Whitby Gazette, 9 Apr 1886, p. 7

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To Dyspoytioe. n~ ~ e um0non $ulgof-t ysF O'c ae mgesi, aremuoppru.shon &ai ib@ atornch- MUNsa iaUlmnY, vaierrsis bsat-bruvomt.lng l, of o!appetits, sa" ieDitltuD Dyunpti patints suffr un- told miseles, bodfly. sMd mit&L hel sliould stemulate ib* dig89stio nsd asure Zgulai d ac tion o! ibm bovolis by t1» ueo! s~d ato oser AfttrIMb oeli ae rugulated, one t tibi rus takorm ssch day ater dinner, la usuali auil t ii -required te complote tsecurem Ayzz's ?Iu arm iug&read dpurely vegeabie'- a pleant, entlreY iii., sud rs- "0 wie 4ine for the em of Ue!al»srders lot lb..ýtom"a" udbaow .They are Ibbs tau purgave S toftmflm'un c f*. omçlai Pape? et tihe comn5y. FRIDAY, APRIL 9. 1886.- M A. RWLVAIS VENGEANCE UnmaMeld at twenty-tvo, 1Ivas.rich, entirely mny own mistrees, and Considered more thp.u protty:-,and. stili, la spite o! msany excellent opportunities te change mry ioA dtion, 1 was rapldlyclrlftbng-ou to oid-maldenhood. - I hadýadmirersand suitors Ii pliiity; vhers 'là the heires8 who has, not? Â nd two men loved me. 1Iwvausure of ha Nover vire !tWo people more unlike each other, In looks, in taste, disposition, teinpor,1 everythlng. Even their respeo- tive circumetances and- positions in -lite offered a strlklng contrit. George Bedfsrn was a wealthy and b- fluentiai banker, forty years of age, grave, quiet, sd reserved ln manner, snd vlth an ludisputable and enviable stancding lu seclety ; whills Bobert Dens, my Bobert, whom 1 loved-was comparativély poor, having enly his salary as confidmntlal clerk ïinthe Redfern bank (eut of whlch h"e suppre a wldoved mothee), and Was o011o!ofhose mery, cheerful, llght-heart- e i fellQvwe ho gt the name et belng wildl"ithout deervlng it. lirs. Dine had bien my dead mother's tr-*end. ntural1y ioftnwe vio e isit Uewuauid àU. ndhidl ýriV3h er $014 who Idolize br. For Xtebet sud. 'l undenstood h other, os#levers will Ho vas very seni-' tivo süd higI ilnded. I thought, st ir, atbecause I vas su heiress ho rýo,1 d neyer speak tle lovel - knev le Coit, aud which I longed te hear; butthîe welcorike declaraîlon7came st hast. And'[ lad Mir. Redtern te tlsuk for It. 1 met hlm st Mirs. Dene's cottage oee -evîl ni, whenlie, lad *stopped te sapeak- te Ro no sorne business, having chanced te sea hlm lu ths gardon when le vas rlding paut. 1I1vai st île wbndov, leaning Oui, vhen ho sav me. I knev, aftorwards, that ~astîe niason le astonsbd Robent by accepting lis Invitation te corne lu. Ho vas avery qhe4 etixlng man,-go- ii fî, e I obert Ing lte loto .soclety, snd; bearlng -the repu ain o! a confrmid old bachelor,. but ater that evenbng he changed.1 1Uobert heard of, it, sand grevjealous. one evening ie came te me,' l&t face iookùg, gloomy and nad muugh. "le have been frimnds for yoars," said ho, "6and Ibolieve youllkemo voltenough tn grant me a ta.or.*- I 1ovýe yoU, Rate. Thait's 'eo nova b you,le, lt? Weil,, 1 lever' shouhi ha*e toid You80-nover should haveaskodyou tb become 1 wlfe, because you are roh amd, I amn~r but, dear Kate. I can't steod quitz-pi and oie another tae.what 1I'have to.~t Wn; olvantleu teoteime trulyIt ~~ Inten4htenutryeodtern, idU It'. 