GAZET T E. oSeimi Ps TRIS ÀAND THA-T. Obstructons c f th. atomaeb, 1 * ~ bovis, arepromptly nemove,x U, THE WBONG At>DRBBS. I lean thatthle 1.*., iis mOýa I zoeve Has nover been meantifor ~e 1 osunot belle,. My Jack would deseiv% But ho oQIlsras bis "Siaaro*Ame..1 WIt odd4he should *wear by my d.eP'binue'ea9. Wh.u he knows thamy oeeis browU; It'as sea.surprise, For Jack nover oighsU Teotlhe sobe out h'so% eu down.o Ho raves about masséet of aUrn ha.Ir., R. forgets that my buag 14 b"a; And what Iwear la my owu, I owoar, E zoepi just th. bit aM lb. book. R. dwells Qu th. t.eth osO perlv white, Whou =In* arr estl geld. Asil oWuibit* Witlh a pCoWe«of JA'wuntoli i R. pralses arounided ferradivin. My 847S perliape take hbus las, But 1ImuoWiy opine That ftgute'. not raine, For Saliy B. Ï&lIwus1hn Yourlarnb i. adot marnld.Mindeed 1 le ho That Iarab" la&i be verysoon uiiomn B ythe gr.atest Scot 1 1% make à so bat Jaokfl wlah that he' uV@e bâba rn. FAMNOUS. Keep no more animals than eau lus comafortably acommodated; otberwise ther proveý an expenso ia.ther than profi. Different breedu of uhep. bould mol b. kept togethen, as tb. same conditions are ual squaily suited luil Milk aet bree.centsa quat as but lhe. Bamne netas butter sod for% 28 nea, Pound, imys au..Eastern eoqert. Blieep sick and dyi ng On dry prôvendon have led, the montality, errosted when ensilage diet vwas substiîuted, ays au %ex- change. Eight and fiveeigblbs pa.*1 per gal. Ion is rapily becomin the, .standard weighî of milk luin bs'country .and Europe. Whon land is plowed vsry early lu tbe spring the grass edl len fais lu &Prout, especiaily ou heavysibèecause of Io* temponalure. Bludy wbaî your soi and lb. cropri you grow noed, and then, asbut yqu eau, feed so, auto mû. s ma to meet the demaud.* Ensilaegiu slediyli sBang on among stock-naieens. :%_9 y r.q4ir 10 b. botter undonstood to, as uni~ usedeas sbay and other Nov us the timelto or plow deeply befr put ith Mau -U~&l work the estiu elaYoung Iemb becomes veek. ant debilitated, aller neanly resmdy for Weaning, it may bé lhtrongihensd by givi»g a food twice aiday of oçal gruel aud warmed milk. 0Orow acOMpOf peausinthéeîd Crherd asuLd Jet the pig> harvesi il.. Su, eanly, two bushels Per acre, wiib 400 pouwds of good fertiliser. Good fart Ie po,4etter Look afler th. imeil the. faim. Langer profits poorinl tbe coul of production are realiWe from. salels of buttser, eggq% spri ag chiekens- paragus, oetc.,...thman ýrom theb, m crops..i Thorougli acqualulence vîlbpoche cf plant growîh is.uecesssy for judiélons mauuring. Apply fértliierswithinr.ech of pleut nottlelso I.L Îthir nature to run itear the surface or dowiý Tbe hog ibal reooives variety cf food, in"îtead af boiug foëekieolusiMey upon gran, iiiuo~rowfauterbut faîlen more rapi81y whot being ýpreparèti for the butcher, U as eI as yield a boîter quality of pork. Poisonousgises Are giv n off, >y botb, prowing and. benvestd lfruiî;-.auoh as' orangee, apnicots sud luie-gaysa Frencb botansî, antideah' by poisoning lias reuultod fromslseping in roomi ex. posod l ob echmenations. The careifi seher-d varies the b.d Of bis Boc0ks ta i iiî beIn Condition spd aprîtesfs. On colti, demidsysàbi toc w nI a early lwîee As mmiiias On venin, vo& days, snd the ;imount of fed uboulti be gauged acordi»gfly.