Whitby Gazette, 9 Apr 1886, p. 3

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111E' ~.isi rsp4~w .f $1' Qsuty. flIDAY1 ~PRIL 9, 1886 ENTERrA INING SISTER'S BJG BEAU. Tea are my slatex's beau ais you, Tii. ou. min e~ught at lb. bell! i heard h.r WlIng my marnais se, Juil au I sanie tbrougk tii, hall. 6h. mays you are awfufly atupid, Sud you oaa~notdaueo at mli; Xt's juil beomuSe yuu are ricb Igaus, Made jon lb. "catch" at lie bail. Ând ah. usys thalviie you are mat- nled, Bh,'Uteach youa Iblufi or Ivo; Idon'tthInkYdbSlSUghtblB girl, If Ivere a man like you. gister mayathat abs loves your meney Ând Jaok's ~s abepeleas cas.; And ma maya liaI your love eau be seen PlaIn as lii. nos. on your face. ~ And I beard bar lsflingmy pa~a, Sbhbougbtyou~dbe easlly von, kid beomuse ut psur vealti au~ posi- Itou Wouid mak~ au acceptable mon. Who la 1ack~ H. lsulstez's e14 beau. * Or 'waa befare abs caugit yeu, H. la-marIer than you are, I know, .And mat as jg..d loukIn~ tue. * Bluter loved bAu a 11111e, l'ai sure, ilut Jack lawfully puer, Si. wroteblm a note tbf. morulng Net le corne baci auy more. ~WiatI Not gelngaiready, are you? Jachuover burrled off w; lister viii ber dovulu a minute, Ând be terni anary Iknew. NE WS 0F THE WEéK. .Jndge Moummean is dead. Sain. Joues ha. given np tohaco.. I~ert 1(o*an waavîsited with a 80~GU ~w. Fnloay. Tii. Belgium atrilces have reeulted Lu a a~.einthepnico-ufpig irouiu~lie~so4.b uamarket. The Central -prison aI Toronto wau damaged by lire te the e:tenl cf *iO41X hast week. A motion in faviar et a universal pean~ postage vus voted ~own lu the impenlaJ parlianiett. The estimated ceaI cf coalemplstei g<bhitions te the Btant oeunty buildingi ~ -i. *16,600. 4 musu bas bees anrested at Onillia wfr *iaaitu b.uiug p*ssed sevea 4 ~mk ~ b. 1.11 d.ad. Baies was ure* i~v certain at Comaisa- aria~roarded as Imeple. j Englisb oonstabDlary are b b. ou- fr~nchia~d. Rusais says sus vilI tek, no part lu tii. coorojon ofGreece. L.sseps' lotlery selieme bas beeu IVo~hlT reponted by lie cbamber's ft..amith** an nMntinnm.. darker. The Gueipli junclion ha. been ezteuded. Btayuer la te ereoê ou ing, meeting $2,O00. Moreton Frewen pm~c~ et £O0,OOQQOO t Ibidia Mr. &ansfeld lias b sucoeed >.ln. UIlambenlaiL. Orillia'. population,. aoo~rdaag te ibis ~ear's asseasmeni, la 8,801. The daxcage doue 10. lie ?Dritanuie tunna enlIa b. only trivial. - Two men were overoen~ ina Tonoute hotel froua inliailing ceai ga~ Jacques Broussean, mvst~raa et 1812, hasdiedinLaprainieaged0~. - Thé Impenial parliament u te b. asked te aid in relieving Iniali diul~ess. Busala pi'~besls she vil1 oocupy Bul- guis unies. Alaxanden submits. M. de Lessepa says bue PAnama canal will be completed m tbi~e~~ Jndge Rosa ha. resig'I~e~ôsillon et revising-barriater for (3aret4on. Tii. Dilke-Crawford casa h185 been ne- ferred 10 in 1h. Imponial