'yes,' I shall -go oit of the oountryaud. tayout until I an get over lt." Oh, the ha iI wu when I h erd Anid can yeu 'get ovor 1t,' do leu ne looted àt i,4theu, andl 4Isgig.id him aria. He thouglit I vas tÈU!Ifa Witt, hi» petln, and was vexe t me. 41& l ngjest teme, Miss Crave", vhatveriêaybe te you» ho sad quite 1I did xot ýekpeet that you - ke h one. Yes," very ooldly, a lovedslcp fool. I do6 suppose .t over ih.4' .edon't love me as! toveyouthen, Ro>bert"n I sald softly; "for If you go0 away sud lbave me se, I arn afrald I nover shau get ovet' It9I. - gQhMy darïLng I "Tou Say thatlaie. -Tou mean-i? Yon dont love ftedlr-you wo't marr "I love youi, I ansvered, as his dear arme elaspe me close; -snd yenonly vIii I marry. $ And se vo vire engaged. And 'Robert drovi me over te the cottage, there.and thon, to tiltlhis mother. betive that Sh. suspetedl -my feelings, But I vould not conidi thim te 1er, lest the f ear 'o! disappolutment and pain.te me sheuld ditrbesa 7her." Hov hi tovid 1er!1 64I fear 7?u love her beset" I said lm- pulaively. ' My dar lln,"hi said half chidlngly,- euoneos Unot measure or compare sudh pi~ .1 SOID uaem aratojorcn a rea qr vasasi. sacred loves; oach and botl la 'ýdean'Ost.' But my moiher suffers f rom an affection cf1 thé heari. Âuy anxiety or painm uSt injure her, sud a si- -i Sheck would kLU ber." And thon it wa I firet uuderstood bhl is dovoted carietf er, a cars lin whcfrom that heur, I sharod. Next day Mr. Redfsrn prepoeed te me. MY limant ached fer ile bitter pain . showed when I îold hlm i vas already engaged. &I 1 ad set my every hope on you.I caunot gi-vs yeu. up ho'lecnhed, *yul an- lntenshy eto assin0îlt t 8thted me. -"Oh, child; ae mIey on mue? Thlnk agaln-glfve me Urne. Iam ridher tha a inaurruptea nîm. 1 sut net, I have wealtî -enoughi and coovet only happinoss. I shait marY Robert Doue, the inan I love." Hie face vas.white as doath. ,si on shah neoi marry hlm 1" he sahd viii s'- deep sud. bitter,.oath. 4"Neyer, vhIle1 I vo1 I evear it." And le rushed eut et my preseco I sa.ld nothing about It te Robert, boy- iever. Hie, relations ith lis elIoyer contlnned as ploasant as usual,sueI did nit fiel justhlted lu disturblng ibhm. I toit surpnlsed wîcu ho etd me tht -Mr. Rwdfern lad hlmeoif congratulated hini, ud. made some stigît but gracofut ai- lusion te lis own dlsappolniment. ,*Probably," T.thougît, --Mr. Redteru regrets lis intempenate varmth and !ocd.. ish vords, and takesthis method te let mei knew of IV, The terrible sterm vwhlel Instinct lad warned me of ai îhe moment, ln which 1 haît hard îlot bitter threateuing oath, burtisnddîuly. 1 vt as evening, and Robent and I were -;ttng together, taling such sweet non- iense as -levers viii. ,-We wvonalone, save for an aunt- who ,reshded with me, -aud vho lad fallen asleep in, her easy chair, vhen suddenly and unceremoni-. ously îe door vas, Iiung open -wide and tIres min entened. Two o! them viere-officers. The indig- nation.vhhl their rude outrance caused, gave place te slckenn fear when 1 saw thi ilr-Geo 1r ge Ridern. "! Min, do your dutyi " ho naid briefiy. Nexi minute Robert vas under arresi. I do't knov visat I sald or did lu île firsi lorror etfhi. I remember lling ýaround Robert's nick, aud- bolug putied %way-by auntie, I