- De-pend maily *on the bhen for your manairo uupply. Sabe aureado doubl, or triple duty;. tbey Daon ly Sup. plant plant foodi, but bave a, mechancak or eoilcal action thal bringa ont tbe forîiliziug qualities of tlb. *oila Vary ho. parlant item. Menai,. for bol.bodi uboult i b. b snd vol, worked, as ve14 'as tfre, tram co anse litter. Bleached muolin Coifrd) May bq use4 lu plae sofglass,fpreierre.a 'ând latin the bossmsu colti rames, shol.' tereti frointhe jwlevfa viianer if> Jsi* caIbage plants. DON'T Nlit OEIY8D. I3eware f any druggist, Who viii try toinduee you totakeaa"yin Place of McGregor & -Parkits ,Carblie Centt.. It -. a'marvel ofh.iealing for ,oree, cuti, bure etc. No family ahould be without. il. lî equal. GelMcGoregor a Parke's, and have no other. -OÙ-ly -2We. per box st W. R Hwses drug store.ý By lack of open air seercise. and vaut of sifficieni cmrsiii the matter of dietp- the whole physical mechaism b..< cornes impaired -dcuning -1he. vintr. Ayer's Sansaparillais the properremedy lu take in the spring o! the yeur bc purify the' blood, -excite the hver bc action, and restore healh aLàd vigor. Dr. Iow'î pleasant worm îyrup-__An agreeable, safe and, effectuai remsdy lu remove al kinde of worme.. An unparalleled se nsation is being created ail over Ontario by the wonder! nI and unequalled manner in whioh neural. gia, toothache, rheumuativm, backaoh, and heýadmohe -is reroved but by one &Sp. plication of Fluid Lightniing'. NO if. fonsive, disgusting drugs need b. tae- for days. It is an instant cure. Try a 25c. biotle -fromn W. R. Howse, drug. Hall's Hair Rnwer renewscleanss, brightlns and'mv.igorales the hair, and roulures 1he faded or gray bain lu ils yobful colon and lus#re.1 People wilh gray hait sauld use th. Renewer, and thus conea from the world their bleached looka andadv&ncing age. It in popularly. admitted everywhere that McGrezor's Speedy Cure is the safeit, most relible and byv farîthe ohéap. est 'romedy for constipation, liver coin. plaint, indigestion,,impure biood, los of appetile, and ail bimilar troubles. Il is not necosaary to, tae a greal quantity hefore, any resuit iis proaued. À few doses wil ,canvince yon -of ites meris. Trial battie given froeeaut W. R. Howse'Sý drug store. A VALUABLE FIIID* James. Aloi. Spnoul, of Orangville, aaye hoe bas found Bnrdook B=oo Bit-. ters le be. the best medicine he ever took for kidney complaint, wiLh.wbich ho was long suffering.. He declares B.' B.' . witbout a rival. CAUTON.