pa~hameu1. Tii. Belgian governrnsêit vanta te join Prussia in action againàt Miaro'hiats. The colenisls et AuslraI~a are agains~ Frenoli annexation - et th New Hebni-, des. Twenty men vers lcille& at' (Jiienlerci lu a confliot belween niotors 'and mihi- lary. Gerinsu troopa oublie Boigiata (routier More massacres oJ Catheica are re. ported frcm Annam. Extensive preparationa for wsr are being m~de[iu Englaod. France bas another littie war ou her bauds, thi~ time m Senegal. Tbe effort te I onuit a Frenoli railway syndicat. for China lias failed. Seeding va. commenced aI Indian Kead, N. W. T., ou Tuesday. Kingstcn tesmel mon axe anticipating a Fofitabi. Besson cf navigation. Celd is reported te have doue great damage ho vegetation in Texas. Prince Alexander maya h. will abîde by the agreement wihli Turkey. There ar~ at prement 24 jumates of the lazaretto at Tracadie, N. B. Tii. Frencli oliainiier cf deputies lias paamed a bih permitèting ~emation. Tii. Toronto Mail building wae the sceneof another great fire Thursday. W. H. Howland was re-elooted mayor et Toronto Thursday, by acclamation. The anti-sociailat law lias been pro. longed by the Reichstag for two years. A very warlike .feeling is repurted te prevail in the Greek chamber cf deputies. A hundred thousand mon are guarding tii. route cf th,~Jzar on bis passage te lb. Cnimea. *A Bt. John's, Ndld., mob broke mb 1h. Panhiarnent House and placed thefr flak ou lie table. The number cf arresîs mail. iu Bel- ginua lu connection with Ilie Liber nota, la aven 2A00. The -absence et Mn. Mahon, a local ban~l~ter, from Kingaton, is causing morne aauiely uhere. The Britiali minister te Greece liai ~oen ordered te jein the other Povers in an ultimatum. About 15,OQO,000 yoslng whiteflmh vil] b. planted iii Lake Eue below Amberst. g council bas vot.d Tii. Paris municipal 8,000,000 francs tovard lb. fond fo~ .th exhibition iii 1889. Tii. new parhiament buildings, Quebea have been taken over froua the contract on, ML Chanlebois. a meeting ci givil engineersai L I4swait vas resolveil tcformaodist~ ~gi nessu ni Ganada. John L. Sallivan and Si for *10.000 andîho chi wonldnoLv io~kss if. et l~6 bear~ B~LDRUMI M. B., (Torouto oesllyJ, L.R.C.P. nid L.M., 3dm- ~e. 8, tii, TsrzsoeByrOU St., 1885. Wbuhby. g~tpI. $ 50,OOOLOOÂL PRU lu suais te suit borrovu Âpplylo' n vin j Vo dJ ~ UV~ 5~FA~IW8~ G. ~ ?~~,7LLB~ ~ - Devereil's3îeek OIM riageLlceuac. Omox-Ovea Dominion A.. ..4~. J>(>S,'I~, Bau&Whitby. ESRS.RITOHIE&BI~i1N(~, COUNTY ARCHITECTE tors la Ohsnoery, de., Whttby. 0ÂREIJLLY - prepared D~awings o. K. BITOHIE, W. H. BILLfl4GS, sud Specllcations lumlahed for every Toronto. Wbltby. DISSE! of WorL Office-Gernie Biock, coluer BrookanêDundsa SIrsela, Wiuhby.