'ont an uiir hai IB yrox-à ly 'loiauhu ouiul<lae lndaoigItifnu-9 a-n ahio iiresaeu .A.caÔ.c ïy f VIa\ ii ýg1z. viihebeis an4 fouilvs-edat, wl s-n a litt-a&)Imaaite 0!' uey tctiemn vIsut aacf;ru t at ("lu' e u.reat H-g main ri-on Wlay 1 enre sad precacui ihiraeut il? Nov h l *o saougi l-slp-Fuse, te ýgetuiàr viti, r~ ruat'm lu.a au1Ihr- ls- C'ris- -- iç%sut f1iPalias'rso)uti <Ienoir - i :( ttai ual i lh. tirais vhen mont veperipen sud sallI r 4-'a M, mal ittuaau,<djces rgtagi,', Cuîlîmuhîus auuscia-ua-îlMca. GalurhrsIsl gr u ai-aa THE F L~. G T WI.H L ~ CNS sceller tlisir si-sala; lhs-refos'te desîro,'cba'msliar-*1 4 pat itip&inu m, 21 pîitis pure Ameriri n tlwhlourdsiof aiJlmuami liaI- î'ta ie ftii dis a-îas-s-uia,'v.ale lt fe ii'!C lias-mal #bis perinal etil prevent futurs in. P ." 2 part pujre Iigo, 2 Part, block tin, lion cals-iairals-W tt' l"iayi,' 1 ltslni cf tIi' vau-uiug'.AI; u(li e;ir1-i-t,-7, - 11E'.'1LF 1lAddrcss Queen'sIltM ca-camoe. 1h muet bisdetraciraa i, wvs-us-r. - 1lPrt '-nad. AIaîita- goodî i vefit. FreiclyI vanI ynbugo.ituiv 11P-rmaix <lis îr ixta-ibors- iz siîpo n ' To u t1m ur, it' dea bta uI .lialf.a-rea-Ipu ren$for 2 Ports; .Iauiuuu,, 1 part 'I souli f"e s-eitafnlly ruaul'fied'hlIyen àPa tocu. au' Izu. git ta ascnifiar iLp .F i Le Wlat luia-df arn Lii.ir beiog left I» lie a 5e en, Rad alar&ts Capç e-.. aasind me stueha a qhiestim ii0 CaflPUI0Y. ta- de baisers brésai su' ierriqg, .i..,L , ' . u'. .a '-' I, h ,îa i irain ri - Tuas- longs-il e-nteeîas' ouar rie-r-il wuss iii lors-ri 1 Il-J îe îae r n i la~ip ja mm--.r uis pi-anaumnc--a yI lyut\V"s-îcnîî J u-l. lA 'S-. il i k tu~hp l'uu1i'ali's lita 1--.-uai I-s Lf-etst canaurals-rar ta irraaIuuIt fori iiauiue aa dai ria iI i- I-je u7 iv f tais- l'ilu. lA- saaud %Isrwpais-a îda1el tWa o 11re 17P lii rw,-tutt oIlasp- tiî- l.r ar alîrna r, lu lîu cetsun'b--ans- Ias hrasuertt)edanal a hueai li te-? sas-J s-aieeNo. 757 Imm u gmsmae' IlWs-Ii havé ta Cli of!IelIas um st tiraa ugpEHî';îuaîleyâ bast giles aedli. as-," is-plis-a l ti- boyus e usI-aks-llarount, cte m-ls-acu inidlaicîleborna a"uwand wof luf -akl h altr PruougliftgesuJCesnesaus- ai'huusnauaMllw OrWhplu- cai - 'tatka uesoer. -...-.'.ad.gone uilà,iai'-uiI-Latauu-lsga oiina -- ,eý Brown * Pasoi* - n r - urtIng aUr TNWENTY-8ECON1) AlffUAL CATALoOGhUE 0F ÂGUJCLTURAL £r . METI ti bsIsiuesut (auada for tho yeux117 ib dc o,~lh ure îhax thé* Oidinssyj priaIsud confidence, trainttes mrkutt4 auX suad Y.YI,5a cate dupn'9Îudla lueroaaing deantifuuiyeaar ta yeusrfar our now c ctaa o ar,. apeilnS ^".5 h THE JOIENST01V SXLÈ'*ÂItlNGRIPU la now go wof n wn a a sBlingl. Iteaper. thât a 'aarl a et uJ<q4 mooula slnoM*ss gluons. but&& there are zaany ecidinug ta tuaaufactiire t -i lituchine IU( ho baVe chdt o r i g i n a l J a h u t n m a c h u e w t t i î u t k e e p i n a n p t a 1 Ji i l i V - n a e t & ' u e d e t a r se l ,e e t p a tr o n s r r <u ir e af u s te a e t a t w . a v e -u a o ufie d M u in i o s î y 1t a i men t- th e " 4 0 X 5 8 '. n an ufact r. d b u - t aiZ re e i n le n t tu s l t proof 0a i 11s Io .hv uyt oit1>te Pia UZZ àawardej us--se Vinofaltrial i otr o&, ana i ngsy n l =Y Dtrisis avtskN" îIaceail &1,or cu la"t t.w years 1t .OUR TaRUMPH .- COXEBrIED M.