-Boware of any man who offers you an imitation- article, no cmat.. ter what il is, and says il is 6' juil as pool as the gsnuino ;- lhey sou ail kinds o! "shfiam remedies " ibtifs w&y upoD the réputationulu Pain Kiler-be lè uie and gel Ihe genuine ýmade b Perry Hamilton Dowd, writiràg frm Bume, on lie ysho as.ufflictad with cjiilbla Wh"chnothing relieved until ho tri ieHg. yard'@ 7e11ow 011; lethau Qouebotue cnred bim. NZAI BTAEYATXON's BOOR. -Mrs. Nolson W. Whitehead, of Nixon, was a chronio sauffèeor from dyspesa and liver complaint, and was sarely able to taes the mosî simplje ànorish. mnent. Even a swilow of water oausod groal distresa. Two bottles uofurock Blood. Bitteirs cured, ber, when ail. e4se A WIDR RANGE. A vide nangeof painful, affoctions may bo met with Hagyard's, Yeilow Oil. James M. La.wson, o! Wocdviile, Ont., speaka 9qf it in bigh termes for. rbeum. thum, lame, back, upraiu and many pain. fui compiainis toa numorous ta mention. is usod- îuternaily or extorually. The WoRua, MaTEs oNî- Now dis. coveajes aue canstantly coming lu ligbî. IMany a pon unfortunato lias suuffred. untolti. miseny for yeans a. Franklin's ILheumaîic Remedy aceta speodily atnd neultralies- the mit inlutho syîtem., For sale by aÇ. E. Gibbard. Freemansa Worm Pawdensdesîray and remove warms vithout injury ta &duit or WORTR RMNEMBERING.- lu a long letton froin John H. Hall, af Baddick, Cape Breton, N. S.,hoe mys:- "I bliers were il ual for Bundock Biood Bitters I ubouid ho iu my grave." Il cureti me uf kidnoy and- liver complint, andi generat. debiity, whieh bad nearly irovod fatal.. aObLLOWA&Y'S OINTKEN'T AYID PIL.- Fev, pensonsmiro ufavoiqed by cýircuin. slaunceà, or go foiifeti by- nalure, as la onabie îb.m ta pus unscalbed tie acreW Inrials of an inclemeut season. Wii catarrhe, e0ugbs sud îifuenuasever. vioeeabotiuding. il sbould. u niversel., Il known .tb at Halloway',s Olutînu, dihigenîly rubbod upon th; chost, cheekts lhe vrut assaulîs o! tbose maladies,> anti setcurely'vends ,off mare- grave and daugenous dîsoasos >of lhethroalsu d longs. The lrulb oh Ibis asserlion muit romainaunquoslioned in the 'face' O! Ihousande of! nimpeachable liviùg vl nesses, Who have porsonaIly den-yod tb. ulmot possible beuefits frointi bis lroat- ment vheu Ibeirpiresent suÈffliwere. appalling, sudIorflr riei mosît ilshsbrtening. Buîh remedies soi ffOTENEONEs nxt.,iîl la ai-J r Jikely tbat you have il. DoctI n lb temuot prevalet diseae, and [tgsOnsequetieesa Don't put il off ger. Gel il ous of 't.heysteoe. cs Catlarrh Cure is- guarantoeO ta Ask G.. Gibbard about il. rough oon4itious' of the akin,, >ing h.head, pimplea, oruption i eases, -use Prof. 1iow's Sul- Nctmgsmo slreuglhens snd toues up the *7gsIikâ.Wesl's ýCaugb Syrnp. It is -hè - ost widety knowun emedy for lb.6 P6oê1tve cure of consumpltion, -bran. chiEi, oghcolde, influeu-zu., oarse. nosa, whoupiug cough sud âail roal and lung dseses. Pince 25e., 500. and 61.00 ~bllle. Sotd by W. R. Home, "WROOP IT up."l Pr.oabty ans of the Most diffiul oom. plaits tad9ctor'le whuuping congi.. Whon tireted- by ordinary means tbe p ur i e tl . fttawoop ilup as bout b e cOu. Hiagyard's Pectoral BalsaU2 gieu reief in tIbis as volas iu al Ihroat, bronci a ed luiug-troubles. Wm.