tlluk--sud some oe tsking, «"What's thi charge agalnsthhm?" xrIen came île ansver from Georg Red-« ern'a lips': &"Tleft!" . -Its a lie!1" I crhed, looking stralgt, into Bedfenn's face. t"Hieis innocent." -Robert turned gratof ut eyes upon me. -"ýGod bless you,- my urues love!"' le raurmurodl'sadiy. &nd thon Red!ernasstemu lmv 'oici: - Mon, search hlm 1" I aw i doue, 1 saw ilium draw forth a relieof noies-ton-o! oni lundred dollars eadh, snd., forming a larger "Snm th"n Robent could lave corne by rlgltly. I heard Redtern ldentlfy thons as lis own, sud declare that. noue but'Robert ba;d aceeso te Iiut or vauft. ÂAnd then I. bard Robent sny vlth a moan o! agou.y: OGed 1My imotIo !" uuerted it aIL-1 I a ePedu ~te I viii make a'bsxrgain yul you. Lit your min remain yut heir pnlsouer le" -And ho oebeyid-ae When vowe ere &loue, Isald: "Mn]K. Rediera yeou are a vhIlain! Yen have plotted te separatmi from îhe man I love, -and blast -bis, niputation. .You thaltW ln both. Tou kuow hat hoe le ~i amn n eIjdg.ls Craven., Ho .iplacodtlose ,tes.la. 0têl-hispesuiand hat ge ones sinciald aess te i but hlm, aL.Ans lotir go 1I nissed them. -Yop sae heihêeï iad Lt the L% ."ýTIhe avi" 1.cnled. "Mans, do v- iotkuov hi ia amotIon whom ScIi' -t iare v pul4kiWIypube~ gCI ft ru i No," hiénid hoaràe1Y. Ii Tou murder twoof 1 rheu -ehié-lieàrs thé steý m vhlch you could iave ou murder me 1-for the] tmarry hlm, aiesme ào sniatched my baud aval I viii mmyhil," oie world cati-s hlm gUll1 ,And kilt lis mother?" 1acoepted the alternai comise net to marry "Ù, ring the ilfetIme of the ii IXever vile I. le i rhat w*as My oath, sud I ffe weut back to - ther. g Fmor yoxir Threshing Machines, Et SA R.I THE ,-&, p use MACHINE QIL. Tbe best lu.. the world for ail. classes of macllinery. FPor @ale by alIDealers- ere not ýroi -7< 70U Ii' who 1IPr duri NEW~ --.4 DOORS NORTHI 0F1 FURNITUIRE!1 Il~ r rar formatly vlthdrev tii charge ho made, sud gave .on.e!fthe unet eoacI officer as a bribe for slenceé- Bo Robert aud 'lwere sud bis mother's lite vas saved.. - A year viènt, by aud found tventy- two--unmarhed etil-ý-obe .;true love stilli-and miserable..- How many urnes had 1 -George R.dferu.durlng thai year?e than a iiuudnod times. Ho, had o to ýme ~raylng, pleading for lve-o vain- On as 1sav hJi:,tho 'oued Iiw e changed-so ierribi1y rapid ly! Theend came suddenly. wne' Eight a mossenger summen two. -wlom ho lad W'onedto' dé.'Ho was dylng. Just the same as over-s , brupt, balt-crazed. Ho took R 's andi7 without notlcing me, sud. bute hie l iI'vo brougît you pain sorre, lavon't ? Ah, that's no g You have brougît me dovu te ,1I lved that womsn-iloved lier. 0 hayon, thatdoesn'texpresht-I1 e a -vil. loin for hon sake. I I1ied u, Robent., I' moant te'maàkîyou parta so'me day. late,- iunnlng-.. uddenly ards -,-me,ý "yvou knov I took tho-n-, eut o! -the: ste. mat0-re1 amends. It vas-irai.-W elrom vthm ttii thse last. b ,the cold4, t mornlng lie vascold and quiet ">. Si 1"lYou *May MarryberV sogn," ho sald lu dylng. 4 but flot w Illive."e Poor George Redférn 1 e loved me viil. 1 vetted théeprn* esocn hie graviyul iers befoe 1î~k î er that I. laid sonnow by and m*ed-Robert. i Healthis"",.the DR. E. C. WECST'S NllitVuÂAM BEfI TBEAT- MENT, a gùaranteed S'PeCifor Hysteria, Dizzi- nese, Convulsions, Pite, Fereu? Neuraleia, Fles.dache, Nervous Pro stratios ecanseb by -the 'ise of alcohol or ýtobacco,, Ws fyulnes,. Mental ['epression, Softening of tb.