&cE=r ail tiae inipraveamte, in ail tbat eau be deuired id r lu s DNCciinuî ,.j aftLd nuaotate> a aUterequiremets of purhasera. iee Our 1Improved Cavuga Chief Jr., and Our YoungÇCanada Mdow.rg, 1are both nfrst-olasa maoblues-cuustituted almnt-wtaolIy ofi roand til. ThaeCA.YUga Jr.buah ut, aud the Yo D un aad 8 a ront eut; bath utran du-llrable uuaelîine and uat ex ele d ,j by iyl chne i the market for quaIity af eut, durab.UltylWhtflcesof draft aadaptabinity, and eau OUR NEW 6 WIEITB'Y HARVESTp.Ia" As th . ountfy bas b eoaans b tW r aapted ta MactinerY, ad xany af Our farmnr.hsve ba gbe gtil.d lu the use of machines, a grawlng demand ba5s l>iliag up for a Ligi't, Duralple I$pirstlo lteaer.Ahie tatharequreniutsai l. dy, w ha e eooîed 'u luventfug a iaejiue w»,& gi6, lt y ke e dive P In-ie1s"lua draft,~~~~~~ huep egtuo tebr. ek.f çitaiJ>loy i Wc ae ea tan tbat WC hava Suecooeiasd lu invsninýg tuetuit erec Itapr.ta'tag t l a' l. ar., ha ls. ve ben Praduce. W, bava ajplie y lattra at~t, ailîfiil oldaurinvntin.0ar ur wn xclsiv tv u bi d n ort amuing har$est. h.."WITBY HAIWSTER W" w a, atua tld 6/&» panDn i tbi a SUILKEY HORSIE RAiS. We are maimfactulrlug a large nuniber af LU14DY'S AI<LF.DUmpING 8 L yRAT ]RAES. Through long sud îpatieut observatiOn of the. coustruetinsud working of haY ako i ,11yhn frivented a naw prinaiple lu their caoutruction. <bing 5wiIY with the îiresoxne baud .î, iln tba Ue50 inta twl tm fhete he nwhaI0e ut.aeusing a frict ion duinr.whlch 1IA eontroiled liv the do ver wlth great VIbIanothlîva, su'd lu i T hê gupe 'ior ty, of th b rike over the Ilig lîl Ium pn ln eailly eon. iîu in ' l e lu aits r t a ph,, tile Lu4ly AKij if;nos eaiy to gît otit or order, sud eau eanily be taka'( 0 i i Jisudontutcti on f, acre ia a short tiiue. fcsadptu r J AUl of Our Maehines Are Pull7 Warranted Wtth IbIs let ao i achlnes, we fool enuffient that we eau mneet everY requurarnt, aud w. reapeetwy solicit a triîii of aur machines, believlflg lthat, w.cai f urniait a botter lacUne Ifor the Money ttna~ qo obtehaed elaewhare. ta a espectfuhy Yeu". Bro wn ~Pa tterson Mf 'Co, N.W. BRtOWNREINT HALL. NOW TO HAND! A fail assortrnent of ' New Goods, which, being well bougbht,, will be offered tît very low prices;. iold ,nd Silver Watches and Chains, bri-ht and coloured. Uoldýewellery, Black Jewellery, Jet aud'Vuliranite. (ocks of warranted quaiflity, Very low Prices. Electro-SiIver Plate, Very Lar ge Assortment. New Degigus iln Cruets, Butter Coolers,Cake Baskets, &C, &C,. RELIABLE GOODS AND PIIICE S LOWER THAX E E1R W'auld cati SPECIAL ATTENTION ta a new hune o! GoodIS, NICKELITE ; A SUBSTITtJTE FOR SILVEk i-,kslit- Tals, I)s-sert au] Ts-a poons, Tatble sud Di-tasc-it orks. Inspecioîn lue-lIed' Lull-ff , 'rrîaareg in Greait ,uit'(r- <k Arn" ýericaul anti ( 1nuiun Hlî MMrYES JOU-NSTON,* li'i - i?1 PItACTICAL WATCIINIAKER.. Brook Street. Witb,,Marcbi 20, 1877. BUGGCTIE FOR~ SALE AT Very Peasonýab,e 1Pr/ce8. Several Open Buggies with child's uit Lî )('11pe IllietOlIS, liltet ;ty'10 nd tery lighit ovirodu Plîaetuîils wîtu Iollîig ,,Sue;ît f1180Lîghýlt Top anid pnîIaiie of' supeiioî' style atid iiuis. Aill made of the Severcil sec ond-]uand Buggies for sale ciîeap. TOMS & EWPOaT < 1 iiFqAil oiu ru ry ovra fi.lb FasiisOfa Tlicauiss Rice,, Brck e iWLutby, r)eme hé%a 0re3iAi-d hoc arry ou Iii, Ati ve*cmuateite eagve mtlgactio.' eps&r»lg e an iiorteail notice, wîitm neat- s-Tluroat aadnfIMsi us4s30rMnMd. by >attention le butineu«. bapa~ha ag el *1 gain the maoge Of the publiesai. ouh, 0d il 1 whitby. jaly sili, 18î6. ka cA'e:'OLDSMB'THSM

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