* Gilos,. M. D., -Milford, bet., Maca,1880. Dean Sît--About lbree years aNp I gaI a botlte of youn lodide Ammonia.eLnimed tI cured my hane ndthe balance of Îbe Hui. eutpiý usedn the family. -It cunsd ail acbet on mnus voit as hanses. IL nu alit d pnov. PloaeSenoadme one 'bolte nàre by express, and I wiii psy C. 0. "Di Âddrees Haskell Lewis, Mit. ford, Rint ca., Dol. Sold by W. R.. CmnVrs MAN 1 - This. changeable 9png alher la making a numbor- of our towippe recognizo the foot thaît thons is, somoîbing wrong somnewbere. 0f COUrs thore îe..- The system la run down. -be stomacb -and liver are out of arder. o. ta Gibbard's dring store and try a bofFnaklin's Dandelion Pille. ADxpa MOTREnS -Are -you dis.- tunbed ýniprbt "a bro'ken o! your -rosI by a sicl4hid suffening sud. crying vîtl pain cf cqlling teelb ? If %'o send at once und1 tet a botijie of "Mrs. Wiutilow',s *SootbinRî,fyrup" for -ochîldiren- eething. lts v81ue ýs uncalculeble. -IL wiii reliove the- Pooe -little sufferer immediately. Depend 4pon il, mothers.; Ihere i18 no wislake thoul il. It -cures dyisentery and di*gc'rboe, regulates the stomacli sud b.1eij, cres wind.colic, soflens lhe. gu u, ceis inflamimation, and gives Loue and energv îta the whote systeru. "IMtsinstojlw'e soolbing Syrupi" for Chiltiren, teeîbing -s pleasaul 10 thei teste sud la the prescniplion of eue of the oldesb and'boijt femate physicians and. nurses in the Uni . d Slils, and is forsale'ý by ait druggisls lbroughout te-world. hie tweuty.five cents a bottle. Bai sure9 and ask -for "Mas WiNsLw'$ OTHIG SYnnup, and tek. 11o atrbor kd- VARBLE WORKS. J'& R. -Wolfen-d én &ILI kiinds ofMarb le and inents, etc* show rouisand vorks - Dundas stree1 Whllby. TO OWNERS 0P' STOCK. Gls*Lin$Ïtgnt lodide A mmonia Remaia il maigtlybumkceg,> cures Zae esei4al.sia eiute îNOW ~idb. vithout it,ralilromd, minng asad 5 rema companieail use. Gilos' Liblmeï 9, sud lu tbe rest raeing attbls f elont atiLonillrd il bas acievt ondors. on. trial will cou- vic.Write Dr. «lies, box 8,482, N. Y. P. 0.9 hvillgi, ithont -charge, give adyîce onu ail Diseuess sud alto on th. manaemet cfcatie.Sold by ail druggistsaIM 50i. and $1 a battis sud in quirts at 2.0 iiwbioh thon.leavlues The Lanimenti whwite viappers la for famuly, use, -thod in yellaw for.caItle. G fle e Ammonie, Ho Se udCattie Powders, UeibY mteleladin* borso men en Jerome Park, htieitvood7,Brjgbhton Bay, SisphetiBy sud )78l'Head. Never diaappot, are. tonie, alternative snd dilnretic, eeîroy "Worms, entres . là- dig@âtion,.olie, lots, sors Ibreat; cetarrh, fendér, oeand-, rbouati@M.> Tiné pcwders e guarant.od sud pur. chais failing ot nscure monoy refu4pd. ~ô{by'aitdruggiutu at 25i. p e r'laot± F U ly ot Dr. Giles*' r-ein. edl~sai W R .SI98Dru gStore, WhiibysO,i.