*alu reaulti.ng in Tnsanitv and leadiug te u'isry", deca and Ocatb, Premainre Old Age, J3irrennessf, àise Power in eitber soi, lnvýolu"tary Losses sud 31 mtrhcacue y~~-xrin of th e r, self-abuse or Vr-Dg0ce. Onu -box îv II -ire recent cases., Ilh !xcotin trconth's tres «tment. -One diolr' a box, or six hk-xes fror ieolrssn aiprpd£' rcep !price. Wu guaae Fix1 boxes te cure any case. Wîth eaciti* ee ved by-us r six boxes, aocompanied i U fti-vo dollars, we Il send the purch"er onrý'jrltten *uaantee rrefund the money if the taiRnten di>es net Cfoct a cure . Guarantees iffled only bY JOIM rWEST & GD., Sole Propritors, 181 & 183 W.ý Pruggist, Whitby. LT -LEÂIALL N~ootber blood eulf ybg.pielin e s mod, or bias ever been peae~wlhs en ah. onori pulie 8& Âyer's Sarsaprila it. lewis thse But matruly mientfi e pa tion fer ail blood dWues. . fthere IîsA* 0 RFU A liet disio*ge it £d cîpel, It ftroM IZ usystfl2. For constLiutionlor ssofuleusCitarrh, CATARRII Âu, rSÀBS4P, it éIS nuniberlesa caes. Ilt ?*op the ~u5ëou5 catarrhai diecharges, ïàvd reiraswe the, sickeu- ing odor mf the breath, vhUli are indicaLOuS of scrdfulous enigin. - faae âud neck. At the >- é« tla Lsits eOye were swoflen, mic ucla # suad výry soe. jOaEIEYES hyucia5Iid us that a poW b7e employedw - Ir y euh duced A perceptible- ipusuet, ,wiehby au adherene tô your , wus<onual- Ued te a complets and' C cit ure.X*4 . duc a.s lnOe , ,taexisteI>4- eff any ;aiid no triat- nment ef a.ny. diseider wuss ve', a bqie. ~ ci-xe prMpt or effeFt uW, ts ~otby &IID E c s TOR E RIS OLD STAND.- F«UINITULRE r -Inspection -invited. WM. TILL. Complotb Stock -0F- ARRIAGES AND. BU o ll.1 ear]y.and secure a bargain.- REPAIRIN kANO-PAINTINO-#NETL PROMPTLY :ATTEJLOED TO. . NEWPORT'CarnaeWor DUNDAS- STREET, FURNITURE. F u~'. e -J. F- '1 I WHEITBY. UREI jr Has nov ene oUhte*beast selected stocks e! F U RNI1TUY Ever placedl betone tise patronizmg puiblic' otjWhitby. UNDERTÂAN G Ie Comnplète and.etrict attentiôn allvayei paild to it.? s~ole X ./lt for the best -oot seat and cdesý Deverell's Block,ý Brok Whib Chrisimias cards and fancy plush gvoods iô hand for Christmnas Preseizts Ca11l.ûn-îdean.____ W~E~iT8 Teâ- Store.ý SPBI/NO18CONG AndAthe hitby China -Te<a Store i.s -the place to -buy yc X pnas re sentS,ý where theywill b-e sold- cheaP fuir cash,a one oýfthe àlarest assortments tuo ch âsé- fror ni the tov cou-Sistin Cuua7Tea .ett, OQ'ck Tea , Bori Setta in .tue iiest' Chin.a; Crooke"y -of 'Il -kin'ds; Gla .ware,, conasistingl Glass Setts, -Cake 'Stands,' Fruit Stani Cheese fishes, IreserveDishes;*.Goblets.of ail k1s N~ppes;Laxp ,SheIl Workaudanoy God0 and a4Zso ass.ýortmnt of Ch&Ui.e TesarandFan 19rG-oce ries .of all Ikiîd-s -Leàons, oranges, Apples8,"Oysbtrs, Minea M-3at,jw sale and retail. s - - WANTED--lutter, Egge, Foui gFool Olatfi and 2,000 bu.shels Ahdike I. - WRITBY CH NA Tt joao 1~ H'OUVEHO'ùLD China 1833. E:S4TýABI -qr S HED 13 WIL2L~LA2M rri LI l 1 L- -HAS REMOYED TO HS l<' î f' wmo"w-,-ý V% 'l D-et

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