- D AVID ORMISTON, B.A., Attor- r - ney-at-Law, Solicitor lu OhancesyOou- ~Iiun~s ofthe uivision Courts voyancer. ho. OwiIoE-In lie Offies forrneriy ocou~ted by lie Dominion Bsnk, lu MoMWau'a COVNTT 0F ONTAUKO, 1556. - ,flruok-alreelWiltbY. - 48 - - ~ ~ I. OHN E. FAREWELL, LLB., No . ~ Barrister, Counly Crovu Âltornoy, sud ~. wiiitii...L..~a i i. i i a m i. a a a Oounty Bolioitor. Owcu-Souhh Wing, Court ~. arougLm. ,. S S 2 fluUse, Wbatby. 2 Duffin's Oreak. t 2 * 8 __________________ 8.PorbPer~ 8 90 29195.14 JAMES RUTLEDGE, Barrister, ~UxbrA'igsA...........se as 15 Owuxcu formerly ooonpled by Fane- ~' C.nulugtoL.10 28 24 928 1, weli h 'Nîhidgeuext te Royal HoleiBrOck ~., ~. Beav.rt.m.....n se as îo iv wb*ihby. 2 Uptergr~ve 18 24 96 il i~ By rJrur, ~ ÂMES KEITH (*OBDON, Bannis- - Clenkoflb~Peace J 1er sud Âlloruey-at-LaW, SolacitorlnlJhaii- sexy, OeuvêysflOer, Nolary Public, ho. Ornce- d - - - Dundas Bt., ftrat dour wesl of Armatrong'5 Rotai. Meney 10 Loan-Privale lundi at 1ev Intereat. J Bulioltor. h.., h.. Ovrion: - Devereil's a NO. BAIL DOW, Barniater aud - Bloek.up stairs. Money toloan. PrivatetundB. I I toloan on Mortgage at 6 per cent. RA.MIi~R GREFj~WOOD, At- toruey sud Solicitor, ConveyanOO!, Net ary Public, ho.-Puat O~cs Draier No. il Wbllby, Ont. Faruas bougit sud sold;Marriageaeltlemeflli; W RN POW»EI~B Loaus,~,~tiSt,~dOU alikinda ofPropei'ty; WhUs SpeoialitleE. 421y pleasant totake. Coutaiutholre'wu _____________________________ tire, la a sale, sure, sud .t5e~ ~ vorma lu ChfldreuorÂdui~ 0NTÂBIO BÂNKI MANHOOD WHITBY BRÂNCH. HO LOSTIHOW RFI~ORgU WS LI5VU KW~MtuEJ VMD#AEUU~ ~ WrnTBY. Sept.~ 1879. 48 TE WESTERN BANIj 0F CANADA. WHITB Y, - ONTARI THOMAS DOW, ~ well'e Celbwa4e4 Easay, m,.A e~v.w.euad~ .nva IwIi.hnnt c i. I Tii. raîtvay bl~is passeiI~ ~ ~cba l.gialature suA lia lasi saules have ~aeen disallowed. The Bcotsuaa~a isys Mn. Oladaien,'. sciieme cf Eom~ Bale ancludes apparats coinage for Irel4nd. Stepa ace b4ig taken te orgammo a joint uleohi cer~apaay te pvs elutri. lightingto BIna erd. Austnian aocàdists viii h.ru.ftsr 1>. .cexnpelled te report llien~selves ho the police, hîke retaiined ocuvîcti. - Mn. Laureace Herchmer bas beau a~. pointed supeninlendent et lie Nerti-veat police lu auccession te Col. Irvine. Mn. Chambenlain and Mn. Tfev~yaa une nepor&ed 10 b.- arnaaglug for open hostihity i. the Gladatone g.vernmeut. A Belgiai radical journal says lie iu- lamai cf tAie g~vennmenl t. e.tead tii. nfrage bas mornetbing te -do witJa lb. nets. Tii. Lesseps une quit. .uwg~~ia. liaI thé French ge~ernment viii auhiionize lb. faine et îl~e P'unama canal ioltery bonds. i AIl efforts tc~ obtain a fqrsigu~ ban having fsiled, t~he Greek govqrusant lu -asking thé cian*ber cf deputies - te grant a credit. Tii. Pope ha~ decided againat a1~oman 'Cathoia ~ho~,~who sttempted te pre. vent liii cBmlut~nioauta joluing- -Pdmros. Leaguep. . - - Ohamhierlala and Tnevelyan have ne- 4lRuen, aud hh~ln action lias osusoil great inii~u~tieu