- Bo0ot MkesWbitby. PEUIAL OFFERSt OO FOR TRIITY DÂYS. Genitle9men 8s Sewed Lce, Boot*s. Cioice of sample pairs on ban'.d ."r. r : r 4t i .0 et@iio .bo*#efl.845 /reduced fromn~.Q Gentlemen'ýsSewed Shoes. -Choiceocf. samiple pairs on band ........e..ere................4.5 reducod frorn 85.50., Gentleimen'-18Caif Top Boots. Choice of samnple pairs on band...',,,....86t.0.. .die ................4.95 rednced froru 86.00. Gentflemen 'sý Kip Top Boots. Choice of samplo pairs on hande.............. .. . .. '.....4.20 reducod frorn #4.50. These, are our own makos of goods, and are buit ip our best style. «WMehave ouly a fow samples of each. kind, so corneéeàrly and sousa bra Whitby, March 111h, 1886. GLABGOW WAI?_EHO USENOS1(99j Haàve large limes. of the NEWEST- STYLES8 'm"Dresa goode, Silks - Prmnts' GinghamâsWhite Cottons, F actoryCot- tonst Shirtingé, Tiokinga and Cottonades.- A large stock ola lf WooI CaretsTpé-stry, Hemp and Stair Carpets, Floor 01 Coth8. in 1, 1ii-i1, and I 2:yards w*ide. Scoleci Tw.egid-thie largeut stock they over held in 25 yoan-a wih Canada TweFdo in end leas variety; botigbt aI 65 @eonts on the dollar. Ready.qnade Oloth- ing rmde up on the promises ii men',i Yuuths and 'Boys' suits snd siagle 'gar. ments. We'are effering suits made ta. ordt.r from 1th.e eoise of 50 pieces. of Tweed aI. $15 thé suit, the sanie quality sold-lost season aI from 018 tÔ #$20 The roason cf Ibtis is we bave bouugbî for SPOT CASH. aven 100 piece a Ibis seasun alre'dy at 65 cents on tbe dollar.. Cmlearly and gstl îb.choie., ave aré eto.rmine.d te Rive olr-eustomens snd mil wbo favor us vith their tradë the benéffiI'of our clame buyig osestockofnw ;,coff4dsS$uga * 'Csocker nd Glasswm' Jut eèived.ý- PARK PIODUCE 1~AXEN fi EXOH&NGE OR WR Wfl2LPAY CÂSE FOI ~THE SÂME. J~ cPI3T~LL~ ~IL & u-tiasgow w areflonie, JN O.&. Iand 2), Whitby.- W-ho Guaraiitees- :Every Sittingm. DO'TREAD THIS Unless yow w«n~t Bargains. .4 -00ods rn-m8st 1w sold before IRSI f MA I Pro o oUr remov1 fro -W hitby Cretonnes woî ...........60.. .c. for 25e. a yard Cretonnes vorl ................ ............ for lSc.ayard, Cretonnes worlh ............ ............ .6..1e. for 12e.. a yard Cretonnes vorih............. ......... .12ioc. for 10e. a yard Cashmere vonl............. .5c.. for -40e. a yard Cashmere vorlh.e" - .... .... ...O. .0efor 25c. a yard Cashmere Worth........... . ..5.fr5. ayd D r e s G o o d s 6al . . . . .... 0 e . fo r 2 e. e y r Dresu Gonds worth...... ....................2 e o 0.ayr Drose Gnds worb............. so-...........2efo17.aar Pnis W orth e o 1,30ar r a s o ii 12 .f rl c. frd ; 0o .nts yard 10.r S.a ad Pises wo......h. 7 eel.% e yr;enee oes S.for 12e. a ~1 0 ya dfWi c y or 1 2é e 0. a yard ; iey w rl 0e fr e.sya d G Bgian worth 17c. for 12o. a yaird; Gingbama Wortil je. for 8e.ý a yard .Ladies' Cineulars huom 81 uPo, Bedispreade wolh 81.80 for 81.5<>; .B.d preM adevrh. 8250 for 82.00; Bed, Quitte Worth, 61.00 for 70c. Overcoats worth 69.00 for*6.00; men" s , ~sWorth90 fr6.0;Bo" suite worîli - 8.00 for 85.00;-,Tweed 61.ôefur 81.00;Ail vaut hinîs woit $1.25 fer 90e ;l Ail v*Ool Gueney ebirs worth ý90e for 0 BOOTS ANDSHOES A SPECIALTYMR CROCKRY ad GLSS WÂREe ICOm- E, .4UNDGB]? .4RLITK 'T IS TOO LITE. W5 A. IAWKINS, i~ta~ BtooI~, Wki$6y INBEcTIOII INVIT3D. BEFOR.E -'I 6 T i IFA IT