an~iong lb. Libeuuls sud Home ?ftntoes. I - r III. ahleod ~ tii. Oan~a~ P ciflo oempa Tafe antionste oCtaia conbemplatp4 1~atlueau~ 'Vah;ey nailway.. Turkiab tests cf K.rnpp guise bav, de. monatrated te ternibly destructive ~vers -et tii. pous, as 45u4 hava kili tl~. <auner.. - Samuel ton, spd 10, sou et a wuialîby (arme cf (Ilay ceont1, Tenn4 vas ~iet sud l~il1 b Dicis anderson Mn. Eva Lc~ag bas beau ivurilsil ai lie civil asszse~, Toroulo, *1,000 dam. ages s.gaiaaî thé village et 8touf ville for injuriés received by falhinj ov~n a loess u.Iank k aw1daw~fr. - c * '- - -.- - te cerpenters sud hem employees bas mi bee~ avérteil lq a compromise. cf A~notesl ha~ beau lssaed by îlieGould P5 stnicens againal ha authonitles, for ne- ~ugtocontsrwiththemeu. - - Mn. John Burton, assistant te lie ce ~euera1 manager of thé Grand Trunis GO ~rallway, ha. resigned his place. III Public opinion lu <3ttawa is geumrahly ~sed t. thé proposition te open 1h. fl2 e csJ Musenua on Suudays. Montréal buttir dealers are proteshing  ta usInaI lie viciation cf Ah. lav~willi ne- 'p.0t te oheomarganine zu~,ortatiom~~ - - * Bismanck -bas been cougralulateil by f~ lb. Creva Prince on bis secuniug ~ v.uj~Iftndvflfl ~f tha mn*Lrnaa~oliot 1mw ;*495,- C., ha.. thé Do- lie maie ir cern- Mn. Miule~ sappearano useil some vereil lu KI 'ted a. a gi~ Haulsu bai et te nov ntectly ?aix rions ently dis- had en- 7- i~-to Tee- on any îoursé in- Le race te ~aat. *25,000 ~av lu lb. ~'itiea, lie î London ommene- histeny 15 final lie ennuient, îember ut nroved 10 -~ Wednea A elsarge ragaluSt lie goverumeul of éd withi systematie cerrupteil created intense k .~ éxoitenieut lu tii. Anatnian panllamant. ~, Il is feared liai thé volunleens doiu.g ~lioltb gan¶uen duty ai Kingalon -vil b. dis. vas noS fpnokîeed, as lie fort la vithoul lie .ity th Ho, liants. iavé b. Thé King cf Corea lasued an edlet on Tie o Fébruary 11h abolishing slavery. Il la bning a' estimaleil liaI evén hait Ilie inhabitauts Tovoiitc satistac cf Conea are slavea~ - -libelhuj Mn. (*ladstene sud ML PanneIl are don'1w I4krnufIdnl liaI lu a uev élection ah. Inishvotewouldgivehhelibenaltaan&y60 AF adilitiomal naIs in Englan4. Ky., a Thé Czar sud Ozs~ina vii eson-visil frfty, hi ilion w rd, ut t] fiali ai s artie say lb Dlogy. ing8vlll - et e~ botb andt sendi e! ireatélada. et 1h. Canadi nding 2lst Man ~agàiust *92,000 ian et $85,500. il i. id la - q'w~~~ R ÂY'B HOTEL, - WUITDY, ONTAUIO, Houa. nevlyrenoaled5fldfmn~ahed Ibrougi- eut, ~d pullule 2rst-eiass order for receplioli of gueulE. An omnibus lu and from ail trains. NIrat-cimuE samul. roome. Goodatabling. QUEE~N'S EOTEL, - WRITSY, OlITAUW. DAN, O'LEABY, PBOP'B. Tii. Hotel bas qeen thoroughly rsnova.ted e.nd I fttted up, snd i~ aftusted opposite the Whitby M.rhet. The besîliquorl and cigare alwayS On hm.nd. Ân attentlv6 bustier iii .t~endsnçe. C UTHBERTHOU&E. PIOKERINO VILLACE, 3AMES GORDON, PROrRtEToI~. &ew .nd~oornmOdiOU8 House oentrally located Eve accomodation for ilie tra.veflix4 public.. The'~Lris supplied with lie boit ].Aquors sud Cigars. Large ami oomiorta.ble Stables, and an attentive Huilier. WRITBY HOUSE, DUNDÂS-ST WHITBY. JOSEPU A. BANBEL, ey PROPRIETOR. ~, Superior Accommodations AT MODERÂTE (liGES. iii - -Mou .conve~ient Hotel lu Tovu lu Court House, liegiatry Orne., and ohher Counly Build- be JUgE. ng * of ~ ~IASONED LUMBER I led - m- Q. 3OIIJ~WSObT. LU MBEE MEBOHANT, WHITBY, ion Hem en hand 1h. la.rgeut sud beat muppiy o d a 8ea.aoued Lumber ever koptin Whftby. Cern prismg Buildingbumber, Sawn Tiniber, Beunt ~' Ml ordera 811ed wlhh prompluesi at *~west ratas. ~; Doera, 5auh.saudBltadSaiWBYUOUiiSfld. Gar » OMINION WOOD WOBKS, WÏTITBY GEO. COR~ * -..~ v-y. theCulverwell Medicél Coi. 41 Ana S$.,N.W Y.nk. PosI Office Box Us. Oanad1~I PaeIIIc Rallway - Trains leave Union Station Toront~'. GOING EÂST. - - Elupresa 8.25 s.m.. Mythe IQ.14 a.m.. Mixsd - 4.25 p.m. 6.55 p.xu. Moulr'lBXpiOSs 8.00 p.m. 9.89 p.m. GOIN<kWEST. - Express leaves Myrlie 8.01 p.m Mixcd "- " 1.28 a.m SI. Louls3xpress' - 0.50 s.m GOING WEST. 81. Louis ~lxpresaieSvd8 Toroulo &2Os.m. - Louai " " " 4.ilp.rn. Mix.d " " 3.40pan. O1~A2NGEYILLE, EL~OBA AND TEElWÂ'~ER BlI.&NCHES. Express l~a'v.s UnioullatioaTOtOUtO 4.1-5 p.m. - Mail - 4' "- - - &iOs.m. OWEN SOUND B&&NCH. Express leavesUmon Station Toroulo 4.45 p.m. Mail " " ~' " 7.20 sm. Cbeap Tickets te lie Esster~i, Western sud Southenu Staica. Manitoba sud. Brillai Cc- lumbia. smp.ciaily. For f nil partionlars sud ail Information Sp- p'y JÂMES LONG, Agent O. 1?. R.,. Whitby, Ont LWe Insurance - At (Jo~t. Mutuat IIe8ervsFund UI'e As surance of New York. Osuadian Government deposit O50,0O0.0O~ ~>Âccutnnl'd Remerve Fuud (over 31~,0OO.00 Dealli daim paid dnring 1884 479900.00 New busin0sslst 8 mos. 'Si 150)00,000.43C * T.enty.ftve per cent of ail asiessment& are deposited ivihli tii.' Gentral Trust- Company et New York, as tnustees et ~be Reserve FaRd. -e-- Lt VIes I ~~<9 I Apnil 80.1885. are preventing ni~tors r entening Gor- many. Mn. Gilvoy et St. s, Ont., la shippiug 5,000 head cf 111e te a uew ranch lu Iii. Norhh.west. - Tii. financial statoment India shows a. deficil ut £'2,890,800. is aaid 10 b. suffening mneh by t-ho - ver trouble. r - Tii. Toronto board cf e ha. con. demned th. presont catti market and recommendeil tii. buihd cf a uev eue. - It la maid t aI John ~LeMal~au, a Kingshon law~~n who ha~justi~Yt wihb hua vif. and objldren, la a defaulter lu lie amount et *15,000. Tii. Home Mission oex~miltee cf lie Prembyterian chnroh agreed hhat lie cominittees liabIe~ for ~sien werk lu lie Ncrth.-west aheuldrW exeeed *21,. 000. ---t The propooed fiat e, ! halva

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